HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-02, Page 6__ � - - ,� , -� ---- ��;,�;a"_,__�
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,� handsome and, disunguished look� , , - lit TEMNAXON-, DIGGOGS. . diamonds -,on -the table were about m,000 sorry to say it was mostly conspic I.. I
I ___ � i g, m- - .. -I- �,.�: . ,,� ��;,- ;, ,-. �� . I VIOTORIA FROM THE OUTSIDE- I am � � I �Z I � , ,
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111114 ABOUT CAM ITD OBBY which -case I always suspect him o be' - - I I - � !Wvalu�e"Ifikhe- i __'gh, and'bf,bourse'would ous by its absence. A 'picnic on J3eaOoA - � I .
� - - .
__ - " "
. _7 .-. I . .. 'b,--- wo- r" j�uc m6re when-poliihed - nd I . - --- . a � z -, , _i�
I- , i __._�._ . -*� - ithed peer of the realm, a disgusted A Visit to Wonderful Kimberley -An Aecl. th � Hill - was a semi.puvic- demonsiratiOn- - .i -
'_ -
- I- , � i _. I _! , son -"l ', a I in
_. i' ' blergyman, or some gentleman whose dent Disclosed to a Passing -Traveller longed to be! able to bring away a few of a, ,
7 � Of, yburig, -1 Victoria, the capital of British Colambi Closely, following, came the - " glorious I'll I
. .I-.-- Che Rushing Veh!Cular' )eraflt . fortunes have fallen and who has taken to the Wealth Which lay. Beneath an the finest. is beautifully situated on the southern paxt foarth.' Everybody k,-.Ined to- wake. iAP,'in-. ". ,-:, I %ristoL I
- - ; , -
�� I-- I London. eab-driving as a last resort for an honest African Farm. - Diamonds are all sold at so much pea of Vancouver Island. Sailing into her order to assure our �ouifiAe of our cOntinutcl - �
- - -
- __ — , , , . livelihood. Indeed suoh cases are not rare, carat and at pr9seEc the average price is splendid harbor on a sunshiny day-tbe good -will. I wondered whether Nhp Vic-
- . . - Less than twenty years ago, writes Mr. 29j.,q. Sh,ps 2
1, kHf& go)L and *by should we not speculate about one's I
. i
-.1 - - HOW THEOA.BBY GETA Howard Hazell, in "Hazell'a Magazine," _ - per carat ; but the price va,mes traveller has a fine view. Before him lies tozi&us wer� in favour of annexationy or, to the Su
I cabby if he be fair to look upon? . t,roqi 4s. of &i,16r.the athalleat and cominon. the city, ncstling peacefully on a gentle de- whether, secure un,der the British 6g, their
Z s a farm,; jutt a � � . I . I ;..�
, . . I I -
� . -7- There are in London several societies for Kimh-erley wa ' - wflat,and un.--'. eat ste'nes; ea;A4d "boart" (whic i play. I i they did ,
- I 0 . ' - arroo, ? - I I edO no dis
I - Smart Hansomi, anti Rick y,Arrairs That the,,ben-fit-of cabmen. The two most im- interesting. as other-'farnis in Atie ik . � , . h - ari iised clivity with a gorgeous mountain back- loyalty was so staunch it ne d - . new dock
or -grinding-'the dilimoids), up to almost ground. The effect of the lights and shades, e . Canadian I
� , Rattle Throagh the Crowde,d Thor- and it was not until a passing traveller notic- - After having se n r��OSt Of the � . - 2
,- ) . any price foea large and beautiful stone. as.they chase each other through the -soft" cities andseveral in the United States, I
�_ . I ., � pqrtant of these are the Cab -drivers' Bene- ed the pretty and brilliant stones that the , - the Avon
.- � ouxbrares. � I - - 'I. ,%le f Association and the Southwestern - ening mist, is charming. To the right, can say, without hesitation, that Victoria, - .... -with the
A London correspond - writes : -�Ney.t ,. . farmers' children were playing with, that
" ly is the most . .
. - � ent "iti to Society. The former grants an. any one dreamed of the fabulous wealth of Good Thing for Canadian Soldiers. across the Straits, and, apparently close to with her 22,000 inhabitants, 'Iflut'rica,
- to bowling along ofi the toPVf a busthere is aged drivers, gives legal assist- the American shore stands that grand old beautiful of all. She, no doubt, Ikeks the coa�dtrwz
, nothing that the London streets have to Ance, and grants loa,ns without interest to diamonds hidden below. A trial with "ski. " or Norwe ian snow sentinel, Mount Baier. A number of sea- spleadour of art, but her attractions of are many
,� offer so thoroughly delightful.as a ride in a members. The S. W. Friendly Society, on ) Now Kimberley is a large and thriving 8hoes, was made outside Vienna 9 the other going vessels, as well as river steamers, are situation, climate and surroundings do not I . - � and in th.
"I � . I . . � -6th I town and until a few years ago it was the to su ages,
. _- well-hung hansom. the er hand, is self-supporting; it has centre, of trade a,nd business, and upon its -day which gave great satisfaction to all generally in harbor. Around the port depend on art ; and her people have had � �
----. - Of the two, to make a confession, I pre- 700 members, and is in all respects, the those who witne�ssed it. A number ot cluster great warehouses, hotels and busi- the good sense to tainper but slightly with year of t
__ . prosperity depended the prosperity of South the -Nevi
. .� fer the former, but it is of necessity a model of what a.friendly society should be. . - . officers of the Austrian army had been de. ness blocks in solid masonry i -while long Nature's beauties ; -or, if they diA interfere, . Opened ti
�� . , _�,� sneaking preference, &a it is not considered Cheery and happ�y-go-lucky in thedreariest AfriC26 . puted by the War Minister to study the rows of streets branch off in every direction 'twas but " to set struggling nature free." knowledg
. a out of the The town itself is flat, anaas uninterest. from this nucleus. The rows of hotels, sa- If Victoria 11 from the inside "be as charm-
11 . 91 good form," and therefore i weather, cabby never forgets the approach- ing as a town can be, for everybody's aim uses of the snowshoes, whicL, were demon- loons, restaurants and beer -shops excited ing as Victoria I I from the outsidef " and, ed in th
L question for well -regulated People as & i ing raj,py da , and is always prepared to -
. - I ly .1 seems to have been to make as much money strated by Count Weidkl, of tile Swedish the Uni
_; .. regular diet, and it is only on such rare cc' help, e, friend in need, answering the cal s consulate, and a young baker who is in rise, I began to think it a city were I passessed of an ample fortune L would
- . upon his pocket manfully and paying his as possible and -then leave ; and thq.result - Vieun& to learn how, to -make Vienna bre.id, my ru� Virginia.
I casions that I indulge ,when the temptation I , . , where Ping Alcohol reigned supreme. Yet, do as so many others have done-mako
S -and I cast is that, with the exception of one 2or -two duri learned w
, . . becomes too strong within me share without a murmur. and heart the name of -W�fhelm -Bismarck ng a stay of three weeks I saw only two Victoria my home.
_� ,` streets, the town is composed of a collection .
�� i I form to the winds and mount the little The attendant of the shelter is usually a - Samson. - These two showed how it was "drunk" men. � a native
I-," - winding stairs into my high pla-.e with a retired cabby, who pays a small rent and of corrugated iron huts aud buildings, all orrible to walk fast on even ground. Some Leaving the port, witli its noise, its on his rel
,-, equally hideous in appearance. up and di
-, I . p TAE
�_ delic�oua stolen -fruit exhilaration. runs the sliel ter for the8helter FundSociety. who tried to w0k alongside sank into the traffic and its easy-going, IRISH ROME RULE BILL.
, I , At gret each digger had a small plot of I . contented -looking -_ the numh
The average being, however, prefers a He provides the food at a small advance on snow up to the knees, and could not make business meu, we hail an electric street car,
__ - .wl hansom, and when the Bohemian in me does cost -price, and in the course of a day may land allotied to him, -30 feet by 10 feet, and more than a few steps. With the ski which is arrying passengers up the long Provirdons - tained in
- me I enjoy a ride in from the earth be dug oat he extracterl the streets, a c I I book is al
-1 lot get the better of get from 180 to 200 customers. � fastened to one's feet it is possible without nd soon find ourselves in entirely ure.
.- 3 -
I �, one intensely. The smooth motion, the sense On pleasant summer afternoons one may diamonds by working and sifting. But as fatigue to walk on snow as fast as a good different surroundings. Up the gentle Following is a syn, -)psis of the new Irish I clown trial
I __ ot freedom that the wide vision before one hear'shouts of laughter fr . orn the open win. the digging was carried deeper, these cla - ims walker gets over ha.rd groand, and even a incline, across two - streets, round a Home Rule bill to be introduced with in a which wE
- � began to fall in, and complications arose pect of i,
1. affords, and the spice of danger ever present dew" and then one may know that some little faster. The man on skis also walks corner, on we go, waiting here and there few days after tile opening of the Imperial
...-. I 91 which ended in almost all the mines being .
" I , as the daring cabby grazes huts and horses jovial cabby is regaling his companions with faster than an average climber on normal that a passenger may alight, or, to take on Parliament : I in I 14z�0.
�� I purchwed by the De Beers Company, who �et us i
with splendid skill, go to make up the keen some joke about some passengi;r who knew . hill paths, but downhill he flies with the a uew comer. The houses seem to diminish The power to ena-A laws on the following
,. . I
I . �_� enjoyment of such a drive over the asphalt not how wellIcabby could use his care and now virtually control the diamond market, idity of a train. The offlodrs told of in size, as we proceed, and to grow wider subjects among others is retained by the the &ncie
- - - - - - ..-. and by limiting the output haviraised rap . the High
.. - - pavements of gloomy old LondoiL eyes. - i their experiences,and said veryshort practice apart, till they each stand in a garden of its Imperial Parliament: Treaties and other irresistib.
_ I i
- I am, however, most fastidious as to the the price and made it a profitable el�tterRrise. had taujilt thunt to used sk1s. They are own. This is Victoria proper:'the homes relations with foreit-n states ; the imposi- .
-, �, I What remains of the open 'mine is an- - I Roman ci.
��_,,� , kind of hansom it) which I drive; none but ONE RUNDRED IN THt SHADF,. enormous hole in the ground. which very 'certain that -01$40 would 14arn the use of of her people ; and very bea�tiful it is. tion or any legislation relating to duties of as to BriE
�__ -
--- ,� �,_ those strictly up to date suffice. MyBobe- . . I then! in a fortnight. � Finally -6,11 present Never shall I forget how it gladdened my customs and duties of excise as defined in -
, mian weakness for 'buses does not make me __ I much resembles this holes childr-ew .are so � � ' ' eyes to see those cozy cottages and ample the act; A sub clause retains to the Im- is possilal,
� I I . t;,- skis -on --itu& . iaedd, down - -the hill to.
. I � , , ,
.1 � in any wise tolerant of a shabby hansom. I . fond of digging on the seashore. 1n lact, it pu gardens after �A`inuipcg's huge bri8k blocks. perial Parliament controi for five years over an a,ccid�
... i
..�� �. About the Coolest Weather 'Mey Have in layground of a gether. It isp4ane&that mextwieek a large analogy I
__ '�_ will have none but thase with rubber tires, Some Parts of Africa. might well have been the p party shall goion skis from the top of the Fruit, vegetables and flowers grew in every land legislation. Bristol, f(
�,.4' � . gigantic race of children, who had dug these S I
"..._y air cushions, Russia -leather upholstery, and emmering to- Graz, sixteen miles of good plot; but above and before everything were The Irish Legislature is restricted from
" - -
1� , �, ivory fittings. The horse must be well- Mr. Monnier, a member of Captain Bing- holes and left them as soon.ar, �bey had � accorded
, . - downhill snow. The next thing will be the the flowers. Roses, clematis, h6eyeackles passing any laws respecting the establish-
. _ roomed and clean -limbed ; the harness er's varty, which is now carrying out a,, tired: of ,heir amusement. formaXion of a ski club. . and many, many others, the like of which I ment of religion, or prohibiting the free even by t
4 -
11 11 9 . politiml mission in the countries around The largest of these holes is more than thought.1
I'll, , brass -mounted, and the cabby obsequious I never saw before, delighted my tired eyes. exercise thereof,'or conferring any privilege,
- - -
- - ,
-_1 -, and smart in'a silk hat, with a flower in his Kong, the iong-myst.erious city that Binger halt a mile round and about 509 feet deep, fast To edo Boats. How the roses climbew and clung to every or imposing any disability on account of I I merce. -4:
�, V%-�
': - -L� revealed to the world a few years ago has and as there are four mines all nearly as rp I . righL of t
� t buttonhole. ' inch of space reserved for them ! Every wall, religions belief, or abrogating or derogating
ti., sent home a doleful picture of the disCDM- large, one can form some rough idea of the war the r
1 ; �1_ Ail these luxuries cost me no more than The famous torpedo boat builder at Elb- post and paling was a mass of blossoms- from the riglA to establish or maintain any
., forts of life in that hot climate. lie says enormous amount of earth tha'i has been re- ing, Schichau, has just attained an unpre. I
� .. the inconveniences of a shabby zab, and as . white, yellow, red, or pink. The houses place of denominational education, or de-
.- __ there are over 23,000 cabs in London town he is writing at the capital ot the large dis- m6ved in searchinglor the precious. pieces cedented speedeven for this class of vessel, are generally small, always cozy looking who wer,-
- I . � � . 'b' �' 6, - ' ,, nominational institution, or charity, or prej-
�. why may I not have my. pick of the beat trict ladenie. The town is the residence of of carbon. I I - by tor ed -o 46.bufl ,.tj him forthe Russian and the gardens clean and flourishing. udicialIV affecting the right of any child to the c.'ty f(
� 1, alx a ha,6ng reached
I .t�..� they have to offer? the king, but, nevertheless, it is one of the * At present all the mining is done Itiliaii government Everything suggests peace and plenty. attend a school receiving public money selling ar
. � _Iiii�e so ibuch in hansom cabs most miserable villages he ever saw. Da underground tunnelling, the same as in a 271 knots on an -hear's run at sea. The
I Riding as 1- y without attending the religious instruction broker.
. . - ats are to be 200 tons dis- Splendid residences stand here and there -,
I � .
� and my fondness for them increasing with and night, he says, the heat is almost in- coal mine; and thanks to an introduction I new British bo ' but they seem out of place among so much atthatschool. The Queen retains the same mint, a �
. ,� every drive, 4 is not to be wondered at that sufferable. The huts are superheated and had to the general manager, I was granted placementi -while the Russian boats are 130 simple comfort and natural attraction. pyerogatives with respect to summonin the pertant T
- it is impossible to sleep in them. The party the exceptional favour of going below. I tons, so that the formei may do better by . 9
� a deep and abiding interest in them and all Across James Bay a new city, known -as ),,uing, and dissolving the Irish legis-
��� , ; I have have to make their beds outside the straw met the underground manager -a canny reason -of greater power and greater size, proro� was pure
- things connected with them should . Victoria West, is fast springing up. Here lative bod7y as she has with respect to the old legen
I'll, 1. I seized bold upon me, prompting one to in- dwellings se't apart for their use. No water Yorkshire miner -at the time, and attired The length of Schichau's boat is 152 feet 6 are small and unpretentious brick strue- Imperial Parliament. The Irish legislative Godiva ;
� _. ve8tigate and learn about them. can be found that is fit to drink. There is myself in an old canvas jacket, a pair of Anches, the beam 17 feet 5 inches. She may tures ; but the grounds are exceedingly body can continue for five years, and no immemon
, . 1 7 � ' no running stream within some miles of the trousera, and a:slouch hat, whioh a tramp ,t,arr forty tons of coal in her bunkers. on beautiful, and well kept, The first time longer, from the day on which it is appoint � no lord I
. , 1� . - In so doing I ha,ve arrived at the concla- . Ilage, but th . ere' me swampy � places would not have accepted as"ai gift. Another is? howevep, she had only'twenty tons I. . .
, vi are so, , , - - I
� e�_ sion that the London cab constitutes a , . . � N" visited the grounds, I encountered ' ed to meet. moriarchs.
,I __ I- mighty Listitution that is * highly commend. in which the people often bathe before fill. visitor completed the trio,'said we mauliged on board. The small guns �chrried weighed a ,relic that made my heart ache-tbe The Executive Government of Ireland is it ever U
.�. . able for the utility and comfort it affords at ing their. water jugs from the same puddle. to squeeze -ours�lves into� a little lift only 2 21 tons;. the torpedo -armament, 6 tons; the .
zz �%� - . I The Binger party found it nece.-sary under feet 6 inches square, and at the word "all, ;�crew, - provision#, - stores, �aud firearms, 41 chain -gang -marching two and two, with to continue vested in Her -Majesty and to impecunii
I ;__ . . 16 very low price. � an armed guard following --close behind. be carried on by the Lord Lieutenant in to Bell, ti
. �
- I .- � TheDcab industry is in the hands Ofa there unpleasant circumstances not only to right" ,%we were shot from the brilliant light tons; drinking water, �� tons'; ,engine and Poor fellows, they had been workbig on behalf of Her Majesty. fine by w I
I 1; � filter the water but to boil it before use. - of an African sun into utter darkness, which boatswain's stores ahil reserve parts. 41. �
large number of men, about three thousand 2 the grounds, and were returning to their The ninth clause of the bill relating to � on accoun
. _-, . - six hundred, many of whom own three or After 10 o'clock in the morning, the heat was only occasi mally relieved as we rattled tons -so that all'the -M�o'vable parts come to prison home. I the constitution of the Irish Legislative dress ; 11;
I - - four cabs which they let out, and are known makes life a burden. In the shadiest places down past the different levels. To our 20 tons, making, with coal, 40 tons. The The churches are well represented in body says it shall consist of a first and see- 20s., beca,
� --, I by the title of I I mushes. " the thermometer shows a temperature of right was another shaft, up which theearth vessel and the machinery are, therefore, Victoria. The majority of the people are end order, but instead of providing that the
I I- nearly 100 degrees Fahrenheit. The [art is taken. and we would now and then hear very ligbt. The hell plates are barely a � Ously apP4
- - . I 0 a Aurch goers, if one can judge from the orders shall delil: crate together as in the bill
� . - The first large cab company r -f any note would be g lad to eliminate from the day the big skip rush up with a roarund rumble quarter of an inch thick. There are two . it is notab
- I
- i7 � . - I was that of the Earl of Shrewsbury and Tal. the six hours between 10 a. in. and 4 p.m. at something like thirty miles an hour. locomotive boilers, protected by the coal crowds �hat attend the morning services. of 1886, it lrovides that they shall sit and before, thi
, . The first Sunday I attended the morning ser- vote separately, thus constituting two dia- I �
l .
. . I . but, founded in '1883, his cab stables at None of them are able to sit down to work. Down and down.we went, until I thought bunkers, supplying steam at 195 pounds vice in the Pandora street Methodist, Church. tinct houses of the Legislature. If the re- ly to tile s
- -
��. .. 9!ixall accommodating.W horses with th i stop ; -but it last prbssuretci high. speed lengines. The guar- Henry 171
- -1, � "I It is necessary constantly to change trom, we were nevir gbing'to �-, . . � . - The Rev. Covfrdale Watson officiated to a sult of the voting brings the two orders into ed and thf
- �� � � - grooms. The finest cabs * London belong one place to another, in order to create the I .
� - . . . we gradually slowed up, and theit stopped anteed speed was W be 261 knots in the large and attentive congregation, for the collision, then the question at issue is to be
. I - referred to a joint committee of both Houses. remarkab'
I � to this company, and is a well-known illusion that a little air is moving. with a jerk at the seven hundred and fifty open sea, while on trial the vessel actuall y first time since his return to the city. Evi long and I
' fact that the handsome F_!"
� �� - . young earl bimsi.1f, feet level. made 271, or to be precise, 27.4 knots, as & dently, it represented the youth and wealth if tile question still remains undecided . fisticilly a
11_� 1. whose ancestors ,came over with the con- FIFTEFN MINUTES' APPLICATION Before us was a scene which I shall never wean of one hour's steaming at sea. ' of the capital. The afternoon found me in through inability to agree, then the ques-
. I . I I queror, often drives one of his hansoms for to work in one place is all they can stand. forget. Picture to yourself a large cavern, Schichau. promises even higher results with I PrGfitS M,
I , - I - - _14-1 sport� being (ine of the finest whips in Eng- It is remarkably difficult to write up their which might well have been the entrance torpedo boats he is now completing. -LThe an entirely different audience , at the late tion at issue may be referred to the people. during tll(
.. �, - - land. note books, or even to indite a simple letter. to hell, dimly lit by a few electric lights, Steamship. . . Dr. Fraser's Church. Here, I had the privi. The new bill thus provides for a popular re. tress givie
. Z '_ 1. . The London Imperial Cab Company, a re' The party would be very glad to be left alone and filled with mist and sulphurous fumes, I lege of listening to a sound, practical dis- ferenclum. .
� � -I - cent enterprise, has undertaken tbb manage. .1 course, delivered in a practical manner, to The tenth clause, Par] Umentry representa- g'resp
.. I in their misery, but not for a single moment, through wb ich emerged the naked forms of RARE PERFUMES- a plain, practical congreption. As I glanc - tion, provider, substantially the same as in bein 1.
_,� . meat of about, 300 cabs on an improved M 'lls
- 1� � can they escape the crowd that surrounds dusky and perspiring natives, who were , ed around the fast filling pews, I could not 1886. An important new clause provides befol'c f
.1 1-1 pattern. The company has a large depot . Bay �quays adoll
I-.- _,�,� . - them. The reeking natives, from six o'clock hauling and emptying the trucks which T hey Come High, but People. Will. .
__ � off the Gray's Inn Road, with stables, sheds, . � - Them - � help thinking that-- that 103 members of the Imperial Parlia-
, �� - . shoeing for in the morning, begin to show the liveliest had been filled with the precious blue I � I _� T, . � - ment shall be elected by the existing ,con. at great i
.__ , gee, harness -rooms, and painting " From scenes like these old Scotia's grandeur Two*pecul
I interest in every act of their white visitors. earth. Toward this cavern ran several . . Atter of roses, mik,civet and ambergris . stituencies. These members sEall vote on ettects . n
- '
I �� �. I and r shop& -At Chelsea, too- - it has - - nels, equally dimly lit and full of va- are'among the edstly perfumes. Atter of springi
- ,. airl� They crowd into and around their - huts, tun . makes car' ta were
I ei k and track roses wholesales at about 88 an ounce, civet abroad: liament from the Irish Legislative body,
- . � built a model stable, three stories hig'b ' touch them, ask them questioas and make pour, which vomited forth truck after That her loved at home, revered all questions reserved by the Imperial Par-
.. - built in a square about- a yard where the - f kin -s probabiv c
-1 � � - them as miserable as possible. When the of blue earth, which was speedily whisked at $12 an o-.irice,'�'aimbergris at $30 and musk Princes md lords are but the breath a M I
.. . . and may also sit in the Irish Legislative
I : � I cabs stand. white men go to bed it is the turn of the wild to the surface by the enormous skip. - at $40, The retail prices of these things are 'Am honest man's the noblest work of God " body if elected thereto, as well as in the Im- iensive' c�
I '
� I Before a,cab is allowed to go on the streets beasts and the domestic animals to add to At first I was bewildered by the noise much greater, but they are usually sold to I thought of sturdy old John Knox ; and erial Parliament. city was r(
- . - three payments have to be -made-first, 5 p ground dr,
17 - shillings for a driver's li.-ense ; then X2 for their wretchedness. The writer complains and the.peculiar surroundings, but I soon tb e so-called consumer in highly dilutedform. said to mysolf that, the same principles . The annual contriblif-ion of Ireland on ac- far in adv,
- . particularly of hundreds ofsheep whow%inder became used to it, and stumbled along after The wbale that secrets ambergris has become at stake, Presbyterianism has splendid
. _-, hackney carriage license, paid by the own. count of the national debt is reduced to The foui
� - at will through the village and kee up a ide down one of the galleries. so scar3e now that little of the perfume is inaterial yet, even in this new city of the 9733,000; army and nav , ;CS13,000; Im- point abov
� I 11, . . p our gu .
- ___ - er to the police authorities ; and, lastly, 15 1 � y
- _�� - _ most pathetic bleating. The general tone ,f These galleries only measured about 5 found, and it is hard to obtain in the market West. I
I- ,�,�� - shillings for the carriage duty, also paid by I Mr. 1%founier's remarks, according to the feet in height, and in many places less than atanyprice. Ambergris is sometimes found There isanother classin Victoria-tbe Pcrial civil expenditures 9M,000.; Royal of the city
.- I _��, � Irish Constabulary and Dhblin Metropolitan
- __ the owner to the'inland revenue. . . . . . is still stal
--. _. �;��I� � . ,that; while the ground was worn away in- floating at sea in regions frequented by the non -church goers -as was evident from the
�-,e , New York Sun. indicates that- he has had police 9500.000 : for reduction of the'nation- �
� '
L.;F ,_ - . Before, however, the owner can get his t -ruts and holes, in and out of which we wbale that secretes the material.' A newly numerous Sunday excursions. Trains, load- . tower and
��i-'. about alrofAfrica that he wants. He may 0- - . &I debt, ;C180,000. These are great reduc.
_ � license his vehicle must be seen and inspect. be one of the numerous persons who, in spite stumbled often up to our aukles in black established wholesale drug firm made a large ed with pleasure -seekers come and go; tions from the bill of 1886. IS takes its a
__ ,�_ I
- __ ed by the police. Clerkenwell Police Sta. of all that has been written, imagine that slush, and groping our way as best we profit on a fortunate purchase of ambergris. steamers announce their own arrival or give
. I - . streets no
�Z - �, I Duties of customs and, duties of excise
. I ... �t.t�. __ . tion is the chief center, and here on they are going to have a r I could by the light of thn. candle we carried A ship came into port with several barrels, ample notice of their departure, as on week two of whi
-_� ___ I, . \ - oyal time when collected in Ireland are to be applied to
..,..� __ � Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays, in our hands. From the main tunnels and the shipmaster had no clear notion of its days. People throng the streets in the i High cros�
-, ___' they go to Africa and give no thought wh at- ' I Y" Irish charges, and any excess applied as );
I �� - �
�', ... - - there is an officW in attendance to examine branch off side workings, and at these value. The druggist bought it at $2.50 an cinity 0 1 Al
_1 �, .
_ I ever t,) the priva.tions and hardships of f the port, carrying valises and lunch
I'll, ,1 � . cabs and issue the two number plates one . . . points the air was suffocating. What with ounce %bout one-tentli of its value,and sold baskets; shops are open here and there and part of the public revenues tinder control of caref,olly I
� __ t�� __ - f pioneering in that country, which in its . the Irish Government. The Irish Land
- -
_� Zf� - : -
11 ,, Z --- -1 to be fastened on the inside and the other, the number of candles burning in the mine, it in sinall -quantities at a great advance. trade is going briskly on. One begins to Commission is to remain in existence until
... i7l:_�_ � tropizal regions under the best of circum- some dista
- '�i .
�2 I - the larger one, to be fastened outside at the stances is a very uncomfortable place to wan- the dyuamit-e used, and tbb number of mcit . ink lie has mistaken the da . Lhe city, i
'M , � I , th y, but the all charges payable out of the church prop.
, %V� v- back. . . workings the air becomes unbearably. hot clang, clang, clarig, of Trinity, Pandora and
�_ _��__�.� , . der over. Strength of the German Army. erty in Ireland and guaranteed by the . open space
� I
Z1. - , � Every cab is examined and licensed once � I and atiflirig in the higher levels. The per. two or three other church bells, recalls his
k 7,�� , - - By the law of March 11, 1887, which is to treasury are fully paid. ,4jubject to any ex- spot wher(
P� ,--,%w � � a year. As a check on possible negligenc spiration was str
:� _Z,,�,� " e, eaming from my face ; and wandering thoughts and warns him that it isting charges on the church property such after the c
.- .- , __� . tinue in force until, 'March 31, 1894, the is indeed the Lord's Day.
�_ - the back plate has a device on it as Post 0arpat-Oleaner.
I ��_,�_ well even the natives seemed to fe con
1, - - z _.1.. el the heat, . property shall belong to the Irish Gov. - its remova
,, _. -1 . aea footin .
.. z-- , . - I for I often could only distinguish them from German army on a pe, Oc-
',�! , as number. This- year it is'the royal arms, The poet Tennyson had his little mishaps 9, since . Victoria's prinnipal schools are well out of ernment. Attached t
_ 7t� -." - - .
-1 '__- - -1890, consists of 22,250 officers and
��_ � -1 - - next year it will be a crown, and. the year justas less gifted mortals da;� -One after: the rocks by the candle -light glistening Oil tober 1, a he a ing church.4
I ___� ,', - i tile city, but her very young children are well "It shall not be I wful for t fri li
11 _'��_Ia -, � - after the royal arms agaiiv; so that a police noon he called on some friends, and I -earn. their,naked and perspiring bodies. 463,409men. On a war footing Germany is
__ 't� . provided for in the several ward schools. Legislative bo4y to adopt or pass any vote,
. j�, -, - of exchan
�_ , - _-q--�� officer, may tell at a glance how matters ed that they were mot We descended -a vertical ladder to the prepared to place 3,350,000 men in the field One of the finest streets, as to location, resolution, address, or bill for the raising or This was t
- __�. . ' at,home-and4ecided
� I - - � . '
I - _ stand with a cab under suspicion. d. This nuniber is calculated
�-- �__!���7- to leaveli note. "The hou're-maid took" him level beneath, and here we had . to wait fully arme is that built and occupied by the Chinese appropriation of any, part of the public its successi
� f��T� ---..�
I , - � The ordeal of examining a cab is not sev- to - - and,gave film pen, ink whilst a charge of dynamite exploded. We from the semi-official figures, b t actuo'lly it
I �_z ,�_ -. the dri'wing-'id6in, . ' � " and known as Chinatown. It runs at right revenue of Ireland, or of any tax duty or served the
�_ z�,�_�
- ,,�,� . _11 , ere. The official glances over it, and pro. and paper. , . . . - all_w�aited in silence, which was only -broken prubably remains far below the mark, since
____ -, � . I rt. It is more delightful impostexcept in pursuance of a recom-
P I �� -_�4,,-','-�m"!�p�- I � � . I angles to the po. in 1740 by
" "Na- .- e army is
L 11 ___--_ - - - I '\
` ,hF�',:t�g%� - ,it statement respecting th
P 1, duces a piot of yellow ochre, a shaving When signing his naane to his p6lite little by�ihe drip, drip of water oozing through no offich
. , when viewed at a distance, for the pungent menclation from Her Majesty, signified The str(
- W, -
, __ f- r�;. a ed. The present intention of the Gov. -
i � �:�Z, tg - _q_7*,�, brush an a stencil plates and on the body missive, Tennyson, by a jerk of the elbow, the rock, and the heavy breathing of some issu an
j-- -- - 7��,&-,�- odors which greet one's nasal appendage in through the Lord Lieuten t. " Hig� Cram
.. I .1.� -.,_� - __ I of the cab at the back he works the device 'overturned the ink -bottle; and great was of the natives, who were glad of a short ernment seems to be to increase the peace
- - - _�
- � � _�
I _ 1 _-,
� ��,__, :� _--�.. -_ the vicinity, seem to impair the sense of The exchequer division of the High Court beneath th
, ;.:�,,; of royal arms or crown, whichever it may his dismay at, seeing a large pool of. -ink respite fro n their arduous work, when sud-
� �_ --��,�:,_�,--_�`-�- footing by adding annually 10J,000 more re- vision, The smell of decaying fish, vege- of Justice is to continue to be a court of ex. and then ci
r, - -,I i " be, and underneath the word " Approved " spreading rapidly over his friend's new white denly there was a; roar, and a rush of �-air, cruits, for whom room is to -be inade by re- tables and fruit, of decoctions peculiar to chequer for revenue purposes and any of sinaalar
.31k I ' ucing,r4cire g6n�taclly the three years ser. - ;1
1�1 - and the initials of the chief commissioner-- Persian carpet of mat6bless beauty. Horr which blew out 9.11 our 'candles and made- - d � - the Chinese together with open sewers, se vacancy occurring in the�court is to be fill.
?-� or nd structign.
� � I I E. R. C. B. " Once the stencil mark is struck, he rang the bell. Up ran .the iel. my ears throb painfully. We were then vice to a two years' service, than has been forth odors as renetratiug as they are dis- ed by Her Majesty on the ;oint recommend- houses on ie
" i
__ I This increase is p t d J
I ar gusting. How curious the denizens of this ation of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland tre, but in
�� - . (nd and the number of plates, fixed the vant. "Do please help me,!" cried the allowed to continue our walk, the air being done heretofore. -omp e
� �
L, 0 b begin business. , . poet, . I more filled, with fumes than before by a rivalry with Fra;nce. .1 . street look in their dainty white slippers, and the Lord High Cliancel!or of Great Brit. roadway, 4
� . . ' I
� I
- When a driver first goes"to Scotland Yard It happened that the milkman had Thus we 'went -on for nearly- ,.two hou � I .
, . just - - rs, � � -_ - . 4_ . flowing robes and long ques. All China- ain. � line of houi
I " ,� - -for his license he is put through a sort of left a can of frothing milk at the door, and along one tannel as far as the working end, Emerson declared that he composed best men wear tile que and make some at- The Dublin Metropolitan police ia to con- for it on th
_ � * .
- . informal examination on his knowledge of the intelligent housemaid remembered in examin � th Of each gall -of . I
�-_ ress 9 - - I when walking. . tempt to retain the native dress. I lie dress tinue subject to the Lord Lieutenant for a bridge prol
1, .
-,� __ the great railway fZ had- TheAus .
11� . t no =i and the public the nick of time that - now milk, if thrown men, un - - - ain to 'say ihat I iralian- �o'lony of Victoria -pro. of thell tyees " consists of the inevita,ble period of five years, or until the Irish Ad- the roa,d pa
11� " buildings ; bu testFof his driving over wet -ink, would rei of had enough" and should be glad -to return to- du6ed-663,000 ounces of,gold last year, an white slippers,
, .1 - move, - all traces - .- . loose flowing robes, general- ministration will guarantee that s.n adequate
rl_ , capabilities is made those are always assum- gly she over- the surface. So we three, tireid, dirty, and . - ' f' cc rose to i� to I
, � . the despoiling fluid. Accordin . . indredee o 4l,000,6ufi6es,.ov ',. 1.891, and Ae- jy of dark blue, but sometimes of variously local police system has been organized. The
"I �� ---- _� I _ ed as a foregone conclusion, and he is given turned the jug upon the larae black o I perspiring mortals, entered, tjie lift once �,, -
..�_ � , t , . . ,, --- ,- .argest, yield. since 1886. � colored silk, over loose trousers. The color -Royal Irish Con tabulary. while it exists is to
_�, �_If__ - a licenseiand badge.; on -payment of 5, and with hodwaflannel and cloths set atoou� more, and were,soon drawn ,to the,,surfadei. I- I ire �.. � 11 � . over the sh
.__� �-_. - i - - In- vie*ing the condWon of:18ritisli in. and richness of the dress indicate the rank continue subject to the control of the Lord hur and fiN
� -,�, , where in the glorious -daylight, andwith the ' J , .,. , � -
:� ., shillings. Then he makes his way to a cab rubbing and &rubbing at the stain. , - I of , the wearer. The lower class, usually, Lieutenant, but the Irish Legislature may
.� - - � - ' , I i during 1892 tber& is a general rupied by q,
- - _7a�:,` ue sky above rne� all our'subtefranean _ex.- .dustries
� ,
� . - �,�,�� - d, leaves his license with the proprietor, Dowirwalt; Tennyson on his bands and �bl . � � � . .. wear a loose blue shirt over wide trousers. provide for the establishment and mainten-
I �
�-,��- - I ya�r is given a cab and a horse with a knees, rubbing and scrubbing with bislittle perienceseeme4labide6ug-nightmmr'e-. � agreementamoug British newspl�pers that in the city.
- I - - an Chinese in Victoria support a doctor ance of a police force in counties and I '
11, �P_ -_ , - I
,_ b , . . � mail
, � change horse, for which he pays 17 shillings helpmeet. His agony of mind lest his old T e blue4arth-_ it is: so t called fiom its ."'the year 1892 is the t�orst the firmer has 'The Celestial is a s . on the
� ,��- �_, � - . and a lawyer. Tile a9aciOus boroughs in Ireland tinder the control of the
_;�� -. a day. His whip, Mackintosh cape, knee ir known.!'-. '. - 1-' , � . .
,�_`� . friend should knock at the door and sudden. olur-istakeri"'ifi tru,cksto-the "floor's", � e -v 0 � � � _. - . I . . business man-and,an inveterate gambler. A local authorities. backs reste
_� -
ly",� apron, and oil fl"k I ' . tent), ' fie 4ewitOColodiz'�tIon": A�sst)ciaiio � ather a
c � ' -
�, are -at his own expense. r on the scene of disaster he often (large q a spaces,�some miles in,..ex n's . or r
, - -
_� �,?_�, - - ' a I appea X ,arWiiltid oalt a6d allav�ed to first -'report ot th4 Chinese mission, Jn connection with the There is an entirely new clause, 22, which side of the
� . Some drivers own their own hansom e t it where t e � progress ..thus far made in
,.;��I� , soribea in later.de,ys, declaring tha . - __ I _. I Metliodist Church, has done good work, gives the crown the right to veto all bills of
: E-1 �� which are'geneiallly 6f the - rickety variety "reached the inbi � 1 4" , Bat *01th' Ouch a pulyeriFe by the action of sun and rain. settling 16wifih refugd6s,'chipfiv from Rus. especially in the WOMPD'S Rescue Home, walls and fl
-� g- -- iw�l , the Irish Legislature, and gives Irish repre.
1 I S�-�� . - \ and thould be avoided. . I hosy how,tiiat up to the. 'sentative peers the right to sit in the House laid across t
.,_� - ��_ good -will did tb�ls strange 'couple work'to. - After -some months it is again taken up, sia, in. . itable *ds, p] , , I.. I _ i- -- - You get a les ways, when, 1 ,
- �� . � � i � �
�� .�'. � T1. a cal)luy d alves � a smart bansow. he gether that every trace of ink was remov. and carried to the washing machine, whem 20th,otta""Se'Ttember.,sol-oe:egOO,004,6 ,the' �
__ F� - - 11 ., , therefore, b
- - . I the earth is washed and sifted, all the dia. or;p -
- . l, __ � I , . '.1, ' 'after purchasing a piece of sticking plaster, of Lords -at Westminster, and vote on all -
. . . . . I
- haunts club land, and a day bring I - , ,inal capita of 0,000,000�bad een ex
__ _ MY ed. . . - . , I b or, a half-dozen oranges, you are informed I ated the sh(
, �, - - � , 1�perial questions. The functions of the
f - - . him in a rich harvest, thirty shillings . rd current bel(
11 "Here is a -fire-shilling, piece, my good monds and Seavy stones falling to the hot- pended, half of it in the parchase of land -
I'll, 1, -, � z I �i_,. . that the price is lltwo�bits.". Seeing your Lieutenant are the sarne -as in the bill -
-:�,,�, - 1, perhaps and only - working eight hours. girl,'� cried the poet,- 'laud God bless you !" tom. -Another machine washes away the and the other half in the settlement of of 1886, and the judic' ed from thi,
, _iz� - riystified look the dealer takes in th,- sifua- ,ary is to remain for �
_�,�,T ___ Some men work sixteen hours a day, hub With that he seized his bat and.made larger portion of the stones, and those that families on the land. The colonies have n hat, in coast five years under the control of the Imperial words of an
-1 ti on and politely informs you t curred that
`�__,_�;, old ,i- are left are carefally sorted over by hand chiefly been established in the Argentine -
- _ hands never more than twelve hours if for the door. Some wee - later an in -v - ' parlance, 11two-bits" means t%entv-five Government, then to pass under the control the kitcher
- -� �., id -7- - - -- I . of the Irish Government. Other provisions
�*_�'�v__ they can help it. - � � I- tatio to d' - witli hi i nd th L diamonds pick-edout. It was -very Republic. One.bas been formed in Canada,
- n me i -I , ng s; rbached a e cents, " four bits " fiftv cents. etc. You
I and- the carpet ifis - - )00 gores of land in all have been pur-
. .
��-, Is takes cabbies some years, sharp as,they Tennyson. Ile went; , J I I—- - interesting to watch the men sorting over 330',t" I ' - � �hrough the
1�� .._, h d him a five dollar bill, crisp and new, are similar to the bill of 1886.
�.__, - -,; 1. ones. About d a out 1,000 families have been an of the cellar
-, are, to learn the ways of London society, in no w ' alluded twou ei ifier4ide. � . these at . a bushel would be chased, an - b
9_1�_,Z:'/" - ay , and clink, clink, he gives you four great, forced his
�. �Z, ,�� and to elude that very vigilant'person, the I . - I brought in and thrown down on a/tin-cover. there settled. The council of the association
-.�V� ��, - . heavy, silver dollars, besides the smaller Seven thousand persons a day are adde I hind and fe'
. --'
_�r��_ � y - oung policeman,; for before he knows it, " ed table, and they would -then be turned believes the undertaking can be made self.
�_,7 , -
,�___� . Herbert Spencer has been riting for - ds supporting, and established on a -financially change. Were it not for the rapidity with to the population of the Unite" States. The cellars
� ,�� lbofouah . w - u
��, cabby may find -himself at Alar over with a._Riece of tin, andthe diamon hich small
- 5 - � -
J��:��: �. : more than 40 years, and a partial estimate le change disappears on this Hesiod hated women, and took no pains piers of the
i�r I-_- Street Station dhA:rged with loiterigg. TE I p: ked out and put in a sort of looked poor. sound basisi. Five hundred families will w -
zs__'�,� -1 - -, -, may e�be his - first _otfease, ,- aO: he is let off , - box. -forth be settled every year, and it is coast, one -would soon become overlomded, to conceal the fact. -
.-Z �--. - _- . of the profits-.Iroin.the,aale of his most im hence Crossing
-;t __ - , i ' I ` Portan 0�vi . ag , * , " numbers, anti believed that w for bills are a rarity, ,lax O'Rell i I . ft,
_W�-�:-1'--, L, . '- ith two shillin ,. fine with U books 811 th&fth4UA br6 19t Garnets are,_fOund in -great ' lien the success of -the scheme .- A s bringing to a close in Aus. le We ar(
- , wi I gs ailid sixpence, -than ;01,000--a yea � During my visit -the latter part ofJune
5 ,,-, - --- � .ki. Decidedly these -pretty stones --- are here�,66usldercd isiblear-there -will be; %-large .emigration -of - been one of his most . carried on i
W,.2�--_�w � , - 'Mico3ta. must have
� _�__"!� _� I . him less it � �- � I tralia what
f�li .11-1 I ---. - two,,exui�shillings- -_ I . - ' art of July -the weather was
" - - I . - , -' -""" " I - ""I'b'i in , � Each of the fami- wealth of B
" . valueless. , � so -supp `gNikif -�� and the first p
." -��,;�%,,_; *__- - -philos4hy does"not Pay the philo" Drtin 11 successful t�ours, for ever since he had b6en
1'z�- -one , '. _ .
,�� , � -, The cabby ot the old school whom -f , mist" took a
_;_ , - -, I- . - . , 100. moist. When the "Scotch
" ,e� , - cash %whatever it may give, him in I ihe� oflicei-of .. eso6iation-r6ceives er Street i
�� = lect, - One afternoon I wehit -intd't - lic�ssdUledliy,' the a.
, - � -
, "
-_-_:,�,,�;- _'_- ,-, - . zees oceasilu�weaia the triple coachanin's .1 I . I . ' - we were greeted with a in that country he has lectured to a sue. 1.
� � I
;��2�;- -;�7`��,-�� --- - . a very fusty- ont-af-4atq- tile ; his - I \ � the De Beers Company and saw a parcel of acres, and 2160 tor'hutildiiig�r',Plant, &c., turn on the hills, " tuckers,
T�, , ual satisfaction. - S iOn Of large and enthusiastic audiences.
---,T��,b;-� ��,-:� _�, caper and 11 white fog from the sea, but the temperature ce ,s
���,_ �-�--_ _', I A�new Anarehist newspaper, Le Toesills diamonds being sorted. -* -- which they are expected to repay in ter, Among his Antipodean experiencen he now merchant fa
- , has � �
I . tem �" ot of thewbes was mild and balmy. I was informed, how
� �1_ - - - per is n . t,. -�44.1�_mg. w
11;�-��-�- f, -� - _' . , - , � , kla- � Comment is mede that, while all sh 0 have
_,��_�_ I
. - - - - - 'cW t�A -ddiT-d-by-,tkewel-l-k-nownAnatogists'.m - -the windows reckons " Melbourue Cup Day " a 3 t
_�. , sipe,q , _-,L _, ' - igh
- I'- - _� li�r P,A by the r6h Ina %al ' - .--.- - _ - issued On a long bench in front of 7 � .
.- �� _w ' vAdkt�cjen Wea, was, in this stro
-*-, 7, � ,.- - -to, lkajj *1 I � I were-pilesof .diamonds of all sizes,'ahapes, =is excellent, &ron Hirsch's noble ever, that, owing to the proximity ofsach large
� '"li S, yeaus lie hps re rather raw which he describes, as one of the racing . �
�� _�_ A:,�_ � p e7 or _ grown to look u - . -Ana7&chist .8
,tP* ni--� - ; I liC;usi#-,4 � I in Lon(�eu two week9-Ago. �7w.p I., and C;Iors, lal-d out on white paper in much I oe can make scarcely a perceptible bodies of water,the winter a they began
. -
-,�' I -,_-_ himself in U qfA I - _. I I -ocher . Dominion Day was observed by hoisting. spectacles of the world. He was astonished, from this ti
__ - - _ . --, � journals h - e ublished there the same waf.ai g�ill '. r is w 'ft- lied out - t, , I prpsiowpu tl ,sk of.,Jewish distress -
.,-,,;-, , . ave b eii regularly p -
__ - I � _ , _ .
- -,� �_ - I - 11 ,p � � �, , _
�, �U'� �-,_,- . , I . _ '11. "-:.
�`�'__��'�: '-' L ta.'wliow 'every passengeris n - is " . - � . " .4 - V m# the Union iock oil the Government offices at the I I gaaxy of beautif ul women" he met . g trade
. I. I , -
-7� -,, , for -sdme,time past.- , _ � "d var*&_in4izef :;'P.46W.-� It: on C
- r -4 Id, -k "it is.*�Iirged, in ryin-
. I . . W01 I'll,
-; -9,� -T Ing -man and 11)0 ca , - - grocer's.' The i1latooft a - _ I . - __ , . -A few in the encosure, thn.agh he larnivita that _,
.�_mi.�7.,,'L,_,_� -- - le V , - - . i i -- I -e ,� - - I � � , and some other public buildings.
�. __P ' ' '�_ ' 2pih's heqd-� 'And tih i , lia I __ %TOO I' evi* a year mere y
�. -
... - - - __ 01 �. - - '� � � - k�� V, 11 wher: white
- -�,�- 3,�,�, 1, __P . i - I .a zeI_nut.-,'-;'t64 Z-1 I I rivate houses also showed the old flag sfik dresses, ,
, �`�i,'��_ �--,�,�-', � Zi.14' - -friend] fV 1_ - -e,.proh bi ing ha . -
_ , � evei� 4 �rent. - He feels . _�464 tUat,,a�yAasur i t " � it , gllhtiiolu,��of the days
. - -
-z�,�,�40,`�,�'- - �t� - - -1 I at _ - , , I , , � .a I PiJ '. - 1, " werr - f
- ylish -be inel4d'-- �chiefly Of thit:11; � whieVER -I is ,� &;6 she- nwm4l increment of P
�,-,_-�Q�,:��2F�n �2�1 ,, I oublie, ,and wears. a at, wa'ies k6�rals in gagla4iiilL .1 ,-_pUZe!whitW'.c61or , trimmed with diarnonds,, . wc�,a have ,
_ 'FU�.-.�,-,�Z_ - tfi&-1&erq 11 I 99 Th .
. r� _-� - �", - �, - - ibus:bill Zf- � -a' -Go - t the In' arked 6hdrdet6 . - - pul4tibr ,, I%Iiily at: one
, _9i, - �, �iiistic 48&mo ��`ir'%014ativ , per at has braved a thousand years . from Icelan
-�i-_:2��g��.---.,� � -, - � _ , , - a i, �S�ing top hat tha�t.doe4. ed -in the. olun ,._ _ A I vernmen I - � s -1 ads, ypig pp , - - - - , passed by. - taken as an
11 , - - ,� - - � - ' , - I I .1. d . - I
'. - ��,t.- " - �_. , 48 iff " the- com w i en -, some weregrey, pin It - �. --per , �� a� j
,� - � t __ , '
. - �_' � f_�,,T� , -"-,4V6,rcgftt an -S 11 I I E, - in. * �' �4: k' � - the breeze." -1
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. _� � � I
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- I Wt w�,- fares. , P.,
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