HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-09, Page 1-..ressaa •
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GORRIE ONT-.9 THURSDAY, MARCH 9th, 1893• ---
No. i4.
. , .
1 -ty G.,
racery $
AVING bought out the stock ef MR, JArettk\
IRELAND i will endeavor. to keep up the
for -High -Class -
c n leums 9
Conieetionery,- - -4,.
--Staple arid Fancy- •
Silverware and
Fancy Goods,
my predeeessor has so well merited for the
years. .
Dinner Sets,
Tea Sets.' .
Fresh and
Guaranteed of the .
Finest Quality. --
use to enumerate prices, but call
see for yourself:
.._ -
will sell as Cheap_ as the
Cheapest. . -*LW'
• - -
'The Lion Store
- -
- -
_a -as ..,.: a
2- --;-,,,---sa,-a-3-ass s 4.
-;- ' ii......'-'-' k.,..,,, ' ' ' ' •-
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Locat Affairs. •
-- - .
less a pleasant time spent.
ca,pReiedv.th11070,-NtdupgiteAhte,roef 0Pnalsmunerdsatoytt
Rev. Mr, Poiter going to Palmerston to
attend tlfe anniversary services.
• School eloeerl last Thursday and
Friday, the teacher being •in attendance
at the East Huron -Teachers Associa-
Mrs. Clinkinbloomer, of Toronto, and
Miss Corbett, of Manitoba, were guests
at Mr. S. Nay's during the latter part of
last- week.
Three or four teams at a time is no
rare thing to be seen in Mr. Carleton's
shop at a time. He and "Alex" can
shoe all the horses and pound all the
iron needed for the service of all the
farmers in East Huron. • I
Halladaftesale and concert is sure to
be a auccesa. .
- Mr. Kesing, the 'weavers is doing well
here. Carpets and cloths of aU kinds
• •
are, turned out Weekly in 50 and 1C0
yards. each -e. -Call round everybody,
• . each -week. - ,
the old people deserve your patronage.
I tLe depreciation of stack to tilt
A shareholdersof 25or3dwpenrulde.gesot
man has the 'pivilege Of taking
this company excepting farmer
be to the interest of the promo
large shareholders to deal fat
the smaller ones (whoare all con
in order that they may incree.fie
put of this factory, thereby
larger dividend to al1.
Let us no take a look at h
philanthropist. He is certainly
who would lie behind the fence
bush while his fellow man Wa,s
his life for his country, and w
ready to share the spoil or sh
shout of victory. The Petra
working for the good of this n
ableiCannie who is afraid to Hsi
Say nothing of his own life -in a
that is bound to -take millions of
out of the grasp of greedy mon
and give it to the industrious t
proper y b e
the soil, to whom itI 1
Perhaps the part :which ' is ti
worthy of admiration is the qua
cheek displayed in his letter. T.
spired penman tells us " in a nn
of counsellors is wisdom " This
has been discussed in all the Pat
socia ions, and although we 12411VE
taken stock we unanimously agn
it was the proper -thing to do,
Solomon cf the nineteenth centi
dertakes to dictate . to a, coni
Canada's shrewdest business :
who could teach our leaaned fr
some years to come, and there
vent him from showing his igr
as is manifest in his letter to
teemed paper where te plainly
diets in his own wdrds the‘Yery
tries to convey to others I rebel
paragraph where he says "suet]
tingency might arise," to say no
the insult he offers to honest, in
business men. Oh, .ne, Mr. Far
Patrons of Industry are capa,b
tending 'to their. -own business
that door Lot meet with your 1
we would recommend you to we
ideas before you send them b
over the land.
Your;, A P.
J. A..TUCK, M. D.
liirEMBER of College of Physicians and Sur-
/VI geons, Ont.
last 12
Fresh oysters at Allison's. . _
ReveMr. Haig will again occupy the
next Presbyterian --pulpit here on Sabbath
nekt. -- ' ,. .. . .
The thaw of the past couple of days
has rendered the roads impassable. for.
beavy loads..
A public examination will be held in
Mr. John Kaine's school, just north of
- .--- - • ' -
Gorrie. on Friday. -
Several from Gorrie attended the East
urtion meet-
Hon Conservative Associa
ing in Wingham on Monday.
Thadlowick,Conservative Association
hold'its.adjourned meeting la Fordwich
last Saturday when officers were elected
and other business attended to.
An auction sale- of farm stook, etc.,
willhe held on Lot 16, con. 10, Howick,
on -Thursday, March _16th. Samuel
Howard, Prop. G.A.Barton, auctiOneer.
- ,
The paneake social at Mr. A. Smith s
• -
drew -out a large gathering last (Wed-
nesday) evenings A. splendid. time was_
evijoyed and a- fine- program rendered.-
Over $15 was realized,
Narice.-My accounts have all been.
sent out and all those who still owe will
plea,se.settle. If any have not received -
their -aceonints they need. not- be offend-
- .
ed but come and pay the same as if
they had. _ JAS. ARMSTRONG; V. S.
Vete-rinary . Surgeon
GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College,
and registered member.of Ontario Netenn-
gets Reifidenee
Next to Methodist Parsonage,_-___---_-____
.few----- --7-7.-__. - f-------
__ -=-_a___.- as_--------_-_,- ,------ -ss ass=
Fur Goods
-w-inter Goods
. . . •
. AT' .
• .
_,, .„ ..-‘,. ,. , •
e.. -
i - . ,.. .
.--,-• .:, -
Iteicsica.figStCore 'voirrcasweetesirs
_, . 9 ..
-- .. - •
Sanderson -
' •
-. .,.. '1,
_. -,-
witnesses required.•
Office: -At the Drug Store, Goners.
a s. JEROME, L. D. S., Wingham, will visit
.1 • Gerrie, the 1st and 3rd Monday of gash-
month. Teeth extracted without pain. All work
SCientlio American
.1. - Ageacy for
. , , se sii,•,,s
1::::_.1 V31011 t:i14
' .1`' -1-72';-
4 ---. its- p.
'' 1r . - TRADE. *ARUN
s COPTRIONTs, stet.
For information and free Handbook write to .
MUNN a CO.. 361 Be.o.AnwAY, Elm YORK.
Oldest bateau for securing . patents in America..
Every patent tsken out by us is brought bekre
sea pubtio 016==U gores free 01 In r'"
Nriti tific _littevica
.... II
,:tAr 11=Z °gni= dent. itpairfettgat
man s., mitould be without it. WeeklASErita
l'Im;- '''''" six ra Broadwa.7. NjlIork OM "
. .
North Howick. .
, . _____
The following is the school report of
, •for the
School Section NO, 1, Howick,
month of February:
. . . Att. Mks.
Senior Four' th. Obt. 400. -
a . „, , - -
, errace Javier 4 20 390
Wlbert-Ferguson-a.. .... -.. 12 360
Minnie Holladay 19 885
Susie Bell - 18 385
WilliaMBell ' '17 380
Fred Rush : 19 385
- • • - ..
Jennie Finlay ... 20 375
20 390
Martha Cathers... ... 12 355
Wm. Dane 20 395
Third. _ _,
Casale Dane 20 395
Maggie Harvey...8 .. 8 -340
Ida Rush... .. 16 365
. -,..• - ".,
mary etaaraway ... .... 20 380
Lizzie Caathets 12 340
Rachel Finlay 20 895
-John Finlay 20 375
Henry Dennis 375
Geo. Johnston. 20 390
serank Myrtles - 18 869..
Wesley Tremble 20 390
Walter Dennis 19 675
Stewart Finlay 19 380
Jas. Douglas 19 365
Ritchie- ... ... .,. 17 365
. John Bell - - 17 375
Second. • te•
Geo• PoraeroY• •Je . 18
Porneroy... al" 15 375
-, -• --
Wm. bangster ' 6 830
Etta BUT-. - .... ...as, --15 ' 325
- -- - - - - - --,.- --- .
Mary Cat ers. -_,.. 9 850 -
• Annie Rush 18 375
Emma Rush 17 870
Jessie G-alloway... ... 20 390
Wm. Finlay 20 390
Alex. Stewart... 18 375
Bertha Dennis 16 375
Second Part.
Wei. Tremble 20 395
Wm. Cathers 10 350
Alex. bang,ster 4 315
Wm. Burns 18 340
Chas. Finlay 18 365
Alex. Finlay 18 250
Geo. Dennis 18 335
Jennie Stewart 18 380
Gallaway 18 380
Maggie Finlay 18 390
Robert Nichol - 14 315
William Nichol . 8 305
, .
-vvniedalw•rie_. -
- ' 1 .'
Shareholders _ ,,
.-Belmore -Cheese- and. Butter Company':-
:. SPECIAL General Meeting of the Shexehold-'
-"1, 3- ere of the Belmore Cheese and Butter Com-
-Tans-win be lleid in the Temperance Hall,in the
'village of Belmore,
the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, for
-the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for
the -ensuing year, and any other business that
may be brought before the meeting.
Belmore. Jan. 23, 1893.17
.• _
- _ Resolution of Condolence.
- ..!..: - .
_ .
seat he regular Meeting of the mem-
49 of.Loge.. A. O.
lie . * Maitland -d-No.216,•A 0
, , 0., _.- , - • '
1 . s movea by Bra. Richard
U. w -1 4
-1d „„,, - 0.n
-"0 ed,. by Bro. Cowan, and
Besolveg, &at we, -the- members of
Maitland Lodge 7silo. 216, A. O. U. W;
desire to extitege-,our deepest sympathy
... . .
with Bro. J. -R.' Williams and -his be-
reeved family in the rem:real; by death,
of his beloved- wife; ,and we desire to
convey to them our heartfelt expression
of profound sorrow in this sore bereave-
Ment. . -
We feel it unneeessary to remind-Bro.
Williams and his bereaved family that i
' God is Refuge and
in seasons of trial..aFindall
Strength to his .people, and we most sin-
cerely pray that the -God of all console-
tion will mcistgraciorisly suetain you and
them so -that you. May be enabled to bow
1S WI36 though Mys-
•t . Ft •
_submissively 9- _
,1. - .---' ; L,1.'7,-• .4- ' - -, -- . — :- - -
terious,prcvntence. . . ,.__ -
Signed on behalf of the members of
'Maitland Lodge, D. SANDERSON,
ROBT. TONG, Alaster Workman.
a - -.a.
1 beg
. Slaughter
In -Boots
- '_
- ,
- '
. -_ei
= • Trunks,
- .
• -
. ,
. -
• '
. 4
. -
,A. d. Shoes-
. .
, -
' .
s -
•. -,,- -.6. •
Executors' Notice.
NOTICEis herebygiven holdig any claims thabany person
persons nagainst the
estate of Alexander Johnston, late of the Town-
ship of Howick, in.the county of Hin•on Province
of Ontario, shall Send- to the undersigned Ex-
ecntors a �t-eme.nt of such claim, on
before the It 0:143i* pf AtIsaire$1.9
AL* EP • asstess.
And all persons indebted to said estate are
quested to settle said .indebtedness on or before
said 1st day of March, 1893: -
Dated at Howick, - this 3rd day of January,
1893. •
- --
Farm for Sale. '
T OT 1, 9th Con., Turilberry. The farm is an
4-4 . excellent one, containing 100 acres, 80 under
cultivation,balancegOod hardwood bush. Stone
honse 'and - large orchard, plenty of water.
Situated about -seven miles from Wingliam, and
fivofrropmar applyyelu-olIertser. to the ProprietOr,.
' WM. SANSON, Wroxeter, P.O., Ont.
Sows for Sale.-
' - •
-TE undersigned has 'six Sows about' six
. -,- months old, fit for breeding purposes. _ .
- If not sold In about -On days theywilthegaut,
up to fatten. • - ROBERT DOUGLAS, ,
Lot 1, -Con. A, Turnheriy.
Wroxeter P. 0. Feb . 15th, 1893.
a •
.On Friday • aver** last -al
hundred guests a-ssembleclat-
social, held in Mr. Thos. Bol
house. A very enjoyable even
spent by all present.
Mr. David Gemmill, jr., 'who
travelling for some time, and
a sale of his farm stock on T]
March 16th.
Mr. Jos. Kitchen, of this pia
present visiting friends at Galt.
Mr.and Mrs. Jno. Campbell.
lesley, are visiting friends here.
A. Neat and Comfortable Country
- - - lkomestead, - - -
coNsisTrana ef three acres of choice land,
N-• mg pert of Jot 1, con. 7, in the township
Turnberry. Two acres now under grass and
balance in orchard and garden. There is a good
sit -roomed frame house on 'the premises, also
ptables. For further particulars apply to-
Box 10, Wroxeter, Ont.
R. H. F'013TUNE. -
Will visit Fordwich every Monday from 1 :30 to
4 p. in., at Brown's Hotel.
All diseases of doniesticated animals treated
after the latest and most scientific teachings
of the veterinary Att.
Calls promptly attended to.
No charge for examining horses.
• Dentistry a Specialty,
Fordwich. -
The following is the report of the
.public school for the month of
Febniary. It is based on a written ex-
amination. The names arranged in the
order of merit : ,
, Attond-
Fifth. (Marks possible 500.)allee• Marks.
H. Braden 17 372
. D. Mahood - 213 363
W. Rowe . 20 856
W.. Mahood 20 289
Senior Fourth. (Obt. 630.) ,
Robt. Cook.. . . 20 490
Allie Cole 20 -490
Hardie Fallis... ... ....... 20 390
..T •
umor Fourth. (Obt. 500.)
Lavine, McGrath - - 19 396
Tena brown ' 19 393
Victor Wiggins -20 385
Susan Rowe 20 357
Jennet Cook - 19 340
L • Harding 20 324
Lizzie Hainstock 18 308
Senior 'Third.
Fred Edwards... - 20 419
Ida Gibeon ' 20 - 402
18 374
Berdita Williams
Wm. Downey 17 346
20 343
. Etta Fields - 20- 342
n . ony o . ..... 18 .303
A th H It
junior Third. , (Obt. 270.)
..,..,-,.. ,-, ,
W11110 uarser .. 15 195
.- Frank Edwards
Mar • 17 166
0 Cole- 16 116
- Robt. Gibson 12 17
Fred Becker.....
-Blake Cook . 16 100
. - mu. .Tir -
,• ' . ' ' vs . 'iv ATTERS, Teacher.
. , .. . -
Estray Calves.
— -
CAME onto the premises of the subscriber, lot
•.... go, eon: g, Howick, about tbe middle of
iober, four heifer calves. The owner isrequested
0 0132
to prove property, pay expenses and te,k th
away. • S. JOHNSTONE.
Holstein .Calf Lost.
j OST. -From the premiaes of the subscriber,
4-• sinea about the about the 20th of July last
a Holstein Steer Spring Calf, spotted,black-and-
white. The finder will be suitably rewarded
giving informationas to its*hereabouts to
Lot 18, Con.
Wroxeter P O.
- .
Mortgage Sale
Planing Mill and Sash and
- Door Factory.
' -
uNDER and by virtue of powers of sale con-
tained in a certain mortgage from L. C.
ri ?. 1-, +.bepro-
Dicks-uce- at. t...eBenjaminmeof Ssaeootilliewrehiwelitll be sld b Y
public auction at Fordwich, on the - premisesIt
hereinafter described, by W. H. Newton, auetien-
eer, on
Tuesday,the 28th day of March, '93
at 2 o'clock, p. in., the following Valuable lands
and property, viz.: Lots numbers seven and
eight on the south side of Victoria street, and
lots numbers seven and eight on theof north side
of Albert street, in the said village FOrdwich,
ndexcept a certain portion sold to one Adam containing two acres of land, more or less, save
Upon the premises is erected a three-storey
frame saw and planing mill and sash and door
factory, with one storey brick engine and boiler
house annexed.
TI: - '1 also be sold, at the same time and
plac,_ :. connection with -the sald -faxt&T, by
virtue Le the said mortgage and of certain -lien
or conditional sale agreements made between
the said Levi C. Dicks and CoWanik Co. and wi-
ssigns to the said Benjamin S. Cook, all the ma-
chinery, shafting, belting and tools in Connection
with the -said mill, iuclUding among other things
an engine; boiler, gig -saw, band -saw, 'moulder,
shaper, mortiee machine, blind machine and
panel door raiser and all the other accessories of
- The property will be sold subject ton reserve
,ttid. - • - - • '
TERMS OF Sian —Ten per cent on the day of
sale and thelialance in one Month thereafter
without inteiest. Arrangements may be .made
with the vendor to leave a portion of the Mir-
chase money upon mortgage upon the preri itee.
For further particulare and conditions of sate-
apply to B. S. COOK, .,
Or to - Fordwich.- -
sttemii &-Dreiremosa-wineeam, - -
- - vendor's souciters.. . , .-
Nur March Sth,1893.
[Too late for Inst week.]
One of the saddest accident
has happened in Wingham for
time occurred on Tuesday ma
la -it week in the furniture factor
Thos. Bell, the unlucky victir
Mr. Jno. Bell, brother of the pr
appears that a belt had col
revolving rulley and Mr. Bell, at
often done before &lel, to put it
his foot, as the pulley was low do
belt caught his foot, which had
shoe one and in a moment his :
whirling around in the spokes
wheel smash'n >.,- the bone in
manner as to cause aniputation
fractured member, just below t
necessary. Just the week befor
same factory, Mr Shefield was ti
• •
VI0t1111 of a rather severe joke, by 1
plainer, the result being that he
four fingers of one hand.
A charity social was held in t
penance hall, by the relief coma
the Y. P. S. C. E. of St. Paula
on Thursday evening of last w
was very well attended. A m
sum was realized which will be
among the poor of the parish.
Rev. E. W. Hughes having re
parental call to England to sett
affabe of his widowed
sent in his eesignation as n
St. Paul's Church, in conseqt
which a vestry meeting wa
his resignation was-- relucta.
cepted. The reverend gerrtlem
he came to Wingham has .s
hsarts of every person in the n
hood and his absence will be kei
A skating contest betwee
Elliott, champion of Winghare
of Brussels, took I
the rink here on Tuesday of h
and was won by the latter by a
yardS. - ---:-.-
The Binder Twire Question.
• '
(Graduate.of Niagara. Falls Academy of Music)
1- Theory Explained. Gonure.
Editor Gazette: -Having noticed a
communication in Feb. 23, headed
" Binder Twine," it created in me a de-
sire to draw the attention of your intel-
1.gent readers to a close scratiny of this
farmer's letter. The writer is certainly
a man worthy of admiration on accoent
of his business abilities, also as a phil-
anthropist, and not less worthy for the
amount of cheek which ' he displays.
We notice that he informs the farniers
and Patrons that they may be led into a
trap bythe roinoters of this scheme,
W1.10, he says,•are showing large divi-
d d forthshareholdersin this com-
dends e
pany. I would just here say that no
such inducement has been held out to
the Men of this township ; but notice
the business tactics of the svriter when
he shows how that by the establishment
of this factory in the city of Brantford,
and the government nianufactarieg it in
the Central Prison, will reduce twine to
a little more -than the cost of manufac-
turing-which would be about 6c. per
pound for the best manilla. Now the
average farmer, a year like last year
will consume 100 pounds on 100 acres
of land, for which he pays 12c. per lb
If the price is reduced, - as he says it
will be, by this undertaking, to 6c. per
lb. instead of 12o., it will mean a -saving
. thatshareholderf-$6 h* h. •1
to o , w lc is Nue
to e6 gained on a dividend of 60 per e.
to the small shareholder, at this rate
- .
those men, which heUays are gomg to
get into a trap; will in two years have
their money with a prettygood in-
terest for the amount invested.
- .
- He also sets forth ideas which are
misleedmox en he says in the event of
"This is to certify that Miss James-,• having
pompleted in a creditable manner the eourse
quired for a certificate,. is duly qualified for
pianoforte tee;ehing,and is herebyrecommended
ta Aiwa.) who require thorough instruction
teist branch." - pnoo. A. HI/MA=4
Niagara Falla April 21st, 1891.-
a , '
Vanstone- Bros.,
• IN UN C 14 A PA •-
- -r
Marble & Stone
. . .
W 0 R KS ' -
5111$1.045S regstir*g_work in the above
itrealcal do - well to -call on us.
ikeearryselarge Awl ef marble and
lranile• . a-
. - -
We guarantee to save yen Toney and
live first-class work. -
Call beforepurohasmg elsewhere and-,
to convinced. _-
- , ..
- _
to rat= thanks for the liberal
received during the past year
will try to merit your futhre favors.
. .
. ..
_ _ , .all
-- - Lisklet,
- ..
. .. - - - -____ •
' To4lay- (Monday) a young man from
- - ft 1 ented
Harristort,ilemed, apo eon Valee;r
• ... . . , , , . : • . _ .
from Mr.
the east -bleekthshopJohn
• - _,- - • _ . ...business
Moore, of your - village. Mr. Vales
comes highly recommended from e, town
- - a - -- - -
in which -there -are some of the most ef-
heient blacksmiths in the Province. It
' - • - _ .and
- , ,
appears Lakelet-cann.ot existif there is
hues, andif
not stern oppositionm nes,
. . . : ,
there is a hying for two amities our
'burg can stand the : ingress of a few
- , -
more people; -hence to our new man we
- -
extend a -Welcome„ •
. som in aideMcNaughlon
A • 'al''of th Methodist Church
will be held in the house of Mr. John
. . evening _ .
Scott on Thursday' - A good
prograniMeirvill-be rendered, and doubt*
.Have You ? What?
paid your subscription to the
GAZETTE for 1893. - ._
William's Royal Crown Remedy
greatest corn cure on earth. C4-a;ian- .
thed to cure general nervous debility,
- -
rheumatism, neuralgia; paralysis. - For .
sale -by N. McLaughlin, druggist
-Gorrie. • - '
Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure will cureback
any wart, bunion or mole.' For 'ale by
'druggist,- Gerrie
N. McLaughlin, .
,.- Fresh oysters at Allisola• -
. . ,
. . .
• ..T. :
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