HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-08-25, Page 4iz = EXfsitst&''s AL- !front of iirtendir PaSSiefis apt - • Aloins Taa•Viss mower Way.-, 4:11iist many *Pi, are fond of niter- • 400 thtor. Theroarr:OrigotioellaIglidess to Oktaileti, )16° of- perletkee. UnqUelfiled Praige is_ seldorn salted for, neither is unqualified condemns, ,ion desirable; for .the greet poet found , 'there Was oierythiug." The gen. ' .eral use of extremes is apt :to axOttee unapt Ake an to eince,rlift and JsatlY Bo. Take,. for eXaMplO, the nee of intio-rojoil Pape r, Some people adept a paper bordered by a black band fully half an incbin width. To say nothing about good taste, which may not be considered ander the circa:I-Itances, 5 the use of :such paper is entimly too awl- - spicuens. it obtrudes your grief npon,every- ,, body, and makes a display of it. The meat •± tar is wholly personal ; it is not necessary „ to proclaim it to the world. • In the wearing of rings and jewellery, a lavishness of display is often noticeable. This also is bad form, being a -parade of mere personal wealth. Rings and jewels are all right if worn in moderation, but true refinement never indulges in excesses of dress Of ornamentation, it is this over. .doing of this that leads to diffierdtles,even bo as too much study may weaken your eyes or destroy your health, thus preventing for a time at least further acquirement of knowledge. In speech, also, superlatives are too often used, and they serve to „awaken distrust. 4.bsolnte perfection is • indeed rare, and exaggeration plays a great Ia. part In modem life. We think too much of one own importancer 9r talk too much of • • - ,. „ourselves. We dwell -too much upon fam. Uy or society, and lend a ficiitieue value to ,ainolutely empty things. The use of primitive words etn Undo to destroy OA Impression that weivish bo convey, aimply because we overdo things. A light curb, little thought regarding things of this life, • seems to accomplish the- end mach better Ls., than going to any extreme, bower strong - kr you may feel.—Harpees Bazar. -141 punning Letters That Camer The chs blonde who prat -dee at the jI tegistlred letter window of thnipostoifies Shrew up har dainty hands with:Mg`PrieS few days ago when a gentleman 'walked up a I. to the wiudowitud, uptarttinga..big . grip? Ha ;dumped it .emstenta befera bor. There • seers 470:letters to. be • registeredSuch a IIyI,. task had never before fallen to her lot. Her appeal forhelp brought the .chief of the *vision, 146 provided help in the shape of GVB three assistants for her, and the pile. was uth- soon disposed of. The man sto9d by until - $he receipts were given .111.0 "The fact is," he explained, "I am mit tory of a fashionable (dub, and it's the most • difficult -matter in the -world tofmake them • pay up 1 send hundreds ..,of and -01q when 1 speak to members about it it's• _always -the -seine story, 41 never got the bill, old fel ; certainly •ni pay up. Just,- ?rs;,,, ;send Me a bill and rs aee that .youeget •• • we have a splendid printing 'f -/L in There am 470 delinque,nts it: the club, and_ — Published every Thursday The Newsiest Local Paper in North Iluron, —AT-- Gorrie, Ont., A splendid staff of able cor- respondents in every part • of this section. $1. Per or less than 2c. a week. C+ 1? -0M .1'1211 liard and Felt soft 6 PrintiqA. Irmg -be mire they._ all get -their bille this :quartee . . TheXeslioAses have alre.ady begun fir earns Air:, in inn way 'that foretells the. entire success :af the acheme.:•--Philidelphia &Mord. _ ' Had a Familiar Sound. ' -fArrt{, !What. is the .name tif the young -man .1.511 Antes coming to sec Claribelr asked Old 4.105?" Spudd, looking up from the "Stocks and Bonds" column of his newspaper. "I think ▪ 'I've heard it, but I have forgotten it." aair. "Itis one you certainly ought to retnem- -aff ber 'easily enough," replied Mrs. Spudd. j. PlUir name is Oliver Cromwell." , "My memory, madam," said ,0111 Spudd, • •:looking fixedly at her over his glasses, "if" as good as yours. Cromwell is the natius of that merchant down in Hamilton that - ;claimed I cheated him out of $37.40 in 1873 An consignment ofeggs You can't fool me on Manes l" 01 11 f One Little Polat. d1,03 .he professor ' had talked to the class an hour and a half on the question of the tUt`i'l "There ia one little point still unsettled its -my mind, professor," said one of the ,11.0.1'1 pupils, a thoughtful young man whose in- • Aelligent face and close attention had great. y pleased the instructor. "It is this.: Who 44- CP" finally pays the tariff on imported goods— the foreign manufacturer, the importers rhe consumer ?' ▪ Theprofessor sat down profoundly dia. • , ,cptriged. That was the precise point he ` had been trying to explain. -owe. - Odds and Enda. 1,944_• lirattYwitelies mako,,fitis.beate.,per sec. pliC1;300 each minute, 18,000 every hour, •_ -44*;000 per day, 414° Pa* Sears, of Howard Cohnty, Indiana, :• aged 108 years, has been a churolt' member tlgloa • Wbundred years. • 410161 -Mtn eVerage rireltblity ef unmarrintIntS. - between the -egos of twenty and. twentpfive 33 1,174 in every 100,000;- while ,that of 44.1 icia:rtie3 men Is only 597, outfit, including the very • latest faces of type, the most modern • appliances, 7'V , •, Raise Your kat*b0Y-14 whon yon meat a tiet-or,WOOlsw.o!AdaerlY AV911114::.. that you kuow, b. your fY!r1'4, 'ham whenev.r.Yon ,--matfaltiMos..11xt ii,thokitutitoiotikorerir. Or, st Job Presses. :0: Fine Poger Type a en! MZ# I 1\T Ca- STM 1 Black and Colored, OF Eat Pit * 60 • oents * E,ach. few more of those STRAW HATS left At 25c. Call Early and make your Choice, - Best Bargains Ever Offered in Gorrie. 1111 • filor?req61 ]3E.A.1\T orrie. Auction Sale OF ITALVAPPA Furniture Factory, And Planing Mill and Machinery Con- .. fleeted Therewith, In the Village of Wroxeter, In the County of Huron. THERE will be sold on SATURDAY; THE 20TH DAY OF AUGUST,1892, At One o'clock in the afternoon, At the Gorrox HOUSE in the Village of Wrox- eter. by virtue of powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage, w_laiph will be produced at the sale, the follong property: Lot 18, on the west side of Gibson Street the said village of Wrox- eter, containing one fourth of an acre, more or less. The following improvements are said to be erected on the premises: Planing Mill, a Frame Furniture Factory and sundry machinery. • TERMS :-20. per cent. of the purchase money to be paid:down on the day of sale. For balance terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BROTHERS & MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Toronto Street•Tornoto. Or to WM. LAURIE, ESQ., W1.080b0r. Voters' List, 1892. :0' MUNICIPALITY OF TEE TILLAGE OF WROX- We can turn out. Wedding Cards, • Calling Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, •Letter Heads, Blank Headings, •Insurance Policies, Pamphlets, Circulars, 4 .5 Posters, , 71- -Streamets, hing in the printing -the neatest of the art, and oat reason- erm - 014k4or thUkwill"°tXrqf nureifrix the apirit ibat. diebin. or ru* entlernan. A.- - • 4034411t?': • Order. burean of press P.01A14'!W4' Ae-#404-i10=1*404?!*** w�iy ofaisete of • xom every 19theetinjtkl*WerkVewfar aa • referingto the Aleattt.0 e*t_s440, mis EN, E4it9,r• ETER, COUNTY OF HURON. MOTICE is hereby given that I have trans mit 3-N ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 41389, the copiesrequired by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Mutdeipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Muilicipal Elections; and that said list was first posted up at my of- fice at Wroxetei, on the 6th day of August, 1895, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are fopnd therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said ewers corrected according to law. !JOSEPH COWAN, Clerk. Dated at Va•meter. this 6th day of August, Ma Vora-wit:3h • " Roller 40.. Milis WILSON BROS., PrOpS, • First-class Manitoba Wheat Flour manufactured and always kept in 8 - tock and sold in any quantities. • FLOUR BRAN., per cwt. $2 25 to $2 50 per tol;t, 14 00 SHORTS per ton. 16 00 Special attention given to GRISTING, which is done on the shortest possible notice. Highest Price Paid for Grain. The mill is fitted throughout with the very best roller pro- cess machinery and appliances and we are confident of being able to give perfect satisfacr tion. - - PATRONAGE SOLICITFD. WILSON BRos. Fordwich Drug Store -A SPENCE, M. D., • Proprietor: xTOpL ANTrn. Listowel Woollen Factory. Highest Prices Paid. Cash or Trade. J. C. BELL, Manager. — A FULL LINE OF Drugs and Druggists' Supplies, largest • Wool liaarket. in.." Ontario, Eeome and see PUr. tremendous big in ell kinds of woollen got:Oa:whisk 160; v offer at bottom'prices for posh or In exchange for wool. Vit Freph SYoc, We have never boon so weU stbar and equipped for a wool season's business es at theprevi seuntylo;se: and broi never felt INS conipietewoonnont of our ability to serve you with the best of goods at bottom prices. A specially e.ttratithe feature. of our new lines of Flannels, strictly in fax surpasses any wool srieon yet., •-• MNE- WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTINGS . (Something new offered to the trade.) _ . We are the only *Alen factory in Canada that make this line of goods and offer them for ono. half the price yoxi-parin the inty.of Glasgow. , • FZIVIAT4a We wish to warritie-farniers oot to be deceived by shoddy peddlers going through the cimmtri solliog dishonest goods, wehavono pedlatv handling our goods and they oan- ony to boughs by 4111 01;0 atAt!•fe.4#?1,7-; . - - R011 Caid111g71.1.SciAniiillgand I'Vtariufcturing, Tweeds, .-: Flan- nels, Bla;n.ketS,.&c. Thauldrig out humorous customers for their_past favors, would beg to say come arid b your neighbor to see our stock, as you will be hly pleased to see goods to lo* in price. You will find us ready to give the niost Prompt and eareful attention to all. RQ0K- Stationery and Fancy Coods, ixTATL\FAFER • • • In endless variety and at every price. Rik W. C. HAZLEWOOD City Boot and Shoe Store, NisnRoIscivrw A Neat Walkhig Boot Is net on4 a comfort, to the wearer but a pleasure to every one wbo admirss $ pretty foot. We have them the boots, we mean. Ansi they U cheap. Oug stock of. Ladies and gents' slippers is unusually large and choice. Sea them. A splendid assoriment of Ladies' wear of all kinds is now displayed on our • shelves. - stigwr•si 00.111311:f3tiarlied3n Any line. HanklpL and calf and the lighter OxfOrd, Dongolas, WankenphasiDon't go si past the City Xi* and Shoe Store for the mot satisfying article at most rettianable-3- -z. -;= la gron and the ea The pi tbs woe has usa eau wi by bi of th ri ••."" 1`.L