The East Huron Gazette, 1893-01-26, Page 2Tim WHM iVAT.R. 118,
no --see ho'w- wi a
the pUoe, bit 1-bould JA
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - my wooden leg -1 was to uA -way U nnage Creatures that itimled the T'Mneral
-d M* -
bo t P. trap- WAR, howevw, a U
lile, where theAreaiiia� In J. A Na", Gleaming, Shifting Flood ofSaud i1cor in the,roof, ii AN we& Mr. jdalsbabout Mr, Sholto
1ould Moving Ever inland. When first the great ?'�r uss wAuralist,
-box:he wal-to lev:6 it -the apper-hour. It evieXtbraithat the to, Send -00 a'amillyacht vier, began to tell his countrymen the
r through Tonga. Ca.
the thing essiti -
-provislOned a manage I The white death is a naked, gleaming,
'hich.was' toile'aff- Ratia r tramge tale of the huge, uncowii monsters
MSTORY --A LE vOyage, w ud brouvfit him out with me with a long rope Shiftin and, In vin
n a 13
TRUE �g flood o g ever i I nd
A -which We were t4- his � walst. lie- could climb that inhabited the primeval world, the world
wound round
make our ways from the ocean shores inch by inch, foot by
like a cat aud Is ening very. Flaug ps B , esoon made his way through that existed before history had been writ-
6rty , nally. to. return to hisdaties.. cipt* foot, in huge white waves of glist "
a] oamfe e A roofs- but, as ill luck would have ten, or make history had come
Morstiin wax it, grit, inexorable as fate, I
'y then -to apply� for, lea6ve-of the the men that
silent as the grave
inabsence, to meet us at -A d y u everything that
and t6rWe' Bartholomew Sholto was still in the room, swellowina and estro i g ini being, there was no tip skepti.
�-%g-welh the 0
-kt'lay where,he ba*dr6ppsd-U when he. I very gras of -thAreasure. cism and i�orn he encountw,ed Lroin scientist
LOU 1,
soon struck me, pad that V as t1imt- the * BOI- Were to have& final divl** to his cost. Tonga thought he had done lies before it in its -way. and layman. It is strange to thkik how tht
as&,vattacked. The boJC-w38 the 8"" them used 04WAys to Igoe' d thecivilh- be taking the major's share as well ad- hit somethink Very clever in killing himp for The wind blows the shifting surface up
aA an apsto I found hi most civilized and awakened nation upon
ww ties came up -by the I Im the cre%tof each towering wave,and over the
whkh open upon Yet hat cairv. w1n. Mind, I don't say that thi3lre was ny, own. -All -this we sealed by the mostaolemn When-' key wsa hung by,a sillien 66rd to, t wock. the globe laughed at Baron Cuvierl s absurd
opened it, thing unipir, but So' it was. These -prison- oaths that the mind could.-thinkor the Strutting- about as proud as a pe edge in a sparkling mist. Beyond the crest otion that beings once walked over the
h in the top. I sat up all night wo paper chaps had done little else than 'play cards utter,
leam -upou a ed handle ups . � I ed Very much Surprised was he *hen I made the dry mist falls, and so the w v move
lantem.-V - --sud'curaed him
-b- at the Audam, steadily, resistlessly forward, enveloping all surface of the earth, or dived into its wa-
and the'light of the raid of ever shace they had een &us, ink; and by the morning T had the two at him with the, rope's end
collection 4i gems swh-as-JL have - charts all ready, signed with * the sign' f for a little b1o4 imp -.rono the air,
little lad and theykne* each other's game to a point, _-thirsty I took the things in a universal white, ters, or winged their way Li
and thought about when. I Standing at the edge of a marshy flat,
at It, was- bi*&�j to look upon while the others just played to pass the time fur-�-thatiss of Abdullsh, AkbarMahomet, treasure-boi and let it down, and then slid the like of which were urknQvn upon out
es we took and threw their cards down anyhow. Night and myself. down mys.1f, having first left the sign Of the eye looks far away across the level of present man -inhabited globe.
them When we-fixWt6&',Our6Y There Well gentlemen, I weary you with my the four upon the tabla-to show that the coarse sedge gram to the white line of the It was contrary to religion, said the the.
1% e back -.1 latf to those who ologians it was opposed to science, said the
them an out Andm&de -Hatofthem after night the soldiers got tip poorer men, -
-'O and I know that my friend Mr. jewels h&4 com sand hills and the black line of pine woods
were one hundred and forty three diamond" and the poorer they got the. more keen they Zige=patieut to get me safely stowed had most right to them. --Tonga then pulled
of the first water, including one whi,-h has were toplay. Major Sholto was Che hard- in the distance. Here and there the flat is savants it was avainst all common sense,
notes- and gold' ill chokey. rI1 make it as short %s.I can. up the rope, closed the window, and made lush and green, where shallow lakes, bloom- and the ordinary man. When the great a& -
been called; 1[ believe,- bl�e � Great Mogul' est hit. He used to pay in come. turalist showed the bones of tlie mammoth,
me to notes of hand The villain Sholto went off to India. but he off the way that he had Ing with white lillies and blue arrowheads,
and is said to be the econd largest st"e at first, bat soon it ca and for bi Som came back again. Captain Morstan. 11 I don't know that I have anything else t burn that is a little like the elephant, the best
in existence. Thew --there were ninety- _g sums. lie etimes would never bathe the arid soil ; here and there i of the day maintained that lie
seven very fine emeralds, and one hundZid win for a few deals,- just to give him heart, showed me his name among a list of passen- totellyou. I had heard a waterman speak ed yellow and brown, where the hot smooth anatomists
had merely found the bones of an elephant.
and seventy rubies,. some of which, -how. and then the luck would set in against him gers in one of the mail -boats very shortly of the speed of Smith's launch the Aurora, sand stretching in froin the ocean shore
car. worsethanever. All day he would wander afterwards. His unclehad died leaving so I thought she would be a handy craft for drinks up water and life, and leaves all When Cuvier said that there were no ele.
ever, Were mall. There wi�ri forty a to him a fortune, and he had left the army, our escape. I engaged with old Smith, and dead.. phants ever recorded to have lived in France
sapphires, about its black a tbander, and'he took i;e�'by
bncles, two hundred and teit� at five men as he- was to give h g sum
i d stoop to tre if he got us safe That level flat, reaching far away into they said the Romans must have brought
sixty-one agates, and 9, great quantity of drink ng a deal more than was good for yet he coul over knew, no , Flane of life one has them with their legionarie. When Cuvier
baryls, onyxes, cats'-eyeis, taroubis6al- - and, him. had treated us. Morstan went to Agra to our ship. doubt, that there the distance, is like the gloomy showed hosy fossil bones were found in Eng -
of -which I did "One night he lost even more heavily shortly afterwards, and found, a3 we ex* was some screw loose, but he was not in to travel -, the black streak A a
other stones, the very names of shadows, and land, too, thev reminded him that C"ar
not know at the time, thouglilhavebecome than usual. I was sitting in my hut when pected, that the treasure was inleed gone. our secrets. All this is the truth, and if I pine woods is the valley
more familiar with them ginie. Besides this. he and Captain Morst%n came stumbling The scoundrel had stolen it all, without tell it to you, gentlemen, it is not to amuse the white waving line of sand is a likeness had crossed tl% channel and, doubtless, car -
There werg iiearly three hundred very fine along on the way to their quarters. They carrying out one- of the conditions on which you,—for you have not done me a very good of'death, and as in real life, so here—neither ried his elephants with him. No one, in-
pear1q, twelve of ;vHch were -set in a gol-T were bosom friends, those two, and never we hadsoid him the secret. From that day turn,—but it is because I believe the best death, nor its shadow looks sinister seen deed now believed in the old scientific and
corOnEt. By the by, these last had been far ap&rt. The major was raving Obout his I lived only for vengeance. I thought of it defence I can make is just to hold back from such a distance. religious superstition that the fossil bones
by day and I nursed it by night. It became nothing, but let all the world know how To travel across the level flat is a mimic were not real bones at all, 1�at lusus naturze,
taken out the chest and were not there- losses- Of 96 It's all up, Morstan,' he was saying, as an overpowering,absorbing passion with 'me. badly"I have myself been served by Major image of the journey of life, The lakes, So thin s that nature herself in a sportive mood
When I recovered it. t I micry of her own pro -
hey passed my hut. I I shall have to send I cared nothing for tile law,—nothing for Sholto, and how innocent I am of the death pretty in the distance, are mud(17, and bad abricated in mi,
After we had counted our treasures we duction.
put them back into the chest and carried in my papers. I am a ruined man.' the gallowh1l; To escape, to track down of his son." smell rank and dank to the nostrils ; they
11 I Nonsense, old chap!' said the other, Sholto, to ve my hand upon his throat,— A very remarkable account," said Sher- are fall of tadpoles and lizards and crawl- It was the age of reason and logic and It.
them to the gate -way to show them to Ma- ingh. Then we solemnly renewed slipping him upon the shoulder. 6 I've had that was my one thought, Even,theAgra lock Holmes. A fitting wind-up to an ink, things. Here and there little deserts of Cuvier's astounding theories must be met
homeb S a nasty facer myself, bat�--' was treasure had come to be a smaller thing in extremely interesting case. There is noth- and sand are passed ; they burn the soles by arguments, that had, at any r%te, the
our oath to stand by each other and be true but it was -of Sholto. -h the face with a te se Lane
all I could hear, enough to set my mind than the Slaying ing at all new to me iu the latter part of of the feet, and scorc re- on r mb e of logic. But argument
to our secret. We agreed to conceal our loot, me . thinking. . . - 1, Wells I have Set my mind on many your narrative, except that you. brought fiected glare; and mosquitoes rise in elQadfl, and ridicule only prevailed for a time, and
it, a safe place until the country should be A couple of days later Major-Sholto was things" in this life, and never one which I your own rope. That I did not know. By like petty troable3, to bite and sting. There at last, a hundred years ago, the wonders
at peace again, and then to divide it equally llrollinf 'n ,he beach: so I took the chance did not carry out. But it was weary ye I ra the way, I had hoped that Tonga had lost are quicksands under the feet where the of the bygone fauna, of the earth were ac -
among ourselves. There was no use dividing of a e& 0 b all his darts ; yet he managed to shoot one grass looks the freshest and the greenest, cepted in Europe.
in D im. before my time came. I have told you that
it at present, for if gems of such value were ght to have yont advie, Major,) I had picked up something of meeiciae. One at us in the boat." and hiding the dead levels of sand a mirage Ouvier it was whose fine imaginative
found upon us it would cause suspicion, and I wis . "He had lost them all, air, except the covers the desolation with a soulless sheet reasons invented the great science of com-
said L day when Dr. Somerton was down with a
there was no privacy in the fort nor any Well, Small, what is it? he asked, fever a little Andaman Islander was picked one which was in his blow -pipe at the of visionary water. parative anatomy and paleontology. His
place where we could keep them. -We - car. taking his cheroot fiam his Ifps. up by a convict - gang in the woods. He was time. First come the hot black slisdows—the vast and splendid knowledge d existing
ried the box, therefore, into the same hall I wanted to ask y6u,' -air,s amid 1, sick to death, and had gone to a lonely "Ali, of course," said Holmes. 111hadnot shadows ofthe pines—and tbenthe foot- beasts and birds enabled him to reconstruct
where we had buried thebody, and there ved who is the proper person to whom hidden place to die. I took him in hand, though thought of that." bills, as it were of death. All is breathless from a fossil skull or a vertebra, sometimes
under certain bricks in the best-preser aded over. I know he was as venomous as a young snake, and "Is there any other point which you silence, except for the shrieking of the fish- from nothine but a single tooth, the long
treasure should be ha its true semblance as it
wall. wo-made a hollow and pat our tress- where half a million worth lies, and, as I after a couple of months I got him all right would like to ask about ?" asked the convict hawk high inthe air, and the strange, mys- extinct creature
ure� We� made careful note of the place, and cannot use it myself, I thought perhaps the and able to walk.' He took a kind of fancy affably. torious whispering of the carelessly moving had lived, to clothe it with flesh and skin,
next- 4-* 1 drew f our planes- -One for each of beat thi 3g that I could do would be to hand to me then, and would hardly -go back to I think not, thank you," my companion and Shifting sand. and show it in imagination, in the haunts
us, im&j* . of us at the t the -eip of the four overto the proper authorities, and -then his woods, but was always hanging about answered. Here and there a stark gray tree trunk, in which it lived and moved. bottosnslt�r -swurn that we should perhaps they would get my sentence short. my but. * I learned m little of his lingo from g'Well, -Holmes, said -Athelney Jones, already dead in the clutch of the oncoming This, which Baron Cuvier did in graphic
eawalwayiactforall - that ght him"andthis made him all the -fonder of cc
-,so -none mi ened for me." you are-& man to be humored, and we all death, reaches helpless skelet;n arms up escription of great scientific and literary
tAke-idva That i&an Gath that I can cgs Half a -million'. Small?-' hegasped, h`
me. know that you are a abunisseur of crime, into the air.. Each i an empty hollow beauty, Mr. Hutchinson in a work on
hand- to !ny heart and. ov'resr -that looking hard at me to ee ":Conga—for that was his name—was a bat . duty is duty, and I have gone shell of bark, each is soulless and void of ,Extinct, Monsters," published by Messrs.
IEW, I a if fvras in earn- "Ve-trokii.' I - I - boatmen, and owned a. big, roomy. rather far in doing what you and your friend life, excepting, perhaps, for a nest of wood- Chapman & Hall, London, has now done fine
at. found that he asked me. I sh
-tbpr6!& no use -in' telling' u oshoe, of his owii, When I all feel m;re at ease when we packers or of mice—& squalid metempsycho- popularly. and yer, learnedly, and with the
y as Quite that air,—iu jewels'and pearls.
YO .104"airwhmf�came of the Indian mutiny.' It lies there ressily. for a4 one. And ths. was devoted to me and. anything have our storyteller here oxfo under lock and sis ofthe spirit of the pine tree. accompaniment of many mo2t admirablc
fr CoLn re- queer thing about it is that the real owner to of escapp. - I 0 -foot hills lies, grim ind still, ill' trations. Baron -Cuvier showed how,
to serve me, I Saw my chance key. The cab still waits, and there are tw Beyond the us
I afft much obliged e silent bosom of the white
Luekn&WAi�biak of the business talked it.over with hi th
outLwed and oazinot bold property,. SO that In. He was to bring inspectors down -stairs. death—hills our planet was once inhabited by reptiles of
was broken. -Fresh tX001W -"'M'e pouring in# it belongs to the first -comer.' to -you both for your assistance. Of course and valley a of lifeless sand, blinding, buru- enormous size and hideous aspect, the
his bqat round on a oirtaiu,. night to an old
Aud: Nanal To government, Smalls! he atammej a a
-ahiVulade;'himself searce over re d wharf which was never guarded, and there you Will be wanted at the trial.. Good -night ing, paroby and dry. The air i lik the dinosaurs. The crocodiles and alligators
But -he said it � in a he was to pick me up. I gavd him directions to you." blast from a fiery furnace, and a breathless are the degenerate descendants of these
the frontier. A, flying column under, -Colonel —, to goverunient. Greathed came round to Agrm and cleared halting fashion, and I knew in my h rt th "Good ,night, gentlemen both," said curtain of silence stretches between the terrible primeval lizards that in siZ0 and in
ea .at to have several gourds of Water and a lot of
thw-Paidies away Irom iL. -Peaceseemed -to I had got him. % yams, oocoa-nuts, and sweet potatoes.. - Jonathan Small. glare of the sky above and the whispering their ungainly shapes were liker to t e
x the, -country. and we ihink, then,, air, 11 He- we% stanch and true, *ask little You first, Small," remarked the vary whiteness beneath. The sliding feet sink dragons ot our tales and leg a than any
ng`u#'oJ' four You -thaf I should
be settli en
beast that at present reams the earth.
werojeg�mngtahopo that tha,time was 've the informatl6n to the Governor-Ganer�, Touga. No man evee had a more faithful Jones, as they left the room. as I'll take deep into the sbif ting surface, and the trav-
-nw6- '-lit f It ff witli It is now established by science that dur.
at hiaid who MIg B&e;Yg* 0 s?, Said 1, quietly. mate. At the night named be he& his boat pmrticular care that you don't club me with eler stands face to face with Israfel in simile.
-our shares of the plun'aer.- -In a moment, as a well, well, you must nob do at the Wharf. AS it chanced, however, gona wooden leg, whatever you may have. So the gates of death are passed and the ing the mezozoic period R the world's his-
howevirourhogft Were sbattered by our rash, or that you might repent. aule'Me there was one of the convict-gaard d6wn a to the gentleman at the Andaman journey is ended. tozy evolution had proceeded so far as the
-me the there,—& vile Pathan who had. never missed. Isles. Then suddenly, as the hesarises above development of life into the form of these
being arrested " the murdeiers of Achmet. hear all it, SW& Give &boa& �L about thia, way.,- When- the. facts., - a chance of inatilting and injuring me. I Well, and there is the end of our little the crest of the last white wave, all is in- strange reptiles. This was tho 11 Age of
the a' all had- always vowed vengeance, and now.1 dramas I remarked after we had set ome stantly transformecL The last hill is climb- Reptiles," but of such reptiles w the earth
I told him the -whole story, wit -am - 8:
'he k that he was- chiinkpi so that he: had y chance.. It waslasif fate hid placed me smoking in silence. it surf e. v
-it b new , -not idiblitify1he 11 I fear that it ed with panting breath, and ihen death it- has not held upon a so As el
could M ey, resug icionsf6lk im minyway thatI mighk.payemyglebb may mammalian quadrupeds did not exist. The
sp as.. When1h finished he Stood stock ad -4,649�" ra)ah before I.lefb the island. Hestoodonthe Shall h%ve the chance of
k, - ,10 him be the last investigation ijr which I self is left behind. th still and,fall of thought. , I dould see by thd* studying your Before the eye there stretches away the horse, theox, the elephant,
-bdktmke)wsewud,e*ewuiore trusty -ser-, twitch of his a strjiglc� hank'with his back -to me,-sud III U'S -foote
& - -- - - -, 1io that there was carbine methods. Miss. Morstan has done me the eternal ocean, a glorious purple sparkling deer, and the tho and genera of four d
-thi - t4 - - po th! goiig on within him. -his-shoulder. I looked about.fdr a stone I honor to accept me as a husband in pro- with dancing whitecaps an
vait"d-so ut ow"the spy In a, �f on d dotted with mammalian beasts which tenant the eArth
two ThtaLeecond-aiivas ordered: never to boat out his braius-with, bt. none.could spective.11 shining sails. The ceaseless surf shouts jubi- to-diy had not befn created or evolved.
-important' matter. This is a very
let, A See- a q The seas, the estuaries, the marsh, t a
-chniet, out, of his sights and he fel. 'Smallkhesaid'-stlast. -,yet niiist.� not Then user bhought'cam6 into He gave a mostL dismal groan.. "'Ifear- lantly on the beach, and the cool pure air
-1o*ed1imI*fihii6h%doiV, HkWesitafter to, L my bead and- showed me 'where I ed as much,'? said be. 11 I really cannot rushes upward, bathing the. hot face like forest, and the plain were lorded over by
say a word any one mbcUtt, and I She., I-
hfin.thatnM taind-saw him pass through could- !my my hind on &-weapon. I congratulateyou." the breath of a newer and purer life. The the dinosaurs, reptiles indeed in a scientific
h I e -dqQr"y. . _ L of course -he thought he siw you- soon.' -his fri sat down in the darkness and unstrapped_ I Was a little hurt. 11 Have you any rea- ocean, the sails, the rushing breeze all tell point of view, but that mimicked in their
11 Two night's later he and L end
jangela the I my. wooden leg. With three long hope I son to be -dissatisfied with my. choice 1, of something vast and limitless that lies be. structure and habits the rature of the marn-
bact take fort, and applied for Captain Morstan, came to my hub in. the' -admisgoathere-himself-nextdwy butcould was, ow him. He pat his cabins to his asked. Of sorre of
Tis dead of the night with a lantern. yond. malian quadrupeds of to -day.
4er, but struck him full, and knock- 11 Not at all. I �hink she is one of the Behind was left the limited pla�.n, bound- the dinosaurathe bodieand limbs were
finduo.trecoof AchaveL Seemed to 1wani'youjusb to let Captain Morstan 'he Whole fronVol his skull in.
shoal I
hifn so strange i thathe spoke aboub4t to a hear that ed t You can most charm young ladies I eVer met, and ed by the black shadows and the white as massive as those of our elephants and
story from yonr own "Pal Small's liee-the splib in the -wood now where I hit mighi'liaveing r -footed, but
sergeantiof Wes, Who -brought it to the been most useful� in such work death. Before is an image of limitlest im- rhinoceroses. They were fou
of:'thi�ommavdant. - A thorough said be. him. We both went lown together, for I as we have been doing. She had a decided mensity. many of them walked the earth erect on
searalt waiicin body, I repeated it as I had tiold it before. horned crea-
ickly made, and the wag 'It rings true-, eh V said -he. It's good could notkeep my balance, but when I got genius that way: witness the way in which their hind. feet. Some were
discoveied.- 'Thus at the velik t up I found him still lying quiet enough. . I -she preserved that Agra plan from all the
omen tures of terrible aspects feeding on vegetable
enolh Ito act Upon made ,for the boat, and in in hour We were other papers of her father., But lov6-ia an A Smokeless Atmosphere ror Cities. food, while others were carnivorous animal$
that we. thought that all was salfe we- were ptain Mortau nodded. seiga"d brought to trial on a. welloutatt-ses. Tonga had brought all his emotional thing, and whatever is emotional The new English invention for the con- with formidable teeth and claws. Most of
all4our 'Look here, Small said -the m%jor. -earthly possessi - cold reason whi charge of murder,—. three of us, because We one with him, his arms and is opposed to that true ch suruption of smoke, which has been patent- the flesh-eatina and many of the gramin
had hs4lhe, gato-that night; and the 'We have - been talk!49 it Over, my'friend- his:aods.. Among other things, he bad a I place above all things. � I should never ed by Leggott and Marsh, has been received ivorous dinosaurs were 'kangaroo -moving
and t -o in, here an a England, as to creatures with powerful hin
because lie was-6own, t� have been, M t d 1, and we h%ve come to the con, long bamboo -spear, and. some Ah-lamart marry myself, lest I bias my judgment." with favorable criticism i dquarters and
=7com of he -m-urdered man. Nob,,, a, elusion that this.secreb of yours is hardly a cocoa -nut matting, with which I made a I trast," said 1, laughing, that my apparently have established its claim to be the faculty of leaping as a kangaroo or
44614th - els. came -out at the trials -government maters after - all,, but it is M sort of a smil. For ten days we were beating judgment may survive - the ordeal. But the most practical method yet devised for jerboa leaps. In the case of the vegetable"
e for- th Ed 0 j4 driven riv%t�ncern of"yovir i*n, *hioh of cours ibout, trusting to luck and on the eleventh you look weary." grappling with the smoke nuisance in cities feeding dinosaurii it is conjectured that tile
4 eposed and xtioaIsr -you have.-thei power 0 isposJug:ots -,v 0 aiie- had On we were picked up by a trader which wa's Yes, the reaction is already upon me. burning bitamnious coal. Some time ago creature was enabled to stand upon its
1%8 Ilinrier,' hOw$ - think beaL Now,- the 'iluestion isi what- going from Singapore to Jiddah witka cargo- I shall be as limp as a rag for a week." in, ious inventor showed how smoke hinder legs and feed on the branches of
price imaid you ask for -it 0-. - Wi'might W vai clearly isiede Out; -And it was certain �ofMalaypilgriiki. They were a ram crowd, "Strange," said 1, 11howtermsof what louln robbed of half its balefulness by a trees—as iu the case of the gig ntic
cob in inclined -to take it up, and -at least look into -an 1xis' inossur known a Igu odo
theit Wer i6st all . . -been ciriie4 d Tonga, and I soon managed to settle in another man I should call laziness alter- refining process. His plan was to wash the a 2 an n Bernissar
it. -,The -three Sikhs go', -Onal servitude -it,11f we-could-agisesi to terrns�� '.He tried down among them.. They. had one very nate with your fits of splendid energy and smoke before - it escaped through the chim. tensis. The most- terrible-loGking of
*iy,<but hid' -t6rIffeiAA71-wSs,co4demued t6desth, -good,q4ality : they let.yoa alone,and asked vigo r. neys. The new invention adopts an entire- these ancient monsters are by no means the
'hia id s 9 a exot ementi an t6ii& --.rpy -;,squtence- was, afterwards ponin were 0411"tions. Yes," he answered, 11 thire are in me ly different principle, burning the amoke by carnivorous ones, as, for instance, the awful
j"ted-iutoth*e*m9.a;s th&fithet4' groad. .,it Well, if I. were to ..telF you all the 'the makings of a very fine loafer and also of drivir g it through the fire itself. So adapta- horned diriosaur with helmeted head and
iaventlenion,! I answer4, ad I -jures that ray little chum and I went a pretty itpry sort of fellow. I Often think ble is ihis principle to all kinds of fires that kin a a ded wirh pik r or bose
�p a also, to te ciiii, -but. fcelijij is ex- . ven t d a ed a fa s 8 1CWis:"ii a. "i6kt that *67 & -,tr through,' you would not think me 11.,4bera wa4e' , there is of those lines df old Goethe,— various cities in England ar These formidal means of ffense and de
16 d -.-so in the re- all ,ying - Min , , for. I e now proposing ee . der,
ttedis he did, one,'barg -have-you-1eri until Schade Precious, would the San was to utilize it for municipal works� including fense belong to a prely vegetabie f
*hlifi��inin W. F*y position dass die Naur nur einen Mensch an& gas, electric lightingand destructors. The and the strength of the osseons' skeleton fie-
'hanco of ever go mg -out- A tt* Shining. Here- and there,- we� drifted 4bout. dir schuf.' nL Z11111 W11rdiken Mann war and zum ScheF Lo
sV. ",j4d�t6lielp in udon Lancet, which appointed a special tokening a strong and active body, is a mess-
*ha� - 'e0tt heltl- a aiiereb world, som'dihing. ways,turning up. to Deu .0 kv the
ead my. a -a- is nee
to men der Stofr commission to test the claims ard merits of are of the stress and struggle for ex te
om- London. �, All the. time, how- Wd: ShaW t6i; take yod "r during the Reptile Zge. Triceratops Pror -
sn6, kee
oor-c" only Id i - - " lotteight Of my purpose.' I By the way, a propm of this Norm ood busi- the system, ut-
laii -nime, use --Of fif bh to. i :,e et o, says.—" The result is emine
and give, you a to make- a manat ids n "c.m and demonstrates clearly sue, though larger that the largest rhinoceros
fL It 7,W enofi& d d OfSholtosbuiglit. Ahundred Aces, you. see that they'had, as I surmised, ly Satisfactory
-h m: in my sleep :it a confederate in the house, who could be of the was evidently axnied and equipped against
lieirti�iti4lia've;'to-stan(I-the kick and thw vot, dines I aVe killed ,bi not oaly the fuel-eeonomizing effect 'Hum V said -he. aA fifth share I That ions car-
evqry p4by, jack -in -':office, to have ome-three or fo one other than L&I Rao, the. butler: so system, but also that the production of soot the attacks of the still larger, foroc
list, howe*er, a ur years ago Is
not very tompting.' - . . - - 9 I
a practically nil." The results of the tests vivoroas dinosaurian reptiles, of AtIlauto-
-to. ifand water to dtliik: whn that- V ul OOIA,6 iofa 46 found oursel, had no Jones actually has the undivided honor of i
'lace- -,w wo d y t we ves in England. -1
US411A aviece. - ing. The aaurus, for instance, of whom we know little
fo , - - 1. I � -. - : ::, . -in finding wher Sholto lived h caught one fish in his great Is I r - six feet
ittmoiraar dy r I, � - o' aTTghe division seems rather unfair, wus; to Kim outAde eat -difficulty nade by the Lancet are interest
t of the com. but that his thigh -bone measures
It -iiiitht have discover whebhe'
lw Ed 1 Set to work be repor mission gives a comparison
in Ireedoui?: to r made by burning a spec
V Bat he* can We gtin your ific two inches in height, that his length could
pr had it.
but][ was,aliv ett. had realized th trees reor if he still remarked. You have done all the work of the deposit
ey" e U You know very Well yon sak arvimpossibil.. I 1pa& . friends with some one who could -
in this �usiness, I got a wife out of it, quantity of coal under the new system, and not have been lem then eighty feets -and
ntubfioh*� A, my -1- held,- On and bided $ help me, -;;-1 name no(namei, for I don't Jones gets the credits, pray what remains in an ordinary range, over a 15eriod of sev- that if he traveed on his hind legs, as be
Nothing ofthe sort,'I anawb I I' -any one else in a. holes- 'Me red.: - w system the per- probably did, he must have been tall enough
e Want too g6i -;and --I for you?" eral,days. Under the ne
-At IMt4t)KeM dAs the to- havo -coine. have thoughtit- all o detail. iit
gt to the'liat centage in dry depo was: Carbon, 7.20 ; to look in at the third -story window of a
oon,found hatLe stlll�.hmd the jewels. For me," said Sherlock Holmes, "there adged-*vin Airs, to Madras nd� -The only. &i� i our escape IS that; We C&' n till remains the cocaine -bottle." And be hydrogen, 0.23; mineral matter, .89.15; London house. 'r so long a time, Thice, -was prettyL Sly. and. L -,gPV.-n6- , boat - t; 'fie, v6ja d but he 0 S1 the s fi: for I ge, an nq pro Then. I tried to pot at him in many ways n ea
There is no scientific ie o wh
had always tw stretched his long white hand up for it. nitrogen, (partly as ammonia) and oxygen,
�.v ons to lastvue46 biBL'S' I � besidis 3.42, as against
Mal d .prize-fighters one and *is &percentsge in dry soot, serpent should not have survived from the
is- X. had 'behate 'w flittle. ylk ilite imd- ya*1s ' 9A [TM END.] in the ordinary ranga of : Carbon, 7(L76 Age of Reptiles," for creatures tkat e-
10600 ----- . - - � .Over im. 'i6if - g* , , ii6 Ibituti oand nitrogen(ammo- ua rt he fabled sea -
mineral matter, 16.68, actly repeat in size and shape t
6ne- a . however, I got word -thathi I hurried it 4 rn we ctivelY serpent of nautical men, -citated by
"Do; 6tr rin --oha.--dvir. `Ws incal
sup gage A herb, h or Sir 0.70 and 6.68 per cent. Coming from such fertility of ima. r other more tern-
moito the gaid 0holerw in Hamburg- nia), 6.36, the moisture being respe
ar y ts, and T
kf,be should'alip but of my- clutches rpcarry
b -69 ally piii -0f7tbi61ndi%U Two fresh cases of cholera have been re
nan authorative source, these figures porsry causes,
friomarinleorving scientifically,
wa 4av6- doaq Ilia% and, looking through the. windot� in' great -weight, and it is a significant fact were abundant iii the -seas in mezzole times -
I -Mt he IL hi ith
I' - 7 arported, and the doctors are making exam' yc�v -4tMA4s. . . 1, bed, w his sons on
stions with a view of detecting the bacteri
-7 saw In, eWhside of hfiG� r, 6V8 that in no single instance we
e re incomplete Come, now," said an inquiring savant to
The Cholera Commission announces that a Captaigs, have you ever seen a.
there were�'oulv on terd L are of the nets of combustion, like carbon monox.! an old se
d �&me through
er k. to: look at W6 his is gen
ne- or'he cues developed yes
a4d.tskeii'my chaneawith.the thtee of -them, t pro
the 6 W drop-, ROW nly evQ the inhabitants of cities are now pro
ide or sulphuretted hydro obtained. But sea -serpent?" "Why, no, air I never did.
'Asiatic type.
The report 1 caused con -
W, * it Th w I ' mised rm teetotaller." The aea-serpents have,
eds'm& knew: that he was'gou& I got sidemble apprehausioni andL
business men not only an atmosphere practically smoke- by the best accounts. died out of our saak
I -got her.�
'into- 'room
be,ftme night, thougbi Who had been picking- up courage are less less
_WJ I 4 a'Ou See paper$" ..see I
there iissany. -1 Searched b1i to but a ready means of charging the air with the toothed reptile birds that hold thc
iiende, �,j �44 - � L't; dd hopeful of- the future. It is -also feared e kites and falcons, the eaglt,
fti 3 V- -161:.e 01 � _,�# rr over a large area, with ozone. Mr. Leggott, air before th
en ouriewes
U We HIS NMF-Y�!-Wt; L-P;S that the news will have an unfavorahle ui" - end the hawks became supreme in tht.1
the inventor of the new method of consurn
lnfikie1lb6-o�i�thd.ateai�ihip,.tr&flio.of abrecent meeting in London% element.
ittor ingamoke at a:
-an on. the movemel
aif I if sable to
I bethoug it. Ind t at if I ife
h. h dwillstrerigth it in Amer -
stated that he hoped shortly to b One thing is apparent from a Study of
-e ji,,- i6a to shut on't gran of the hand Man may think
eW low immi to$ especially Ru demonstrate that by a twist mezozoic life on the globe.
ould presently turn
ad Londoner w
the *eari a kindly Providence that he only came on
W7 dL 40 n -
Maus OU LOU to 14W th I had left-SOMO The ststeme�t of the Hamburg news -
the hissupply of life -renewing ozone, just the scene in quieter t*mes than mezozoic
Iwe. intimatin �h.ebZtted tates ?n the same way as he now switches on ones. He could -hardly have lived comfort -
Mea .0 - I - stL Hamburg. Go resume in
-4, On -his bosonu-� twas -jas g.ths,
W - -M -h 11 ably with his neighbors. The earth was a
electreity or turns On gas or water.
-h to the e ae,of clean bills of health to vessels hu .,e zoological gardens or rather a huge
fou the United clisrinil from L that port
r,pile-house. He could not have gone to
tfeoi�e' okin- ftorahe Not as Bad as That.
�gF e -A Up istanding.the fact th fresh 11hat, henad ." L -
a -f.-Mma q e �W,-Ubtwitj at
fobbed, and likdot cmses�cf cholers were reported is entirely He (poor and idle)—You reject my sea, because the first mosasaurus that pass
ad his ship would have lifted thirty feet of
ingLe -by My- discre0i in
time t6d * Washington. Nevertheless Cruel girl I iteserve your decision, or 1 ne ts and picked the steers -
or Touga, at- fairs and other �gjut.of sbund�tit caution. Secretary Ch [o, something deaptrate ck from the idep
eral lying- Fk- as- shall d
man from the rudder or the �4pfer from the
"bal.- Hewould- Fogbai mm di municate
as who knows Is pcaoes her yards. He could not have tilled the earth,
blackrva= -A . in;.
She (an heire
e stal com d the
�f4majaon t6 the Secretary of State, with —Go to work, 1 suppose. for it would have bee p po, terous y k
acia; _a_- to be maintained) U re a tA o a
es ---ti blim"he-UMItedStateSCOn. he mildest dinosaur to a plow. IqYing
-he*a flum ted. to refrain pem�e ContraAness.
A "ta althe be instr4c'
b ramporynchuses would It
iiburg ave pecked his
'h bd --d me _ j - 6111-� p -ralks ab7oad
until there is no longer
took bo
What havi you stopped eyes out.
104 ,of the introdudion.of the, con -
When he
Pr xce#b that QMMWV� . Old Booster,
ss b@tl%'eea
'Oub from list Sourm itito-'tba United I for? a hat andan alligator—would hSk*--1PhQr
Old Hen—,, It's too cold."
I 'Huh ! lust- ied Ins noffe, perhaps his he%4 off, wivk ita
'Old Rooeter--�- like. you fe- I Males. 1" jW -- I I �Z - cruel rat-traP jawc Quick as it gets cool enough for me T 71 t not culy us
look aligad, but we etting into a perspiration- to ciiw without Cool audcollectst - Tho too IM
e d- go- you quiTf 26ying.
'rgabgrg 4ey That I w -M N
A.nd do my Nv
The pret;iest
rij zeep it Z
2" date to
My bread I vi
My coakang
Tf you don't
I hope you I
Vben You I 'idget "
Z Y A Nlamma,
tailie true ?`
'rom her boo
INN -0, my
)IV vVi y I have
000r little )ueh a nice h
bright anui w
ly she mwat.
found it was
Florence w
and a deep s;
�Vell, F , I
ing a fresh ne
you do sonfeL
come true.
, , "'y hy, Sl
How can I d
what people
from tier dre
ber mother in
" I do not
sponded quiring face b
�oine people
if not at *ah
lately, too.))
" I can't te
Mamma," sai
I rememb
size who was
the other da
thimble. He
she was drea
';fas diappoin
but true."
Florence . a
mother was sp
furaished wit
ing, but evide
-4(Oh !you
don't you ?" a
come t
a basket. Is t
Mrs. Baste
W#A 4-Adiant f
fd.1 &a she sai
afford to buy
.Emma &Ve
11 Perhaps n
here and ee if
put together."
Florence o
spools of threa
to examine it.
though it has
"Why, it ;�s
a quilted lininn
and pockets fa
could mal�z on
llw4wt does
was her mothe
"I think 1 c
"Then we in
we ? But, Flor
putting aside h
siderable work
weeks before U
tired and give
begun. "
;1�,7o, ure::
r t wa�y s
ig and Florence u
make a start im
"You remem
were sent to pa
sick. You will
Dust and wipe
look up somethi
you can begiu t
Florence �.n 0
looked after her
inore blessed t
think Florence th at is. "
11 pnrima,�! as she sa busil.
cretonne of a (Ia
basket that eve
own things and
Well '," said
I*m afrmai-,4 -%
want to borrow
basket audlfat
big, and I 'mosL
one too."
11 Well, dear,"
you can find -Luo
Florence sighe(
sewing, but the i
work, her mothe
stood on the tali]
Much patience
before all the rec
the two articles,
nounced finished.
lie should like oriE
oilean in, a sugg
course, received v.
A small sum wi
Ing needles,
, pins,
strount Fl(,repce
quite sufficient to
mother added a p
ble to each, and many a little irl.
" I shall send ti
mas dinner, Fiore
4 f and you can sen
time. " While pac
jaer, she femar-ked
those under&.rts
not need them t
Mrs. Schmid can i
Christmas mor.
were up early, bi
filled st-ocking2 a,
" I hoped I voi
mas tiee last m4l
can't have one,
dream of one. Di(
didn't dream, anyt
- 11 thought of all
io have and vislie
me. 15
"I know one th,
Wartha. A worl
saw at Mrs. EasU
about it over since
Minna mde no
add, "I dagawd,
Uther h*A a -M