The East Huron Gazette, 1892-10-06, Page 6-,.1 pp �0 �2_ VIMIV X 4 iW --M �7 X "EV M Q ram, it d WEDDINO fN= 'M K Eli TS east y aceomp EMU BY A. FORIAD -with such facility and nebmwiaisiaiihiidisahted A, Sicatift Minister Teaq of llnusual Hap that there must bar bee 1 Ulu -s, e a -Some --preopow An xxtraoirdinary Story.., "RE-IRM"M In Ris Exverlenee. practice of the art.. But sometimes the: rMV Alex anderPetruch should be a 1. 6�e �bge,ved that marriage, especially is very o An -1 difflault-of inaWP11l&- example to young men., He was once h. bstinate T ­-Fk7`%Z�4- - -11 -the working classes i eatly af- tion, and I havd seen the, flurried pair, get -ay in a hardware -shop earn 140 P01 -pegging aw. --1"M10ftmT Out in'Ong Rs ted sc d� y the state'�f t enouili to help his father, a little old wat rade. Whe trade in an excited packer'in their desperate Aihodr 4it goo 4rriages increase, a1 are less fro- -8orts, to push e wjx. p6rd - bol over ma;ker, ep, the family from starvii, times Of commercial depression. the second joint. 1 remember a ", case 'of He had no hopes and no ambitions am the refractory sym 46i b'L, vent _to k it'd, -Th' fact dicates that the romance of life this kind once occurred in Lancas-hire,where that he yearned, M�lg qh so mightily, to sav, generally regaided I was marrying a co le of mill workers.. enough self aup] atter of marriagels after The ring seemed wed4ed with little wrin- Then -he Would marry his sweetheart, Sarab�-, ot&_ e.'- '7 0 to start housekeeping for him who are M -all, restrained byrdictates of common prr.. kles at the Second joint, and the combined HA ­ as in the 5 iithd ow lbe SbDriR I PO av iGranit7er, who made neckties, which U.to'k Naval ropgag, re 0 Fe Oer 4dle( In Lnd-bride ed 666 Fe to 811P it' sayshe-wasaslave. Sheiathedaughter-of Ine,varly i the sixties, I ad a hurch in do " During the Lancashire cotton fam. efforts of bridegroo e wn the finger were unavailing. The man & tailor. Such was Alexander Potruch 2, Dundee. The failure of cotton occasioned grew red in the face with his exertions, and d The -Victoria, C�Ionist just to� haoA f#- ut, an abnor- when-unnappy day for him -some a e di, zoJ I .. _. - - al bo6in in the jute trade, and I was really afraid he would dislocate the made him believe that he had inher n -nishes-farther particulars, abQut---th68eizhI inar Dundee itea the The 0,014niw says Wag the principal emporium for the finger. I whispered, Leave it where Z3,000,000 from his uncle, Dr. J Pot it r Of the'British Seale it is oseph T in. cormea- if import and manufacture of the flexible fibre. and let us proceed." No, he was not going ruch. The story was this: -The Potruchs tween'tli -There has been no occurrenew lealing indivat _JorA�Iohlel then that that town laid the founda- to be beaten with a bit of a ring. Baffled at lived 'at Vilna, Russia. Josepli Potruch of Green tEo with the i ry, its Wealth and greatness. In those all points he at last said 11 West it, we6t was adopted by a wealthy physician, who degrees i f -me. past which, created -40. tlog:_ li�e at of _intdr�� aud e prosperous times marriages were frequent, it!" The bride at once'stuffed the finger sent him to college and made a physician. resourees as an eq the same amou and in the course of a few years I united in into her mouth, as if it were - delicious out of bimi That . ows what c %me P, ,ngendered y6stefdaj villen Ph citement as was t the City a in bg done ed 1,61tween the a& the complete story of the seizures. of one the sacred bonds of mat rimony a greater sweetmeat, and thus lubricated the stub- with raw material. After Joseph had imber of young and ex tending 60 degrees ,e Cnadiau scooineroy 0 couple than in any aim. bor i ,&merican and thr cook, furnished by nrlDg was at length satisfactorily ad - graduated his benefactor died, leaving him west of Greenwich. he urop, ly, too,. wa I opu ilar period during my' ini rial career. ju a oerl t '91 *14-810ners- In an ample fortune. With this he went to ogram includes England, Treland tk.e Pawians was read. Not On ther�d of -Calcutta, -th Ste sted. the case am A-assni lost year Ong the� Schooner ownerht t;tl-, ojA Of * tea Ut IS A faiarite, fancy of the millworkers was It On anoiber occasion, when we came to San Francisco and built up a tremendous Denmark, Norway, Sweden, el be married at the manse, and I ofte 0 themseIves but almost every one waa talk. If. - '11� ` was n the ring part of the ceremony, the bride e- practice. He invested his money vit - 901,M OW pounds, as to such land, and most of Germany and Russi ing about tbe-outrage- 0011:aparei vilth- 80j66Gj600. reported -by the amused at their lavish expenditure and love tended her band and there was no third ose that it multiplied faster than Europe, and is represented by te cidea. Of Association jndiau��T.�sa aggoci� and about $1,4DO0,000 6.1f display.. ood At a meeting of 410 - -it had been amputated. The bride- I the Sealers' finger did t?iarpbeep of Jacob of old when he Play- London, Liverpool, Dublin, Glasgow, Edin- held yesterday morning it. was decided to iftnde ne evening I had arranged to' marry a groom had given me a hint of this singular ed a little physiological trick on Laban. Dr. burgh, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Berlin, St. by the_ rettitas. , The figures in each have a complete statement of 'the case prew ffiht thain'those of 1890, the dif- couple at the manse, and at the time an eld- fact before the- marriage. The inp was Potruch died and- Petersburg, Moscow, Nijni-Novogorod and Suffici pursuit of thc- formas possibleaniA We-' erly friend, recent r IV indicated bv s pared in as -brief feron�c#�yor_Wvg between 2.2-00,000 pounds- ly retired from a anew placed on the second finger, and have LEFT HIS FORTUNE Archangel. Over all the territory included 'source of t;, graphed to Premier Sir Job" Abbott af, Gtf in th�t6de i� In 4 t6�43,000,06 in t& es. ce8sful business, was staying with me, and not heard that anything dreadful happened about the e ta e so that the Government can ba" Three cabs in consequence It must be some comfort Rebecca, who had warried her cousin, -Mar- opening of spring occurs at the same time America, About the mi �-the timates- of- iho Tea - ociation� wished to see the ceremony. to big n phewill1exander, the son of big sister in the North American parallelogram, the as shown on ordinary tawa aim Both the drove up to the entrance gate, and my to our lady readers to know that even the fall facts at its disposal. . This Wag`4006, trikiwand-distri4xiturni show -a, large in. sent, so that' *acre, a"ad the improv. room was immediately filled with half a loss of the marriage finger is no bar to mat- cus. And Alexander believed this story. almost to a day. It is known by the test of Calgary, on the CanaiaL and last night the message was His father, old Marcus, did not, but went experiment that wheat can be grjwn as far and travelled by Edmontc a, reply will probably be received in - corse me 4as-commonfoboilivalleys. dozen couples, who constituted the bridal rimony. The sealers hope that the Tibe I's . Ing Bri-tish goods to even av the Slave Rive of a day or two. t i talk . full dress black through a magnifying glass in the works of wheat which I have ever seen came from party. The men were in on, "as usual, searching for his fortune north as latitude 69, and by far the finest River, and Dominion Government will take immediate larger amount Uan . it did be -fore the war suits, white kid gloves, buttonhole flowers, tion on Great Slavc Lake. with ample di3play of linen and jewelry. IN THE ANTIPODES. such watches as were trusted to him. But Fort Vermillion, on Peace river, in latitude the Hudson Bay Copamy action ani promptly lay the f 11 account Of wiih sik1tim. .-!Phe t6t4- value of the trade The adies were dressed in white muslin the third week in August 8 1 Alexander did believe it, and he had good 50, longitude 116. Wheat, barley, oats, the seizure before the Imperial Govorn- from th . latest reports,. is 3,500io0o rupees reason to. The newspapers of the day peas, .11 the grains and vegetables, are suc- w -.s Mr. Pike's headquart ment, so that the rights of vessels flying aiid� former y6ars the balance is in trimmed with lace, and decked with flowers Prosperows Condition of the Twin Island& printed all about him. The contrast be- oessfully raised at the mission stations --the sense that from iL his, the British Aag on the high seas May be fa4i;Fof Tibet - and coronets of glittering beads. It was of New Zealand. tween the humble tenement in which he throughout this region, and the farmers of the, e4orts-from thab.coun. I indeeda ga My friend ed nom -ward. A fort e lived and the princely wealth to which he Vapitoba, have had greater average crops Aest in maintained. ..bem­g, v-- [ued'06t 2,11M.000 rupees, as leaned be, in an armchair in a corner of New Zealand is congratulating herself on- eans camp The Provincial Government will -also, lerA. hqRwta From �nd showy scene. had fallen heir was duly made and exploit- per acre for many ye%rs past than the varied by interludes of theroQm, with his big fingers dovetailed the exceeding prosperity of the colony' ed. The sunshine which fell upon Alexan- THE WEIGHT OF ITS INFLVWOX e import d _.=: _a, are in 'go* into each other lying acrosse' his capavious Time was when any colonist saw in the Ameiican farmers in Minnesota and Dakota. at times, -Mr. Pike's lif in endeavoring to have,the matter adydote&- S, u promptly and fairli as possible. Yestei- g694s6_ tobacco, and waist -coat, and, transfixed with simple a. English papers or magazines a discourse on (-let's house seemed to be more golden than "The causes for this remarkable exten- was a very different thi - a., that which fell on any house in the neigh- sion in tfie Northwest of cereal. production well-equippe excursiorii,� day morning Hon. Theodore-avie, Premier A ourious-1 illustration of superstition 'tonishment, k"ed tfirou,4h, Lis spectacle�, colonial indebtedne-as or extravagance he bourhood. Everybody heard of Alexander's are,first, the continually decreasing alti. care to keep in constant t4 and Attorney-Gefiiral, gave iustru�Uoui to which stillprovails in Kashmitr is the fol. that seemed to surround big eyes with knew that New Zealand was to be pointed luck. N% ho didn't admire the young Monte tude, the influence of the warm wind of the at as the chief sinner. Of supplies. Indeed th have a complete statement made Of all - flxe,� 4owing With a phosphorescent circles. When the cere This colony was for Cristo of the east side ? Alexander never Pacific blowing torough the low mountain feature in his traves is hi facts and -mony was over and the party bad retired inany years the Shocking example of pgtd� be prepared in affidavit form and ed. largenum. my- gues - t pushed big spectacles on to his lg&lity and wastefulness, in whose had so many, friends before. The' tailors 'passes ofthe North, and the fact that the of personal comfort. A h forward �be�of ainlilin-Aie-s in various parts. of the forchead,andslapping his hands on big knees there was no way to escape for many years urged upon him suits of clothes out from long summer days of higher latitudes give 8, and such "Indiana I as I, at once to Ottawa. This prompt action on city. . Some . Of the Moulvis preached that the most fantastic stuffs, He could pay vast deal more of sunshine during the grow. the part of the Government will asa!W'very' t exclaimed: "Well, that beats all! What to come. Now nged. New f share his fortunes, coustit . any'Step- o-opp-pse, the will.of..God will ex- r them when he would. Dealers in fancy ing season than is the case further south, panions in his principal mu. materially in enabling. the Ottawa Govern- cito _Xh more,' are the working clasges coming to? I had Zealand has turned the corner. We were neckties vied for his custorn. Furniture while the cold winters prevent the develop. gun and fifshing-riet and a -divine wra and that people dy- to be content with a humbl long on the ment to deal with the aase. i e wedding in my down grade, but are now as- men went down on their knees to him. ment of insect pests which are so injurious Ing -the mQhAllabs where sulphur was were almost his only outf burnitt now uy u cending. ther colonies are worse than Would he not honour them by choosing in milder climates. The causes are certain- small supply of provisions The Premier, speaking to a Colonist x%. would -&6 as -Kallrs or infidels. The day, and I reckon I could b p the 0 P ter yesterday, said he thought all that, result whole mill where these people work. Mark ever we Were, and are gett berated and or I - Yms.t.hati.wthin-an hour' -people ex- from their stock to fit out the palace he I sufficient to explain the fact so well which his companion -s toor, uld be neces�sary would be to lay the com-. -fi es With wi my words, these daft youngsters are begin. scolded, as we once did. VD, are actuall Temonstrated by experience, that all grains last long. Sometimes a da tinuiahed the r ater, and thus - y would erect. The most recherche collar plate ning at the wrong end of the tether, and pointed at by our neighbors as showing how buttons, as they say on the cards in the are produced in the greatest quantity per pretence of food, and when care 60 ---money, expentled.for the public that they will find out some day. You can't a colony can recover itself, and after being STATEMLI" OF THR FACM good .*.is wialads - jeweller's windows were not re- acre near the northernmost limit at which before the Ottawa authorities. I This, weglit From-she'A 'of-tsnuary -Lext there will make a silk parse out of a sow's ear.)f I almost overwhelmed again recover life and at last brought meat ther St. . could only smile 'at this bit of philosophy, strength. And so when we see articles enough for him. Connoisseurs in they will grow. eat with it. show clearly how the matter stood he be a,reduetk;i Of -50 precious atonea were delighted to see him bact every hope that the -Domiul0n� Go�rn- 'Suez caW . Wk.; The cents per ton in 'the, and say: "That is the order of the day in about Australasian financial embarrass- CANADIAN WATERWLYS. On August 19 Mr. Pike board has fixed the Bennie Dunnie." ments we. believe that our neighbors will prefer a 17 -21 -carat diamond to a I-carA4 11 Within five years from the prZ�sent time start a preliminary exp mentwon1dacbmith promptitude-..I,�W_ on. nit.&I nd"at -per str�r�, As On another occasion I was asked -to marry probably suffer more than Ourselves. stone. He bought everything on credit, -.105f '50ei. at the present rate of progress, and within was the 5th of er ha t 1ho net dividend last yearwas-86f-75ci., the a couple in a carious out-of-the-way place and his credit was simply unlimited. He three years if the work is hastened a little, voyage across Gre We are not, however, disposed to do could have cashed a cheque for a milli fully advised. iacrease�imotuits t�, 191 756i. In accordance �ch in the way cf hallooing. We do not On therewill be a clear channel for vessels draw- u-10211plished. ProviE wer in another part of the country, about three mv. anywhere on the Bowery had the prosp r, ing 14 feet of water through Canadian terri. cm the 7th lie and ne oth The British Columbia Board of Tiifde has, Vith the'Loudohndonv6ntiou, the ship own- miles distant from the town where I then feel yet that we are quite -out of the woods de -s of that thoroughfare been e also takeu.the seizuris. into con4d.6ation,' i6ra. he.canalare Ong tra ac tory all the way from Lake Superior to the Fnni du L&c with or customerWof to share in 4ded. Our debt is almost as heavy as ever it was: customed to keep such large amounts o' .1 only a and a memorial has been preparecl's6ttin real I found the house full of wedding 'a stave off hunger a uring a ,g- ei.tha payment of a. dividend guests, and there were evident prepara- and to meet it we have to levy taxation that h n sea. Six feet of water in the Erie Canal and I the, profiti -ah, forththefacts. This istobe forwardedat of' f _tOl1L tionsforanight offeativity. The bride lingly burdensome and the full evil and. He became trinsfers of freight can no more com- go _by�� reduction, iri the is excee( two iles before quitting th4 once to -Ot ta-wa, with #n urger, t ie-q-udstrth -Sadii. eameill battery, which came into was a modest, shy -looking damsel, With effects of which we have not yet ascertained. North. These, with threE THE HOWLING SWELL pete with 14 feet of water through the rareful pose of But at all events we are not adding to out Canadian canals and no transfer, than 4 Suffice for the two days' voi every step necessary be takou -bA to *o-- ':okiiaWnce so m-eL years.ago, is doomed. to ex- dark drooping eyes and 9 of the Bowery -the Clinton street Beau taken was along a chain o ol, --seepre tact tile 4ei�ers' Froperty, ie-q't Unction. -It-appears. that -the Arab. tribes figre. I was utter ay we are increas- Brummel. His diamonds were the envy of ly taken back by what indebtedness and every d wheel -barrow can compete with an express conTeti � the seizares.ali y ma JiM bitinithe,Wbatable laud are now peace- followed. As soon as the mrriage cere- ing our mea by short portages. asa !cP4_ or , a - Ics of paying. While New South all the bartenders. His. clothes illustrated train. The canal boat carrying 200 tons, It is n Be at 9 Vancouver ROakd of the Adeniarrison drawn by mules at the rate of four miles pei the applies which t sWales and Victoria are now -writhing with the best esthetic moods of the east side mony was completed, the bride asked me e a�td to co-operat% Ahou- h, n4t On _g tio-th' -immediate teighbors, so in a soft, timid voice : "Please, air, will, deficits and striving to cut down their over- tailors. Society welcomed bin). He was the 13th Of September ti eir hour, can by no possibility compete with the con r o --bAttery work is confined to. 8tea shiiDscarrving2,000 tons, propelled by du Rochers, where the half -when the -Bombay com- fadtfg-vib. . . - iii, - vou baptize the baby ?" and at the same grown establishments our colonial treasurer the guest ofhonour at every picnic, and his - m Sae'14h, huv-c,� 'rii6'of finding caribou, an A tion of having to proclaim a presence sufficed to ;make a target excursion at aie _a, cfi;hea�rag, earn at the, r of Tourteen miles per hour. 'been reporteiF-d Th�� : " - , , m9mentone ofthe women fifted& child is in the poli reindeer, but did not. 'at All And while the United States farmer has n_X'ef Or Some. other high. official from the cradle. In my innocence I asked: surplus. ecess. "Silver Dollar" Smith sought wt to. Ottawa. -to. , -if, this has been brought about by a an _t *18A&A' en --i via Arule th4 peacef ally 'I Whoe baby is -it V and the bride,'with several good, old-fashioned methods, which to enlist his interests on theide of reform., held his own fairly well against the semi- --en in a half -Starving cond days and J ce h other statem �Wgfaed ourit 6&6 -not Thlas there- a fm answer- have been successful in cases of extrava- and Johnny Brodsky was no less earnest civilized wheat growers of India, I do not ae scarlet with�blusbes, meekly AM erican C6131 Lac had subsisted almost I -store 'the useful ed, "It's, mine, air." What could I do 1; gance since the world began ana which will that he cast his political fortunes with the see how he can hope to win in competition 'and tobacco.' Fortunately men of-thosame race, men just as ttery-in the Aden Why should the innocent- child be denied be successful to the end of iime. We grand old Republican party. Alexander With the playfuln 9a of the Christi4 rament ? The i v had friends by the legion. He drank cham- te no inore r' r fairly a �,er. ay, and food Tliklicisco solibunig-,, secured next d ate ameaa, gorous, n sac ha e stopped incurring indebtedness. We intelligent, with a clima nf6,nt was 4b6AdeA d fensips placed in -the arms of the -bridegroom have -spent less - and we have earn- pague -qo exclusively that he forgot the with a soil at leaat as fertile an d ith trans - e portation facilities immeasurably perior. THF CARI1301 father, and, with an extra touch of pathos ed more. We have imported, less and taste of water. Speculative mothers with The great plains of the Canadian North wezt that I sincerely felt,- I solemnly commended we have exported more. For instance, in marriageable daughters set their caps for 1sapp es the Indian with 01 W4 Rffera�m t _1 - - " '�s aid Itif. - him. Rebecca's black eyes lit up and burn- are unsettled now, but when once the condi- necessaries of life; it ives I the baby to the card of Him who 1879 the imports of New Zealand amount ons of soil and climate which there exist ed to R8,374*584, while the exports were ed when she saw him Miriamt rounded t' ing, bo e the equivalel cww% for Art wan;Ramed7webster. has made fer little children to come unto Me." ;an, - W t X5,743,126. T�is sort of thin' continued bosoni palpitated when he approached her. are supplemented by facilities for trans- Tw- upon New 9 pen at t e'f--rt.'-He leave Zealand Lhave had some experience of marriages down to 1888, when the imports were L5,- But did Alexander forget his Sarah, the portation not surplassed, if equalled by pia or OIX-CM-ft, 46nefilr��"d wera-went, and south of the Tweed. Here there are no 941,900 and the exports 97, d67,3'25. So that irl stitching away at the neckties t1los' kapply of ammunition, tea es, ji,c W. -of any other region, I believe the af ter one of his qqet haive been home marriages. The ceremony takes place between 1879 and 1888 our imports fell to %lanhet or two, andf if he a W. large the exten tid heg grow fickle, rich as he believed him Canadian Northwest will- settle up with a �Governmeut. in church, and is often witnessed by a while our exports self to be ? Not much. He loved Sarah, race of hardy, intelligent and prosperous Aeason's hunt, is perhaps lu� fly t of X2,432,684 people, and -will become the granary of the aw. ci 4�40 Ik t;A6tr;iAI6n_a young ina congregation. It is the'etiquette for the idereased by 22,024,199. In 1889 our im- and with the original- Solomon he sang, 'gave taken one of tlie Coi ollars 4i ports were $6,303,863, being a slight increaso "More precious than rubies is a virtuous 1-apotes (about the best form JoDlinsffimnn I bridegroom to be &at on the.spot to wel- wth 6000 d world. He who can Taost cheaply reach r -the Maories. come the iirrival ot the bride. I once 6.ffi-' over the previous year, while the exports woman; yea, than refined gold. Selah. So that I have ever see). Hei 46-004iri -world can control the the markets of the "ated in right, to Set up, ciated at a marriage in the north of England' markets of the world. made a bound up to,99,�Ul,864. In 1890 the young Alexander took the blushing Sarah, family waiting for him otheri wepe,��6 was the a which a bride was placed in a verr-tr The day near at hand when Arneri- a -Oner-can 93 is' t4i�m - - I I fit' � y imports were much the same as.,11he prevous to the Court-hpuse on September 14 last, &I -e Of M.-learned-ing position. She was leddbwn-tife aisle of year J96,260,525). while the exports w must meet such competition as can farmers the shore of the big IaL ere and Judge Van Wyck made them one. - plenti f ul, expecting -a gaudy ffid-dar-gel3rin- the church by her father, a venerable, li�ind: in f dWw'- they never met before, and such as few of There's no doubt about- ffiat there ere <)r a sizin of beads frorn the ery vel 0 1n.pork-, tim- cent ;C9,811,720. In; 1891 the imports were X6, Tbe Great th rb, a t 1 some lookinga loman, followed by a bevy them have ever dreamed of. Ry- _g .503,849 and exports ;0,811,7k The in- plenty of witnesses. There -were two of the ing entirely on the cariou f an en He bought of brblesimard;, and -they took their places Such an opinion is full of hope for the crease -in, the imports last'year was owing to bIride's uncles, two of her -cousins and her daring the awful cold of thloi of i;,Wa their progress toward something like thair sister Jenn'ie's beau, Harry Marcus. Then The journey up till they fall in front of the communion rail. But the the city of f�ture of oar great Northwest, the Peace gg4h , el rat white inh bridegroom was nowhere to be'seen, and no river, Pine river and Chilcotin districts. normal relative position. The slight falling caribou is usually full of hard,,' Dsl#y� As he one could account for --his, absence. the THE HAPPY LITTLE COMPANY 0.1 off of the exports is attributed to the d tlthough our commerce may be hampered they h ached the huutia e - ave re ,as- w, bs 00aw- lina purchas. church Was full of eager, interested Spec A ti r a tim ft- a Or�e er t _t AL 20, =Ow itt &ew of crease in our exports of frozen mutton, there went tothePoteuchhome,wherethe wedding e by United States canal restric- found a great improve� t e d flutter of tions, the foregoing quotations point very f -a great demand in the colony feastwasspiread. Anightortwoafterwards take, 'pLice; the hunter is a 4kJ*r4,'and he tors, aud I obs rved the rustle an having been he , tu . .7 y Im 9416tioa- in a growing, eeitement as the Whig learly to the time when Canada will be per went itself to stock land which Was newly being Clinton Street did honor to Alexander. t while the women dry meat an( ce-6f f1rKb6r--h master of the situa I I I brought into cultivation. p , woi hat round, Where is the bridegroom?" X 46�1-sserts L tion with a clear water burst oat into flags, bunting, andChineselmn- dress the skins for �ioccasirs, ri M suggested that the ladies should retire into route from Port Arthur to Liverpool, and tod posses Wd. and 'other the vestry, ri BURDENED WITH A SURPLTT terns. There was a brass band, and flowers gun -covers, and cut 1ja7)i,?hc, vp tmeans anclearriaaes for everyone. Whattheenter- but the b declined with I% S. With full power to regulate the charges o -&mvess, as much as to say, place of string for lacing Sul chOoAdrs to- warn. thii W-9 XwAterlingiand gentle mes that oar treasurer has a tainment cost no Qne knew. What matte And so it co - �r foreign commercezpassing thronah the Wef in%ny other purposes. For ti� 0 "dity-by-the -e to-be.married, and I sui-plus,'Dwith which It meet he house, of the. cost? Was not Z3,000,000 wait;.ng fo, have -come her am ate and no�, land and other canals 'be longing to her. going run aay. Besides, I am sure about El ff;C100,000 of le er, of. Greaf not to whicheverybody-me worr aying 0 -wear during the col 70, 000 after p young Potruch in San Francisco? He, indeed, season my Qoved will be hereeirnmediately. But the RoAting debt. The customs revenue 4s th6rght that sum represented the cu- h an An Eastern Potentate's Jewels. b' Itals minutes that seemed dr n out into un lis --property 11 are those of young animais kill Assoqii an %W, aw pa n :CgS,000 in excess of the customs revenue of handoniv and t�at there were ricbIrmilliOns, Acrretpondent of the Madras Timea, Auzust as the - hair -is short usual length ed away, and he did the previous,year, the duties being exactly 10'r him in his u�aele Joseph'i bonds fall off so readily as in coat,, waiti,_ the old palace Of the Gaekwar of reo, not come. It wa titne of inlense and -the sarhe. This shows that the people have mortgages, and promies to pay. The all- Baroda, says ::--Hire aretored diamonds, the skin of a full-grown caribc- me and,pearls of almost unequall e "been able to spend more freely and are less tumn waned, tne snow flew. 11enitbeca 'SW )�adnfal suspense. The father and mother It d flushed, the bridesmaid ed strona sinews lyiiig along th -fidgeted aja t =ae after o r extr lars in the nervous. borderland between laughing 11 days of avagance. While had never existed, and that thefortu showcase, under the charge of the sentry, sewing. Anything that is le ne was win money a 8 were straightened than -when 'the pinch first k,6wn thaf Alexander Potruch's rich uncle -magnificence. Ina small, comm oln-tooking an old bull make the very be, Wit and -crying, and ti nd spending it 'a the Royal jewels, valued at three hun- 9 3applyirg the who!e familv 1 '7, -1 ed 01W te zing w ispers. engag work of settlement was almost at fell away fro him be eas e ne drd lakhs of r apses. A magnificent dia- e is -'.-damage buz he-c6ngregatign talied -in we were borro i6 bride- in as unreal as the uncl Alexander friends are freely the sale at the fort, where ther The versation, and indulged in -a liftle7divert ta 3 L c eitoli a ast U6 a a nd till. Work Was plentiful in the aid OXF con r dried meat, tongue -gr pagne to beer. The butchers, who had state occasions, is the chief among the or - UIP from mand neekla-ee,'worn by the Gaekwar on trqlr� a ealk ij, 11T] it A� to inkpleasantry. Be -brave," said 1: keep cities, and wages So high that men were cham kins, and babiche, so that t v elion. HedeseendeciatLoneju ar�d fu -1 e up your heart; don't faiut on any account; actually. drawn from p�oducing ocou nine paments. I forget how many diamonds It him un 0 6served th the money he compose this- -necklace, the�r werd too nu - e ft -0 74a __ t if y a wish to indulge in that innocent into occupatio a that were nonproductive. tailors shrieked in chorus for duces little far, with tlie excepi n pations od dininity beensending him tid-bits; c -tnd Yellow Knives, whose c 4 e nmen w� me ..Was give him a bed -tick oa credit, and the gem finest stone in the endant and the _U kr vaste lands is being heard al r 4- 0, new settle- owed them. The furniture men would not merous to count, but the p -co t the present time the stir of 1ean your head A ox robes, are thus enabled to e In -y, do it gracefully. xu gently on your father's shoulder, and take Iff 96,M41 thi cut on the v few of the white rnn's luxu ADught, a -necklace is the historic -.1 over the colorky-,aud this heroic care not to disarrange that lovely ovreath k 4e," qte! work will that had illumined his shirt r X frontudgl9am- -,star of the South," This famous dia- e-She bore. up a was the M -9-9t not cease till Ne �v Zealand is financially safe ed on' his fingers were lost in the mond was discovered by a negro slave in the plendidly, and tobacco being especially dear r r heart. cavernous crisis was pas Ordinary maps -indeed all e. ida elf -possessed of the whole party. The and soundS 431 13 sed as the congregation rose 1t.must be ac I knowledg4d that so far so far as we know -are valueles I 1 -1 recesses ofpawnbrokers-safes. Thetrades. mines of Brazil, and is the largest diamond as -to watch the:entrance of thc­�bridegroom e6ments. have any ciledit in the resus- obtining goods under people tried to have the law on him for everfound in the New World. The slave Axe al"WA-fa- is G; gav was rewarded with her (for the discoverer Oep�� h -U-611 -tag: w beaming with n of our affairs ii is due to the Atkin. -,e country is uns FALSEPRETE' CES was a Woman) freedom. urveed, but BoughtbyaSouth ult . conscif e things that they themselves an bank for XSO,000. the diamond aisle utterly son finance and adininistration, The land mark Aylmer Lake. To the i pd..ho- end the beat man trict to the north of Great Sla, citatio sitisfaction, walked down the ms-tbat they had been the cause law, too, is exactly the same as has been in for taking th Americ* _W 0 Mr. Pike, who bad left a c, -seems Ahe-arbi t� of:any awkward waiting.and they were -both operation for the last five years. "at sea- had almost forced on him, Bat Justice Kil__ t,*' *aSLaold to anEnglish merchant for ;C60, - caribou country, found a lak 000, and by him Sold to the French Govern - and a find the bride had already 'sion the,property ta- was repealed that :.The ceremony proceeded in the e probably a hundred mi1cs long. a breth--��ob, second Daniel! -decide& sionihidd to e Potruch, had up to that time done nothing for many years forming the most val- land and income ta enacted. Itisestimat- -Roval jewels. When i U "WAY, an But tb%t placed him in the law's grasp f the French t Lake -Mackay and with a caa( d all ended haripily. The ed that these will produce not less than th half-breeds cros ed it, leavinj e worse, ind-sad to tell, the love of ar h the days of the. Republic came, the Star er'arose by the river muddling his amount now raiaed'by the property tax. Alexander's -wife, disappeared with his woods behind, to go in search c '-Instead of going first- for- the bride- With Settlement extending in all direc of the South was sold again, and finally, Uo tiong North of Lake Mackay is the I millions. She forgot that he had ny -was disposed of to aftee tha vicissitudes, gr6om, according to his instr ti,64A, he the steady increase of reve:�ue f rour various the presefit-Gaekwar's predecessor for X90 - Ahrough whi,�h the Copperraine -*eat-to a d stuck to her faster than the magpie whe&-he ew ifferent part of -the town for the sources is a matter of certainty. somey -no doubtmau difficulties thought he was rich. She brought suit b A The colony has rid ars preriously an offer inst him -for absolute divor of $110, W had been refused for it. The musk-ox was killed. The )Wher aga ce, alleging beyond this, on September 2� 000, although In the finan these animal cialmeas Jae p.itting onof the wedding ring is an still to encounter. es 1 11 100004W Star of the South is but one among the promoted by the Rai ar -mot s having been t'�hus a tant part of he'ceremop)r in the Eng- of 1,9 at session, lance that during his fashionable whiil he for dazzling arrw his marriage vows. Saral -b e -The ring is'placed on the --book, nfinistry, are various provisions exceedingly r -of gems displayed to th �_n�winter rapidly approac�ing elt hich­oe service -is read; an& -ther objectionable to many colonists and to per- -7 visitor; to-de;en be 1-m-yond "p wn1c` wa's ashamed of herself, for shewrote h e which would 'the powdr- �of ny but a.1dAV;s- _p without �Z*� band- a letter -asking him to consent gdedy -Mwri - an, lie ding the. ring W.- ther bride - sonarin England having money vested - in -itrubts it, 'half way New Zealand. All these prov to a divorce. He repliedi. declaring t at he LA FOULE tin t s(gibe. I -brought away a J�zzled remem. 10VIi -him to. place.. isins h wouid-ratherbesentended t*.priSOu.f4*lj(0-, _braaae,4�f[ibias­�ad emeralds, sapphires, -seat uwthir&g -Of the left hiria. Of t, in the gauntlet of next session be- ter04PAds of caribou N h to ru still than to part from To some mian th enormous pear Ways in SikM f&m the top a I n, and - WI, 101diny. it tj� Iiepeit fore they come into actual operatio her. Is, but to de. deta�l is beyond my powers. might seem the choice of two sent6nee-a' but behind the camp, and increased -n-ul&: ­Wlth�th -6onfideiritly anticipate-. that- many im- -it toitim and --plec 1ge � of tW - Yo� and' pro of divo is now pe The sait for nation lization theories the . pr- ntftg,, lfible&Ohainid to do ews. 4ttle Baptiste, who had gone fc -h name ofthe-Fatherand--ot thev are disturbing eniough in -th wake us up before daylight with' -t t me "dL thee'L at emier, tswill beLmade. As for the land not to Alexandei. Butgarah was laerqrafil� Cl the morning, of October 2 thoug4 there are people who Say -thafStrah, Inide-be WEI -non eir way. _8606aut of the i4iish of Little Stan. er in forgetful and -forgiving Bui most of flip oth members of the cab- La Foule La Fouie i and even i, is a ibe# aie strongly to them, 412cl will. -in 1849, it is stated doned iny marital rimes of vvIkuh- am publialed by the we could hear the curious clattel ii1ty. band ma band of travellin h .fra -to-, -ei -6 the vr '"r -a giveli by the u. L4 -T ey really come, and during its paw Y, lw y have been g plato g A,, ne. agree -to any in this direction. _gcaribo -a -book ition; The feeling -throughout the - colon further daneer of aequiij� a repu%$ 6v it qs;� flDh d 4%built- the Owl days I was able to realize what b i rich without- having -the -bi '6.dVj"c0fAey - The head. eIng jar th� n �Tqr agaiiisti any 'di log,* ewe maintain it, Potruch-cannot &Op ordinary number of these anknaL, 6w doubt A1631i and that feelin&no Thwpfesent 'ed e a quired during that huppyT old An the Barren Grounds. From, MW W W t U we had a spligndid view of TwuA 0; h live f6 th. of he thought hb, had. millions. Teo r all the South I Bido of Waocks a �Ieablsd 0, _t1 MOVIn beastis whil 'Th, dis ulges 'low -bb"It - of the ud then' -he i ie recent co and, ind in purohasda with _p -P 'the 'ghib cour he Ras.' for. itry beiwdei't be dotted a over for" �iid - Af -1 bkh�7.regiulted1n t t I ., "', "' " � t; still away on the north AM- -th _K of the glasses, we OW 9t -4 ,appeil- g a Gov"- Cox b6ro I a4d'.-. like regiments on �4,6 i td*v_cen��WiZ9 b We 4WWA jftr4 *V1