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The East Huron Gazette, 1893-02-16, Page 8
Salem. • - On Friday evening last about 40 or. 50 of the friends of Miss Maggie Kitchen, who has been the efficient organist of the Salem Methodist church for .some - years past, gathered at her father's residence in the form of a surprise party and during the evening presented her with the subjoined address, ac^om- parried by a silver better cooler and sil- ver sugar bowl with spoons. The ad: ,dress was read by Mr. Joseph. Higgins ;moi Miss , Cilara Fortune, of Harriston • paid a short visit here on Saturday and Sunday: Two loads of our young people at- tended -the `• Farewell" at the residence of Mr. John Scott, •Lakelet, on Saturday evening last. They report having had an unusually pleasant time, Mr. John McCreary 4th eon. Carrick,. passed through here_ on Monday with his household effe';ts, stock and and the presentation made by Mr. Wm• implements on his way to his farm on Weir Her father made a suitable the i3. Zine, Howick. -reply on behalf of Miss Kitchen, after which the evening was spent in social ,enjoyment, the guests remaining until a late hour. The following is the address; To Miss Kitelten; Dear friend—We, the members and adherents of the Meth- odist church in this community take this opportunity of spending a social ,evening with you, our .friend and associate. It is always a pleasure to be in the society of one whom we respect and esteem. Our friendship has been somewhat prolonged. Many of ns; have intimately known you for many years past. We esteem you highly as a friend—in the church too, as well as socially. We have learned to value you. Your services in the capacity of organ- ist have been invaluable to us as -a church and people ; and we cannot let this occasion pass without some tangible, though uiiadequate, expression, of our regard for your prompt, cheerful, and efficient services in the above relation. We are all aware that a chureh's -prosperity is largely depen- dent upon its efficient musical admini: - tration. Here you have done your part admirably well and to the entire satis- faction of all concerned, In recognition, therefore and not as a reward for your efficient and voluntary services, we beg you to accept the accompanying articles, . partly as household coin- m®odities, partly, to serve as a memento .of the pleasing relation which .exists between as. We sincerely- trust this relation shall be preserved in tirrt6 and • unsevered in eternity. Yours in affectionate regard and es -- -teem, [Signed in behalf of the friensnss,j MRS. JAS. HIGGINS. Mns: Wm. WEIR. Salem, Feb.'fth, 1893. Redgrave. ,One -day last week, the roads being. heavy, as was also the load of wood, Mr, Richard Harper, 2nd eon., Carrick, was hauling to Mildmay: He had just reached the top of a .hill when one of his horses dropped dead, _fit . was valued at about $120. Mr. Martin Haskins and wife of Walkerton spent Sunday under the parental roof. On Tuesday of last week Mr. Gordon being unwell, the mail bag was carried to and from Clifford by Mr. Haskins, This is • the first time since our post office was established—about eight years—that Hoc. Gordon has been enable to attend to his duties as post master and- mail carrier. When we consider that he is a man nearly seventy years of age, this ought to convince the most skeptical that our town is one of the healthiest resorts in the world. Mrs. John Alcorn is visiting her Parents and friends in this neighbor- hood, Miss Jane Lang, of .Caledonia, who -was visiting friends in _this neighbor- hood has returned to her home:. There will be service in this church Sunday ev=ning' at p. m., Christian -Endeavor at 11: 30 a. m., Service by the Rev. T. L. Kiernan. - Mr. John T. Winter spent part of: -last week in. Clinton, attending the county ,convention of the P. I. which was the hest ever held in the county. - AMERICA'S POPULAR HOME MONTHLY, "WOMAN'S WORK," FREE. We desire the correct address of every intelligent housewife. We would like,to arrange with one person in each town to compile a list of .such names for .us. For this service: we will give a year's subscription to WOMAN'S WORK for each thousand inhabitants, according to last .census. If your town has a population of 2,00Q, a. list 'of- names for it , will, entitle you to receive WOMAN'S WORK for two years, or will entitle yourself and some friend to receive it one year each. If your town has -5,000 inhabitants you will be .entitled to =receive WOiiAN's- WoaK for five years, er yourself and four friends to receive it for oneyear each. Never a better chance to make presents. . We have special blanks "pre pared for this work, : and these must be used in every case. They will be sent, with two sample" copies of WoitAN's Wolin, on receipt of ten -cents -instaTOR.S.• We can arrange with only- one person in each town or: city, and _ first app1= cants will always hav6". preference. Address at once;. WOMAN'S WORK, Athens, Georgia. William's Royal Crown . Remedy, greatest -corn cure on earth. Guaran= teed to cure general -nervous debility, rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis. - For sale by - N. McLaughlin, : - druggist, Corrie::. CHURCH''DIRECTO' NGTeISH.-ServicesatFordwieh,1030 at- Gerrie, 230 p: m.; at Wroifeter,. 4.30 pp m, Rev. M1. Brownlee, Incumbent. "SnndaySehool,. one hour and a quarter before -each service. METHODIST —Services at 1020a.m., and 5e0 p. M. Orange Hill, at 8:30 p. m. Bev. Mr. Ggeenet pastor. Sabhath School at 830 p. n.. J. B. Williams, Superintendent _ PRESBYTERIAN. --Services at Fordwich at 11 s.m:; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class at Fordwich in the - evening. Sabbath School at Gorrie 115p.m.Jas.MOLaughlim4 Superintendent. $ APTIST. .Services in Gorrie at 3 o'clock, p. m. and at the church on the '*arid -conces- sion of Howick at 10:30 a. m., and 7 p. m. Rev. J e. Osborne, pastor. METHODIST—Services in the Fordwieh Metho dist Church, at 10:30 a. m. and 600 p. m. Sabbath School at 9.30 p. m. Prayer -meeting on Thursday evenings at -7:30.. Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. cJNO. BRE-Tt1OUR TIRE AND STOCK InsuranceAgent w12021C$TE12. REPRESENTS: Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. ,We are sorry to record this week . the death of one of the most esteemed-. -pioneer s of this_ Township in the person of Mr. Joseph Wallaee who has not -been well for the past year, but death came to his relief on Fridaylast. - The -bereved €riends stave the _ sympathy of this corrnunitsf. • -Mr; Wm: Pritchardbas just finish' ed .threshing histdover, - which turned out --ver well : and from which he will '-realise _ a large -sum. Has SOB, John, -will thresh tins w -and also expects - rete well•irom hUsclover Mr. Albert Johnston delivered a fine. . ; pow in Gortie en - Monday which - had • `:[ate sold to . Wr, Mason for-: 0004o -the eastern niarkets. r= :+ Yhnston IE getting ready.:t0` ,new .:driving : died.` During the iea'ry storm. a week ago . ast-Friday. lig f ' lilacsimile(- was badly wrecked - .and quits a sum wi 1 be Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mercantile Insurance Co. Etna Insurance Co. Give John A Call. �j p p� ij oulleeei- t Postal Catd With your name and address. we will forward you Agents' Outfit and • Ou'rGreat premium mass, EVERYONE SHOULD SEE TRES LIST OF HANDSOME PRIM.' WHICH .ARE GIVEN IN MANY CASES BELOW COST ' WeWant Agents DL avian' IAOALITY. .WRITE EARLY. Ttiis is a chance for the Young Polk. THE GLOBE,Toronto• -WEEKLY GLOBS, balsam rya PRI -e0ired t€ repair it Tke uta rriaage of Mr S;. Clark: and oec ed fit- the iOln tube liride'8_ parents Iar ' 4 ,nes nj --a [ce o Eklarge; `,alum :action Sale .}-0F VALUABLE— Freehold Property, Situate in the Township of Howick in. the ' County of Huron. HERE will be offered for sale by Public Atha- •s; tion by the undersigned At the ATh on ;Hotel, in the Village of -F'o7'elwich,inthe countyof Huron, -- nil TOESUAY,TNE'21ST dayot:MARC.N,.1893. at the hour of one- o'Clock in the afternoon,all thatvaluable-property commonly, known as the "McLean property; .containingabout 34iacres, More or less, and which may e o -re parts h r lydescribed as follows: Alland certairiparcels or tracts of land and _premises situate, lying and being Park Lots Nttnibers Ten and" Eleven, also Seven, Twelve, Twenty-five, Twenty-six, Thirty-one and two, together with lute -Numbers Thirteen and Fourteen, on the south side of Louisa Street; all in the:tewu of Fordwicb, in`the county of Huron, save and except such portions as have been sold to the Toronto; Groy-and:Bruce Railway Company and, half an acre-soldto one "Hutchinson; containing 'dirty -four and.ahalf acres, more or less. The saiit'property-islaid out in town -tots and =is also'suitable for farming and : gardening Pur-. s ' he3 pre.,sents nualand indicate i you' ielf the :conunnni y downy and arm nova: sir1_fitiondia on tha' i n the9t eon. . 4 -at lroin� 1The property will be sold Cabled to a- - reserve bid perr-cent on the day TESMs. or Suit—Twenty�i of sale, and the: balance within twenty days, - without interest. • Furtherterms and conditions of sale will be made known at- the time. mof sale, -or in the -meantime upon app'lication i3: 8 COOK,' , . Agent, *M. H. -NEWTON, -Fordwich. P, 0, Auctioneer. - g I8 HERE TO STAY 1 The thermometer readings it is giving shows us theft. Some long-haired individual pre - dieted. 1893 as an eventful year: The sum � f the ngilres ft "2i., or three 7s,: hence sotnethuig.:will happen. Our hkrd freeze will. count one. There was a man in the north part of the township who lied about the weather a few - days ago.. It has been cold, no ' doubt, and some hard records have been broken, but this indi- vidual stated that one day last Week m Toronto it was 100a be- low zero. that a train had frozen to the track from the water escap- ing from the tender, that pedes- trians froze stiff on -the streets and were stood up against the buildings Idle mummies. BUTWe prefer -facts and reasonable informatioe. Long Profits are gone and we merchants must,_by economy and careful buying, try and make ends meet. In CASHMERES and other English goods we buy from import samples, thus only the goods ordered are imported, making a saving of about 15 per cent. That's why we have Black and Colored Cashmeres so cheap. By combinations of- purchases direct I will sell cheaper than ever the coming season. K'o" Great Bargains now in what Winter Goods that are left over from last fall's purchases. Any advantage in careful buying is given my customers. • DRIED APPLES and MINK SKINS wanted. Also SILVER! ! Laiooti Sows or ►le: .�H 1 undersigned iia+£ cis Sows about six tp tomf nttehns oMfitfor ete ro PuPwlbe pu 1nattSoldin abut OBEBT OyUGLbS,t: Lot 1, Con. A. Turnberiy.' Wroxeter P U' Feb 15t1T,1893 E"TSRINABY SpRGE©N 4ND DENTIST',` ,ET1i , ©NT very Mon; ayfrfrom 150 to, p rn as $ms's Hotel diseases ',f znessticated animals -_-treated tertfie`lateat and nio t scaenti& .teachings lthriinar Wail visitForth s stfignd=t� Has vi.irplaa els cads, a 1 it in. t] 1 e :LLIAMS, ang Regent . House; Fordwich Is Showing a Grand Stock of • General ; Merchandize for the Christmas trade. And in Order to CE.tch the Crowd, Prices have been "Marked down to cost, for the next Thirty _days. A Specially Fine Line of Glassware in stock. Dry Goods in every style, the Choicest Lines and the Lowest prices. Boot and Shoes to suit this season. Full Lines of Rub- ber goods. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings in Large Varieties, splen- did Furs. - - Complete stock of Seasonable and fresh Groceries always on Hand. Bargains Every Day f.' Come and Get them. Water- pock of Woolen a ,amore: about Ce =next week. Hunter & Emily's Hardware • Store. el Fordwich A. B. Allison, DEALER IN Groceries, Confections, Canned Goods. Pastry. Toys, Notions, Oysters, s. Biscuits, Notions, Etc, i. A. T TM1EMBER of Colle neons, Ont. JAMES ileterinal GRADUATE of 0 and registered n ary Association. Residence Next to Met ALBERT STREET JAS. M ISSUER OF MAB witnesses require Office:—At my ices DEN S. JEROME, L. Gorrie, the 1st month. Teeth extra warranted. For informationtia d Nl Oldest bureau for se Every patent taken the public by a notice #ritutifi Largest circulation e world. C'plendidly. man should be wilt Tear; $1.50 six mons Pasiassea.s, 3611 Execute NOTICE is hereby persons hold estate of Alexander, ship of Howick, iu ti of Ontario, shall se ecutors a verified rte before the 14mit d A.D. 18943, And all persons int quested to settle salt said lst day of ktarel Dated at Howicl, 1893. FOR A Neat and C Ho CONSISTING of ti ing part of lot 1 Turnberry. Two e balance in orchard a six -roomed frame li stables. For further Estra C11M13 onto the pr 30. con. 9, Howl) tuber, four heifer ca to prove property, p away. Hoistei: LAST.—From thea since about th a Holstein Steer Sp. white. The finder [iv ng information MISS F (Graduate of Niaga 'TEACHES PIANC Theory Expiail "This is to certif completed in a creel mired for a eel -tit pianoforte teaching to those who requ that branch." Niagara Falls, AP anstc wit Mar-bic Parties requir ines will do wel We carry a la granite. We guarantee live first-class before pu evinced. ielgralaUt