HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-08-18, Page 6wrni IRON WILL
My boat is lying motionless in a. shady,
. nook, and I am looking down dreamily into
the stream. Scarcely a °load crosses the
blue depth of sky;innal the reflepeted sunlight .
finds its way 4etiveen the shadows
.- branches and clusters of leaves. It is an_
ideal landscape—a landscape trembling in
liquid light and shade. 1 am still looking
dorwards into this aunlit, leafy scene, and
Iivfug nford withfil it than lathe Materiala
world around me, when I become conscious
of maiden eyes gazing up laughingly into.
mine. Never was lovelier face mirrored. in
Native's looking -glass. The eyes are large
and dark, with a liquid light el their own
beaming between the black quivering lashes;
the full lips are half parted with inquisitive
surprise; and round &ha oval face there is a
halo of reddish -brown' hair resembling the
autumn foliage in its russet tint.
The face is gone. A slight Movement of
my boat has blurred my watery mirror, and
there is nothing more to be seen down there.
SO I retairn to earth. I glance up at the
high bank under which my beat is moored,
where the pendent branches almost meet
overhead. I look round me with a vague hope
that the face is not a disembodied shadow—
s mere "creation of a poetic fancy." The
landscape which I had seen repeated in the
river, is visible in all its actual beauty, with
the sunlight breaking in between the leaves.
But no laughing eyes now meet mine.
I sink down into my boat, but not with
any &ate of despair. I am topeful-cif• meet,
int my water -nymph again. I loose my boat
and let it glide of its own free will down
stream; I have no thought of hurrying
-mak: am still in the deep hear' f he
wood, cid this shady stream = is life,
finwingeeenfte-theengh iteee ,
esale-putlal alba deer suntuWat Rah ,
The riveriareadened ;and krilledivitoreths-'
ly up akeard, ilteehit dazelieeiem • ht.
Presently afidattY river -side
inn was.reach-
ed, and I WAS greeted by the landlady with
a long pitiful face. Not that she suspected
me of possessing a spark of romance. It
was my dinner that trotibled her. It had
been "put back," as she expressed it, a dozen
times, and was nearly spoilt. Nor did mat-
ters improve when she discovered that I had
lost. appetite, • and. wai *Yen less
inclined than Usual to be talkative, or
more strictly speaking, to tolerate her
talk. She naffnally" concluded that
her cooking was at fault. I hastened
to assure her that it was "the weather
her cooking had nothing to do with it. She
appeared pacified; and I now took the
opportunity of putting a question which had
been on the tip of my tongue all dinner-
" Wha lives"=and I tried to speak with
as much indifference as possible— !who lives
in that fine park with a white house On the
slope? ,That little river down stream;
whateser it's called, runs through the prop-
erty. Any one of iinportance ?"
"Why, that's etakering Hall Colonel
Hethersett lives there."
I allowed an exclamation of surprise to
escape me, of which I soon repented. Not
that I wished to hide from the landlady,
for any deep reason, that tke name of
Hethersett was familiar to me. But Lquicka
ly realized that I had loosened her tongue.
I kn.em all, more at least than she did,
about the owner of Wakering Hall; I was
quite convinced of that. - The question was:
how to put an end to her loquacity ? I dis-
pensed with -ceremony, if any was expected
�f me; so hastily left my neat at the table,
and broke up the "cenference" by politely
asking for a match. Scarcely pausing to
light my cigarette, I made an escape into
the open air, and turned my steps in the di-
rection of WatteOrig Hall.' stei
Some ten: years ago, white r was still a
student at St. Bartholomew's in Landon, a
serious affair had come under my notice.
A man was brought into the hospital, late
one night, seriously injured. He had been
found in ono of the by -streets in the,
bourhood of Smithfield in an unconscious
state. It was apparently a case Of attempt-
ed murder; though what the would-be as-
sassin's actual motive had been for the at-
tack: -Whether revenge or robttery—,was
.never elearly ascertained.' No robbery had
been: cortuirittedi arid .Whenmy patient re:,
seveced, after some weeks of suffering, be
'threw no Tight upon the matter. I was
In constant attendance upon him, and 18
was my unexpressed belief that he
'mild have partially solved the mystery
If so disposed: But he volunteered - no
se -planation. The business was, so he de -
:Jared, in his lawyer's hands; and it did not
wear to be.any one eissearight to interfere.
)and yet I was deeply interested, not only
In the ease, but in the striking appearance
)f my patient, and. many remarkable tra;
In his character. A„avord,nften a more look
from Iiitta wouldinstantly obtain obedience.
He never showed a sign of ill -temper ; and
yet he made one feel that he was naturally
a,ssionate and that to attempt to provoke
worth( be a dangerous experiment. His
very voice expressed his indomitable will.
His male was Hethersett, as I now distinct-
' a -A -membered ; Colonel Hethersett, ot
&kering Hall; and on taking leave of
are, he had extracted a promise that ahould
I ever happen to be in the neighborhood of
Wakeringe-1- would paya,ltihr-irvisit His
name, even the name of the village, had al -
meet entirely eisieetpt4 rIfiemoffii nen
years inelee lefen professiannil,rife
In Lonclon will restAnian forgefie‘Yeary-
Ehmg eneeptahip immediate surgeundingte
The:Uri:W.4 &..earq gone; rastai,ys
dia.:pit as the Plentle rise And....ecew the slew
rhe 44, Acker wiemal gein4lieehigir-
road, dark and lonely withits-steep an
Dither side,A.iti fright At a turn he: tbe.
road, nude* a fewearardi ahead- of me, I
observe a broad streak- of light:stretching_ bu
across the highway. On the hill -side, at: ;die _
--thApoint from Which the light appears to :ping am,
[sem, Idniehetransparent flames rise-' quite near
lambent tangles of ---litl*twards the dark a mi
BILYea AiaLaptiroaek nearer and eaomeAvw this
18 thell-patteg Jfilidlhit*Pttet9: -
(1"071:CjiatfAitAerr441-0-414.3** AM% The
acea fromlhe,roade-anda;hitilt Itgainstthe ger,
Pliteldenit froilh r lab
ag ,i.6‘...415674Utoft:.
7wittelitian,„,eas4 lr-Voitelnek
be, six titles in the hour. —Looks hungry 1
now, don% her Not even now d
evince the teas
The min approachesthe kiln- as he speaks t shack o oroes
With a WY) hifi, hand- it looks to
ttlhireeawteeninirdglitogrh: p lgh
e a
me like a UrgePore- with iron hook and
!pike.. - by. some invisible trembling arm, entice hi
'Do yotlwehere!"I askhim: for I am to take his eyes off me.
growing iaitfreieted as, well as the as:22 knew him by the scar," he quietly
• ffief " a .
“Why, yen; tharsan.y honk" and he jerks
1,11 tadmb overhis aliorilder4owardia a small
-wooden hu4iefil0 thealtirn4 "At daybreak
my j
vvg.f . prne rege intiaintOurn in You'll
not often batch me coming out of my kennel,
as he calls it, till after dark."
"The life seems to agree with you," and
'glance. , aivhile4sayinohis„,a4 muscular
itgure. 1-1 a _
"Agree with me ?" he repeats with an odd
-laugh. "Ay; it suits my purpose," guv'nor.
I don't complain."
And now he pulls open the iron door, and
through the chinks between the bars the
fierce fire lights up his face. I. have follow-
ed him while talking; but the intense heat
forces me to step some paces back. He is
in his shirt sleeves, which are rolled up al-
most to his shoulders. He is certainly a
remarkably powerful -looking fellow, with
the arms of a stalwart blaaksmith: His
beard is thick, and intensely red; and his
smell eyes havea fierce nxpresition—which
he may have caught from the tre=glitter-
ing under red bushy eyebrows; and as he
presently lifts his cap aside, to wipe the
perspiration from his brow with the beak of
his hand, I notice an ugly scar across his
He appears disinclined for further talk ;
so I bid him " Good -night " and go on my
When I reach Wakering Hall, a few
itirrititeirIaffr; I "Sr info'
luxurious smoking divan. The room'
is lit with lamps, the green shades being
of some semi -transparent texture which
givrts.77.40 every object a subdued D-'
peatanne. - The walls are thickly ornam
ed With spears andguns and.a 4ozei.o
Warlike implement!. .1 have -scarcely
to glance about me; and get ernifusid •
of hunting scenes andjunglea, awla
-on the terrace attracts my atte • A.
gentleman comes in at the open casement.
He looks at my card, which he holds in his
fingers—looks at me—and then steps quick-
ly forward, "Sherwin?" he exclaims, seiz-
ing my hand. "Why, -you're the surgeon
who saved my life ! This is a pleasure."
He is a man of about sixty, not strikingly
'tall, but with an appearance of unusual
breath and strength. Ten years ap-,
pear to have wrought little changa
in, him, • eertainly • no change for
the Worse. It is the same handsome face,
the gime firm and fearless 'expression that I
now fecal' to mind as if it were only yester-
day. He waves rie towards an armchair
near the window, brings me cigarettes, re-
niembers my favorite iced drink, and in a
word, 'makes me as welcome as if I were his
min son.
-He has been walking about the room,
principally occupiedin looking - after my
comforts, talking the while about matters of
little or at least no special importance. At
loathe. lights a cigar and sinks down upon a
1i -tete -skin on:an ottoman facing me. He
now, for the first time, speaks of himself.
"Did I ever tell you, Sherwin, how I
came to receive that knock -down hhawr
• "-Whyroo; -1 thought the -whole affair
"So 1,stiilpeet it he answers "as far
as the World iiiageneral is concerned. But I
can make it clear to you in a few words.
Will you listen r
-1 express myself most willing: and Colonel
Hethersett begins. " While stationed at
,Cairipore, some thirteen years ago. I had a
very anruly min -servant. The fellow was
quite incorrigible. Most men would have
sent him about his business within a week.
In fact, every one had done so who had been
unlucky enough to havelilm in their service.
Put E had aiaal* 6 tab -4164 I could see
that ha thought himself my master. 1 re-
solved to prove to him the contrary, _ cost
what it might."
He speaks in a low, distinct voice that is
very impressive. But his look is more im-
pressive still. The •intense gray eyes, the
stern month, and contracted brow indicate
the wilful, dauntless nature of the man.
"Most of us," he resumes. "choose the
wrong vocation in life. I was a born lion -
tamer. The fact is, Sherwin," he adds,. as
-?though it were hardly worth, Mentioning,
‘4I don:t know what fear means.4 -
He pauses for a while. I am on the point
of making some inconsequent remark, when
my ear is touched by the sound of music. It
floats out airily upon the night, and seems
to mingle harmoniously; with the reflection
of light that falls across the terrace from
the windows adjoining the divan.
"One day," Colonel Hethersett continues,
"one day, Kenrick, as this man was called,
refused to obey me It was the first time
in my life that I had ever mot with serious
oppoeitionee pee look aonethe man's face
.,told me 4,that ' he felt he had gone
too far. Birtrepentancez-had COM@ too late.
Had he instantly gone down on his knees
and begged my pardon, it would still have
been too late. My passion had got the bet-
ter of me. I seized the first thing that came
to hand. It was the most terrible weapon,
I am sorry to say, that could possibly fall
within an angry man's reach. It was a
thong of buffalo hide. I struck him across
the forehead"—and he indicates the spot
b • quickly tonal:143th* own orehea4,whili
e* spears. "He dropped at myfeetas
thongh he had beenshot".
t iiiin,t tter 4nsp, , . aI he ic
n w ' O'Iolinct §ertjerlid It3. bbinti, iy# ,y
ears. lo--- iiieN histilyfilid paces
to and fro witheee. ' k step.
I have Kis* rr.14. at the
liglatio , mc ez.. ate The
will illle4e- onthe,a,,.,..), ,
room e.:,.
e -o'
, pale -blue
ID ther nAglit,
iough- • 4 USt be .
*la eirepifig, 0-
has it touches , s ..e...
*Ifs InAigili•
- tlf bitten
44444 ;
marc lap.
if with 7: -But that
oes not chica'00101tions•
ateayotseeilapni *or" -
-snap& Adiereabouts
Lehave- seerta him,
heeyening. -
t the terrace into the night,
tchrnan at the hiuieuiln .
of St. Peter, Itce
e afternoon in theearly part of the sea-
son, the younger British officers of the Anglo
Indian cantonment of Meean Meer (a few
miler from Lahore the capital of the Pun-
" Yes ; I knew him when you touched
your forehead a moment ago," I reply. "It's jaub) were stirred into no small excitement
a hideous mark." by the news that a Hindoo swordsman had
The Colonel locikS troubled. "Poor fel- preseuted himself in the camp, and offered
low ! But I must tame him now," he says to perform in their presence the feat of slic-
with a sudden change in his face; or hem ing in two, with one slash of his tulwar
spring at me again behind my back." (short sword) a lemon placed on the palm
" Do you really mean," I say, in a tone of of a man's bare hand, without drawing blood.
or hurting the hand in any way.
As many of my readers are doubtless
aware, this exploit is quite a common one
among the native warriors of Northern
India, but it happened that none of these
officers had ever seen it, and the first men-
tion of such a sensational experiment
made them all as eager and excited as
wave of the hand. I follow. and Lseeet'wahhaatvehethceanolddoc,h"acpriiendbPyeralelymileaenlss:
of cigar and beekena me with a playful
",Sybil, my dear," I hear the Colonel ham of the --th Shikh Infantry, "and if he
wants a, rupee (tnenty-five cents) or two to
stand it." him before starting, Pal game to
drawing -room. A young girl in pale green lem"oBhuftolrohokimh?e,r,e—ohwjelicote' adgoing Frank t oEdwards,hold
attire is rising from the piano and is pealing of the Third Lahore Artillery. "I'm not
towards me.' I cannot be 'mistaken: It is going to chance getting my hand chopped
the lovely face that I had seen, only a few to please anybody—not if I know it 1"
"Oh, we'll order up ode of the Ressal-
dars" (native non-commissioned officers),
said Helsham, "they know all about
such tricks and they won't careee. straws" :-
How She Bought Them. means to halve a lemon on a man's bare hand
"Why, do you really suppoie the felloiy
before your very eyes ?" laughed Harry
Parkhurst, of the —th Pimjaub irregular
with one hand she held 'up the train of her .,,,,.cava
very aptly named "Headlong
long gown. Having gained the oppoete Harry" by his brother officers, for he was
every -
sidewalk, she hesitated a moment, then as headlong in his judgments as in every -
made for the door of a swell bootmaker's. NI thing else. "My dear boys it's nothing
A suave salesman met her, and showerL
' more than a mere juggling trick, all very
her to •a seat. She enquired for bluchers • j well for anyone who is green enough to be -
and presently the salesman was on his knee; I lieve in it !" ,
before her, with a comprehensive stock of
Whether by accident' or design, these
the articles at hand. jeering words were spoken quite loud enough
He attempted to assist her • but she pre- to be heard by the Hindoo sword-player—a
ferred to go the thing alone. Having divest- fine looking man in the prime of life, array-
ed her right foot of its covering, she took ed in the striking dress of a Rohilla warrior
up one of the new shoes and put it on. She —who had come to the front of the broad
shady veranda in which the young Eng.
did not seize it by the sides, shove her toes
lishmen were seated.
into it, and pull until she was red in the
It is plain that the sneer had cut him
face and all out of breath as men do. She
deeply, for his4 andsomt face darkened At
pulled it on L'arefully partway, twitched it
onceran& a thementary A.uiver of
off again instantly and looked inside to see
his fiim
if she had the right one, then pulled it on lip 'held" fieVemubli it 'pained him to -'he
for good and looked at it dreannly.
It seems just right," she said.
The salesman smiled, and thought to too.
She stopped to take another look smooth-
ed out a wrinkle over the arched instep,
twisted herself around and looked at the
boot sideways.
"Mercy! how loose it is !" she exclaimed.
The salesman thought it was a "beautiful
"It'll never do at all," she announced,
looking the shoe all over. "They're en-
tirely too large; let me see a size smaller;
The salesman procured a size smaller. She
put on one of them—as far as she could get '
trade placed the lemon upon it, and signed
it—while her face assumed an expression of to the Hindoo to strike. But the Rohilla,
instead of obeying, Licked closely and
ly and British
reproach, "to take the law into your own
"1 mean to tame him'," he replies in a firm
His manner is polite, but so decisive that
I make no attempt to utter another word.
I stand there, and his eye is still upon me.
I feel powerless in the presence of this
strong-willed man. He flings away the end
saying, " thisns Philip Sherwin, the gentle-
man who saved my ' - •
I am standing. in a brilliantly -lighted
hours a,go, mirrored in the midst of sunlight
and foliage by the river -side.
She was daintly crossing Sixth avenue
at 23d street. Here attire was very_smast,
laughed at by this inexperienced boy.
"Sahib," said he firmly, speaking in very
tolerable English, "I ask your pardon if I
venture to contradict you; but when I
offered to do this thing I meant to do it
fairly and openly, by simple skill of hand
and sword, without any juggling whatever;
and if you will find me a man to hold the.
lemon for me I will do it here before your'
eyes 1"
"Oh, will you ?" cried Parkhurst. "Well,
seeing's believing; if that's all that's want
ed, I'll hold it for you myself 1"
So saying he laid his strong brown hand
pain upward on the flat top of the Was -
j ury.
" What size are these ?" she inquired in-
"Those are twos and a half, lady," re-
plied the salesman sus,-vely.
"Oh, they can't be 1" she exclaimed. "I
never wore anything larger than twos in my
searchingly first at the lemon -itself end
then at the hand on which it rested. Then
he made a negative sign, and turning around
to Harry Parkhurst said gravely:
"Sahib, it cannot be done like that; I
see by the shape of your hand, and by the
life, and these—why, you can see for yoar- way in wlarch the fruit lies, that if I try
self they don't fit They're—they're such a the stroke thus I shall- certainly cut your
pecuhar shape
"They're too tight, peekeps:' :suggested
the salesman. But the disconcerting look
she gave him prompted him to add hastily,
something about the sizes of different
makers varying.
"I guess they must," she replied. "Please
let me try some other maker."
The shoe was pulled off, and not only one
but several other makes were tried, but
none proving satisfactory- the salesman
stepped aside and got an entirely fresh pair.
"Now, these," he said engagingly, "these
are a pair of two, but I think they'll fit
just such a slender foot as yours."
She tried them on; evidently she was
suited at last. She presently took them off,
however, and looked at the heels, the soles
and the lacing. Then she put them on
"These are twos ?" she .itaked; They
seem a very good fit, please labe them."
When they had been laded's& walked up'
and down the strip of carpet two or three
times pulling back her skirt to get a good
view. Then she glided up to a a full-length
mirror and eyed the general effect. Then
she backed' off, stepped up again, took
thirty or forty farewell looks, and an-'
nounced that she wouldn't have the shoes
at any price.
Then she paused again before the mirror,
undecided ; said they made her feet look
awful big; said everybody would thiek she
'came from Chicago, said they'd never -do
in the world, and it was Useless to talk
about Finally she came back to her,
seat and asked the salesman what he
thought about it. Without waiting to hear
•his opinion, she wen% throegh the . whole
operation Over again and said she guessed
'she'd take. them, and that he Could -Wrap
'she bedereceivedaher parcel And
change, this salesman glaeiced et his reflee-
titei in the inirior and selfeiteekly.
"That's the way to fe'h thear," he soli-
loquised. "Work off a pair of fours for a
ipair of twos and everything's lovely. Now
might have been bothered with her for a
full hour it I hadn't"— —
He was interrupted by the t. 'appearance
of the young lady in the doorway.
' "I've just coine to the conclusion," she
said, "that I don't want tiensa ehcies, eftek
:all. Would you please exella
ie. pair of patent -leather slippers ? An do
you think yeti could fit me?" •
saaicti -
Wilfrid -.immix_ au, E11).
Terrible Effects of a Storm in West
thumb. off. Will you ...show me the other
Parkbust; who was now beginning to look
for the first time abundantly serious, held
out his left hand without a word. The
Rohilla eyed it even more keenly than be-
fore, laid the lemon upon it, surveyed them
both in silence for a few moments, and then
said suddenly:
"That will do better, Sahib. If you can
be quite sure of keeping your hand perfectly
steady while I strike, I- aira ready to do the
The reckless Englishman's blood ran cold
as he listened,for he now saw plainly enough
thet the supposed juggling trick really was
a matter of skill and sword, and that the
least unsteadiness on his own part would
-doom him to certain mutilation, which .he
feared infinitely - more than death itself.
The senior officer saw -the sudden,change in
the young Mani lace, and said ilia whisper,
to his next 'neighbor: *
"1 say, Shaw, we must put a stop to
this. Parkhurst's losing his nerve, and some
mischief will come ofit."
But the other caught him by the •wrist,
and answered sternly :
'F- Whatever comes of it, it's too late for
us to interfere now. For the honor of the
old flag, one of ours' must not show the
white feather before a nigger. He began
it himself, and he's got to go through with
it now, whatever happens.'
Harry Parkhurst himself, inwardly dis-
mayed though he was, was very much of
the same opinion: He felt that after the
defiance which he had given, and the chal-
lenge which he had provoked, it was too
late to draw back, and with no visible sign
of hesitationhe offered his hand to stroke.
More than One siin-browned cheek grew
pale in the circle of bystanders as the Ro-
bine, swordaman yeee seen to stride forward
andraise his weapon for the blow, and the
in -drawn breath of the lookers-on sounded
like a'hiss,- atnid the dead silence (its the
Wade flashed and fell.
The two halves of the severed fruit were
seen rolling On the ground. Harry's hand
was unhurt, but his face was as white as a
The successful swordsniaii sheathed his
weapon, salarned quietly, and was about to
*But Harry Parkhurst, 7, if'he were a fool,
was at least an honest and a manly one. Be.
Pm very sorry to have affronted you.
"Yon were right and I was wrong, and
fore anyone had time to utter a word he had
stepped forwyl, and, holding out his hand
fealkiiesiiiiiieli became him very well;
tpAlieVintorieu*Rohilla, said with a hearty
. "Will you shake hands ?"
A Wheeling, W. Va., despato_? says .--,
- Two orthree of the younger -officers nod -
!During therSeVerafshafht4hielie pastee over ded approvingly, so much as in say that
4.1is part of the country last night an entire this was better thantheyhad bargained for,
'family of nine persons were drowned by the and the Hindoo swordsman acknowledged
udden flood following a cloudburst . The the courtesy, by a , dignified inclination of
family consisted of William Doly and wife, his stately head, while he repaid the young
;their three children, Doly's father and soldier's hand -grasp by a pressure such as
Mother, Mrs. Doly's mother and a servant even Harry Parkhurst -'s strong muscles did
Aid. The first known of the disaster was
not soo forget, saying sily :
tthe finding of t ody of- servant girt oz r
le 6 ib, you are indeed*brave4hag?a„,,
this morning in yarda6t6 neighborle-Ten ears h . • ad ssed since that OSAhen
some distanee begat where';the fated hous 0 e *A Mil erevenina *all de-
g e
stood. - - : tachiiient'latnative irregular hbnee balite rid-
e ea-- ing slowly . a narr6w, wsli amen Wits
There is o of hop" hich • e
- - or& , &tep in
nu-li ee y do
ea , ,-great in6untain stairway of the
direinfahliit the increase Of knowledge. ;makeaiida the head of it rode a stalwart
In that form it changes its name, and we figure in uniform of an English major'
'call it patience.—[Balwer. in whose bronzed, firm, thoughtful face few
, _.
The Welsh prefiat "eakketa4"9310di-est," the *carg.d.: ah.te, founer any trace of the
Mouth of a river "—Aberdovey, for instance; "Headlong Harry" of Meean Meer.
and "Van," "a church "—Llandudno, the It was indeed he, however, and he was
-.church of St. Tudno ; Llaabedr, the church botind on a very dangerous errand.
War, had, lately broken out between the
- .
English a powerful mountain chief of
thatelistriet, ntWease real name no one knew,
but who had la,i4y become famous under
the nickname of "Kala Dahi." After giv- Glass originally came, !earn India,
int the British troops ta good deal of trouble,
he had at length been -driven baok upon his
chief fOrtress (which 'was believed to be
somewhere near the head of this pass) and
a scouting party of light horse had been sent
to find out, if possible, exactly where he
vas and what he intended to do.
Ciu both these points they were soon en-
lightened. A flash arid crackle of rifles
brokelrom the thickets in front of them,
and then eame the wild yell of the mountain
war cry, mingled with a thunder of charging
hoofs. They were attacked.
.But the Major and his men were old The hair dressing of ladies was an expen-
soldiers, and not to be scared by any as- sive affair in the sixteenth century. Queen
sault, however sudden and formidable. Elizabeth at one time was posseszed of no
While some of his So -wars (troopers) re- fewer than eighty attires of false hair.
turned the fire with cool aim and consider-
able effect, others kept the charge at bay,
stoutly contesting every step -and skilfully
availing themselves of every inequality of
the ground and every hand -breadth of
Organ Grinders are scarcely tolerated at
cover. . Pittsburg. A local justice has just ruled
AN ell was it then for Major Parkhurst
that it is not an assault to throw a pailful
that he was no longer " Headlong Harry."
of water upon an organ grinder when the
Amid the maddening uproar and confusion
water is thrown by a householder who is on
of this murderaus • hurly-burly—horses his own premises and annoyed by the stroll-
ing artist.
Sales by auction were ;erasenly held by
candle light.
Weaving was practised in China more
than 1,000 years before it was known elae-
Cuban barbers lather their patrons with
their hands, from a bow:made to fit under
the chin. No brush is used.
Parchment used for covering drams, ban-
jos, &c., is made from the skius of asses,
calves, or wolves, those of wolves being eon-
sidered the best.
The careful reader of a few good news-
papers can learn more in a year than most
Sanborn. do in their great libraries.—[F. B.
prancing, combatants shouting and yelling,
swords clashing, rifles cracking, bullets
whistling, men falling on every side—any A ton of coal yields nearly ;-3,000 feet of
ordinary man would have lost his head at gas.
once. But the Major seemed only to grow The Persians shave themselves as a sign
cooler as the danger deepened, and appeared of mourning.
to have his watchful eyes everywhere at
As the pass began to widen, however,
giving the enemy's superior numbers more
room to act, the pressure of -the assault be-
came harder and harder ; and the fierce
mountain warriors, furious at seeing their
prey about to escape them, came rushing on
like famished tigers, led by a tall, hand-
some man on a splendid' black horse, whose
dark -face was halt -buried in a huge blauk
isig`h` tB yo f jhoivme. ' "That
us major, ahjeo rkaclaatcph Dahi
Beaulieu at £1,000,000,000, of which three -
':fifths is the product of personal labor.
himself, and if I can only knock him. over
ten to one we'll lick 'em yet! Ilere goes 1" A certain New York lady has a weakness
And,, spurring his horse, he dashed at for murderers. She spends all her pocket -
the Hindoo leader, sword in hand; but just money on bouquets, - which she herself
then his horse, struck by a bullet, fell with carries to the condemned cell and presents
to the occupant.
him and crushed him beneath it, and he re-
membered no more. Mr. T. A. Edison is 5 feet 15 inches in
When our hero recovered his senses he mete. ,
found himself lying upon a low couch on -
what appeared to be the terrace of a native miLal.p!a,4n.ters often skate a distance of 150
hill bin% overlooking the valley that had
been the scene of the:fight, along which the —T-h-e-liTujp.p Works at Essen contain 2,545
first rays of sunrise were just beginning to furnaces. These consume 1,666 tons of coal
stream. and coke daily.
It seemed that his captors must be kind- The quantity of blood in the human body
ly dispased toward him for his wounded
head and right arm had beePca,refully band-
aged, and food and water placed within his One of the simplest and most efficient
reach, to which he applied himself eagerly. means of fumigating a room is by dropping
But he had not made much progress with vinegar slowly upon a very hot iron shovel
his mead, when a curtain that hung at the a cover from the kitchen range will answer
far end of the terrace was suddenly thrown very well.
back, and forth from behind it stepped the Mrs. Harrison, wife of the American
renowned "Black Beard" himself, in .the
full dress of a mountain warrior, helmet on President, has a passion for orchids, and
head and sword by side. has them in profusion in the rooms of the
But before the major had time to address executive mansion. The White House con.
him, Kala Dahi, with a very curious smile servatory contains over 150 varieties of the
on his bold, swarthy face held out a lemon orchid—about 5,000 of the plants iu alL
in the palm of his extended left hand, and Japanese auctions are silent. Each bidder
made a gesture with his right as if striking writes his name and bid upon a slip of
at it with a sword. paper, which he places in a box. The box
Then the truth flashed upon Major Park- is opened by the auctioneer and the goods
hurst all in a moment. declared the property of the highest bid-
" What !" cried he, starting up. "Are der"
you the Rohilla swordsman of Meean Meer?"
The Hindoo smiled gravely and answer-
ed with an affirmative sign.
"And so you've got to be a king, then,
since I saw you.last—not such bad promo-
tion after all," said Parkhurst, eying with
soldier -like admiration the fine athletic
figure and gorgeous dress of his enemy.
And you too, Sahib, seem to have ris-
en since we first met," rejoined the Black -
Beard chief; "and see that you know
how to make your men follow you. When
they saw you go down in the midst of us
last night, they turned back upon us like
tigers, to try and rescue you ; and if there
had been half a dozen more of them, I be-
lieve they'd have done it."
" Aye, they would follow me anywhere,
the brave fellows !" said the major with a
look of soldierly pride on his firm, sun -
browned features. "Well, chief, of course,
I know what I have to expect, and I don't
mean to make any fess about it—it's all the
fortune of war. I'll just ask you to grant
me one favor tlaough ; if it's all the same to
you, I should prefer being shot, for I don't
take to the idea of being strung up -like a
The Hindoo leadee looked doubtfully at
him for a moment, as if hardly under-
standing his meaning; and then a reproach-
ful frown darkened the mountain chief's
fine, expressive countenance.
"Sahib," said he, with a look and tone of
manly indignation which suited him ex-
tremely well, "1 see that you English do
not quite understand us yet. We Paharris
(mountaineers) are soldiers, not murderers ;
and we never kill any man in cold blood un-
less he has betrayed us or done us grievous
wrong. But even were it otherwise you
are the last man living whom I would wish
to harm."
"And why should you spare me more than
anyone else " asked Parkhurst.
"Because," answered the other, looking
fixedly at him, "on that day at Meer you,
an English officer, apologized to me before
all your companions for having affronted me,
and offered me your hand as if I -had been
your comrade. I have 'never forgotten it;
and I never shall."
Indeed, it was quickly seen that he had
not; for, as soon as the Major's wound al-
lowed him to travel, Kale Dahi sent him
back unransomed to the nearest British out-
posts ; and this appeared ta. the English
authorities such a handsome act on the
pareof an enemy that it Opened the way for
a negotiation'which put an end to the war.
And neW, a a hear, -Harry Parkhurst
never loses -a -chance of getting a fortnight's
leave to go shooting in the hills with his old
friend, Kale Dahi. -
Four English nobleman are said to be en-
gaged to marry variety stage women.
The province of Bhopal, India, is cele-
brated for the unusually great administra-
tive powers of its -female sovereigns.
Grasshoppers attain their greatest size in
South America, where they grow to a length
of 5 inches, and their wings spread. out 10
The total yearly income of the French
nation has been estimated by M. Leroy
varies, but is generally about one-tenth the
total weight of the body.
Woman and Her Shoes.,
The observant persen -know very well
that thewoman who wearna pretty dress
and bonnet with !bobby gloves or untidy
sheeekesn't the right tinantity of eelf respect
If Worhen Would follow inen's example in
the. niaffer'of st'Oei, instead of copying
their ties' and Waistcoats, it would really be
something tobe thankful for. It is quite
the exception to see a well-dressed man
badly shod. But the majority of women
are shockingly careless abolit their feet.
Itis proverbial that they are, and you
have every- opportunity of proving the truth
of this.wheuyounre inA street car or going
upthe stepste theeleye.ted, trains. Women
who 'do a gocei 496,1 - of walking of course
fin a it More difficult to have neat feet than
those who don't. The best way of keeping
boots shapely -is tout theni on lasts when
they are eakenoff.•
In-Greatila'!Aiii0a0001vainen ork around
miner aa ' 4 -
The famous Khajah tunnel of India pierces
the KhwaSa Aniran mountains about sixty
miles north of Inetta at an elevation of 0,-
400 feet. It is 12,800 feet long, and was
constructed broad enough to carry a double
line of rails.
The unique and well•nigh exhaustive col-
lection of postage stamps whieh formed the
subject of the late Mr. T. K. Tapling's be-
quest to the British Museum has now been
received at that institution, wheee it has
for the present been taken charge of by the
authorities of the deparement of printed.
Currents of water serve to a vast extent
the purpose of distributing seeds. Walnut,
butternut and pecan trees are -found close to
streams, where they drop their nuts into
the passing flood, to be carried far away and
start other groves perhaps hundreds of miles
distant. Tree seeds of many sorts are
carried by oceanic currents.
Seven handsome orange trees have been
conveyed from Hampton Court Palace to
Windsor Castle, and will be placed on the
East Terrace, opposite the Royal apart.
ments. The trees are very old, and, it is
said were brought to Hampton Count in the
time of Prince William of Orange.
A monster bell, one of the largest of its
kind, specially cast for the new Church of
the Sacred Heart, on the heights of Mont-
martre, has been completed at Annecy in
Savoy. This immense instrument, which
when hung in its lofty position will be audi-
ble all over Paris, weighs, with its clapper,
nearly 25 tons.
The growth of the United States Patent
Office has been very remarkable. In 1790
three patents were issued; 100 years later
the number was 26,292. The total number
of patents granted during the 100 years
was 453,944, or an average of nearly thir-
teen patents for every day.
When Queen Victoria's dogs die they are
laid to rest beneath turf where they gambol-
led as puppies and were exercised when
they grew up. Each little grave is mark-
ed by a stone tablet about a foot long and
eight inches across, whereupon a few words
are engraved, giving the name and date of
The Queen's trip to Grasse last year cost
her £10,000, while this year the journeys
to Hyeres and Darmstadt are set down as
costing nearly £15,000—the largest sum
that has so far been expended on one of
these trips, except itt 1888, when the Queen
went to Florence and then visited Berlin on
her way home.
The modern Parisian wedding dress is
generally composed of thick cream silk, made
very plainly with an immense train, and is
trimmed, if the season allows of it, with
bunches of real orange blossom, earelessly
sewn around the skirt. A simple tulle veil
is considered prettier than lace, and as often
as not a wreath of orange blossom lies in a
coronal round the head under the veil. Jew-
elry is hardly ever worn by a bride, and a
Frenchwoman does not wear her wedding
dress out, as is the custom here, at dinner
parties and halls.
By the terms upon which the ImEerial
Treasury have agreed to advance Brit-
ish Columbia a loan of £150,000, the Col-
onial Government will undertake to trans-
fer from 1,000 to 1,250 families of crofter
fishermen and others from the Western
Highlands and Islands of Scotland,lOcating
them on free lands on the sea eoast and
islands of British Columbia, sad provide
them with dwellings and means of livell-
hood. The colonists will be transferred in
parties beginning with fifty families, the
whole number to be located witian six meal
from the first settlement,.
If I hsie.ttre
If to tiay <leeks
Pa.-ifte at a wor
If I had clingir
If I had dream
And graceful
If I were fair. I
j-fe's pati- sc
11 I we:
If I we:
Perhaps like ot
A tn.'t heart's;
Love waits co
It seems to me,
But Beauty's c
The mystic wit
If I were fair n
Life would und
If I wer
If I wet
Perhaps the ba
To clasp my ne
And hide its di
Bewilder'd by 1
But now -0 ! s
Uncolor'd 1ip t
You will not bl
Not on the blig
So rich ;
0 just I tittle
About my face
If no one shun
My heart woul
Ms said each
And perfect L
When days triti
And nightis
I shall 4
In France w
the season oi
sons persist in
the rosieres."
ere is a young
roses is best(
epoch, for whi
Sagesse ! Des
define, and no
mistaken, I t
words "moral
this particular
gesse. The cu
is observed no,
So ancient and
mends respect
tle chivalry fo
the ceremony
difficult to be
Panetoitt°herra lei agnh tPc
The origin
enough attribq
of Noyon an
lived in the fif'
was crowned, i
525, and on t
worthy Bishos
own sister, wh
opinion also
virtuous girl !
Ah ! those- cla
philosopher r
having been bo
sooner, at an e•
templated a bit
his diocese in c
happy days of
Noyon in quest
twenty-five Frs
roses to his om
tion of (Ill, wae
main of the La
the highest rep
The edict of th
only was it necs
rosiere should t
and integrity u
this was by far
of the decree,
father, mother,
parents as far it
should be certi
condition was
unjust, decided.
of vicious or gi
more than ordir
virtue with suet
Then the Bist
lord of Salency
greeted unto hi
rosiere from arn
the village and
day of June was
ing the rosiere,
.widheidteardga. rnTiehe
flow in large cu
accompanied by
many swains sh(
to the chateau o
whatever music
position to provi
scene for the foll
where a special
of the departed ;
deum. - Later or
was partaken of
cipated in the ea
The rosieres hz
time when, towa
teenth century
suddenly and re:
it ever had been
should be borne
philosphers had '
a la nature • ruse
of the day. The
the heralds pros:
usual, the public
responded to the
fields and the m
and " rastical see
More. It was le
tlay the counter"
Ands, fed seemin
-•olved to re-estaI
',atones and cast'
Litteraire," given
kistorical feature
sld documents
The village of
ataootr et. onoo pv er ol hb dr i 01 i a
it. The Marquis
of La Rosiere wrd
tomique to wing,
tet music. In he
toted a few lines
leserved a perusa
tux mille conies
der beau
lprix desrinta
des modeates be
moor de servir eri
aux vertu que 4
pomme a la plul
tdage, Un plus he
plats sage!
And so the chael
Tillage of Salesacy
af the festivals, ca.]
of the happy days
painting represent
raiesant depositin
the beautiful head
down andaegownet
more reconqnere5
olfrirea5 Sereiselencsay.i