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The East Huron Gazette, 1892-09-15, Page 5
t,_. 0 3eri- r ef- ma - V con - N so r l site oar ISM -. --� h' :`-, ate_ _ s. 11 __ ;:_., �: �: �:: I ___ 1-1 ,- � ___�,� E �,� I- __ -,. - . _. ,�: -- .1 -_ ._< - I - � �_ - _ � _ : ,� � ____ -7--��;� " - - , __� � , 7Fr�,_ f - :-, ., h �ON I - � .- � ��'; �:�� -11 1'_�_�` _ 3- -�;- . . �. I . I _ __ . __ - . I - g � -1 . I � -, .:� .� - 's - � � I _., � �� 1_1_�__%� - -�-�-��v - � . _ - . . �,_ . .- -� 11 _,�, 1.�. -- --'' _I . I -���__ _ ,-.--. ._ � - . -- �, � . . ., & , �- , .- - I -� - - _ . , - -- . � I _` ,� �4*, I- I -- . - - I—- ,_ - -- ,. - __ -_,_ -_. __ _ -- _ ,--, " I �-,��-' � � . 1, �, .. 2- I- � _.:� ,-- , � � , , ,. - . - - 11 I . � . - _� � : __ ,&-- _ ql I I ...- - - � ..._� . -,: _ - ,I :.,_ - ,.� � :' " -__ , - _.- ems .- �_� - ,. _ - I � I � I � - _.:� -I _ 1-1 � ': _� � , - - _ - : .. -... - .xc. _ a _._._.. _ _-3 r Fih )E<aars. L _ :<. _ w z. _ e gRlat , :stcu-to Qar:'lFatc tti �Npe, :; , . - F•: - .. - , - 'n -.- - �. • • • -. _ ..,... : ,;, - L - �.T Vie. Below we e $ list Fall shows -. >- =-4" j 4 glv wB in There tell as editor; of. a Q - e - _ •.: ._ <..: _ -" - ; ch our r may be interested - :_- , whl seders y m C 13r spade vtho is too. _ . r.. __`: IndnatnaL..............'Foxonto».....,...,......ae 6- _ - , -•� - - er to E - y , _ :; _• : . . . Half the: le A Qur•Coant dont o ' € : - ......Imnaon..... lona Ili the ohorasfii the f w P y. - P is . - � . e. Western ............ ......... L5840 - ,, - � : s - 13entask .....�.......,...Hanover.................. 2E}�i °tale OfI L .,..,+s.:tnv19` '`s E woe ae e�tng by a Wiscorlsn ,_ t. , aotTi@ "g'he► can now Qeoe t1 c �-�--A Culross...».............Teeswater.........„...: ” 20-�n - editor =y� -'� l W -ft{ T., ntrsl.......,•...». ,.Qne h............»..... Camek.ilam9p.. 22 c = .........-.. .... " . . - � �QPe wish once Yn0?6 to Cali the 8+t ` Palmerston Hort...Palmexston .........•.. 26 37 _ _ : - = z} >: ..W` - Dditchell............•...hFitehell...». »...:...» " $7 38 ,. <:. a _ tendon f o the . bhc to the'im cis- n.» .iX lverton...,...... - Pu . PQ? -til W ► x ' } _ - Itlornwgto ..,.. 27 rL8 - - .... ._ .. -e:. :r- ".- ..:. c _ - - - -_. North-Western am.........».» 27 of 1 s x �ngh Y 3s brlllgzng m looall or, erso lal,3tenls-of - .- ,. _ 7 � W. " �-_ .: Walkerton....... .. " p ¢. Northern. 27-30. - !: west Wellington...Harriston....»...11 ».... " 3s�s. news. .If ou have a friendvisi as - Ilorth Godesich.. 37 39 � ` Elma.. .........Atwood,. ......... M. it i a courtesy you owe to t -.f i@ - - .. .. North Perth ......... Stratford ........»..... " 3S -3Q - to hand lYl the the item--for]pubileatlon, - - Y' i^ Fordwich....... WICg ........». O her H®etc 2 , Sluices.. :.....».Laeknow...... ...». ¢ s It is false modes to refrain from do• nye '�! a an a 8 " South Huron.......Seaforth. »....»».... " ,1- 5 � - :- Y�G� - - _ _ . ��= ». -1 I WRO%ETER.. Wroaeter:............„. µ 4- s this duty and then become offended be- M OF. T -.. . 11 Wawanoah.... Belgrave» " East union-.Arthur ..... ,.::- .. cause we fail to record the item.' . Per. . : - lv. i " � 0� Q - - - ,. - .. .:....r�ln- Woolwich..............Elmira..................., 4- 6 :, A e • - �� Bond mention is a le 'timate of the Wln Huron Central..... Clinton ................ " 6. 7 P - . molnted on linen and wood rollers. 'Six ecl�or}ng-'a' ossa, Ihich , . Clifford ......... ......... Clifford ....... .. . .... " 6 _ . _ yt ...... 7 .many if not to you, -and- subscribers Bdorria..................... h.........o ........ " u-13 y - � . . - *akes it very distinct and effective, , dela-wawanosh...�ungannon....... " 13 i4 in offer laces are ansiona to learn of - _ ..�.. P - - T8E BCHOOL SECTION N �'EIiS ONE, T Manitoulin Isimad°s Prosperity ttad the movements of their friends.`-Xnour - - _ — - _ t Prospects. humble efforts to publish & paper hese. THE FARMER NEEDS ONE, we have occasionally ommitf items of - Those _Who , are looking for good: value, �� $�� � v- �E��s ONE (ToroLto Empire.) .. 4 „ interest, etc., for the simple reason filet Mr. A, -P. Kilganan, of Little Current p a31C can spare the tln3e, should :see _the fol PRICE1 .��3: 4: . . ' we cannot make the rounds to get, by 1.; ftblished by - �vaa in the pity last week. He is at o personal engaliry, such news as we men= lowing Imes .which are .reclined t close ©tet ,.f R present engaged by the Dominion Gov- tion. We have had subscribers stop r �► • roper-o.�toj ot• ernment on the engineering work.in con- their paper because we had not noted : = Booksellers and Stationers - __ vection with the improvement of the their movements which we knew moth- ; navigable channel along the northern School (hobos and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies.. Write for -prices . and ing of. In consequence of these ommis � Prints , our traveller will call on you. Nshore of lake Huron. Mr, gilganan ex- alone the paper didn t mount to nothin,- presses himself very enthusiastically on 1 - - _ . -•, ^ _ - , as they informed $heir friends, and for ' the prospects of Manitoulin island. It the next week a stave of sadness I .. -- has, he says, an ease of a,ono egnsre swanked n ainat the office, and e► All lines at and some below COSI. • s: - - ysL. I .. - mile of magnificent land, , it is well p v opf..e . ,. - tot e. / gloom of despondency hung over ns that _ � ' � P wooded, quite free from marsh and with made ass wish some one would step in - - • - - • a comparatively -mild climate. Barrie and -take the concern off :our hands. I - - . - - - island, with which it is connected by a We have thought sometimes that if this * • - ._ L1. . . .- _ _ bridge, measurers about 500 square office could be run by a stock company, .broiderles, _ - e � � �___� miles, while Cockburn island, in the im• every one to be on the editorial staff - r mediate neighborhood, has 1,000 square - s - and each -to have his say about how the - 1 miles. Over all this area there is foaled paper should be run, that everybody Some good bargains. s a population of about 15,000 people. might be satisfied --but then we doubt I though Manitoulin alone is capable of it... t - ) supporting seven or eight times that - . . _ _. number. Just now, however, the dis- Bill Nye on "Wagou Roads. • I- _ • , f triot is quite hampered by the fact that Art - sy - for s large part of the year it is cut off '11 Our wagon roadsthropghafnt.the oottn• _ try are generally a disgrace to - civilize- - A from the outside of the world, there rro� _ . A being no means of doing business be- tion, and before we undertake to supply A good article at ,8C. and ioc. , a Jaeger underwearand sealskin covered _ tween the time when navigation closes , - _ :A n the fall and the thawing of the bibles with flexible .backs to the African, ° . - - ' . . , it might be well- to put a. few dollars into - For the Hitchen. ice in the following spring. Dir. Kilgaai- the relief of galled and -broken-down - � , - � - - - an, who is thoroughly familiar with the Straw u�'{-s L - ' For the Dining iioom.horses that have lost_ their health on J.i. V whole country, is now president of two f 'For the E 1 companies which will overcome this dif- our miserable highways. The country - o , road system as. I recall it was in m _ - For. the Parlor. ficalty. The Manitoulin and North - ' 9 At Cost. _r - - - For -the' Sick_ Room, . • boyhood about as poor` and in�cient as Shore Telegraph and Telephone Com• it could well be. Each township was For the Rich. - r pang limited, will build a telephone line divided up into road ciatricts, and each ' . Fo .-the Poorr, connecting Little Current with various .. IPRICE - , . - road district ed over : b an places on the island.. From Little Cur. . Pfd ye�' " S' DOWN TO BED -ROM' F A_ e� `�.,�I overseer: of highways whose' dpty it a- s,,F, rent a short cable will . connect with the . was to. collect so many days work or so - . - . . - - . _ q �- mainland, whence the telegraph wire _ . will rnri to Nelson, a distance of about many dollars from each taxpayer in the A new, full StOCk and pr1C@S all reduced. See me e,bo',t %rete * 4 38 miles. It is expected that ' at least district. Of. course no taxpayer would.41 i Fur see, the telegraph line will be ready by flie pay a dollar when he csoald coon@ and - - - , . - . , ` first of November. From Nelson to Sud- make mud piles on their road deg .. _- b ih®C. P; R. have promised to string and visit and gossip with the neighbors. t °� and save his dollar too.. The . result.Men's Tweed,Pants. -Lamb _Go' d l a commercial wile and to enter into an seemed to be that the work done was agreement by which the people of Mani- - - - - 4 toulin will be given the same rates -as misdirected and generally an injury to - A good line at I. - . ' "{ - those who now telegraph from Sudbury. the road. With all respect to .the. far. g . f�U.t38r33 , But it is the Manitoulin and North Shore mer I will state right here that he does i - Railway that is the darling of Mr. Kit- . � A. not know how to make roads. An all• assn's heart. The road was .projected wise Providence never intended that. Ti�.1.ware,,j'.! g he should know. The professional -road TO�iiel131'' some time ago, and it is expected that builder, with the money used, . by the in endless abundance and YaaietI ground will be broken this fall. It will - . ran from Little Current to Nelson. ignorant saphead and self.inade road architect, would in a yew pears make A fine -assortment at, c. er rd and' >s wards. • , j There are no engineering difficulties of P l roads in the United States over which - IRs aI313 - A any consequence on the route, unless It p g . be, possibly, the brides of 450 feet span, two or three times the present sleet` load .. could be easily, drawn;" `1. arid the '. Done to Order and in First -Class Style I'-, _ which will have to be,thrown across the . . - channel at Little Current. For the dumb beasts of the republic would rise ! . , _ i men s- Unionubsid of $3000 np and call ns blessed #or doing it. Socks. -'A building of this road a s y , __ - .- per mile for 30 miles was granted by the Ontario Government in 1890, and $3,200 Albert'GF• Porter, United States Min Wool and Cotton,. 13C: per -pair. ' a mile by the Dominion Government- ister to Italy, has resigned. - . . Y- Mr. Kilgauan has the assurance of both There are 250,000 -visitors in Genoa o - . . - 1.. the Attorney -General and the Dominion to take part in the Columbus odebration - - - - , _ _ - - . - - Government that a subsidy will be forth- there. Ind. _ : 4 " _ - . - , . . _ � conning for the other eight miles as soon Charles Waite, aged :% choked - do � ' D; -1 71 JAMB 9 _ me work was commenced.: - Bonding death -in the Herby. House, S*ftg, on .. _ �4 ' powers, for 820.00 a MiWbsive been Thursday, while easing his dimaer: - _ - - T]xlsml G�rne. _ • ' -.� ; secured and when the road is built it .. _ .. - _' will be stocked by the C. P. R. and open- Bicyclist Zimmerman -rode a mile in I We are sho w Ladies, Oxford slipper {� i}1 to:#1.2i,.which - - , 2.06 4(5 at Springfield, -Mass., the other . Vie. Mott doubt, the best value to the market. aced on a percentage. Nelson;@ da ,thus eclipsing the trotting record - 5 northern termines, is about 80 miles y - of Nano Hanks. If contemplating pnrohseing a bait o: Fall_Overaosl we would. ask yon to see oar - - from Sudbury, so that this railway will y stock and Prices. Ti you buy yon will et►ve money, sad if yon don't buy it will `' j form the natural outlet for the products Mr. Morgan, the defeated` conserve• not cosi you mythin i0 see tba good`%1. -- of the mineral district through which it Live candidate iu Richelieu, has entered1. - - - . - _ rains. Booming up in the not distant an appeal in the Supreme: gout`` age " v a ea- the retaarlG► of Jft..$rano, Liber.. titters is s project for building a . . - . L. tenflion to Providence bay, on the south 1, - . . : . P.i�mon#h, " Ps., F Thomas . i . and to �Pmdp lake Qn rhe north, Bat ex- -lost all hismoaeyotrtheCorbett- doe OST f tension which will vastly increeseE=the nlliven t,-�i�itmitted et*ftl-.oloi .. - �' _T j } importance and ger of the: .b - - - n. = ' -_� - . L ` pQ earig P° - Friday y g- _ - ,. - - turca�r arga ..TH E GR . property. It is worthy of note that bllere - t St. Pani, Mips., Simon �: AImu, a' - - - _ is babl no hairilan passiibilitZ of la er wortth _ -- ! mise Tl aabeortbar. P � _ PrV y leading - I a railway eommunlcation with con, - lad tuueak .af .:.m'»>ia1 libel; i;t% >neB; ' ,Tboseana,s cellaneau Counter. re Manitonrin island from any other direct• end_ seniencetl to 68a in the dna . ltueceer le vtnaaea a% to is h�igty : tt�ed _ yg county .veal ion than that pursued b the Manitoulin. -° noises P y. workhouse. a-,- cont ins N and North S w titrates the .. .-17 . thio lie White- � � . a� nevi"Perr- $rtz8t, 000aeciien W ft _2 t1e `mor% "18W jo�gG ria - - La Cl0G11e7nQilDt&lea ng�t - Wifelt�l8_ �i. �UDi g: QO�II�Ei �!r ibiia� OII. - .pL�eiDllttr1:#�31DN1tiB of Ea7iiei8:0 �qi#� .. ; . _ -23, 8kb 1� : + a: � - - c it a' - - d�iu�ia ` • 1i1. x ", r . potrAittL1 fish ass, . the -onily sva►il&I% . hearfC.�3flt - of -8,._ The _ a ��+ , - i the -,,. -, _L , - - - �- l- ,::; y(,; chain ski the.' a s`ta`ck: 'wgw--m Y f I " prev ile> - I 1 , , - _. . - - - nQrtherll 8©ref. ) , �tlgS _ _ _ _ - - P 1s l , lC' Ir ftr� JAM ir - � F :. - - a_:<i6--.tom$ eeasedry ; _ iaLrn,i�t :�:Igsltswr:; IPortis=e+ $ice fait, ALSI. er$ . ,_" :` t._; _. - u?�!�i7lj:_s _ F#t$i! 711ai - s of. &e t-_- _ - . I - _ _ _ - - ..:.. ICs: 1 - - he .,.: t - =haws - _ t r 1. sit . - - _ stn sf-^ 7 It 4,. _ v� y >r. .__-, _ - a - . -- - 1 _ - ..., - ,_ flli as it z � ae �-9isn fi eJ1Ae21 .* X ere ^'� ..: _ - :... _tQ ]�..j�y{. - - .' - �• {^.. �p Q y.�y� j� _ `.� _ -�.r.' a �1 ...- t sec fr. Om l.w � ; -, _a' h� - s x -I �.1i��2Y� V� Ofi1(.�T:\ � ,- 73 `�; _ 3N , , h® 1s on the read tt ores _ g w_-: . -k _�� #he' iii t#a" . -.r- , :,: --- f v. �'` MA ani . t3t, Vii► �. >r . - ' ow - M, Ja$li813 ,;< itla#i'3e RiE�dti�y��its"". �. n 3 died` -m ,Tor©ist©>Qzr Satiny, :oi �' - aten3 eri� #tae%1-e' a. i Per r,- z.. _ ,:< - ._ �e t -7 orr o5wiu*w, s 1�_ ra W1ie Robert Jarvis Hai g%n, after ho _ r . _ - _ -, _ tfieaatf Q :m e_ 4 -YON �y � - - fath n *w nambdi .E 1 - : s ss -a ., _._a_ s _ ,. _ ..,, 3._ , _ r. _ s . er Hae alto _ __ :. - - .ems tea, �� c>► r dde , w _ . k 3 _ - r . -... n.. _- _ a _ that Ci Q]i' , — - __. : .- and � oA; ty, _ stay wl3it tbnitev +,� - w ,.._ _lam _ e A== �: € _ _ -- ,; n.. ,. "e , Mn hm t elntse - ;+ d . _ f� man earl:... ., Sir hn C ell Abbott► , F_ ,.. - :_ n : - ...- , . M - ora tte rr.,r Jo ala _ t,. _ _.,_. — - . _� "mssd's _.wry � � �r��r � h_ -1-1 - ._ _: -�.f_. s. _..- .. a _ :_ 8 E. Foa$er will Ian — _ _ _ _ %_ _ QeEir$� w.. d ., cid . htea Y!e �8 "'itt� t ?� viii c�i-f�'^�.y +��iEMiV 26th,-_fta, .. R.v. ,.r..,.. . _ .- .. t.:...... ..>_ . `vu - -. _ - - . _ _ . , AV , ie- _'Min - -6� _ _ e " � `vat aII�;: !:'� y , e x >� mi vel:. w,..s e< witrii �taxiu►� ranch - =_ _ :.t _. _ Y_.41��! z. _ _ �. _ - - _ . ��` a �w. r .. .. _ - is ' - _.11 -'_ x t t 7 _- i 7 =� _r f _ 71, >-11 t _ _ ., ... _ .... =,V - -. _ ,.. , _._ ._ ...,_ ,�. -,� ... .. _ : _,,, ,_.. - - .,._ � -- � / .. -gra_ - - .;. $;. _ % z _ u -. ,s K r �: _ � _ . - _ � _ < _ � ,ter_. _ , �, - �1 . , r. _�. �- ..... .. - _ _ r - .,.,,mac - - _ 3. ... _ _ __ ... ... . .. -._ _- .. ... � '4. _. .. r.. ;. ^r'r <?.x : _ - _ _. _ _ - . _ " x `� _ -�Y .,_ ._ _ . _ _ - _ _ ,. < .. ._ , �. rc, - r n. - _ .. _ P .�<•s y :.,. _._ F _ . �, _ .. _ �I _ �_._- _ 5 s. - t -� I _._ i._'• -e_ ter a.