The East Huron Gazette, 1893-01-19, Page 1r�-
Vett, :t.
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J, A. TUCK, M, D,
10 EMBER ,f ;-;lege of
eeon s. , to t
Physa an; and Sur-
',)f'iU1 uNT
ea `See
City grocery,
AVISG bought out the stock of MR, JAMES
IRELAND will endeavor to keep up the
reputation nr High -Class
VeterinarySurgeon QJ cERIE,
itA L'"A1 t4 Jf
r' an l r•,t.+trra'i z:a:::r--r
ary Asse.•:a::oc
r-_er tense
N-ae.. ',,) Meth
,:I eye,
,:i..r \ sere•
ALiitar in r.
sc:ne,seR CtD (,llrP,:
OMea ': :II7 ::a+.•.l.f:'..:J, ,i
S JL+ROIdC 1 S.. t5:nguain, W.:'. visit
J �f
• Ooma, the L+: a:: ! rl Xim,ttav dace '
mouth. Tact,, r:r ua. 1 ..:.out pa:::. Au work
9/1/./T6.6:41.1Everything Fresh and
MISS GREGORY, Guaranteed of the
—Staple and Fancy—
Crockery, Silverware and
Fancy Goods,
:hat my predecessor Las so well merited for the
last 14 years.
Breakfast Sets,
Dinner Sets,
Tea Sets.
t .. ltarr:,-on
„ver `V s. iieant
L)Rsss ANL. Nit : LI
tied. R'aute.: Lt,rni
Finest Quality.
The Lion Store
Fur Goods
Winter Goods
To Clear.
Lion NaNnrvaceettar.
No use to enuine:'ate price, but call J. W. Sanderson.
laud see for yourself.
will sell as Cheap as the
Chea est. ENGLISH.—Servicesat Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.;
at Gorrie, d:30 p. in.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m.
Rev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School,
one hour and a quarter before each service,
W C3 E'1' E F .
HONOR Graduate of Outario Veterinary Col-
lege,Toronto, Fellow of the Ontario Vet-
eriaary lfedia&1 Aseoc:ation. Under Graduate
Ii baa been re,iel up and pat away l..;.11 aaouat: .,f C.R.C., Hamilton. Successor to J. Martiu,V.S.
so jest wring it is to Dentistry a specialty. Office, Main st., 5-i ruxoter.
W wi:l fra:na `-tr you in am, style of mould-
s( you wish, hey mg perchased Ce. Sandarsen's
argc steels of ind added it to my
Prices freeu 30e. up
CURTAIN POLES, all style* arra col
ors, from 40c. i p. Cam' tete wall
endo, ring': and bracl:ot.s.
.c BINET PEI0'1'0S, • - 32 3,7f per .1e
A Neat and Ceiefertable C e miry
CONSISTING of three a•'re,
lug part .,f 'lot . In
Turnberry T c tier -`3 :: •c
•balance in orchard 4.n.1 .;ar t.'❑
air•roome4 frame ;ie ,n ti:•
-stables. For Pur:ner par ti •alar
P,zL •
;nice :a::d, be
township o
::ricr grass and
l_tor•- :s a good
s apply I.,
',5'rotetsr, ere t.
Estray Calves.
CAME onto the premises of the suhscriheir, lot
30. con. 9, H.,wick, a;,ou: the middle of Oc-
tober, four heifer eavee. Theowuor isr-'qnested
o prbve property, pay espouses and take them
away. -,,iNrt.
Holstein Calf Lost.
LOST.—From the premises of the subscriber,
since about the so, ut the Attu of iuiv fait
a Holstein Steer Spring, •'alf, spotted,ttack-and-
white. The finder wit! ! •' sutcarly rewarded on
,wing information *.4 co tty Knera-/Date til
Lo: N. Con. 0., Howick.
roxeter 1' U.
(Gredaateof Niagara Fal:e Ac adeiny of Musts.)
Theory Expiarne.d_ Gusais.
"This is so certify that Miss James, having
eempieted is a creditable manner the sours* re-
ewired for a certificate, ie duly qualified for
pianotorte teaching, and is horsyy recommended
tie those who require thorough instruction in
that branch." l'aur. A. 1ivaB►Rn.
Niagara Falls, April 21st, 1892.
one Bros,,aIlS�
o- -
Marble & Stone
Parties requiring work in the above
Jjass will io well to call on ns.
We carry a large stock of marble and
We guarantee to save you money and
ibrul}elass work.
itatoparchadng elsewhere and
T. T. WATS0ii
In Boots
And Shoes
I beg to return thanks for the liberal
patronage received during the past year
and will try to merit your future favors.
xerniODIST.—Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30
p. m. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Mr.'
Greene, pastor. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. M.
J. R. Williams, Superintendent.
PRESBYTERIAN. --Services at Fordwich at 11
a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. no.: Bible Class at
Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School at
Gorrie 1:15 p.xu. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintendent.
BAPTIST.—Services in Gorrie at 1 o'clock,
p. m. and at the church on the 2nd conces-
sion of Howick at 10:30 a. in., and 7 p. m. Rev. J
A. Osborne, pastor.
M ETHODIST—Services in the Fordwich Metho
dist Church, at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.
Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m, Prayer -meeting on
Thursday evenings at 7:30. Rev. lir. Edmunds
Farm for Sale.
LOT 1, 9th Con., Turnberry. The farm is an
excellent one, containing 100 acres, 80 under
cultivation, balaucegood hardwood bush. Stone
house and large orchard, plenty of water.
Situated about seven miles from Wingham, and
five from Wroxeter.
For particulars apply to the Proprietor,
Wm. SANSON, Wroxeter, P.O., Ont.
Scientific American
Agency for
For information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for securing patents in Americom
Every patent taken out by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge in the
rientific American
Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the
world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. WeeklitS3.00 a
year; $1.50 six months. Address MU VN A c0.
PUBLISHERS, 361 Broadway, New York city.
Executors' Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given that any person or
persons holding any claims against the
estate of Alexander Johnston, late of the Town-
ship of Howick, in the county of Huron Province
of Ontario, shall send to the undersigned Ex-
ecutors a verified statement of such claim, on or
before the 1®t tacky of Mefaroh.
A. D. 189'3.
And all persons indebted to said estate are re-
quested to settle said indebtedness ou or before
said 1st day of March, 1893.
Dated at Howick, this 3rd day of January,
Local Affairs.
An interesting news -letter from Wing -
ham, the report of the Fordwich Sab-
bath School anniversary and the Turn -
berry council minutes,] reached us tco
late for this week's issue.
The- new Methodist church is now
about finished except placing the seats'
in position, which is being rapidly done
so that everything will bei in readiness
for the opening on Sunday next.
Mr. R. L. Wilson, 9th con., is about
this week on a short visit to friends at
and around his old home near Galt.
While away he will be present at the
wedding of one of his younger sisters.
$e will return early next week.
Mr. David S. Taylor, of the 9th con.,
who has been absent in Maryland the
past couple of months winding up the
affairs of his deceased sister's large
estate which was left to his children, is
at home again for a few days on a visit,
but intends to return to Maryland in a
day or two, his business there being not
yet finished.
Williams' Royal Crown Remedy,
greatest corn cure on earth. Guaran-
teed to cure general nervous .debility,
rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis. For
sale by N. McLaughlin, druggist,
Barkwell's Sure Corn Cure will cu
any wart, bunion or mole. For sale
N. McLaughlin, druggist, Gorrie.
Mr. Wm. Caslick, of Teeswater,
visiting this week at the residence
Mr. Geo. Bradley, in this village.
Elsewhere we publish a paper on
the history of Presbyterianism in Wrox-
eter, read by Thos. Gibson, Esq., m.
at the tea -meeting in that village on
New Year's evening. It is au ieterest•
ing document and the GAZETTE contain-
ing it will be preserved for a long time
in many homes of this section.
re 1 was no &inking fund provided for. Will
by some of the reeves of '93 please inform
nie of the fact as the rumors going
is abroad appear to give the opinion that
of i there was no sinking fund. I have
always been of the opinion that this
debt should have been provided for dur
ing the first term of our debenture debt.
This putting off the providing for our
indebtedness is surely not true finan-
ceering. I hope Mr. Kaine's answer to
Mr. Cook on nomination day was
correct, and if so we electors ought to
KNOW IT, especially since a different
impression is getting abroad, He that
hath ears to hear, let him hear.
How Is IT.
The Clinton New Era of last week
says :—" Rev. Mr. Torrance, of Victoria
street church, Goderich, passed through
Clinton on Monday. His many friends
in the county will be pleased to learn
that his health is now much better than
it has been for a considerable length of
time, and his old enemy—sciatica—is
entirely out of his system."
The concert at Gilpin's schoolhouse
last Friday evening drew out a very
large attendance, who were treated to
an excellent though rather lengthy pro-
gram. Among others who aided in fill-
ing the house, was a large number of
Gorrieites, who were gathered together
by Mr. Edward James and others, who
furnished his team and large sleigh for
the occasion. After listening to many
good readings, recitations, dialogues etc.,
which were amusing to all, the gather-
ing was dismissed in the usual way, at a
late hour.
The annual meeting of the Howick
Mutual Fire Insurance Company was
held in the town hall last Friday. The
various reports were read and adopted.
The election of two Directors was then
proceeded with, Messrs W. McKercher
and Jno. Kaine being chosen, Mr. Scott,
of Minto, going out. An unusnal num-
ber of small losses have occurred by
lightning the past year. Several mem•
bers expressed themselves against the
plan of insuring stock away from the
barn but no action was taken at the
meeting. The auditors' report was a
very encouragiug document showing
the Company to be in excellent stand-
Some sneak -thief got into the resi-
dence of Mr. Jas. Walker, during the
temporary absence of the family last
Monday evening, and stole a purse con•
taining $11 from one of the bureau
drawers. The thief was evidently
acquainted with the house and the
family as the robbery was committed
early in the evening during a very short
time t1- at the place was left alone. Mrs
Hueston, returning from a shopping
errand, noticed the front door wide
open, but thought nothiug of it until
Mr. and Mrs, Walker returned from the
Foresters' banquet later in the evening
wLen a search revealed the fact that the
purse was stolen.
As will be seen by reference to our
marriage notices this week, Mr. Archie
Smith, a well-known and popular for-
mer Gorrie boy, but who has been at
Saskatoon, N. West Territory for sonie
years past, has joined the ranks of the!
benodicts. His many friends here will 1
congratulate hire upon the happy event. 1
The Exeter Advocate says: " Mr. J.
Archibald Smith, of Saskatoon, has tak-
en from us one of our most amiable and
Christian young ladies in the person of
Miss Sarah M. Herd, youngest daughter
of Mrs. Isaac Bawden. The ceremony
was performed at the residence of her
mother, by the Rev. A. L. Russell. The
bride was assisted by Miss Grace Oke,
and the groom was supported by his
brother, Bert A. Smith, of Saskatoon,
North West Territory. The bride is
much esteemed in the circle where she
is known, and Mr. Smith is :believed to
be a very worthy young man. His
brother, who resides in the cold North
West, came to -witness the nuptial tie,
together with the near relatives and
friends of the bride. The ceremony
over, all sat down to an elegant dinner
and afterwards a pleasant time was
spent. There was a beautiful and
varied display of presents, being num -
erous and costly. The young couple
took the evening train for their new
home in Strathroy, followed by the best
wishes of the community."
How is it ?
Editor Gazette :—Will you allow me
to ask how is it ? I hear many con-
tradictions. Mr. Cook asked Mr. Keine
at the nominations if he had levied a
rate this last fall sufficient for sinking
fund for both the W. G, & B. and the
T. G. & B. debentures, according to the
provision of the by-laws. Mr. Kaine
said, he had. Now I am informed that
such a rat was i}eyer levied and there
• Forester's Banquet.
On Monday evening last a gathering
of the members of court Gerrie and
their lady and gentlemen friends
occurred at the new hall and eujeyed an
excellent time. The hall was ta.'tily
prepared to receive the guests, aineug
whom were Dr. and Mrs. Armstroug,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Black, Mr. and firs.
Geo. Barber, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clegg,
Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Campbell, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Doig, Mr. and Mrs, F. Davidson,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Hazelwood, Mr. S.
Howard and sister, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward James, Mr. and Mrs. John
Kaine, Mr. John M. Kaine and sister;
Mr. and Mrs. N. McLaughlin, Mr. and 1
Mrs. I. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Benj.
Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Stroug, Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Walker, Mr. and Mrs S. C. Wilson : t
Messrs. Geo. Brady, Harry Day, Dr. ; t
Tuck, Jno. Stewart, Geo. Walker, a
Robt. Walker, W. J. McLaughlin and t
others. Oysters were served to the
guests early in the evening, after which W
several interesting though brief speeches t
were made by several of the Brethren
who had been called upon. Messrs.
Black and Howard gave several humor-
ous recitations during the evening, Then'
gathering broke up about eleveo'clock
after having speut a very pleasant time.
etre W. Hubbard and str..1. Horton are
recovering...sirs. Pomeroy, daughter of
lr, r, Burnett. left for her horut al Mon-
tana lest week...We should here, Mated
in our last budget that the supper given
here b theOraugemen was provi'it,d si.
elusively by M�s. A. Dill:nage. and par-
taken of in air. fie. house ; a fact of
which we were not aware at 1.1.•=e•'',time
of writinr...Tl;e saw mill has Lot been
rnnuing lir a few dates, but on Aonday
al: early start and a steady week , work
may be ''pr.cted..:rlhere wore 1b7 bags
of ehol, i,r: -: dht to the.nuii here to-day.
:uec the repairs by the itlildmav 11 +t
better than evti ..Mr
G. iiieieb,'r. te�a.cher, of 13elr:lore, was in
the burg•L W. Webber,
L��! ,. :e sneer, line. re-
ceived the other day a sheep imported
from England r. Job. Dakota, brother
of Airs. McConnell, is spending the last
week of his visit here.,.�ir. .T. Beeston
was elnJl vee by Air. miller, of (Milord,
this weok...,messrs. Harkness and Carl.ton were appointed I. 0. G. T. de} :gates
to Belgrave on the 17th....Rev. S. C.
Edwards, of Fordwich, preached to thea
children here on Sunday....Read Dub•.
wage's new advertisement,
At the I. 0. 0. F . meeting on monde?
'venin,; a pleasant oyster supper wi 1
ie}d after the business was over e .1
which about 20 of the Brethren r
I'own. *4
The electric light for Wroxeter
Hing of the near futrtre. The corD�:
ion has contracted for five or six
nd the business places generally
alien hold of it. It is understood
Gerrie will be connected by, -s +n8'
ire and also lighted by electricity, get-
ing their power from here.
Annual Meeting.
Howick Agricultural society held their
annual meeting on Thursday 12th inst.,
in Brown's Hotel, Fordwich.
There was a larger attendance than
usual, and the business of the past year
was an increase on former years, the
balance in the hands of the Treasurer
being a little over one hundred
sixty dollars.
The Beard of mauagement for
coming year are ;
President—John Kaine,
Vice-Pres.—John H. Johnston.
Sea-Teas.—Peter Hepinstall,
Auditors—John Donaghy and Andrew' Redgrave.
Directors—Alex. Robertson, James
Bell. Samuel Johnston, Benjamin
Wallace, Edwin Sperling, Wrn, Evens,
Frank Davidson, Robert Harding and
James Perkins.
and -
dr. John martin is recoverimfrom
reeent serious illness.
nrr. N. Forsyth,a grain bli+eq
isossevain. 'eau., i., the guest of relatives
and friends here at present.
A good concert, by Palmerston people
drew a rery sa.aii audience at tee For-
ester's hail, the other evening.
The Band entertainineet at the
Arlington, on Friday ervenlug, was a
very pleasaut affair. The boys play
very nicely.
"'ilstiu Bros. shipped a couple more
cars ref flour this week—one to Quebec
and tine other to the local trade. This
fire, is tlriukine of 1•iutting in steam to
assist their water power, which at timed
they find inadequate fur their increasing
trail -,
1'he methodist Sahbat}r School anni•
versary was an enjr,vable sucsess. A
full report twill al•]>ear in next wbek'e
The semi
purpose of r
attending to
Society, was
in July, at 4
-annual meeting, for the
evising the prize list and
the general business of the
fixed fur the first Saturday
o'clock p. m., in Gorrie:.
Improvements, further exemplifyiu
the taste and vim of our shoe man, wer
made last week. The workshop ha
been renovated, another tier of board
added to the workship and "John" a
his work is warmer, and his elevate
position gives him a rather ruttiest'
appearance. An account bookstand
and bank, the handiwork of W. Cook
adds greatly to the appearance of the
main part of the shop. As Mr. Halladay
is Bible Society Depositor for the Lake -
let Branch, the case containing the
good books meet the gaze on entering
the door. Though a young man, and
but a short time in the business, Mr. 11.
has a display of everythiug in the boot
line equal to that of any shop in the
township and it is needless to say
"Addie" is doing square work and has
almost attained perfection as,a sales-
man. •
The Rev. air. Potter announced from
his pulpit last Sunday that he would
deliver a lecture, subject: "Reminiscence
of the American war" in the church
here next Thursday evening at 7:30.
As Mr. Potter was a participator in the
war and all the facts to be related would
have come under his own observation,
we expect the lecture to be interesting.
As the lecture is given at the request
of the trustees, the object boing to
liquidate some little debt, there will be
an admission of Mots. ' for adults and
lOcts for children.
B141331 j. --The sick—Mrs. McDonnell,
Mr, W. S, Pritchard }tae returned to
Montreal to resume his 'tidies, after
spending his holidays with Lis parents
Mr. Brown who has been occuping the
pulpit of the Congregational church
here, has returned to his studies at
McGill College.
Mr. Laree.t Pritchard is at present
visiting friends :n the Eastern part of
the Province.
• Mr. Robert Campbell has returned
horse frcnn Pluieb tree :, Manitoba. He
reports things a little dull this season.
Mr, Juhu Scarf is preparing to build
a fine residence on his farm on the 9th
concession. When completed this will
be one of the best 1L the township.
Mr. Philip Harding. who has spent
the last five years' in the Prairie
Province, is visiting his parents and
friends in this neighborhood.
The prospects are that Redgrave will
lose some of its fair sex this winter.
They will be carried off to the land that
flows with milk and honey.
Mr. Richard Morrell, formerly of this
burg, but now of New Mexico, is visiting
friends about Elera.
Second Line Items.
Mr. Francis Jacques is at present con•
fined to the house nursing the mumps.
There was quite a number off this line
attended the entertainment at S. S. No,
It seems to be quite a common thing
for the boys to bring their best girls to
stay over night with their intended
It is rumored that R. J. Walker is go.
ing west again.
Misses Jennie and Bella Cooper, of
Klippen, are the guests of their uncle,
Mr. John Cooper, at present.
Messrs. Duncan and Archie McKin-
non, of Montana, were the guests of
their sister, Mrs. F. McClement lately.
Mr. and errs. A. McClement are at
present visiting friends at Greenock.
Mr. Thos. Edgar is away at Chatham
attending the Business College.
Shays—Hban--At the residence of Mr. Iwo
Bawden. on the 9th inst.. by the Bev. A. L.
Russell, M. A. B. D., Mr. J. Archibald Smith. of
Saskatoon, N. W, T., to Miss Sarah M. fourth
daughter of the late John Herd, of the Boy&
Marius, Light Iniautry,