HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-11-17, Page 81,7 ' - It ls said that the greatest 'th1g Almanacs t!/is or any other country has fet sea wilt:be the "Star" Milian= of Montreal, 400 pages and six maps.- ,To be- perfeotly sese of getting it we- be- lieve it will be best to give your order to &newsdealer. L akelet., - The frame of the old sawing mill is down. Nearly all the machinery has gone to Clifford. The remainder of it, And the frame will be taken away as soon as possible, •4 Dr. Knight, y 5. of Palmerston, is to give a lecture on horse training in the burg te-eight. The sympathy of the people is not in a drift with the project, hence we clo not expect much of a crowd. The horses in this part of How - ick are allele as need no professional training, and are devoid of all the blemishes to which horse flesh is heir. At the meeting on Saturday night, preliminary arrangements were made by the ruen4bers of I.O.G.T„, to have their concert about Dec, 15th. Those who attended the one of last December, teem sufficieet'evidence Of-what--"Lake-6 let can do by way of getting up such an affair. The admission should be no barrier, it being 15e, for adults and 10c. for children. The church shed is making rapid headway. The posts, beams and plates Are in their places and some 6 or 7 men are daily at it. When finished it will be a great convenience, not onlY:io the church people, but also to the:public, and Lakelet cows will not go back ort it. Hymenial rites were _observed by two ,of our young people last Wednesday, it _ -beils4—thi marriage of Mr. Cyrus Horton _to llisee Sarah Jane Hubbard. Both ire known here, and they have the stwisbes of all for a happy and pros- , Jis fature. no Heckel, has purchased Mr. t and boat house. Any of his ds are assured of a free sail Lakelet ill the summer. s more of an accommoda- anthi a money maker. Na..—he Sale on Wednesday was not largely attended, but most of the - Was solcl....Mr. McConnell was ill for a week with a slight attack of inflammation but is now improving.... The apple packers finished their arduous task on Saturday. Mr. A. -Dulmage loaded his last mix in Clifford to -day... Mr. R. Brown, cheese makerifrom Grey Co., visited Spring Bank on Saturday and Sunday...There are loads of turnips oat in this community,..Our municipal men are quiet. As the circus approach- es they may waken up...W. Ferguson's ponies came nearly having a frolic the Pthe r night as! the axle of ;the buggy - broke precipitating Will, who hung on... MissBnnston is visiting at Mr.Carleton's. Mr. A. W. Holladay and Mr. M. Scott helped the Cliffordites with their R. T. poncert on Thursday night...Thanks- giving Day was solemnly observed here. gefrarsoris Lathrop, 6` Kitte-Gordeit's Chrlstinai liftale," by Julian Hawthorne. " Little Lady," by -Ida. Iturwash, probably the _prettiest tory in the book: "Settlor the Engineer," by Xelpennd E. Sheppard. All-thefeeptoriea are; niagdificently and copiously illustrated -by the best artists in New York and London. M. Shept pard's storyisbeingspecially illustrated by Mr. F. A. Ferriud of New York, from photographs and studies made by the author while in Mexico, and, artistically at least, this will be one of the 11204 prettily ilbtatrated tales that has ever appeared in America. It can be well understood that the well known names in the above list cost a great deal of money to procure for a Christmas magazine, but Christmas is the one time when Toronto Saturday Night advertises itself and in its Christmas Number it does it well. It is something for Canadians to boast of, for while much of the work requiring the greatest ossib le artistic skill has to be done abroad, the enterprise is purely Cana- dian and well redound to the credit of Canada. Redgrave. The most of our farmers hate finished taking uplitheir turnips, which was a good crop this year. ThelP. I. open meeting was wellat- tendq esidering the bad state of the roadsi Sonie members of the mission band f a this neighborhood attendedthe district meeting at Listowel. We have no doubt, from their conversation coming home, that they received a great deal er information in regard to mission work. Rev. Mr, Munro, of Harristein occn- Ried the pulpit here last Sabbath after- noon. Prof. E. Barrie has arrived here again after spending the summer at Stratford. The barn belonging to Mr. John Henry,. of Chfford, but was leased to William Feathers, was destroyed by fie one evening last week. The barn was insured, but the -tenant loses about $500 on contents and crop, which was entire- ly. uninsured. As Mr. F. is a young man just-starthig in life, it will be e hard blow to him. The origin of the fire is not known. The mmheis_ of the Sunday School here are talking of having a Christmas Tree entertainment. We hope it will pot stop with talk, Mr. -Richard Morrell is expected home in a few days from New Mexico, where be went td seek his fort -tine, The Great Star Almanac. In Montreal the Star Almanac is jest coming out. It is simply a wonder, thoroughly practical, marvellously com- prehensive, and absolutely overflowing with things we all ought to, but do not, know about. No amount of praise seems to do it justice. Balance of this year FREE, To New Subscribers for the GAZETTE. FOR SAID. A Neat and Comfortable Country Homestead, CONSISTING of three acres of choice land, be - lug part of lot 1, con. 7, in the township of Turnberry. Two acres now under grass and balance in orchard and garden. There is a good six -roomed frame house on the premises, also stables. For further particulars apply to JOHN W. GREEN, Box 10, Wroxeter, Out. Estray Calves, r AME onto the premises of the subscriber, lot 31., con. 9, Howick, about the middle of Oc- tober, four heifer calves. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. S. JOHNSTONE. Estray Cattle. AME onto the premises of the undersigned on lot 20, con. 2, Howick, on or about the 15th Sept., 1892, one steer and one heifer rising three years old. The owner is requested to proTa Pr0PertY, Boy experts and take them away JOHN'IltippERMOTT. Howick, Oct. 51.5th, "Saturday Night's" chrietmas for nip. The cover, which contairisa Picture inPhotolithograph in seven colors and as may half tones, is *6 Ye gentlemen and Danies of Olden Times." The • pictorial supplement is a teproduation of a picture owned by the proprietors .of Saturday Night, entitled- "Her Bright Smile Ilanete Me Still." If is eXoeed, lngly lovely and noone can pies ltsWithe put turning to look again at' tins beauthe, till face awl the look of farewell: -The.* stories 0* year aro as follows Toro's Sister,' by Jotrellibberton, -Babicts. 'OPP Nest J. Ji. TAMAN, TA 1 LOH, Timle." -by Octave riserete, Has Removed NDEMNED TO BE ITUNG And You Can Assist in the Hanging! The Balance aii gaper Must be Cleared out to make room for our Spring Stock, E still have some Beautiful Designs of Papers, with I3orders to match, from 5c. to 35c. per roll, which must be cleared out. To the Sharpin Building, opposite the Albion Hotel, Gerrie, where he will be pleased to meet his friends and custo- mers.. • -.„,11; We also carry a Full Line of HIGH AND PUBLIC School Supplies. Books, Blank Books, Hymnals, Hymn Books, Bibles, Games and Notions, Also a Large and Well -Assorted Stock of Lazarus' and Lawrence's Spectales, And every requisite of a First -Class Drug and Book Store. TAB. POM, Druggist, Wroxeter. * Fordwich. Hardware 40 Store. tinter Hen Successors to Darby Bros. Stock of Cook, Box, Parlor, Hall and Oil Stoves, Hand and Hanging Lamps, and all kinds of Hardware, is Replete in all Lines. We havAought a Complete New Set of Tin- smith's Tools, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Tinware, and do all kind of Repairing on short no- tice. DO 000 -•7 ' • IR Shoe Stie IN GORRIE. beg to announce to the general pubhc that I have just purchased a full and complete stock of Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Misses' —FINE AND COARSE— C)OT,S and SHOE,s At the Very Lowest Living Prices! The Goods are all of ray own personal selection in the Wholesale House and I can confidently recommend them as the very choicest qualities and styles. a NEED You are cordially invited to call in and see them. Next door north of Fennell's Photograph Gallery, Gorrie, make a specialty of Custom Work. Repairing done to order neatly and quickly 0 0 0 0 0 • • • • * ANY? Itr• • • u b erns* FOR AND wilimaebn PROM d '341:0% • -0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Millincry Goods. Mrs. Allison has a Fine Assortment of the Latest Styles of Millinery Goods suitable for the Fall and Winter Trade. Very cheap. The Ladies are Cordially Invited to call and Inspect the Lovely Styles and Goods. Old Hats Made Over. ust Received! Al Allison': A Fresh lot of Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, Grapes, Tomatoes, Bananas, Cocoanuts, Dates Sausage, Bologna, Pork, A fine assortment of Confections and Canned Goods. -- -The rhifetlist of :Prenstnine • .elter-effered Canal. • dian -Paper. • pAiLv 01.013E, ;Morning 841.46.0e - i: -Second 4.0e. 5. os 'SeOirdey-• Et* --*LOBE • Tram itairiVonsIVak'onit One Boger; ANIONg JAR .-.GM' :1710_. A CLUB. -"OD iiittetTairTii-ILLIIIMOBLEPItUrf/4-. . - *k4174LCOREIV rOlitOt y - - • .7- - - -• iatipp. "The - Why should you whitewash your walls when you can buy Wall Paper at 5c. per Roll - You will find all 'Grades, from the Cheapest to the most Expensive, fully re- Vesented in my • - Itttock. ecorations, to match at the 1\T. 1VE014A:UOMILII•T. -77 -7 * • _ , • -- - _ Special,Announcemeht. 7to do the undertaking of this community than before, and -owing to reductions in the wholesale prices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this- mag. "-- Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a betterposition a nilaana nificent Hearse free, that is to say my charges will be 110 more cases less than before. •J. R. WILLIAMB,,. Member of Ontario Sehoolof EmbOming, Furniture Dealer andll pftrtaker ••••• = - - • ex,e... V 1. A. •!..A' EMBER of Co ivi geons, Ont. JAMES Veterin rIRADUATE of \-A and registered ,ary Association. Residence Next to ME ALBERT STREE J AS. 5SUER OF Mk witnesses requir Office:—At my Re DE j5 JEF.0111K, L. • Gorrie, the 1st month. Teeth extr warranted. MIS (Late ThRESS AND MA 1' Vices Wanted. tore . GET TH it bas been relied t so jsst bring it 111 t S T. Who will frame it ng you wish, havi are stack of Mo pwu. Price CURTAIN PO ors, from 40i ends, i' CABINET P Greer1 NNTeec#siz FITT HUNCAF PR FIRST -0 MAN ITC Highest CLopping Done. ROE V anst( Math]. Parties requi lines will do w4 We carry a granite. We guarante give first-class, Call before p be convinced. MR. T, reprfisetit rt`.. • e.-