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The East Huron Gazette, 1893-01-26, Page 4
� �c v� tom= e & r .c - a r ziS �� t =, - 4 -�=+ �` c, - Abe- �s �` ,r 4 3 'cam,#-�3'rr.' - t + 1 " x r -.F� �fi ., m' .i -may' '—, 1.- -Y = - _ ... - --- - _ _ , ___ 4 Y - ;k- - �-Y - t . - . i; Y - _ _ 11-s , y. M - . � , �, - , -� -- ,-Z, , , . . -�� . , . , 1W ". I dud _::.^ t _ _ . __ . n _.__-: 'rte- a ,yf p WIN -W -0-1-1 - yelp^'.Ot ::. : itE-111 t, e ; - - :-�)I _ i"n�.. - -,:-7 . _ � - ol * - � �. v tntt r ii the . . _baoffis,w1. . he_ �Qotls� F e ane its : Inns m11:any !� sce- -hake foarm3-hsm very in - a� iin s . - � wing 'telligent, By the use of.signs, can get . witisesst a m GAIN Grlm Winter is upon us ; again we must bestir _; an "to dg almost aujTthm vl .wish- sit. . 1.-� wall, run and—what ik-'often a - ourselves to ®withstand his attacks. - � cult matter among those who have _ . - Iq rth oSe been cradled sand iraiased : i can.get him'. m�tm from the . _ - .,! e, t - ?Xcl a tends rt o£ to keep parfsctly still ut- front' of my -- -61 RW -. H: �� x ° �yrt ht,.� ca,1,h "fie of this modern Romulus: TT120RIES of pass winters and by -gone experiences :fie alae -1K '-i ineYatataon; chi � c, t�vly be conjectured.. He himself is have taught its what is needed, and due have secured `�' th I icy" of India; _entirei satisfied with the present, and - - _ ___ _ he;best thing's in ae en hake pro-. seem-to;bave. no thoaht beyontT - _L. �°v : oae @--reverend gen=; the. St.. LOM , J Post � • . � Fine Boots diad - � let�r coptaans eotne v@rY , hatch•}- - ..: , . TAPLE and fancy Dry Goods, @13'S Rubbers aL -, ®,maatio$, about Sanschar, _ at tlen3sII� d Wom . assoeiattens. 11 Se :a _ .. l fes- ,-or'Whose. early, CHINESE E0-9NOMY O fJe� � cn S heu� much ane - azo. ;::: erS es, etc.,• tha maim necesstyt affO ' and always _��� t the - - h0' . human -P a� vi►e Cnnning:AT" ff Resort -to nZany .. * thoasist order-ta RzIir arses. - .._ ''- pnceS that keen conlpetltlOn and Ste od and tutnred y a , lob-sii 1 b f seen: by a, . Nothing is ,wasted' in , China'. The - offer t0 the cash buyer. 'e wet vehYKIR�*pre mei atones of various fruits and the shells of - - of h— ted iaia£s are . -dried -. and `carved into crus .. ' a golf ni the unfr: , 1 "' - galandahabe T coins np°: ni@ntsofth@mostgaceftIkind. Among O YOU KNOW wonderful dttdden% v4Yiile a'�as sunniag , the a$oues:Wed are olive,.. -prom; peach, _ _. that the Word " c�l..S?3 t9 has a �. -n a, k near h cave. ; The strange laiciiu and ch@rr ,and of;shslls the wa1= . -:. ` w li a is a covered with. influence in the world of cormnerce I j ixeature, nut. and cocoanut - The, 'stones are se- .hair,, nate Ily . amazed thein. leeted with care; each must exceed a" 'often showed hiam, to be .: a standard (sf- `size, proportion, Often and esson we® earned ®ng can® and hd at avefar ,loss tconstantly seed t of onr�i estaen .. claser_sutgey certain ears old, Instantly his This as a , bargains offered from time to time; and we ars std abouti�`e ? . _ hardness and weight.: Then are dried ergies ani cash to secure the berg _ aibad"taken —at,,.jocam1)Mng_ofE on all slowly and at each a he$t as not to the advantages we receive with nor customers. Both sought _ here to the gnus of g after the__ g'. '. crack or sprout; then: ready for ad shoran welter he.cave, Betngafraid-to'p- the carver: -'Phe designer marks a _ .tragi info -what they knew to=be the lair, rough outline Of.theiuta_re group or Pic- ,o! a'wddbeaa a men decided to report �e and hands it over to his apprentices. - G ' .,e ,. - .the occurrence=to the -magistrate of. tBUSINE01a ct These work. with great .rapidity and Ad � district, :who immediately gave direct_ { soon block out the design, cutting Y',sons that a fire be butt,t the month of through the hard lfgaaeous' tissue, and '7 n '�heMILLINEzuh@ rave and the inmates' smoked out. then extract the kernel. A second treat -We leaf. t,e Van, 1 ood`effect. Pre ��'�' Y This was done with g _ ment now takes"place to dry the interior e the n ® Y " aeutly a. large fesn•ale wolf made adash -of the stone, as.we�l a' to prevent the. - .this -- section ion O� j,j V J - y� v 17 17 _7i I . lii� katte g; the burning em- fiue'lining,of the interioF from ,under- - . in e� for rty, direction. She was closely . bersfn ever3( going decampositiora This complet 1 _ owed by the boy_on all fours, -as the -'r `the designer. sketches a second outline, ..: fist observed him.. He got and. also i}nclicates iFis.pencil or brash y m -fax -and near.., Our. Stock. is fully assorted for Winter, and MISS KINSEY Will undertake to aatisfY the most fastidious in sr as. d with astonashtng:a - Our Customers come fro �rer. &," :... wh8re: the surface is to be lowered, is - tee aind Ptmced with gTemt - made into letaf work or arabesquery,- or �v� 111 t►` - gs bit and scratched with the be cut altogether away. The work is. G114-1 �n� of -s wild animal, which he.was erformed by the- inborclznates as at ems' . 1. Iall respects except his human f ate• pmst; The designer then floes the finish- fhis the= assistants -assorted stack Of CI3oIC FAMILY �° ROCER,IES •Ue Walcot all the attributes o ing touches, after which. -- clean; polish, and oil :or wag the perfect- ntlp a' e -cgnld riot stepid-erect 'and did not pos- !e kee�a can Sta cannot be beat. on han %spower of speech; - A subsequent ed carving. The stones are sold this th r sncoesaful action that o 5c. and S5c ea c roved that he -had only... - but more > - s y out fes of Conrad' our 4 . T v - tatuce . p shape to quite a large extent, Our s ecaalty is TEA , Si'e a wi �: - .tea eypP@`of an animal. largely in other forms°.mong fluxes :He .wauid tear rare meat to pieces be mentioned butto�as, watch - - Lt Ut t0 relies or®, as we may .. _ gtsaW. banes as ravenously as any charms, sleeve links earrings and , - e -:- star ,� the -same and wheh strung togeter, for et the lace, and do be afraid to ask to see any show woodser you wa ` • ,fie lapped `v put' in an en- brooches, IDo n t g P consider it no trouble to g �tsnraer� At first lie was bracelets, anklets, necklaces, watch Cltieuz ;:fie an dangerous creature. chains, rosaries, and offic oxnamenta. =-� x-our77' ap, in a corner all The price of a stone varies greatly with and ` _ . - s� edtu as night came he began workmanship apd the fame of the ? .; •;> freedom and P�EMEMBER-One 'rice t© all ; c F 1 .4imd, seeking carver. Some may be. bought as low as - iece while other$ command own to e limit .below which• %� , . : -• . g"w#i teI L, same in has way.- ten cents a P . ri ht d h li ® a - _;'. t I ;. who received him, . ap- as .high as and sash: The averga g $.. honest goods cannot be sold.: . j�iihad, affair interval of a few -weeks, ' price is thirty cents a stone. The car- I._ o 1 I 'EFtg�ash- � . sioliariea _io relieve ya iles :- ngs :display great ` ty. - e, which=they did.. One class is c°napossd ofe-birds. e -pt of hug chain �r��rri e. iiL�har- ltappenQ to _arrsve at floe and:higher animals. 'The. dragon,:grlflin, �jQL1Se, _ mon a Saturda tiger: camel, y, lion, I - age tlf Seecundra snaked, se, Cork; 1 s this-circutastaxice he was �� ale haat - arefavorate fi�anres. A - `nVj% S s th@ua venameforthe :canon rn Chinese carving ;is to repro ii OrC�`� mil IL �Huanenefactoxs _.now devoted' duce only these ,animals< which have8. 0B. _ w Molls. - - ea to itAma i a , him, but.for been' deified and the. ten meiataonecl arewit. L ' hush have en •oyed ettt l trios their of€orfs. were - s Toni a onl . _ shoat"th p I , at n on divine honors .A thfid class; arid- by far K. ,- Tho . Gl4tes they: p P reartto shr axid Sang 'the niQstinterestmg, eomgises groups - . o or w , �:71 1 - �., - - , - � hr he wouit3 ficin• e ,� _ . - _ of- f, figures rep tin sc resen g en asn his food from . ° • poetrj ,: nayhalogy and . fife c a I.} o (�.n �Ptzsox BROS., Propsz. gpersisted -xra seting history ten so el �1� In . h aaork#nansin ;ts of . lt.up wig _ dramg.� ;-TheL. �_ ---- o month, sS _�� ; . esu%eft alti fei� a as -to be~snrcrt{scogie ri its delicacy. _..�►"}iusIy _, e.. , - fin ba �i'laeat .Flour } _ , k � Wit- and ua his . Sngers: faEt, the finishing -touches are made Atr�C. First-class 14ianito Stock - ._ �u ,.: -aha.Yantelh encs dawiaed•: :b, a niagnng. Yob.. , , th® artist vtsaie Vis. manufaetured and al�caye kept in k T, - cl°thes:.and an a ass. auhtted=to wearm glass :of at Yeast fifty ;diameters �n ` T • .and sold " any quantities. ntit - - _ jeaFaediola`a1k crest and eat-Iike a; ha- stones not over -an iiacl an length 1s �' Q , 1 _ t O t 0 - o y." mom# 1g He became very docile. and ..not uncommon to findiit, tutus ,and ...... r c ew 61d@r seemed oent,.and as lEie _gr ten characters in d@refit attatades and ©, 2 0 ,tan v - . , ,_ sad but .. -on . Cor.. Boston - . .. r ton. 10 00 FLOUR ••pe dl.ahat was s . s coatumea.,- .washngt ; Se- BI1AN.,........ pe wt r `: "& no, speech - Transcript. Mode td..Loan on Falun @ him 3 . s@lf .::$s Ioet all desixe forruncooked . disposition to- escape. TeetH aaAti2attan:° Curty at -the LOweSt rate SHORTS.......per ton. 1 04 ,,Lf food well a& _ . _ - e haeb@eu taught:to do a :little work, Dr. Magitot. of PaiLs,' `has liublishecl - 0 - jl terest. ; ut sever has learned to likQat an'interesting account of the mutilation . Semen= is not'considered an idiot by of - the teeth practiced.b•r various' savage , ------ 0- ' . - Special attention given to UgISTING, theme who have Miff .in charge, althgagh +gibes. One variety,, which is chiefly - his foeheait :iseiy low: and his @yea met with on. the coasts of Africa and the whish is done on the shortest retain ti�eir gild a, west look. Be-• west coast of New'Caarnseii consists of GOOD HOTS' DISCOUNTED LL�'rq (�aZ6tte. I poasibl@' notice.East Wig. Briiught tap- : auud$t religions,:suer- the breaking of a,pertion of th@ incisor =r4 -Actings,. it has-been a matter.of inter by means of -a knRe-and a pieee of-wvood, -O-' 'hest. Price Paid �_ est -Yearn what-osnprehension h$ hays n thg. ages' of _$-1a perforiusd bet- - r and t4venty-4: 'Z he ons storm of t4 ;Qf aiYerea twenty -- - and. reasons is evict the two-' :central :incisors :u3 a Clal 1�tt8ift1- : given Ne g . -> r -' '�}ia�,h@ t S >_ _ @ -- ,tiJi t g P. a News, en - for Gxaln. 2�ctio '.af . he dead of . fannd. both hemispheres.- Accordrti ' '' : � U had sheen -him kindness sad . �� - oRe w to Zerate, gt:has beenpraetcced- inP�rti NG. - ed throughout I?iserict News. _ COI�IVE ANCI t t+� �arhos he was mztch attaeke4l . A t.. = . fromime nnxneinrial, where .it -;is un . _ nth th best roller pro- Themill is fit - al _--s the.: body was Yoweret� fhcted on cognered tribes as, a _sign of, very s. the.€n , Miscellany. x - > Q the= grave, he' zed- beaeechmgly at ,alone In Africa it haai:been observed p1lanCeS 1.it�t. --- _ - : e.would il9JrQ - , , - g- theI ottentotaafid. flee lotu iers s 3'h . otr the Congo, ----o--- . cess machinery an a ttndersta 'Ag, . what B toxaa: Thi matilz�t o� by- fling:and we 'are confident of being ..� _ -. _ f .Y M,:some, - _ tie . . - ' . a . tried. to maks; . V 0�.-t: : $.:. si s bey. _ h for uta exclastv�e`:csnter th® Malayaa�i ,able t SatiSfac- The Best Advertising Medium uta this r - t ? y : _.- section. t - aiethui of. .2nys- o whence it has:spr-eadto the . to. g ,... clerstu� sQ __ ,&--hi g , . z - -: na set, . _ tion. -1 L�,�. _ The s ar reli t ive . pe ec e d -eat ends. fatnre :I fe. - � , , ssla- , s. , It i � . - . x €ad�oriiiug: ' � afterivdrds'satiafied= hat lte� cQiu *Mch fa ceieGrated with"great fess vibes- North of th® Post office, - Pe Y011 men®wed - R �¢Rre -- be€•aisse vahea. sick :self but- this only b . PATONAG E SOLICITED. he ed, , at the, a of pabety, p - -. : - - � - ewu nd - jAgned deatle_a - the , mo Mail -$: Tisa ile - - . gnd - RDWICH � 01Ar llt)SCrl�tlOn A_ - 'ted to the earth.as has character of- this- `filir� `varX kith the _ WILSON BR O S 1893 ? mem;[e pow__ __ aye&nd tavedhxs handslieaveniward.: habits ofainiiy or casteIfe=operatfon - - Token - . �_ , nal likes and the S erso b an ' art;: _ Inas mad - - p u erfor stiff . � - i .::.:,>;� - r . to _ s h e@_ welcome • or Y = @s_ s c�a? �asaig. make. hmiael€ pan—Crler, ea% achis.lr . - The $ will be -sr wants a . detatooc he as ;hangrg bricks, two-:ti2es,�a:amaR sew, and affair v %oiatl. - , .. _taf wxich Ite,:sa cry Soni fciittuigl.aPPes`�hetnsie?isb�ng- _�- _ " ow , - own: �s , br�-hood- oubhed:witli�rsemc and-leainn��:�f ,e be-_ - - _ - _ _ . y ehhas :n _ :... , r be,Lraore-than; `twe�3T- sin wised. � � �_� � �` OUR &*'i pPosed to fora:.b g; .. _` _ _ -- _ �� .. fie _ - ^�� .} v _ _ e He i� 6 t. 2 ;ichea in .:_ .: ag Itis t#>e fashioam ng s g, a _ - _ > t'.�,t , awkward - - mthe n e o h .arni: 2s natuFall very the enegai' lrvei:to�egtrjalet pp . _ _ PM _ _v , _ t :. . , outs F - Jo1�bM zr -- t . ,_ icor. - F _ , _: _ -.r h ga- .- P€e, a% fc gf iaanner: temporary uc in :gels wheo q - ' his feet when. -wales, end outs ath nd . to . n*AV,•olate the chin, so _ .< : tis s g arms as - - e de; y d the 1©w- :- -. <_ d° eri€e> ,z-tba.t-1 is draxvu for . a 1 azi � _. a ?> �loeo_ , triple as tai Department v @din thy: to a'ssiat hid incisors areL a to pr r.lip, the u iixg ad' , - swamp pie . the u r - >Iclx to REPLETE re re ted i I I-- wit arum pi t rte, a= _- i :lle�.t fife ._ _ -. <�inat IEIn,.-' i a.�rmsatr(� It iE iYe' - be•- al O It Is ,- - �ti._ with the Latest . Faces of Pre t r o a oderu Convenien ces, Rapid and every facility for turning out. first-class work on the short- - eat notice and at the low- est prices. - -- - _ _ . ,, -``> -. t un -i 4 - _ --O, ,_1 �- - 1. � -- � -- - � , , - -- 7 -1-a --, L . . .i , , I-— M � �ce, . -- ; - �,:---.�- i � -- "; . i - I -'8 �, -� , � �. � - T - , ��- �.- 0 - I!, - L I L -� � ._ tter ed a ifirst ala sa itt11 p- - z � kl.- ,. .- 'L - 1� �, -- late glass Hearse I am tobreductions in a It,0—g x of this commantt than befog@, and owing t1od �t sur goods i- in a position to gide th@ use of this mag thev� . that .is to say -nay charges will . n mare and some _ 4el�t x�e , : - - ''- -fare; • �� . �:.i '- ✓ ^flus` -^s, T' ,�.- - L., ,k R �- L r - I . - � :5 - Furniture Deader and Undertaker . . r .9 ooi�!Em g - F r�� ,1 Fri. _ .#"�x`'L ,w'�"t• '- ,�.- - �€ s _ r •s'i-',.rs. a`' ' _ 1 _ r .. I. +L s� 3 ; � i" a '- : ; V - ,r 7 moi` ...-el^ .�$- . 11 I � � �56 .hut, F P .�,,p } G r s a v. - k s= � i -' -..