HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-12-01, Page 8ressed 'oultry and f Butter 'Wanted. at Dul- mage's Cheap General Store. Coal -oil by the Car load— 'That's how we .undersell Withers. tlit TU:der-shirts and Drawers by the oord, on view—Job Lot Top Shirts very cheap. 30 Patterns to choose from. Th sage's is the beat ;place to buy Boy's Over - e oats. We won't be Undersold. Tew Goods for the Holidays. Parlor Lamps, Fancy Tea and Dinner ,Setts, Silverware in Forks, Knives, Tea and Desert Spoons, Cruets, etc., etc. Also a Large Assortment of Fancy Vases, Flower -holders, Cups and San- oers, and other dishes, with Mottoes and Gold 'enamel,from the celebrated firm of Gowans, Kent & Co., Suitalle for Wed- ding and Xmas presents. Ayk Everything Cheap, what you don't see ask for, as we keep everything but ox -yokes, -which are out of fashion. DU LMJAE, LAKELEZT. No More. —WANTED AT THE— orrieFruitEvaporator BUT CAN USE ANOTHER, BUSHELS 14JUU Of Apples for Peel- ing, if brought in at once. W. GARTLEY. Holstein Calf Lost. Nb, cc4i: nAt rrRgri1'' GIVEN ;AWAY., Worth $32.12c LOST. -From the premises of the subscriber, since about the about the 90th of July last, ,a. Holstein Steer SpringCalf, spotted black -and - white.. Thefinderbe, suitably -rewarded on Jgiving information as to itswhereabouts to RENEW WILLITS, Lot 18, Con. B., Howick. Wroxeter P. O. MISS FLORA JAMES, THE Guessilig Conlpetitiol {&"' Will be conducted at the Drpg Store this year as before, the prizes be- ing : First prize : 1 Violin and Bow, a fine In- strument, worth $12.00 Second prize: 1 Guitar, Rosewood, white edges, Pearl inlaid Sound -hole worth $9.550 Third prize : 1 Auto- harp, 23 strings, 5 Bars, producing 5 chords, worth $7.50 Fourth prize : 1 Accor- dion, Ebonized Frame, Nickle Faced, io Nickle Keys, Double Bellows, 2 Stops, 2 Sets German Silver Reeds $5.00 Fifth prize : 1 Concer- tina, 20 Keys, Large Size,worth $2.5o (Oreddate of Ntagera Falls Academy of Muei..) -*VgAOHES PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY. Tbaodrsplained. Gomm. "This into certify that Piss' tames; Bring completed in a creditable manner the comae re- quited for a -certificate: is duly qualified for ppianoforteteaching,and tshereby recomended to those who require thorough inmstruction in that branch."- Picot. A. HUaaABD. Niagara Falls, April 2lst,1898. Teat and Comfortable Country Homestead,;' - lN G of three acre. of -choice land, be of iot1, con. 7,m the township o Two acres now udder grass and orobard e<ndgarden. There is agood frame, house: on the- premises, also aply to J.OflN w r GBE oat.: Bo%iil,Wroxeter:- Sixth prize 1 First-class Huhner Mouth -organ worth 5oc. Seventh .prize t 25C, 1 The person coming nearest to the correct number of SEEDS in a Pumpkin, will be entitled to First Prize. the Second nearest will be entitled to Second Prize, etc. In case of two Guessing all`ke, the First one in, will get the preference. Every 5oc. worth of Goods of any, Kind bought until Xmas will entitle the Purchaser to a Guess. I have a fine Selec- tion of Picture and Showy Books from 5c. to 6c., both Amusing and Instructive. CNT EIV[NED TO B KR' Games of. All Kinds for Young and Old.. In Photo Albums I have a very fine Assort- ment ranging in Price from ' 50C. to $5.5o. And You Can Assist in the Hanging ! The Balance of Po)'5s Wall Papee Must be Cleared out to make room for our Spring Stock. WE still have some Beautiful Designs of Papers, with Borders to match, from 5c. to 35c. per roll, which must be cleared out. ra"' Come early and get what You Wyant before these Linesare picked over. We also carry a Fall Line of HIGH AND PUBLIC 3choo1 8 t-ppl es. Books, Blank Books, Hymnals, Hymn Books, Bibles, Games and Notions. Also a Large and Well -Assorted Stock of -Lazarus' and Lawrence's Spectales, And every requisite of a First -Class Drug and Book Store. �&S Druggist, Wroxeter. • Fordw±ch • Hardware Lore. Hunter eery Successors to Darby Bros. Stock of Cook, Box, Parlor, Hall and Oil Stoves, Hand and Hanging Lamps, and all kinds of Hardware, is Replete in all Lines. We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin- smith's Tools, and are prepared to furnish alI kinds of Tinware, and do all kind of Repairing on short no- tice.- 0) 00 o J. it TftMJ.N, TA I LOF-3, Has Removed To the. Sharpin Building, opposite the Albion : Hotel, Gorrie, where he will be piepaed=to meet his friends and costo- niers. 'Upon Reeoipt poszAcard with your name and address, we will forward you Agents' Outfit and LAKELET, -17OflTS and SMO HS1 FOR THE CHRISTMAS TRADE, Come and See the Ladies' Fine Shoes Gents' " " Ladies' Walking Boots Gents OurGreat Premium List_ EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS LIST OF HANDSOME PRIZES, WHICH ARE GIVEN IN MANY CASES BELQW COST WeWant Agents IN EVERY LOCALITY. WRITE EARLY. This is a chance for the Young folk. THE GLOBE,Toronto. WEEKLY GLOBE, balance :Sea FREE, iii LG MEMBER goons, JA deter Boys,' Misses' and Children's Boots and Shoes. stout Shoes in all Styles and Sizes. Rubber G-oods in Endless Varieties. All Howick in general, and North Howick in Particular, is invited to Come and Get the Bargains between Now and New Years. Fred Donaghy, Regent House, Forwich Is Showing a Grand Stock of General Merchandize Christmas Trade. And in Order to Catch the Crowd, Prices have been Marked down the next Thirty days. A Specially Fine Line of Glassware in st Dry Goods in every style, the Choicest Lowest prices. Boot and Shoes to suit this season. Full Lines of Rub. ber goods. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings in Large Varieties, splert. did Furs. Complete stock of seasonable and fresh Groceries always on Hand. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. A speoif c nionthly medicine for ladles' to, restore and regalnte th menses Drodueing free, healthy an .psiaiesa W.obi.rgu No aehea or peJ0 0n ap• pproaeh Now used by over dO,9D9ladiea. Ono. n.ed wnl'guy ofin. Iavigoratee �tgheyse organa Bay of your dragglst - those with our signature acro.. s..oe.Z.labei.Avoid.ahaNtutee. sQxled Carves: premises ofthe subscriber, lot k, about the=micidle=of ac= aiv,es. The ownerisreguested pay expenses -apd too. them 6- J tH Y0TOsn maslea to " �$ADUAT and r ary_Associati t- Reside Nest ALBERT S JA z 8SUBR OF witnesses Office: -At 6. JERONI th risonth. Teat •warranted. DEESS AN Ideas W 'Store. GET T for t.e to Icost, for ock, Lines arld th Ithasbeen roll as jut bring it Bargains Every Day Come and Get there. fihinery' Goods S .T -Who will frame leg you wish, arts stock of Pri .CUtiTAIN ors, from ends, CABINET A Neat_an �ONSISTrN& lug part of Turnb.rry. T lbalanss in orcha :six -roomed fram ,tablas. For f Est (-AXE onto the 30. con. 9, H Sober, four heife to prove grope away. Mrs. Allison has a Fine Assortment of the Latest Styles of Millinery Goods suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade. Very chea The Ladies are Cordially Invited to cal. and Inspect the Lovely Styles aid —oods, Old fiats Made Over, Tust Received! At Allisons A Fresh lot of Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, Grapes, Tomatoes, Bananas, Cocoanuts, Date8 Sausage, Bologna, Pork, A fine assortment of Confections and. Canned Goods, Hoist LOST. From t since about a Holstein Steer white. The find informati M ISS a (Graduate of Ni TIACHES P Theory Rip "This is to c. .isplet.d in a cr ignited for a ee uaoforta to .those who • *hat branch." Niagara Falls, V ansa WI Marbli Parties req s' will to wet 1 y►a carry a Is