HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-02-23, Page 7it ninety mile3 le bicycle the Lepper. ,tires observers ever allowed to :e his time. elf a sea king. king also. ri owes his posi- ng aginghana stores in Ind - re darned free e for the bride make presents under the do- , Spain, France et Boston are t they indicate nl nd. 'es when she is 3band, ends by .er bonnets. exhibition at Ht into a nut- hitz, Germany. eject, male or e age, a small excepted. pal church is ;, the nearest thwark, Pa., ce iu a work - rubbish. A t the rubbish, Ind., thought - •e economical - he clergyman and then had eipt. ge across the has just been rg inunicipal- eillion rubles near Milan, She armor of onflict raged )n either side , though one ailing off his een finished As described ned to be a inch, is built rood, and is and ponies. ghs only 10 , the usual " Hoosier porter that ifs are that s never well . least thing cannot tell irong. The seems right matrimony, tight, said : rried ; why, dren enjoys If existence, 11 the rest is t get a good toy, he had nates. His him in long ars old, de, pother. s of Balak• ey scouring .ighth anni- C by a ban- eondon, re - assemblage ale in plain • gold lace •ded by the The only alIant Ser- e who was e valley of the finest• t He gave ) the other ,lead clean word. r imperial three gen- , K.C._M. Legation the Chin- iccordance ing ranks n descend- )nly other -wnor has heInspee- Customs, ennobled ery kind- rlinister of the only istinction to Queens. most im- er to wed potentate rate, the Ind of the not ye- •husbanc: :deck or g become lous care he seems is now a Iies the iolain. land, and ,e that a s of that. arvation >f a tots ly desti it is ex - number ,d plight. a living the poor nmer the estroyed nt night ptember. reat dis- ice, and Ming on of birch ed sever• ae suffer - is trying is sail. kat- the >•frrs1OalloMY. A dry eyt; means a hard heart. Bream eyes are the most kindly. Voltaire had the typical foxy face. A pouting upper lip indicates timidity. Italans have the best mouths and chins. Black eyes are the most rash and im- petuous. Like countenances indicate like charac- ters. An insignificant nose means an insignifi cant man. An open mouth is a sure sign of an empty head. Very large, thick lips are a sign of sensu ality. Large ears are found on the heads of coarse people. Coarse hair always indicates coarse organ- ization. Very full cheeks indicate great digestive powers. A projected under lip shows malignity and avarice. A doable chin is invariably a sign of a lover of the table. Pointed noses generally belong to meddle- some people. Blue eyes belong to people of an enthusi: astic turn of mind. Large eyes in a small face always betoken maliciousness. There are types of faces among men as among animals. Narrow, thin nostrils indicate small lungs and low vitality. Power of language is indicated by full- ness beneath the eyes. A retreating chin is always bad ; it shows lack of resolution. If the forehead be shorter than the nose, the sign is of stupidity. Oblique eyes are unfavorable ; they show cunning and deceit. An oblique month is a bad sign ; it in- dicates a crooked character. English-speaking peoples have the best foreheads and eyebrows: A steely blue eye is often the sign of a merciless disposition. The most prominent French characteristic is the prominent nose. Fine hair generally betokens native good taste and intelligence. Double lips are unfavorable, indicating a tendency to grossness. Large, wide -spreading nostrils show ample lungs and good health. Short, thick curly hair is an indication of great natural strength. Very tightly closed Iips are usually found in secretive characters. Irregular teeth generally indicate lack of culture and refinement. Freckles, like red hair, are an indication of an ardent temperament. A long forehead indicates intelligence ; a short forehead, activity. The upper lip, when projecting, shows ar- rogance and want of shame. A dimple in the chin is pretty, but indi- cates weak mental organization. The ridge,of the perfect nose should be broad and almost straight. A curling upper lip betokens a supercili- ous and haughty temperament. A projecting under Hp indicates ostenta- tion, self-conceit and folly. The chief characteristics of a broad face are inflexibility and obstinacy. A money lover carries the head inclined -ward and a little to one side. Gray eyes are generally found associated with prudence and foresight. Daniel Webster had the typical lion face —heavy, strong and saturnine. A pale complexion indicates a weak con- stitution, often heart trouble. A thick neck generally accompanies a gross organization and coarse to stes. A laroad, conspicuous forehead always in- dicates great mental penetration. Projecting, rolling eyes belong to people destitute of genuine veneration, The snub nose is peculiar to Russians, Esquimaux, Tartars and Africans. A mouth exactly twice as broad as the eye shows dulness of apprehension. Warts on the chin or neck indicate in- dustrious, active, sanguine persons. Any marked peculiarity of countenance indicates some peculiarity of mind. A projecting nose and month show self- confidence, impudence and rashness. Thick, heavy, regularly arched eyebrows always indicate sound judgment. Sweetness of a Phrase. - •rhere is a tender sweetness about some of our common phrases of affectionate greet- ing, simple and unobtrusive as they are, which falls like dew upon,the heart. " Good night !" The little one lisps it as, growned in white, with shining -face and hands, and prayers said, she toddles off to bed. Sisters and brothers exchange the wish : parents and children, :deeds and friends. Familiar use has robbed it of its signifi- cance to some of us ; we repeat it automatic. ally without much thought. But consider : We are as voyagers, putting off from time to ti me' upon an unexplored sea: Our barks of life set sail and go onward into the dark- ness, and' we, asleep on our oars, take no such care as we do when awake and jour- neying by daylight. Of the perils of the light, whatever they may be, we take no heed. An unsleeping vigilance watches over us, but it is the vigilance of one strong- er and wiser than we, who is the Eternal Good. Good and God spring from the same root, are the same in meaning. " Goodby" is only " God be with you." "Good night" is really "God night," or "God guard the night." It would be a churlish household in - which these gentle forms of speech were ignored or did not exist. Alike the happy and the sorrowful, day by day, may say " G ood-night ". A Russian army officer 'has made some very successful experiments in the training of falcons to carry despatches, and general at- tention leas been called to the possibilities of the use of this bird for messenger pur- poses in the time of war. The falcons so trained carried messages from one garrison to another with very gratifying success. If the use of these birds is found to be really generally practicable, they will have many points of superiority over pigeons for mes- senger purposes. They are much stronger, and some of them so far tried carried a weight of four -Russia's pounds without hindranceto speed. A not unimportant eonsidecat n le that they are not likely to sneer frx -* tueks of other birds. - A FAMOUS LOUOMOTIV . - One of the Fastest Now Running Is -Nearly Fifty Years 01d. Says the London Daily Graphic: It is remarkable that one of the fastest, if not the fastest, engines now running was built forty-five years ago. She was designed when the great competition between the now vanished broad gauge and the narrow gauge was at its height. The Great West- ern on the broad gauge had beaten all rec- ords by, upon several occasions, obtaining a maximum speed of seventy-eight miles an hater, and it was necessary to beat her on the naarow gauge. The result was the build- ing by Mr. F. Trevithick, superintendent of the northern division of the London and Northwestern Railway, of the Cornwall. Her driving wheel was made 6 inches larger than that of the Great Western, which was 8 feet in diameter. Mr. Trevi - thick, in order to obtain a large driving wheel and a low centre of gravity adopted the peculiar plan of placing the boiler under the driving axle. The driving wheel of 8 feet ti inches,was the largest size which had then, or has since, been tried upon the or- dinary 4 feet Bre inch gauge, the cylinder being 17; inches diameter and 24 inches stroke. The engine appears to have fully answered the expectations of her designer, for upon the trial trip a speed of fully sev- enty-nine miles an hour was attained under favorable circumstances, thus beating the Gr bu pr her know for ch ser that with abI yet AN AUBURN An Actof Heroism Followed by Dire Results. Edward Donnelly" Saves a Life Almost at the Cost of His Own—After Years of Suffering he Is Restored to Health A Story of Interest to Canadians. Auburn, N. Y., Bulletin. It is on record that upon a chilly April day, a few years ago, an eight year old boy fell into the East river at the foot of East Eighth street, New York, and when all efforts to rescue him had failed, Edward Donnelly, at risk of his own life, plunged into the water and, when himself nearly ex- hausted, saved the boy from drowning. It was a humane and self-sacrificing deed and received deserved commendation in all the many newspapers that made mention of it. Edward Donnelly was then a resident of New York City, but his wife was Amanda Grantman, of Auburn, and sister, Mrs. Samuel D. Corry, of No. 71 Moravia St., which gave a local interest to the incident. All this was some time ago, and both it and Mr. Donnelly had passed out of the mind of the writer until a fe w days ago, while in Saratoga, he was shown a letter to a friend from which he was permitted to make the following extract ; A - eat Western by onemile an hour. Vsun , N.Y., Oct., 26, '92. She was shown at the exhibition of 1851, I am taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. t the position of hen boiler was not ap- They have cured me of that terrible disease, owed, and in 1863 a new boiler was put in Locomotor Ataxia, When I commenced above the axle. It is interesting to taking them, I was wholly unable to work that the engine is still working the and nearly helpless. I am nowimprovedso forty -five-minute expresses between Man- much that I have been picking apples and Man- chester and Liverpool, one of the fastest wheeling them to the barn on a wheelbar- vices in the kingdom, and it is stated row, Yours truly, still, after her forty-five years' service, EDWARD DONNELLY, a load equal to -ilea power, she is cap- 71 Moravia St, Auburn, N.Y. attained. u ning at the highest possible speed Immediately on returning to Auburn our reporter called at the above address and WIV ES OF WELL KNOWN MEN. found Mr. Donnelly out in -a barn where he was grinding apples and making cider with Luther first opposed the marriage of the a hand press and he seemed well and cheer- ful and happy. Von Bora, an ex -nun, and lived Moravia street is one of the pleasantest ppily, suburban streets of Auburn, and No. 71 is Landor married a young girl for her about the last house on it before reaching ut and when the charm wore off the the open country, and nearly two miles from y' y the business centre of the separated, and he would never city. her again. " Why, yes," said Mr. Donnelly, " come into the house, I will tell you all about my Shakespeare's wife was eight years case and how Pink Pills cured me, and will older than himself, a fact that perhaps ex be glad to do it and to have it printed for ms his willingness to spend so much the benefit of others, for I am sure I owe in London. my - restoration to health and happiness Boswell, Johnson's biographer, married a wholly to those simple but wonderful Pills." and in his Uxoriana recorded faith- .And then in the presence of his wife and y all her snappish sayings and his own Mrs. Corry and Mrs. Taylor, who ,all con- firmed his statement, he told your corre- spondent the story of his sickness and of his innkeeper. She was uncongenial and restoration to health by the use of Dr. Will- iams' Pink Pills for Pale People. wife committed suicide. " I was born in Albany, N. Y., and am Corneille was happy in the domestic re- lation, 42 years old. The greatest portion of my though, as his biographer quaintly life, 1 have lived in New York City. I was general dltso had no no g trouble with with any- body, ul- grew Saw Mills, foot of Eighth Steman there of the F. reet, the East river. It was on the 28th of April, 1889,that the boy fell into the river and I. The rebellion of Cyrus, made famous by resced him from drowning, but in saving "Retreat of the Ten Thousand," was his life I contracted a disease,which nearly by his wife, the famous MiltoArtax- erxes. who cost me my own. Why, sir I am sure his death married his brother, Artax should have died long ago if Pink Pills had s not saved my, life, and I wouldn't have Smith's wife, was such a good cared then for my sufferings were so great that he calculated that during the that death would have been a blessed re - of his life he had eaten forty-eight lief ; but now, thank "God, I am a well man wagon loads more than was good again and free from pain and able to be him. happy. " You see *hen I saved the boy I was in A Horse on the Barber. the water so long that I was taken with a The bald-headed man with four days' deathly chill and soon became so stiffened of beard on his chin went into a up and weak that I could neither work nor shop and sat down in one of the walk. li'or some time I was under treat- ment chairs. To him presently went a of Dr. George McDonald. He finally of the razor, who remarked inter- rogatively said he could do nothing more for me and lively : that I had better go into the country. On Shave, sir?'� the 1st of last June (1892) my wife and I "No," ixrowled the man in the chair. "I came up to Auburn. I was then in great to be measured for a suit of clothes." pain, almost helpless, the disease was grow- ingls statement seemed to surprise the upon me and I felt that I had come to but he managed to say : the home of my wife and of her sister to This ain't a tailor shop," die. Isn't it? " " When the disease first came upon me No." the numbness began in my heels and pretty What is rt . soon the whole of both my feet became a barber shop." affected. There was a cold feeling acros What sort of work do you do in this the small of my back and downwards and ? " sense of soreness and a tight pressure on th men and cut their hair." chest. The numbness gradually extends Do you think a sane man with no hair uv both legs and into the lower part of m3 s head would come in here to Lave his body. I felt that death was creeping up t cut ? " my vitals and I must say I lorged for th "No, sir." hour when it should relieve me of my pat "Do I look like a lunatic ? " and misery. I was still_ taking the medicin This was replied to by a silent shake of (" It was Iodide of Potassium," said h' cad, but the barber doubtless thought wile) and was being rubbed and havin acting like one. plasters put all over my body, but with n Then presuming me -to be a sane man, benefit. bald-headed, what would you naturally " The latter part of last June I read of I came here for ? " case similar to mine cured by the use of Or. For a shave." Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. 'hen, my dear sir, why did you ask me had never heard of those blessed Pills before, wanted a shave, when 1 took a seat in but I thought if they could cure anothe chair? Why didn't you go right to case of the same disease with which I wa ? If some of you barbers would culti- vate afflicted, perhaps they would also Lure me. a habit of inferring, from easily aster So I sent and got three boxes of the Pink 1 data, instead of developing such Pills and began taking them at once, fol- lowing the directions closely. In a few powers, it would be of material aid in weeks' time I was so improved that from you in your chosen vocation, and of being helpless, I was able to help myself expanding your bank account. Do you and to get up and go to work and to walk comprehend ? " every day from No. 84 Walnut St., where I Yes, si replied the man as he began then lived, to Osborne's New Twine Fac - the customer's face in a dazed sort tory, Seymour and Cottage Streets—(more_ and he never even asked him if he than a mile) where I was then employed, d oil on'a er hair when •the operation but all the while I was taking Pink Pills. "Then Dr. Potchin,.of Wise.nsin, uncle a of my wife, and who was here on a visit, The Serpent's Tooth. began to poo -poo at me for taking Pink Pills Didn't I send 'im to Heton an' Hoxford ? and finally persuaded me to stop taking t I send 'im into the barmy, along o' them and to let him treat me. When he o' the biggest nobs in all Aengland, returned to the West he left a, prescription an allowance fit for a young pearl ? with Dr. Hyde, of Auburn, who also treated what's the hupshot of it all ? Why, he me. But their treatment did me no good dinners to docks and royal 'ighnesses, aad after a while the old trouble returned don't even harsk 'is poor old father to and I was getting bad again. Then I began aem. 'Ighnesses, indeed ! I could buy nearlyain t20 ake Pink boxes, at ans ; have taken in all entre cost of less ole blessed lot. And, what's more, than $10.00. (My other treatment cost me mind tellin' 'em so to their faces a pile of money)and again I am well and' pins—ay ! just as soon as look at 'em ale to work. • P 'e knows it." " In New York Dr. McDonald said my ----- disease was Locomotor Ataxia. He treated Which Weighs the Lela ? me by striking me on the knees without Guide—"Now, ladies and gentlemen, you to walk with my eyesane closed ed; by gme tryingr to stand believe it, but it's true, that these first on one foot and then on the other, hut cls Catharine ha beg quarreled, see old ex- plainstime scold, full ane S an he for- saken C expresses boa wife T the inspired after erxe Sidney cook course four -horse for T growth barber operating knight roga ,� want Th barber, " " "Wh ?" "It's shop "Shave cc on his hair Th the h he was << but b suppose if I 1 your work vats tainec wonderful owe P ad- vancing. comp to lather of way, wants was performed. Didn't some with And gives and d meet ' up the 1 wouldn't for two —and Gut wouldn't weights are so delicate that they mark the difference between a blond and a brunette hair." Tourist (opening memorandum book)— " And which weighs the less ?" Guide—" The lighter one." The English soldiers in the Soudan were supplied with St. Jacobs Oil. Men are not in this world rewarded ac- cording to what they know, but acoording to what they can make others think they know. There is a point near the famous _ stony cave, in the Catskill Mountains, where ice may be foundonany day in the year. This locality is locally known as the Notch, and is walled in on all sides by steep mountains, some of which are more than 3,000 feet high. ]( couldn'tio it,and so after a while he said 1had Locomotor Ataxia and was incurable, and that I had., better go into the country among my friends who would make the few remaining days of my life as comfortable as possible and give me kind attendance Well, I came, or rather was brought f.rom New York into the country, but instead of dying, I am a well man, nearly as well as ever before in my life. Pink Pills did it. If Iwas•able I would, at my. own expense, publish the virtues- of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills -to the whole world and especially iQ New York City, where I am much better known than I am here." " Another thing," said Mr. Donnelly, "I. am sure that the Pink Pills for Pale People (and they are well named) are the best remedy for impure blood and the best blood maker in the world. Why when I was sick and before I took them, if I cut myself the very little blood that came from the wound was thin and pale and watery. A few days ago I accidentally cut my, hand slightly and I bled like a pig and the blood was a bright red. Just look at the blood in the veins of my hands." So indeed they were, and his cheeks also wore the ruddy flush of health with which only good blood and plenty of it can paint the human face. Our reporter then called -upon Chas. H. Sager Co., druggists, at their request. They were much interested in the case and cure by the use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills and told of several other instances, which had come to their knowledge, where the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills had proved efficacious in making the most wonderful cures. These pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood, anil restore shat- tered nerves ;Alley are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, par- tial paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effect of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexion, and the tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration ; all diseases depending upon vitiated humors of the blood such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to the pale and sallow cheeks. In the case of men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. These pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville," Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cts. a box or six boxes for $2,50. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. The public are also cautioned against all other so-called blood builders and nerve tonics, no matter what name may be -given them. They are all imitations whose makers wish to reap a pecuniary advantage from the wonderful rep- utation achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Ask your dealer for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and refuse all imitations and substitutes. Dr. \%iliiams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either address. The price at which these pills are sold makes a course of treatment comparative- ly inexpensive as compared with other rem- edies or medical treatment. One cannot call the upper branch of the English Parliament a peerless body. No man, says a temperance paper, can properly attend to his business if he doesn't keep straight. But how about the con- tortionist? Have Yon Asthma ? DR. R. SCHIFFMANN, St. Paul, Minn., will mail a trial package of Schiff'mann's Asthma Cure free to any sufferer. Gives instant relief in worst cases, • and cures where. others fail. Name this paper and send address. China has vast undeveloped coal mines— twenty times more than all those of Europe. A.P.-643. e Blood Poisoning d Mrs. Mary E. O'Fallon, a very intelligent iady • of Piqua, Ohio, was poisoned while assisting o %- physicians at an autopsy e - 5 years ago, and soon n c .\s'', - , terrible ulcers broke e out on her head, arms, 1o. - i tongue and throat. Her hair all came out. Her ;:: o u':g.f�: husband (Tent hundreds -i`.;s ' • ; of dollars without any , 0 benefit. She weighed but 78 pounds, and saw I "i no prospect of help. Mrs. M. E. O'Fallon. Al last she began to r take Hood's Sarsapari .a and at once improved; s could sco:.. bet out of I -ed and walk. She says, ` I became perfectlyured by Hood's -Sarsaparilla and am now a well woman. I weigh 128 pounds, eat well and do the work for a large .camil . M y y case seems a wonderful recovery .111(1h siclans look at m p v e in astonishment, as almost like one raised from the dead." HOOD'S PILLS should be in every family medicine chest. Once used, always preferred. PECIAL OFFER, beautiful design with your name in fancy colors. Executed with the Automatic Shading Pen, for 10 cts., silver. Complete -stock of Penmanship supplies Circulars address W.A. THOMPSON, Toronto Box 528. - 81TUATION5 VACANT: -For hundreds o smart yo.ing menand women w ho wil thoroughly prepare themselves in Shorthand Book-keeping, Arithmetic. Penmanship, Type writing, etc. Address College of Correspond ence, Toronto. ._ IF YOU WOULD SAVE TIME AND MONEY BUY A- NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHIN d Agents everywhere. - CONSUMPTION. Valuable treatise and two bottles ofinedicine sent Free to any Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address. T. A. SLOCUM & CO.. 186 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ont, THIRTY ,TEARS. 4ohnston, N. B., March ii, 1889. "I was troubled for thirty years with airs in my side, which increased and ecame very bad. I used -_ * "COBS OIL and it completely cured. I give it all praise." MRS. WM. RYDER. "ALL RICHT/ ST. JttpDe7_OIL- DID !T,„ Old Nursery Favorites. There was Tom, the Son of the Piper, Jack Sprat, and Merry Bing Cole, And the Three Wise Men of Gotham, Who went to sea in a bows; The woman who rode on a broomstick. And swept the cobwebbed sky, And the boy who sat in the corner, Eatinghis Christmas pie. These were some of the old favorites, but they have been supplanted by the "Pansy ' and "Chatterbox" `stories, " Little Lord Fauntlerov," and "Five Little Peppers." The Old fashioned pills and physics have been superseded, and wisely, too, by Pierce's Purgative Pellets, a mild, harmless and effective cathartic. They are pleasant to take—so gentle in their action that the most delicate child can take them, yet so effec- tive that they will cure the most obstinate cases of constipation, stomach, liver and bowel troubles. They should be in every nursery. As a gentle laxative, only one for a dose. A footpad was lately captured in a Hungarian town, and with hitn a bear that he had tamed and taught to grapple with pedestrians whom he desired to rob. Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for coughs and colds is the mist reliable and perfect cough medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. In certain parts of India cocoanut trees, once - almost lifeless in appearance, have been made to yield abundantly by placing salt at the roots. GIBBONS' TOOTHACHE GUM acts as a temporary filling, and stops toothache instant - y Sold by druggists. Black and Blue—The negro who has lost on the races. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction. -25 cents. HILO H'S `CATARRH REMEDY. Have you Catarrh ? This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price fiOcts. This Injector for its successful treatment, free. Remember, Shiloh's Remedies are sold on a guarantee. The Cod That Helps to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in SCOTT' S ULSIO OfPllre Cod Liver Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITES OB' LIME A.STD SOSDA. The patient suffering front CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, COUGH, COLD, OR WASTING DISEASES, takes the remedy as he would take milk. A per. feet emulsion, and a wonderful flesh producer. Take no other.. All Druggists, 80c., LOU. SCOTT & BOWKE, Bel?eo£lle. FOR SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS. BIBLES AND ALBUMS, write to William Briggs, Publisher, Toronto DO YOU IMAGINE That people would have been regularly using our Toilet Soaps since 1845 (forty-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD ? The public are not fools and do not continue to buy goods unless they are satisfactory. 31300.426.3ECY.3D. MIX"67-3511 CONDITIONS OF H&PPINESS. The first is bodily health. To secure this Drink the ROYAL DANDELION COFFEE which contains a proportion of German Dande- lion Root, with fine coffee as a basis. It com- bines the Health -giving properties of this well known plant, with the refreshing and dietic properties of Coffee. Prepared only by ELLIS KEIGIILEY. Toronto. 4KOFF NO MORE WATSONS' COUCH DROPS WILL CIVE POSITIVE AND INST- ANT RELIEF TO THOSE SUFFERING FROM COLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, ETC., AND ARE INVALUABLE TO ORATORS AND VOCALISTS. R. & T. W. STAMPED ON EACH DROP. TRY THEM 197-13 7" BUY a Boot or Shoe that does not fit. Why punish your self in attempting to form your foot to a boot or shoe. We make our Boots and Shoes from two to six dif ferent widt's Ask for the J. D. King & Co., Ltd., perfect fit ting goods, and be happy. 1 CUBE FITS laluable treatise -and bottle of medicine sent Free to any Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address,H. G. ROOT, M, C.,186 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, nt •have you IF so, 115E Dr.CLARK'S -CATARRH CURE. It never fails. IT CURES CATARRH IN THE HEAD THROATAND,NOSE, COLD in THE HEAD, HAY FEYER,IINFLAMED-PALATE AND TONSILS, re- stores a sense of smell, and drives- away the DULL. HEADACHE experieneedby all who have Catarrh. Oneole wd! work wonders. Price" We. at Druggists. Sent by mail on Receipt ot rice -by addressing - GLAIR CHEMICAL CD..les !MAD ST,WEST. TORONTO. "Germane St J. C. Davis, Rector of St. James' Episcopal Church,- Eufaula, Ala.: " My son has been badly afflicted with a fearful and threatening.cougl; for several months, and after trying several prescriptions from physiciaiid which failed to relieve him, he has been perfectly -restored by the use of two bottles of Bo.. An Episcopal schee's German Syr-'. up. I can recom-; Rector. mend it without hesitation." Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It is for these long., standing cases that Boschee's Ger- man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted as this lad was, will do well to make a note of this. J. P. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: I,always use German Syrup for a Cold 'on the Lungs. I have never found an equal to it—far less: a superior. o ®; G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N J. ASTUM.I LEN CURES Gives a Nights Sweet Sleep and so that you need nob situp all nightgasping ASTHMA for breath for fearof suffocation Onreceip t ofname andY.O.Address FREE Drrll mail OS..M Dottie ofTAF and P. .Addr ss Co.. Rochester, N.Y. Canadian Office, 186 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. CANADA PERMANENT LOAM AND SHIM, COMPANY Invested Capital, $12,000,000 Head Office, Toronto St., Toronto. The ample and increasing resources of this Company enables its Directors to make ad- vances on REAL ESTATE securities to any amount, without delay, at the lowest current rate of interest, and on the most favorable terms Loans granted on improved farms ands on productive town and city properties. Mortgages and Debentures purchased. Application may be made through the local Appraisers of the Company or to J. Herbert Mason, Managing Director, Toronto MUSIGI Sheet Music, Music Books, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, Accordeons and all kind of Band Instruments. The largest stock is Canada to choose from. Get our prices before purchasing elsewhere and save money. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO., 158 YONGE STREET TORONTO, ON Most Remarkable in the World. Comparing the analy- sis with others, St. Loon is the most remarkable in the world. The testi- mony of thoso know cured of diseases, my own experience in its use, I am forced to the conclusion that St, Leon is the most remarkable combination of miner- als in a water in the world. James Gres- ham, anal y ticalfchemist, Brooklyn. St. Leon Mineral Water Co., Ltd., Branch office, 449 Yonge Street. 1 ES ®00®�� CURE GUARANTEED why be troubled with PILES, EX- TERNAL OR INTERNAL, FISSURES ULCER- ATION, ITCHING OR BLEEDINo Of PILETO/NTMLNTN iv when Dr. CLARK' :gives immediate relief? - In the hands of THOUSANDS it has proved perfectly invaluable. If Never Fails even in cases of long standing. Ppm Sum at Druggists Sent bymail on receipt of price by�addressing CLARK HEMICAL CO., 186 AMUSE SI .WEsr, TORAMUSE GETc.05 TRUSS IMPROVED THE LAST' 20 YEARS NOTHING BETTER UNDER THERM :RUPTURE SEND FOD QUESTION SHEET. 011 RECEIPT OF AHSWEIS, LET ME SELECT WHAT 18 REQUIRED. WILL SEND YOU P310E, 000DSARE SENT DY MAIL, RECISWREI4 CORRECT AND CHEAP. Send Stems for mnstrated Book -.+•�••• e 33LAILB. 43XatTZ'��7 $$DCi0AL. MACHINIST, 134 KIND STREET W., 'i'fiRONTO John Bull Steel Plate Range. • FOHCOAL AND WOOD." LATEST AND BEST. EVERLASTING. ENBREAKAZLE. Be sure and see the elega1i. storo Wier* buy inganyother. Sold byall le dint'a-eatars. Manrd ,7 E; 11, urney C T=+roYte e °a= Valuable treatise and two bottles ofinedicine sent Free to any Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address. T. A. SLOCUM & CO.. 186 West Adelaide Street. Toronto, Ont, THIRTY ,TEARS. 4ohnston, N. B., March ii, 1889. "I was troubled for thirty years with airs in my side, which increased and ecame very bad. I used -_ * "COBS OIL and it completely cured. I give it all praise." MRS. WM. RYDER. "ALL RICHT/ ST. JttpDe7_OIL- DID !T,„ Old Nursery Favorites. There was Tom, the Son of the Piper, Jack Sprat, and Merry Bing Cole, And the Three Wise Men of Gotham, Who went to sea in a bows; The woman who rode on a broomstick. And swept the cobwebbed sky, And the boy who sat in the corner, Eatinghis Christmas pie. These were some of the old favorites, but they have been supplanted by the "Pansy ' and "Chatterbox" `stories, " Little Lord Fauntlerov," and "Five Little Peppers." The Old fashioned pills and physics have been superseded, and wisely, too, by Pierce's Purgative Pellets, a mild, harmless and effective cathartic. They are pleasant to take—so gentle in their action that the most delicate child can take them, yet so effec- tive that they will cure the most obstinate cases of constipation, stomach, liver and bowel troubles. They should be in every nursery. As a gentle laxative, only one for a dose. A footpad was lately captured in a Hungarian town, and with hitn a bear that he had tamed and taught to grapple with pedestrians whom he desired to rob. Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for coughs and colds is the mist reliable and perfect cough medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. In certain parts of India cocoanut trees, once - almost lifeless in appearance, have been made to yield abundantly by placing salt at the roots. GIBBONS' TOOTHACHE GUM acts as a temporary filling, and stops toothache instant - y Sold by druggists. Black and Blue—The negro who has lost on the races. Cures Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantee. For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh's Porous Plaster will give great satisfaction. -25 cents. HILO H'S `CATARRH REMEDY. Have you Catarrh ? This Remedy will relieve and Cure you. Price fiOcts. This Injector for its successful treatment, free. Remember, Shiloh's Remedies are sold on a guarantee. The Cod That Helps to Cure The Cold. The disagreeable taste of the COD LIVER OIL is dissipated in SCOTT' S ULSIO OfPllre Cod Liver Oil with HYPOPHOSPHITES OB' LIME A.STD SOSDA. The patient suffering front CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, COUGH, COLD, OR WASTING DISEASES, takes the remedy as he would take milk. A per. feet emulsion, and a wonderful flesh producer. Take no other.. All Druggists, 80c., LOU. SCOTT & BOWKE, Bel?eo£lle. FOR SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS. BIBLES AND ALBUMS, write to William Briggs, Publisher, Toronto DO YOU IMAGINE That people would have been regularly using our Toilet Soaps since 1845 (forty-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD ? The public are not fools and do not continue to buy goods unless they are satisfactory. 31300.426.3ECY.3D. MIX"67-3511 CONDITIONS OF H&PPINESS. The first is bodily health. To secure this Drink the ROYAL DANDELION COFFEE which contains a proportion of German Dande- lion Root, with fine coffee as a basis. It com- bines the Health -giving properties of this well known plant, with the refreshing and dietic properties of Coffee. Prepared only by ELLIS KEIGIILEY. Toronto. 4KOFF NO MORE WATSONS' COUCH DROPS WILL CIVE POSITIVE AND INST- ANT RELIEF TO THOSE SUFFERING FROM COLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, ETC., AND ARE INVALUABLE TO ORATORS AND VOCALISTS. R. & T. W. STAMPED ON EACH DROP. TRY THEM 197-13 7" BUY a Boot or Shoe that does not fit. Why punish your self in attempting to form your foot to a boot or shoe. We make our Boots and Shoes from two to six dif ferent widt's Ask for the J. D. King & Co., Ltd., perfect fit ting goods, and be happy. 1 CUBE FITS laluable treatise -and bottle of medicine sent Free to any Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address,H. G. ROOT, M, C.,186 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, nt •have you IF so, 115E Dr.CLARK'S -CATARRH CURE. It never fails. IT CURES CATARRH IN THE HEAD THROATAND,NOSE, COLD in THE HEAD, HAY FEYER,IINFLAMED-PALATE AND TONSILS, re- stores a sense of smell, and drives- away the DULL. HEADACHE experieneedby all who have Catarrh. Oneole wd! work wonders. Price" We. at Druggists. Sent by mail on Receipt ot rice -by addressing - GLAIR CHEMICAL CD..les !MAD ST,WEST. TORONTO. "Germane St J. C. Davis, Rector of St. James' Episcopal Church,- Eufaula, Ala.: " My son has been badly afflicted with a fearful and threatening.cougl; for several months, and after trying several prescriptions from physiciaiid which failed to relieve him, he has been perfectly -restored by the use of two bottles of Bo.. An Episcopal schee's German Syr-'. up. I can recom-; Rector. mend it without hesitation." Chronic severe, deep-seated coughs like this are as severe tests as a remedy can be subjected to. It is for these long., standing cases that Boschee's Ger- man Syrup is made a specialty. Many others afflicted as this lad was, will do well to make a note of this. J. P. Arnold, Montevideo, Minn., writes: I,always use German Syrup for a Cold 'on the Lungs. I have never found an equal to it—far less: a superior. o ®; G. G. GREEN, Sole Man'fr,Woodbury,N J. ASTUM.I LEN CURES Gives a Nights Sweet Sleep and so that you need nob situp all nightgasping ASTHMA for breath for fearof suffocation Onreceip t ofname andY.O.Address FREE Drrll mail OS..M Dottie ofTAF and P. .Addr ss Co.. Rochester, N.Y. Canadian Office, 186 Adelaide Street West, Toronto. CANADA PERMANENT LOAM AND SHIM, COMPANY Invested Capital, $12,000,000 Head Office, Toronto St., Toronto. The ample and increasing resources of this Company enables its Directors to make ad- vances on REAL ESTATE securities to any amount, without delay, at the lowest current rate of interest, and on the most favorable terms Loans granted on improved farms ands on productive town and city properties. Mortgages and Debentures purchased. Application may be made through the local Appraisers of the Company or to J. Herbert Mason, Managing Director, Toronto MUSIGI Sheet Music, Music Books, Guitars, Banjos, Violins, Accordeons and all kind of Band Instruments. The largest stock is Canada to choose from. Get our prices before purchasing elsewhere and save money. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO., 158 YONGE STREET TORONTO, ON Most Remarkable in the World. Comparing the analy- sis with others, St. Loon is the most remarkable in the world. The testi- mony of thoso know cured of diseases, my own experience in its use, I am forced to the conclusion that St, Leon is the most remarkable combination of miner- als in a water in the world. James Gres- ham, anal y ticalfchemist, Brooklyn. St. Leon Mineral Water Co., Ltd., Branch office, 449 Yonge Street. 1 ES ®00®�� CURE GUARANTEED why be troubled with PILES, EX- TERNAL OR INTERNAL, FISSURES ULCER- ATION, ITCHING OR BLEEDINo Of PILETO/NTMLNTN iv when Dr. CLARK' :gives immediate relief? - In the hands of THOUSANDS it has proved perfectly invaluable. If Never Fails even in cases of long standing. Ppm Sum at Druggists Sent bymail on receipt of price by�addressing CLARK HEMICAL CO., 186 AMUSE SI .WEsr, TORAMUSE GETc.05 TRUSS IMPROVED THE LAST' 20 YEARS NOTHING BETTER UNDER THERM :RUPTURE SEND FOD QUESTION SHEET. 011 RECEIPT OF AHSWEIS, LET ME SELECT WHAT 18 REQUIRED. WILL SEND YOU P310E, 000DSARE SENT DY MAIL, RECISWREI4 CORRECT AND CHEAP. Send Stems for mnstrated Book -.+•�••• e 33LAILB. 43XatTZ'��7 $$DCi0AL. MACHINIST, 134 KIND STREET W., 'i'fiRONTO John Bull Steel Plate Range. • FOHCOAL AND WOOD." LATEST AND BEST. EVERLASTING. ENBREAKAZLE. Be sure and see the elega1i. storo Wier* buy inganyother. Sold byall le dint'a-eatars. Manrd ,7 E; 11, urney C T=+roYte e °a=