HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-08-18, Page 8Club. the mime"inn'`. re -It the abnce- of the President, who ah 'Al : tear Clubs 'plinth gest u . Do iii = e_ nerves akjng a 1Qeturing the 3'0 d it th vinegar po er .it la last ;430%4ugar you h e mtpi - made for *ren gent took the char at the° .a dish _that will rive o effect t :ymeeting= The s�ust .of #ase `.�. � uponVofi ev .;4 unless At should -be rAnceasion - was OA h3s..beots ,why the iorce`'oithei fit bottle of rig • . to break the • list. e Y-Orieefh„ protruded from his oat I The t wa toeattiis most; "Bred'en'� }ie , said, "1 conjured $ b ilTIVile a b'utifying: cf dishes is to have_upon it 'an' it grieves us to fink dat Yankee flag f° sr et olive -oil • if: snail - portion ;oneetin' fo' de _Dipper; a ar. . a good French dressing, -that is, one sere'us ..Berber.' We ark`#ee :sub ,cs, formed ni r salt : a, small ion reseed our fo udders and. mud-: god y wotou ppp ears :sh6,uld care. for thus then eat your salad: as did .dere in slavery fee -fl y - brine hermits: of ,old, dipping, a�;leaf in ;be aioatin' and. a -flaunt', tse,f aLb°oe some - salt and having with it a piece of � the town -hall,' e de p°Hlwot we helper r president ad and: batter.. All fresh vegetables, -to Strip de bark offou n. especially ,asparagus, tend to improve was here de flag wood -a been tooked- t• - the skin. I donot say give = up= all sweets, but I ,do say eat them in their proper pence.; that is, after you have. had your dinner and when yon will not require a . great quantity. Pastry, if eaten at ell, .must be so light that it is above reproach; then it will not have any apparent effect on the skin, but it will tend to fatten you. down long agog but if it must float l lie .cum back, let it be at half mast in honah of de dear departed." He took his seat behind the high desk amidst silence which was only broken bythe gurgle from the vinegar bottle, gruntwhich followed and the of .disgust ... �_ his discovery of the mistake. ° After' firing the delusive bottle through an open window and serowling down a smile that was just being born on Bro. providence's face, diseussioidof the question was invited. Bro. Give -ad= Jones was of the opinion that the flan wouldn't_ rot before. fall aid _-- "It won't fall before . it rots,". broke in Bro. Physics (folie runrt member) who was suspended indefinitely for his vile pun. - It was suggested that Bro. Sleeman be paid 38 cents and all the cigar stubs now in the club's possession to "shin up de;pole en' pull de ripe oaten de pulley hole." Bro. Sleeman objected on the grounds that he had recently cut his toe nails and wasn't in condition to hang on. Brother Twist reported having made ,an effort to climb, but out of a personal regard for the safety of the pole he de- sisted. His idea was to have Flying Angel go up for the_banner. The chairman gIared at Bro. Twist:. "Am you tryin' to wu'k in another pun ? Harriston Entrance Examinations. I'se gwin to sot down hard on fool ii' wid solemn sublet, and alThe 'foilowipupils passed at -the lis : yore l jakn g p p entrance exams. in' Harriston, held last w2li`}ie pu�,?Rhea by 'spension.,' month* Wingham. Work has been started in the new bank again, to fixup what damage the late fire did. School evened in Lower Wingham on Monday last. • Mr. Rob. Fleuty, of the Advance, who has been very sick for . some time past, is new gaining nicely.' Mr. Gilchrist has - retired from the firm of Gilchrist & Green, furniture inannfaacturers, and the business is now beingrun by the .latter. The stonework on the new St. Paul's churchwas finished on Monday last. Friday, Aug. 26th, :has been pro. claimed, by the Mayor as civic holiday for Wingham A grand picnic will be ;held on -that day in the town. Mr: W. Galbraith, who was proprietor of the "Patrons' Store, has moved from Upper/a Lower Wingham and is open- ing put business there. Bro. Twist apologised,- Ma;l!,Armstrong. The Judge thought ,a balloon night Annie Blackwood �dsry E. Bride. ' - be: used. with success, brit none 'of tlfe. �anaieH wham; brethren present Were "williimg to trust. kmstts� 1themselve s so near heaven tffl after the Utile Fraser. neat re " pival. Delisa Hicks. . Fora kW-ininrties thelia was ab�ute; Ida.4° ' r nn a Howard . f„ } l r.vtit silence during which the clanking ofLang. 're>za McIntyre.. the brethren's ,brains could be larnt Net teileLean. R � Maar Fi. McLean.. heard-ae ihey-struggled with the mighty Annie- Mequeei► . Maty�e ynolds.. problem t at. last Bro.Shinheat Meryl anno:. Jessie aheppssd. i nvolved-the scheme of sending to vox _ Ida Spence. - eter to borrow the old salt -well hole and cans vvliaon• place -it under the :lag pole, then lot the JunieA. Warreu. Louisa Cop e- land .�° -- le~slide down Into it gradually till the Frank Bothe. . fag came even with the ground, -When Milton CooCaxi;er: it could be easily removed and the pole J h v,,,ther. again hoisted with the club's big union John Bordon. Samuel Hyndman. jack nailed to it; Tears of joy ran Donald Keehn. down faces as the brethren cheered his wing Lemon. happy solution of the difficult problem... -Airray e was at once appointed a committee Chester nichoison. to go- over and melte the loan, and Bro. H�rhert gel. ps. $ngo gn�el. Penstock kindly lent his horse for the . Lhn B' dirt'' recension, a eollection among those pros.; ' meson. ,ent failing to raise sufficient to hire a Willie Young. ' Eobert Wenger. liv„pry G o.,Gregg Public school leaving examination : George The Club adjourned for three hours spotton And the time was spent in breathless - anxiety awaiting -his :return. Shortly after midnight he re-entered the baht and: announced that he .Was -unable to awaken anybody over -there except the Baili_ff-, yoho informed him that "dot hole vas in use roostt at bresent_"_ _ An. -w Carnegie had sneaked over from Scotland and crawled into it and drew. jt -ii after him. The Homestead riots were tame beside -the scene which en- sued. Denunciations and execrations. �I owed each other thick and fast, and: mit :resolved=: to dighiim out as soon' as the mrton.gott low enough. A.MOM* 4djogruFwaecarried, after recei.ygthe following applications for initi ion at:�.thee next regular meeting Vis. V. elfiv'e - en Seeman, Big EWA-x-11040. ong:':B iderbiuss, Inbar, *eg*sis- Let new business was* c.wa; and Q :situ that nom 004.7 the brea�fteis: r their, la Deceived argains are Flying and there is no reason why YOU should not catch one ..! MEMBER was, Come and gee them anyway ! We, take pleasure in showing our elegant stock. Watches of all kinds. Clox of all kinds. Silverware of all kinds., Jewelry of all kinds. deter GRADLTAT and r ary.Associe* l Resid Next ALBERT A Fresh lot of 1 S&IIER• 0 witnesses Office:—At Spectacles and Eye -glasses . in endless ::variety. T S. JERO . Corrie, month. Tee warranted. Repairing done in the neatest style., • Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, . Cocoanuts, Dates, DRESS Ale tires W Store. "W". DOSG_ A fine assortment of Confections and Canned Goods. Taman, the Tailor, Has removed to the McGill building, next north of Bean's store. Adv. next week. dNO. BRETHOUR, FIRE AND STOCK InsuranceAgent iispassssrs : Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Economical. Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mercantile Insurance Co. Etna Insurance Co. Ontario Mutual Live Stock Insurance Co. Give John A Call. Ladies' Trimmed Hats and Feathers and Flowers Are being Sold Very Cheap for a few weeks. Fordwieh 4% i' Ivo Thr Come in an 0 F1ito --the Top ! ONTwR Hardware Store. DA_IZIE3Y BROS.' Alphabet: A xle Grease. B inder Twine. C ream Cans. D airy Supplies. E ave Trough. F orks. G lass. H arvest Mits. I rons. J elly Cake Plates. % nives. L ocks. M ilk .Cans. N ails. . 0 ils. P aints. Q nut Frames, etc. B ope. S cythes. T urpentine. U pholsterer's Tacks. V arnish. Wringers. X -cut Saws. Y ellow Ochre. Z inc. & we sell thein very cheap. Gree FI KUNG p FIRST MRNI Highes Chopping Do R aMdtnn Has -just Purchased the Entire We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin- smith's Tools, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of 'mare,' and do all kind of Repairing on short no- tice. nARBY BROS. arts NeXT-UTal1. Paper Cheap, Dear, .Light, Party Canatlian, Aiiierican,.Micas, Gilts, with Borders t and _ nd Ceiling Decorations for Rich or Poor, Grit or Tory, Kitchen or. Parlor. Any reasonable person can select, what he requires from our large stock. TAKE LOOK THROUGH MY SAMPLE BOOKS. ttshie mss air:tbe.Old We have a flue lot of _wagons this season, made by bes Express . agony. nnakere. A good iron=aslo wagon for $145; a heavier; one for $1.50. Iron wheel wagon at $S and -MO. .50. Baby Carriages. Gas'wee eaik We sell these by catalogue this season. If you want to:get: one:ceme and examine my catalogue and prices. Will son We have received a stock pi t1 ase so aoh ne _ Needles. , tinting arey$h.nr in r scoimaorlatea. lal Announcement. Having.pnrchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a better position to do the-undergof this community than before, and owing to reductions in the wholesrdeprices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag nileent Hearedefree,'thatis to say my charges will be no more and in some ease' Jess than before-.'. WILLIAMS, ruggist, Gorri Parties req lines will do " I granite. We guaran give first -clad Call before be convinced Furniture Dealer and Undgrtx School of Ennb ming, R.' Will repress 1