HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-09-22, Page 8in and aoorria to -1 iced to rcl Miler a very pleasant trip, to the ince. On the morning -after we °found, ourselves . w h through densely wooded -dill-h./Ws-till we reached North `$ay, -a -now .townon lake Nippissing, with a poptdat4e#` of about 2,000. The lake --is sheet of water, about 40 inilesionkind averaging *miles in width, n small steamers ply to and fro doing s good trade. .North Bay is a rainy the e moving as rckie tZ1e l Qn Praat•. centre and has repair. shops and other industries of that kind. Only- few nly few miles away is Sudbury, the town which -has suddenly sprung up a result of the opening of the rich n• mines there. From North Bay until we reached shore of lake Superior we traversed wild region where. forests, =meadows lakes and rocky ridges alternate. The scenery is striking, and in some really grand.. - ,• Leaving Port Arthur and reit Liam, two fine townsof aboutg,p . lation each, we rolled westward Hiro' a dreary country for dearly 400: finally reaching Winnipeg on - -- (9th inst.,) about noon. The drat thing we realized as we stepped from the was the hearty greeting given us b Chau md Yea, a well-known and wells liked former Gorrieite. Our interni had been to push on to Portage Ian - ` rie, but Friend Yexitwouldra ham to our leaving town that day and th e re - suit was gnat we retiabied,in,Winnineg over San MrYeo has Jinni, v successful litikainesssiticeeouft h ere Be has bough a. ley* residence, and we are nada . � rLf ne t4:t ® self and his estimable •for rho. pitality. He showed n Dvet a - portzan of the- , =Udestaing all that we hidread 11 ova rsere toniished at its greatness.. Ings are raagnifiC90,4141,� are the finest..' have ever i the farrnli,p war_ Messrs.IVin.-lireeci Maddock who at one time earriedoa a o - ware-busineas in Gerrie l Ham: resiidee_her 18 Win " . $ use: semoYed.aunxe time ago:t0 - adstone, where allrintrakt. e a . B. �' ttrk w O Auk • ai : are Flying. and there: eaten why YOU should not catch one i . antic' list!IWO the oean lterenicain4' Wi t e been p%ted here o a� lyast =o,� not on; aceOunt no eownoon °SOA{ shut d niers' On Fall _<• khan , COD*: Vides Ovoid Q .e and see them anyway ! We take. Pleasures in showing our elegant stook. 1:. Watches of all kinds. ox of all kinds. Silverware • of all kinds: Jewelry of all kinds. . — r I ving 0 1 alt:}3d'y orig Ver over Uwe, an Knoxob Dell. T da. Para very zenth this week tth e:.,L which has ni t 1. tokiiiireartit_ itnea si ,, -- naris�. ch Cy Spectacles and Eye -glasses in endless variety. Repairing done in the neatest style: w. • Pordixri.eh r Hardware's Store. ARBY EROS_ Alphabet ply per. rains. ; title'. oor Bells. *Ye Itough• hoc Plow Line. Gi ate Hinges. H alters. 1_rens. J ellg Oake Plates. Settles. L' see Leather. M 'shire Forks. IT ails. • Oil4: hvking ireni Q tilting 'Frame Clamps. at Taps. a coop -Shovels. 2' Utpentiue.- U pholsterer's Tacks. Varnish. W ire C1otline. X -cut Saws.' Y Ochre. E:inp. . we sell thea very cheap. 7 We lave ` bought -a Complete New Set of Tin- smith's Tools, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of "inware t and: do all kind .of Repairing on short . no ice. GORRIE. -namince: to the general public, that I have just purchased :Oat and complete stock of adis', Gents', Boys', and Misses' FINE AND COARSE ,00Ts and 5ffQ_s At the Very Lowest Living Prices ! The Goods are all of my ownpersonal selection in the Wholesale Houses, and can confidentlyxecommend them asthe very choicest. - finalities and styles. far You are cordially invited to call in and see them. P. 23_ _SHAVER, Next door north of Fennell's Photograph Gallery, Gorrie. makea specialty of Custom Work. Repairing done to order neatly and quickly. iTust Reeeived! D. ARBY:.BROS, 1_ tns iss Store.. Best Wall Paper sem. Gorrie Drug store. �llisan's A Fresh lot of Oranges Lemons, Peaches, -rapes. Tomatoes, ananas, Cocoanutsy Dates, Sausage, Bologna, Pork, A fine assortment of Confections and Canned Goods. . tasssessaassamosioshamoweraiussassomaatemismosarmesma AT TU. e Book Store. r±eipouroci : a62:l4661140118. rri kl store. goo s - tationery, Fancy MalangF. :to-do thew nideek ti V'ol. I. J. A. TUCK, MEMBER of College of Ph gems, Ont. JAMES 4R :. iickerinary GRADUATE of Ontario V and registered member o arc association. Residence Nest to'_4letliodist ALBERT STREET, . JAS. McLAUG 1 SSCEB OF MARRIAGE witnesses required. Office:—At my Residence, DENTISTR J S. JEROME, L. D, S., V,' Corrie, the 1st and 3rd month. Teeth extracted with warranted. MISS GREG (Late of Ha DRESS AND MANTLE M tiees Wanted. Rooms o Store. GET THAT Fictb F It bas been rolled t_p and put a KC just bring it in to S. T. FEN Who will frame it for yon in an ing you wish, having ,urch large stock of Mouldings and OWn. Prices froom Oc. CUR R THIN PO, •i ors, from 40c. up. ends, rings and b CABINET PHOTOS, - GreoglaW '11.14,"res®tie, re ROBERT B FITTED UP W HUNG A'RIAN R PROCES FIRST-CLASS —FROM -- MAN ITOBR W Highest Price paid fo Chopping Done. ROBERT B V anstone WINCHA Marble &� WORKS. Parties requiring work in lines will do well to call on We carry a large stock of granite. We guarantee to save you give first-class work. Call before purchasing els be convinced. MR. .,''4.1 Will represent 3113 on