HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-09-15, Page 8‘0- Ger cider mill is running night and day. A spirited auction sale held, here 'jest Friday when all -the effects of Mr, William Johnston were Sold at auction 12y Mr, Cowan. A large number from ,liereare taIdig in the Exhibiticia-this week nits, said that over BO tickets were sold at th•e station on Tuesday. The windoivs-,-etc„ of the Agricultor- al Hal, which were _recently damaged by lightning, are, now being repaired by, the InS. CO. - -Itisexpectedt1e Fall Show, on Oct. 4th and Sth, will be un- usually iiitractive this year. • Abont a dozen of Jhe Brethren from Fordwich attended the last Masonic, lodge meeting here. A pleasant time was spent and at the conclusion of the meeting a splendid lunch was served. Mr. Geese, one of the men who was injured in the scaffold accident at- the new church a week or so ago, is now at work again„ having about recovered froui his injuries. Mr. Fortune, V. S., has sneceeded in purchasinz_a team for a gentleman in ":Sootlard. Ileget one of the animals in -Owen Soundtand the other in Pprt .gin. They- are a beautifuljy matched ,spap„Incl ought to give satisfactionio the 'party for whom theyareintended. They .4eave hale the latter part of this weak -for theiidestination. - The Odd Fellows an entertain- ment last ThUrsday eyoning in 'their hall, which was a very successful affair. The program comprised a number of finely -rendered songsandrecitations. The "inner man" Was also well looked after, the neatly spread tables being yery inviting. The. occasion was a very enjoyable one. - • Mr. Simmons has started a, butcher- ing -business here. this particular Ana of bnsinetis we are in the habit of having either ".a feast ora feat "_ here, but there appears to be -no present indi. ,cation now that we will have tefall pack on red herring and canted goods. Our- temperance lodge visited the Yordwich-lodge in strong force last Fri - .day evening. Ai enjoyable time is re- , _ 'ported. Redarrvi, - A number of our young peopie-attend, dtiY,PS.-O.convn$-�iif.- iirofitable and enjoyable time. lord -last. -Friday night. They spent a :11a'rdw4,re'i • A heavy thunderstorm passed _ever ,thio piece faat Sunday thM T.-- T. - Winter's -barn was- slightly injured by Abe lightning. _ Miss Mccleki, of Toronto, returned $o her home in Toronto on Tuesday ithis week - _ _Messrs,. N. -Morrell and J. Winters are -taking in the Toronto exhibition', this -week Rey. Mr. Munro, of -Harristth,will reach at this place next 'Sabbath at p. m.__ • - Mr. Bat:011,0f Harriston, is -the gueSt" Mi. J, P. Winter at present.- Fordwich. - The farmers are all through with their harvest in this section. They report being well pletaild With the' crop. , WYneie, our enterprising mer- Aliant, shipped a car-load-of-harVest ap- ples from this station last week . Rey,. Mu. Ottawa, formerly-pad:or of •tluzi thodIsih here, ma& -the town a" filing As* -154Tha43;-3441 eni hs may hoine from 1Viartont ,gaster Frank Armington, of ToroutO, An visitin at the home of his grand. ietades- of -t1i1dge We#11(leistashotIy' - _ Frea'„.2401, '.Afir4OrtOiii- re4 m towii Ia aturday, iMendnig td-aitteiidlhe here. _We Miss 'nrneVoods, of last week visiting at -the -IMMO-Of:Mr. Williani,Gfildeo, • - Three car -loads Of 'cattle, pigs and sheep- were- shipped from -hero- early this week by MOSsrs. McDerrnott and_ Del - mage. - A dozen or so of the Masonic Breth- ren from hers visited the Wroxeter one evening last week. lodge Wilson Bros. shipRe# font carloads...of the popular Fordwich toilet flour to a Wawa .(800tland) Arm the other day. BORN. On_aluesday. Sept lith, the wife of Mt. Bobt ard con., HUrriek, ea daughter. On Thursday,Sept Sib the wife of Jno. Clegg, lipringband., of a eon. 1110S. RAE . Is • gtving some of the Best Bargains 1 —AT— W. 11. CLEGG'S OLD ST.9T.0,- :- Ever Given to the Public . • •-mother, -MrS. S. 4. Strathy, • :Mrs. Dr. Spenceleft last week oil- a visit -to friends -41i Toronto-. .fitr. Richard -Carter, `Oho was se- ereJY-bArt by annOcklent.recentlyi_4 .f:tcw-able-to be-arouaid again' A enumher-from the surreunding- • wennigtiaXutaitt Fire Insurance Co. --Groceries. Come and See for - Yourself OS. RAE, Gorrie. dNO. BRETHOUR, 'FIRE AND STOCK - Insurance -Agent - '01irmyriengi. ItMenalairts: - mguntrA-aile_s.i thZ''Exbitigien thiftweek; Theli. 261614° Y. B. lodge intenLhoWing !t .grand dsktesit 1144 tea in conn3d4ou with, their society on tiie gie4igg -19f the • Pres- byterian Rev.. ocertOed-. itetir,east,Pr:Eu- ; stnWsterlo-(011that 104:: Pre_ bar lib1nmraee.'06,-Co*.: I • Perth11 . 1°1131141 oust ,Ifekcant110 ing4,114,- NtitaIria4411,--S* • ..,_,... rrie Jewelry Store • • . • IN GORRIE. Bargains are Flying and there i6 I beg to announce to generaleopmubpihetee tshtoactki ohfave just purchased a full and n� reason why YOU should . Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Misses' •- not catch one 1• ore Come- and see them anyway ! We take pleasure in showing our elegant stock. Watches of all kinds. ClOx- of all kinds. Silverware of all kinds; ..Tewelry of all kinds. Spectacles and Eye-gla,sses in endless variety. RRepairing done in the neatest style. • • -Ford-wieh • ard-ware Store. DARBY 131R,OS Alphabet pple parers. 13 and Iron. 47 ntlery. D airy J3upplies. ij ave Trough. P orbs, Glass. if arness Snaps, I rms. J ally Cake Plates. nivea. Locks. M irrors. Nails. 0 its. P aints and Putty. Q tinting Frame Clamps. Rope. 8 cythes. T nrpentine. U pholsterer's Tacks. V arnish. W ringers. X -cut Saws. Y ellow Oehre, z inc. 4 we sell them very cheap. 7 We have -bought a Complete New Set of Tin- ra.ith.'s Tools, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Tinware, and do all kind of Repairing on short no- tice. DARBY BROS. Aft- 1_ 4 • School Supplies, AT THE Gorrie Drug Store. -4 - 4v.Ak4 f'w 04' 4t Pure Drugs, AT THE Gorrie Book Store. -4-4, • 0 0 Best Wall Paper AT THE Gorrie Drug Store. pr.opekr4042 eunriatilftesi AT THE - • Gorrie Book Store. Hs,. Perfumes, 'Toilet Goods, Books, Stationery, Farley tbo roducod the reaII the -«.1; Druggist, Gorrie. ---FINE AND COARSE-_-. ,OCD`I'.5 and SlerC5MS At the Very Lowest Living Prices ! Theileleds.areall of my own personaj, selection in the Wholesale Houses, . and I Can confidently recommend them as the very choicest qualities and styles. ra- You are cordially invited to call in and see them. sl-IA:V=IR,, - Itlext door north of Fennell's Photograph Gallery, Gorrie. make a specialty of Custom Work. Repairing done to order neatly and quickly. iTu.st Received! 1 Allison's A Fresh lot of Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, Grapes, Tomatoes, Bananas,, Cocoanuts, Dates, Sausage, Bologna, Pork, fine assortment of Confections and Canned Goods. 111/Havingpnrchafged a first-class fall plate glass Hearse I am in a better position ts,„ 40 the andertiting of this community than before, and owing to reductions in Tine whOle-Bide P4ces of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag- nificentMearsalree, that to to say my charges will be no more and in some met lesetbs41)eforas - • • ILLIAMS, Mihijr-of Ontario Schoolof Embalming. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker •