HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-02-16, Page 6S
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-7 as burAed Out and drop- neck and face. All this took place in the As the gra AN ARCTIC STORY -.-
rise slowly in the air and as 1 ret-si,,d faster. ed to its presence of � Colonel -Medley and his staff.
the ground the body return
TIGIR CASTE t hold of his hand, I was pallid off my Ped to' re- body of t e flow Thirty sailors Lost Their Live% OR it
r few The enti h old man was then position On the ground, and after a
feet and subsequently compelled to jump or,- apparently protected from the atmosphere,
a from the hands of- the witch doct Desolate Island -What Laelk Of the on 'as chair and thea on the table in order to pparent- as well as from the ants, which in the East snow Flows
WgUde,rful performaUccs Of passe his feet, a Discipline Did. n&xes dizWl
t the yoUng Zulu leaped to Whi ng and dancing in I
retain my hold of him. � That his body did his wonderful experi- attack every living thing that is helpless. H keswo-19 basf-r, Irst I=PorV
itftglal�& 0 While oil a recent visit- to st. John's, All night long the -,nowila
aseend into the air on that occasion with an ly. none the worse for it was for this purpose of protection, I 'in clover,
Newfoundland, Mr. Tetlow, an English- Busy as bees are bu,;y ide world -over. U( Of TWA Ue to
apparently utter disregard of the law of ence great learned, that the red paste had been put in And bees are busy the w
The witch doctors of Africa have a Man, related the following story to a re -
BY; r R 0 F A A k gravity, there can be no doubt. The mus- ig the cavities,of the face and head. *The Col -
porter of The Di y Tribun of that city, Tired little sno -vftakes, in shy soft maweg*, WAN A -TM,-, 0OAi_ Fi:
'Ciii India and tion for making rain and bewitchif I e t ing briskly, then appeared reputa - to niak . e them* onel and his staff Wspected the body of the Fifteen mrs sP#n' he far ical-boxes, plav , cows, adl frequentiy seem concerning Captain Mom,3an, who is to Reqting on twigs and branchei and grass IRON MINES-
eads, Wee Dorothy watching it in surprrAei
East have &&ViIkffd-'mcr that the hi'gl�&ste to float through the air above dur h he vehi�le of domsstic enchantments old man and signified their willingness 0at take charge of the ship in which Dr, eye& PACIFIC—PrI
W rthern-In -4 - vep selves t alto- the ceremony should proceed. In the mean Babyhood's wonder in her
fak' 9MT83*h _ , 4Df So - �small green lights appearing. and disappear - Nansen is to attempt this surnmer to reach
do-Overid, al # 61chC ing here and there- without visible cause, and household spells, but, taking it e four of Colonel Medl-y's soldiers had
pro ye just described, whil theNLorth. Pole. on the world so white. LISU IrON
Viioran and the zither playing near the ceiling or gether, the exhibition I hk Looking out
en feet deep in the enclosed
IEk one ble that has dug a grave t Wise with a wisdom out of our sight,
we* immediately over our heads. I think, the most remarka.
'hie . . . . . . . �aby settles it all in
aA few years back Captain 11onisan and L a minute -
sue Fard of the barracks, and at a gesture from io,flowers in
another captain were out whaling near it's winter's garden B.C.,
in come under my vision.
to us eam nSUrMO n a. e, I mention this incident as a preface at the fakirs walk ihe Colonel the old fakir's assistants lifted the c1)a,8t Of Pitzbergen, when they were contributed by i,
a of levitatidn I WiU� his body, and gently placed it it) a box frozen in earli e Hamilton DonnelL Vancouver N� orl
Qub more remarkable feat I have heard in India th I Wit- er than they expected. A _[Anni
No Vpeme�'�-is now describe, and also to say that4his W in the aii, but I have never met an eye with metal, which was then her -
n sheathed
ett d 'd ing my first expe at; the accounts given me conference of the otficers of both ships lieries,refercn2e
more gene&T-Idtef ' '& riencei of that strai*ijRAw nesp of this fe sealed under the Colonel's eye.
vem in d i great -
'Discus hand, and related that, metically was held on board Captain Momsan's sible vrospecli�
.judq6jugglory. er, what most excited my wonder 4�w came second or third on the The box was 'Me Story of a Ddq- tries inseparal,�e
er obscurity than IR, vessel, when it was found that they had
sion has, through a confusion of termslent fact, for I inak speak of it as a fart without the magician laid himself flat UP LOWERED INTO THE TOMB, fields. The for& minuteor a not sufficient provisions to last them till I am but a little daity ; but as 8011le POO -
to the aal�pect a vagueness which it might (palification, that whed' Mr. Eglinton rose earth, face downwardss
aging the earth was filled in, the surface was lev the following summer. On the opposite ple think I have done no good in this liftlO furnish the rea
otheOWig,hah,ei ic:is, Mite& from minute and a half, thea arose, and pre
"PApedw 'Iv. ag my side, and, by the hold he bad on ellp
4%ud millet seed was sown over the Aide of Spitzbergen, 90 miles away, there world of mine, I will try and defend m3ro ideas on t*hat
aa I �;A%art o# puttWC -iw,_action�,the power my right had, pulled me up after him, my his arms tightly4jain _,pped
erial gib Thdassistants then departed under was a cache containing food supplies by self by telling MY storys for I hold that tant not oiijy Jo
spw*, dy appeared for the time bpj
t�s, gl� pqwers of.vature;";4o own bo 4 50 'forwards an upwar, CM �UPO 'a to return in forty days- the Danish and Swedish Government for nothing beautiful and pure in this world
of a so emu Promise urribia in particul
seeffis - proper to grav- the it use flii term magician, in have been rendered non -susceptible to 'stairway, walkiiii qp ipt( a purpose. ' And ion a. large. I
�J"-_form Uealey assured me that for every the useuf sllip�wrecked sailors, the ex wFs placed here without
ile-filairiel *dfker, in ity. itude �f several hutiared feel istence
speaking of tb&-- t In m -e -'at, day and night, of the forty suc- of which was known to Momsan,and he found ty flowers ruthlessly tram
the sMse.of to - On the occasi Prince ant said thatNt-.-,waS tlIou6 -this mi lit be o when I see pret I t,ica,ted .!a
_A.huWa4_ who is able on of the visit of the the amoition i�
'. �qixig
put th ab&ult powers of nature. " of Wales to Calcutta during the winter, 6'. knowl & 6 elec. ceediug� days be had- kept an armed guard that by sending :30 men across the island to led upon I feel like saying: 'God ---- e
-A.one throuali-afi attli., -'&tell above the fakir's grave. He felt the cache, there would be sufficient provis- the flowers to cheer the hear'�s of His Chil' at corn -d
d at on ."t es
News of the - stpmge performances of the 1875-6, 1 saw a marvel of levitation OrIn- 4rical curren, f h
with mor'i,4 certiln that no human agency could ion On board the two ships to last the re- dren and to remindthern of Him, not to be the stapc -,f
HitA6oniagiciani has reached the West for ed in the prese4ce of the Prince a ' of some will the nat re &_e rica cur e
a neg. tamper with the tomb or the box without Mainder till the ice brok at begin my story thread of 0�c vc�
f their fifty thousand spectators. The place was which their body viage rge fromth, e up in the following destroyed." But I Ina
centuries. Marw..Polo's stories o' d the end of the specified July. Volunteers were light one morning be mentione�. a
sf 'riceived'in. Europe the Maidam, or Great Plaza Of Calcutta, ative to the positive, Iqce, vera. inbaling an his knowledge. At c%lied for, and .30 1 opened my eyes, to the feats, though atfiii kirs returned and in the prese were selected from among th 6 found
wit mer 9Ee4%piqF afWwarda In the earth which had time the fa nee e crews of both in June, and on' looking about LR �9 confidence o� 11:e
d 40, maste nee fro
w ctrical influe
nd the old fa ir who was the d his 'staff the tomb vessels to cross the island in sledges to the that I was on a sunny hillside and that for ostensible ud:,.-
fos!j� -nagician of the occasion did eeffectofd( of Colenel Medley an ParZICUlar axe t,j
rT iimpressionbli� his .0 . !stroying the force of gravity was opened. The body of the aged fakir cache, which they expected to reach in 30 company there were ever so'many of my
victim of delusion. The tales of the Cru- in the oper, plaza. Around him, in rai " But this seemed to me, as it.still seems, un- 1_1_1�
was removed from the box, not differinlo, in days, The men left and in a few dayeafter- brothers and isters about me. Not far through impassib
saders rivalled those told of the achieve. seats and on and und-.r the gallaries of thaf -intelligible.
ments ?f the great Merlin, and we 916au neighboring houses, th3 native Prin eance in Calcutta, appearance in any way from the condition ward Momsaii and his fellow in got from us, at the foot of a hill, a little brook niounta"Ole o,,in
q�& a!R4 After the Eglinton S
from the expl�its of Thomas of Er rhirling fakirs in which it was buried, except that the lin- clear owinu to the unexpected was dancing merrily along. Everythi 9 town iFs o a,
ar Ing Up n
Begums were gathered by the score, 'ray-, saw a performance by the m
ipses-6f ed in their silks and 1 1 with a magnifi- the Cheapside of en clothes in which it had been wrapped of the ice. They immediately set sail for seemed happy and gay, and I concluded h�ch alas 1 for
and the wizards of the North glim e a, in the Chandee Chake, c
what may be the reflected potency -which our Intern eyes are little Calcutta. There were a score af Englishmen wa
of the ceuce to had rotted and fell away at the touch. The ',\T o 1, knowing that the cache contain- that I would be, too, in so prett, bia, is too preva;4
fakirs unwound the bandages, removed the ed guy" side nod -
Tibetan esoterics. Yet, through &thousand acaustomed. gathered by arrange- ient provisions to keep the 30 men All that day I stayed on the hill
in the party which had red putty -like preparation from the orifices who were left behind a] ive till Vie following ding my head at the little breezes years of rumors the high caste fakir has After a 8alaam to the Prince, the old ment, and we were escorted to a, long empty
of the -eyes, nose, mouth and ears, and with summer. In the ensuing �Jaly a rescuing that came by now and then, and S'tuated on thi
succeeded in fakir took three swords with straight cross- room in the Chandee Choke, which was ap-
df a native woman washed expedition was sen6 out from Norway in feeling happier every
the assistance moment. By and couvpr isian, dis:
toom. There h
barred hilts, and buried them hilf.-' parently an =upie.1 store arge of
rRESERVING THE SECRET d the body in warm water and. applied an un. Captain Momsan, and, having by it began to grow dark, so I shut my eyes the capitdi CitN
wards about six inches in the grouiII The was no back the only two win- ar-
of his powers, which have on more than one the face. The woman blew her rived in the bay near where the cache
points of these swords were very s��Rxp, a� dows in the room -which were at either gaent to was and was soon fast asleep. For little flowerso rectly opposte I
occasion baffled my deepest scrutiny, and Le street. breath in the old man's mouth, passed her situated, I hey fired a gun, but got no re- as well as little boys and girls, you know, Vancouver acros!
ce remained the inexplicable subject of my I afterwards inf6rmed myself. A younaof side of the entran' --olooked on tl
arrived, hand briskly over his limbs, and gave him sponse from the shore. must go to sleep early a c nigh L, 80 as to be rises at first gra
fakir, whose black beard was parted"' ivUt There was no one present when we t
lastingkonder and bdiniration. a smart slap upon the cliest. His tongue Captain omsau says that he went ashore rested for the next day's frolic. I awoke the shores of its
When I appeared before Queen Victoria, e now- ca.11-7the English fashion, a] thou gl� it and we examined the room carefally, test- and very it bor. The stree,,1
at Balmoral, in 1878, 1 was asked if I 6ould originated in Himdustan,� -thep appeared, the walls, ceiling and floor for secret had in the meantime been put in a natural with a sinking heart, for lie feared the with the sun the noxt morning,
stretched p�sition and respiration seemed to begin worst, and the result proved that he was bright and fresh, I felt. Many of MY CQM- from the egraei
and, at a gestare from his master, dOrs,'traps, wires, etc., and came to the Commercial sLre
rival the feats of levitation which Her Mai- with the blow of the woman's hand. The right, for, on entering the but built over panions woke at the same time, and we had ta b ad o b a e himself out unon the grouud. at full length, conclusion that in.those respects, at least,
fare, adjacent to
We then drew a
esty's offi4ors iii N&tberfiIn-o changes which passed over the features of the cache, he found himself in the presence a fine time nodding good morning to each
et together and his ban
ed and de- 'PQ ia ifietri"ietters h,". Mr with his fe ds-qjose all was as it shonld be.
sdr -6' -thi d of the way down th
to his sides, and, after a pass or two, Ode e the old man during the last stage of these of 30 dead bodies. The leader of the expe- other. After awhile when -the sun had climbed z.4 wooden buildin�
reply was that with proper mechanical ap- chalk line one ir awful to look upon. dition sat at the table dead, with his open up quite a ways we heard a sound rf voices business portion
sion of by the hands of -the old man, appg�re� iO room from the door, beyond which we were preparations were
beina superselc,i
.pliances I -could produce an illui become rigid and lifeless. A thir&I�kir to remain as audience, while fodr fakirs, Misery and effort were painfully depicte4 diary before him, written up to within 10 -glad', merry voices--cloming towards our
levitation and appear to overcome, as the upon them. But within five minutes after days of Xomsa of bricL- &-qd sln
now came forward and taking hold of 44e moment from -the n's arrival, and in it he ex- hillside. A last year's daisy stood by me,
-force of gravity, but that. who appeared at- that jngglers did-, -the, the breath seerned to re'enter his body, the plained that the nien su ardshiP and after she had listened a moment, hung roduct of the n(
3�6rktion feet, of his prostra;te companion, whoi hid street, were to give us an exhibition of their ffered such h
the a i Upon asking the trou- eland at the en -
T - d of master fakir was himself again. in crossing Spitzbergen that they ate raven- her head in sorrow.
ctu&146�t of Suspending the ol;
aster,* the tw(
of that force w'as b�3yond m y powers. As was lifted by the in the magical powers in the other two-thir a
stiffened body upon the points of the the apartment, which was destitute of I was the guest of Col. Jenkins, the com- ously when they leached the cache. In that ble, she replied: " Oh, youll know soon streets, iust aiiii
Ort it mander of the Briti4h forces at that time. climate, lie said, it was absolutely necessary enough ! I'm sure it's trouble enough to be ditto in wet Nvea,
an evidence of the world-wide curiosity
swords, which appeared to supp either doors or windows, and, so fax We
manifested in these truly wonderful phe- larity in the oide
nomena, I may mention the fact that the WITHOUT PENETRATING THE FLESH. could inform Ourselves, absoluteli �vi&out 'A 'incident 61 my own experience which I to health that exercise should be taken in trampled upon by a great lot of noisy chil-
on with the adjoi6ing 14& related to Colonel Medley, and which the open air for a certain number of hours dren, who snatch off your heads and throw
ged form ation of
King of Burmah, before whom I appeared The point of one of the swords was imme- means of communicatil jfre,�v Irom -Idm the remarkable narrative I every day, but he had been powerless to en- yon away in the dust to die satnig in that req
buildings or with the 4PV;U
at Mandala*)r,'Wnd rab k� the.ven-e JeDamfskdro, diately under the nape of the man's nee , - - . 4 set ha* justericounted,was this. I was one of a force discipline among them, and the result I listened in amazement, and she went of the c;tv. Hal
in the Teatro Dom Pedro Secundo at RiO, that of the second -rested midway between The old fakir took "hafing' dlghiii� - _fEnilishinew present at a grand fete
was that one after another sickened and with some preter
it about tell feet from C114 chalkhne;t4i big, Pady 6 on Last year I nearly lost my life. and
made similar requests, to which I was com- his shoulders, and that of the third was at adermbad I it the palac a of Sir Saler died. One man was actiia'ly found dead in ' But tv, are plewiful
side, casting upon its g*f�V*bOA-b*1kh1te J11 Seen] be worse. the base of his spine ; there being nothing _J r"f S An old his bunk ivith a parcel of loaf sugar grasped I daresay this year it will the res'dentia.) i
peiled to return the same reply. The Sul the Nizi. �cunderabad.
-t - i ii6iii t �) heights'albove
tam- of Zanzibar described to me and asked powder, which gave op a id6 t here they are, and we must make the best
under his legs. After the body had been ailine features, a Iona white in his frozen hands, The relief paty could of it."' Yes, they were there ; and when
ma. to duplicata the feat. of the witch tuberoses, very agree to the senses. A man, with acq
placed on the sword -points the second fakir front, towar6s ti
Sarom the burning beard and flashing black eyes, accompanied do nothing but bury the dead, and so bar they caught sight of us, what a chorus of doctors of the east coast of Africa and of retired, and the old man who was standing fine, white v-'-- - by his wife, a pretty little woman, came to was the earth frozen on the island that dy- there of the beliold,�
'gorr�eo, Who, he'believed, Projected their powder and filled the corners of the ceiling, a7hs ohs !" and 14 how pretty
with the curiousd- some distance from it, turned and salaanwd draping the dull panelli . ng with a flying us as the chief of a band of eight fakirs. In narnite had t.-) be used to hollow out the was. Why I had to shilt up my ears to scenic beautN, of
to the audience. the presence of all the company, one of the graves. Captain Nlmsan then returned to keep out the sound. But my eyes wer
astral bodies at will able in Br;t;sa C
The body tipped neither to the -right nor wreath or two, but, sCill permitting a clear e
ditional power of imparting to the astral d with vieW of the end wall. At a point some six young men was tightly bandaged, and a Norway. open, and I saw ever so many children who ted harbor-thos
image an aspect so hideous and terrifying to the left, but seemed to be balance j encircling shores
or eight feet beyond the cha-fin dih the small glass disc was held,in front of and di -
that its appearance to hiiinau eyes could mathematical accuracy. Presently the mas- looked so pretty and, acted so merry my cad, to the -wate
an PERSONAL. spirits rev; ved at once. ,Didn't I tell you
k a daggar with which he removed old man and his three assistants be d, rectly between his eyes. His master told
actually destroy life itself. ter too' to g 0 S".I him to gaze fixedly at the disc, and, as he f" one green, out of
The -j agglers of India may be divided into the soil rouna the hilt of the first sword, ing slowly; they gave utterance n d e oth.,rs of the band of fakirs be- It is said that the real reason that, Queen we would ind the prettiest ones here' distant, rise
two classes. The low caste- fakirs aTe met and, releasing it from the earth, after some but whirled faster and faster, with a rhyth- (lid so, th sweet little girl asked, and at that I
droning a chant, the words of which Victoria took up the study of Hindustani st.-aightened out my petals and tried to loo those of the in pa ties otion, their robes flowing out on eith- gan k -
with all over the East, travelling exertion, quietly stuck it into his girdle, m as in order that she might as charming as -possible. The children dart- he four forms into a were four Years cro w ground-te int,
of from three to six. They are arrayed in the body meanwhile retain 0- er side and blending t
ing its P siti6ii. itb the In- ed here and there making our quiet hillside Only b a costa
�Osif6 group, of which the tal master Rain, ram, a rnaraM, amaram, amaram, converse in their own tongue w y
breech clout& and have an air of pitiable The second and the third swords were lik cOmf Rain, ram, a i iiaram, amaram, aniaram. than Princesses who come from time to at �!ie fu'i. W,
kv- trar,�tion-s of Nan
ry. be body, which, These, came near me and I fairly trembled with 1
poverty and mise Each party generally wise taken from under t was the central -ficrure. Suddenly, to our ring with merriment. FinaJly one little girl
t" we becaine aw 5 -ce 0
includes one or two ght and under the eyes great astonishmen are that The bandaued fakir appeared to go to time to pay their espects to her. � 1�
women, whose flowing there in broad dayli hum of this iucanta- are. of course, purda, or " secluded," excitement. At last she saw me, and ex- to the not,
robes assist in the concealment of the neces- i was only one form visible, that of the sleep under the drowsy
of all the spectators, preserved its, horizon- there The swift whirl of his dance was tion. He Soon became to all appearances ladies, and it is very embarrassing for them claimed, 11 Oli, girls, I have found the pret- which thronz I I
sary Juggling apparatus.. At none of their tal position, without visible supports about old, man. adequate hotel w
dead; the blood seemed to leave the extrern- to be obliged to conimunicate through a tiest one of all. This must go to ariel" t
seanfts, that I have ever seen or heard of, two feet from the ground. A murmur.of gradually relaxed, and in a minute or two
he became motionless, 8alanicd, advanced ities and his limbs stiffened. His tongue male interpreter. That the Queen at her And then she Put me with some of my com- ourists, beyond
did the audience completely surround the that line would
admiration pervaded the vast throngs and easeless occupation, eclared she was ready to go.
performp.rs,-,-oppmttmity--being thus -offered- with al*g-ecramto the Prince, themaster. in front of the chafing dish, bowed again, was now tarried back until it filled the epi- age and with her c par -ions, and d ndrives on
for evasions and changes. d pointedwith a dignified gesture to the glottis; a few passes were made over his face should uudertake sufficient study of a diffi- So off we went. Row I wondered where I
summoned his assistant, and lifting the gas- an We all looked eag- by the sued fakir, his eyes turned upuntil cult Oriental language to save a few of her was going ; who " Marie" was, and wheth- and that is savi
They all seem to have the same stock in pended body from its airy perch they laid rear of the apartment, o ects from this purely 1 the neighborho'o(
trade, and to be willing to explain any one it gently upon the ground. With a few erly in the direction of the gesture ; there only the whites were visible, the lids were dist,ingLlished subj I er they would finally snatch off my head &a
ial unpleasartness shows a pleasant
ntty-like substanc ceremon
of their tricks in private for two or three was not a living creature, nor indeed an ob. shut, and the red, p my old friend had said.
passes of the master's ha - nd the. inanimate -ex- have alluded to was used to close his eyes, imperial solicitude.
a. They are to be met with almost ject of any kind visible beyond the line But the one who was carrying me looked and the wants an i
rupee youth was himself again. With another salaamvlie ears, nostrils, and mouth. Mr. Webb, late United States Consul at
a'the third and still more cept hims so pleasant that I felt safe, at least as long
anywhere in Indian cities -in. the plazas, Before describing v wbowaipres- -Manilla, who became a.convert to Islamim miners, who forn
: (� oriainal position in the Aar. Dr. Crawford, of the arm.
open squares, around the hases of public as she had m6. After we had been going a- lation, at preser
chafin -U, e. ,.careful, xamin of a
marvellous feat of levitation which it has returrif e ation nd recently threw up his pos to engage in
been my privilega to see, I will say that by gan.�-with�, long time we came to streets that were
statues and in the courtyards of the hotels of the lish, and, reT�rse tilien-ma4
g C I - ` , receive attention
� e rhaw's oonditidn. All the usual tests for the work of making all Americans oham-
They content themselves with the sword the _'dance of,. -'-a moment beJ46r'e. arrow, and where everything seemed
the use of metal shields, it is perfectly con e h were.applied, a mirror was held over medans, is reported to have been successful very n terprist and pr(
the I jf the b h ims -b, and to -all -ib in procuring
and basket trick, the duck trick, the mango [)Ut,,'�is arms on each aide -of nifil as dirty. "How different," I tfiougbt, "front
ceivable that the aged fakir could have laid Holding 4 u the-comimunitv.
trick, the pineapple- trick, and the ettel' balance"' h t Litenis and Pa. Poses beyond all expectation large
maUIPu -igid-body of his subject upon the sword6, - 9. low, monotonous ton tit, t e a 'a, PfOAounced &ad. Dr. Crawford sums of money for his missioL Before he our hillside." Pretty soon my compabion supplanted the o
latiouAd�pWsj !�+A" these, of which I fkditlfi md kept it there withou I ch" he stopped in front of L large house. Then, Yet thereexistS,
t,the-asgist4r 14 ven entered Hiyderabad I 0,W0 rupees were
are readily under- 4brds of which impressed themselves on weat eVie*--fd the extent of what might be e
shall - Speak 6`663091lything rivirvelloili. N a, coie alter going up many lights f stairs, she a respectable
called cruelty, although the subject was un- promised there for his Nvork, and now that I to the door. a�
stood by the practised eye. room with walls' and e'eilings to which the inymemory and sounded like this: lie is there it is expected the enthusiasm of knocked and a wonian came leaven of the
The high caste fakirs, on the contrary, mechanical appliances of the magician's .,a! ya or ekto do!" doubtedly unconscious, and stuck a large She asked directly: "HowisMarie! -May
bodkin through the palm of the man's hands, the wealthy ahommedans of the city will we enoughdalo
are only seen at great public . fetes, such as d - In some inexplicable way the monotonous I see her?" The lady took her into a niall
the coronation of a Prince, the festival of a craft, as we understan it, could be attach through the tips of his ears, his checks, the easily double that sum. In Bombay over room, where everything was poor, but clean. send pay
ed, -the feat of levitation, as described, drone of this chant, which fell not unniusic- h t e which will die ha
But this would be, of ally from his lips, seemed to join with the Rang'.. y friend went to the bed in one corner of possible to i -,s gr
Maharajah, the coming of age of a Nizam, could E e performed. ends of his fingers, bisthig s, his arm and 10,000 rupees were subscribed, %nd h
the grand feast of the lohorrum, and such other parts of his bo(. No blood came oliamineJans of Calcutta ant 'tMhe room, and there I saw a little girl,so white
course, simply an, illusion. vapors which curled about the scene to from these wounds, but a yellowish ichor have furnished about 20.000 rupees. it is verse to chang"
special occasions as the visit of the Prince During the Z,.ilu war I was in South bewitch our fancies, or at all c e d i n e. -XI y ,
events to pro I followed the point of the needle. Therr.as. not stated when Mr. Webb will 6p 1, his and poor Ahat it really startl terprise and nee,
of Wales to India. I have had thd good Africa, travelling north through Zluland. duce a condition of dreamy delight. if this little friend greetd her warmly, and held �ap ignoraut, of
ecasion 3, In Dunn's reservation, two' hundred rniles was bypilotism, so be it ; out whether or ter fakirs1took a coal of glowing charcoal and cruside here. How arie's f;ce Iiii1ited
fortune to be present on all these o rned palm of his sub- 'Bjornson, the poet and novelist, u ho has out the flowers. I'tred on the loca
and confess that after thirty years' profes- idition placed it o -i the uptu
ject's haDd. causing the flesh to sizzle and- just conipleted his sixtieth year, is devoted UP She exclaimed : "How lovely !" and d-ence In ll c, J
north from Durban, in -Natal, I saw a witch -,lot tbe existence of this charmed cox .1
sional experience as a magician, in the course ddetor levitate the forat of a young Zulu can be ascribed to hypnotic, influences I never. nd pines for it when away soon had us in her hand, while my heat indifference be at
of which I have circumnavigatel the globe by waving a tuf t of grass about big head, e t in nse . more completelyatiny 3om- an u.nplessant odor to arise, but there was to farm life, a dence. He sang for joy. Her mother brought a dish to
no sign of feeling. This condition continued from 'Aulestad, his favorite real that contmpt
a baker's dozen of times, and penetrated the put my comp:Lnions and myself in, but it
ami(!,-surroundk*s calc,46,'ted to ir�yrewfi an.i;andwith myeyesfixed intently on his
upon 4 tl . fe most ovosal hirlingr figure I became aware that, he for thirty minutes, at the end of which the thinks that he can work better there than the talents hid(
remotest coimera..of the East an4, West, -the ff.-- i .1 1 ewhere. His farmouse is - large and was a long time before Marie would give us bushel. It is o
elves dee�l
&like, I am st4f 'tfail)ie, bD arrive a� and at from himself portions Inaster fakir made passes over the body els
factor explanati['6h "Olt the per'forinaind"es I imagination. It was evening, thd emed to il throwing with his hands, remoy tastefully furnished, and in the summer he up- After my friend had talked a fJew mo- community havE
d the red paste from ments she went away, and I was left alone
witah --doetoc bhe as pf his body-, one arm here, the other there, the face and ears, took off the bandages and entertains extensively there. Bjornson leads the true value of
in WrAhan oiid� b�'Riif_ Haga"ar %.leg here, and so on, the illusion being per- in the B.C. Coll
desafl d� 7+ bade us note the remit. With a very simple life. He usually rises at 6 or with Marie. From what her nio�her ha -d said
These fakirs -for that term does not im- 'with-g-r-e--a�t--a-c'c.-u';ra-c�yI was as hilt cto if illusion it was, and the end of the HORRIBLE CONTORTIONS 6.30, break fa9ts alone, or with his secretary, I concluded Mariq had been sick a long time, in that enterpris
ply %. reflection upon their personalities or appearance A_ilie 14gh caste_,� f where lie had begun, to dance alone down to his writing -table. and I thought it must require a good deal
and then sits World, almost 11
Weir method -are very dignified.men, of been pleasing. A number of fakirs ha coming gradually filled with figures like and the appearance ot great agony, which The Pall O Gazette," says that he is of patience to lie abed all day, when other lot Nov. 'last, tr
gathered about our camp fire and I ha his own, only younger, each whirling,with the old fakir assare1 us was only an appear- children were playiiig in the sunshine. So
riot a, rapid c,)mpa,�er, and as his . chirogra- through the Or
long gray be-Odsi.AU the skilful on"I"bave them- some illustrations of my own the same chant in the same direction. slid- ance, his assistant returned to the land of I decided to do mv best to cheer her, and J.
seen �were �qxdte dd given -ed puzzled. bat werk not d6nly the dance again died away, the chant ,r ex. pby is not %,cry distinct, and is rendered whene, te-i whole
vabeed in years, ad sk They seem the living, apparently as well as eu still mole illegible by corrections and er�a, think I succeed�d, for I heard her sa tion, it atracte�
were said to have spent their lives in study specialfy curious. hand. c One of these stole away was hushed, mud when we looked again cept for a badly burned ures, his manuscripts have to be - copied, to her de her "good- of the acephalou:
1knd in seclusion. It seems plausible indeed ith their there was Bishop Thoburn, of the Al. E. Church, in
and after some minutes retu`rned w twice. When he has finish- night:" IcHowkindof Berthato brilag.- ent of progressiv
sometimes even
TO BELIEVE THEIR STORY, own conjurer, the witch doctor in- ation. his book on the East, says he has repeated- pice3 up iud me the flowers. They aiave made me feei
qu� BUT OITE PERFORMER VISIBLE, ed a page or tvv3 he rises and there is throng
ly heard these stories of suspended anima- o so much better." When her mother turned
that it is only,."ter- mWetime,of coutqmpla- After considerable iolicitation from the na- for a few minutes, thinking Y� drawnfrom its
tion Vd, sb4d tlije are� idiiiii tives, the intricacies, of which myknow- the old fakir; who advanced ip front of tbe tion and voluntary interment. and that (-Iown the room away I saw tears in her eyes, and after
y, that tea into rt - I - I digressing from
out what he is t,3 put in the next page.
ask'ed for 644shee -phy
tilulaiaguagc did not enable chafing-dish#d
H 2, ?D% ki drmerly - Marie was asleep I heard her say to her
feti jTeryo�d, ledge of the 2
deal can be said
to peinitrate, 'the conjurer, Who at rec in In -6) RiQit Sl�gh, ruler, of
the high;i 61r�le;�hheesoterl .0, 1 When lie takes up a new work he of tell finds
�.eivei it #N"r lly�, and w 'e ai-gai I alffier, who had come in from his wOrk and public spiri.
the right key, and will, I f
Ii'tant, to _- q'. - o other kindred
whoseseat is in the monasteries,of Tibet Me quite matioriloftg� )in bl�fcbuld dii,,b#Vp th(0- 8&&, Ihdd� twjA him how aative o difficulty in striking arie will soon be with the angels.
irst sedmed rel c give his consent to exami
and in the mountain recesses of, northern f took noexpl d, li�aen buried begin it over and over again.
anation �f tMe dsapip�' arance- ColinwJ6 nam&djl�ri !)is ha Then he came and looked at the wbit face
Hindustan. They are quiet, suave and se- an exhibition of his p wers before me,
�et Jec M
ife in e,.`pr6s&Aci ot R%ujit Si
kero or chtib and fastened- Wat the oompanions.. Abigail Dodge -(Gail Hamilton) has t atter for a
cretiveanda e�mto attach an almost relig- ligh, but Miss - on the pillow, and I saw "rs in his eyes, time.
a knob Two traordinary le, ler to -Mr. Glad too. The next day Marie was worse. The The average s(
ions signifleg"? SLA E 'wit
t6i�i�gnifdstaii of rawhide about twofeet UgI IV 1 41 #,Df
Ono, �Of end of a thong ;dW.not ness written an ex
ic, alker the -a stoneou behalf of 'Mrs. Ma brick, charging doctor c me, bu he h ok his head and
-r -is:nothfii young native, tall and-athlet na t hi�can fin �y
W ondo 4% a t, a 0
power. e e7 h6ieufly A Increasina use of
for -tie first -time "it seeme'd'to me no i -'x' _,h _h him with deliberate inurder in keeping a,
�heir Th g hi Ion a evl "enfiel'Eliribis own"iA eAince t at sue looked very grave.
impraliable inthe theory that they are initi- -whose eyes Appeared to be fixed U Marie had been hold. actristic of th,
Pon those P
of the conjrer, with au'appreliensive-otead. understood how the- whirling illusion could a thing ever takes place. fragile wornan in gaol. She concludes by i ing me all the morning for she told her
ated- into a knowledge whose secrets have- f there be a God, who marks material, it is fat
P, performed. After a careful study of the I am convinced, however, that such vol- say mother the pain did not seem so bad when
fastdei "tbok -his �Oww knob,kb� I Was glad
been successfully preserved for centuries. gs- h ears I and like substarl
n tened it at the end thong of Walker illusion, I concluded that I COU1,1 Luntary interments have taken place and and notes the ways of tb is world, who she held me close. And to help
That there is anything supernatural i - — 4 ocent blood crying unto Him tecture and vm
-be the last to q The twothen stoodsXd'ut:L�six feet duplicate it in an act of my own upon the there is abundant record of such incidents the voice of inn her in any way I could. It was nearly
their power kwonid ougede, hide. it is better to be the The average re:
fib- th-i apar in the full glare of the fire, -.and began stage, and this I have done, I think, in what in the experienaes of other An lo -Indian from the ground, dusk when Marie said in her weak voice;
for 1" have ih� 'Wihba t Of tile Well knov%
all the while in silence, to whirl their -Room, or, the House and offleers beides General
na ura6 ism g knob I ci*ll 11 The Blue Medley. I not only young wife and mother perishing in Wok- Mamma, when I am dressed for the last
delusions of"kijit --a i7rison than the Prime Minister of the tion of steam as
'Ti thal the Brain," - Which is based,' of cou Ing time I want you to put this flower in my
-In �spirftualla4 z kerrys about their he4ds.0 J noticed rae, 11 tell the tale as 'twas told to me," but I facturing indust
called WfWa '6f I
Th&kd6agifil�tiftroiW,phenomena.wbi& I when the tw6�';blabg` 11�� upon Bulwer's famous story of the 11 Haunt. tell of what I have myself seen and which I Government which works I;er torture and hand." The mother only sad Don't ive and
darling," and I saw that tears wererlha
have observed may ba described under the fliiht, almosi to come in =c6n act, 4sp-arzk'-dr- irs and the Haunted," which is, I believe, am unable to explain.-ENerth American her slaughten' ways, iron ship -i
heads of feats of levitation, or the annihil- flame passed or appeared to - pass from one 6Y. -common consent,. the beat ghost story in Review. down her cheeks very fast, " But I must;
dreatued of impe
e this existence. mamma, and you musn't cry for Me, for,
ation of gravity; feasts of whirling gf'th#Tt bwqtbepfhethirdtim f
Settler' Murdered by Blaoks
illusion, e though I am sorry to leave
Colon 1, afterwards Gen. 'Julius Medley,
a happene iris plosion, the you and THE
in which. one h man form seems to multiply jin ex T.he Ohannel Brid,e cheme.
ark d to burst, the -young man's one time commander of the British forces Particulars are to hand of the murder in
am going to where I shall n -itself into in againiresolve5thOw- Various startling projects have been moot ever be a y
at )Lahore, related to me the most remark- a most shocking mannieA settler named of Great Britain
nob r was shattered to pieces, and he more, and you will put the flower in my
selves into ode ,o4nd; feats.6f ed for enabling travelers to cross the Eng- S,Ott at the Willa'roo Staft' Port Darwln1 hand, won't you?" And I heard the m
hot air blast in
fell to the gr arently lifeless. able instance of voluntary interment which economized by oi
terment. -ound app lish channel without undergoing the trou- desp South Australia. The atch, which is
he'pherierninon he .,At�g "atQi-,iii64. had come; to, his'knowledge during his ser- reply: " Yes, my child." That night
My first 0 mcq *_011 4W ikoi gh bles of the short sea passage. An extraor delaide. the 7th ult., shows Marie died. How bad I felt ! She haid IC
AWO T I vice in the EasC I hai told, him -of an ex. tion and incrcas�
of -grass'a few feet behind us and gathered a dinary project is the channel bridge scheme, =�Sc'root% body had been frightfully muti-
nce of m -own it Secunderabad seemed like a very dear friend to me. k[ow
filling at manufacture of I
tkt a In Which is of French devising. The proposed ment of the pres
tihe,c6urge of sit e 40ent I was handiril, of ital out: ihr,46 fedt Idbe.
-i6, th'. shadow and aw
Tor' , which I-4hall Presently describe.' He thankful I was that I had been brought from.
the Chowringhee 'r ei7tre Royal CAlcatta. -Standing e ay from the 1878 lated his head, arms, and legs having been
TI . I - bridge would be something like thirty-four cut oi, and his head battered in. -The mur- put of the Britis
the accuracy the hillside to comfort her. Now I see Ma
'Itual medium 'fire, he wavedi with a swift motion, ex
Mr. Efflinton-, a profeaseXapir act assured'me of of his account miles long, and. a mod
of the following incident and as he erate'eatimate gives der was committed by the blacks, and when dressed in white, and look g, as. if no , 000 tons,. arno"111
was givmg seances in Calcutta at the time, ly similar to that -of the.- clubs a few min- its probable cost as;e34,400,000. Fromone a rescue party arrived they found about thought of -p -sin In gigantic quai3tit,
9 around the a known to�
find as I oi�e*rUv&WO&Aj�Wliq Iltes before, -the �&as
bunch of was a most diitinguished soldier and the An had ever bee
to iron ind ustry lie�
h6ad oflh� In irk-,
se the. h ther
pe uncle of my'wife I attach as two million tons of metal would be re forty of the natives in the paddock. er, and I feel that she is happy. I'
rataiami- sw�di&d, -4 -for its construction, which would
sk in much impor-
9 inspection showed that the blacks had 'stol' hand, and thou. h I I fe that of all o'
tance vired ,
-,was in to to his narrative as if I had myself see g a 11 . eling faint I ho cc Iwamomen or two I Ve
tskip �Uavftbi�ww or Ned. in the Ar4 t the grass ed. to As pro- ing and comme
en all the provisions, broken the furniture to stay fresh -as long as the father and
t DO 16 -ignite in- its
-flightsalthoughAhe _W -hat he relat
a bri, y. 9h- _Q_,ARar1 k seemi& He said a group of fak Posed, the platform of the bridge would be of the place, and killed all the fowls, which the world. In I
w, �, - irs of the -high; er see my face. I hear them softly c"
-dimicribe -it iAlfirw th -to S-0 wit do _r -standing within 150 feet ab evel, supported were lying in a heap. The remains of othe rying tee
to -ether and I kn %t2eir
tpto -was not. ova -high Water I
-fire, aiidburii6d slowly, caste had visited his q - arteis in the- preced- on piles distant from each other 500 or 600 by a high pro
PUZZ t*enty feet of. the murdered man were found seven miles fro ' together, and I know they will miss
bition. m little girl. made great stri(
cepta tha� i�i!664in. or 'two )ly.- Approaching. more close-- ing year and offered to. give an exhi But I must stop o el"- I
17 egackling audi-I e old -vian had - without ass tance, yards. It would contain room for.four rail- the station, but the scene showed -that he surely drop. I am content,and only , Will -�j at present is on
f6rm-Of I - - _11 I . . - 11 ro,
a in to
a give cheier_t4
tra;uce while dace of the a
thrown. himself into, wish
a, or, e r- -Mi three otpothaj while places for refuge, watch- For hundreds of yards the place was marked
g pom ion upon the ground.
But Eve been unde:
another little sufferer. must _1e&
sit' rful vidently
MING GR ASS gistants had. then takin hold of tho end uses, and ala 1 7 1 another questia
0 -TI that to my friends left on the hillside
rm bills with a powe
Th is wa lines, with a road for car -for his life. hid another fife in which
�wkfi stiveral Others the' native lil'i e trance thei riages,besides had had a desperate struggle
NAYED ilri-iZA by a trail of blood. Scott bad e
ight, Would be placed at -each pilee. A bar -
We been sleeping when first attacked, and had
e UT, 4=4k - : W-st
14 axe only waiting u ntil the ti of
- - 'fi-I -- _" I A his tonglie and �usfied it, back fintil it
atl b ut out in the middle of the channel is includ- afterwards fought his way with his revolver me tbsoi soliie y.over -hm. , toot 160M
t re . modem sense, a
'h cl' thoughtful hand shall take th
bbed. the _'epiglottis. They thin1aid him- �ect in some a;c f em to 060es 9t,
R" his back and swathed hii.�6d many sorrow and suffering. )torkshire and
'IN to airee around which were found
i� counts o the scheme.
oge- roll g�rdtmd F1
eolne_�Q pointof freight
0 "th rs which had been hurled at
he nativ
-he assistant faki iiext%11, es. Scott's black servant
sea board of thf
fbrme be
f liandqjjii. T r stones and spea
%ra, M61ijh� an&
ight - - - - -
him by t
-of their Frinch reporters now take notes at n
W AOUO� arrested, and two Parties were scouring A load of two tons can bd read
;gURO#-8. W i" 1, 1 - I 'Ll- micio mas, t Wit j by the light of i
ao-d conside; &b
uned tiny incandescent lamp was by -grown elephp�nt. up i0veled- to cumbersow
4LUjIL I :PUtty, _b utry in search of the muraereis. a fuU
58 i 40
4ttaehed to the waist3oat.
the cou
pas lie to
U n
as, kW (if,96ike
f r nt
i ele