HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-02, Page 1wish )r the cost, for es and the es of Rub- ies, splen- ries always GORRIE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 2nd, 1893. J. A. TUCK, M. D. MEMBER of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ont. GORRIE, ONT. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon GRADUATE of Ontario Ve4rinary College, and registered member o'Ontario Veterin- ary Association. e. -Ar Residence Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIH, ONT. N. McLAUGHLIN, 158UER OF MARBLIGE LICENSES. No witnesses required. Office:—At the Drug Store, Goasa. DENTISTRY. 1 • SGerr , he last d 3rd Mc a ywof :.h month. Teeth extracted without pain. All work warranted. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, Dastard PATENTS, :COPYRIGHTS, et Tor snforimation dna free: Hdadbook write to MUNN & CO, SE EBoADWAY, New You. Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. livery yat912t !OA out by uuis brought before public by a notice sites free of charge la the 'cituttfir iltinevicatt Lsraset eircalation of say seieati8e paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No, Intelligent IDaa should be without it. Weeks UO a year; $1 .30 six, months. New York Q� ~ ?camellias, Executors' Notice. NOTICE it hereby given that any person. or persons holding any claims against the estate of Alexander Johnston, late of the Town- ship of Howick, in the county of Huron Province of Ontario, shall send to the undersigned Ex- soutors a verified statement of; chi a claim, on r before t c 11it s2se<y O Aar).7,9.x . And all persons indebted to said estate are re- quested to settle said indebtedness on or before geid 1st day otMarch,1893. Dated at Howick, this 3rd day of January, SAMUEL JOHNSTON. JAMES DOWNEY, Executors. FOP) S- -- A, Neat and Comfortable Country Homestead, ('OIi9ISTING of three acres of choice land, be mg part of lot 1, con. 7, in the township o Turnberry. Two acres now under grass and balance in orchard and garden. There is a good six -roomed frame house on the premises, also stables- For further particularsJOHN W. GREEN, to Box 10, Wroxeter, Ont. Estray Calves. ('AMB onto the premises of the subscriber, lot 30. con. 9, Howick; about the middle of Oc- tober, four heifer calves The owner srequested take them ao prove property, pay expenses S. Joaxeroxe away. Holstein Calf Lost. LOST.—From they premises of the subscriber, sines about the about the 90th of duly last a Holstein Steer Spring Calf, spotted,black-ani- white. The finder will be suitably rewarded on giv ng information is to its whereabouts to HENRY WILLITS, Lot 18, Con. B., Howiek. WrexeterP 0. MISS TtORA JAMES, lGradasteof Niagara Falls Academy of Music-) 'TRACERS PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY. Theory Explained. Gonna. 412014 is to certify that Miss James, having gams etas in a creditable manner the course re- quired- for a oertificate, is duly qualified for pianoforte teaching, and ishereby recommended to those whorequire thorough instruction in that branch.", Pnor. A. Hvs3Asn. Niagara Falls, April 91st, 1883. V anstone giros., • WINCHAM .. Marble & Stcate WORKS Parties requiring work in the above hies will do well to call on us. We carry a large stock of marble and granite. We guarantee to save you money and give first -Glass work. Call before purchasing elsewhere and be convinced. MR. T. T. WATSON , jJ$ent us on the lead. City grocery. IIAVING bought out the stock of MR. JAMES IRELAND I will endeavor to keep up the reputation for High -Class GRoCEI IS, Confectionery, - —Staple and Fancy— Crockery, Silverware and Fancy Goods, that my predecessor has so Well merited for the last 19 years. —SHE THE ELEGANT— Breakfast Sets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. Everything Fresh and Guaranteed of the Finest Quality. No use to enumerate prices, but call and see for yoturtelf.• I will sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. T. F. MILLER, wi307K1BC'TER. Great Slaughter In Boots .,end Shoes Everythink at Cost for Cash Now ! G Overshoes, Rubbers, Lumber ne n's Sox, Trunks, Valises, Etc. EVERYTHING GOES I bag to return thanks for the liberal patronage received during the past year and will try to merit yonr future favors. W. J. GREER. GORRI&. The Lion Store Fur Goods and Winter Goods AT COST PRICE. Te Clear. Elora I Stora, wrc,meatesr. J. W. Sanderson. Shareholders' Meet- • 1 Belm'lre Cheese and Butter Company. A SPECIAL General Meeting of the $harehold- erg of the Belmore Cheese and Butter Com- pany will be held in the Temperance Hall,in the village of Belmore, on SATURDAY, THE 4TH DAY OF FEBRUARY,1893, At the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the ensuing year, and any other- business that may be brought before the meeting. PETER TERRIFF, JAMES RITCHIE, D. N. McDONALD, Shareholders. 'Belmore. Jan. 23, 1893. Farm for Sale. LOT 1, 9th Con., Turnberry. The farm is an excellent one, containing 100 acres, 80 under cultivation, balance good hardwood bush. Stone house and large orchard, plenty of water. Situated about seven miles from Wingham, and five from Wroxeter. For particulars apply to the Proprietor, Wm. SANao:l, Wroxeter,P.O., Ont. Sows for Sale. - THE undersigned has six Sows about six months old, fit for breeding purposes. If not sold in about ten days they will bo put Up to fatten. ROBERT DOUGLAS, Lot 1, Con. A, Turnberiy. Wroxeter P. 0. Feb. 15th, 1893. R. H. FORTUNE. VETERINARY SURGEON AND DENTIST, WROxETER, ONT. Will visit Fordwich every Monday from 1 :30 to 4 p. m,, at Brown's Hotel. All diseases of domesticated animals treated after the latest and most scientific , teachings of the Veterinary Act. • Calls promptly attended to. No charge for examining horses. - Dentistry a Specialty. Local Affairs. Have You ? What ? Why, paid your subscription to the GAZETTE for 1893. AMERICA' POPULAR HOMES MONTHLY, " WOMAN'S .:WORK," FREE. We desire the correct address of every intelligent housewife. We would like to arrange with one person in each town. to compile a list of such names for us. For this service we will give a year's subscription to Woitex's Wane for each thousand inhabitants, according to last census. If your town has a population of .2,000, a list .of names for it will entitle you to receive - WOMAN'S WORK for two years, or Will entitle yourself and some friend to receive it one year each. If your`town`has 5,000 inhabitants you will be entitledto receive WOMAN'S- Woxg for five years, • or, yourself- and four friends to receive it for one year each. Never a better chance to make presents. We have special blanks pre- pared for this work, and these must be used iii everyrCase. They will be sent, with two sample copies of WomeN's Wong, on receipt of ten cents in stamps. We+ can arrange with only one person in each town or city, and first appli- canti will always have preference: Address at. onee, . Wessex's WORK, Athens, Georgia. William's Royal Crown - Remedy greatest corn cure on earth. Guaran- teed to cure . general nervous debility, rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis. For sale `-ley ° N. McLaughlin, druggist, Gorrie. Barkwell's Sure Corn Cute will care any wart, bunion orimgle. For sale by N. McLaughlin, druggist, Gorrie. Fresh oysters at Allison's. The annual meeting of the East Huron Conservatives occurs at Wing - ham town -hall, onMarch 7th. Miss Maggie Deachman and Miss Maggie Anderson returned last Friday from a visit to friends in Lucknow. Owing to the absence of the trains much of our usual correspondence has failed to reach us in time for this issue. A sleighload of Gorrieites attended the Wroxeter skating rink last Saturday evening and report having had a good time. There will be a meeting of the Howick Conservative Association held in Biernes' hall, Fordwich, on Saturday, March 4th. The Brass Band had just received a lot of new music from Toronto and Galt, and will be well prepared for next sum- mer's engagements. Mr. David Sanders,who has been work- ing in this office for several months past, has accepted a position on a Chesley paper, leaving for that village on Satur- day last. Owing to the heavy snow -storms Mr. C. C. Keine has not yet started for Manitoba. He again occupied the Methodist pulpit last Sunday evening,. preaching acceptably to a very largo congregation.- The Gorrie school trustees recently advertised for tenders for wood, but not a single tender was received. The great depth of snow in the bush and the drifted state of the roads makes the teaming of wood very difficult. Mr. Geo. Hazelwood is this moving from the -Thompson farm, upon which he has resided for several years past, to the Hunt farm on the 6th con., just west of Mr. Jas: Mitchell's which he has leased for a term of years. . Rev. Mr. Haig will (D.V.) preach in the Gerrie and Fordwich Presbyterian churches on Sabbath next and the Sabbath following, March 5th and -12th. He has been in Manitoba for the past seven years, but is now returning to Ontario on account of his health. KorIce.—My accounts have all been sent -gout and all those who still owe will please settle. ' If any have not received their accounts they need not be offend- ed but cove and pay the same as if they had. JAS. ABIISTRONG, V. S. Mrs. Martha Miller, mother of Mrs. John Wilson, 6th con., died at the home -of her son-in-law last week at the ad- vanced age of 84 years, Her remains were interred in Fordwich cemetery in the presence of a large gathering of the friends of the family. The high wind last Monday complete- ly blocked - this branch of the C. P. R. by filling in the cuts with snow. Several snow -plows and engines have been de- railed in their efforts to get the road clear. ;No mail has reached Gorrie since Monday but it is confidently ex- pected that trains will be running to- day as usual. PANCAKES AND TREACLE !-A 'pancake social will be held at the residence of Mr. Alex. Smith, Gorrie, on Wednesday evening; March 8, ins connection with the Presbyterian- Sabbath School. A goad programme is being prepared and week a good time may be expected. E very - body is invited to come and enjoy them- selves. Admission, 15c. Pancakes served from 7 to 9. On the evening of Feb. 22nd a large number of invited friends assembled at the . residence of Mr. John Jacqaes, Orange Hill, the event being to witness the marriage of his daughter, Esther,to Mr. W. J. Andison. The ceremony was performed by the Rev.- W. F. Brownlee at 6 o'clock, p. in. The bride was given away by her father, and was at- tended by her sister, Nancy, as brides- maid, while Mr. Charles Harris acted as groomsman. The bridal costume was of white cashmere trimmed with silk and lace, while .the bridesmaid was dressed in corresponding cilors, in all presenting a beautiful appearance. After the ceremony theguests sat down to a very richly prepared dinner, after which the company continued to enjoy them- selves in `various' ways until an early hour. The bridal presents were very numerous, rich and beautiful in them- selves, expressive of the esteem in which the bride was held by her friends. Mr. and Mrs; Andison will spend a short time visiting friends in Oxford county previous to returning to their home on the 9th con.,. Howick, near Gorrie. We wish theta pleasant days and much hap: No. 13. A very interesting debate was held in the town hall -last Friday evening, in the presence eta large audience of ladies and gentleilien, on the subject of an nexation vs British connection, the former being upheld by Messrs. Moore; Dr. Sneak, (jr.), T. W. Gibson and Munro, while Messrs. Clegg, Doig,Greer and Jno. M. Kaine defended Britieh Con- vection, Those Who expected to listen were interred in McIntosh cemetry on to a political discussion between Grits the 25th inst. Th® funeral was largely attended. and Tories were agreeably disappointed, Mrs. Terriff, wife of Mr. Y. not one objectionable argument of that kind being used on either side, The speakers held 'closely to the subject under debate and there was an agree- able fertility. of argument which kept the judges—Messrs. H. Perkins and Dr. Armstrong; of Gorrie, and Dr. Fortune, of Wroxeter,_ busy during the entire evening. The debate was finally awarded to the Gorrie gentlemen, al- though the. decision was a very close. one. A return debate is, we understand, to be held shortly in Wroxeter. - Belmore: We are very sorry to have to an- nounce the sad : calamities befalling Mr. P. Terriff's family; of this place. His oldest son, John Tecrift, died in Clifford on. Friday morning, 24th Inst, of consumption, at the residence of his father-in-law Mr. Ho1linRer. His remains The death of Mrs. J. R. Williams, which occurred at three o'clock last Monday morning, caused a sensation of profound s{jxrow in this village. where she rosidec €`:with her husband and family for many years past. She has been in poor health of late years, suffering from a complicated disease which has baffled the best medical skill, and to which she finally succumbed after much suffering, which she bore with true Christian fortitude. She leaves behind her,besides a sorrowing husband, a- family of five sons and a daughter, to whom the sincere sympathy of the public goes out in their great affliction. The funeral occurred :en yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon and was attended by a large concourse of neighbors and friends, among those present from a distance being Mr. Henry and Miss Lizzie Ferrier, of Bervie ; Mr. Ed. Crippen and Mrs. Masters, of Al- pena, Mich.; Miss Lena Williamc, of Mitchell; 1!IIr. Jas. Williams, and daugh- ter, of, Seaforth ; Miss Yeo and Mr. Geo. Yeo, of Teeswater. Gorrie School Report. The foll'o'ing shows the standing at- tained by each pupil in the Senior De- partment; i the schools, for the month of February: Senior Fifth— Attend- ance. Marks. Jessie McLaughlin... ... ...19 Amy Clegg 8 .Junior Fifth— (Marks obt. 830) A Heibein 19 M. Aylesworth19 Edith Perkins... 134 Wm. Dane ! • 174 Eva McGrath 171 Lizzie Greer... . A. McLaughlin.,- 14 A. Osberne 144 633 459 452 484 420 337 273 252 Senior Fourth. (Obt. 2000.) L. McLaughlin 19 1431 E. Evans 181 1345 F. McLaughlin 12 1336 H. Burns 17 1272 M. Sanderson 19 1247 A. Crawford 19 1090 C. McLaughlin 18 1038 H. Evans - 17 970 E. Blow 14 8fi6 Junior Fourth. (Obt. 1400.) Eddie McI{ee 19 937 Roht. Greer 18 818 Wm. Osborne 14 535 Ida Green 141 483 Harry Toung 14 266 Peter James 134 239 Senior Third. (Obt. 1600.) Mabel Cart pbell 18 1433 Harry Young 171 1284 Jno. Dane .19 1186 Grace Pyke 15 1165 Albert Bowyer 13 1060 Willie Sharpen 18 828 Susan Vittie 14 776 Junior Third. (Obt. 1000.) Ralph Laurie 15 712 Minnie Williams 161 707 Morley Aylesworth - 15 589 May James 161 541 Lizzie Wiggins 17 511 Jno. Ardell 144- 456 Ethel Clegg 134 433 Edna Bean 11 386 Ira Hummason............. 8 247 Flossie Blow 13 197 James Hummason 8 195 Alberta Evans... 124 182 Austin Doan 11 164 Willie Elastic 10 87 Burley Hainstock 5 --- Wroxeter. The Foresters' concert on Tuesday evening drew out a crowded house. Fax, Miss Bowes and the Gorrie Orchestra, and Miss Brawn, as accompanist, fur- nished an attractive programme, which was ably presided over by Bro. W. G. Strong, who acted as chairman. The Foresters have won the friendship of all by their determined efforts to please under the adverse circumstances with which they have had to contend. Reeve Sanders was in Goderich on county business last week. fq Terriff, who has lost her reason for the past two weeks, was taken to Walkerton Jail on Thursday, 24th inst. The reason for her insanity is supposed to be an over -strain on her nerves during her son's illness, which she faithfully attended as long as she was able. We sincerely hope and trust that she may soon be home to he • family again all right. Miss Murray hs s b Sen very poorly for the last week but now- is able to be about again. Miss Hermeston 's visiting her mother and friends here. She is not ashamed of the badge of the Salvation Army. That's right; we like to see people true to their colors. Miss Minnie Crittenden, of Attwood, who has been visiting friends here for the past three weeks, has gone to Brus- for a short time before returning to her home. Tnrnberry Council. Turnberry council held its regular meeting in McDonald's hall, Bluevale,on Feb. 20, 1893. Members all present ; the reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were road, approved of and signed. The Reeve reported that he had at- tended the audit at the Treasurer's o' - fice, and their report will be laid before you. A petition to the Legislative Assembly of this Province for a plebiscite on the question of prohibition was laid before the council.—Left over for further con- sideration. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by Mr. Dement, that the order issued at last meeting in favor of Rev. I. B. Wall - win, for taxes, be cancelled.—Carried. The auditors presented their report, abstract and detailed statement for the year 1892. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Mundell, that the Clerk be instruct- ed to got 100 copies of Auditors' Report printed.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Cruickshanks, seconded by Mr. Gemmell, that the auditors be paid $10 each for their services. --Car- - ried. Moved by Mr. Cruikshank, seconded, that the Reeve be paid $2 for attending audit.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Mundell, that the Treasurer be paid balance of salary $40 and $7 postage.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Gemmill, seconded by Mr. Mundell, that the Treasurer be paid $2, expenses of railway debentures.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Mr. Diment, seconded by Mr. Cruickshank, that the Clerk be paid balance of salary, $10, and $11 postage. Moved by I1r. Diment, seconded by Mr. Gemmill, that any person wanting a change of pathmasters must notify some one of the members of council or the Clerk before next meeting of coun- cil.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded by Mundell, that the scale for statute labor be the same as last year.—Car- ried. On motion an order was drawn in favor of Ira Etcher for $2, damages drawing gravel. Moved by Mr. Mundell, seconded by Mr. Diment, that this conncil do now adjourn to meet in McDonald's hall, Bluevale, on Monday, March 27th. 1898, at 10 o'clock, a. m.—Carried. Joni; BURGESS, Clerk. 1!✓ Fresh oysters at Allison's, tee_ BORN. On Saturday, Feb. 18th, the wife of Mr. Jas. W. -Edgar, of a sori, MARRIED. AsDrsuN—JAcQUE8,-At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday, Feb. 22nd; 1891 by the Rev. W. F. Brownlee, Mr. W. J, Andisen to Miss Esther Jacques, both of Howick. - DIED. Mrr,r,En.—At the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Jno. Wilson, 6th con., Howick, Mrs. Martha Miller, aged 84 years. weur,TAus--In Gorrie, on Monday, Feb. 28th Sabina, wife of Mr. J. R. Williams, aged 4t' years and six months, 0