HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-08-25, Page 5ow•eimMeMESID
F' E
•e Store,
every Ono_ who admires
they aim cheap.
large and choke. See
da is BOW displayed GB OM
lin &Wel, et
"" • -
Tips 43•utla Croquet Girl of Tears Gone
gsy Ones More Anpeare—Hottand's Little
oneen---Boyai Playniste*Who Are Thor.
needy Chstiltint.
In the revival of the gentler graces and
essentially feminine pursuits that have
corns la with the restraint of the season's
softly clinging gowns and the refining ten-
derness of delicate laces the old-feshioned.
game of erocret promises to be revived ea a
jereidable rival of the more assertive and
NiOargleg"47"Gamp order were com
ntaido thg'faneY theigilte
east the odium of di -honor upon all-Wfin
followed nursing as a business. But •dl"
rectly the- schools were opened, the sche-
dule cd prices and regulationsof gado.
eatiblishedeapabIe women crowded into
the new profession. „ _
When housekeeping, home -making, the
industry which contributes -most largely
to the well-being of mankind, shall have
been dignified into an art for which special
training is required, from which the re-
iiently landed Bridges and Morias shall be
excluded for incompetency, when mistress
and maid have equal rights and privilege*
definitely set forth, the reaction will per-
haps set in and the home will not be for-
saken for the drudgery of shops and fac-
tories, where pay is less generous and sur.
roundings less cengeniaL
Playful and Childlike With a Boy who
May Be Her Husband.
Her Serene Majesty Wilheintioa Helene
Pauline Maxie, Queen of the Netherlands,
who was the center of attention in Europe
last week, is a winsome little girl of eleven
years, and playful and childlike _in , her
ways when not oppressed and strained Into
unnaturalness by the pomp and circtim-
stances of royal display, although-. some
persons might suppose that an eleveniyear-
add girl would be unlike other children of
that age because she happened to be s
iShe came into public notice at the begin-
ning of this month through her visit to the
Emperor of Germany, at Potsdam, and the
:elaborate entertainmentand _displays in
her honor in Germany. There vas, Of
course, a political significance attached" tO
her visit, and it was- eotninon, report tbst
the purpose was to arrange the preliminaries
for her marriage. Emperor William would
like to see Holland and the rich Dutcb col-
onies a part of the German empire. The
Dutch ports would be of especial advantage
.to_Oermany, and the manage Of Quee3
Wilhelmina to the Crown Prince, now ten
years of age, and who will be Emperor some
day, if heliveeiwould be the best way to
eccomplish thedesirable end.'The children
THE csioonav GIRL*
exacting lawn tennis now popular. On the
lawns of fashionable residences the croquet
ground is prepared beside the taunts court,
and the fin-desiecle girl will forsake
the racquet for the mallet, the good
camaraderie of the court for the quiet
flirtation of the shaded croquet ground.
The tennis girl has been a plquent and
pleasing figure on the sward. She has
wen the championship over the very men
that ridiculed the idea of her playing be -
cow she wan a girl. She has appropriated
his shirt end 'lefties," and worn theta
with a gram they never knew before. She
ken disciplined herself to heroically enjoy
sunburn and fatigue, straight bangs and a
peeled aose. But she has discovered that
It doesn't pay. What possible satisfaction
am there be in a morning devoted to tennis
with the man you like separated froun you
by a *et? What possible recompense for
getting tired and hot and crossjust to
hear some one say you play very well for
a glri
Now the croquet grounclipossesses possi-
bilities for little galantriee and the inter-
change ot sweet confidences in the intervals
of the game. It permits the wearing of
dainty sad attractive gowns, providing
they are not too long. -The balls have a
charming predilection for obscure corners
and ont-of.the-wey places, where two
people can be a blissfully long time in
searching for them. The gracious carves
of woman's contour, the slenderness of -a
pretty hand, and the arch of a shapely foot
are never seen to such a good advantage as
when a pretty girl plants ber number three
slipper on refractory ball to croquet s
rival's es assist a friend. Besides one isn't
spoiled for everything- but a bath and a
hair curler with a single game of . croquet.
Croquet is not intompatible with the
dower laden picture hat which is So much
more becoming than the senor masculine
or the yachting cap. Croquet permits,
tOo, the shade of a Softly tinted para.
The farmers are busy and busin.ess is us
ually dull at this season,
Those who are looking for_good value,
awl can spare the time, should see the fol-
lowing lines which are reduced to close out :
All lines at and some below cost.
Some good bargains.
Art. Muslins,
roared every opportunity of becoming so-
w:slated, and they played just like chil-
dren, of course.
Queen Wilhelmina was born on Aug. 31,
1880. Her father, William III., died on
Nov. 23, 1890. - The little Queen studies
hard and plays a great deal, and her chief
delight is to work and play In her garden,
pet her tame pigeons, and ride her pet
pony. It is said that she is a very good
girl, and not wilful, as she might be, andsas
the young King of Spain is.
- !BE TENNIS' 81/22.
id beneath which a fair face grows fairer
and dark eyes gleam with softened danger-
ous lustre. Finally, a man plays teunis be-
cause he likes the gains. He plays croquet
because he likes the girL Hence its super-
The tennis girl wears a dress of flannel.
If she is artistic she will make it of blue
with a ottoman yoke embroidered with the
balls and racquets of the game. She will
have a deep bandsbnt othe bottomof the
skirt embroidered in like manner, And the
sleeves to the Oboe will he of crimson. A
soft Bead of silk will belt the Taint and
dma otter ehe runt. • ' "
The croquet girl will wear $ &own of
India silk or Muslin of delicate green, like
th 13 t tender shoats of the willow. It
A good article at 8c. and loc.
Straw Hats,
One of the most valuable possessions is a
wisely controlling principle. It insures
anyone anywhere against fatal loss. It
mattes tone equal to the fortune of much or
the fortune of little. It keeps fear or dread
at a distance. It is surer than the securi
ties of learning, wealthi friends, and the
rest. It survives all the shocks andis
peciallv present when all other reliances
have fled.
Thinkers of every age and land have seen
this, and have sought o steady themselves
by aomething. This something has been a
faith, taking hold of the revealed or of the
imagined, accepting a supreme, an &tithert'.
ty, whose will -to do as the great object of
life. Studying barbarian or civilized,
heathen or Christian, there appears almost
as much in one as in another a confession of
the use of a standard or &leader, something
orsome.one to
Felt Hats,
will be powdered and sprayed wit a b
dowers that.ever bloomed end ceveral-that
of A nosh live to see that it was a hate u
nesse Will bloont Wye; in the fancy with It willof- ths . "via% They :who ivould suffer wrong rather
_ 14 sneta-fitittet trAh ribbons. a tan do wrong live felrfiirer;—The Moue -
*signet. It be softly frilled WC D---
.4:ralliCettutempaniad with * piet4reererY: -.--
ItiMe..Popp, the only woman journa
om,- died lately,kated- eightronte
In .-the.prem ,bouquettot her on her
dim-Weddiug witillournalitint-- ' Homers
conferred b. SW king entitled her to a milt.
- --t -
At cost.
A new, full stock and prices all reduced.
Men's Tweed Pants.
There is, unquestionably, a -conirnOn
agreement .n ;his, a general recognition of
the necessity of a guide, a coutrolling prin-
ciple ; whether or not consisting in, or re-
lated to a, superior intelligence, need not be
'Sid hi this place.Supposing it to be held
that the common agieententis simply the
result of experience, thin sifordis reason
enough for regarding it.
Why &honk; we accept the lessons of ex -
Perla -Ace in furnishing ourselves with pro- •
.teetion against cold or _heat, and not heed
the monitions' that bid nu be independent
of all _that* not toed r =
We are es that for- which we live. We
share the fatti„of what wepnMue. Selfish
nem digs a grave, &Solis ,forgotten. Bene-
volence builds a monument: and is remem-
bered. They wise -stipulate for the pound
A good line at $1.
-�LNPr v- t.) 7E. 115 Et 0 :XV,
Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five 1
mounted on linewand wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which
maks it very distinct and effective.
PRICE, $3.50.
W. Cooper & Co.,- Clinton, Ont:,
Published by
Booksellers and Stationers
School Globe's and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and
our tro:veller will call on you.
A fine assortment at 5c. per yard and upwards.
Men's Union Socks,
.th,oeptAs ihetravramoyMO 40g. vr: noti-AbOnt Women.
arihrve bigthOY • &meii9. net round.
seehuilen_Va lb° •
-1st hiriliseCteve"lit"ge'llaings7. tori fun,." se
a rotforsomi— Th ceikl Queen of Holland, assmtle
an hat d cultivsting
hinc„ prettiest deg!' -11fin delight 10444 -
-114-41151-:- :8!"1' itotiOtis just .end-leing
lasaW k.--gracetel Ft.g, , .
tA.,lielile.sasitt ileliewient ;-- ilid'Aviastal
itit-to play &hotter .game that the- man_
11101-11hli with,..aud •siol ivill • not- -be too
-about thes-residts to listen ,to foolish
.. things lia wilt sat abut how perfectly de -
lido= elaes ini......._ le"...._,. IT.......2'ial," - ,
ehotet Aercant Problem:4 -.,
Prof. um?, Satecoh,... gam the New
thought to t 0 _„11 .coilsidevs
devited intieh, time: and
York Sun, as
h study of the -domestia ger-
emcees teedjii
work ist_theititWee- -•:-:
l'hrtinglitheindummoof the Nacelle 91
'Monaco; .the tiatablingestehlisnuint at
Monte Carlo si be -converted inW 0:hoi.
pita for consumptives.
Typeerrit-big ieaoplessing to gneen.Vio-
toria khat beusel:oitt artknra an lists of
A Dreg!
Wool and Cotton, 13c. per pair:
Jules Stitherlsni's
TIN S'170E..E,
(North Wend 0 of 0 the 0 Leech 0 Blook
GoRAIE, {'P'•
PARLOR, BOX, aid GOOK arsies,
Special Value in Cook Stoves.
Special Value in Heaters.
• Special Value in Drums.
Special Value in Cutlery
E,very Va_rietv.
Ease Irtotlilin§ Spigei6ity
A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods
Highest Cash Price Paid for HIDES and SHEEP SHINS.
00T,S and SO RS of every description,. on HAND and made to ORDER.
We are showing a Ladies' Oxford Slipper @ $1 to $1.25 which
are, without doubt, the best value in the market.' *
If contemplating purchasing a Suit or Fall Overcoat we would ask youto see our
Stock and Prices. If you buy you will time money, and if you don't buy it will
not cost you anything to see the goods.
See our
Saturday Bargain
Miscellaneous Counter.
The lloos
A pretty Costume for -a, young lady Ints a
roatimi4nd-..-8 ea. it,p.Plat' iti-ok- of go
- ttriispihg:49.1tibititigurtei;
- • T.11241100,-**Pirl 1°' - - the back ovea7-4140etron
add: of wool -ts" iiiCd at the foot with a
dithisisetory °ffil* bias j ubem in place The W&iBt is cut
at in ,front
*tie- temane of the sikhttS101-- - aed -t vd. opens both in of
the -
*d behind at the
theettalil**91# 411(00,3 - schools *147.44k iront and in twig sash oritobolin vel -
'n velvet. The skirt is
otif.fr - at
service. .y".9211 with 1 en-ijecoo d je4671-
de o
- etted tbelsidev- The straig46
h "velaretu d tiimetect-
P. S.—Prices quoted for goods on the Counter are for Saturday only.
Repairing of all kinds promptly done.
• 18 THE NEW PREMIUM ' ' -.
Given to every ,abs ' eriber. new or old. of Wit -,
- WEEKLY' EMPIRE WOO 1892. ., Thousands of -
dollars have been spent in its preparation. ItA
success ht.:laity aesnred; it is a highly valued
souvenir of -the greatest statesman and the moat
honored leader ever known in Canadian hint/aryl .
This beautifni Memorial Albans contains .18
- futt-Page illuetrations of hiteresting scenea to ..:.-
connection with tile histery of Sir John. owl: -',
• Pre/Ants to the ilsotiaands of athuirera of ode lake,
chief Many new and valuable portraivarce. -
i Tult•wate rertratte of Sir John salt -
lierouess Meetionntel i Birthplace er tilr -
John in Slassrow ; Portrait of Mr Asia -
when e-yenret moo i IPertratt_of Mr Jabal,
, Bleiber, the only:one *tier tnibilthett s The --_,, •`
om,Ilornestena -et iiiisistol4i,orespictr. - -'-_-
ase John- during the I:ciliation of - 1 - .
Xurkerilire„ Sir :11ols1tl5llesida51e at Ottairot
interhae bryienaitte.Vlsticatier.„! Ottawa, eiteiriti
Ing atte:Glierd nritenor and -Boat tone to -
., Atatel Exterior -view ern of,rarlio;
usent,lulth Veneta. Treceinitins forming in
• Alie.. forette,thil ; ,Ticier of, :F.satern Block,
- 1PitillittnentIl1uild15gn, with, Poweral Pro.
cessio a 'passim t fine View OW littILIStagai
. Utit„,tirapaci 111 hhiarn lag, its it uppettrn4,-.
Mr -dzty ?-ir Jac.':`,;%•.,' F.•,kis.y. -reafered klygotou
remd il- ta 1 r I ti r % et. at VietatiMut Van..
_ Ivry, "OW foirsti. i'irkifAtis .,-umIds ThouOi ' --
- srlatio of.,-,*.ellowers,t litote- Ofr:Westaignageg.
. - *amyl -Lit Which the MemorialAervle"_..,trei „-
held t Interior .elew of Weitutimiter; Tie* of at. Picara-VcallteOral,12s-aylich A laellWri;:-'
alai Tablel_lrat,be Brected to Ski'iSallIeS 11 cut ary ; Interior Stew ere& tent% Tatheifrati
All theo4, views are fine .half -toned Photogravormron hoary enstneird parper.fitie eakabb• ' •
_ .
WO& with an.Illunsitiated. and. eiabas.aed, eover. A. really amicable ,soneenit,-that wiA he's. -
suitableernement on parloror library table. The.tWatittd for this 'crelik OrateIse& to be *Teat.,
- - seas litIbtir brilors early. with ONE MOLLAB, iist4et TAIMEilywrai.1-Ita,forcaelear
and thislitalOittAl, ALIBIUSI, - .„ . - -- - , - -
New ful-013 win rneliOVIAIWiastulie •Eizilite fre-c itir ba, Inn0S__,:.tros-,tr.1.g.
... • . . „ .
1 in
• • .
. , .