HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-02-02, Page 3E t3EST �rative dairies, hnndr»ia million, s still ait'tplor- s employ 1,100 ianjos �4 made o$ ie hundred tons I yearly .n Eng- '� the earth seven ,ounds of seasid® ,ustrles rt �'vlan< into mats is the best masculine out in Russia. ie if discovered, tares have a leas than any other !ied with water gh an aqueduct !e annually pro. �,s. In five years l to 50,000. � are in .Japan 000,000,000 tons 'value to Austra- tteb weighs but inch. One mile much leas than by a Shetland of Persia This my twelve and er restrictions ey can exercise here there are e. e heads of (lolls at. Its prod. by an English h $40,000,000 a ompanyasserts minium at less provided it can of 3,000 tons of n obtained by owder, dissoly. a with b d y ro- owder into a it in a por. it 1,200 dag. rtment has or. fief clerks and use the tele. their services ilitary mobil- Washington is weather prov- a wise saying to report the e origin of the where it is in nnectiou with n of the lead d. China has s for the pur- est lead, as it nest in exist - for it,; it is ing the best hes an age of e year- ,,the the chestnut, hundred ; the ak, one thou. two thousand ldt computed ecies of ban- ven hundred r figures has das betrayed r, each piece cents in all, per cent. the amount to ,()0',),000,m0,_ to goid would 17,000 such the subject, r in a man's the is ragged and thither, ntrol on the S a tendency e moustache i, vanity and urns upward ith a love of tion is down - urn of mind, tal abstainer, the tide of er, stronger. considers, is f the liluor s, according not meet to king, whilst ally friendly ing ,: a clip Auld Lang re to -day- in a about 600 ,ing reached The con. other coun- ssia 373 men who marry arg of age, 8.29 women veen twenty int particu- le marrying w those of n tribe dis- ting pieces upper lips. d gradually incredible their lips ibioa The they smile ;o the eyes, ': ludicrous. who die and a owls, '1-, fig ab nib 'some dead one dies anselves for i an annual ld coutrib• apeotatit n fltiesids in h tLey FAA 11- IiRas2�2� ,-.- - -r - eT,. _ y be _, sr _.. - _ w _ . _: <_.-d, T: _.. Y_�, } r ._ n ��._ < _ _ �._ a �_ f _ a __ ter._ a.. _ .. _ a - , pwlu n z. t -. �s _ r_ . _�_ _ . -. �� _... - - _ - ..,�.... .... _=a, a._ _ • .:,._ - _ ^`,<- - - - 71 .. _.:' - _ vi ' - ., a r_: L m. - , ti. _ :- _ -� W,�ER&--OF--4TE s --SIVA. _ ti$ � 9t- I . . --- " tiff xa ration is Pa< They captain 3n a {;harming people, these exesptonnl peo• 1.. - de - form all the elements neces- pie $ere s a medicine -Dr. Pierces Golden i A FioattaS islsad or alystery and a Phan- of Tassels Make 1Leporis Ahoa nary _ to_ give hew " life and ' richiieds Mediti Discover for iitstlince, and it's i tem -like ICar1r. lis IIe)e lastorniis.;:= —' to the biaod,, and "re$tore _ehtttered cured hnndrede : yhodsuls that're known, Tb*-ose of steam has done much to rob A Qi P $• an BBjl *_ m - w�IIilgF�gi M'o aice, Iiu ' ere still re- When the Nova Scotian baFg•_,Montreat' _ Tney are an .unf. . e ific thousands that nnkl va sell et ours .,, m� nerves. Fst113e. ,,,, silwg P� s y y � ins il;s little to delight the lover Of sea worked iiec ow ay iflatt ht rtior the other for such diseases .as iocomotoF" _stasis, nen- is an eat tiozial-:ccs f' a you think that i m`' star In these dull tiures.of morning, wi�tli ons' t o =date the others Bel It�s,�Pith'Shesmatinm and, �, " rheamatisin Y #al,{eai a�e���r y. Y . R! ft.:. P , ktervoua headache, that bit of hua>} maleic yvhich ;yen Dahl 9' ' c ofp''I°; cdmmerce, when ships -are riot having bt eWripgod fmtn her spaesi in a howl ReIieCCotnts Alter Docfera h ui`Ftailt�l She after of eats of Ia , -- pe, palpitation of f° I" is different from tlfie oar parcels of t'n%. ^ vtrith rushing from continent ing gasle€ a riE o ted that she was • - ire-$tory f o sltlsrtat+�iW ita>ale thin' ,` pale and sallow complexions human nature? "But you don't Doty my -, to continent at railroad speed, but °n1 ac fi i>xlie wAm _ the use t �, 3 b and th®tired feeling resulting from mere- case." Good friend in nine nine oat' a 1?= Y -even fore,et, the stormy sea to succumb of oil poured through the forward closets ous prostration ; all diseases depending hundred cases they causes are the same _ G, Moger, r P Grand Valley Star. non vitiated humors in the blood, such as impure blood -and --that's wh Golden g , , by the =ignoble pouring of oil from after they had previausly here stuffed with I? d, p y ,� , i'ti t �19,#�rtO There are few people in this vicinity who scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They Medical Discovery" cures ninety-nine out WIS. This is the opinion of a man rubber bags hung at their bows, it is like oakum so that the oil could trickle slowly P $ on the sea. The effect was described as do not knuwMr. Th°s..MothLsa, nf'aPaldema .` age also a specific for troubles peculiar to of every bundred. You maybe the exesp W119 �� a drug Store, SeW all hearing an echo from the golden days of He has been for ears the trttstworth Captain Marryat's haroes to be told that in something wonderful, in which particular y y females, such as suppressions, irregularities, tion. And you may not. Bnt would you ` eectioii foreman of the =C. P: R. in the clivi= and all forms of weakness. They build up rather be the exception, or would you 'comes in direct contact the Atlantico O can, almost in the steamer the report allies with all those collected by f v �s - ?3tientS and their families, the Hydrographic Olhce since last August. sion in which he resides and the exemplarythe blood and restore the glow of health to ratifier be well . If you're the exception i � - . � _ track, there; has been for some months aelife he always led has given him a respect- ale and sallow cheeks, In the casE of men costs you nothing, you get your money back . q ;�3etter than an Big steamships bare begun to lies oil as a P anyone else floating island, with tree he surface ea ammo great matter of course now, but there are still some able status in the community. He is a they effect a radical cure in all cases arising -but suppose it cures you? x Self, and what true reeds, thing feet above the surface of the gentleman wl.o is thoroughly reliable, and from mental worry, overwork, or excesses Let the " Golden Medical Discov ry." IiaYe• a hears Of all sea. That A really exists, or at least did old ahelibacka who scorn the notion and when "Tom" Moss tells you anything on exist till Sep. 19, the day on which it was believe more in hauling and belaying. They 3' Yt g y of whatever nature. take the risk, " � Inst sighted, there can be no doubt, forfonr wouldn't use.gl any more than Galtiver's can depend upon it every time. This by These Pills are manufactured b the Dr. slid SiiCCeSSeS, and Call Old captain on the Adventure way of prelude to an interesting story the Williams' Medicine Com an Brockville, Make money your god; it will plague yon ' e ; i knout of li® steamships Iilae reported it and the hope. P whose method pp y, like the devil. � g P was weird. First he took in his sail Star has to tell. For some time past a Ont, and Schenectad N. Y. and are sold nl £: � �ytiiighS Sore Throat lesaly mattes" Of fact United States Hydra. " great deal of novel and entertaining liter- ' y' .�_ ' ' graphic Of de has made a report on it, .and and stood by to. hand the foresail-; but mak- areae has a eared in the ertainingol •the only in boxes bearing the firms trade mark A tree in Africa resembling the English Or" a#at had done such of g Pi PP on the wrapper, at 50 eta. a boa or six oak, furnishes excellent butter that will ® :" Cj yL work ill my traced the avanderin island on the lot ing foal weather; [ie"handed the inizaen. The press throughout the count giving the boxes for $2.50. Bear in mind that Dr. keep the ear round chart for November. With their usual owl- I ship la.y,broad off, so be thought it better r', g g COU 118 s oonfn before the"sea than trying or bull- Particulars of cures bordering on the minae- Williams' Pink pills are never sold in bulk 8' >> 8= as BOSChee S like solemnity the hydrographers have man• P g Y g Have You Asthma i ulous, 'in various parts of the country. Sore Tl1r©�St aged to present the story in the d est way mg. He reefed the foresail and set him, y or by the dozen or hundred, and any deafer Syrup. possible. T9 them the ocean is only agreat Those who have read these narratives moat trying Dit. R. SCHIFF}xANxr, St. Paul, Minn., _,.winter a lady Galles and hauled,ol£ the foresbeet. : The helm was who offers substitutes is t m to defraud p' Y have put them down either as clever you and should be avoided package ' hard a•weather. He belayed the fore down Dr. Williams will mail a trial arks a of Schiflmann s at Store who was bleak s ce> on the ma neat! covered Y and daring romances, or come to the con- Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or Asthma Cure free to any euHerer. Gives Fl01ft•SiOIil' y ' with carefull • measured squares and figures. haul." And then he hauled off upon the �� �>�� 5uflelin from a Very q g lanyard of the whipstaff and helped the man elusion that truth is indeed stranger than direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine instant relief in worst cases, and_ :_ z TAE Roll �NTic STORY at the helm. Butthat was long ago and the fiction. The Star must confess that it did Company from either address. The price where °there fail. Name this paw : } � Ville could madly, of the drifts island is told b them in one Dor ca tains who make nautical histo not pay much attention to the reported at which these ills are sold makes a course send address, w11, Y P P r'Y P' ` _ <�T Ti�%tttserman Syrup sentence filled with latitudes and longi. now, hard! eta..ch ce to reef even the miraculous cures until aboat a month ago, of treatment comparatively inexpensive as Subtler may deceive you; integrity never an- _ .?��oSeS would give re- g y when it was told that a cure nits as notable P Y p Y y Y g Y tudes. They dont concern themselves with steam sirea_Ar <$e"l, ay9t1m- hawsepipe. And q compared with other remedies or medical will. - lief • bits 1iE t 3103 confidence lis speculations as to where it cams from orb when the storms do blovR'tho encash! o as manyof those published had been wrought treatment. ' y y g f g within a few miles of Grand Valle The fact Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for atent medicines. I told her to take what chance it started on its strange voy• below and seek the relief that bags of oil Y• coughs and colds i the most reliable and age. The ca tains of the steamships which hum over the bows' 1eld. is that great cures, or accidenta, or tragedies a bottle, aIia if the results Were not g p g Y TOU WITTY - perfect cough medicine in the market. For passed it slag ave but meagre deer i tions The -list of big steamshi s which have when they occur hundreds of miles away— P g g P g P no matter how exciting or how thrilling— -- sale everywhere.- An . -_ Cjorj! -would make no charge of it, but when their repoats'were all put used oil with sueeess is getting longer with g g— � �, afber she called together a fair idea of the island could be every month. '>ahe ease of one ship, the do not usually arouse more than a passing A Grocer who Lost by Impudence. Three may keep a secret, if two of the interest where t•he actors or the central are dead. 1t, f;tlihat Slie gathered. It was far out at sea when it Red Star steamship PToordland, it helped It is not profitable for a merchant to be - SS3i?$ was seen for the first time. The captain of the crew to rescue the men on the sinking figures are entirely unknown. But let GIBBONS' TOOTHACHE GUM acts as a WOE _ J� --i)utitinfuture a3 p g too witty; at any sate, he should not try to rein or „ the British stes�piship Blue Jacketighted bark Oars II. Captain Niokels, of the something occur in ones own neighborhood he wit on ever occasion. Not lou ago, temporary filling, and stops toothache instant- g feW dOSeS had iT8il3er rile „ analogous to that re reed" from a distance Y y S $ , y Sold by Ara ggieta. it on July 2 ip Zatixne 39:. ---longi-, j'�s3ordluAoz;�Qctoher_titude - . g P° , in a country town where there are two When faith is lost `t'n�e gl• A about 700 miles east of Halifax. 47:50 north lou nude 40:12 west. After and with what different feelings is the news ,and honor dies, the ' g received. We had read of miracles moron ht groceries in the same street, a very green- man dead, ?F� 'f'tpoverdfr4-�xV' _T and s timed ti jre i?slm it; rer'rcu+ d taut os masasnend g towheaded, timid -looking yoiwg country- CANADA PERMANENT 1- - - ' o*� L *iter eds t#x riding thiriy c gp+ tl> gi, - bairkgng.Oscar IL atTrenton, renton, London, Hamilton and other A P. 641. _ laces, through the use of Dr. Willfatna' man came into one of them one afternoon_, - Te e£ a ova the sea level. It was visible for The sea was high. and breaking at the time, . at a time when half a dozen ,villagers wer _ a hula„lo, rim thq liioat anti fiakin Hier amoua Pink Pills for Pate People, -., But we a distance of seven miles, and looked _ g� g grouped around stove. The atorekeepe much like solid land that it deegivea thg fp r _ el A"i _” _' q were not aggiiai*lted ,vith rte's garties re, sfi eek 'etEw, a ua do from was waiting upon some one, and paid no at lookout at first. Not hon afterward on .both sides of a shi w1 h much success' mored to health ; we were in the enjoy - g P sent of Rood health ourselves, and the tention to the new comer. August 8, the steamship Letimbro passed it The British steamship Nesamore, Captain memory of the rest thin done in other *faltering, the timid young man said, in in latitude 39:`:6 unciong}tulle 6a, a ,few �Teusou, ran, jupto� succession of,heavygales, sections assed'roin our faltering,: half -frightened voice smiles Bodth of wh;We(lt wad1 st seen: - The 1lieAip `can before the sea@. was report- P r mind. When we "llo- _k !p—sweet p'tetter?" - �IPb$o rit,-r�..d efe ttzlii et,>.tha. v¢e had, -only --to cc said the storekeeper; °' we don' and found A was covered wi AA dense from sp '- rejecting ten fat 1.over the rail thrive`down to the prettywillage of Walde- keep 'em. We sell 'em jest as fast as w thicket of re��s, most of which were thirty at the fore rigging. In this way the oil bags pia' t° get full particulars of a miracle as can !" feet high. On August 26 the steamship towed in the water and read the oil bet- striking as many that had been reported fn g R P P Then he winked at the company aroun Roman Prince shi ,sb whioh te>C.thasa �h close atom fide W On eto et the newspapers, we were at once interested« •- . - : r; �a . P w t . _, .. ;the {steep, vabe inked appreciatively �ri� k- act f`cii �htiig,; e s anti, *,. ie ' ;Jh a�oaiinfiairroua s aa:fo lokv g e m$ h rola !tat Air; Tlioa, Nloas The gt�e�n'yaung man said, °Oh !"'and wen unusual things at sea, sighted the island in ing in our wake, an oil bag was towed over n who owed hie restoration to reatrs_ Deese as health to the use of Dr. Williams'-,iNned up to the stove and aplead out the palma o latitude 41:49 and longitude 57:39t.almoet, the ffrail d proved a, a P > ' :J'tuk�Eilitse„ilirstuliar tilt il�r:° Monis :d 'The storekeeper went on wait s ,o gg 1,000 miles northeast of i ew(`IFork:: fish"w ►tfiioursi't?r�i iy iiiyeve�i' `sea ing on his other customer, and used u last shipto sight the strange waif was the had broken on board %ft. The good result had been laid up with rheumatism at in - g g g about fifteen minutes in doing so. steamship Ebro, which passed the island in was immediate • we shipped no more water tervals for years, and that there was a c PP Then he stepped toward the green youn latitu 45:29 aafl hon tnde'.42:39, about n the At rat we _used fish o#i time last.sprigg - and summer when his d� &• = , man, ,'who was still warming his hands at th Y,900 miles northeast of New York, heading then a mixture of fish and eulza oils .the familar face was entirely missing from r, ' •the railroad, the Star determined to stove, and said, brusquely for the steamers track. latter being much the more effective. Did yon say you wonted to buy some Plottingon the ma the course taken b When the British: steamship Francisco see him and get a confirmation of the ?„ P Y P ewes. potatoes?" story afloat as to .the cure by the use of the floating island, fist is f s i ItE.into heavy,, on Noveu�J _ 3,. 3n The young man ",turned slowly about an 4 T, - in`k Pills. s - On eein ” Mr - .Moss and e r�flyr $, w 1t w ret o midficeanI and er:' `dove to for ftlnr'honra g getting answered, "I -didn't -say -I wanted-t( .:fast north aboiif 1 milia iu the iron h of the .sea Ca rain Tenk�ns the facts from him, we found that his story _, g P was even more stt risin than the one buy none ; I jest-ast�-ye-if ye kap Thi Was 8ti aver about ;" ilesn ordered oakumstu[ffe*1 into the pipes of the g em. " hi losers and fills them 'which had been gein� the local rounds. Mr. ho'nndt ir►a �'ti?xd its `+ward and t> He then warmed his hands a few saner iiho- i , , u,' ilfi ,LfL oil rnglir� that lad a ninrvel- Moss had not only boen troulaled with -- rheumatism, but sciatica of a most painful longer. Thea he walked slowly out of th ''the sea. Were rt came from, fist' what odd Tons effect on the sea. Along the ship's side, store,,remarking as he went: type, and had also been afnicted with bion fortune it was torn from its place to start on for a good long range to windward, the sea ' "'I=gueei ,. I'll-`Lgo--drown the street— , its wonderful 'Duane , no one knows -and became smoyth the bid waves seeming to chitin which he had` Dme to regard as '�,_bu• -me-some-sweet 'tetters !" pf6T-?i'Wito tine ev'er*iff-'_'-"" melt to nothing, and nota drop of water The laugh around the stove was not a There is another bit of romance in the came aboard after that. THE PATIENT s sm0$Y.; the expense, of -the greenhorn this time. shape of a masterless bark. With all sails The steamship Werkendam, of the Nother- "What you have heard is quite true," said Mr. o c. set, but without a soul to ran her or hold lands -American Line, on October 1�9 used Mas in reply to our query, I _ ALOtheT Irish Vil;toly• ber helm, the Capella, a Norwegian bark oil for sixteen hours with good success. She have used Dr. Williams' Pink Pills with - had been shipping large quantities of water wonderful results. For years I had been Over the door'of a certain country public ABAvnosED IN nllDoc$AN, , until an oil rag was hung over the weather a sufferer'from rheumatism and bronchitis house is painted the picture of two- asses has been cruisingthe seas alone for a month side, when no more waves cameaboard. The and had come to look upon both as chronic. under which is inscribed; "When shall w like a lost soul. With the wind for her Waesland on October 25 had the same ex- Last spring I met with further trouble, three meet again?" captain and the seas all ber own, with never perience. Other ships which reported much when I had the misfortune to be afflicted Pat, who was just returning from work a port to'make, she has roved idly about, success in the use of oil recently were the with a severe attack of sciatica. I became scythe over shoulder, happened to notice the doubling on and crossing her tracks, as aim- steamships Teutonic, Virginia, British Em- so bad that I was laid up, and for some picture, and gazed intently at it for some lesaly las a seabird. But with all her idle Aire, Prodano, Thuringia, Ohio, Plassey, weeks was unable even to move.. Many of time. tacking to and fro, she has never gone far Lord O'Neill, British King and the sailing the men on the line can tell you of the con- The landlord, seeing him from the window from one place. She has haunted the steam- ships Wilhelmine, Lord Canning, Rebecca dition I was in. There was an accident on above, put his head out and asked what M. Walls and H. J. Libb the road and I had to be earried,to a hand was the matter. ere' track. Men standing night watch on Y car that I might be brought to the scene of "Faith, and Oi say (see) it now," Pat ex - ocean steamships racing over the curling �' the occurrence in order that a proper re- claimed. "I sayit. I wondered where seas have seen her suddenly appear from the Death of a DistiIIgt d3hed Cavalry Officer• port might be made to the railway author- the third "ass hagot to!" gloom, like a great phantom, with her sails ities. I believe I would still have been --- bellying before the wind. In the daytime The death has been reported of Major - she has been sighted forging slowly on, now General C. Vanbrugh Jenkins, who joined helpless in my horse, or perhaps told he headed this way, now that, as the shifting the Bengal Light Cavalry in 1839 at tfie age silent majority, if a friend had not told me His Final tnd• winds blew her. So she has wandered since of seventeen. While still a coronet, he took of the great merits of Dr.. Williams' Pink He had worried through the cholera, the 1♦ e was abandoned on October 22. Her art in the Afghan war of 1842 under Gen- Pills and urged me to try them. All other measles and the mumps, P g rgmedies had failed, physicians were, en - 1 ew was taken off by the steamship Blake- era! Pollock, being at the forcing of the, And had attempted suicide—been saved by floor, and it was reported then that she Khyber Pass, the relief of Jellalabad and in tirely unable to cure me, and I had given stomach -pumps ; was left in a sinking condition, The Blake- all the fighting up to the reoccupation of them up in despair. YOU Can imagine the And then to cap the climax, he wed a moor left her lurching as if she would go Cabal, and including the cavalry charge in despondent condition I was in when Mr. Rainey, of Grand Valley, mentioned woman vain, down any minute„in latitude 52 and °Iomg the Tezeen Valley, the war in the Gwalior Who sent him out to match some silk -he tude 3l. That was -about 2.300 miles'north: Cam a' n o61A843.4, and was present at Pmk Pills to me. I had little was never seen again. ► P ig. hope that they would benefit me, but east of Halifax, due east of the northern the battle of Maharajopore in the Sutlej extremity of Newfoundland, and about Campaign of 1846, includingAliwal, and in drowning men Clutch at straws, and that He Wished He Could, ' seventy miles north of the steamer track. the Pnnlaub War of 1848.9, taking part in was my frame of mind when I purchased But she did not founder. On October 30 the battle of G,hilliau, Wallah,an Gaojerat, the first supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Principal Smith is one of the wisest and she was sighted by the steamship Charle- Becoming•heiftenant-colonel in 1862, he had Pills. I had not used the Pink Pills long kindest In teachers, but now and then his mont, with fore lower topsail and main top- command'of the Bengal European Cavalry,' when I began to find relief and thisnatural- watchfulness makes him over -auspicious. gallant sail set. .She was then in latitude transformed into the 19th Hussars, retiring ly made me hopeful, and I persevered .in In the geography class the other day his 60:3x” and longitude 31:58, seventy miles die• from the regiment in 1877, when he , was their use until the cure was complete. The eye fell upon a boy who seemed to be eating tant from where she had been abandoned. granted the rank of major -general. General change. wrought in me by Dr. Williams' something. . She was directly in the steamer's track. Jenkins who was in receipt of a reward for Pink Pills is as delightful as it is marvellous, -jack Williams," Raid the master, stern - She and for the first time in ears I find myself 1 "take that lees of candy out of your She was again sighted on November 2, distinguished service, died last Saturday at y Y yr P when the steamship Llandaff City passed Cruckton ;Hall,' Salop, at the age of seventy, free from pain. I was weak, helpless and mouth at once." her. The deserted s`liip was in latitude 51 and hopeless—doctor and other remedies had To his astonishment a giggle went round longitude 28, 150 miles northeast of the - done me no good, but Pink Pills have re- the room, as the next instant poor Ja"ck place where the Charlemout sighted her. She Was Used to It• stored fine to health and strength. The answered: I can't, sir ; its a gum -boil. " She was north of the steamer track` `then. "S6,'rsttarled the father, "you have ask- sciatica disappeared, the rheumatism went �--- Q t stranger er still I a n Her rudder was gone, but her sails, were set ed my, Aaughter to marry you, and havma with it, bu a r g t cured of the The secret of success is constancy to pur- and drawing, and she was on. the starboard gained `her consent, you come to me for bronchitis I had come to regard as incurable. track, heading again for the main steamor }Nine V �" 3hat's about the dimensions of I say- stronger still, because I notice that in pow' tack. Seven days after she had been pass- it,."_ r-sjondeA the young man, bravely. the list of ailments for which Dr, Williams ed by the Llandaff City she was passed by " Do you.know, sir, that I have no money claims his remedy beneficial, bronchitis is 1J I Had Coitre the City of Berlin. She bad sailed almost anthcan give her nothing?" The young man not mentioned, and this forces me to the Or swellings to the neck due east and was in latitude 51 and fougi gt�tte3 the old one on the back encouraging- conclusion that Pink Pills have even more , since I was 10 years old; tude 24,240 miles fro_ri the position where ly. " That's all right, old fellow," be said, marvellous properties than they have been w �_ am now 52. I used she had been last sighted. The ste.wabip " neither have I, so the change win not erediteii with. 1VIy case seems almost in• Hood's Sarsaparilla re - Catalonia passed her on November 13, in prove a serious shock to her. What do you credible but there are so many here who are cently and the swelling latitude 50:59 north and longitude 21:30 say ? Is 0 a 99-Y' It went witnesses of my cure that even ,the most %- has entirely disappeared west, 180 miles further east, and again` p ' ' '' a 3 v sceptical moat be convinced, and I firmly .. _ ; � %�, ' believe Dr. Williams Pink Pills will cure % ", . I It liar beenveryI began I the steamer track. - ' any trouble with which man is afflicted. ,('` some. When I began I This danger to navigation is being looked •ny children, many cares; no children This may seem to be entliasiasm, but I was feeling so discour. out for by every abs ich.PklesA rt, ",Z €t � felicity. have -the right to be enthusiastic after what aged with the goitre and of the sea. She 40W, apliardatiy fig ' - condition whenever she was sighted and Influence is the exhalation of character. they hava`done for me, and I strongly; urge rheumatism I felt that may sail the ocean for a long time befoke One value of cold storage is in keeping' those affiicted,with-sickness of any kind to i id' Iwould as soon be dead she sinks or is broken tip by the waves, potatoes for seed from sprouting. Then try Dr.. Williams Pink'.- Pills-the':greatest as alive. Whenever'1"caught cold I could not bei► !anti d -they sprout at once, and the of modern medicines."_ Walk two blacks without fainting. Now<I am Perhaps some shiftier tho ,vtt ti bl6wing = R � ry lase from'it all and Z can truly recommend ggt4,a .ii ch more vigorous. _:ylo a mai rative_- vas ces tainly of ab- Hood's: Sarsaparilla. I received a letter from /readily for sanyy_ ysroieiil 1#prad l• to VJ�*Ar iarlyaeihexeporti Mt'�:'Jenme-w9elow now-ofFremont,Mieh., some unfrequented vatt:of-bhe--neea�*Ai6ire � _ )Sa McLean writes, from Barrio askiuf;.,if 7ny res��}}trlonial is behalf of Hood's she may drift, a lonely gihvstkf.sti °shipforaa�efit. March 4 1889, as follows: �'eww4lr1.'nafrsrilianwhowonid eaag > garsaparills;wastru@l Ire lied it was, and sent ��� k_ ` culars..".:I have another letter from her F. many yearns She may dissylgrtjlsitireapit A en a' great sufferer from neuralgia,` i sz' •a 5omay sushi fol recommending ed of open sea around the pole, or: fOWP %r the last nine years, but, being advised, - carx .�, T ;: s south, sail among islands of spice and ever- try St. Jacobs Oil, can now heartily eL- onias w'o ha a s ``i1u"1�t•t'Sapf �1la lasting summer, peacefully and dreamily, dorsa it as being a most excellent remedy Moss to the hand -car when taken to the and stating_ that she also has been cured." until other generations come upon her, a for this complaint,' as I have been greatly scene of accident above mentioned and also Mas. ANNA SUTHERLAND, Kalamazoo, Mich. clic of a fargottel past. benefited by its nae. Mr:iucl� p,¢theµplifar E==P-)agent: ,s F?lIL'se rile best= eteralnner Th&lep ,,te , . �eturneii` A- Grand' ��lfey M'. ."They adsUVd*Aiou aud'vi heid"b.a. ! fully satisfied as to the great curative prop- - erties of,Dr. ,Williams'. wonderful discov- ' The Star interviewed the druggists of , GURE �t 'Grand'Valley, and had the -same answer from all, Pink Pills are the best setlin sad latuable treatise and bottle of medidne sent Free to any g Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address. H. G. most popular remedy in their stores, and ROOT, M. C., 186 West and Street. Toronto, oat the sales are constantly increasing. Mr. Erskine, of Dr. Hopkins' drag store, and-DR.TAFT'S- - _ -- - = 3 A J h b l 6 X x _ .--_. __.. ^L� .. �E:�°`�,r_.,.�.,�:�.•�K''�'yr#siFxS'Y,L�_c'X>% - ._.s.. iS�=:'�'- _- __. .a. -. e - a to eaThank e , r . ; SOUSES25° 1HEGRE a CU t CO.'GH:Ciig , E e 25t5©4s1.R I- ; Cores ConsumiMon, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. _Sold all Daunts on a Guarantee. Sht-lob's Porlius Foe Side, $ack Mum - a Lame t Pli►ster will give great satisfaction. -35 rest. f I f ,- • :. HIL. H S _, CATARRH p:• - REMEDY. g` Hav+eyouCatarrh? This Riemedywillrelieve e and Cure you. Price Wets. This Injector for its successful treatment free. Remember, SWloh's Remedies are sold on a guarantee. - - - 1 = BETTER, ,MUCH You! - ... - - - TRISYSTHE UNIVERSAL TESTI -- NONYof those who have suffered from ,: p _ r.. _ _ CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, t t COLDS, OR ANY FORM OP WAST- .-...: _ LYO DISEASES, after they haire tried �• •. _ -1 .1..:.1^1— ,. "_.-.-. .' ..,.- :' .� A� AW01=1 AIVA au & A 1; mum LS I uAft Ne - : ,,:. ���"'Er�..-._-_.,.: -._" Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and 3.. _. _:.xt_'10- __._...._ -.. �.'_..-, ..' ,.. .e -c .�.., ._.__..�.-_'__- .--- _. �, iG'..,, _.�_.-.,..max.,. _,�... __ .- HYPOPHOSPHITES -. _- ..--_�7s.. --Orf Lime sled Soda. - IT IS ALMOST AS PALATABLE AS MILKS IT L4 A. WONDERFUL FLESIE PRODUCER, It is used and endorsed .by Physicians, Avoid all imitations or substitutions. !Sold by aid Druggists at 50c, and $1.00. , SCOTT & BO if'NE, BellcWlle. FOR SUBSCRIPTiON BOOKS. BIBLES AIM ALBUMS, write to William Briggs, Publisher, Toronto ITUATIONS VACANT—For hundreds o smart yoang men and women who wil thoroughly prepare themselves in Shorthand Book-keeping, Arithmetic, Penmanship, Typo writing, etc. Address College of Correspond ence, Toronto. IF YOU W3ULD SAYE TIME AND MMY BUY - NEW WILLIAMS SEWIXG_ HANDINE Agents everywhere. CONSUMPTIOIai Valuable treatise and two bottles ofinedi,ne s-nt Free to any Sufferer. Give Express and Post Office address. T. A. SLOG U M fr CO.. 186 West Adelaide Street. Toronto. Oat DO YOU IMAGINE That people would have been regularly using our Toilet Soaps since 1815 (forty-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD? The public are not fools and do not continue to buy goods unless they are satisfactory. HE.&63ERwtL333_ WHY•' 33=2' a Boot or Shoe that'does not fit. Why- punish your golf in attempting to form your foot to a boot orshoe. We make our Boots and Shoes from two to sig dif ferent - widt's Ask for the J. D. King & Co., Ltd., perfect fit ting goods, and be happy. KOFF 1'0 MORE WATSONS' COUCH DRO" WILL GIVE POSiTIVE,AND INST- ANT RELIEF TO THOSE SUFFERING FROM COLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE THROAT, ETC.,AND ARE INVALUABLE " TO ORATORS •AND VOCALISTS. R. & T. W. 'STAMPED ON EACH DROP. TRY THEM Have Yen I ARRH LOA'S 1XD SAVINGS COAU31 Invested Capital, $12,000,000 Head Office, Toronto St„ Toronto, The ample and increasing resources of this Company enables its Directors to make ad- vanees on REAL ESTATE securities to any amount, without delay, at the lowest carrerab rate of interest, and on the most favorable Corms Loans granted on unproved farms and on productive town and city properties. Mortgages and Debentures gur+ohased. Application may be made timm ggh the local Appraisers of the Company or to J. Herbert Mason, Managing I,lmtor, Toronto 10 10 I . G o • GGA.- • ,I►5y�,p�; o Most Remarkable in the World. rN . Comparing the analy- sis with others, St. Lean r `•`r is the most remarkable jsI ' t in the world. The testi- .., •• c mony of those ;I know cured of diseases, m E �• `t own experience in its DRIA K use, I am forced to the conclusion that St, Leon EAE is the most remaruablo RL combination of miner- . I.R als in a water in the EA..,. world. James Gres- ham, analyitica•lc:iem fist, aBrooklyn. St. Leon !Mineral Water Co., Ltd., Branch office, 4'9 Yonge Street, A90111, A9111111, M . U %5 1 091 Sheet Music, Music Books, Guitar$ Banjos, Violins, Accordeonsand ail kited Of Band Instruments. The largest stock in Canada to choose from. Get our prices before purchasing elsewhere and save money. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. WHALEY, ROYCE & CO., 158 YONGE STREET TORONTO, ON ILES CURE Vv'hy be troubled evith PILES. Ex. TERNAL OR INTERNAL, FISSURES, ULCER- ATION, ITOHING OR BLEEDING of •-1•i REg�T Ut� OR ANt16 when Dr, CLARK'S € PILE OINTRENT ves immediate relief? In the hands of THOUSANDS it has proved perfectly invaluable. It Never Fails, even in cases of long standing. PRICE $1.00 at Druggists Sent b mall on receipt of price by addressing CLARK L�HEMICAL CO., 186 ADBADE ST .WEST, TORONTO. rMET .' ONLY m* 03 d� 03 0 V — . TRUSS IMPROVED THE LAST 20 YEARS NOTHING BETTER t'JNOER THE SOH sRUPTU 3010 FOR QU MON SHEET. ON RECEIPTSFARM110, LCT ME SELiOT WHAT ieRE4UIRE0. WILL SEND YOU POIOE 60008 ARE SENT @iY IRAL3RE018TERE116 CORRECT AND CHEAP. -. Q•-- Send Stamp for aluetmted Boot 40$.A695. CXNIUW 892PJCAL MUHiNIST.134 Kule STLIEET W. TORONTO John Bull Steel Plate Range. cip em" I 6 Mr. Stuckey, of'sYr.eith,'s establishment AsTunlA�ENE wrytold the Star they were aroazect at the great G'v$s a NightsSweet'Slee0aud,_U,UHFMS:and growing d§mand for" "IJr: ` Williams'`so that you need not IF go, USE Dh.CLw77 f@ATARRH CURE. It Pink Pills. If the remedy is as popular in situ - Unightgaspin n0v6r ITOURESCATARRH IHTNE HOAD . . .. ` other parts as it is in and around Grand A T . for breath for leer o THROAT AVID fN08E; GOLD IN THE Hg AD. NAY Ta�+T" anihOation:Onreceipt FEVE INFLAME P//��,,��TEA Q� ON 1.8, m- FOR COAL. AND WOOD. Valley great indeed must be the ood ac- stores % sense o `thine!!, as drly sway the $ of name and P.O. Address ced by all who have LATEST AND BEST. EVEIRLASTLRO compliahed bgthis famous cure, will mail Trial Beetle pULL E� RA Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills are not a pat- Dr TAFTBRos.MED1CINE I ..ME Lt�] QAe f @ �lffwePk A'p oIIerB> price �riBBg sB • Hent by"mail iiC* oY Co.. Rochester' N.Y. 60G Be sure and see the elegant "Te h re ant medicine in the sense in which that rfceb addiessinB Canadian Orifice, 186 Adelaide Street West, _�i ing any other... �lil by all Ieadfng term is usually understood, but a scien•. Toronto. om CREMICA K.1 �a. - IDE St -4-M• 7NNi& NanPd I y E, f, tc, Curses �,, Terelt; ` - / N . , - , - 1, - - , _ Q_ - . - , . _ - - - - - 1 = - -_ x --. - ... - - - -- ,: p _ r.. _ _ _ ,: " -'� �_, r, .-...: _ __ ,.:.._. �• •. _ -1 .1..:.1^1— ,. "_.-.-. .' ..,.- :' .� x -1 - - E - . - : ,,:. ���"'Er�..-._-_.,.: -._" -,� -s - -_ <_., ,_.,..: 3.. _. _:.xt_'10- __._...._ -.. �.'_..-, ..' ,.. .e -c .�.., ._.__..�.-_'__- .--- _. �, iG'..,, _.�_.-.,..max.,. _,�... __ .- ` s �_., r l_ _.�.a•,.. _. .-�_ __� -. _- ..--_�7s.. _. ___.-,.. e,� - _.e. _..,�