The East Huron Gazette, 1892-11-17, Page 4ti C Letiaikii eee- Seised With SIzty-Svc Bare eiteheeranoarii Tailed at Several Thom - put& sdears--The Liquor Deposited en i+ Cellar and Subsequently Stolen by FFirm.* Is. Teague ;with the smugglers e Unrest or Vermeer supposed to Be lm - a trirleated: •tZturreze, Nov. 16. -The -Federal author- -.Ale! uthor- are relaxin ne of their -efforts the-demoraing smuggling system the Lanier :St. Lawrence. But a few ayd ..ago a large schooner, which was .ander . surveillance of the officers, went ashore near .tL'istet ' and was promptly seined . by _ Deter tive Carpenter, of Mont- • „}seal, _with -4=4e acme 65_ barrels of spirits Ain hoard, valued- • at ; between $:1,000 and $4,000. As the liquor _could not be immediately -transferred to Quebec it was -stored in the -cellar -of a prominent citizen -of the locality; who was appointed its • guardianee. During the night a successful 'attempt -was, mhde by parties suspected of 'being to. league with the smugglers to recover possession of a portion of the confiscated liquor. On Saturday last one Arthur Die- . 'saalt,'s merchant of 1'Islet, was arrested on to War:lent charging „iiia with having been apartnerto the midnight raid above de- scribed -: On ' Monday he was brought :hefore amagisirate at St. Thomas, when 'Abe crown ' was represented by- C. Panet 'Angers;-.B.C., andthe accused was ad - E mittec# to ball to the amount of $1,000, to appear en the 22nd inst., when the pre= liminery investigation will be commenced. shot at a Dentist. HAxahnir, Nov. 16.—There is a long standing -controversy over the beach '"island' leased to Ald. Magill, et. al, and it reached Justice Cahill's court yesterday. :The right of the sportsmen to occupy the. "island" was not gone . into, but a serioue charge'against Albert King of shooting at `r. Overholt with intent to maim him was ,investigated. The evidence showed that `on Thanksgiving Day the doctor and sev- eral others were shooting on the "island."•. 'nag" *as in a- boat outside the decoy "ducks. `When the doctor shot at a wound- ed dne-k Ring fired back at him. Not 'having a desire to be perforated with lead ,the doctor returned the shot and two other shots were exchanged. King claims that ;the doctor shot at him first. That neither Of Bremen was hit by the lead is evidence 'that they are poor shots, it was a danger= ouS.ostime"for"the men to be plugging away at each other, and it is fortunate that `_nobody was shot. Def endaee,nt� to elect and e evidence T y = r trial t eeneCase• rtant cuts ted in the ase n of Parliament. A year ago some goods importer by N. B. Fairbanks - '& Co., of Thicagoawere seized at Mont - 'real for wrong deeisription in entry. The company put up $3,000 to release the .,goods, and froze that time to the present rho: Customs Department has refused to giveny satisfaction in the matter. The --seizure has neither been sustained nor- �wtlidrawn, but --the $3,000 is still held. The e-onipeny urge_ an investigation, and hay theynan prove that the goods were `just es represented, and should the decis- 'i`on .be 'against them they could thea 'appeal; but . as things now stand their `money is gone and they are comparatively ;without a remedy. If it be not adjusted shortly all the correspondence in connee- tion with the case will be asked for on the door of the Hoose. Foster Wants imp. Fed. LONDON, Nov. 16.—Hon. Mr, Foster, `t anada's:Finance Minister, addressing, the .`-Imperial Federation League yesterday, ex- , „Idolized Canada's position and the healthy{ icon_ dition-of. the -Dominion finanpially- t; `*his -hearers. --tie eon - • .terms between-Can- hieit the treaty of '65: vent. , He dwelt upon offered- to the de-- eat:id'-invited the British Eder. theme- The speech ;throughout. was- practical and patriotic, • snit evoked the greatest 'enthusiasm from • ;the .fovea 3landred auditors present, , Mr.. r • Gibb$ M.P., occupied- :tile -chair,: and Mr: • Bey Moved ,the • vote of thanks to Mr. • .roster, which was carried with aeelama- t• ion. Sir John- Abbott was, not' able . to be „Fes, mite ;Once a: a euggler Now to _Sealer. Vitnonta, B C.. Nov.16. The schooner • yacht Cassa, 'once the pride of a = » illion- - - etire-;Calif©r-nian, and since engaged in. numerous Wiggling enterprises of Magni-. _, tilde,: was purchased yesterday by Capta n. f a,.awner of a seating'feet, for $6,000, lasteoneelenth _ of the-origilnaal cost. The :Caeca here been docked and is now being • despoiler of her yachting fiery and pre-- for:a=new line of work.' She is to - fort the southern , sealing grounds: easily in. December, thlt-Owner having :de- - vide d ere making an -experiment of 'the mast hunting long before other_ sealers think of outfitting: Of fifty odd• British: • Qolur�nbia eehdenerf`ninny will. remain ome_'nextseason and eleven are noir sof-- -£erid's sale Who riredthd _Fatal Shot t torn N B .:Nov. 16. Robert Olsen;_ noir `whoe_A foe he =hanged; for-the- erS'tedman ' Deceatber late: s very humble and- penitent. -A remark= rble„feat rel cormn ition thee ease is a ionfeesion Made by Jim, the desperado, •nown Dorchester :penitentiary. that he, a not CIE he shot that Med 4 e;Whether;_er net thiseonfessiou, eC le mot considered relieble,hvili stay e execution, remains to 'be seen. The, inter of Anstice liaa-beell appealedyto. �l=i onf alasr ireid leer;for tl ,QOO:`-_ .Mo .. Nov.-"' Ifi —D O'Brien, ; of fieri c4� Som Son net a Canal ettrttrars- vent to C`ofean LenthW ' Monday etell? a ms's containing _ hi to pay the vier. iris' iron to drive high' wee, si r ed th ems= hChilato her W re iii athei"_. f5 Eire a Speech. S 3!�"Cr#tictz.d s▪ al eeeine1 enter Maunere bvienoN. Nov 16 ton. Edward -Blake was present at thet stet etas Anchor` Society of Bristol responded _to the toast orf • the- Government-and`the ILiiberal policy. Mr. Blnke said his. life, ezceptiug when wrong`had been done to Ireland, was,. in synipathy with _the,Liberal party. In public and private, no matter what trade measures he had advocated, his first object had been -to achieve a solution of the Irish. question. Any ,alliariene between. Ireland and England- mnst-1re ' cordial, and"- that cordiality mast be emphasized by attention to thede!ttimate aims of the `Irish party. Enemi s- differences with the - United States had largely= been the result of the Irish question, and the same might be said of Canada. In the States this feeling : had been modified on account of the election of the Liberals in England. It would -not do, Mr. Blake went on, . to have no regard for the monstrous absurd- ity of having a country's local laws inter- preted by another community. A military force was kept in the country under the name of police. The minority in the' ie- epect of schools should be efficiently . pro- tected. He spoke as a Protestant; with profound respect for the right of minori- ties. The Ulstermen, he wasconvinced, would in time abandon their attitude. The Bristol Mercury says: Mr. Blake delivered -a calm, unimpassioned, powerful and well -reasoned speech on the problem of Home Rule. The Times and Mirror of the same town says: Mr. Blake is the Canadian gentle- man who got himself elected as the Nation- alist member for an obscure Irish eonstltn- euey. His speech was dull; dreary, deliv- ered with .turgid rapidity, and at times it was scarcely possible to follow. This. kind of fluent ,gabble is the result of born con- e cent, and of all conceited individuals, a All the Departments -of - our establishment are full of conceited Irishman is the most insn�er- able. Mr. -Blake spoke'with no authority, ' and even the friends of his came coulseasonable goods -at right prices. have obtained little instruction from his remarks. Vii u 4.0 We are now prepared to show complete lines of all the latest styles of Millinery suitabl e for the Fall trade, Owing to a rush of orders our Miss .KinsGy finds it im possible to prepare for a formal Fall Opening, but we shall be open all the time and pleased to have our customers and friends call and inspect our stock. We have also Full Lines of Mantles and Dress Goods in the "Newest. Designs HE'S FROM THE QUAKER CITY. Do not forget that - we keep the _ best qualities of Family Groceies A IIfgh -Roller in Old London Brought obtainable. Iip short. LONDON, Nov. 16.—The supposed Ameri- can swindler. Frederick Evans,, -plias the Duke of Teck," who pleaded guilty to ob- taining cheque orders from the Anglo Austrian bank, limited, with intent to defraud,, wassentenced yesterday to one year's imprisonment. The real name of the swindler is Masson P. Helmboldt, second son of Dr. H. T. Helmboldt, of "Buchu" fame. Evans, or Helmboldt, has served time in a New York State prison for forgery. and at Vienna for a like offence. He with his two brothers were educated at Paris and has spent most of his time in Enron He was liberally supplied with money by his father, but when reverses came and he was unable to respond to the son's es- travaeeant demands the latter took to swindling, He 'has written poems and books of travel; - his three'. published volumes of poetry showing some merit. A gentleman who=knows him said to -day in reference to the report made at London that-Helnibold: is insane • " There is •'no insanity about him. He is a rascal:,' His father, who was once a inillionaire, is -now- in, an: insane asylum at Trenton, poor ad' -almost forgotten bus : *Masa fortune;. having been dissipated. The. Young -man's mother resides at Long' Branch and his . twobrothers, who are described as being altogether different 'in character from ;this " black sheep" of the family, are: -prosperous business men. Morley'„ Evicted Tenants' Schema LONDON, Nov. 16.—The life of the _Evicted Tenants'_ _Commission has been Mone to Loan ; prolonged to January; °when Parliament Money on Farm Se- will resume -its session, If Mr. Gladstone curity at _ then Lowest rate We are noted , for Cheap be beaten in Canada. Try them. Teas. Our 25c. and 35c. Teas cannot Montreal House, Gerrie. 41 Epee & -1o4 AQ831NTT. FORDWICH ONT. submits to the demands of the Irish party a bill will be introduced:endowing' the of Interest. Commission With power to reinstate evict- - ed tenantsronspecified terms. If the land- lords refuse to accept these terms then the Commission will have power to compel GOOD NOTES DISCOUNTED. -them to sell their land to the Commission; None of the tenants now in ocoupationwilll ' receive any compensation. This is "'Mr. ' John Morley'a scheme. The chance of such a bill getting united Liberal support Special is remote. Prince liattenbnsg-Strikes a- Good Thing.- Loenoar, Nov. 16. -=Prince Louis of Bet Teri i eommander in -the royal navy,. has been appointed naval_ adviser to the in- -'pector-general of fort works. " The :pest, itihic h is a sineepee, will add 84,250 yearly: to bas tneome fie appointment was due to tleth,grieetie :rine a Louis , desires : to egain cowmand a seagoing ship. He has lunged off from the appointment to. coin - :hand the royal yacht which was offered to eon. Notes of the Nobility. Loh-nori, Nov. 16.=Truth understands that nearly £1,50Q,000 will go to the bow sorer Duchess of Sutherland, -under the late wt i=s will=, and says it will take the Suth- rrland estate three years' to reeover from the tian,;:, It is reported that Sir. Algernon Borth- wich will.lease. Dunrnbin castle, one of the ef its the'late Duke. of Sutherland. Floods rnderinina a Mountain. • Ifs, Nov 16 -=-Floods are 'eaasing a great amount of damage©n: the. island =off Highest Prices Paid. Cash or Trade. Attention given CONVEYANCING. • North of the Post Office, PORDWICH ®rd ‘2,,T le oiler Mjjjs,. WILSON BRos;,"Props: First-class Manitoba - Wheat : Flour manufactured and always kept in. Stock audsold in any .quantities. FLOUR per cwt. - $2.25 to $2 5Q BRAN., per ton. 12 00. SHORTS per_ ton. 13 00. Special attention given to. GRIS,TING, 'which is done on the shortest possible notice. _ Highest Price Paid - for Grain. The mill is fitted throughout with the very- best roller pro- cess Machinery andappliances. and we are confident of being able to give perfect satisfac- tion. PATONAGE SOLICITFD. WILSON ` -EROS. 0: • TED. .0tow-el Woollen Factory. Elba. Several bridges on the maul roads running across the island have been wash- ed away. One whole side -..of Mount "San Giovanni is undermined and -threatens to fall at any moment,. If it does fall • it Will crush out of existencea number of . hoses- lying at its -base The _Ocenpanta of .thee �ttened houses have: fled to places of j Library Eiidowed'by Anterlcap Welsh. Lognate, Nov. 16 Mr Aclfwd, vice- president of the council of education yes- - terday formally Opened the new library of - the University College of Wales at Aberys- twyth. Thai libra:4 figs been `fitted up at the expense of Welshmen livingin_Amerieaa• -Lucky-Mrs. ogle. LONDON, Nov, 16. The' -wife of a' poor-- collier by .the name, of, Boyle, living at Barnsley, Yorkshire, has just - been in forded that:: icy the death other brother. in. Hi rfford,, conn., sire inherits a fortuna of CoLDodds at Abome`y ` lot See- Several of last even. ors sit flint=Co Dodds slid ,ve `already -surrounded, Abomey w v `- gBehauziapncl -Largest - Wool . Market in m� Ontari o • Lsome and gee our tremendous big stock in- all kinds of woollen goods which we very t? y. offer at bottom pricesfor cash or in exchange for wool. _ h v rad` *cher, never been so well fitted and equipped for a wool season's business as at the present one, and have never felt so completely confident of our dbility to serve you with the best of -goods at bottomprioes, A specially attractive feature of our new lines of Flannels, strictly NEw- STYLES, larsurpasses any woolseason yet. FINE WOOL- .SCOTCH SKIRTINGS, (Something new offered to the trade.) we the only woollen factory in Canada that • make thisline of goods and offer them for Mic- hel- the- price you pay in the city of -Glasgow. li2VIklEe.174hTIATC4 We wish to warn the farmers not to be deceived by slioddy peddlers going through the cour+ry selling dishonestgoods. We have no pedlars handling our goods and they can only be bought by dealing direct at the factory. o f "Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flan - "nels, Blankets, &c, feeeeeking our num crone customers for thein past favors, would beg to say eome and bring your oighbor to seeonr stock, as you will be highly pleased to see goods so low in prioe. You wiil-hod s ready to give the moat prompt -and careful attention to all. Fordwich Drug E3tore -SPENCE, M. D., ' Proprietor. ---A FULL- LINE OF J. C. BELL, Manager. Drugs and ] ruggists' Supplies; Stationery and Fancy Coeds, �YL,L Pi�sP�I1 In endless variety and at every price. W. C. HAZLEWOOD 101.-9637. -Shoe Store WIROXU'T`PR Rubbers, Overshoes, Felt Goods, - Galoshes, Heavy av=. Boots, Stogas, ust the goods for this rough and sloppy weather. - It will pay you , to call and a these goods; . ;seri -THE WOMAN 1 T1i E G He Left no Coni Making the Sl Com posed—Ati Died an Instar Now Rests in , That of a Mur LONDON, Nov. wise Cream, tl Clover and sev penalty of his c. morning. The was headed b3 was followed b3 the burial sere guarded on each A deadly pallor but his face shoe tion. Close bel the hangman. E him on to the tr beam, from will The white cap w covered the chii for Neill to s for his death. '' rates. His legs el that was fasten noose was then q adjusted around en. CRE fixed below the and the executio: rear, pressed a 'a° Neill's body dro1 Death was insta' the cap being dre thanked the prise tesy and kindnes The prison chs he found Neill ei responsive to his and to think orai= life. That morn ors to bring him were to little pun Neill passed a • casionally and th Withe t being o'clock and wash took sparingly of ed of tea, bread , When the has= thorities entered on a chair at th arose and advan ington at once st greeted him wit pinion him. Ne and left them on calmness and se Neill throughou execution easy. his fate. Neill s.1 been the calmest, his life. He dec spirits to sustain The exact len feet four inches. sentence . and hh four pounds in v 127 pounds. Hi a long drop. Th ten o'clock. At body, and return body was placed which a sack of The features sho violent end. Th the flagstone in t STORY The story of passed under th and who is the u guished Scottish romance, more r cause of its truth. Cream is said vin, a village n 1845. Ile was ed of Edinburgh an reaL His relativ to Canada abon with them. After graduat • Neill practices; in smaller towns of he went his path His knowledge of prostituted to the donbtedly clever possessed a tho anatomy, the r training. But • *nag path. Pa all the time that 'on, and partic tuvestigation of t on the h was his faro what a deadl proved his info record will show. jail he was plottin Cream, for t which he 'vas ' which might as w of him, got into t one in Toronto, Chicago. He was of 33 years or t feet ten inches about 165 poun , beard, moustache - kers, and, except a personable man find favor in the e tain character. , associated, and his three of whom di and for their d - petty. • Disturbance b - Itonr, Nov. 16. the scene of a seri gathering was held of electoral as.F .. - Democratic ..s= After its sonol r - 7doali.i_seteist%aepilcessi430Eringoilisionpanon: sB and there tib. swords as w ree