HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-08-18, Page 4aaa- { • 0 AND MGM NTERESTING PARAGRAPHS CULLED. :FROM YARIOUS FIELDS. nreniiga and Discovery--Geo.,ites WrIt.. Mout the Brooklyn Bridge -A Simple - Scientific Lesson With the Cone as .tits, .ilfustrator, One of the noblest brid8es _in= the world i> the atreeture which unites -New York and Broeklyn. A cgriept::fact in regard tp it, and to every -other bridge of the suspension ,type, is that, were its design turned upside down, the outline would indicate a capital for anold-fashioned arched bridge. s• itrength of the steel in the cables spanning the East River is employed to hold up a burden hanging beneath them. he lines along which the metal. is most el - Lively disposed for this duty are sub - Pft stantrally the reverse of the Iines most suit - table 'were the load not beneath the steel, but above it. As in the case of the Brooklyn Bridge, so with other familiar objects. We are apt to think of them only in tLe single aspect in which we usually see them. We :forget that the rule according to which they 0 were built or made work both wags, 10 that were these familiar things but looked at in the reverse they might be quite as in- teresting or useful Ask the next schoolboy you meet to draw for you the outline of a cone. _is sketch will give you the figure resting very naturally on its base. Were you next to ask him how an apparatus for extracting cube root could be put together he 'would very probably shake his head -and ,;,fall to thinking about .highly complicated =cogwheels and levers. And yet •a. simple cone has only to be immersed in a cylindri•. 'cal jar half full of water to extract cube `root with precision. It must, however, be Inverted ; and, that the water may rise as much as possible the jar should be only a 'trifle wider than the base of the cone, and the cone should, be tall and slender. • A cone increases in contents as the cube of its height= -Hardly any fact in Euclid is more familiar. A D in the figure has twenty-seven times and A C eight timet ,the contents of A B. Inverted and lin- ...merged in water, displacement increases in 'exactly the same ratio. Had'the cone been seen as often with its apex downward as in Its ordinary position, this little invention -would have been given to the scboolelong ago, and not, as is the -case, only the other day --Geo. lies, in New York Sun. A, Hint to Canadian Inventors. A potato spraying machine is figured in ,the Mark Lane express that may suggest ideeae to Canadian inventors- and manufac- _curers. -It is so generally necessary to :spray potatoes with the Bordeaux :mixture :and some poison added,•so as to both pre. `vent blight and kill bags, that a machine ',vent dgg.sieveral rows at a time is needed. It should also be adopted for similiar use on :tomatoes and other crops. The larger cut outlines the machine : A, hood for passing over rows -of potatoes to confine the mist - like spray, and thereby prevent waste- of the mixture ; B B B, discs for _ arresting the forced, sharp streams, and dispelling ,the;n as mist; CCC, nozzles for discharging the streams from the force -pump tubes ; D, air chamber for causing the streams to be uniform or constant, and not fitful ; E, pump; F, chain for driving pump 0, re- servoir or tank for carrying a supply of the mixture ; 1111 H, separator and elevator, an the form of. a suspended curved steel rod or saline of wood, for dividing and raising 'talker steins to an erect position; and guid- ,tng them thteugh the hood over orclear of the lower discs. The small figure in the left-hand corner is a section of the .hood B, troughs for catching in the hood the ,sprereonaensed there, which would other- wise fly .. waste:: OCC, the spray-produc . �ngdim;`'D'`D D, the Spray or. .mist as generated, and showing that about one- -fifth 0f themixture is utilized byimpingiiig loathe potato, leaves= and stems, and that_ four 8ft ia'atrike the hood for condensation and recovery. • Why =cycles Are So Dear, • The question why the high-grade bicycle coats somuch-a cum beyond. El s means of :the ordinary wage-earner—is- ones- asked. The frOtt Age gives some intereritiag lir•- formatyon in answer Iii the'firstplace the. bicycle insist be made on the interchange- &rile principle, $o that a missing or broken part. cat be supplied; by the factory at on 0fsucls undergo a rigid .syetent 0f 7Snepiectioo , .-submitted to the severe which they must, stand while .the leutchine is in: zea Main part's like.$h. sproCkeg_tieheel, _ hubs, bea-ringseetc., ssr $ eked, the allowance., for va a ioii being one uarter of s thoiisandtth. A Ysaria ,uu is exesasxof this' throws: the piece out.; Via met:6sid of - ` etringrri ;the wheel is thin„ described _ ,-"Thea anter wards of tits spokes ars Ihrea offer tenter theme hardened ulpple the c of which ss, of cours . e, on the use side of tby t ills bo who =; at7nty tightens fi et ' in lriit aa- ::arrta- toL Itn` 1 Publishtevery Thursday The Newsiest Local Paper in North Huron, —AT— Gorrie, Ont., A splendid staff of able cor- respondents in every part of this section. OINTILIV 1 Per YEAR or less than 2c."a week. fob Prinfiin§. Wehave a splendid printing outfit,. including .the very ` latest faces of type, the mnostmodera • appliances, Fast Joh Presses :O: Fine Popfer Type. :Or We can turn. out. Wedding Cards, Calling Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Blank Headings, Insurance Policies, Pamphlets, Circulars, ' iaand l ills1; Posters, Streamer or any n the pant • ing line the 'neatest "s r e: irt, -and a, fir, _s : �t ttor, _ 1 GI-REAT 0T1 ARIfG SASE I OF Hard a SofbFelt Hats f Black and nd Colored, At, • 50 cents • Each.. A few more of those STRAW HATS left Call Early and make your Choice. Best Bargains Ever At 25c. Offered in Gorrie. w. Tot?rt'e! fIoi,se, Auction Sale OF VALIIABLa" Furniture Factory And Planing Mill and Machinery Con- nected .Therewith, In the Village of Wroxeter, In the County of Huron. THERE will be sold on SATURDAY, THE 20TH OAT OF AUQO$T,1882, At One o'clock in the afternoon, At the GOFTON HOUSE in the Village of Wrox- eter. by virtue of powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale, the following property : Lot 18, on the west aide of Gibson Street,in the said village of Wrox- eter, containing one fourth of an acre, more or leas. The followingimprovements are said to be erected on the premises : Planing Mill, a Frame Furniture Factory and sundry machinery. TERMS :-20 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid_down on the day of sale. For balance terms wilt be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BROTHERS & MACKENZIE, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Tornoto. Or to Wm. Leman. Esq., Wroxeter. Voters' List, 1892. MUNICIPALITY OF THE VILLAGE OF WROX. ETER, COUNTY OF HURON. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmit ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' List. Act, IN-:, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and that said list was first posted up at my of - floe at Wroxeter, on the 6th day of August, 1892, and remains there for inspection. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if . any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. ',JOSEPH COWAN, Clerk. Dated at Wroxeter, this 6th day of August, 1892. E ora holler Mills. WILSON BRos.,'Props. . First-class Manitoba - Wheat Flour manufactured and always kept in Stock and sold in any quantities. FLOUR BRAN., SHORTS per cwt. ,$2 25 to $2 50 per- ton. - 14 00` per ton. 16.00 Special attention given to GFRISTINGt, which is done on the shortest possible notice. Highest Price Paid for Grain. The mill is fitted throughout with the very , best roller pro- cess machinery andappliances- and we are confident of being able to give perfect satisfac- tion. PATRONAGE SOLICITFD. WILSON BROS. WOOL, Listowel Woollen Factory. Highest- Prices ` Paid. Cash or Trade. Largest • Wool • Market in Ontario. Everybody come and see our tremendous big stock in all kinds of woollen goods whish we offer at bottom prices for cash or in exchange for wool dna F teph- S1-oc1, We have never been so well fitted andsequipped for a wool season's business as at the present one, and have never felt so completely confident of our ability to serve you with the best of goods at bottom prices. A specially attractivefeature of our new lines of Flannels, strictly %Ertl ATRIA, far surpasses.any wool,seasooyet.. , FINE_: WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTINGS (Something new offered to the trade.) - We seethe only woollen factor in Canada that make this line of goods and offer them for ene- half the :price/Du pay in the city of Glasgow. IINTALIelVENTQ 'Wellibb to warnthe farmers not to deceived by shoddy peddlers going through the country selling uenonest goods. We have nb pedlars handling our.goods and they can only be bought by dealing direct at the factory. ' Roll Carding,' Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds,- Flan_ bels, Blankets, -&c nnmeran9- egstomers for their past favore,.would beg to say come and )Tour n�bor�:unrplock,as you -win be highly pleased to seegoods so low m price. You $nd ue ready to dive ieinost prompt and careful attention to all. BROOK 8ry Borrie. Fordwich Drug Store A SPENCE, M. D., Proprietor. - - A FULL LINE OF J. C. BELL, Manager. Drugs and Druggists' Supplies, Stationery and Fancy Coods, WAL,L PikPF23 In endless variety and at every" price. 118 W. C. HAZLEWOOD City foot and Shoe Store, -vvazoxwrER A Neat Walking Boot Is not only a comfort to the wearer but a pleasure to every one who admires a pretty foot. We have them—the boots, we mean. And they sax cheap. OVR stock of Ladies . and gents' slippers is unusually large and choice. See them. . A splendid assortment of Ladies' wear of all kinds is now displayed on our shelves. GENTS' can be supplied in any line. Heavy kip and calf aid the lighter Oxford, Dongolas, Wankenphasts, etc. Don't go past the -City Boot and Shoe Store for the most satisfying article at Rcet easoSiple 040e A REMARK' 4.111 t Th. -Scope, London', and $neck Affeeted- The mol made in the tion is now glumeratio Quincey The scope, new Lend grammes o length in tt of Reviews. can editor Shaw, for subject th this side of What is lice Distric dius of fifie comprises Q: comprehend 000. Outsid ing the his which at pr dents, the to 1889 apt small divis vestries and unified mu universal a. to the met vestries. F have walk: hours a da every intelli chances war have found have erplei governed. drainage sys portant etre a few other there was years ago Board of S' from the lo. vestries. T countability cient nor w. The great is not the o tion in Lond cult of the a the whole measure the which had polis, were e and provisi. Council, wlii Municipal P. ple of Londo, polis, from are chosen, with the fift which mem. The old C permitted ment, and it the County constituting should add t. add to their citizens to sit title of Alder by one of th Chairman, an functions whi the office of ed that the it is, is not sol by no meal Metropoiitian area of only and the pope of its Coon millions and a of power whi ed by the the Council re of some 3 to 1 over the Metr demand is gr. the Council w Metropolitan brace a popul= As vet, ho Council is o• municipal goy Parliament a plate. For t comparatively powers that 1 Metropolitan other powers creating it. pal concern w meat of lo^osl • water supp"y, its tramways, hands of prise of the Progr challenged in Council, conte its powers, an wishes will be are dominant mons. Amon the Progressiv ing : First, t1 the great landl rents pay thei secondly, that ate water co to the munic trenchant m - amelioration o the poor. N programme. h representatives the recent vie mainly due, ar pf taxes thro #rade union wa, the case of a Council, and fo for private own only as regar. regards the gas and docks. T over, that the through their their police a spaces, and it - will be back newly elected The Loudon tion. apply t