The East Huron Gazette, 1893-02-02, Page 1lwieh, or the cost, for ,ines and the ines of Rub- ieties, splen- ceries always G- BRIE, ONT.? .THURS Ate,' O: J. A. TUCK, M. D. a f EMBER of Coilegelof Physicians and sur- a g3ons, Ont. GOBRIE, ONT. • Lilly f ro t e r; e he 's r; < - 4. Z j ` . r _ ;, Miss Agnes Hardin of Fordwich, isj 1; g+ :the guest of relatives and friends here 'this week.- Owing to an accident- the mail :train from the east was some: sig,: hours -late on Monday last: A reply, from Reeve. Cook, to the let- ter from , r. Clegg. ublished' ` in Iasi' M p - week's GAZETTE, arrived to.latefor chis . issue. The-eoun council has a pointed. -a comtniftee to select a` ossible site for a ,g poor hoube, with_ a viewof getting infer- mation for the Board's -future use. Miss E. J.. McLaughlin i•eturne d. to Ingersoll last Thursday' where- the will. resume her studies in advanced piano music under Prof- -Shaw, for nother term.7 The Annual meeting of the Loyal,, Orange County Lodge of north anion will; take place On Tuesday next, in the town hall; begining at eleven o'elc k a. m-, full attendance"of the district' of $owick is requested. A- valuable horse belonging to Rev. Mr. Brownlee,- of this.,villa e was badl• y out by stepping on-" an , ax, - en a farnn, or • Giire' "the other day: r - .._ _ animal asunder they. ,c>sre of Dr. Arm- strong but is in a -,'dangerous condition, the feileick•joint having been cut open: - '- " - `.1'he `marriage of 11fr, G. F', `GFillilond, •of •aterloo, and Miss Martha den li=" g ter of -Mr. R. -Graham, was solemnized II the ne v Methodist Church, on Wed- nesda e, •eni•ng in,, the resence of a a P large -.concourse of friends. The care= moII was erformed byRev. J. 'Greene P _ 9J1 beingthe first marriage in the new a edifice; Mr. Jas: Leech, on behalf of the tieliglitea *with the avenin 's en o g 7 y- mem: _ Ie station here is doing a large bawl- Hess. Thrirei ht and' g passenger ea., ings,•foiWW89Z were ; freight forwarde• 160 cars;. earnings, $5,892.75; freight receivgd' 24 ears • earniII s #fi08. A P :3 g , ' passenger earnings, 1 716.75 showing. an increase in passenger earnings of, 0897:15 over the previous ear.' The.' P y. above car loads are valued at 24,000 lbs. each. We have a large increase in freight forwarded over g previous year, `and believe there is also an .u:crease i ..._ _ ire' ht received, but as we have not : record for 1891, and for the first sig ;months of 1892, which were taken to 'account at Gorrie station cannot, there- fore say, but allowing that the first six months: of 1892 (which are not..included in the oboe) to average one-third of the following six months would make 32 cars received", earning' 0811:75. The prospects for 1893 are mood: By. all aC- ' a counts .Madam 1♦ orclwich will be ver ( > y near Glory Gorrie y ( ) before the end of the resent ear. If ou contem late P y y P taking a; trip to Newbridge or Lakelet enquire of the agent here for full Parti- talars as to the route, etc. -north ; .. scaooL REPORT: -The following lathe result of a writ- tel examination, held in the senior de- partment af;Fordvvich school., .In the h class marks •iII each subject are given,.and in the other .classes the •.._ totals is given : a 4 a p, m ?; 42 as . e5 o C Fifth Class. L. •el. Hooey 85 70 80 86 321 16 W: H, Rowe 80 63 89 78 310 21 . _ . .we- .stated ti E!1 - nteetir , bl3 ! ,tie storm t ' #i• asked ^ f` II,: i : "`` _ t Monday c 4 € 2 1X39 i81C ` Nisi.' #y > : i and - ape' g gives r ietx gold wiilfie p 4114•1! -1 Mr. Hooey, OPeof Olt snode11 ' has elispo :4?t l'-snick farm acice to. , ' ; _ r c --. tlikl ua .- --- t ,owe : $ ¢ d`rli, ow-= the i res ize3q l[3$el's in' - ti d w k to come]. our.10;'' r trade. We tliinl he'- egad t he prospect S _., ,iectiort n -; `, the=weatlu - disagr:': a s good tu' The follows w = Dlecte ` fficQ; C. T. --Miss E.' Gregg. r -'•-'- P, c. T. -Mr. M. Scott. Cha Mr J. W> Ji<amilte. F. S. -Mr. D. Harkness. Trees. -Miss M. Gregg. Sec. -J• Darroch. I A Sec .-Miss Drl: Scott:-. Marshal-lidr. W. Wright. Asst. Marshal-Miss..J. Bennie Guard -Miss B. Pomeroy. { bentined-14. J. Bennett. ' -, Lodge De t -J. B. Carlaten. Pn y Trustees for the year, Mes Iei{on, Wright, and Karl Essay's given subject : Reselab the new year and how to • carry out, were many and very predict •:- it was difficult for the critic to 1 which was best: JAMES ARMSTRONG, A Veterinary Sur eUn Ati Ili G bought out the stock of g R. ming h IRELAND 1 win endeavor to keep up he reputation for High Class ( I , Confectionery, T . e- .s.' -77 ?; i \a :` •- ;. , 1? \ , r `, . r 5 1 11 ,} } w a '` J )' r < `` '6y 3 • ' GRADUATE of Ontario veterinary college, and iatiotere3 me ager of Ontario Voterm- ar Residence -Staple and Fancy- Crockery, Silverware and , , ( `` .,., ' ;. i \; .. ! ` " 1 ` -_ 'rte F - i `' Ne Next to Methodist Parsonage, t L oERT S'r>a>1zT,• GORRIS, ONT. FancyGoods,- has so _= - J AS M C LA U G H L I N, ® 1 SFUER OF MARIAGE L14'.LNSES. No witnesses required.a Q filet: -.at my Residence, Goiutts. that my predecessor well merited dor the last 12 years. -SEE THE ELEGANT- tBreakfast Sets, i. Fur Goods and • DENTISTRY. `1 Dinner sets l ter GO(3°dS Js. JnROtfe, L. D. S., wingham, will visit • Gorrie, the 1st and 3rd Monday of eaelm month. Teeth extracted without pain. All work warranted.. warrantee." Tea sets • Everything_ Fresh a=nd:- yt g AT COST PRIG MISS GREGORY, (Late of liarriston.) DB,ESS AND ;,4ANTy,E MAKER. APPRFN tices wanted. Room$ over W. S. Bean's (Stere. Guaranteed of the Finest ..Quality. A'o. urea to auulneratea: prices, but call To Clear., L;iori More, I res- ter. _ ; -_ Seiee#iiia Alnerielu and see foF ourself. :.. y _g :: . . w. Sanderson.The A` Agent► t aL = ilk .: I will sell as. 'Ghali- as the - Cheapest. -. P ' SM. reholde I/j6et... _. lYI g ry I . ( wltliflnl ,,: a', --.4"111.r, y , s f +t, h.. -CAVEATS, • TRADE (NARKS, T. 3.' 11IIILLI ;R - ! Tlcd1sXE'r .• ; $elmore:.Cheese and- Butter Company: SPECIAL General seting of the Sharehold- etabrthe eld more Temp'acIButtliCotn= party will be held in the Temperance Hall,in the village of Belmore, on .. DESIGN PATENTS, - COPYRIGHTS, etc. For information and tree Handbook write to MUNN & CO.. 361 BROADWAY, Nmr•Yoga• Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brought galore the public by a notice given free of °barge in the e ,a e iy" 4 (ArX ° j1 i j {• 1YAe a R. H. FORTUNE, V.S. C. B •C. HONOR Graduate of Ontario VeterinaryCol- H lege, Toronto, . Fellow of the Ontario 'Vet- orivary Medical Association. Under„ Graduate of C.B.C., Hamilton. Successor to J Mea tui,V.S Dentistry a specialty. Office, -Main st wToxeter, SATURDAY, Tilf Tai DAY Dr FEBRUA'RY,1893, At the Hour of One o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of electing a -Board -a-Directors for' the ensuingear,.aad an y y, =other business .;that may be brought before the Meeting.;. • PETER TERRIN F; - JAMES RITCHIE;y - N. Ic , Shareholders. ; S aiehaiders Belmore Jan, 23,1893• church, presented the' bride with anele-- family bible.. The happy', W. R. Mahood-, 78 56 92 78 294 20 D Mahood 70 29 Iii, 94-265 20 E. M. Carter' 45 83 8 52 269 20 A° white - FDurth Liae Items. in that Largest circulttion of any scientlfe paper world- Splendidly MustsBted. Nor°intelligent man should be without it. Weakly ss•o_o et year: 11.50 six months. Address Mir' iNN a CO. pttiel lsa$seS, aril Broadway, New York City. ` F 1 F r s F ;rm''fOr : IS4 ,+ • LO'r 1,' 9th Con., Tuniben y. `The farm is an excellent one,containing 100 acres, 80 under. gent . young ,,....,„p•e have the best . wishes of the * bride S m•an friends in this section for y . . their'prosperity. It er :-' :sir..i Oue L .V9i1- die ort p son of Howick township,Huron •`s Spent P a few' days in thin locality last . week,: visiting'friende and shaking hands with old acquaintances. Mr. Wilson reports the crops of that section : having been very fair the past season and is :_ha - P happy and cheerful over the prospects •for the ( More, The_wmter has been hard, . the , snow dens, but as a result -the woods -aro 'full of busy workers, and much heavy .stuff i3 being •without E. Donaghy Senior R. Abbie Jumor ' Vine Victor Susan 1aneta Vina °Senior ' Agnes Fri Fred Berdita 55 25 60 73 213 20 45 15 13 69 142.13 Fourth, (M'ks obt, 600•) Marks. Attendance. L. Cook 496 21 Cole 431 21 Fourth. McGrath... 465 • 21 Wiggins 458 21 Rowe: ` "399 .21 (L• Hainstock .. 20 395 16 Coo Cook' 358 21 Hardin 333 12 Third, g"' "' :Baird: 528 - 21. !l;:'Donaghy....:..:496 21 Mary ;Heil 487. 21- Edmunds 480 • 21 Williams 426 19 A sleigh -load of young folks fret spent a very enjoyable .evening l John Jacques' on- Thursdayo acq week. Miss V. E. • Milne, who has teaching pouting up west, and it for her holidays, is at present v br t11 George. herbrother Ge A number of Mr. Orlando Z friends gave him a surprise party day evening. A Box -social is to be held at Mi Milne's on the eve of Tuesday Fel -7th. Don't forget to come: ., l+ Notice. Executors' TvTOiICE is, hereby given t'iG any Person or 1 poisons holding any claims against the estate of Alexander Johnston, late of the Town -a Howicl., in the county of Huron Province t cultivation, balancegezod Iiardwoad bush. -Stone ligase and large orchard, leniy of water.' situated about miles from Wingham, and flue from Wroxeter. • For particulars apply Coale' Proprietor, - - - WM. Saxaox, wroxetery P.O.,Y.O., Ont . 's ship of of Ontario, sl .11 send to theUndersignedI x- seutors a verified statemncnt of uch claim, on or Great before the a:et of ra> rt' ), ( Slaughter' _, __ , .... _ .O(:AI f alil`$.-.. A. n. as9a. And all parsons indebted to said estate are re- quested to settle said indebtedness on or betbre said 1st day of March, 1893. Dated at Howick, this 3rd day of January, 119a' SAMUEL JOHNSTON. - JAMES DOWNEy, Executors. T11 ROiltciJ .4 a.+ tiJ r7 And. Shoes Mrs. D. Gregory, of Raasriston, is vis- icing relatives in Gerrie this Week. ' . Rep. Mr, Ste henson, of Molesworth,: P --- occupied the Presbyterian ptlpit 1n - - =' rrie,ou Sunday last.... ., . - FOR SALM. A Neat. and Comfortable Country Homestead, CONeTSTING of three acres of choice laud, be mug part of let 1, con. 7, in the township o Turnberry. Two acres now under grass and balance in orchard and garden. There is a good six -roomed frame house on the preiuisee. alio stables. For further particulars apple to JOIix W. GREEN, Box ro, Wroxeter, Ont. LJ lJ • Everything `"' at CGst for ' Mr. Oscar Smith, of Galt, formerly` clerk at illr. W. J. Perkin's general store in this village, - is in town this week. Mr. Shepherd, a resident of Gorrie some 14 years ago, het now of Goderich township, is visiting at the home of Mr. R. Ross here at present. A load of _young people ,from Redgrave spent a evening at got out, which' - 1 deep snow coif mi not have been reac.led. . Alice Edwards ' 428 15 Maggie Brown 407 15 r Second Line Items. . One industry in the -northern . 'section .has become quite prominent of late, and that is the cutting of good sound maple logs, in all kinds of lengths, which are afterwards ex orted -and turned into P - rolls for use in cotton mills. The -waste •sleigh - of timber in past days, however, has al-' most denuded many farms, and-practi- cally in many sections there is less bush Ilan down here," Ida Gibson - 398 19 Lizzie Brown 897 21 Ella, Fields .394 11 Della Mathews 493 in Parents are requested to examine and keepthese reports so theywill know P the standing of the pupils of the school.- The are also re nested to .see that home lessons receive due attention, and also to' send their children to school regularly and punctually. Thera were three large sleigh lo g g. this line attended the tees -meet Gorrie, on Monday evening heal few with natters. Our line is -quite differed' thitiP to what it used to be; uo excite all pin on. A few ears a to have a pod crowd of ono g ylig but now there are hardly an married and living in homes of Estray Calves. aMn onto the premises of the subscriber lot 30. con. 9, Howiek, abut ilia middle of oe- tuber, lour heifer calves The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them a`°ay' fs.3oxxaroN • Cash ! pleasant the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fennell, , in this -village, last Thursday, returning home at a late hour': . gr, and Mrs.' A. Welch returned to Toronto, that has a , WM. WATERS, Teacher• Howick s Railway Traffic: own, some In the West, some Holstein Calf Lost.te where gentleman large tinsmithing}iusiness on Queen • St,, The C. P. R• has very little:reason to: Lakelet. States and some in different pa Ontario. LOST. -From the premises of the subscriber, sine about the about the of. of July last a Holstein Steer Spring Calf, spotted;black-ani- white. The finder will be suitably rewarded on giving information as to itswhereabouts to HENRY WILLITS, Lot 18, con. B., Eowick. ` rexeter P 0. Overshoes 7 Rubbers, ' Lunlberipen s "Ines on Tuesday, "after a ,pleasant though short visit with relatives here. A_ want' rain Set 111 On SaturLla last 9 and continued for about 24 hours, after which Jack Frost 'again predominated and the sleighing is- again excelle3ni. . omplain of the patronage they' receive ^-' within the borders of the township A good many from here attended the dedication services at Gorrie last Sun- Of HO Wlck. The road has Bien an es- cellent services for many year past and` day and the lecture on Monday night. Sopleased were theywith the proceed- the. following incomplete. table . shows P that some twenty are going to be that the people arae patronizing the road ' liberally. - present to -morrow (30th•) - w1t0%ETER- 1x91. 1ss2. ,Increase Snow is very deep and the amount, on Freight, outwards.:..310,808.25 815,091.85 34,283.60 the house tops burdensome. So '' inwards....., 2,743.82 -4,650.31 - 1,906.49- Passenger... 1,897.95 3,278.10 1,380.15 weighty 1s it that some of the houses Gowan-- Freight forwarded. 6,323,27. 7,645:21 1,521.94 have Ven way under the pressure. C • Passenger -4.........,. 2,053.10 2,686,05 632.95 C• Horton's kitchen collapsed on Satur- Foiteaning day,and Cymaythank his stars that Preight'earnings 6,501.55 Large Passenger - 1,716.75. 897.15 • his frame was in some other Iace at p The returns for Fordwich are not, of the tine. course; as complete as the other two Eventually Mr,: Myles Scott has de- stations, that station not .having been cided to to Toronto -and take a course We are glad to see our old nail Dir. Wm. Graham,'back on the 1 again. He intends buildinga bank barn in the spring. Mr. Thos. McClement and Mrs. B. Hutcheshon have returned from' visiting friends iIIGree=nech, report having had a good time. Miss Annie James , of Fordwich, ' the guest of Miss S. J. Walker, week. acq Mr. C. Jacques lost a horse last 1 Miss McKinnon, of Owen Bonn the guest of her aunt, Mr McClement. ' --_.» MISS FLORA JAMES, Mimic) . So • The thaw was w (coned hythe millers 9 along the river, who have been quite (Graduate of Niagara Falls Academy of short of water power lately during the T The ry PIANO, ORGAN' AND HAIiSioN7. Theory Explained. Goaure. continued dryfrosty weather. " ' "This is to certify that Miss James, having senipleted in a creditable manner the course re gnired fora certificate, is' duly qualified for pianoforte teaching, and is hereby recommended to those who require thorough instruction in (hat branch.''. PROF. A. Hunts= Niagara Falls, April 21st, 1891 Trunks, 1 to n11S q Valises . "eneed'reeve Eto•- The Sinal congratulates, Reeve 9 g Griffins of Ashfield on hi 1 deserved ale - .' va tion to the- position of Warden of Huron.. He is a good man, an experl- ', and -a sound. Liberal: - And "any c 101 n®— - U r 1 1 O hi Y • ! •E -, ...41... what more is wanted in - roan ?",- Goderich ' Signal. _Readers. of the ., Signal lately Would almost be led to in-"; opeped -: fer - that. the eival redactor Of. that '6horfitime genial jou nit1duh"have.prefe.rred to lave a Conti-stricted.Um-proci xationist go as an official station ' until a at the Conservatory of Music there. Wingham. ago. is.gifted with rare musical talents MylesOn "`' ' ueaday everting last, the 4► .. which. when developed will enable him Y F-`;=1Forei"ov>:rt'i: to take a -lead ainong the professors of - , -- ars a _ Officers of St. Paul's 3 School the dro 1Al `' o . 1 N G H A M EVERYT'IING• GO f int' Warde3n's chair instead of , a mere Lib era'• `'- . ' - ' - - , .: , the da IIe will be eatl A -cry eucoessfnl lVtaaonic At Home y g= y n4iesed in was held here on Tuesday evening by the. null where he has proven himself so Fordwich -A. F: sk A. M. 'in their obliging; in the Sunday school • where has been Secretary for ears: in, beauiiiful new hall Although- the night-Y was very stormy quite &-number of the Church where he has acted in the cepa• Brethren :attended along with their city of organist and in the lodge where ' has taken so active and prominent a At eight o'clock thirty,sat down he - well -laden; tables: • After justice had Part. Notwithstanding all -this it is the done.to the tempting.yiands, Bro. unanimous. wish that all i?uccess may. him in the of "the . romp - Warden took the chair and pro pursuitp « tion of that with which nature . has the toasts.: Our Queen and » « • endowed •him, Country, The craft,"The Ladies, all of which were responded to in If henceforth we shotild see on Mon terms: The tables were then day morning at 9:1®a female the sole and the remainder of the even- occupant of a putter,. driving, home a •council faithful charger belonging to a popular was spent in enjoying the mega, g ' games, -etc. It certainly was a young man not 20 miles from here, we ei . to se some of our staid fathers shall takeimmediate steps to find out, Hand -even 1nAgistrates-forgetting the' where the owner is. When found . if he -and frailties -of age and skipping cannot furalall satisfactory reasons for With the agility of youth.: The not ireturning with his horse on Sunday, up shortly after :mid- s'hall have him=brought. before a J• everyone eipressing ,themselves P..” wl :lil• d081 rapidly wit11 "the 09,90. church choir, to Mr. Bird Porter's, of Turn where th.. - : ere given an '° a! ho comic was much eanjoy everyone, and, .T.,,1_ nqt be tither when we can:' • ''f' host and hostess.,•, *-s - Mir. Thes.-Cornyn, Ocai'r ,,we are , ; to say, so far recove 3 s= ie , .> Hess as to be able to i •o again. Mrs. Thomas ietterfieil is eery; 5 present. ' s s ' -f' 'J -A rather lively time is err by some of the members of dui of our tctwn. Mr. W. Crawford, who has been lerk.olt the G. T. E. between: Wnz and London, haslinen-nhaugod- b3 company to that part of tb . running between Toronto and L While Walter was i>i minium e for himself the- m of y; its ggod wisahes. a the jiAo a In with q r; ,rhle 8 Sterneg ...he The opening services in : connection the Pe gThe Wit :the Methodist -church, were: eon- _ - • VV O R K tS I beg to return thanks for the liberal patronage received during the:lsas ear and will try to merit your future favors. tinned. on Sunday `fast:. Rev. Mr: Sellery, of Wingham;:preached„a power a' ful sermon iii the morning, "arid'Ri3v. :` ladies. H• Hicks, "L::. L. B•, of Owen. Sound to Parties requiring work in tL4 aboveattend ,nes will do well to call on us. • We carry a large stock of marble and ranite. We guarantee -to save you money and five first-class - sa . W. "J. GOER. ej ' Gowns. = oke to the children in the afternoon p; been and in the evening delivered an elo= Junior uent sermon, _The trio "Savior posed » Breathe au Evening Blessing. sung by Miss Roe, liti. Alex, Strong,. and . kiss etc., Greene, while the collection was being felicitous taken u was one of the finest ever ren- removed P dere&before a Gorrie audience. Quer: lug work, Call before purchasing elsewhere and Call e convinced. MR. T. T. y Ts( T Til represent us on the road; • `: " . -, terly meeting services will be held on songs, Sabbath.=Haut: It is the intention of caution the pastor to commence a . series of revival meetings shortly in "connection dignity with this church. On Monday evening around a very silccessfnl tea -meeting was heldgatheruig,broke which netted.about 0140, night at the g here, 1t was togive of Feb., l in the open, ' to crowd rifled, of 150 As the town tI1 ou 4 Lentiou at hie sdo & ght sri r was u out. rel. gra. Car - :The. t1eII$ fair thenr l Ia hern'. Mr.- f last_ home isiting fade's Tues. -Geo, rpqy ids off ng in aeq meast we.:, - TWO 1► y. All their in the its of hbor, Omer large Jae. home they was last aeeek. d, is . F. te>r• •, IIIIdajr oe o$ e➢d by all at 4 - 4 A 4 4 4 4 a