HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-09-22, Page 5id tise 0u at 110 ri- 3f' IIt t )e Exchange €Ieanings.. Out of 40 who wrote at Clinton -for third class certificates' only seven Were successful, and of theme .three were ministers' sons. . Brussels levies a rate of 20 mills- in the $ this year. Mr. Love, of Walton, recently -so his 50 -acre farm and bought anoth one near Cranbrook. Nearly $200 was taken in a collecti at Trivett Memorial church one Sunda recently. Harvest Thanksgiving services being held. in all parts of the county, Jas. Tyner, Belgrave, recently sol his sawmill to E. Livingston. The proprietors of the Clinton Newa- Record purpose dissolving partnership. They proved to be a good newspaper team and have built up a lai'ge business. We hope they will change their minds and `stay with us." Zurich fair was not a success on ac- count of the rain. Mr. Robt. Holmes, of the Clinton New Era, has been enjoying a trip to Chicago, Winnipeg, and dear only knows where else. "Bob" has now got over the notion that "the hub" is the only place on earth. Clinton must be a good • news- paper town, however, for one editor was able to bank $10,000 in a day re- cently, and now another one can af- ford a trip:around a part of the world. Mr. Wm. Cudmoae, of liippen, has shipped from Clinton, Seaforth, Bruce - field and Kippen, in the past weeks, over 400 tons of pressed hay to Toronto. John Slemmen died suddenly of heart disease near Ethel Iast week. The de- ceased was born in England and came to Canada in 1842 settling in Victoria County. He moved to Grey township in 1854, taking up 200 acres of land, then bush; and which by his labor and energy was speedily trans- formed into fruitful fields. About 35 years ago he was united in marriage to Miss Ann Tindall, who, with four sons (Wm., Thos., Chas. and John) and one daughter (Miss Mary A.) survive a kind husband and father. .Blow We give a list of winch,our readers icy be inf�ere Western ...-...London '{ lfiPa Mitchell.- stoni�Iort :.Palmerston "` EEr27�: < -.aMitelien_ " M°1134n -0 ,•BMilvertou 27 - North Western. Winghanm rrn. .. ».Wslkeirten.. H _ eHington...Harristtiin " Nom wesism H•oderieh.. t57'L9 Elora. , d . North Perth -St ati�ord ......... ." 229.50 er ' OWICK. Fordwich October ginioss t.Lucknow " 4 5 South Huron a $ea%rtlit 4...s., " .. t)BETE$ Wroxeter _ : 4,5 On East Wawanosb..-.Belgrave " Arthur union Arthur " `v4-"5' y Woolwich Elmira..: " , 4- 5 Huron Central. Clinton ,. `II 6- 7 East Huron. ...Brussels: are Clifford Clifford " 6- 7• Morris Blyth • .... " .11.12''. Ashfield Wawanosh ..Dungannon..:.a 4 13-14 d , High School Exams. The following are the selections -for the High School entrance examinations for 1893: .I.rTERATVBE., Lesson 5.-Pictures'or Memory. Less. 10. -The Barefoot Boy. Less. 19. -The Death of "the Flowers. 23. -The Face Against thePane. 24. -From the Deserted Village; „ 25. -Resignation. 40. -Ring Out, Wild Bells. . . 42. -Lady Clare. 52. -Jacques: Cartier. 91. -Robert Burns, 92. -Edinburgh after Flodden. 98. National Morality. 100. -Shakespeare.. - 102. -The Marchant of Venice -;-First' Reading. 104. -The - Merchant of : Venice - Second Readgs SELECTIONS FOR M-EMORSZATION. !FOUR'Pli READER. 1. -The Bells of Shandon, pp:- 51:52: 2. -To Mary in -Heaven, pp.97-98.... 8. -Ring out, Wild Bells, pp, -121-122. 4. -Lady Clare, pp.128-180.' • 5. -Lead, Kindly Light, p. 145 6. -Before Sedan, p.199. - 7. The Three Fishers, p.� 220. . 8. -The forsakenMerman,-pp..298-802. 9. -To a Skylark, pp. 317=€320. 10. Elegy, written. -in G. country churchyard, pp. 231,835. Also see section 22, circular No. 7, of new "course of study" for. public schools of county of Huron. PUBLIC, SCHOON LEAVING AND' . PRIMARY EXAMINATIONS._ SELECTIONS FOR LITERatgRE.-1893.- PERTH. Mitchell's rate of taxation istwo cents. , A trampish looking young fellow, who gave the name of Donovan, was arrested at Listowel on Friday night last, by Constable Osborne, on the authority of a telegram from Wingham. Donovan had hired with a farmer named Richard Hogg, near Wingham junction, a few days previous, and while the family were away he entered the house and stole a couple of . gold rings, a pair of pants and some -money, and boarded the mixed train coming east. Con- stable Osborne found,tke stolen property in his possession, and lodged him in the "cooler" until the arrival of the chief of. police from Winghain the next day, when the prisoner was taken back to Wingham. WELLINGTON. John Watt, son of the proprietor of the Watt House, Palmerston, had the misfortune to,break his leg on Saturday last by a horse -falling on him. The regular shooting match of the: 80th Battalion willtake plats in Giielph on the -80th inst., and we understand that Lieut. Bolton intends taking down a team frons Harriston. Three years ago they . took first and we trust " they will do as well this time. On Thursday -last John Praine, sales- man for the Cotswold cheese factory, and Jas. Connell, salesman -for the Har- riston cheese factory, sold- their August make for the big price of 101/16 cents' per pound. The two faciorieswill ship over 1,300 .boxes, averaging 7E- pounds per box. On Monda t last there, were slipped from Harriston over :1,900 lambs and. MS= barn -on Sat -day: morning.-- two orning-- two car losds'of<esttle.4. - Lesson 3. -The Trial -Beene in.: the "Merchant of Venice." -i:-Ta Daffodils. 20. -The Bard. 20. -The Land o'' the•Leal: - 80. -To a Highland Girl: 34. -The Well of St. Keynes - 86. -Go where Glory Waits Thee. 87. -Dear Harp of my Country. 88. -Come ye Disconsolate. 41. -The Cloud. 42. -On first Looking into Chapman's. Homer. 43. -On ` the 'Grasshopper •and the Cricket, ' 46. -The Bridge of Sighs.. 47.-A Parental Ode to my Son. 49. -Indian Summer. 50. -Helen. 51.-Horatius. - 58. -Each and All. 60. -The Diver. 67. -The Hanging of the Crane. . 79. -The Lord -of Burleigh. 80 -Break, Break, Break. . 81.--t-The "Revenge." - 89 -The Old Cradle. 90. -.Rugby Chapel. . Eiseman PEose.--In English Com- position theexaminer will allow a choice. of subjects, some - of which `must be based on the following, with which the candidate is -expected to iaamiliarize, himself by careful - reading 1898. SCOTT,- The Talisman. - r A fire has ablest wiped out the town of_Olknsz, Russia.::-Itundredsare"horee less and destitute: Geo. Mahler, & 'well-to-do .farmer: of` ,Delaware township,, banged himself -in One day Ja t `week J 041agher,' of Minto, was ;driving some young cattle- ' from one field to a loner when two. young steer$ hegan o fegli .Iffti.-Galr lagher ran ;Pp- ' to thele 'and , tried to. separatethein , ate_ rle doing .sat was knocked dower and fell nndei` the lfur iated beasts, being. - badly trampled fln Fortunately his -fad thfiil: collie, dog was along and put the steers to flight. BRUME -. The Walkerton brand' of theW.C_.. T. U. have engaged" :Mrs. Owens cox for a series of lectures-dtag-• tober. The Port Elgin ooundilis again adver tising the roller mills for sale, this -t by tender. Mr; Witty has failed five carry out his agreement to .remoi mills up town; Wiarton is to h:a -- popular popular evangel & Hunter.. meeting :Mrs. For the Fall Trade,' Are Arrivin Which has been long neede`d�anilooked mounted on linenandwood rollers. Wer.coloring makes ft 4"erY44iStinct and effectiv HE SCHOOL SECTION l EI.o Those who ewe looking;. for good_ value, and. can spare the time, should see the fol lowing. lines- which are reduced to close out : s THE"FARMEi; NERDS PRIG; Publissheedd by .: W. Cooper Tfent by Eesti° IMA ns N NDS,.t}I l Booksellers and $tats'-oi School Globes and all kinds of Maps andSchool our traveller will call on you. rite ter: prior an& All lines at and soiree. below cost. orri o Embroideries, Some good bargains. Art Musline, A good article at 8c. and. roc. Straw Hats, For the irhen. - . • For the Dining Hoorn, _ For the -Hail, For the -or. Ft 'tied Slot For the Elmet At cost. 'elt Hats, PRICE$ DOWN; A new, full stock and prices all reduced. Min's Tweed Pants: A good line at$r. bee_htre about Getting aFurnace: Lamp Goods, butler; Toweling. A fine assortment at 5c. per yard and ttpwar-ds., en's 'Union Socks. Woolard Cotton, 13c. per pair. In . Iepair Done to -Order and in First Clasa:Style ... We are showing. a Ladies' Oxford Slipper @ 9I to 91:26, which are, without doubt, the best value In the market.' If contemplating purchasing a Snit or ragLverooat we would ask you to aep our stook.: and Prices. If you buy you will save money, and if you don't buy it will not cost you anything to see the goods. -3472. rile; The Span ish ,o-ove!nalent 1iAye de- cided to d glare t.--12 a perpetual holi- dayi roOmli emoratien of<the discovery: of America Witt for tries of the petition- against the return *oft Mr. Bennett as hzeinber forEast Simcoe bas been ex- tended until. December The Sheri of -'Welland- county has Seized the picnic. oad running from Fort Erie to • Forb Erie grove. It is claimed that ;certain regulationswere not complied with. • Somebody 'sent ell evernrnoor- Flt ver,_ of New =-York, a i or two ago,.:buts -the ,-nature _ of the s" urachi lei' was discovered br;fore alley harm -was gasp lr Montrea .y our Saturday Bargain Miscellaneous Counter. P. 8. -Prices quoted forgoods on the Counter are for 8aturda r. only. ALL INVITED. tell € mile e `bound.. sills an •tile Oman i ret ynnrnrsde