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The East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-09, Page 2
1 7g RRIE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 9th, Local Affairs. J. A. TUCK, M. D. NA EMBER of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ont. GOI:RIE, ONT. JAMES ARMSTRONG, veterinary Surgeon GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member. of Ontario Veterin- aryAsaociation. Beaidenee Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIE, ONT. N. MCLAUGIRLIN, 1 SSIJER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses required. Office:—At the Drug Store, GoaRIE. DENTISTRY.. S. JEROME, L. D. S., Wingham, will visit • Gorrie, the 1st and 3rd Monday of eash aaonth. Teeth extracted without pain. All work warranted. CAVEATS. TRADE MARK=. MESICN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS, et For iffiorauteon and free Handbook write MUNN & 00.. 361 BROADWAY, Naw YORE. bureau for ubypis �ev patoistaken out us brought efore the public. bywnotiicef given freee of charge the jtuf'_iic: Atinevitan.. arst ekenlatioa of any seientig .paper in the woiTd. Splendidll illustrated. Noo intelligent :man sbevald•. s mouths. it. AtiJHN & 004 �asi ta> us, 8618scadsag. New York Cyti.. Exutors' Notice. NOTICE -is hereby given that any person or persoukholdingany claims against the•. estate of Alexander Johnston, late _of. the Town- ship of Howich,in the county of Huron Province • of Ontariq; sli sand -to a undersigned Ex- eentors a v cd.statetnent of sash claim, on or heterotlic JRgt $5v Munrolx, 15€ga4.• f And all persons indebted to said estate are rc- qnested te. settle said indebtedness on or before. said 1st daaof March, 1893i Dated at Howick,- this 3rd day of January, 1893. - SAMUEL JOHNSTON. JAMES DOWNEY, Executors OR, S.M. A• Neat Bea Comfortable Country homestead, . rpfl$ilir a of three acres of choice land, be ii.• mg pert of Jot 1, con. 7, in the township .o Tnrnberry. Two acres now ander grass and baddiiee in orchard and garden. -There is a good Mt-roomed frame house on the premises, also Stablest For further particulars apply to - JOHN W. GREEN, Bos 10, Wroxeter, Ont. Estray Calves. Alla onto the premises of the subscriber,, lot C _30, con: $ Howick, about the middle of Oc- ?ober, four heifer calves. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them atrar _ - S. JOHNSTONE. Holstein. Calf Lost. OST.—prom the premises of the subscriber, L sines about the about the 20th of July last a Holstein Steer Spring Calf, spotted,blaek-and- white. The finder will be suitably rewarded ou i:ng information -as to itswhereabouts to HENRY WILLITS, Lot 18, Cop. B., Howiek, Wroxeter P O. ISS FLORA (JAMES, idtradnateofNiagare. Falls Academy of Musts.) 'TEACHES E C Sy PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY, Th "This is to certify that Miss Jamest' having completed in a creditable manner the eourse re- quired for a eertifiiate, is duly qualified for rianoforntteaching. and is hereby recommended those who require thorough instruction in branch." Poor. A. HunB&8D, Niagara Falls, April 21st,189L -- austone tos,, WINCHAPA- arble & Mone WORKS zecldfring..work in the above; do well ta eall on us. stock of marble awl We guarantee to save yon money and -give firet-oloos work. - pall bsfor&p>trohtsing elsewhere and:. bre convinced. City tracery: .VING bought out the stock of MR. min IRELAND I will endeavor to keep up tile reputation for -High -Class GNU C I NI�9 Conteetionery, —Staple and Fancy— Crockery, Silverware and Fancy Goods, that my predecessor has so well merited for the, last 12 years —SEE THE ELEGANT— Breakfast Sets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. Everything Fresh and Guaranteed of the Finest Quality. No use to ' enumerate prices, but call and see for yourself. I will sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. T. F. MILLER., ViTlEitsaltElirl R. The Lion Store Fur Goods and Winter Goods AT Ir:3on.Set©re. Wrc,ateer. J. W. Sanderson. Shareholinnders' elmere-Cheese and Butter Compal►' A SPECIAL General Meeting of the Sharehold-' -4 ars of the Belmore Cheese and Butter Com- `panywiil be' held in the Temperance HalI,in the -tillage of: Belmore, on SATURDAY,, THE 4'TH DAY OF FEBRUARY,1893, At the hour of One o'clock is the afternoon, for the. purpose of electing a Board of- Directors for the -ensuing year, and any other business that may be brought before the meeting. PETER TERRIFF, JAMES RITCHIE, D. N. McDONALD,. Sh areholders. Belmore. Jan. 23.1893.- No. 14. Fresh oysters at Allison's. Rev: Mr. Haig will again occupy the Presbyterian -pulpit here on Sabbath next. The thaw of- the past couple of days has rendered the roads impassable for. heavy loads. A public examination will be held in Mr. John gain's school, just north of Gorrie. on Friday. Several from Gorrie attended the East Huron Conservative Association meet- ing in Wingham on Monday. T11e.-Howick.Conservative Association held its.adjourned meeting is Fordwich Last Saturday when officers were elected and other business attended to. An auction sale of -farm stock, etc., will be held on Lot 16, con. 10, Howick, on Thursday, March 16th. Samuel Howard, prop. G.A.Barton, auctioneer. The pancake social at Mr. A. Smith's drew out a large gathering lest (Wed- nesday) evening. A splendid time was_ enjoyed and a fine program rendered. Over $15 was realized. NOTICE. -My accounts have all been sent out and all those who still owe will please settle. If anylhave not received their accounts they need not be offend- ed but come and pay the same as if they had. - JAS. ARMSTRONG, V. S. Great Slaughter In Boots - And Shoes Everything at Cost for Cash Now ! ,vershoes, Rubbers, Lumbermen's ' Sox, Trunks, wl'ales, Etc. EVERYTIIG .Goes! I beg to rem thanks for the 'literal. patronage received during the past year and will try to merit -your future favors. W. J. GREER. .1oB11E. Farm for Sale. TOT 1, 9th Con., Tnriiberry. The farm is an. excellent one, containing 100 acres; 80 under cultiva_tion,balance good hardwood bush. Stone house and large orchard, plenty of water. Situated about seven miles from Wingham, and five from Wroxeter. . For particulars apply to the Proprietor,. WM. SANsoN, Wroxeter, P.O., Ont. Resolution of Condolence. *Attheregular.meeting -of the mem- be> of Maitland ` Lodge. No. 216, A. O. U. W.ritbetEs moved. by Bro. Richard Hess, seoonred by Bro. Cowan, and Ret olved, iitat we, the - members of Maitland Lodge,. No. 216, A. O. U. W. desire to express—,our deepest sympathy with Bro. J. R Williams and his be- reaved family in the retrieval, by death, of his beloved wife; . and we -desire to convey to them our heartfelt expression of profound sorrow in this sore bereave- ment. We feel it unnecessary to remind Bro. Williams and his bereaved family - that in seasons of trial God is a Refuge and Strength to his people, and we mot sin- eerely pray that the God of all console - Sows for 'Sale tion will mostgracioiisly sustain you and _THE undersigned has six Sows about six. months old, fit for breeding purposes' If not sold in about ten days they witltbe,-sift up to fatten: ROBERT DO-UGLA8, Lot 1, Con. A, Turnberiy. Wroxeter P. 0. Feb.15th, 1893. R. H. FORTUNE. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST, WROXETER, ONT. Will visit Fordwich every Monday from 1:30 to 4 p. m., at Brown's Hotel. • All diseases of domesticated animals treated after the latest and most scientific teachings of the Veterinary Act. Calls promptly attended to. No charge for examining horses. - Dentistry a Specialty. Mortgage ,Sale OF - Planing Mill and Sash and Door Factory. UNDER and by virtue -of powers of sale con- tained in a certain mortgage from L. C. Dicks to Benjamin S. Cook, which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be sold by public auction at Fordwich, on the premises hereinafter described, by W. H. Newton, auction- eer, on Tuesday,the 28th day of March, '93 at 2 o'clock, p. m., 'the followin' valuable Iands and property, viz.: Lots numbers seven and eight on the south side of Victoria street, and lots numbers seven and eight on the north side of Albert street, in the -said village of Fardwich, containing two acres of land, more or less, save and except a certain portion sold to one Adam Hutchinson. Upon the premises is erected "a three-storey frame saw and planing mill and sash and door factory, with one storey brick engine and boiler house annexed. There will also be sold, at the same time and place, in connection with the said`factory, by virtue of the sald mortgage and of certain lien or -conditional sale agreements made- between the said Levi C. Dicks and Cowan &Co. and' 56- ssigns to the said Benjamin & Cook, a11- the ma- chinery, shafting, belting and tools in connection with the -said mill, including among other things an engine;' boiler, gig .saw, band -saw, moulder, shaper, inortice machine, blind machine and panel door raiser and ell the other accessories of such a mill. The property will be sold subject to a reserve • TERMS of Sent.—Ten per cent. on the day of sale and thebalance` in -one month: thereafter without interest. Arrangements may be .made with the vendor to leave a portion of the pur- chase money.upon mortgage upon the pren ises. For -further particulars and conditions of sate - apply to B. S. COOK, Or to Fordwich: MEYEis & DrcEENsoN,Wingham. -Vendor's Solicitors ;