HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-09-22, Page 3--mgm 2 7 of' D a much LATE - n'T I tift" are,- ful 9_. Thirty-three million seven A deal oi ft -auto" lm,,e k0s, intorestin hundred-tl6d_ t iTleaw --- .7 , ` , Done 0 Liglkten the riv- sightsaround' ,till with anl passengers were carried by the L66doh- of �A dseVery Gavy tor 330 da er Population and its 'Tramways 4Gompany f while mechanical ingennity hawbeOp city drit!g the,- p (d Thia floating it - --oraino,444ti As eornpa�ed aw"lf -;nore-pr or Y Iseetimat- 43uLutm Lug ov 't ra- "Meoft gard to th !Igh labors of the farmer and mak -ve Ith My with othoW tries in re teninithe 'numbe er 300jW _'peo- - ar- -4n,an J11-ke Rt and untl have amazing develD� Ing them at the same time more productive pinents of the p e w o recognize no other home tha I h It is reported that Mr. Li6boucherb lost s1voik'Vi6iften- 'bla*lhi� tb- W� �iting for n these 10W Years agriculture hasno.,occasi,a scientific stude ts in the laboratory and the boats and -spent from birth fifteen -new hats over be _61 whose lives are to upon the general COIL Mit" Most TO - take a back seat. " For while it is the upon tlie4-.1v ; in fact, they -are not perd ges, 1111", -or amything.4 experimental fields have made the election, and won nine. ed* , 6r, 7er has to "r8t Of tr-gustries i valu-.ble and interesting discoveries. Tt'l'e I Importance, it has been mitted t6 --know any other habitatic The Bri tmes they use -blacking, so. dreary deserts -,0_4j -raw sh Medical Association have re- helped and ai ti ed by the brain and hand nature of th Plante, of the vital Theoe-boat houies are of different Si solved t Ja4s TO enng-to-the-stovei:. the, 0 work of arl the others, and the mechanic functions of � so", If een zes, ai I admit dalv oualified'wome will pay all the living things, have b ii� the kitchen,. covering all, ot, thi a U4' V � of various shapes, the larger number bein 'tors as members. are discovered, and the new knowledge has 9 whose hand 'or mind Sampans or 8 et A butcher fishing in the Grand Sri Y 'Phi the inven t,r tire chemiat, in fact every ma� lipper boats, about 20 fe they will its "fid A t iii-th men, opened a vast book in which the tiller of rrey he -species a is engaged in work - long,'with movable telescopic roofs of ham. Once a month is Of ten enemgh to � apply w u6 - - -Z - ­- I - 11Y kind, is either directly (f the Soil, the breeder of animals, the dairy- canal, caught with his book and line a hand- blacking a stove,- provided-,the.-kithen . is In IMOO- or indirectly -half their bag containn thirty-nirie Id rings and keptclean.' I nelitli �.n oppor- a co0tributor to the fa boo Covering them for-ahout one 90 to t is easy enough tolean a Often- batch fire from the rarier. these boats are, they' gold and a ;,s turned Fifty yeairs a il" g more thaw 99-0. k man, the fruit grower, and all the indus-, length. Ao smad as er coins worth chemiedfefian of -the Wax' upon ike 90P when it may be aid tile trious workers in the broad field of agricul not only accommodate one family, but fre- iiahen, but she- only 48,6 niqdflious- ch oco- who keeps her kit - like -materiaL Imosphere furnish performed by an implies con oratorio, eat began, the farmer had en clean. T present era of amazing mechanical develop- quently that of one df the ions, space being gh' ture may read the secret processes by whi On one of the light Irish railways . I' keeper; t ual biggest of fresh. water tab, th the soil anl the covering at economized in the most ingenious manner Motion is successfully in care, especially -of the The engine constructed to burn oil - 'fueL stove-; care ipeaks iik made chiefly of wood, the a poor plow, all the needs of organic life and make the and in decided contrast to the dwellings on as ofthe ashes that -they do . -not. a," of'. the Amazon, in -South xe. scythe only for his tools, and very little else t ra ingrows-to six feet M-Clength. hoe, and the earth a fitti ishore, they are kept scrupulously clean. b1mking tha it Zmeg:i% ng habitation for the human Mr. Nichols, the husband of �Charlotte' float about, and of the very le, which wasneeded, after the ax, to run a farm. Then race. A great majority of the,men go oil shore Bronte, is said to be still livin in a remo does not - be te come a source of dirt. If, by On theicy peaks of the imalayas, in d icon- the farmer was everything for himself, and And all these improvements lead on from during the day for eml,loyment, leaving the part of lrelan& some untoward accid,t$ something is'sPill- India, is a 6.snow- maggot,,, weighing near- greatest was much as a P-ekbOrle might be c-mpar- the first and simple -at to an equivalent pro- wive, and children to work the oars and ply Mr. Naroji, the.Parsee rnemb. er ed, on the stove, it should be cleaned off at 'ly a Pound -lind'&-eellent to cat, d to the flVing railroad train or gress in intelligence and, mental culture. . the trade of boatmen, and it must be said ment, appeared with Of, Parlia-1 01tep,and not allowed to burn into the stove, Indi the great a copy. of the Zend ian newspapers e world steamship of to -day. But about that time The man who uses a z�. aebine cannot be a they do it with great satisfaction to those Avesta, (in which to take the�requird.oaii� A- - heavy flannel rag should be kept on hand teacher -in Lackharabad who was attacked y wiles the inventor and the inechani mere machine himself; he must be a think. who have the need of water carriage. The of office. He was told that be. must either f6k this purpose. In case a very obstinate by a lion -and kept the animal at bay with a t in their ork, and improved c began to Plat, er; and while the hand work iis lighte ed mother of the family is found frequently take the oath on the Ne w- Testament or af. grease -spot, kerosene, a very liAle may be common broom until assistance arrive(L e richer, van of Plow" led the and made more efficient, the head work, nthe' I rowing with one baby strapped to her back, firm., and he chose the latter method. used. Where syrup, or. anything of a thy face Charles Woods, a druggist -of Harleston, brain -the mind of the man -is developed while alongside of her is the next in age sugary nature is, Spilled, it is very difficult Mist: Ellen Terry recalls th England,. has &,brood If white black -birds, at she -once 'to take it up, and it is probably the best learned A WONDERFUL COURSE and made more active, with the result that learning to row and preparing to add to the told tage-struck woman that it was us a fact which is vouched for by several e way to let it burn to a. char and then take promine it -raised in the scale of intelliaence and up Of improrement. Then came t in every other part of life and work- our urces of the family. The children of less f6r` a novice to atempt, to make her which i� the corn planter a he seed drill, reso ad other like machines race is nt omithologists and naturalists. tile great end and purpose of our existence a a actress unless She was possessed Sowing and planting the seed in the bet- these cases are unha A couple of wild pigeons were recently vhicb, if for the family, many of whom are babies, play mark a n All corrupt ter -prepared soil.. around the bo,�ts as- carelessly as though of extreme beauty or genius. "She replied," pp�y, untoward Reollets bash, Quebec. The i are satisfied more nearly than ever before. they were in a nursery on shore, and to pre- accidents. The expert housekeeper does shot in Sault aux ,ct from ncreased crops call for Something vent accident from drowning among the s -Miss Terry, "that myadvice made not allow suQli- accidents to happen often. A sportsman says it is over twenty-five "a better than the scythe, the sickle, and the hey the more resolved, because she had -it is unavoidable fh6t a little grease should years since specimens f these birds were a kin4 gr out Weevils. very young boys they li.�tve a float attached both." fall on the stove in broiling, unless there is seen'there. %in cradle and these were quickly dis Ab 6 vacant placed by, & mow i ng machine, the horse An entomological authority sas that the to their waists, in the shape of a small piece A woman recently made her 48th appear- a regular broiling arrangement attached th In the Mammoth Cave.of Kentucky are I that if they fall over and drop rake, T�nd later by the hay loader and the pea weevil is kill of bamboo, a :orn out wn to scientists s bruehus ance in a London police court, accused of thestove. Insucha c-sethe grease must pools containingsh whieh are quite blind. piiiimp Into the river they may be easily fished out eal with hay elevator, by which the crop 1*9 now put pisi, and is not much larger than a again. Since girl babies are not considered being drunk and incapable. She pleaded be wiped off the instant the broiling ceases, This is a curious example of the way. in ill the barn without the touch of a hand. flea. It is of a - rusty black color, with that"She had found it a long time between minates useless organs, for The barveser improved year by year, has more or less white oa the'wing covers, and of very much importance in China, .it 'a driiks, haviDg come out of prison with a heavy flannel cloth kept for the pur- which nature eli 'o a pro. led to theself. ' rather a matter of indifference as to whether the oise. Otherwise it will burn in and make eyes would; of course, be quite -useless in binder, a machine as intricate a distinct white spot on the hinder Part of previous day after a month's confinement. an- ugly and unseemly stain, But all the -this region of -P�rpetual darkness. and effective as the w0man)s sewing ma. the thorax. The beetles begin to appear they drown or not. The magib,trate took.,the same view and dis- other accidents are easily avoidable. says hine, aud, which goes through the great about the time the peas are in blossom, and The boats COMDOSiDg this floating city are charged her. Hunters near Caledonia, Pa., are ex. all moored closefy together, each with its In blacking the stove at the. monthly citedveranow--white deer seen several ig men fields with its wide swath, cuts the when the young pods form the female appointed anchorage, forming long water The last giraffe in the Iondon Zoological blacking, remove the nickel work. This is qmes recently in the m6untaLas. It is gra luscious dn,',"athers it and binds it into sheaves, weevil lays b er eggs on tile surface. Thee-- lanes or streets, thmugh which the traffic of gardens recently, died. and the institvtibn easily done, as it is merely screwed om as pure as nimbly and kn, Its the twine as tightly as eggs are a dark yellow in color, three times th ave is, for the first time since 1836, without a Black the stove thoroughly, dampening the said ' to li� a � large buck with spreading as long as wide, and larger anteriorly than their municipal regulations, which are living specimen of this animal. It has had �bld6king, if convenient, -with a little coffee woman the strongest 'human fingers can do, and . .1 - I e community takes plaae. They h- antlers, and as fleet as the wind. A party- r wife , � I poster�o�i of hunters who -saw the animal last fired at then tosses the shea aside, taking twenty Y. Some times 15 or 20 are laid strictly enfor in all thirty specimens,. If which seventeen rather than water. After applying'the wet it but failed to hit it. m your- acres for its day,s work, and thus doing the In a single pod. Bub - only one of them ced by river police, as must ere born on the place. blacking wi . th - one bush to If what necessarily be the case with such a large w a small pbrtion Fork of twenty men. And thus with gang batches or survives. The newly-batdhed of the stove, polish it off with a dry brush, Plow, the modern barrow, the seed drill larva is yellow with a black head. It population, and every condition of life on Replying to a correspondent, Mr. Chain- and after the whole stove has been polished BuUo and the self -binding har7ester, th wheat is' gnaws through the pod and into the' shore has a similar condition on the water. berlain's private secretary writes --."The wen* Countless in the Old Day& u tinent from ,�enever -eighth Pe ever in the pod. floating stores and market boats for tbe sale introduced in the next Parliament. if n grown for 13 cents a bushel, or one y have question of old -age pensioiis is certain to be Once an inhabitanf of this con' dutyis e nearest, To a pply the rl(�cessities of life the in this way, rub and polish it with a chamois a, its track soon growing k pt for the purpose, or a clean cotton cloth. eknow the cost of the former method of woik, the Before pupation it euts a place in the pea 0 This last process removes the dust of the the Arctic, slope to Mexico and from Vir- a of meat,fish, and vegetables, and almost one else does so, Mr. Chamberlain will bi gini tad He whole ciat of the grain being now reduced the thinness of' mere -membrane, cleans everything that a household requires is self brin ",the matter forward." in- blacking. No patent blackings, wbich have 16 to Oregon, and,- within the memry of roclaim. to that of the plowmg alone under the meth- out the place and lines it with & sort If brougb t from boat to boat in these water 9 been invented to do away with the labor of men yet Young, roaming the plains in such ver we ods of fifty years ago. Paste. Some of the beetles issue in the streets by pedlers and tradesmen. Then The Duke of Aosta has signified a desire polishing-, caulle recommended as durable. numbers that it seemed that it could ne Ver Farm�ng is n fall, but generally not unO the next year, to be present at some of. the larger sales of They require t I a be coutiriiially renewed, and be 'exterminated, the buffalo has now dis- 'ch de. ot now clodhopping. The there are flo-ating kitchens connected with horses which take place in Irel i appeared as utterly as has the bi8on from workmar� rides and merely guides his in&- being plantedwith thepeas. They never lay and at this do not take the'place of the old-fashioned render other boats krown aq flower boats, which time of the year, and arranvements have Europe. chine, holdiDg the reins, as the engineer their eggra on the surf�ce of dr peas. Hence, are not floating conservatories, as their been made accordingly for hi -in to visit that blacking. The early explorers were constantly y 'Ine or the lever, in his bands ; and h f seed 'is kept over two years, the beetle dies 1130 we Imay, if be names might imply, but restaurants or din. country. astonishedbytb - ultitudinousherdswhich i t e will, bitch the locomotive to the plowsand without issue. If thrown in water, the ing halls, gorgeously fitted up with gilded Golden Thoughts for Every Day. thy met with, theTregularity of their move- cover twenty-five acres a day. The baggy peas will float and may -be thrown Mr. M. A. Manning, of Waterford, Ire- away. Careful experiment has shown that ador - niaents of many kinds, handsome wood ments, and the deep roads which they made I'ERFECTION OF MACHINERY embroidered silken hangings, and land, has the distinction of being perhaps Monday- not more than 2 to 4 per cent. of these will br illum the tallest and heaviest cyclist in the world. God sets a stUl small voice iu_Uavelling from place to place. Many of carvl.ug,l 11111. inatios. These are for the He stands 6 ft. 6 in., weighs 308 lbs., and Deep every soul within; the em lier references axe to territory east is now almost complete for machines are in grow. Different insecticides will kill them, purpose of giving dinner parties, and are it gnidech to the right, use on which the driver does nothing but Such as camphor,ohloroform,etber and bioul- ter- rides 'a solid -tired safety bicycle specially &nd warneth, us of sin. f the Mississippi, bat even within 1 -be last ass and guide it while a boy feeds it with plants, phide of carbon, if the Pe" are closely shut used by the wealthier Chinamen to en constructed for him, and which only vv�igbs fifteen Vears buffalo were to be seen on the n our and a big f tain their friends. During the intervals be. 47 lbs. If we that voice obey, Western plains in numbers so great that an lager takes these and sets them in and submitted to the fames of these tween the courses the guests are regaled ty of in the ground, and others prass down the ingredients, -the best of which is the carbon A London schoolboy brought to his teach- Clearer its tones will be, entirely sober an& truthful account seems with tile performances of a number of hand. Till all God's will for us like fable. Describing the abundance of Df the soil w"ile something else spills a quart of su!phide, which is inflammable and must b6' er the other day a lefter from a *physician somely attired "Sing -Song" girls, the pro Clearer. than noonday we see. all its water on the plant, and a hundred plants used with care. The bean weevil, known stating that " this boy is unfit to attend buffalo in a certain' region, an Indian once fessiorial lyric artists of China, who delight world are thus set -while the story of it is read. as bru�!hus faboe, resembles the pea weevil. the ears of the Chinese guests, but to a school for 304, days." The long and rather If we that voice neglect, said to me, in the expressive sign language exact aroused the teacher's Fainter will be its tone; of which a0 old frontiersmen have some bul Or another takes the whole potatoes and It is said to be native, and to have been sell European the sounds given out by these period named If still uuheeded it bravu cuts them, and drops and covers the first in Rhode Island. The general color is suspicions and he discovered that the phy. knowledge, "The country was one robe." g and cuttings and a quantity of fertilizer all tswny gray with more or less dull yellow. sireris are torturing to the extreme sician had written " 3 or 4 days." This the Will leave us quite alone. Much has been written about their enor- But of all the odd boats in this motely boy had changed to 11 304 days." 0 grief! to be allowed mous abundance in the old days, but I have spirit ready for th e young plants. Thus the to- Wheras only one pea weevil will live in a group perhaps the most Singular are those Togo our own wild way; never read anything that I thought an ex, lation, bacco, the cabbage, and the pc)tato crops single Pea, several bean weevils find a home in which they rear ducks and geese, many One of the most curious incidents of the Lord, hold Thy children back, t does are planted, or may be, at less than one-tenth in the larger beau. They breed in the d Lost we So madly stray. aggeration of their numbers as I hqve seen ry of them containing as many as several hun- late, election occurred in the Bermondsey them. Onlv one who has actually spent, eathe of the former cost and with ten times the bean as long as a bean is left to feed dred in one boat. The ducks are sent out Division, when a boy of fourteen. recorded A us to attend rapidity. The eggs are laid on the bean pod and d months in tiaveling among them in those old e in so on. T To IT'p sweet voice divine; away, And the harvested crop is taken in band, the pupa gnaws through to its home, in the, usually twice a day to feed along the marsh. his vote. To every one's astonishment he be. i._thejud!Ftnent day, days cauredit the stories told abont.thent. ions so to spe%k, by machinery, is separated from bean. Some issue in the fall, and others es and mud fields by the shore, and they walked boldly into the booth and calmly Own us, good Lord, is Thine. Once, in the ountry between the Platte are recalled by a signal from &whistle. At demanded hip ballot paper. His name was b can the straw, cleaned, drawn into spouts, stor -�Anonymous. and Republican Rivers, I saw a closely mass- - go through the winter to begin their work this sound the feeding instantly aeases, and found to be duly on the register, and he ed 2, 000 ts a Tuesday -They have defied barriers of ed herd of b aro so vast that, I dare not new ed in elevators, run into cars, carri in the a g. A new generation is soon they return to their respective boa with took the I th that he was th-e identical per- aff miles in the time it formerly o�ccupied in hatched Prti next spring in the dry beans, promptness that is simply astonishing. The son without the least hesitation.' - hazzard a guess as to its numbers ; and in itself th o time as of natioval boundaries. Cbrysostom, -for riv I Augustine, Savonarols, Hass, Wyckliffe, later years I have travelled for weeks at a. carriage for a hundred, and is in a constant ready to repeat this operation in the field. latest ar a is always taken up and given time, in northern -Montana, without ever power stream like a rivgr pears itself out over the A very small per cent. of effected i,earls will a beating with a Lamboo, and on the next Luther,.Cranmer, Whitefield, Wesley, Fin; being out of sight of - buffalo. -[September d lose breadth of a continent, And it is never grow. The same remedies are applicable as recall that duck is 'invariably the first to IZON'S A. ISCOVERIES. ney, Beecher, Bushnell -how on'these and Scribner. tivity, touched by the hand of a man, except that for the pea weevil, except that of keeping many ocore of other such tongues of fire come on board, thus showing the wonderful ][le Sol Ves the Problem of the- Water Part I to be the engineer who controls the whole work the beans over to the second year. efficiency in the bamboo in inculcating inu- Between the Congo and the Nig r. hav� rested I How ike a stream of fire, ctical- touches a magic wand, which sets in motion punctuality. �e consuming the evil and enkindling the good Spare the Woodpecker. ength all the various machinery by which the work Eye a Good Crop. In the midst of this gay A banquet was given in Paris recently, with a noble warmth and illumination, has Dr. E. Sterling, of Cleveland, in corre.' labor, is done. And it is for this that railroads life may be seen at which over 400 persons as . sembled,. in been th-, history of the cburch!�[Lyman spondence with Insect Life, describes the water have been built, reaching out gigantic arms E. S. Henry writes about the value of the funeral boat passing silently by, crowd- honor of Lieut. Mizop, who had just return- Abbott. rye, and giving his system of rotation. He ed with mourners; in the centre the coffin, attack -of some insect on the elms along an you embracing the whole world, and gathering ed from his grows rye after ensilage corn, and his plan covered with a heavy pall and trimmed with explorations. FAch guest had_� Wednesday- avenue during the summer of 1880, and wiLh in all this wealth of field and farm. The before,him a map of the region between the A thought is but a little t' says Fearing a repetition of the trouble, powerful steamships, by which the ocean is is thus stated : I have for years grown rye green branches. This is one occasion when Congo and Lake Tchad containing the itin- That nobo)r, can see; numbers ansformed into a mere way for other rafl- a erary of the explorer. luizon's chief dis- Yet a realjoy or� sorrowing 9 the fter ensilage corn in this manner: im- a member of this colony takes to the land of us fought the cocoons in the fall mediately after cutting corn barrow th r- During life they may have no home on shore, That thought -may come to be I and-destroye thousands, but when winter g 1 oads, are but different vehicles for all the I tinction is that he has solved the question set in tens oughly with spring -tooth barrow, sow but they cannot be refused a grave in the of thousands still remained - on commerce se one A word I 0, what call well be least the the t in motion by the new agricul- earth. of the water parting between the Niger and -outer branches beyond reach. About wells ture, as different from the old as the reason- bushel rve per acre, barrow again and roll In almost every way the the Congo basins. He has followed from And yet by every one the lot of September a pak of hairy wood- 2, ifying ing animal of the present is from th down with heavy field roller. Gown in this land and river its source to its mouth the Sanga River, There comes sweet peace or bitternesEb al germ' way, rye is one of the most profitable crops Populations are utterly distinct; the former And good or ill is done., peckers made their appearance and fed ,fts us from which by gradual evolution he and has proved that it ip one of the most daily on the grubs. In the course of that upen the farm representing the largest re- oo a down upon the latter as an alien caste, An action; all the h ttle deeds beau- has grown to the ability to originate and trn southern 8113 Irnpor�ant afflurnts of the Congo. It That ripple through the day, month Pnd th� next over a dozen of these ce in condct these vast enterprises which make with the least labor. In A marriages between Cie two classes are empties into the Congo not far from. What right or wrong from each proceeds warm up tile work of mnk ind of the present day. New England to obtain the best results ' unknown. evertbeless, in spite of their the equator, comes from the far north Before they pass away I birds -were added to the number, and by rye should be sown -from September 15th to Peculiar surroundings, these many thou. 7 t6irindustry on this particular pest at. plain But as thesoil is brought under culture Octobr lrith; sown earlier, unless fed sands live and thrive comfortably. and its head m aters are near those of the Great God, my actions. words,and thoughts trated the attention of ail who passed. feel, and the wealth of it is drawn upon; it itself down, it is apt to make too much growth Benue, the greatest tributary of the Niger. Are all observed by Thee; Suffice -to say that when March came not a ile, has to be fed, and these drafts repaid. And Mizon has shown that this river is about May 1, by Thy goo 8 irit taught, cocoon was to be seen in those places where veins the chemist, and even the miner, and the before winter; fown later, not growth A BROKEN DOWIq MAN, 1,0W miles in length, and ranks in impor- Live always caremly. - [H. Bateman. the branches were literally white with them enough to prevent winter killing- Sownby smelter of iron, and the men who div, into tance fourth am3ng the Congo tributaries, Thursday -You may take -any part in magic o I September 15th it can -be pastured in late efore. woodpeckers �did the work for Id not the bowels of the earth for salt and other fall without injury. Treated in this manner Defaulter Lee of St. John, W.B.. Tells Ho the Mobangi, the Kassai, -and the Lom- Livingstone's character and analyse it --are- them, as they have never trouble& the trees that minerals are busy contributing to these after corn a very heavy growib is obtained Ile Got Into Trouble. W ami alone surpassing it. fully, and I will challenge anyman to find here sinm I have always found the native Another fact which makes Mizon's jour- 9 it NEEDS OF THE SOIL. without additional fertilizers. The yield fault with it. His -religion is a constan,� woodpecker family -the greatest destroyer this A St. John, N. B., dispatch says:- Al ney conspicuous is that he Succeeded in push, earnest, sincere practice. It is neither of insects in every stage of their develop- The use of artificial fertilizers and the manu- should average from 25 to 30 bushels of reports to, the contrary notwithstanding, ing his way entirely across the great 0 at, and these bird should be protected rg is factu e of them are by no means of small rye per acre -this with very little labor r, olln- demonstrative nor loud, Vid manifests itself me a and account in this category. Millions of tons except for harvesting; witW, the rye yon, r pond-ent is in a position io state try of Adamawa. He says it comprises a in a quiet, practical way, and is always at by the farmer and orchardist in-particalar, - succession of elevated plateaus, atd is cer. -be it t he maligned 'amp -sucker' or the that no attempt has yet been made'to ex rners. of pliosphates from various sources are. leaves the land in most excellent condition work. In him religion exhibits its loveliest dear- tradite defaulter Lee from Boston, and that tain to have a great future. Its altitude of 61 be safely features it governs his conduct not only more conspicuous yellow hammer. A few �4 gathered, and not a small part of them is for stocking down, and this can none will be made. lie has surrendered 4,500 to. 7,500 feet makes it tC very- healthy towards his servants, but towards the na- old ham or beef bones with a little meat We procured from the slag of the iron furnaces, done with clover, prior to August Ist. To every dollar h-, possessed in security of all region, 'and a large part of it, Miion says, tives, the bigoted Vabomedans, and all who on them hung up pri the orchard trees in n it, and farm'ers owe that much at least, tothe obtain best results, stocking should be top- kinds and has given Messrs. Baird and can be colonized by white people. Itspopu- winter time will keep these birds in the face! skillful inventors of new and improved dressed in late fall. With such treatment I come in contact with him. Without it, can azen much- information concerning the lation is largely composed of the great Fula Livingstone, with his ardent temperament, neighborhood during the season. methods of making iron and steel, by which have just finished cutting nine acres of very manner in which he has created bonds and people of the Soudan, who are farmers and his enthusi&em, his high spirit and courage Lness the injurions phosphoric acid is taken from heavy clover, averaging over two tons per mortgages belonging to various estates of cattle raisers. -M-*Zon says Adama must have beeorne uncompanionable and "I Vw1ous Modes of BurW. wa ex - even the iron and s'aved for the use of the farm- acre, from stocking sown the last day,of whi,h he was the legal representative. tends further toward the south than had cc of hard master. Religion has tamed him and The Mabometans always, whether in tbetr ers in growing increased crops. Jnly, 1891, and recent rains justify hopes Out of these revelations much litigation is been suppos(A. In this great region Mizon made him a C hristian gentleman, �he most own country or in o And the potash, which is needed to re- of a fine aftermath. Withinethejotation ne ofdotion, bury- place the thousands of tons of it removed as stated, corn, rye, clover, etc., is excellent likely to spring. , Air. Baird returned from found that the important commercial centre companionable of men, and the most indl- coffin or caskeb ofny kind. Dur- Boston to -day, but Mr. Hazen still remains of Gaundere, which was known only vague- ni6f in sters.-[H. M. Stanley. from the land each year in the form of convenient and profitable; the result being watching Lee. Mr. Baird informed your ly, is a large and picturesque town, Nvell ge ing the time of the old Roman Empire the wheat and other food crops, is now almost not only heavy crops, but the continuous correspondent tbab criminal proceedings fortified, and haming from 20,000 to 25,000 Friday- &ad bodies of �all except uuicides were 0 weary feet I that many a mile burned. - The Greeks sometimes buried few wholly supplied by the salt mines, of wb;ch improvement and increase in the productive were useless at present, as Lee would remain inhabfb�nts. - Mizon crossed the large terri- Have trudged along a stony way. their dead in the ground, b e can it is a refuse and a waste otherwise, In fact capacity of the lands so treated. in Boston subject to call. He is a broken tory of 'the -Sultan Tibati, who is a vassal Of At last ye reach the trysting stile; at more general blind there is not an industry which has any re- down man, dependent on friends for hits the Sultan of Adamawa and whose country No longer fear to go aqtray. ly cremated them in imitation of the Ro. fuse or waste that does not supply some- very food, and needs to be watched for had never before been visited by a Thgge mans. In India, up to w thin the -ast few one l!Ale bending, rustling trees rlants for Autninn. white the young birds within the nest, years er He feeds sorne time. Mr. Baird stares that Lee told man. He also visited the large market of And softly sings the quiet breeze: a to thing -for the use of the farmer. the *ife, eiti-er aecoriling to h and the world,'bnt the world is contributing its Many of your plants wil.1 require re -pot- him he had never been square- with the Gaza, whose name was known, although it "'Tis time for rest I'tis time for rest I- wishes or otherwise, was cremated on the titu- share of work and material to enable him to -ting before you takethern in for the winter, world. He was always behind and has been has'never been possible before to place the. -[Ray Palmer. eanie funeral pyre that converted her dead The do this. This mutual dependence of man writes Eben Rexford in the Ladies' Home going behind fast ever since he left school, townbn the maps with approximate cor. Saturday -An so our poorer bre hren: husband's remains to ashes. When a child cana upoh man, and interest upon interest, is not Journal. Begin to get material ready now. and especially for the past three or four rectness. and sisters, held down by those galling dies in Greenland theatives bury alive rain by any means to be ignored in this connec. You will find it a pleasant tasIx to - go into years. He accounts for this by saying that chains of VwLnt and toil, and ignorance and dog, with iti- the - dog to' be used Is by tion, for as each becomes more highly devel- the woods and pastures with a basket and be had heavy family expenses before and vice, and misery unsp�akable; for them no by the chi�& as a guide to, the other to, the oped it is perceived how exch one is called a trowel, and gather turfy matter and leaf since marriage, and that of late years he flat's B3017 G0nV1 3d Him. pbisophy, heartening or consoling, has any world. When questioned in regard n to upon to assist the other, and the more in- mold, from a;bout old stamps and'in the voe- speculated -in stocks on, margins and lost When I was in Irelandi"said Major A. echo in theirhearts-touches, any.. �`hor&lu this- peculiar superstition thev wl� ,a- ines tricate the new methods are the more it is ner of the fence. And -while yon are get, heavily. Lee'd speculations on United States the other day, 11 most of us were careful to their lives. While things are as they -are answor-c'A dog can find - hiif and: that mutual aid becomes an absolute ne- ting soil toget her for re -potting plants thi Is exchangea:be in 1887 or 1888 and were keep clear of the dram -shops in out -of -the- the utmost that can be expected of them -A anywhere." .-The naVves- of Australia�--_h' is e;, es. cessiby. fall be sure to get more than you need for continued until the day he left town. On way Places, because of the'vile stu# they. the stolid patience of damb driven attle'.4the hands of their dead Uizether and, pull-, onne In a thonsand ways, the intelligent work that I )urpose, and store it away 'for winter Thursday, two days before he left, he was sold. Their cousent to live on in their misery is Mit--theIr nails; th!6 is for.J�ar thatz lfib�_ of brain and hand helps the farmer and en- use, There will always be plants that need operating in cotton in New York. His in- But one hot day, when a company of us becautie of tice instinet of self preiiermtion, cor 3se mayscratch its way out -of the -,4* r re- 43 lb and ables him to supply food and clothing to top dressing with fresh Soil, and some will vestments were not small by any means. had to ride five -and -thirty miles, and had arid perhaps because of the Social and parent- Andlbwomeavampiro. this help. hesi, sialls a e' e lt f me the world all the ore cheaply for require an, entire change of earth, and,there One statement. of his. transactions in wheat already done twenty, we cAme in sight of alitistincteas well. B -at he latter, of t, pl c a c r ificate o idliaracter 4. i dead per ri at it The garden is cultivated by a variety of will be new ones, and so a Sri POt-' with Farnam, Reardon & Co., Boston and ne of those cribs. The colonel twigged it two is not the power w�, find ginong elucat-' 0 's handes, which is to be pply Ot labor-saving tools, the dairy is completely ting material will come handy all the year Chicago, showed that he had pat up in a standing a little off the road and made to. ed and wel cone.itioned people, who ha,,6a to 15t- -Feter at the 9-ates of Heavell.- tioD3 remodeled by new inventions of the most round. Don't wait until cold weather is at few months over W,000, and that his lose wards it. more -to live for and more to leave im rela- Surprising kind. Among these the cream hand before you begin the work of re -pot. in the deal was $5,225. Lolling up against the doorpost stood tion to their oifsprirl& Nothing filif -Thoucht. the ...the Stub separator and the butter extractor are ting. Do it while you have warm and Pleas- Irishman half -seas over, and the colonel -tremendous force of habit ke4s fbijfo� a of ant days, and the -work will be done better, an Women under 20 �aoil is R. THE MOST STARTLING houtea to him: erable creatures in -their- fearfal-girbove- over 70 -tell -tins Our h than it would be -in cold, raw weather. An- bravest lmsonsarenotlearned throng a Well, Pat, what sort of stuff do they unalterable wretchedness.-­­[��'' e or- n their novelty. A rapidly -rotating drum, other reason why it should be done now i success, but misadventure. --[A. Bronson ii-iiid e theii&� - 11 -1 - Me I *46133CUin love �i M IS: sell here?' Gladden. An - ; Z -1 . spinning around and hurarining with MW it win Alcott. Shure', then, captain its foine I Look y-muchvery�ij agive your plimte-a chance to, get es rider revolutions every minute,, b the mere tblihed beforeitis ti -me-to U' The grain, the smallest weightin use, -uunreAd.. -ke-them into at me for eightpence Signs of Greaftem - be- slight difference in the spe gravity of the h6uae� If'you waitantil the last mo- was thus called from being originally,the Sbiro�w adds auty, -10- .4 not 1ave recovere W 6' broke - 2U �re all the milk and crea.mi causes these to sep exam Atikel�ln n OR thing they *ill' That Was a Bluff. .ar d from weight of a grain of wheat. A statute passed Gravely- I have been- ate, and the crearn falling into the other not in 1266, ordained that 32 grains of *beat, boy on the results of his schoolliurp the -disturbance7-whieh th6lr roots Mir in A --*!do* V-_ an(lorgo, "d the - Will into winter quar- taken- fro the middle It the ear, or head, Profes'sor-11- Robert, do you know the I can say that he hite, beyond que4itid III dram is quickly gathered into butter. Thus y ditfiiwl�� "What - it him greatness in MIPS-- _�,PD 90.1 the many previous operations between the ter's in, ought . and well dried should make a penny -weight, meaning of the word precipice or bluff V gerins- of Con ke an ounce, while 12 Robert- milk and its final product are donc 20 of which should ma I �Tes sir. wanturt-I I Indeed -1 I aim, d "WAY to be. with and in an hourfrom the cow tk6-milk ounoes ivere to make a pound. Thepound, 'Professor-" Yo x- hem, you say so. But what w u may give me an e e--. emphasize ty-arethe therefore, consisted of 7,680 grains. Some ample. the examination that Mricer;aa pie- at a yields up the golden butter. a tr m w tox-Vel -e study and mechanical -the centuries-fatet the pennyweight was divid. Robert-f�l c dravmv f d . ........ means o �pr gen an lick you with one hand." elusion you have Solentifil MOP The t Ad-t:oXa". p6ppmess.-4R. ed into 24 gr ams.: which makes the trav I Sir! What do you mean?" I U AM urgo Of !Zv -h3VV4h reV610f1OAiZedthii-depart 1= inegibiliff 0 Professor Gravel Ius grain -pound Robert That's a blufL" writing. -the- avw has 1W Ao�w used, 760,' l