HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-09-22, Page 6r, P d. aii, dd lleged Innex:w
The Rawauan GeV
W A- A dispatch from
*- � In Upper Skev-z Valley. U -Or-. &IAUWf TV teamer Austr
The a
6ver. her ere ut -horseman Honolulu advic�es t-0
JJK1101 haa
ywl, tenderness. Are., Arming to Prevent Roate iirem via.
row and- to hich promises d LO the anuem
tOria Landing—Afraid of the gmaltlpox. territory ef (,re
A S"u r rame to pieces -t _ . , & the- St AV
_r - el t "to I �z e
coumet 901�010' ory of the ail as In the upper Skeen& river country the In- Champion, the HawL,
00000=- W- thispapm. and,shinay. Norse to ob-
UM -th, Seven Brothers an the.Caisg I t ic -or. al, an -he? shiaske& tha* QW, Y.-ame. affixed-. 1* diaas having just learned of smallpox being
lier, - 11 - -- I Affairs states
Fliz- nor of the Naval B d A -Halifax deapitck�says,:��--Severalwe t1i, -.a- fast�,rbdord. He is planning a sulky that t
, him riga e. have an -
h -044444 DO, *ou Tmvw� ilyrairitself, oqt�mill push in Victoria and Vancouver officially informed c
lift' go schooner Severi---BrobhW:S*1 coini"ude left are foi� ,-too. yq# is to intention to maintain &-fhot- pression of her b4ai,
-w.e mado� ftf togethdr—na a re" Warren -notmood their
o; nor of him - of.00arse,� Ba Eer of Jeddore,
deathso At'she footof thiaps Uamell -.wiq gun quar Johnston ant' Kalut
ew cons the mito- - -it antine &&,inst all steamew from 4111 the outh.
per, our -0 -Hood, N. & b AM
hopoNds wt -a Is Always opposed to the white tion of the Hawaiiar
-beneaw*e Ia 9kages, -10pringS stood one I - . - - - - A - z� - - of-fipar; paints and to idrive the 1"
"h r �Wud there els,
_to in 'Ajoails that it VV e
oils and sunft
OWL perhap�; in same birgott-en pw__ - t
, W �, X61 W= . revolutipaize men, th y are, with the above ecuse be- any official notifica
-return4d er.� sitiou,.by,fhe bed of �merclia 4ter 1 AWU
g, , I diiiaii A few daysi �; - 11 coming more independent than ever and Haw&iiau Govt-rnmi
o -arm Jai �across his chest, r -e word was, re6eived -R
thab-L the -selgootier.- ;1ra ight under eat the vigable to enter a 0n, ft thedriversa Priio6ily he begaii widspering aga- had got ashore n -Harboi, *hite. n6V6Wthis. for he ainearCollin's ocitedanditj -big inten. some trouble is expected.
bpach -fill' and. at -Inte to have -hMgs I L Great 'Britain on a_.c
she might cousi4er its -oD;ofew1p!m- W6360"dllfi& rvai- -she' answered him. -It head, and would be a total wreck. he UPS, t at et' netter, so nicely adjusted that Mr. W. W. Clark who has arrived from 4W Ance snodenly - occurred to 'me that, in his un- wra insured in Canadian.-agenuies for VM- withdraw without
-wishes to go a 2. 1(
and lat6keli ) gait all he will th& forks of the upper Skeena at Victoria,
b6ma when he to the opinion, ot this, I have, PA coniclousneas, he was misfakin her for and there was $o5 h to , -do is"to-ovit at 2. 10 fighre md it In conversation with a reporter said The protest. The.�linis
on the C"go.Lin N '� ova some one else, and that she onle wom- e Underwriters. --Agent Capt. -the rest- When wom only h0l, *L 0
seen once -M W gt -
Y' VW1 - for- a 9 Scotia Marin will do ad up theuly Indiana are becoming very excited over the replying to the ques
e ah- WAS ing at auts ceiving in Son was sent to the scene of ihe "featuri -of the sulky is the ielf-winding ap.
-more -or less -,n the position of a servant. e into our hi urptose. Ander' will run due in
an that occasion she was I to Me -b cason, was de fle and a halt A very clever smallpox rumors, which havv reached them ment doirg anythi
Th ugler'-k' disas from Victoria. Some hours after the news leaing Pearl har�,ou
ter to arrange about the saving of the had arrived at Hazelton, the Indians sent a said the Hawai; n
SrAeo it bt-'say, therefore, that, it Was! doubi Inafewm -k and paratum -By -simply touching a little sprin
Oulazits I was. sure of this. cargo. When'he arrived at the vree 9 war time, and our trade was what c W�mm Itriednot.to look, but Isawitall. I inspected her, he found there Was not near hid -stirrup the driver can make the deputation to Mr. Field -the Church of SUggeSte-d a trartsfer
cram cial papers callbrisk. A war better reme on England minister for that district-, request- harbour or any F, irt
11 tike his poor 41i.d hands wander over her more than half the quantity of flour on wheels wind up- the spring, and, by a hand
bered of the young than of the old,, becaus *" sa &In �00,WW-db-S 9f the .hw men throat a�id face to.her hair. board that bad been shipped, and.on quo device, he can throw them outoi gear when ing him to let them have a room in which ions to any forei,�n T.
3 up- s-
it was, compi ratively speaking, recent.. Th 96(4 time. What is this?" he muttered, quite dis. tioning the captain he could get no satiafac- the indicator "Ila him -that the Spring has to hold a great pow wow. He told them Minister Park -r sa
Old fellowi seemed to remember -the- o - their own houses were much better Adated aition of fin.ancie
Y sixo'clm* he -waa)ptqd
_y ig- 0% �Jt w tinctly, with that tone of self-absorption tOry explanation. Capt. Anderson had been wotmd up to the proper tensione Thus a! &
fighti better-tbose fights that were -fought e"y4k8e8wh"'1"4-;fifieert1i6 cheery which chsracteriies the says of an uncon. what there was on board landed,and sold In scoring whatever. power is lost can be re. for meetings of that sort. After some diii- I&cKinley bilL Buz
sa I - when their blood was -still voung and the Ito �W*by- tlii& hi is. men worked. "What is this silly cip for the benefit of the underwriters and an gained.' And it is so arranged that the power cussion they retired and held a council tremely dull.
ey�. a Q scions man. th vesse, a thereof unclogged. �'His fingers wandered on over. the snowy returned to the city. He reported to the can be turned on at will by the driver, The meeting in one of their own rooms and after It was, by the way my first -cam cam !back, t
P%'P- and- k --ty-hr 9 My.quartere linen untikthey came to the strings. insurance officers that there appdared to -be gentleman claims everything for this inven- a very noisy debate they decided to stop the The Sab
but I was not, new to the business of blood; As an aspirant to the title of gentleman, something crooked about the a5sir, but tA0B- He says it will transform the slowest steamer from landing at Hazelton and not for I am no soldier -only a docto�r..� keeL a bitdown this morning," he said, I felt like - running - away -many dectdrs there was not sufficient' ds on whi, h to scrub into a world-beater and make a three. to allow any more white men to come up 0 Happy band of I
groun the river. if On e wi
only unfform-my fall -parade dress,--ja,s eap-very cheap. I this feeling color,, I could work up a case, Wil b my 6with-a, gay Ch kno minute horse able to go 2.08J record. The
a d rg going thfauk it.: it isall only a tay. They say the measels was brought there To Jesus as red crow on the arm of an old blue ae e fiow jk - . . I nods, afterwards informationwasres inventor apparently had nothing green in last year in the sugar rrels belongfng to N'OU
very- well for some of you long-ficbd fol-lowi His 6ngeft. fumbled with the strings. Y underwriters from men on the -'talking, about his 0 happy. it v(- Jacketsai& jacket being much stained -with 'friseeni t6 -b I I ceiZ'd b t h e" his eyes when �he was ba certain dull patches which ore. b6ttWaot ave A --to ltre.for, to Still Sister bent-- over ' the � bed. Perhaps eastern shore stating - that parts of cargo of wonderful sulky, buttime and developments the HudsDn Bay Co. and they will not al- As Je-qu� fo
e o - f -i I - 0 haypy. if - e 1, U I
, , 91 wan @he bent an inchor two nearer. One hand
- , JW- will tell whether hi has been indulging in low any mail to be landed there, as they investigated. � � -e 4,� - f, - -- the Seven Brothers, Principally flour, had As. esur h'uneez
AJI who have taken part in war -doing for t -any man;�1$m td- "em all Was beneath his nook, supporting the poor, been landed at various points on the- coast too many air castles or not, dread the small -box being brought in the Th - crom tht J e
the damage or repairing itknow-Aha�i t shattered head. between Jaddore and WhitehAd,and it was letters. H3 carrie a� YO
The Indians were walking about the The crown that e
things are not done �n quite the sam way wenkfutnd gave him He slowly drew off the cap, and his fin- He weareth it fo
-p 46 rumored that the schooner had aftewards A Buffalo Hunt With Indians -
when hall- -u soi*, liona;�- which he 'been cast away, At this point Detective village armed to the teeth with kniv40 The ffUth bv wh;c-I
cartridge is served out intuAd4f of gera crept lovingly -over the soft� fairbair. Ia the early days, when the game was
I as like Or and pistols, when I was at Hazelton, vow- The hope in hi,
blank. The correspondents are very fond t . 3, a -Hp held the M.rny,"he said, quite clearly, you've Power was engaged to work up the case plenty, buffalo running was exhilarating !-ng vengeance on t e w item or ring-- The love that - hr n'
of rep rting that, the behavior of the men Pi, like:- tilkir li and bring the guilty parties to justice. sport. Given a, good horse, the only other To Him alon, c %N i,
- -- 1. a - . a An.- andvou're nothingbut I
sugge3tid a parade*hfolk 1 -4 -� . I .1 . -. 11101 - After several visits down th' Ing diseases into their tribe, which nt* ual
"IdIdw'It-little girl, you know-liotb�ing hut a little . trials be
e eastern shore, requisite to suecess; was the ability to re ly decreased their numbers. - It is well The sorrowm re i
be presumed was borne in upon their fan-. b. ot& girls)) in company with Captain Anderson, the main on his back till the end of the chase. The
ta4tic- bra* by He, utter inapplipAbility.. No great, hand at this sort of thing," he I;Could not help watobing.,his fingers, detective lotated some of the flour nd known to the authorities at Hazelton that The manifold t�m
, -4, No greater degr--e of skill was needed than '4jwfth,anod-of farewell. arrested one of'the crew, their-iniagination must have been excited That de'atl, kt�on
- .4 in Theparade may, be antaiated before the When ft aud yet I felt like a --avik�cz;uauittin who gave the this and yet the quick motion of the horse, by a half clerical gentleman, who lives not
real work- begin- oes anythim g sac Whatare dicy bul
I been landed r Of right q o00 11 il�ep; snap away, tialling where the cargo had the 'oiIgh ground to be traversed, and the a hundred miles from the mouth of Bulkley
marehhW away from. _,,^k �h and Owho were in the ring. 'What are they bu
Q I -that there was something ahead that river. en.1- leftyou," said ti
after the wdrk - ie brainless feeling you",�rore it down your back. Von - er
'there' volpe, Afte' some searching, Captain Baker Things of this kind have been trao- getup to heavei
is remarkably little . ]aed ismod , must be overtaken and stopped, ruade the ed to him more than once. None but a
remm ance to a re- - tapiklohiside in belove n were a little &I -y' was finally arrested and is 0 1 appy band of p
vi . ew. OBItga, , lw,*. 13 on are a- little girl now In ride attractive. There was the very slight- white man could have thought of smaUpox u pard to
' vs. th"ord,Wf:comma1Xd with more custody. It is sai3everal respectable men- 11 a0l, such a ligh
We are served with, MSL Y than fielifiew what to do with. eat spice of danger, for while no one antici- being communicated by letter. Under the Where �,,d he slowly drew a hairpin out. on the- coast re, implic,ited and ill e, ed an accident, it was possible that one's guise of being a friend to the Indi Shall win you su,
arranging ono look fell.curling to her shoulder. She 0 which we never fill in beceiise, on -A All at a" one brought. to b.o k. an against;
of the mouneub, it, * apt to adg spur quarten. i0i t - p6arse might step into a badger hole, 14 To he-� nurses. To do �thia -1 W, ever looked Warren Baker, captain of the- Seven h In the white man, he continually manages to Id get fall that foment trouble without being actually in on Though
ona ar ec-, knelt here like Brothers, was t -day before Stipendia would make his bones ache. -
07 up, never noticed me, but which case his rider won Gold
that MWS liVQ10A1*, UNT-W We� forced to t a e of o most ---pr 8 t
a ministering angel -per ry vast --stores; out, Misapply a siftical -in-tolWeopen vering them w! Griffin on a charge of breaking bulk, steal. it. Monday -No traii
co son6ting for a time a girl whom we had The most exciting, and by far the most aupPlieffi becausd- th-ei in i 19 in o6ioquence felt all th I " 1jr
0-s -Impot to item 8. never seen. ing barrels of flour and casting away the w � tLaurier, the Indian agent, is valuable in a woman'
in usually left behiud at*- A - - MGM 4WUred --that wV elilof was. making;k vessel. The matter stands over till Satur- interesting, hunts in which -1 ever took ork renuouslytohave all the tribe a sweet temper. Ho
"Mylittle girl," headded, with
the seap�rt.Aeot...- -Lt to - c4 1gr low d ' next. part were those with the Indians of the vaccinated. y Pat*:, e. laugh, and drew out another hairpin. ay plains. They were conducted almost noise. happy without. it. I
things thal, we-� -6 uld- - loavdnadolke.. and AV,b 4;3&14ek in the -evening they -arrived -in a lew - I .2 - - I � moments all her hair was that spring up in 01
omit to 410 one of- - yan about lowly, and no ring of rifle shot broke the and cheering us. Le
'0 rore-7- we Arwexpacted - the '-'. cks having ridden, out in the her:sl, I bad never thought that I � -; stillness of the air, nor puff of smoke rose SEVLN MINERS KMLED. - �-�* monq` ht -6m Row a Woman bhould Drew. ficially) t 'A aw e�,reported them be carrying such glor ghl, wearied by th
�V* . 0- y quietly toward the still, gray autuninsky. The For zm-0 reasoi%-�i.preqUMa,b]y'fhe -.003161-3 rmed w 'cot &bsoBce, me that he dde=t 'a Talk 'hao h ncy is a wc
to, ho Q= Ad eath the siml le nurse's cap. About winmin's close," he was consummate grace and skill of the riaked A Fall of Earth Crashes Them in the'Caxe
of better- -' ji -- h
as�eou 'V--- 16 XeRP11-H "(1-110131. -to� go straight, to That is better," he said that is bet, disposition !" It is s
heart. He is happy,
bleating discordantl v in a know-it-all voice, Indians, and the speed and quickness of Vftile Descending.
before we ad beft �ftgftkef More enthusiastic ter. I of I bed my way I;d hev'em lookin'sensi- their splendid bodies, were well displayed Our he he -matt -a tttP1 Ili I-ve ally gr'9fii- And he ble, and not all kerfluminuxed up with gew. in such chases as these. More than one in- h from London, says :-Ten forgotten. A sweet
-Egon let all the hairpins -fall on the A despate
Aally coverlet. gaws. I -d jest like todrew 'em 'cordial men employed -in a coal pit at Swansea influence over the mi
i0Where it is found in
6011 note froin.my .�Now vou are my' own Marny
rters, v- I
al*. Sometimes such a bunt was signal- you observe kindness
&spitaL iFXPlaiaiu9 tfiat he murmured, "are you not You wouldn't let them wear trains to buff he tew mv notion." an arrow entirely through the bodies of two to -day when part of the pit roof fell in. The of a fau ym-z ite wberean Indian has sent were descending in the cage to their work Umn With.0wadmistaid0ind- H; - Zin --- stance is recorded
adnaVrittftillwa diapatch be' he' She hesitated one. moment. in over the natural I
t cause
out'si thii, -lit i Mani , : their dresses? suggested one of his audi- ized by some feat of daring bravado. that men were caught under the failing earth 9
P. imself legible. your own Marny." miles, kind words a
d J-� pen, with which -in- "Yes, dear," she said, softly, I am. save in the seeing, was scarcely credible, as The other- three were rescued, but heii the children, and pea
130thi fiA,
Is epoCter tors. and rock and seven were crushed to death,
formed urnig the- i�� "Not muchee I wouldn't.,, when the Cheyenne Big Ribs rode his horse
ei struck-ine tha, fr "No corsets, eh and legs are broken, their bodiert dwelling there. A
-oletho,rs ofasaistance,- and was anxious to his 61anching cheek. troked "Nos I ir; nor stifl-boned waists, eyether d, = mutilated and they have 4astaLted #;he was 4ufferin Om& :Withhr an ged h d e close up to the. side of a huge bull, an
Within wy re P, g e dis ga an sh a arms
ach of ke anwas fortima4telyall, There was a certain springing -on his b&ek,L iode the valuable tha gold; i
our esftlillahm6t Suppose you tell us just how yon wouid al injuries which will probably cause beauty and to the clo
eser jUew sciehed about her touch, as if she had onee beastforsome distance, andthenwithhis enawe M-uportga, EfulhdiiasW assistant- to 'the known something of these matters. have them rig themselves out." e it its death -stroke.. Or a man death. its freshness and po,
-WE,, q"' -. they Suttenly, auttenly. I'd-haveein wear might find himself in a position of 00 imeal -message that
knife gav Tuesday-
aLovingly and slowly the smoke -grimed broadcloth skirt and a loose jacket for danger, as did Th It is not like az,roi
emae v; Ao. me t ti
h I
e. finge Passed over -the wo derful hai Coming Down the Chimney.
e Trader" who wai comfort, Ain't. that all right?!'- thrown from his horse onto the horns of a smoothing it. In bull,, doth mak(
and niixeia: In. �-A b� -th;6
W- Go on." Some time ago, a certain vicar was called Or long an T en he grew more daring. He touched One of being injured. upon to read a letter for an old woman
bull without
-to.� fie lit, Short sk To fail at last a log, t to -of t 8 h irts to be tidy-jist com'in' to -horns pawed under his belt and supported A lily of th(
, her gentle cheeks, the quiet, the tops of their shoes. him, sin -d at the sain It fairer fai
6�oi - , - Lor - whose son was in Brazil.
littli,j: &ce was pye
stroOg lips. . He- slipped -to her shoulder, e time prevented the
_Kmt co
hen. 11 W 1--� - V -, 11 Yes -what kindf Part of the letter ran as follows Although it fall an
bull from tossing him. :Ia this way he
and- bver the soft shoes?"
folds lot her black dress- 14 Soft leather shoes shaped like a ham was e plant aw
In a mall proportions
"Been gardening?",.4 an carried for some distance' on the animal's kitties (meaning mosquitoes) toiFinent me. And in short measun
It was th
ties command, cannot tell you, dear mother, how the mis- ff1h nd..
All right -and their hatr.?" k it littaff. _e asked coming to foot, air, and flexible like a glove," head, when. the belt gave way and he fell They never leava me alone, but pursue me ihe bib of hor nursing apron.
Places 804gi ita blood was itwas marvelous how the brain, which to the ground nuhurt while the ball ran -fio-, '"A ifiair� iubbing�'hia was laid a
us* and-1hen. a*� ROMfOOK omeihiu' like a veil or a mantill e
opento the day, retained the con- verywhere." Wednezday-That
litmit w nosichatylesas theywear now you bet. logo 40TO, simetig out of: a, tum. sciodoness of one subject so long. To think of that," iziterrupted the old ties exist no one can
but On. .7 angin' down their woman my John must be a handsome Yes -dear she whispered. qualities should exist
nurim' This- -wad i0v And I'd have the hair h
ha I inquired shiny braid." H Wei. -96 - -k 'i -in - - lad but there, I'm interrupting you go
in fia"a, &oat The Sabbath Ohime.
4,6141 n With- "Your old apron is he said, back in a nice will affirm. It was su
have; - ce "There's women that dress like that' on
UOMTO in�.J son." tion of the Creator tl
W&Mr- Ovow-0 we had now22 -Thou art coming, 0 my Saviour. par
t repro" ull touching her breast where said one;of his liaten Th-qu artedming,o my K, gi Indeed, mother," continued the vicar, tures should hoard an
the bl=; own blood -w" alo.,�vly into me and I'll marry her ter- Wo
- -ark f4r 4ry- one In Thybeauty all -resplendent
Mg.. Show
In Th glory all-transeendent.
6-k " - - "' -` L i Aading I close m door and -window of rld's wealth while
_W"�. -Bot �,p leaaut. hear WeIT may we rejoice and sing I pining in penur
r morrowl" an evening to keep them out of my room." ul To osy that these socli
-dim w one just the other day and that �n washer style to a dot." i-Awbe, tenderness that I felt as if I were looking on divine decree or ap
they Atf 10 awhatever is the world coing to ?11
'Cot a'* -On the -women, and'almost a p - rt of Sister's life. "What-wasshedoin'?" ly aw 118 And yet," went on the vicar, " they do His band passed on, and as it touched her 641 sa OneAtheord I saw her eyes soften into such a wonderf wter elm' 'p Dear me," exclaimed the old woman CIle f1dIttgehit oning
omi, _0m
ich was sacred nor g 7 10'.0u. PrIes
0 we not i y
F -4 - _& golden bei I var
'Ll , �$ - wh the cross of Cal ry.
ek-ld d � li " Selling not leave me alone I believe the come results brought about
escort =& Phhent.s, ore ay ighL I saw a little movement as if to baskets and Indian moccasins y eM _.AeVer eao. A& Mar back then she reiolutely held her is the worst possible f
-ww or on the-do6i. She had a blanket ever her ing I We are waiting, down the chimney to get at me.,,
Thou art throtrgh continued the olld ohn Foster.
Position- head." With a hope that cannot fan; Well,lwell, parson,"
belave", But her eyes were dull with a new pain. I But the cr' Asking not theday nor hour, -woman, holdi the:-,dosery to head- won4er-1 have wondered ever since -what woman Resting on Th word of wer.
10*1ilief Bother-. auk whoAnew howa fig up her hands, g' to think '11 arsdLy-Whenev,
jot .0 Rk"Ri:66. ik der -in i4inaud legan uddenl disappeared.
e4 -i 4 � -1.1-1. y 0
ion. ant ti4wqxii e& -cc should dress had a of that ;hew forward of them"
Time appointed may be long.- W1 om in en a fres]
Aerhis wandering to�fich. But the *Won must be rare -
an *tiinbieri 2Y, tie IMB Kitties, of course. W !think- e -extracted -man was araiiaing in *the woman7s heart by
- UHM h memories that poor senseless wreck of a Anchored safe -within t9e, veiL power, it has - spoken 1,
"Of wh ed the vicar. hey have be
cruel in -'h .1 antli f
0 h6ai enthusiasm. A flame
T-sa�t- - Murders by Auskvliain NatiV63- Certainty shan make us Am;4 When 1 --was young, maidens would have not be. IV lienever fai
f7kisimas _ - Marny," he said, "Marny. It was not Joyful patience tan endure.
heart4 little .Samai�t ifi& wa connect", inki. to blushed to do such a thing, and come down aw POPt o liard waiting for me The perils of 6ampifg out in tire interior Oh. the Joy.toseo Thee reigning, a great love, the 013
B kad the chimney, too. Mg enthusiasm, a lica
-q wgrea. reoiL "No, d .tw ew. to hu of Wiestern Australia arestrikingly sho by
wn in
to work all right now, Marny. The' dlesP&te- ive hich Ever
Ze tongue Thy name confessing, h
to leave bad part is all past." report the murders ,of two whites'and theL Wers 1p, honor, glorm blessing. its power has been lost
-"y- men "It wilt -be hesjustrecei dfrom-Perth,w Thee, my own beloved Lord! After a piLuse, the mother's pride pre- a reverence for the as
ai o�d vailing, she went on, 'But John must he
W&a t he it "Yes." Brought to Thee with glad accord I �,T& --Ard t rare hindsome for'the maidens to be after Catholic Church alon(
oft. ot Iwo isaster is the narrow escape of a third man. The victim him to that extent, and I reckon the Miss Ave �W or the rear- AVe Marny, you Thee my X.aster and my Friend. remember -the nI ht -I of the outrage were two brothers named Vindicated amd enthroned I* Kitties is quality folk, too." sainthood ha substitui
t )_no, yourL ea& w0un Glorifled,-adored. And owned! r, 1:716 _ - - - - i - relics of dead saintz.
-1ch 4-' - o, make left-- Maruy-Iwan Robert, and Thomas H-enry,.and a comradei Unto earths remotest n,a The old woman is anxiously waiting for
ON -andende&vbr4A-
ofy=r: con were encamped namod Alitfi. The "men -eak- r ��imka- bo awl I -knelt suddenly and ali ped�niy' nXyh it` Asthey they were attack. bef - I F g ope-a,t ewe -[Francis Ridley Havergl.
the next letter. riday-
In all the. earth t
Ing eir aties. A des in pr.; i Excl uded from 1i waoldine"g-an r th- As Sister's lipe touched his I per Iwithin. his shirt-, for I saw something in his nearthe Richenda, when
_p -hew gh face. ed by a perfect borde o n n her�
f felt his hear Thomas Henry wai -killed A Prayer for Landlord -L
ate fight ensued. go whcr�
to ggth d We can no
e d within hiz So
-was cofttiauoua� th re For he -ywho
49%, breast, and by i spear, an Allen received such wounds on Discove d HfmL
kht �64iQ�
ey ree say Hosces us wiien ,ve 4
t ied in fearful -agony in about th At a in usketry camp in Scotland a party Though n-) one else
-never gave gs a for landlords printed below was approved by ame ce J. was as pale as
It is assumed that the spears we
When she lifted ter fa ihours.
-A- euver guq�,A ren A London newspaper a that the prayer,
d dreadfully the.officer poison to awa an the. w poor Allen siuffere Wherever Ile iay
his. -zo TH re of recruits were parading for firing'. When the eclesiastidal authorities nearly SW And alI our tho, ghts
6T -in 15 , wb(-n Edward VL was
was inspecting the ranks, he told years ago 50 I nust say that I felt like crying -a feel- before Robert Henry -was also king and Henry George of Sam Francisca
qtmr OL his death. a corporal to examine ifie rifles of the rear fie is our bestnd ki
-ounded. ing which. had not bome'to me for 2 years. badly wounded, but he nevertheless manag- rank. ways oil. The landlordsof the Anil guards U., i-1
vpb ijWNips'man. came to I basied-myself urposely with the dead ed to go a horse and ride off to another 'was so To al� Man, anCIL When -did so au&founda man
a ith a very 4 wo
? e The corporal end of mthe 9th century are not the first it And "a'n'a; -7— tu'rze. and found Sister filling -in the papers qaently wa3 taken to town and placed ... teude ir had finished my task I camp for assistance. Th survivor subs
it w lirty rifle. He:- uld listen to be eha= Ith usurping the earth:
0, if we love Him a- neatly tied -h no exqu-je, but broughtthe man up before 0 rt7,1'y pmy Thee to send Thy H oly
hidden accounts, in a serious state. We shall be joyl! ui at
Doe cap r golden hair the Derby Hospizd, where he remained at the officer, saying, Sir� this man has his 8 And on 11 itz r
7.1 said thpirit I oatfie hearts of them that possess
pnp- aSm rifle in a filthy condition.' e gro:d pastures and dwelling places
I agned the certificate, lilacing my name tr00Pers;- with assistants, were to at off That God is alway;
art Theofficer examined the rifle himself, Ahe earth that they r mem. ng h in- low-en4L -th here. nati as the day af' of
-in purauit of. the v ter the 'and asked -the man it'he was not ashamed of :terl a beri t e
For a moment we stood Our eyes met, despatch left, but it waa said the conat may not rack and
1*4-w Thy tenants saw -*ezaidnothing. She moved towards Was so rough that it was doubtful -it t an extra heir houses and &me is
WDA ves t
himself, and aboptpo give him etch=t he rents of' Saturday -F1
would be brought parade when- the man said, "I was in
lands; nor yet take unreasonable Rues and speed it rimices on the d oat tihe the door, and .1 held it open while sh pawed murderers to justice. incomes, after the manner of covetous world. burry this morning,. sir� and' I fetched out
own lifetime tnese tong
tha�tlhfs Two. hour's later 'ieceived the wrol lings; but so let them out to others that ed the Hellespont, kiLi
w" ig one;"
orde indiaed.," said the officer.
rs from the officer min
a in command to send the nurses 4 im e- ack- a Find the inhabitants thtreof may be able to pay
or, Greece, Italy, -hom a have not hi
t�b7k 'e the enemy. 44 w
am' back to heAkuseem Our men were fall. and, the rents, and also honestly to live, to Boar.
r80101k. hoper -I%oe. bot ho owns this rift-, corporal, Mountain
_[Blwkwood$s The Brewers should to Malta go, fetch him up. ish their family and to relieve the poor. --the-bed The Boobles all to Soiiiy�; nor rivers been barrier
Imagine the discomfiture The Quakers to the Friendly Isles6 of the corporal nor oceans balked them
a pair when he had twvcknowledge that the rifle of
arling carolling babes d Pomw*. ftt Workei I Sh�ji t b hill -P!-- wazer ler" to C '11elblieft"tierd
maetits 11is Ifffted Advzoe. br k ournightlyzest ahe Kil�
I ked of to Baby AL
The softest 4ttle lintr of r
Ion. correspondent says he had a unique
To Lapland, or to BrwL :ullo, howd do, Blinks ex
The gemest. most persua
dreat: Brawk
-headcooksg6dertoG A xpenence in a restaurant the other day.
come home -and take tm,with From Spits rem of lWandship. Not- having patronized the establiskin t, Oh, ev� taid me th
And while, the Miserwaits -on the.dasth6t Ishe wolstw,- loveliest lit
t Eris passage to the Guinea coast, celebraWI French befre he cautiously t.pped,, a
preson b journalist- the A0110wiug stery was: related fore a And lapped the cream wi
I am. waiter be -
So whap slib on the table
_pendthrifts are in the straits. 001111a Being his dinner, and then ask-
Ulimsters shmld to -- Needleigo %PAV I � .1. - .: I - .
''Wine-bibberStol ed him what he could recommend from the I only gently put her doy!
r And said -No, no!" and i�:*Bother �B hat Of L dishes
That's all . gund
othes! _u -y Zor Was onoe_Lvery delf-aud the vm
Sandwich- 1de% Gourniandashiiii1lanewAt ' -karing on the menu. Th I shoulahavemade that I
yawan ga -lost- -1 cannot waiter pocketd the coin and whisper ve him -up- as Y4)g_ You waut MY honest advice, air?" She'll sVg Tn the tab
-w-q aw go by Now, large and quick. aii�
Eache an to th ntu�, Malds-to the Ide of -3ftn, wo rtiinl es ce ew=,u my watch
T ud-,
aaj,�h="Wl tollotaniy
rat Gardeneis go Y. 4 t
(half Bay. -,Aiictlier:doctorwi -however, tan Will na choicest d
And Sh6eblai6Wto ikLIm me to whei suceeeded-in� -him, ed In'- ,,;6Well01 imid the waiter e sayri, " Sc�
confidentially, -111m -,th should recommend another restaurmt.9
preseut ijjqkb. Z WIllhbidn6lov er, She's an a dM
�The Arst ne., a bonvalescenti teck
W -P --YQEL* jo 01i Inct-W Antdootir L vrho hear them kni
a 11 1AAd f"I"y d voifty.rovided. hr hl- "hinti gg, alu ho lam the only one to blaini
vortiser r lam 110...mbro
lit greatly fi*W0 to eft She Was so Thou&� Nor in the days when she
th 1i And lappM -the cream wit
wan- A youung 3Eruad I to her been truly ki
Who I nOtOrIOUS $or his conceit I Mhould have made that k
Any- weU-trained- man can fire fifted_n 'the, papleali was
ape, at g in the presence of gavera
AoU per- Ute'fi76*- 14,10 � - - - . 16: make ifleU tiew almut- the eonquextihe had gain. -p over me female heart ahabitanti; of South and FAis t& �oai L We t- tt ]& 'ie 11 -Look,"' add he here's a handsome
---We am sti, A 01wr 0
An Irishman, walking 4
Lbe "We time round a - beali T anpr
ia in -m_V bo&� D ' :11 , I L -ppent I had from my jut: humWoraft at4g Lul
keg- db- -kpthe' ., - -. Y -A6 BAit-113iW�what 4, *=day, saw something I
All admire& the artide, mlikh,
On ttin he saw
do of.its qn&1ftyL ate
-1i a 98 g nearor
"M in so to walked on.
hi 9 c-dia- rd rvw - W '1"Wt-p� 46 M. , z - . Onor aven", r.,Un -- - L-
A p6licenwa noticing t
_X7W V. -d RM -k -, You must come alonj
car B&MOL-P -.7 What for?" exclaime
pir ut
,on the am&
AnsWered xoticed- iL11 id the i
-d4 cow th(
passing raonel i. of tft,,r 'Pa.y, of 97r