HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1893-01-26, Page 3� _�__ - � �-Vi I `��`-- 01t'!_�'. R,
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e9led the Firlmevalt
?�-vnn acturalist,
iis countrymen the
, uneo,a;h monsters
val world, the world
)ry had bven writ -
ie histor,- J;a,d come
) 6al� t- t�w skepti.
t�d Loin a,c�ieutist
�e to think how th,
�keiied Dation upon
on Guvier's absurd
e walked over the
dived inia its wa.
V Lhrou4.� the air,
�nkno,qn upon our
�gion, said the this -
to science, said th*
; till common sense,
When the great na-
s of thF) mammoth,
-lephant, the best
naintained that lie
Des of an elephant.
there were no ele-
tave lived in France
lust have brought
ies. When. Cavier
were found in Eng -
��h .... ,.hat Coesar
d , do .�tlos., car -
I h im _)-o ,,,n,e, in-
.ld� "��rltl and
�-, _thel .I,,,ssi.l bones
, 6,t _
, 'turae,
o sportive mood
y >f er own pro -
and logic and M.
cries must be met
at any r%te, the
. But argument
I d for a time, and
ago, the woridem
he earth were ac -
I fine imaginalive
�t scie"
,egof com-
F-on ' ' His
tt to reconstru
- ebre
a, sometimes
I tooth
l� the long
Eh"-, sem lance as it
flesh and skin,
. in tha haunts
i g
ific and literary
in h's work on
ishe� by Messrs.
, has now don*
ly, and with the,
mo2t admirabl4
ier showed how,
ted by reptilesof
ous aspect, the
and alligators
endanta of these
at in siza a,ad in
re liker to the
aends than any
the earth.
cience that dur-
the world's hi% -
d so far as the
form of these
tho -Age of
'les es, the earth
urfaft. As ye!�
not exist. The
, the lion, the
ra of foul, -footed.
nant the earth
ed or evolved.
he marsh, the
lorded over by
d in a, scientific
icked in their
ure of the main -
Y. Of some of
nd limbs were
elephants and
our -footed, but
earth erect on
horned crea-
. ng on vegetable
ivorous animals
laws. Most of
of the gr%min-
garoo- moving
dquarters and
kangaroo or
the vegetable-
tured that the
tand . upon its
e branches of
the gigantic
don Bernissar-
le-looking of
no means the
nce,the %wful
etc - d head and
armor bosses.
ffeDse and de-
etable feeder,
9 skeleton be-
dy, is a meas -
for existence
. ceratops Pror.
ipped against
ferocious car-
, of Atllanto-
we know little
ures six feet
length could
I ty feet., and
d legs, as he
en tall enough
window of a
vhy the sea -
ed from the
res that ex -
e fabled sea-
acitated by
r more tem-
Zozoic times.
ig savant to
ever seen a.
I never did.
-pents, have,,
of our wak
hat hold tht-
9, the eagit.
me in t1l.-I
a atudy of
2 may thank
Edy came on
w mezozoic
red comfort -
earth was a
;her a huge
lave gone to
3 that pass-
tirty feet of
[ the steers -
for from the
d the earth,
-Ous ts yoke
,W. 14 *
pecked his
alka abioad
on bef-veen
0. wig, its
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'boar -U, at W i- IYuke's, entered the 'bouse.
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to sleep how thin his�.' W,Air this c0d�
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. , 44",that Ernest would turn 0. and
1-1 � -
TAther,bud- Soii,to � Die. I* mi(merini the �
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.e 1'_�, � .
1 k_� -1 midget, . I
rhe - fiAe *4id5i6ften pr-eviented the hus-
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- ' t tPerfl anA,
Jornest DUki'S CMA
save --him a visit to -
-the school-.- Hewas-in-
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Wilb illid il'-440ri -
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111%lidget, -but whewl,am
Tbei 6ali-me a 2 I
-told. old,
band and -fAther froinivorkAng, ter them.
- - i
' , - _Lon
..A monient,lat-er,.- a, kn4.ck , the door
� I , .-
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W,Oad7erful-Esca�pe- � ' . . ;
J d e "
er, that the boy had i�ken
I t .
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� r'
I Wit
=U'n'cl� witv him in the' morning and
h s6 --.-Th. 00axant -
' L, A Vieuna. despat6 I
Tanzerandhis ,h been sentenced to
--son aV43
. , y will find, if the truth ig
Wtell"Aal be kind, and brave, and good.
- I
sent Mrs. Schmid to 6penfit. A man be -
. . I . 11 qr
. �
- . _ -_ I I . -
- __W_ I I -
L I - ,. - L I .
. - .
I ad
would spend the i ner hour at play. Mr.
L �� - -11
- I .
- the presidi judge of the Crim- -
doat], by
- -During
Amd do my work as a woman
Ing a entered, followed- by
HOW Big Life was Saved After His 001141-
-Langford accompanied the reporter to th - e
-inal- doirt in- Wienemrlieustadt. - 116 ,
I'll learn,to keep house, and my parlor shall be
ever did see;
Florence, who had wished to be the heqrer
of her own gifts. She was fully repaid for
tion had Been Declared golDeless by
- - -Interesting- Nar-
Three D
road and on the Way the teacher said thaX
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills could not be fbo'
� _�
trial.liv- ch began on Wednesday, - - ��
i' as st-oww that the fa he , :
t w- ther 'th I
The pretiiest place you I
it so nice tho
1,1j k�,ep I �t Dot one fly
fear'twill die.
all her trouble, by the bright faces of the
0 elors-An
, rative Given to a Post ReportOr by tke
. �
wliely known. "I have been boarding
sistam � , noth' - - f ..
m of his son, murdered -the I
, , or o
r,jj4l daie to crawl in for
girls and their evident appreciation of the
, .
Boy's momer and Other W. ltnesse&
all along at Mr. Duke's he "and I
1 3 9
the family -bee se they considered
I � an her a,
My bread I will make of the nicest, of flour,
And always bake it exactly one hour ..
baskets. Minna was telling what she had
been thinking the night before, when Mrs.
__ � �
Dufferin Post, OrailgevMe- -
tell you little' Ernest was in a bad state
last spring, No one ever thought he would
useless charge on the property;. also that I I-
'Thercsa,�th� daughter, was privy to ,the
Pie& an&cakes shall be done to a "turn,"
Schmid, who was unpacking the basket, ut-
The, great Edthund Burke once exclaimed
gef better, and it seems so stranve that he
plot. She was sentenced to six year's im -
j My cook�ngg rm sure you Will UOtsPuTU-
tered an exclamation which caused them all
in a moment of sadness and d eapair that the
was cured by such a simple remedy. Why,
prisonment. I
if you don't believe every word that I say,
to look up, I
age of chivalry was gone forever, and on
three doctors pronounced his case hopeless,
M.-Cottu, -who is wanted by the Paris __
I bogs yon will come and see me some day;
" My dream came true," she cried,, hug.
every side of us we bear it remarked -that
'and yet he is at school to -day ! He is a
police to, answer for his part in the Panamas ..
Yben you depart, Pro sure you'll declare,
l'idget " is grown a woman quite rare,
ging the rindershirts in her arms. "These
the days of miracles are a part of the dim,
bright little boy, and the Pink Fills -saved
Canal frauds, came to this city about a week
are the very ones I saw in my dream."
superstitious and romantic past. We are
his life." ' '
ago and is at the Hotel Imperial.- The Paris
- I
" What does your mother mean, Minna?-
not going to enter into a discussion on the
The reporter was full of thought as he
police have warned the Vienna police that
askedFlorence, almost in alarm, for.th,
moritsof either statement. .Much of the
hastene& to the to interview the
lie should he detained. The department
tears stood in the poor woman's. eyes.
chivalry that we read .of haA a.great deal of
little fellow who in - ay be said to h,%v,a
here, however, has refused to arrest him.
it Tell your mother, Miss Florence " said
the wild and grotesque about it, while not
beard the summons of dea,th, and to
� � � � � 10.00va�
Mrs. Schmid, " that she must have known
I in the
t .b rac lous
alit le t at Was attributed to mi u
ageincies was the work of men*of talen' . and
have been saved from an- early grave
by Dr. Williams' wonderf-ul Pink Pills
The Water -Wheel at Night
I I.Nlamma, did you ever hava a dream that
what wanted most of anything
world just now," and she told of her dream
. . - -
genius, wiser and greater than their gener
had explored and comprehended
which the teacher bad truly,described as a
simple remedy. When wie reached the
� For years the question as to, whether
. mme time?" asked Florence, looking up
rom her book.
once more.
"So, Mamma," concludei Florence, when
ation, who
the treasures of Mother -Nature within
bosom is said to be locked a panacea
school several children were playing in the
yard, and in answer to our- call for Ernest
water -wheels ran faster at night than dur
ing the day has been catalogued among the
i 6 No. my dear, I think not, " was the re-
telling the story, were the one who
made the dream come true, after all "
for every ill of fallen flesh. A newspaper's
Duke a bright little boy started out from
things which -mo man can fini out. Surely
the answer 1`4-: They do that is, if they
)ly do you ask ?"
I I I have been rpadin c, a story about a
Florence was quite satisfied with ef-
chief mission is to faithfully and attractive-
ly record interesting current events and tO
the romping throng. We asked him if he
was the boy who had been so sick - and he'
are so geared as to be affected by the vary-
�oor little girl, who dreamed she wasiu
I �
a nice house, where everything was
f orts; Though she recoived many present
- - 84
'h I
none�gave e - greater- -pleasure than those
make such comments arid suggestions as it
answered with a mild and clea ,,yes.,,
"Are ,, 0, 1,,n as
ing fullness and speed. of the current in
which they are set. There is no doubt but
bright and warm. I waA thinking how bad.
she bestowed, which cost some trouble to
deems advisable, and it is this role
Post is desiring to fill in this article. The
you wellilow?" $
well as ever again." 11 What cured you?"
,that 4,11 springs are fii'ler and all streams
ly she must have felt when she woke and
prepare. a
neighboring -township 'of Mono furnishes
" Pink Pills ! " was the ready and smiling
carry more water at midnight than they do
at noon. In the first the increased
found it was not true."
Florence was a very sympathetic child
�n instance of marvellous cure, which
in less en)igbtened times would undoubted-
re,;ponse. The little- fellow- did certainly
appear in the full enjoyment of health, and
coolness of the air prevents evaporation
and a deep sigh followed her last words.
" Well, Florence," said her mother, tak-
Canadian nevenue cutters on the Great
ly have been credited to supernatural in-
fluences, and which has even in this stern.
no one who did not know the facts would
think that he had so recently been in such
and subsequent drying up of the, smaller
tributaries ; and in the second place, the
ing a fresh needlef ul of thread, " why don't
Lakes -Editorial From the Buffalo
and practical era created a genuine sensa-
a feeble and precarious condition as to be
condensation of the moisture i -a the air in
the shape of dew is always sufficient to &dd
you dos6mething to make somebody's dream
.- eome.tr4e�?" . � �
TheBuffalo Commercial the other day
tion. In a recent issqe we gave the particu-
lars of the restoration to physical strength
. despaired of by three local physicians of
standing and experience. Weshookhands
- to large streams and their
� s, f 11�,V�y, Mamma, what doyonmeaii?
, , -
- , - Ww can I do that? I don't, even know-
had the following editorial : -
The Commercial is not in the least impress-
and activity of George Hewitt, of Monoc
Mills through the use of Dr. Williams'
with the boy and started for Orangeville
fully -convinced that there was a good deal
branches. Heavy dews are often so copious
as to be almost ecival to li, small shower of -
I x
. � ;.. . . - what�peop Ae roused
I -le drearn.'�- She was qui �
from her dreamy mood, and sit looking at
ed by the perennial " scare" about the de-
fenceless condition of the lake region. It is,
Pink 'Pills for Palo People, which are now
b.onsebold words on this continent. Many
in the stories we had beenreading of miracles
wrought with the use of Dr. Williams' Pink
rain. We often hear dewdrops failing from
the overloaded leaves, and find all exposed
her mother in astonishment.
" I do not know, either, Florence," re-
and always has been, a " fake" warnied
over by yon.rg newspaper men, who are
who read the article on Mr. Hewitt might
be,ctisposed to doubt, but the least credulous
Pills. , - . -
The reporter also interviewed several of
objects as wet as if they had undergone a
shower -during the night. A large part of
sponded Mrs. Easterly, smiling at the in-
quite taken with it "the first time ; by cor-
were silenced and convinced by the striking
Mr. Duke's.n.eighbors, and found them al,
this moisture must get; into the minute
channels, which, of course, conduct it to
quiring face before her, " But I know what
§orne people might dream in the daytime�
respondents at their wits' ends for topics, or
by promoters of ship -canal jobs, who always
evidence of the patie& himself, evidence
which was corroborated by several reliable
Of one opinion. This was that his son
would now be sleeping in the silent. church-
mill streams. " 04ten," says Humbolt,
'f not at night. You have seen them quite
i �
play this card when the game needs bracing
persons who had an intimate knowledge of
yard had it not been- for the timely use of
" the effect upon a shallow stream is very
i 11 notice-
noticeable, indeed." If it is at al'
- lately, too,)J
11 I can't tell what you are taJking about,
a little.
The fact that the Dominion Government
the facts. The fine banner township of
Mono supplies equally striking and concius.
Pink Pills. He also learned that many
others were using the pills with gratifying
able" a wheel turned by sucli a stream would
- Mamm%�" said Florence, in a puzzled tone-
has constructed three revenue cutters for
ive testimony of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
results, -while many more had made up their
"go faster by night than by day."
" I remember a little girl of about your
service on the lakes to match those that have
as an effectual remedy where the physician's
jni-nds since the miraculous saving Of YOUDg
. .
size who was looking at your workbasket
been put in commission to protect the fisher-
skill and kno . wledde have been utterly baffl-
Duke's life to try the great, remedy for
Racinz With Wolves.
the other day and tryinrg on your gold
-lihimble. Her face certainly looked as if
ies on the seaboard has been known for some
time, and affords no ground whatever for
ed. - Men may be disposed to be sceptical,
and to fancy that much that is sadd in
lesser ailments with which they were
troubled. We had anticipated that our
. I
Many a thrilling tale has been told by
she was dreaming a Christmas dream and
these childishly sensational articles on the
praise of these pills is mere hyperbole,
mission would be disappointing in some
travelers of a race with wolves across the
3ias disappointed when she realized it was
subject. These cutters are 150 feet long, and
but it is bard to confront, the logic of
respects, never expecting to have the
frozen steppes of Russia. Sometimes only
not true."
have a displacement of 350 tons. But the
facts, and in this respect an enduring
strange story which we had heard of Ernest
the picked bones of the hapless traveler are
I Florence's eyes had turned, while her
affrighted author of the latest edition of
monument is fast being built in support
Duke's recovery so, fully substantiated, but
found to tell the tale. In our own country
mother was speaking, toward a workbasket,
this fake says ---
of the merits and claims of this greatest
here we were returning to Orangeville with
thousands are engaged in a life -and -death
. furaished with all the requisites for sew-
11 In defiance of the treaty of.,1817, the
medical preparation of the century. Mr.
everything that was flying rumor before
race against the wolf Consumption. The
ing, but evidently Dot in very common use.
British Government is building, arming, and
Win. Duke, lot 1, concession 6, Mono,
conclusively established upon investigation.
best weapons with which to fight the foe,
I I Oh 1 you mean T)finna Schmid, Mamma,
equipping a fleet of cruisers for service on
is one of the best known and respected
is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
-�p�_- -`� doet,,you?" she exclaimod, her eyes spark-
the great lakes capable of reducin every
pioneers of this section. A few week
On arriving at Orangeville we determined
This renowned remedy has cured mvriads
,%*-L. - -
g -- 11 How nice it would. be to make her
P. �D P
" Qt.
lake city from Kingston to Duluth to sub-
ag we heard that his little 12:year old -boy
. sts as to the
to interview the local druggi
of cases when all other medicines and doctors
4" "In come true at Christmas and give her
jectiou:or ashes within a very few' days.
had been snatched'from the very jaws of
popularity of the remedy that is working
hadfailed. It is the grea�"srblood-purifier
't n, Mamma?"
7- !��&basket. lethat what you mea
The vessels are said to be of the most mod-
death by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and we
such wonders and causing such genuine
and restorer of strength know t o the world.
c .1
� - � gasterl y nodded; Florence's face
era and destructive pattern."
determined to fully investigate the reported
sensations in many parts of the country.
For all fort -na of scrofulous affections (and
,_,�: � .p.
_tl . . *to iadiant for'& moment, then suddenly
'I'' "t
Of course the writer goes onto show that1by
cure. Mr. Duke resides about six miles -
Mr. Thomm Stevenson was the first druggist
consumption is one of them), it is unequaled
fd-1 as she said, " But, Mamma, I can never
next summer 'a fleet of 100 British warships
from Orangeville, and is one of the most
interviewed. "Do you sell many of Dr.
as a reinedy. �
afford to buy such a lovely one as Aunt
,an slip through the Canadian canal& and
properous farmera of the banner town-
Williams'Pink Pills?" we asked Mr. .'-teven-
A public censusof Ph iladelphia j ust taken
I � �_- I -Einnia.gav4,me," - - ..
joui, the Owen Sound fleet in I I reducing the
ship. When- the representative of The
son. "I should think we did," was his
shows it to have a population of 1,14'2,-
" Perhaps not, dear. your basket
la.ke cities to ashes," etc-. The old, old
Post called at his quiet and comfortable
prompt reply. "There is no remedy in my
653. 1
here and see if we can discover how it is
put together."
There is nothing in it at all. The alle
houie, Mir. Duke was at a neighboring
threshing, but the reporter was,courteously
store for which there is -such,a demand,
and while the number we sell is v6ry, large,
I Have You Asthma ? �
Florence obeyed, and taking out the
reason for these "naval preparations is
received by Mrs. Duke. Weenquiredasto
the sale is certainly increasing." "Howdo
D'R. R. SCHfFFTMANN, St. Paul, Minn.,
spoolsofthread, scissors, etc., proceeded
the alarmingspread of annexation sentiment.
the condition of Ernest, the little boy who
you account for this large sale?" we asked:
will mail a trial package of Schiffmarin's
17 11 ;
-1 A
"T 11 1; ;4- A— . ,F;-1 +_ +I- in -it. Of
JT_ 0.1
- � I - ___
'�" -
Ve, -r---
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F diC - 1h s - & C ,6`1 d s.
. Jr_ -J
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�, J,J* L�3 7 j
0 __ _ _ writes-
� -4 .
� = 1�do=,Tex.,
__ , F #0 M" f
� _L___
. L I � mau.Syrup for the
- rlii*'64i�"Gem f-oT- Sore Throat,
0*- .. W -fl. I .
- �jll -
L___ � - �_ ___, - � . .
- I .1.
. ,
I ,22 .. LL 11 in the Chest
- I
- --- _
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.. " g �, � - -
� - me say to any
alf&Li V 1. 11eit .-
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oAel!�- ��,, ," 4, " � - - �_, . . a mefficine
- _ �, L_" . - I I � the tiest.
I , _ I
k �, .. ..: �. - �,_ 1,
I � �� .a�'_I _: -
L -
_B.W.BaJdwjn (�wnesv-ille,'Tenn-,
' �' - � � M
writes - � I have us 4-yOUr Ger an
Syrup in L My- farnUy, and fi-nd it the
best in�eiflk-. I ever ttied for coughs
and qoldc�_�, I momme;id it toevery-
one forij� trodbles. . - .
I I . - . .
- '-.
I . �
R. . -Schnialliliusen, Druggist, Of
Charleston, Ill.,writes: After trYing
scores of prescription$ an&_,Prepar�j_
tions, I had on my files and shelves,
without relief for a very severe cold,
which had settled. on my lV9s, I
tried your German -Syrup. It gave
me immediate relief ina a p-erma-
nent cure. 0 0
G. G. GREEN, Sole ManufacWer,
Woodbury, Newjersey, U. S. A.
. I
0 ek
* ) -
ChiUren I
Too Fast
become listless, fretful, without ener-
gy, thin and weak. Fortik and build
them UP9 by the use of .
Of XAme and Soda. -
Palatable as Milk. AS A PREVENTIVE OR
Genuine made by scou & Sowne, Believille.
Salmon Wmpper. at all Druggish, 60C,
a $1.00. 1 1
4�:.N_ ITrATIONS VACINT-For hundred,s o
k-7 smart yoang men and women who wil
thoroughly prepare themselves in Shorthand
Book-keeping, Axithmetic, Penmanship, Typef
writing, etc. &ddress College of Correspondl
ence, Toronto.
to examine it as she had never one e ore,
though it has been in her possession several
in the liominion. Moonshine ., -it takes
two to make a union a3 well as a quarrel,
was reported to nave been cure , an were
somewhat nonplussed when told that he
e eve - ly
the preparation. Those who use Dr.
Asthmautirej,me to any su rer. ves
instant relief in worst cases, and cures IFYOU WJULD SAVE TIME AND MONEY
and. the American people will never fight
was at school. From our information as to
Williams' Pink Pills report the best results.
where others fail. Name this paper and BUY A
"Why, it i,s a pretty willow basket, with
a quilted lining sewed in and the cushion
Great Britain or Canada for territorial ag-
arandizement--Dever. There is n-) room
his state of health last spring, we did not
expect to find him able 0 leave the house,
The remedy is certainly a wonderful one."
When Mr. A. Turner was questioned he
send address. I
and pockets fastened on. Do you think I
P ,an scheme for a conquered,
in the Americ
and were notprepared for the news that he
said the sale of Dr.. Williams'Pink Pills was
Mother-' So you wish my daughter for
our wife?" He -(gallantly)--" Partly that,
could rlmke one?" she asked.
11WNoA does Florence think about it?"
alien, unwilling con tituency. And then-
these stupid alarmists always ignor6 the
was once more strong enough to mix with
the gabbling schoolboy throng., " Is Ernest
9, surprise to himself. In experience as
a druggist no remedy had made such a repu-
Agents everywhere.
Y partly that you maybe my
madame, and
was her mother's reply.
United States Government and American
the little boy that was so sick last winter
tation or produced such wonderful results.
mother-in-law." I I DO .YOU IMAGINE
"I think I can, if you will help me," she
people as aggressive factors when they con-
and spring V was our next interrogative.
11 He is, indeed," replied Mrs. Duke, "and
Scarcely a day passed that he did not hear
of who were benefited by the use of
C113BONSY TOOTHACHE GUM acts as a That people would have been regularly using
temporary filling, and stops toothache instant- our Toilet Soaps since 1845 (forty-seven long
"Then we may consider it settled, may
template the possibility of a war on our
northean border. War does not break out
to tell you the truth, we had at one time no
parties � I
Pink Pills.
y Sold by dru- gists. years) it they had not been GOOD? Thepublic
. are Dot fools and do not continue to buy goode
we? But, Florence," added Mrs. Easterly,
over night in these days. If it should ever
hope that be would ever again be able to
- Mr. J.R. Dodds was equally enthusiaefic,
A missionary society in Battimore first unless they are satisfactory.
putting aside her sewing, "it will be con-
corne no British gunboat would ever reach
leave his bed." .
. 11 If you call Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a
eeds its intended converts, then washed 3M:0.A6X:t3CaXZ. I
I ill- I A +�, . � -1 ;_
, 14
it rr 1, � .4 4 4 , t, f f 1, V, I
atent medicine " said be " thev are the
th - -1 then teaches them Christianitv
I s era wor �. an � . � .Y - � Lake Erie lor Lue rest, there are now ow a 0 You . I U . . Oy 8 - r ) I I ,
weeks before Christmas. YOumustnOtget steel ship-buildiDg plants in the lakes and covery-V the reporter asked. I most popular and best selling patent medi. Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for
tired and give up after you have once gum-makinv plants in the east that give " Oh ! to nothing but Dr. Williams'Pink eine in my store to -day. The sale is un- coughs and colds is the most reliable and
begun." ample assurance of resources epual to any Pills," was the ready and emphatic response doubtedly on the increase, and I can say
"No, I surely will not. Can't I begin emergency I kely to happen. But all this of Mrs. Duke, who is a very intelligent. that scores who have bought from me are perfect cough medicine in the market. For
rivht awav ? Where shall I Let a basket 91' ' illiams' sale everywhere.
. . 1.+;Orl is ratiiitous The chances of lad,v and who then Lrave the interviewer Joud in their praises of what Dr, W
I . I
and Florence jumped up, all eagern3ss to a war with our neighbours in Canada are the following interesting and well-nigh in. Pink Pills have done for them. They are The best isinglass comes from Russia. It
make a start immediately. not much greater 'than the probability ,)f credible narrative : " Last winter Ernest certainly a great remedy, and my experi. is made from the giant sturgeon, which in -
"Yon remember thf,se small baskets that New York being plunged into war witli her had the grippe, and he never seemed to fully ence is that they effect all that is claimed b,bits the Caspian Sea.
were sent to papa with fruit when he was neighbors in Oliio or Pennsylvania. One recover from the effects of it. In Februa�y for them. .
sick. You will find one in the store room- war would be just about as rational as the last, some time after he had the grippe, he - Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a perfect
Dust and wipe it thoroughly, and I will other - was so unwell that we took him to Dr. Bon- blood builder and nerve restorer, Curing such 500SES25C -_ -
look up something to-nigbtnfor a linina, so - ,. diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial
aorrow. " I � - ---No _Sfte� - ' rLar, of Mono Mills, who examined him, and locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' .1 G - W A% . -
you can begin to-ri said that what was troubling him was a de- paralysis, -
� � U
Florence ran off quickly and her mother Hearts Beat In flarmolly. c I ayin,g tooth which reri,red to be extracted. dance, nervous headache, nervous prostra- � I HliL.ILJ
-ith . .-il. D -essPr 88: The amethvstine 1* _ �
1� 1-1 .ff 1- .. ;� 61T+- ; etroit F? e ines T -T I I A � L + 4- h . . ; A +� +� 1, . +1, tion and the tired feelin-a therefrom, the :
� 5 J 6, � . I epu e � . I
more blessed to give than to receive. I of evening were growing in darker purp 1.0s boy home and he would be all rigl�t shortly. 'after effects of la grippe, diseases depending 12^1- %funne -
think Florence is going to find out how true an(i the purples into black. Instead cf getting,better, however, Ernest on'humors in the blood, such as scrofula, 11 Uynt
that is." On the little viDeclad porch of the old got far wot se, and was soon confined entire. chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a 0Z 410-0
" Mamma," said Florence, the next day house the two sat silent, as they had been ly to his bed. He failed in strength and healthy glow to pale and sallow cornplex* Cures Consuinption, Voughs6 Croup, SO
J � ' - the sun had thrown its first appetite, and was becoming more nervous ions, and are a specific for the t pe Throat. Sold by all Druggists on a Gu-Intee-
I shadows across the fields. every day. Sometimes be would get twitch- -caliar to the female system, and For a Lame Side, Back or Chest S atlL
cretonne of a dainty pattern, all rosebuds itti-g siLl � - Plaster Wifl give great -tisfacti%6-25 CC
as she sat busily covering a cushion wit - T I" as hiloh's Porous
.1 i-ra in �the c e
4 I' ; ught, .
an(l leaves, 11 you told me when I had my What the , were in their minds no, ing and nervous fits, and shake so hard that of men they effect a radical cure in all cases —
basket that every one ought to have her look or motion ot theirs betrayed. he would frighten.you. The shaking was so arising from mental worry, .over -work or
own thinas and not borrow Irom other peo- They were as silent as the stars, which strong that the whole bed shook with him. excesses of any nature. H I L 0 H'S^CATAft R If
. -
-1 M I These Pills are manufactured by the Dr.
ple� � one by one began to peep above the dark We became alarmed and sent for a second REMY
11 Well ?" said Mrs. Easterly. line of the hills. doctor who preveribed for the boy, arid who Williams' Medicine Company, B�ockville) S youCatarrh? This Remedy will relieve
" I'm afraid Minna's sister, Mar Here and there a cricket chirped its ves- gave it as his opinion that his recovery was Ont., and Schenectady., N.Y., and are sold 1,8 . njector for
tha, will andOureYou. PrIce5k - This I
want to borrow Minna's things, if she has a per hymn, and in the old tree beyond impossible. At t his time Ernest had lost the only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark its successful treatrnelat� frte� Remember.
basket and Martha hasn't. She is ,most as the road a roosting f owl at intervals croak - power of both legs and arms and they had and wrapper, at 50 cts. a box, or six boxes Wloh's Remedies are sold on a guarantee -
big, and I 'most believe she ought to have ed contentedly. I 'd t at Dr. Williams
to be tied down to case the sufferer by less- for 1,$2.50. B.ar in min h I -
one too." It was a time when hearts may beat in eniug the nervous agitation. The second Pink Pills are never soldin bulk, or by the .
" Well, dear," was the answer, 11 I think harmony and souls in wordless measures physician called in attended the boy some dozen or hundred, and any dealer who of- WATSONS' COUCH DROPS
make music to each other. op to de -
yon can find another basket in the closet." time, but the case was getting so bad, every fers substitutes in tbis-form. is trying WILL GIVE POSITIVE AND INST-
Florence sighed, for she was not fond of . At such an hour Peace spreads her gentle day becoming more hopeless, that a third fraud you and should be avoided. The
n wings and all the turmoils of the world run ANT RELIEF TO THOSE SUFFERwo
sewing, but the next time she gat down to to her shielding breast and sink to sleep. was sent for to ecrisult. This last one said public are also cautioned against all other FROM COLDS, HOARSENESS, SORE
work, her mother noticed that two baskets Softly the man put out his hand and that there was no chance for poor so-called blood builders, and nerve toilics, THROAT, ETO., AND ARE INVALUABLE
stood on the table bes*de her own. Ernest, and that all the trouble seem. no matter what name may be given them. TO ORATORS AND VOCALISTS. R. &
Much patience was needed and some help touched his companion on the arni. , ed to be in the nerves.., I need They are all imitations whose makers hope
before all the necessary stitches were set i'n' The touch was light,, but it was enough. not tell you how grieved we felt to reap a I pecuniary advantage from the T. W. STAMpr:.o oN EACH DRolp. TRY THEM
I the two articles, but at last they were pro- 11 What is it?" came the gentle query in over the prospect of loging our boy, and won&rful reputation -�aehieved Dr. Will- —
nounced finished. Brother Harold declared response. would li�Lve tried anything to save his life. iams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and re- -
he should lik'o one of them to, put his bicycle The man moved his chair a little closer. - We had been reading in the Pos� about the fuse all imitations and substitutes. I -
Oilcan in, a suggestion which Florence, of I I J im, " he said, I ,can you give me a� chaw wonderful cures made by Dr. Williams' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of CONSUMPTION,
course, received with horror. of terbacker ?" Pink Pills, and often thought of trying them all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Valuable treatise and two botties ofmedicine s-nt Free to
A small sum will go a great way in buy. And the other man, in the soft, sweet any Suffierer. Give Express and Post Office address. T. A.
as we were told they would do no harm if Williams'Medicine Company from either LOCUM & Co.'. 186 West Adelaid� str�% Toronto. Out.
ing needles, plus, thread, etc., so That the hush of the evening time, went down in they did not do any good. Nearly every week address. The price at which these, pills are s I . -_ _____ --- "I
amountFlorence felt shecould sl�are was his pocket for the plug. , we read about miracles wrought bythe Pills, sold makes a course Of treatment compara� �
. quite sufficient to furnish the baskets. Her And one day I determined to ask the doctor tively inexpensive as compared with other ,W_U_y1 :BT-TIr
mother added a pair of scissors and a thim. 81T31 Big Veracity. if we might try them. I Well,' said hell emedies or medical treatment. - . I a Boot or Shoe that does
I �
ble to each, und the result was a present � 'The boy can't get better, and the Pills are . I I -- A. P. 639. notfit. Whypunishyour,
many a little gairl would have b,een glad to When Mr. Smith returned home what not likely to hasten his end. a . I self in attempting to form
was more natural than that he should have — __ your foot to a boot orshoe.
�1_y ' :"'
"' "Dot' or Shoe th8
; �;01 f 7filn' ehy pon's'
* W
._rf -tt t a tino t'
7 .boo O'
receive. asyoulike.' Shortly after we bought a box WHENEVER I see - - -ot , a
a, fishing story to tell? We make our
- - '.
" I shall send the Schmid family a Christ- of the �Pills. This was in May last. Little, V Hood's Sarsapa- . ot, _
- � - . Boots -and Shoes
Mrs. Smith, as became a dutiful spouse, i�.rn two to
. Ernest bad not been taking them two weeks rilla now I want to bo,W I "I .. I from, two tosix dif
. .
- mas dinner, Florence," said -Mrs. Emterly, was all attention. w I hen we noticed a wonderful change. We jLnd say . . - - ferent
61 and you can send the baskets at the same 11 To relieve the monotony of a wait for a I - I 11 � - - widt's
time." Whil6 packing the Christmas din- train," he began, 11 I went fishing: Short quit the doctor's medicine . altogether, - and 'Thank,'You . I , f'. . I . I �
ner, she remanked, I I I believe I will put in ly kept using the pills only. The boy improv- .. 1.
before the train was due I was so fortunate , -_
those under&&ts of yonrfather's. H d so rapidly that in a short time he was I was bad1raffected with-, I �. F, - , I J, '. _
e will as to hook an enormous bass. The. fellow ' � - -_ ... I 1.� .., I I
not need them this winter, and perhaps able to be out of bed, One can hardly be.- leezema and Scrofula , * -1 D. King & Co., Ltd., perfect fit
Mrs. Schmid can use them." rushed to and fro, and, in my anxiety to lieve a; story like this, b , ut every word of it sores, covering almost ,� � . 71,�__, - I Ask for the � '
capture him, I nearly upset the boat. I zj.. 1. �� ti
Christmas morning the Schmid family is true. I tell'you there is a, wonderful .- A , ;.. � � � . ng goods, and be,happy.
Finally he rose to the surface near the boat. the whole of one side of . I I - I I _. .
were up early, but not because any well- The fish weighed exactly five pounds and cLange in our boy and we ought to be thank- my face,-ne�ilk- to the ' Mrs' ]Palsloy- - -
filled stockings awaited them. ful to the Pink Pills. Ernest is gr i -
d one-half ounces. I thought I would owing top- of -my head. Running - sores discharged ,
I .
" I hoped I would dream about a Christ. six an v' � stout and strong, and this is his first day at from -both ears. My eyes were very bad, th _ 0 ft,ve : YOU
. land,him sure, but rith a lasb in" effort he The doctor said he would be dead - . 1. . .
Inas & ee last ulght,yl said Martha. 4'If we 3A I school. - eyelids so sore it was painful: opening- or _� ,_ �'�- . .. .� � I . -
� tore away from the hook and escapi - he last Toronto exhibition, but In I . � � _� I . L. I � I
t can't have one, I should have liked before t - y closing them." -For neatly a year I was deaf. I
I to had to. run for the train." little fellow.. was so well then that he was .
� dream of one. Did yon, Minna?" . I I sit ounces ? " I , -ARRH'
I "No," answered the older sister. "I "But how waa it you knew the fish able to be around, and even went with his A. went to the hoslAtaj arid had an operation-
, weighed five pounds and performed -for the, reuMovil of a, eatdM61froni AT.
I didn't dream anything, but I laid awake asked Mrs. Smith as & tro u -bled look over- 'father to the- exhibition. - We have been � ft� my sister brought 111.6 - ; � 11 -
I � I I buyin the pills from' Mr. Stevenson, - one -eye' - lDne . . . _. , I -
--A thoug4t of all the things I would like 9 I � I . ` I
to have and wished some one would gi - spreaA her face. - - the Orangeville druggists, and � I - - - I'll, ���, I, I . - - -
ve I � arilt 110- a " 11 -It
0 Because he had scales on his back " one of Mood's'SArSap 'a- IF go, Ust 0 -.0.XTAROM CURE. �
- I � �. I � 1.
I Ernest is still using -them . - I - I ' � 0 � I
vie. " alt ough I .. " ., - never fwl& I , VAT-_*�R RH OUr m e N E A 0
4 . __ .
. - � I I -ZR�t : Wh1oh I took and graduaUyliegaii to feii bet- � ' .. I QU04N .- AY�
"I know one thing yon -thought of," cried was the reply. � not so often as at first'. It w _ - - __ 11 T H R Q&T AN 6 � . , - JTHE fjjEAD, N -
Way- I 01LO to
11artha. be much out- of your. to call- at, the, ter,dud skong*r, and 81OWlY the �80res 10.4 -Py "FEVER IMF , .1m -
. A workbasket like the one you the school, and there you willfind Ernest -who eyes iand4ab . ' - � healed. 1�iin-now hear, stores -W, . - - "I 8 away - 6-
- - _r - V's P - Vllwlwa
s4w at Mrs. Hasterly's, You have talked A- Newfoundland I ,e, -L Jftt, -ULL _� � , - ,
,and See as We as dve _A&A" t , Price
about it ever since." I American Falls at Niagara and clime up will be able to speak for himself. I I ty �r'" - k AlSw W?1r%04 I
- Vnw -179 LOU 6t-n,yVb .Y,k,'� : -� n - r." P 1P I t-,01 ,
- - . 11 . I �_, I .-
- Mrs. Duke was concluding her- I � - � fiw-� at . - - _ - I � ., - '. -
,, - Min his tail. Just as � � I - - � - I , -
-- - I '.
.�, na wade no reply, but their mother' &Uve. He was CA but could Wag im. interesting narrative _the teacher,of the ,�. M<16040*iLis,�Gwo An4iver oairtitoce, - - , " -11, � 11
I , _ _,"-_;� "-W 140m, , 'I- __ - - 0- _� �, _` I
. - -
, i
Said, "I dafaliled, last night, I thought your He-wiss redcued Oter,fie hadadragged h acho -a - 244- nsuse,L im-00' . , --�� -, �"l � � _1 . � : I � - I
father iWA 9. ol, Mr.' Thofim E. , Langford,,,, -*bo ,1. slek,beid 4� , USUM 'IV, ,� �� ;4�. - ,
- ' ' , - ,0, - .. - . . . . . . -- . - -- ,
ro L --..-- 'L .% I I I � I . I I .L - 11 " _ - , , ,
... � ", , . _ _
ZSA of new,- warm uilider- self onto some Ckff- - . - '. I _�11' i -_ I ..... ��� �P_ - "'L�, -
- � - - � I e. I , - - .
� - I - - '' - I . , . � L . I I - .1 � �: " , �_, ,�: " 'i , - � � I - � . � - I I . . . . . . 11 ,� .7 � _ L -, � ,. _ � ,
, , �� -1. .1 - _�!�
I � �, . - I � I - L I I I , - ____ 11 I � - I--- �_ - �,_ �11 - L. .. .- , _,�� _ '_ - . _ .. -
I � I I __ I - "I , - L . IL . � I . - I . I I . . L ., - � - �, 1� - -1 "I " � � - I - -L' ' .. � _ - I'll 1, - _ "L _ L �,_ - - 1 "
. - � I . -1 1, -1 � - , ,:L_ _ ", , . - ___;M2;.�� -- , 11 - �
. - � I - . � , . -1. ; 1�, - __ ,� � -1 - '� � I.
- . L -;Z, - , .1 1, - - -_ . , A �L '�; � , - - _
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,� I I ' � , _ - L i� _
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, ,ratuable treatise and bottle of medicine sent Free to �y
Sufferer. Give Expr�s andPost Office add"�s. H. G.
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Subscribed Capital - - - - - ...... $5,000,000
Paid up Capital .................. 2,600,000 "I
Reserve Fund .................... 1,551k090
Total Assets ....................... 12,000,040
, Office, Toronto Street, Toronto I
Sums of 84 and upwards received at currer, t
rates of interest, paid or compounded hha�
Monel received for a F[xed term of years for
which 'ben tures are issued, with half yearl3
interest Coupons attached. Executors and
Trustees are authorized by law to invest in the
Debenturebof this Company. Theca�imland
ass?ts of the Company being pledgen for -- 24
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