HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-02-09, Page 1twich,
'or the
cost, for
Ines and the
ines of Rub-
ieties, splen-
ceries always
keen enlarged
Wingbain, as tin
teat settee.
by Bum)
J. A. TUCK, M. D.
MEMBER of College of Physicians and Sur -
4'4 gams, Ont.
Veterinary Surgeon
r_RADUATE of OntarioVeterinary College,
`-4 and registered member of Ontario Veterin-
ary. Association.
Next to Methodist Parsonage,
• witnesses required.
Offices—At my Residence, GORRIE.
T S. JEROME, L. D. S., Wingham, will visit
J • Gerrie, the 1st and 3rd Monday of caah
nri on t . Teeth extracted without train. All we rk
(Late of Harriston.)
tiees Wanted. Rooms over W. S. Bean's
Scientific American
Agency for
cop YR ICHTS, eta.
Yor information and free Handbook write to
MUNN & CO.. 361 BROADWAY, New YonS.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America.
Byer, patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
cfrientifit Aintricart
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be vrithout it. 'Weekly, 63.00 a
year; $1.50 six months. Address MN ft CO.
PuBrasimme, 361 Broadwar, New York atr.
zxecutors' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given ths...1 lily person or
persons holding any claims against the
estate of Alexander Johnston, late of the Town-
ship of Howick, in the comity of Huron Province
of Ontario, shall send to the undersigned Ex-
ecutors a verified statement of such claim, on or
before the 1 irliEsz,z- c]of 101 ga irc313i
.A • 10P 1893•
And all persons indebted to said estate are rc-
quested to settle said indebtedness on or before'
said 1st day of March, 1893.
Dated at Howick, this 3rd day of January.
City Grocery.
1.4 AVING bought out the stock of MR. JAMES
IRELwill endeavor to keep up the ND
reputation for High -Class
Oleo C E S9
—Staple and Fancy—
Crockery, Silverva.re and
Fancy 'Goods,
that my predecessor hag so well merited for the
last 12 years.
Breakfast Sets,
Dinner Sets,
Tea Sets.
Everything Fresh and
Guaranteed of the
Finest Quality.
No use to enumerate prices, but call
and see for yourself.
I will sell as Cheap as the
In Boots
And Shoes
A Neat and Comfortable Country
Homestead, Everythi▪ ng
rONSISTING of three acres of choice land, be
‘-^ nig part of lot 1. con. 7, in the township o
Turnberry. Two acres now under gess and
balance in orchard and garden. There is a good
six -roomed frame house on the premises, also
stables.. For further particulars apply to
Box 10, Wroxeter, Ont.
Estray Calves.
CAME onto the premises of the subscriber, lot
•-• 30. eon. 9, Howick, about the middle of Oc-
tober, four heifer calves. The owner is requested
to prove property, pay expenses and take them
Holstein. Calf Lost.
LOST.—From the premises of the subscriber,
since about the about the 20th of July last
a Holstein Steer Spring Calf, spotted,black-and-
, white. The finder will be suitably rewarded on
giving information as to itswhereabouts to
Lot 18, Con. B., Howick.
roxeter 1'O.
(Graduate of Niagara Falls Academy of Music.).
-4 Theory Explained. GODRIS.
"This is to certify that Miss James, having
completed in a creditable manner the course re-
quired for a eertificate,is duly qualified for
pianoforte teaching, and is hereby recorainonded
to those who require thorough instruction in
that branch." Pitoe. A. HUBBARD.
Niagara Falls, April 21st, 1892.
V anstone Bros.,
Marble .& Stone
Parties requiring work in tie, above
ines vrill do well to call on us.
We carry a large stock of -marble and -
. _ •
Mre gastan'lee to• -- save yen -money ssnd
-=•-•-• give first-elass work. •
Call before purchasing elsewhere and
be convinced.
MR. T. T. VtitA.TSON
wit represent naps,. the read.,
Now !
Rubbers ,
I beg to return thanks for the liberal
-`patronage received Awing the past year
and will try to merit your future favors.
• Goons.
The Lion Store
Fur Goods.
Winter Goods
• AT.
To Clear.
1414-_sys. Stare, vsnrssasssevaas.
J. W. Sanderson.
Shareholders' Meet-
Belmore Cheese and Butter Company.
ASPECIAL General Meeting of the Sharehold-
ers of tire Belmore Cheese and Butter Com-
pany will be held in the Temperance Hall,in the
village of Belmore, on
At the hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, for
the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for
the ensuing year, and any other business that
may be brought before the meeting.
Belmore. Jan. 23, 1893.
Ninnie '„Rittledge,
of Sault Ste
itile,IetVisiting her uncle, Mr. R. Ross
at present:, • ,
llititRichard Clegg ,hroke one of the
srna114rones in 'his wrist one day last
700.0.01eWhIlc chopping. Dr. Tuck set tbe
Wired meni.Perand, he .is now. doing
well A - • troduce the matter, called him into the
ter. He so says he went to Mr.
Walker and told him that owing to
rumors he had heard he would have to
lay the matter before the council and if
they, the council, conseuted to 1 ,ette
have the hall it would be all right."-iiW
what are the facts ? Mr. Clegg says
that we, without waiting for him to in -
No. Io.
Orchestraeame in for lunch applause
daring the evening. But Mr., Fax was
not there so a prominent feature of the
expegted treat was missed. Having
misseilAlettiorning trait& at Toronto he
avelled estotend by London to Wing-.
Ifia113-*Arain was late and be was
Wroxeter. We under -
4....1 Ihti-ebncert is to be repeated
etiations eo fee for the p mg o
f Cemibell's hotel to talk over the matter. shortly W the tickets sold for this
Now I ask the public how I or ray cone- coucert Will be accepted at the door
oil could know the hidden secret in Mr. without further wet. The committee
Clegg's brain ? To my knowledge not did everything lu their power to carry
itiefeetrie light, plant in Gerrie have
Orene'throug,1). Mr. Skinner the agent,
Ni4-. here fp; a couple of days, the latter
park:died 'week, but was unable to
c*Iude arrangernents. ' -
Silverware Ch.eap at :Drag's Jele,,eelry
StOrd, Gerrie.
Isaac Wade, 13th con., had his
right arra- broken. last Frid . The
accident oecuried while rolli log in
the -woods on his farm. T pwing
day he. came. to Gerrie a ' the
belle...set by Di. Tuck.
G. Knowlson; of Chesley, many
oil; age' With -Mr 'D.- Montgomery,
merchant in this'village, is in town at
preieet - visiting while looking for an
oPepixig.to Commence business; he hav-
ing recentlY sOld out in Elenseeod.
Good ° Assortment in all 'Lines, at
Dpig's Jewelry Stove.
.County Orange Lodge.
_._11she regular annual meeting of the
County, Orange Lodge was held in the
town liall, Gorrie, on Tuesday afternoon
last. All parts were well represented
xnept Wawanosh, the drifted state of
p roads and extremely cold weather
doubt preventing the brethren of that
cti,on from taking the long' drive
necessary to reeile here.
• eitro are indebted to Mr. W,EJ. Per-
kin's, County Secretary. for the- folio*
ing-list of a:legates: •
Lodge .No: 252, Walton.—Bros. R. M
Fergueon, N. Hamil,t,on, T. Oakland, W
R. Oakland, -0.•Pase.
No.462, Beigrave.—BroeWm. McGill
. McMurray, Sno. Young, Robt.Owens
ae DoWriey.; • - .
W. Strong, Ale. Graham, Jno. Watters,
Falk Jno. Crookshanks, Sam'l
Witson, Chas.Wilsia, Abe Strong, A. A.
No. 631, Ethel.—Bros. Robt. Barr, C.
No. 642, Fordwicli.—Bros. WM. Mc-
Kee, Thos. Goggin, J. H. Johnstone, A.
No. 767, - Gorrie.—Bros. Henry Per-
kins, Geo. Walker, W. Strong, R. Ross,
A. J. Strong, H. Harding, Rev. W. A.
Brownlee, W. Doig, W. J. Greer, Wm.
Dane, Thos. Nash, B. Scott, Jas. Per-
kins, W. Evans, W. J. Perkins.
No. 774, Brussels.—Bros. Geo. Car-
diff, Jas. Bowman, F. McCutcheon, S.
F. Plum, Jas. M. Cardiff, D. Ewan.
_No. 775, Nebridge.—Bros. E. Arm-
strong, Jas. rank R. Bride.
No. 794, Wingham.—Bros. J. G. Stew-
art, Thos. Cornyn, A. McManus.
No. 863, Londesboro.—Bro. Mines.
e.,No. 632, Auburn.—Bro. W. J. Sturdy,
No. 963; Blyth.—Bros. John Wilford,
George Quinn.
0o. 1090, Lakelet.—Bro, Jas. Woods.
No. 10041, Wroxeter. Bros. John
Bray, Gee. Funston, Wm. Herron.
No. 1219,Huntingfield.e--Jno.Wynn,T.
Woods, Robt. Woods, S. Woods.
At the conclusion of the regular busi-
ness of the day the old officers were all
re-elected as follows:
C. M.—Jno. Mooney, Brussels.
D. C. M.—Jno. Dane, Orange Hill.
Chap.—Jno. Wilford, Blyth.
R. J. Perkins, Gorrie.
Troas.—W. McGill, Belgrave.
D. C.—Geo. Walker, Gorrie.
F. S.—J.G. Stewart, Wingham.
Lect.—Thos. Cronyn, Wingham.
P. C. M.—H. Perkins, W. H. Clegg.
ft was decided to hold the county
celebration at Bryth on the 12th of July
next. -
,• The next annual is to be held
in Winghanion_ the7necond Tuesday in
February, 1894.
Farm for Sale.
LOT 1, 9th Cou., Turnberry. The farm is an
excellent one, containing 100 acres, 80 under
cultivation, balance good hardwood bush. Stone
house and large orchard, plenty of water.
Situated about seven miles from Wingham, and
five from Wroxeter.
For particulars apply to the Proprietor,
Wm. SANSON, Wroxeter, P.O., Ont
Local Affairs.
Ordination services will be held in
Gorrie Baptist Church on Wednesd
15th inst.
Mr. Mathew Shepard, who has bi
visiting here for a few weeks past,]
returned 'home.
• Mr. R. Ross was in Goderieh last
week attending the funeral of his aunt,
Mrs. E. Touchborne.
Mr. Chas. Willitts, barber, of Clifford,
and wife, were visiting his aunt, Mrs.
Willitts, in this village last.week.
There is some talk of placing a. vo-
calion—a recent musical inventiou
closely resembling the pipe organ—in
the new Methedist church in this
village. The matter has not, however,
assumed an official shape as yet.
The binder twine question will be
thoroughly discussed at a public me t-
ing to be held in the town hall, Gerrie,
on Thursday, Feb. 17th, at 2 p. m., uns
der the ausp$ces of the Patrons of In-
dustry. Some excellent speakers will
be present. The Patrons of Howick
will hold an open ineeti ng in Forclwich
on the evening of Monday, Feb. 20th,
in Edwards' hall.
Miss Jennie, daughter of Mr. John
Ardell, died on Monday last. She was
stricken with a sarcomatous tumor
which showed itself upon her arm near-
ly a year ago, since which time she has
suffered the most excruciating torture,
her arm swelling to a monstrous size
and the bone near her shoulder being
eaten entirely away. Under the terrible
suffering she gradually wasted away un-
til death, for which she had long earn-
estly prayed, finally came to her relief.
Messrs. Henry and - John Switzer
were the guests of their niece, Mrs. S.
T. Fennell; for a day or two last week.
The former is from Blanchard township
and. the, latter from Golden Stream,
•Manitoba; sine 1869, the time of 'the
first Reil rebellion. He was a prise;ier
along with' the unfortunate Scott and
was the last person to shake hands with
him before he was talens_from his
prison cell to be shot. He tells many
thrilling stores of that rebellion and was
one of the company of vohniteers who
went from Rat Portage to the rescue of
the 'prisoners in Winnipeg, mil1 to.- be
•captured *emielves.and foiced to Suf-
fer severe privations for 26 days.- He
was personally acquainted with- Biel,
whose private character and acts_ he
condemns in the strongest terms. • -
Barkwell'apionchialBrdsam will Ore
any -cough, -cold, bronchitis cr asthrtia,
For sale by N. McLaughlin, druggist,
Clothe, • -
one of us knew that Mr. Clegg had
askied for the hall, so how could
duce to Mr. Clegg a matter of
kluge, nothing whatever until he th( n
told us on the street. Surely Mr: Clegg
has forgotten himself to make such
assertions to the- public whom he asks
to judge him. Mr.. Clegg also states
that after considering the matter over I
put the question to the connel. Now,
the question that Mr. Clegg put to us
did not require much consideration,
and I at once gave'my opinion, leaving
the council to answer as they thought
best, but they at once endorsed my
utterances. Mr. Clegg told us there
that since he had been talking to Mr.
Walker about renting the hall for a ball
or asocial skip, so-called, that he was
informed that there was to be card play-
ing and other such games going on in
hall. I asked Mr. Clegg if lie thought it
was consistent for him to rent the hall
for this purpose when he knew that the
Methodist church used that hall for
divine worship and stated that it seem-
ed to me he was overstepping his duty
when he knew the facts. He acknow-
ledged that it did not look right. After
dinner (that " sumptuous dinner" Mr.
Clegg referred to) and repairing to "the
far famed township hill]," what, 1 ask
was the " more calm" view that he says
we took ? Our opinion and utterances
there were just the same as when he
first spoke to us about the matter,
which the electors preseet can testify.
Every member of the council stated for
himself that he could not endorse the
course Mr. Clegg had taken in renting
it as he did knowing the church was
using it for divine worship. As care-
taker he had the power to rent or re-.
fnee the hall. Mr. Walker stated that
the hall was rented before the present
council was orgauized and he would
hold Mr. Clegg to the agreement in
spite of us, and he got the hall with Mr.
Clegg's permission, against the wishes
of every member of the council. Just
follow Mr. Clegg's words : " you have
the picture of five councilmen who in-
side of one hour backed down and
swallowed their own words." Oh savo
us from the blow of our friend who
would fain claim us as his companion
weathercock,first one thing then another.
No, we shall leave our friend to mourn
alone. We claim to have principle, and
neither the face of Mr. Clegg or all his
power combined can daunt us in any
way from doing our duty. He stated
had I not written private letters he
would have let the matter drop. The
only letter I wrote was to Mr. Bean,
Recording Stewart of the Methodist
church, asking him not to blame us as a
council for the unthoughtful and incon-
iderate act which Mr. Clegg -was guilty
of. I knew the people of Gorrie would
feel bad, and Mr. Clegg knew the same,
and instead of manfully bearing the
public censure which he brought upon
Himself by his inconsisteut course he
endeavors to throw the blame on the
council, but we throw it back where it
belongs and ask our readers to judge
who has the long ears.
Yours, B. S. Cooe.
• Answer to Mr. Clegg:
Editor Osszette:—I read an_ article in
your issue Of the 26th Jatt., over the
sigtiatnre, of W H., Clegg, Who seemed
to be 'wincing, terribly over—nothing,
except 'perhaps a guilty conscience.
Such gidlt he could no longer
and endeavoring to prove that the
council dIroviroli-gie inerachildren, he
attempts te-disPleliAttle ready 'Wits--
slesarcesm---sand -bolstered stpmith
hiainsnal-Self-aiitee*,-he says be thiks
it higi dtititi;plice himself- light before
theeleotorsef-Howickis. .For*Whitt ? for
renting -the tail:04-1A tift4-dairing
• - - - -
party, 44..-.-'-ktine our -earetokoes. Now
surelY14%-0 idmikithls in kb 1t.
- • „
Owing to the terrific storm of Friday
last the Forsisters' concert proved a
partial failure. Bro. White, High
Secretary, of Hamilton, and Miss Bowes,l
the elocutionist, and the Gorrie
Orchestra, were present, as well as Mr.
Thos. W. Gibson, High Court Auditor,
so that those of the audience who
braved the elements were not altogeth-
er disappointed. Mr. -Gibson's scholar-
ly address dealt with the financial
candition of the Order showing that the
• surplus fund amounts to about a quar-
ter of a million dollars, which has been
invested -to the best-peesible advantage;.
over half a million haaheen paid in
,death claims during the Year, while a
very large =emit of sick - benefits has
been paid ont. Mr. Mole ably dealt
with the Usefulness of theOrder
Society aura gave instances of the good
done. The'repitations of Miss Bowes
were of a order and well merited
the vociferous applause given. The
- . .
patentee° bat the cyclone of
ca aka wind; -was against them
Ias no fault of their's that the
ecitteerOvas not a success.
A ska,ting carnival is to be held in the
Wroxeter Rink next Tuesday evening,
14th, inst., when prizes will be given
for the various costumes, besides which
there 'be , a skating race and an
exhibition -4f fancy skating by Mr. Jno.
J. Sanders; chainpioii of -Canada. The
Genie Brass Band has been engaged
for the occasion. Admission -15e.,
children and skaters in costmne 10c.
The poles are delivered on the ground
for the electric light.
Notes of the week:—The storm raged
furiously round Lakelet on Friday up to
noon to -day (Saturday) _ our burg was
literally dead. By shovelling and abus-
ing horse flesh iluite a number had
turned out and our business men's
shops were stormed...Mtaeli; who has
been visiting round here for twonsonths
left for Dakota to -day. He was mem-,
panied by his ueice Miss T. J: MeCer:
mall who purposes remaining In that
state for some time...Is the C.
track impassable or have the Genie*ras
gone astray ? They ,have ,not arrived
here up to date...Mr. Robt. Ferguson
shipped a car load of fine cattle on
Thursday. He disposed of them, in
Toronto, and we hear he made quite an
item...A new society called the
"Ancient Order of Wranglers" started
here recently. The names of the
official staff were given by the Expreas
Correspondent in last week's issue.
They meet six nights in the week be-
tween 6:30 and 8 o'clock, and debate on
some of the most difficult topics...Mr.
T. Bunston bought a thoroughbred
Jersey cow- near Neustadt the -tither
day...Our burg farmer also'' added
another valuable animal to his already
fine stock...Saw and chopping mill were
having a rest to -day, as the weather
was so severe...Messrs. Nay and Me,
Elwain go to Chatsworth next week t
spend a week with friends...Many4sf
the farmers in the vicinity of Lakelet;
have taken the creamery fever, 'the
result is that they, purpose next summer
sending their cream to Mildmay
Doubtless the pigs and calves will raise
their voices in volumes of praise...Mr.'
W. Cook purchased last week the shop
in which he worked for years from Mr.
J. Horton. Mr. Cook will move into
his shop very soon.
Springbank. -
The milk routes for the Springbank
cheese factory were let on Monday last
as follows:
Route No.1—Ed. Krohn $1 24 per trip
" Padfield 1 45 "
" 8—H. Schurter 1 01 "
" 4—Thos. Brown 85 "
" 5—Geo. Rush 1 25 "
" 6—A. Montgomery 1 88 "
" 7—Alf. Taylor 1 34 "
" 8—Wm. Rush 30 44
The contracts average 75c. per day
cheaper than last year, route 7 being
the only one which went at an advance
over the previous contract.
Mr. C. Hallman delivered 146 lambs
to' Mr. Wm. Stinson at Clifford on Mon-
dayrast. Twelve teams were required
to carry them.
. •....
Tho following is the standing of the
pupils of S. S. No.15 and 3; Howl& and
Carrick, with regards to attendance,
punctuality and general proficiency for
the month of Janu.ary:—
Fourth Class—Henry Lusch, David
Teskey, Maggie Renwick, Fred Wilkie,.
Will Johnson, Bertha Ttskey, Annie
Third Class—Jamea Vegan, Norman
Pomeroy,- Maggie Gieenley, Howard -
Johnson, Tilley Berry, „Bertha Murray, 1
John Harris, John Mornay, Ethel Page.
Second Chugs Sh4-1sRieintaxl Misrray,
Willie LusA.14 KatiMerray, Nide
Marie, Floe Teskey.'
4, 4