HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-02-09, Page 21J
OoNvicri SUli:- e - - WRINKLES. A VZRI BAD WAY
#t- 4%49 Act _,�Lpture the A '6 ed -6 p o t6 ride to tsteps kalker, *hire -11-_41 eA of utrr
r4"Yonr gieat-grandfqOr's *At that CO M s ,
r h" 140 T110 Shab N9w wnder the Co
h a ballet -1 4.4 W_ _U_ nduct of a Wlxtonslu� n Vince it& Str Ilty 61-.�Aarchy-
An ol cocked, clock On a ooM day in No �emlier, 431 )nir'fato 'a 1. __ - : �, 0 utaftly Dressek Ive M to: . . . . . . Howard, a young man of tha Ca My alonat was a good46kinli iblt which Atth't-heourrondiare or er"Itill nadian a s--le-tothes. I aff4irs of Persia seem to be
I had chosen two days earlier- I was cOn- lie down heal, It is the slow man who must set thti, The interns to worse. Northwe3t. mounted police, was on guard on his face. 'J Thei� are few'of us, says Harper's Week- pace at last. proceeding steadily from bad
over a hard of, police horses feeiling in a -fiderip-of his ability- to --carry me over the rifle, took away his kaile,tied. his hatidi be- ly, who -in youth escaped being �ftnmensely ondent of the London Times, who da-
b t in u &a ye halte and corresp, he highest authority
sheltered valleiabouti three milesfirom. fortyintles�ta, Whoop -up before dark; u h d 6 b k with his-ro bored . by muck. praise of. moral courage. The earth itself is merely a cold meteoric clares that he hits t]
I very soon discoverec�that my horse om�
"Val him 84 up a boatiortably as he,poald ris on this 3- - fragment. Writes: '
Fort Walsh. While heay on the hillside Goindibudatory 'lectu, for his statement 4e priestly
not- a 11 stayer." ext, to remarks, applauding 'truth, are It takes something. A,
near hia, picketect, hQr 'and watchel the A. wordlqj�tqjbe -story A&- afterward �an _q rhicb his always" enjoyed greater -
ser n _qgtiL to e- 11A
Already -he was beginning td*isi.- In fain -the interpreter at Whpop-up, he had not ty in Persia tha herd in his care, he saw two I mounted nie ii -all 01-we,iiiiaslif d into on - e an- perhaps, the most disij�eeabW thinIfs -&a a uew�spaper. n in mussulaincoun
Tirow - �f. a hill to'hiii gave hm the spurs - there wis no" " S��ri tries of the Sunni persuasion although hum-
tho gl i in , . small boy his to face; and when he growe- " What do you do in ,b k-
Z� Is there any labor morelexasperating other. The poor fellow was deaf, and -so I 001 Polly?" as bled by the present ruling dynasty, has
ging V on, saa tip, he observes, that a man can get 0,1011
I .- 1. g ed Polly' aunt. c, Wish, I was hO11nj1'C*id -the utmost the revailing dis.
right. and raze on tf�ibutheefforttoget speedout of a lazy., had not heard my horse on the soft trai P
Avorg-of the redcos" - _ - �F ' pur nor oice very well in Congress Without either allege exploited to
-spiritless horse ? Neither If he had seen me he would have been more Polly. ,kouniHowar'A knew1hatthe te 3 content for the furtheribiace of its own ends
-drsewi stone which get him Out of that half- frightened than I was, for he would have desirable quality. Mud t.' and -the revival of its own prestige. Mandi8t
to steal A _f '00k2 r. supposed I was seeking to capture him. It used to be, if we mistake, that ge-11 Thompson.,dailed iiie AnlaiL
te No position on the saddle ga- Iudian�caa seldom ve me en as Martin Luther werti. M.Irl 14 as YabsleY-4'You needn't mind tbi6t. Thomp- doctrines—ie., the belief in the speeAy ad -
regards horse-dealini as:W-legg- ffrom that abominable gait. On learning that news' of his presence in such in Ith Imam, Who is to sweep
son always does exacy less. vent of the twe
gerate more or
't was creeping an before I bad cover- -he "dead teps" had � been carried to the
examples of moral heroisnu Later i6iieiiWh
on. Woman, thy the unbelievers off the face of
the earth—
name my 301 police, he had seized a pony and. galloped creditable occapatf es seem to confirm the. vilkw that Lather He— I I is
arnev, and I was nearly as Even the fear of h1bitigingWi, "A"t to have always had a strong hold upon Shiite
oil exhausted a; the' miserable creatura I did have a.-fairzrriount of this commends- She—- If it
wasn't, she'd neverbo
tor refuge �6 the Rolling Hills, intending to t6ry virtAb,' He,did very welilor his-iinie, change it." Moham
punishment meted out to, medans. During the last Muharrem
rode. It appeared that 1 must camp make his way to the States later. He had e
r Icit much of Wfi lftt,i4 f esti fola th
thieves by, the gure Lo 't sight is e priesthood announced in many
-for the night in the Rolling Hills a great taken the left of the high knoll to keep clear but he wouldiit have, vet firs 41T mandi and savior unto Peisia
Indigns who tho;ght they on this, I threibold of the twentieth century delicious when hot, but you4nuetn't let it rabicf4es that a dad, in the
: A stretch of prairie broken by unnumbered which had irisewat Samara, near Ba
bf- making off with four. e of the trail, and galloped back simply be- our;44 iction regarding the situatign cool. hj&�, - , CW anif4ode little hills; but at the thought of what would cause be found the road intercepted by a �a cOav Mollah Haiji Mirza HassanShirazi,
,Aow;krd jumped, becemes unavoicAble since accounts. of r. person of
toward the lnifians� not have come of my failure to reach Whoop -up b" lanealide. -asin, Husband—,' Didn't you promise to obey and that he was predestined to rulc over
in ... t. Howard Watson, of Fox Lake, Wisco fore next morning, I determined to pash What did I do with him? Well, I we're
imagined that they.- Ign to steal meatthealtar9" Wfie—l'Yes;but the land. This arninous announcement
forward on: foot when my colt should go ed him on my jaded colt, took his plucky have began to come in. The. -people, of.-:Wis police horses in the,t pr of a guard. propose to send Mr. AVatson to'the not there now was rendered still more significant
He must have credited -t - I down. pony for my own riding, and walked him cOuBlia bem� with mere �me into Whoop -up before ,x World's Fair, and have him mounted in v by the ornmission of the khutbeh, the
If the detachment should get away from before, t '*'fk Amy- Why, Mabel, you haven't an, e sbLth, which throughout Is.
curiosity. His wish probe* *@wtalieve ever prayer for th
W4op-up without hearing from me, the - grandeur with the largest monolith. in nt and sacred privilege
Thence he was taken straight istletoe hung up." Mabel—'sob, Fred
the - moaotony of his Watch- morning. a jam -is the most ancie
quarried. Bat let us come to the point
alsh, and the trial of the two never seems to need an .10 to acquire all the
io Fort W y
their equipment andill ldi vkv:� At Fort Walsh would e rele,�boed out of idle y. These inciden
no in without any far' h r throwing ab of royalt
the wituass'acr He—" Is that at the shah feels himself
wow with them. ainst them 'had Bloods immediately began. words. your school friendf Why, more vravitY th
But the evidence of Man -afraid -of -the- she ery ugly." She -v Ugly-( helpless to -cope Wi
They had not �a t, bull, sustained though it was by certain We do not need to inform the intelligent isn't 80 v tli the impending crisis.
rode tow4rd them,- tth 01 wenty miles is no great walk for a fresh Who said she was*? He—" You said all Treachery is rampant within the palace it -
rue at his sudsisa,appq, nee Os t man, bat I was very tired with the labor of particulars, was not sufficient to, convict student of the Badger State that the town the girls Itmed her."
Moreover, I a the prisoners, tboughn me of Mr. Watson, is I _ self, and the shah's third son, Prince Naib-
quietly on their p nies,awai is, . urging that deceptive colt. ts the o one really doubted of Fox Lake, the ho ituat- Do your fAks havochoKtftu . , -Suitanch, who is at the same time minis -
man who is accustomed to riding detes released and went near Waupun, nor that 9 W aup un is a to �With yottri es wn to be in secret sympathy
their gailt. They were 10001h. They-1had decide on the* ifarm Chrisim tu key 9" "I I s'hould' so, 241 terof war, is kno alkine a long distance. ed one of the State -prisons. The uu as r acourse. idea of w their w y rejoicing. uai -one of replied the small boy. pa, alN�aya tries to with the malcontent leaders. It is no ex -
The evening was exceedingly hot. I was St- a so found worn in this inaUtation is tire us' n to say that the shah rules in I it -
range to say, both of them wer aggeratioi
I kpew Howard n &:sweaty -and out of temper. z reckless boy, very fro en to death in. the Sweet -Grass Hills the the black and white endless stripe ; indeed, be funny o holiday tle more than name, and, as it were, oa suf
11 lolloping "My husband doesn't want rAo to make
Still the colt was along following winter ; and thus in the opinion some close observers claim that the Waupun
u ferauce. The power, both in the capital
m cli loved in stripedest in existence, him a Christmas present. �i,And will
of-dangperheia -up, faster than I could walk. I determined to of the police, God himself punished them uniform is the t2,ndar d and in the provinces, almost throughout
get the lastInile out of his legs before tak- for the murder of my dear young chum. Viough it is probably only the you?" " I must. I need -things for com- the a h -V s pftsed out of his hands into
danger of thing. At any, rate, it is strip his empire, as They. -did not respo' as plain that ing to ray own. There was no ad enough, pan t at I can't get any other , ayi"
riding him to death --he was -of the mean and a man could not wear one and mingle Why does -Miss Antique p4iidt inwear-z' those of the priestly oligarchy wha are
thej'*iiia in no' go umor. hat was f the situlation. The grand
nothing - unusual, for many of the Indian kind.that go down, with plenty of life in GOULD ORANdED JELIS MIND. in general society much, without sooner or ing her hat at all the, Christmas balls, and the masters o
then. a grudge . against the them from pare laziness and cowardice. rimm vizier himself—Emin-es-Sultan—h%s been
enter On Second Thougght ile Di4in't Want 90 later attracting attention. Now it appears entertainments She has lt� t ed
Uioed compelled to enter into secret negotia-
Turning suddenly to the left around one that last October a man named Conley, feel. with iotletoe." redcoai t were distracted Ride Fast on a Texas Road. ing that he was not treated with that open- I of these holy
of the knolls, my though Colonel Mooney—' 'I hear that Ned Birds- ti6na with the most iufluenti&
Bat jla*a�d careld nothing for their from my horse by the sight of a gorgeously Jay Gould once made a trip to Mexico to ness and confidence which he liked in Wart. agitators, the Mollan Hirza. Hassan Ashti-
sullen looks.. He was accustomed to put inspect t.ie Internp,tional and Great North- eye has given up his bachelor. apartments." blanketed Indian riding parallel with - the pun prison, broke outne night and escaped- anj', in'the hope, it is alleged, of pursuad
all sort& cd "people in good humor; so he It was in the autumn of 1878 Dan.McCord—,'Yes. Hehaschaugedhis ing im
greeted the two with I 'How how I" and his one hundred yards away. His Winchester ern Railway. He made his way under cover of the dark. bachelor quarters for a befter hi i that the deposition of the chah would
left arm. Its butt was, and, as usua, the millionaire was in a ness to Fox Lake. Here, as it began to grow involv,-e_the-occupation and possible parti-
s n y . smile and went on with the few barrel lay across his Hicks—" Yourwife, of course,4is a lover on , . -the4ast great Shiahkingdom by the
o cealed by his blanLet. He was act look. hurry. Meeting the gentleman, who had light, the inharmoniousnew-of his costume ti ',o words -of th* language that he had learn- On Id of the beautiful." Wicks --I' Generally is so loathf ill
i -im a. very, Erpeans whosepresence
ing at me. But I was sure he had been. the sale of the road in hand, he Eta' with, general outside nature began 'to spe kin , e ,,,yes; but she d6asn't partical 'rly
I'm a ba'sy malt, and -1 want to be b%ek - a to very right-thinking Mussulniffin."
He seemed to be skulking round the edge of press itself upon him, and he looked about utiful. W.-�showed an unfriendly I week. Rush me dote on the woman I consider bea
a knoll as if trying to head me ff. In & in New York next for a change. In passing through the out.- quartte isn't filling _y not quickly yield td his mome A he disappeared behind the elevated through. skirts of town he came to, the dwelling of Mr. Robinson—,'That Fright Subsiding.
easin #4j;f*a incautiously tried t g.: che A, a in made up. and put in Mr. H,)ward Watson. . Observ' the church the way I though t it would. 'p I" L Wa 9 o . e of the pioneers in ing an open ell what 61n joa`exp64�? Latkat -reports from the nerve-oentrss of
an- A p �h"ge ke er, n Dr. Ridgman-11W a rancing round the two ground. The remembrance of Vincent's lonely fJ an Window, the migratory Conley crawled in. onal
91 - ei", Wine, g. 'married thp United States indicate that the nati
iiriige,Fe6k fig objects, mischievou y pull l%shed upon me, with a sort of star- en rin Mr. Watson slept the sleep of the innocent. YOU'VO got a homely �enor and &�
Afibit"�-ar slap p-, nks of their death f mg the fla uder what death would bring to me. Rush� him " wag the, order, and Mr.' As he thus slumbered, the -unconventional soprano. health is recovering from the scare caused
Uguads.'s- -construction of "three war
EltOM, sometimest,gaily offer�ng, 11" WO p 10MI-A , thinking. He knew Waupun jailbird exchanged clothes with It is discouraging to a new y married by
to )re than But above all was the sense of my utter Lauer did some hard I e was little in( ribl'e condition, vessels" on the upper lakes. The frighten-
cho-ol'b' uld 'have had of the inland states have
as no �C no eon- louali-ness. N� one would know how I died. that t he roadbed was in 9, ter him, and winged his wav thence with a light- man to sear his conscience praising his ed -population
co 'itig, when the unsus- b'ushing little wife's first cake and then ened the No one could avenge me. All the world and that to ran over'twenty miles was tak er he%rt. In the moral a-mbl
ee�tioiv cif ,how his r.ranks deep Id be blank for me as for Vincent. ing desperate chances. Lauer had lots of c-ase4 to tr e, and their tears are lulled
anger which the savages reg libLlity imposed pecting Watson arose and saw the striped tell hirn that she got it at the baker's when -
garded Won to rest. Some one has seen the war vessels
him. These tbbtights ran through my brain be- nerve, but he felt the respow Costume on, the chair where he had left his she went down town. . i ' Cion, and has discovered that only
fore any s--,heme-for defending myself. But on him by the officials in placing Gould in clot in pes
-4, - - Be his hes the night I-,efore, he was at first Garden Gates'—"Are you really so hard on ' 'them remains on the lakes, the two
Sulk.1hen, if—you will," said Vincent, I was not excited. What I felt was all in- his hand& He concluded finally to u speechless. Then I a took in the situation, up ?,' Trainp—"Hard up? Why boas, i e of affer ficidikig that he could not mollify then.- t implied. own judgement, take n qhEi . aces, and stick others b e to the seaboard through
eithee 4y coaxing or teming. - With that he ensely clear sense of what death and made some clear, ringing remarks, suits of clothes wuz sellin' at a cent apieceel thp rawin -, less than 10 feet of
In a ment I was calmly considering the closely to the schedule'time. which we do not find it necessary to set I wouldn't have enonglV,'to buy the armhol ^iiwiay way % few yards, tured his � MO Between Marshall and Galveston the wa r. he vigilant sentries at the border
=14 -them, and -rose in his stirrups' to altuat'Qu. e called for 325'miles to'be made down here. He then started for the closet of a vest hav fou d I that the rerenue catters were
I was,certain that the Indian meant to schedul to get his other suit. He paused with his - Dashaway—l'I hear, Bobbie, that you
look- 6ver his herd in the valley. ambush me—that he was skirting the hills between ark and daylight. ay Gould hand on the latch. Then he turned and got a train of cars for Christmas and they not as large as a good-sized steam pleasure
�A�-thst moment the Indiana both fired on to get a cl,)se, sure it retire early, and on thit night yacht, and Senator Frye is positive that he
shot when my back did nc He Be said in aloud voice, No. I'll not do it. h,d-a, accident. Tell me all about it." -1canselec625 vessels on the graat lakea
'and he felt dead, with two bullets in sh�ald be turned. seemed particularly wide awake. W I'll not be buncoed this way.' I'll wear Bobbie—"I can't say a word. You see, I
ibior back. ut reading a newspaper by a dim lighti and "that" could e within a short �tlme be
�!�n - Why should he wish to kill me? them clothes that tlle� utthroat left if it ,, one of the officers of the road." Icarmed and equipped better than the
Tb:"ys later'we men of the Fort'Walsh � while glanced out of the win- kills me! 23 He had nai,led his thesis on the hey
A66achment found the body of my poo . r why, should he have a reason? Had not every once in a It was evident that, the "This is the first time I've filled you Tor. ,Cana,dain cutters are, and that t
Vincent been murdered in pure wantonness ? slow impatiently- church door. He pitt on the striped. suit, "Yes, your 'Ecould sail around
te ung chum frozen stiff on that little rise of I was great man W%s becoming angry. Fiiialiv, drunkenness," said the judge, the lat r. T e
The Indian had a, repeating rifle. and found it an excellent fl t. ra. Watson Honor," was the reply. .4!4AiidVth1akthe fine starn vessels, he says, being built on
-ground but many days passed before his sure at was a Winchester. Mypistolwould thestormburst. Turning -to oneof th ol)jected, foolishly, like a woman—a woman ,like a he court ought to isstie commutation tickets lak uld mal�e first-class fighting ships,
exasuerated comrades got anything tinto Officiali accompaitying him remarked h no moral counwe anvhow—but Mr. f) es wo a A + 1, 1;
eo nouse-ra I oes no testily : . . tor men like me. and besides, tile enator
trace of the. murderers. very'close, range. But that, seemed impos- Watson put on the suit. They had stolen no horses, they had left re.for escape? If thiB were a funeral train it couldn't Mrs. A.-' I D o you ever make any mis- there is ony intention of our turning the re
sible. + What chance was the ly travel in a more decorous manner. '�Imr. Watson's business is that of market takes in speech? " Mrs- B. -I I Yes, once, venue cutters into war vessels. Neither do
no trail. Alarmed at their own deed, they How I hated the. clumsy, horse between my possib 1 gardening. This takes him much about the Lven a few years ago." Mrs. A.—" What was we. The� assurance would have been gi
had- hurried away to their far distant, lodges Steam up and let us go ong legs treats of Fox Lake, as he drives from house betore, but the mighty soul of Uncle Sarn
usual man. U to it? " Mrs. B. -I, I said I yes' to a minis
and proceeded to live in their The gentleman spo was aware that s
I iHed to spur him into a gallop again, 'to house to dispose of ror and fright
The strictest inquiry failed to dis7 0 the night ride had been spacially arranged his vegetables. On ter." has been so transfixed with hor
melzt -. but still be.went og, jog, jog. No chance the eventful morning of which we 'are
elOi6 ifte'names of ny Indians who had inrder that the condition of the roadWd - " And what did the doctor say was really that there was little chance 0" -in? listened
h - of riding out of the scrape, thought I. r, Mr. Watson istarted out with his ac, 1ness in
ers, speaking "Well, miss, his p,
that day. Id be concealed from Gould, bat thus the matter with you to. Returning sanity and
pii if the Indians was bound to kill eon load of "truck" as usual. re nine d warrants the conclusion
Wel Befo
r an
forced he had nothing to do but to orde verywordswas: I Youre a-sufferin 'from the public min
me, Iwould at least sell my life as dearly o'clock he was heard to rernark to himself, -3r
Jong it became; clear that our only
increase of speed. !tile order was given, a guitar In the stom&ch and need Vining that the promoters of the scare have eith
discovering the murderers -lay in accomplishedheir purpose of getting som3
as he made a vicious cut at his horse with
as I could. So I Whipped out my revolver,. but the- train moved along at the same
i4006Wn characteristic of these Indians and made sure that it was loaded. the end of the lines, that he never knew
fat eon -tracts out of Congress for lake ship -
bating of their If I could but keep my face, to the Indian I speed. Charlie Debrie is an easy-going ��Wii much given - to boE i . Marie ---
that dress made so much difference before. - s, or have given up the effort in despair.
h iterneut, Of Butwherewashe? He might have stopped _d
6NDW-buients ' during t e ex "Send the engineer tome,." saidGould. fellow. don't you think? " Claire-" Well, �ya
"They don't look at the man no more,".he This
r1l talk to him." e me about one ei*ning It matters little to Canada which.
dances ; but, the slaye He might. have outridden no. He cemes to se tk mianight rs to follow me. - L-itter was said, as he threw a potato at, the patient Lntry is minding its legitimate business
-'young Howard would probably keep ab- At the next stopping place 11
-AA me, and be waiting far ahead. He might nimal, 14but at the clothes be wears." But a week- and I have found him quite different. cO
&e sileti* till they shouldixgin to feel intoned an
suit d given to understand that he a of distancing Uncle Sam in the world's
be on my 'right side now, though I had . no thought ot a backward step crossed the He's a stayer."
a car horse, markets by the excellent qualities of its pro.
was not capable of driving rigid mind of Howard WatFon. He dealt out Look here, Herr Pipser, this canary you ducts nd will not take to war vessels, ex-
i�qbttre,.aad they would probably do their een him oil my left.' a
much less runningn engine.
The edges of the knolls thereabout were half-buhels of onions and small measures sold me the other day as a food sonaster t gging while ranging at a great distance Get along ! Push her! Let's _sea what cep as a last resort, and then for defence
A i Fort Walsh. sharply angled, the lanes through -them in land not aggression.
of carrots with . a' calm, unruffled brow. hasn't opened his mouth yet. "kh, that� do nothing but wait, perhaps the machine can do," urged Gould. He knows' could some places very narrow and quick in their Laurer demurred and the railroad mag- Small boys and personal friends asked is beause he is a proud bird.
h perhaps for yeirs, till a ramor
turns. I might be within -five yards of the nate concluded that he was afraid. 11 He's a foolish questions and made superfluous that he has not been paid for yet., a�ud on AN OLD REGIMENT
he 4ruite4-up through the tribes and India, before I should see his levelled gan. n em not. Be- credit he does not in 9. *ad. another cOulm
terpreters-as ramor that som coward," he finally said: put ad sheen silent during hi h o; t r in.- Or he might shoot me as I passed by, and fore noon he was arrested by searching Little Joe b Coming Back to Cauada After an Absence
nau in charge." e- at a, midnight dance had bragged cer he r
Of I never tee him at all. The fin taffity I Lauer o�,erheard the remark and flashed. prison otficials and taken over to Waupuu. Christmis dinner, but finally eeted his
ling'a redcoat's blood. e- on the table, with knife and fork of 70 Years.
as to his whereabouts was the most madden He of cootirse established his innocenc , and fat elbows
up. AIL right," he said:.,, we'll open her Th,-. King's Regintent, the Sth Regriment
early nine months went by before two ing thing of all. 0 0 o finish his upright in either hand,- and gave a great Foot, is coming back to Canada after an
9 01
t back',t Fox Lake in time tc
ifto'O'd In4lars werwarrested on suspicion Was he'alone? I had seen but. one. up- absence of over 70 years. This regiment w. -,Ls
tablci route. His wife made further si�h and said: "I wish turkeys could be
!4'ths murd�)r, and confined in the guard. wenty might be near me. No matter how Ili a few moments. the little special was vge double breasted." ine remarks when he re- in%de formed in 1685 and in 1768 embarked for
'housip at Fort Walsh. There was little opeeding through ihe night at the rate of weak andlemin
many I must go on. To stop would be to
ve miles an hour. It was a ride to be turned home, but he remained unmoved. A Colorado editor seems to be rem-irkbly Cana&�. In 1775 the regiment was in Upper
evidence against; them. A report had crime give the enemy an easy shot. - From this exciting day to t he present time to atmospheric changes. He
. ,Z mbeued. The cars rocked from side to susceptible Canada, some companies being at Niagara
to ther ears of our interpreter that one ot the
Suddenly I caught a glimpse of the gay reme Mr. Watson has continued to wear the "How sharper than a ser -
in every joint, and now and writes as follO%VS: and others at Detriot. In 1776 part of tile
Man- blankets again. For but -an instant I saw side, creaking Mrs. pent's tooth is it to have a man's wife draw regiment was sent to Lower Canada, and in
Prisoners bad told a Pievan named 9 if about to leave the track. highly accentuated prison g&rments.
afraid-of-tbe-bull " how he and. the other it; the Indian had galloped acr so the trail hen lifting a -e 1785 it returned to England. In 18,18 tile
P Everybody clung 0 some support, those who Watson reports gloomily to the neighbors tile bedclothes over.her head and declat
had killed a Sumoaanish," or
bout fifty yards ahead of me, and dinap. -that there is no prospect of their ever wear- that she won't light the flie if she dies for lot Battalion landed at Halifax and in ISiO
Zls.onoaorted 'Soldier;- in the -Cypress Hills. -p'eared around the coiner oifa sharply edged -knew the conditionof the roadbed expecting out. 11 There is one thing, though, that it was quartered in Quebec. In the autunin
to bahurled into eternity every minute. Mrs. Watson, firm -
knoll some fifty feet hiaber. Ing Visitor of 1812 five c9mpinies proceeded to Fort
Howardwas the firat and only man of the I ill never do," adds' 2 (looking round at the nuptial
f6rce4ho-had then fallen by Indian hands. Latter hatatthe throttle, watf-hing therails ly I wiil never cut them clothes down nest 'ith all its little knicknacks)-l'Ancl I instantly surmised thathemeautto lie
as they gleamed like silver thready. He was W George. Two companies (the Grenadiers)
N6w bq�,an -the search for Man -afraid- in wait at t. e tarther end of the knoll, and ind, but, as he for Willie." Mr. Watson has been arrested how do you like your little flat?" Month of 175 men halted east of tile Doa b�ide,
as pale as these in the triLin, be.h of -the buli.- No doubt the euq6iiy had shoot me as I went past. I knew the plabe - , and dragged to Waupud by eager officers Old Wife (who can talk of nothing but her -d uF
remarkedintellinz.thestoiy tli� other day: on the Kington road, and then marchp
Ay ---begun before he learned of our w6ll. He tould stand c neealeA� the e has been shot at by still hasb,nd)-" Well, John may not be King street to,the old Fort, and in April oi
scarce 0 re sharp,
il W
anxieti-to find him.,The Indians paswauch -Within three yards -of where the tra eat I'd hive gone up pleasure betore I eight times. H officials five times.- Over but he is by no means a fool, I would have 18133, the 8th and a few militia and a com-
would have given that little cuss the chance more jealous
news over, hundreds of square miles with by- two hundred times he has had to you to know pany of the Royal Newfoundland Regiment
amakinq land mysteriouii speed. Now I made -my plan -in an instant. It to Bay I was a squealer."
wit of friends who veut-
Once he looked back at the swaying train endure* the cheap bravely fought the encragement that e
Man -afraid -of -the -bull was well known to would have been a very fine plan indeed if hae asked him why he doesn't get the and Paid He won't stand. it long." ually ended in the capture and burning of
half the force', and should have been easily the Indian hsd not had one quite different The engineer was right.. At a particular. ball and chain which naturally go with the THE FALLS OF MONTMORENO1. the city. This regiment had tile first Mason -
found if in'the country; but we could gain from what I presumed. Instead of riding ud Lodge
knoll I ly bad place the bell.;wd v�as jerked and suit. But of none of these things has the 1,iectric Maht coinpanymarrhm. the ic field warrant issued by the Gran
no news of his whereabouts. along the trail to the right of the- allied. Daily he goes of England, granted in 1755. 'o,
ould m 0
the train brought to,a standstill. Jay G heroic Watson comp] Beauty of the Fa ou'seene. It was
It appearel evident t1fat he had run away would dash round to the left, dismount, about his work, and does nis duty as lie sees' 1780 and No. 10-4 in 17,80.
156 for 1770 to was picked from under a seat, where he had -intana for fear of the enmity creep silently lip on foot to my Ind.au's -depart from The lod e held meetings in Canada at
to Dakota, or 9 people think that they detect him
it. some The beauty is likely so3n to
of the Bloods, who *ouid seek. his life were been thrown, and angrily faced the engineer, Ils of ontmorenci, so fain- 9
supposed hiding -place' fifty vards ahead in the far-famed Fa Niagara, but there is no record of the lodge
who had comeback to the car., wines a little at the stare of the strangei
i and forced to give evidence and fire upon him while he wa's wondering town, and especially when he'ig exposea to iliar to all tourists to Quebec. The entire
he _capture
What, in the name of all Ahat is good after 1789. Joseph Clement, the ancestor of
-ng-two of the Blood tribe. what ha become of me. Iio ha the somewhat marked ob-zervationof the Brit- waterfall and all tile surrounding property Jno. M. Clement of Niaaara was made a
re and holy, do you mean ?" he demanded. ec Mason in this lodge. 1had been. movW'to M ishtourist who may happen to be passing d in the ha ds of the Queb
ime CLeOd,: AP excellent scheme -if the Indian we
Do you want to killue all have justTasse
490 about one. hundred and six waiti But he was hrough Fox Lake, but we cannot� believe Electric Light Company, -.the pr' -e paid be. a Pali t g where i supposed. You said Von wanted me to pull. her t] miles weat -of the scene of the murder, and not eloing am f him ; Howard Watson is not made ing $230 00o. Already the company has
ything of the kind. open," replied Lauer, quietly'. this o I I near 0 a of the tloo, 'r'volve ' Perhaps the new tion of the water power Want to'Prim for An3thar.
AaXinceit -Howard had been e- been utilizing a por
I cooked my e r.
Gould glared at the� man for a moment of this sort of at4ff ; we would as quick b sound stimulated my pon. Porhays I dug lass above the contaract as mo- and his manner changed. lieve that a man wearing a single eye- from the river their-dynaings, whicb� sitir. Among the convicts pardoned by the
contrade, you may ewceive my a new place, br deeperthan Governor of Tennessee the other day, under
the spurs into My than,"' he said you . go back there 'd cap could have looke in- tive power for
and% double -en come across Man.4afraid*04110- before. At any rate he broke into a de- falls; d usb -your own jhdgment thei rest of the quirn ly at Columbus on the quay, and ated in a factory near the foot the itifluence of � Christian charity was
ow wa nhim to abandon hie voyage and turn "frnish llum'nat'on George Beni, a Sicilian, who was sent up
b' Cided gaiW N this eventing i sbectim all the lights for the i
But all my efforts went as unreward trip., I-knowhowtoma4ulateatailroad, ack and apply tor a position on the Palos tof the streets of Quebec. Now they are seven months ago for five years for stealing
ed ina darki sect an
instead of obeying my rein an 1, likely
those of the scouts andiaterpreters, till we ;urning but.1 guess you know more than I do about b to draw off so largely incraa,
ng an encrine. Then he was assisted police force. a watch. AnVlo Milazzo, another S cilian,
"a ni were about giving up hope of ever finding to this'left, my horse plunged oil clear past 'r n rs want,an example of ruoial amount of water for tha proposed extension
I 'to his berth. If our teadhe and;,& chum, Of 'Beni's, was also suspected,
p�or Howard's Re t the witness and avenging th is'. coiner of the knoll before couragp to hold up before the eyes, of youth, of th3ir oper tion hat, tUere will be little but as, it was -,.ahown On the trial that Beni
death. eoldrigul him up and. turn him. When I t, particularly in the dry season, had pawned the watch, and he refused to
let tbd& take that of Howard Watson, of or none lef adly, .-The two -�Blooda were. still- conflued, 'at Pitt his -head round he -went back In to come over the precipice.
BRAZIL'S NEW CAPITAL." Fox Lake, Wisconsin.�, implicate Milazzo, he had to pay the penal -
a R Fqrt.-Walsh, �� uti it became iolear that they turned th cor er to the left side of the sel tomanufacture electrical
and It is propo ty. At the time it was whispered among
miistu released for lack'of evidebee knoll at at surprising ace. Rut7his speed for all the factories and other the Iteblians herehat Beni was not guilty of
jit Will be Placed, In a federal., District on motive power
the Creat h was rea& -PlAtean. -stor' he theft but had sacrificed himselt to save
ageAiisf thbut. T areoUclusion a woj not a* amazing as its, resal 11OUT in&ustrial houses in Quebec, &swell ' is t
CentrAl .9
o6dxy� -in July, IS", b3��thii Otmamissioner . . ht forallthe passenger carsof the
Smash f Crash! She didn't shineAt college,
A letter to the "Varis RevuetePrane age ligl Milazzo, the real criminal, because the lattei'
H.ang it., crie am New iron.sup- 16rci� Ria hea&
Mcolumandof.thawholeJ , , , � _. . Canadian Pacide Railway.
-frdm,Rio�_4eJaneir4D.. Says --that a saWntific Has little-se-hool-book knowledge, had.a, helpless fwatily dependent upon him,
-�e _he�, H6 Vk yelle&- the -In- "airtaft ivere-w Porik&j )ipes, 1,200 feet long and six feet in
W .commission,- -hi"d`by Senhor -Cralojs has Can't parse or pose in grammar, ply I A month ago Milazzo died, and then the
t rt diin. ct"the� sieejoi thi oaa�t wield ge5lofic -hammer, diameter. are being constructed to tap the i whole truth came out. A appeared that
-gel t o' 6 into the Indian's been appoin ad t or let thi, My horwhad, dashed PIMS01010MATV � __ . , - I I i� �11 river above the falls, and some of the water
'00 04- itiier new-vapitAL0razil. _T -ca �Beni tied actusllv�done as r"orted and
r TA9 Knows g o astronomy, so conducted will be used twice over, one of -hiii friend Angelo was beyond the
-at Riot. it- us trundert e -c Political ee p after
Aga OP-- ja`uot.excl, live H* U& beeii. Ig a -ge a eaviy th' ca6vil,Gsiveiii . the new factories being erected half way u reach of the law he acknowledged that be
mout. A
knew -'-was to cainTrihat night 1'beliave ab- the trot- of the F. � I ' i he tion. Greek,, Latin, mathematics, - - lake
of, rakil e -kepli lie , B a Of social -statics was suffering, wrongfu��4,.' A petition for
Still leg
-time. lgh� of of tile b the cliff adjoining the cataract.
e u B -;dlately Bout the Gover-
O-P rownin4o Ogy
--do Orions, 100 I his pard)n was iwt
Who e s green in twenty miles up the river will probably be
the -_capital, shobil ij� _--re' Sh er
damned in order to insure a supply of wat I .]Pediraldistr-iof,.Uk�the.-Distriet okOol Half hoathenish'in theology, In thq_prchase Of this not, signed b5�_ �Ie Judge that tried the
-in mission. - She.makes sharp witticisms hia. the Tuiteid tes.
ftom hiq e in un aded that.of the magnificent cc
-On their higher criticisms, to
w ii- th-6" bku 'dt- saggesf, the -best Viso
rerlooWng: the falls, which wee sacrifi and the other day the partion was
17-716 Kim Thi-com in dry seasons. case,, together with tl;e story of 1kni's self -
property is ine
0 e 01
on, -&Udistricti ,The -head. She never studied botany, as k, manor boas
ftel, Adi iFd- this- Feder esidenceof Queen Victoria's 1 ued. '-wasthesummerr -i6 is- 94A dust -the Gesidd, fads she haau% got any,
t Vffoy qu b 1 �t, � t� il. . -expedition will. be on the -or eta arm of Ken', when com-
8-atra, Eb ui ev6f4 un tf`ort A% father the late Duke
T, There is room eno
I . . - *V X " I greai,6" -dreantiles -isii'l -stitffearith art conceit re gh for all. In fact,
rig I ba "if, i3s in Canada in the eon -
taut 4i - - - f nort es e. prov
o itici lass 'ill their counterf-eits mander
of the fo e itself is fall ofu room.
t , ;a -Teglour t i, k0VIT, 04 -elevatio - of, in, The� Qlr �h.w been graciously pt eased,
N uffe,l up.wi
or mencentent of the present centary. Here it sPac- -LU abo I -Model helpinate'lo M)
-the oepb� it. -One ok r Polly; fie titul slu
e (01% ohe't just a jollys
th'juiri 40 ft T pras that the beau i and accomplished
thil recommendation of the waretary
A above Laurent presided over the on
anor a shooking Mine. de St ve ppo' t
:Not-wpedwnt, I
hiii1th hl !f r - , in nien
t e X
blishment and petit 8oupera for Scotland, to ap
pro h
.h U1, ecte 10 10 forms -1 _ -Own Cameron 11i#hIp-ndera
t 411� frump -of a blue stocking. RIM awk�, - -,ZaW 0 4e = bill household esta whom the French ot Mr. Robert -W_ h1to,, laie A- -aid Sergean�
4�shed , b clever little woman,
I Uk his Royal Highness,
ds ad iogloriously huma%
nar; T-4calitials" MU aw. 00, ,
�Inadian beau r accompanie to England the Q110en's
the Duke's Wa (Seventy-ninth Foot), to be her Uajwq's
retiring to a convent after -to chier m6 all through life -8 cotlimcL"
"d -her -he F e 0 4 ei,deia �ad "C a Zorn: ITrumpeter in
27' riage to the mother of tile Queen
hv Polly is my wife.
�ning sh-,-i. Re
skin wit'i boo�
kuowledg,.� as sL
-d-esk i ii c f a v
convenienec� an
doing h�s �jc�j
—as he helps I
sheep ar," lan�
thev can lie mar
hisbast 1)v o1, --,i
duct to 1,1� lr,ast
work Wt4. takes, m h;$ bastes aS t1jQ
Gaspard j)�aur
1711xing lip "r)e were gau
was no' sor,,in��
- Ave, ayc. -�
will fi%
(Juickily te, t0 W
'' Ht 11 ncvc-r
pard to hi goo.�
he'll never 1),e a,i
" Sure enougli
et he's go,,i mi(
han& oine prese
man who had be
I hought ot tiwse
One eveuingti
Otis wind, and L�
tanner was wo-,it
skins was swoliet
to cross iL I)v foo
der one iiable to
and dashed to pi
" We rFILI.Qt g�
Laid Gaspard to
at hand."
The-�is� wa� fi
a.'bout to return t,
sked, when the b
heard a cry. So
the ford. "
In an inqtant h
followei b,- his n
Some villagers w,
strong rope was i
the brave boy,
into the stream, f
was seen coming
and horse much
ceeded in gra.5pi
hand of the mas
him to the shore
afterwards, the s:
cheerful fire, hav
of the good mail;
%nd courteous m;
" What can I
he asked.
" He's none of
will he be to any
too much time oi
bluff reply of the
not see what pos,
would be to him
11 May f see
Claude being c
of the Q,reek and
with downcast fa.
But instead he r4E
ation from Lhe 63,c
talk and questio
knowledge the b(
A few months
tanning shed as i
Been with his boa
at Paris, in th(
whose life fie ha(
come his fnend
folt that lie bad
that he was rece�
he determined to
the expectations
He succeeded,
boy who did his
tinauished Greel
time. At the al
the chair of Gre
College of Parif-7.
a man who fear
loved for I, is good
He never forgot �.
Their old age W11
of remembrance
gifts front the
studied so didge
shed, but W110
In The
The black mau
tently for a morr
taking a kind cf
tance from the f(
drew back, and :
turn at looking v
a screen, and lie
down tile twigs,
studying. Two
count, nor measui
and measure, we
measuring as &cc
a pair of survevoi
They had drol5pe
before peeping o
now ez�ch of t lien
queer, crooked c
inen lay flat in Ll
went on with I
Neither cf thein
garoo through
Each stood and b
ward, w:th his I
his right hand b,
sticks were not
perhays not mor
wide at the cent,
made to tper
curved on one fa
sharp at the edg
great pains had
sticks so that it
body to throw tl
hit any object tl
Each black in
looking wooden
down autil he I
and calculating,
back and hurled
jerking twist of
same moment c
picked another �
third. As the th
tered a loud ser(
cries bursting fo
ond, followed b,
they sprang fr(
spears and stick
Ned and Hug
mentof the grt
the kangaroos n
danger, for all (
sat upright, ar
turned their pr(
largest of them
for forward bou,
him upon the ac
There had bee
rwg in the. -air.
Paint and went
through the ai