HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-08-18, Page 3, ling the vi age and lenry Barrett, a far tire, was f-ind deai ot woeaes'se. He hai as he wr.s alone, e the fatality occurr s of more than one Royal h amily ari pie who keep the take the insurance s becoming due. declaration of the Oxford, Mr. Ben iresser, fell dead ie ng, it is supposed, aka, which arrived sy, reports having y an open boat ill La no person on : which was wash - I. appened at North. h Rathbone, aged 3 ing across Messrs sny's salt rock. pit 1 he stumbled and shaft. He was oiled at a, depth ol taneo us. ,f Monday statea formerly the pro- s sunk off an island of the Kimberley is a hole in the sed by corrosion. ) miles in a whale. 1rder to put him - h the owners. ident occurred at Station. Lydia side, Eladfield, left , David Travis to ,il. The bride was a ariving at Guide moved from the rooms, where she I . a•-lve the famous n, which was a Li whose hirsute kost prono-anced man could gain ni, it was requir- niember that the d whiskers in hot Letnally took out been used. is reported from r Newent. His 00 sheep being tilted a relative wash. Not long f it, 400 of the y 103 died, and ernainder of the rinary surgeon ' death to be day, there was h never, so fai n these waters, lazily sporting , and having a le, it was sup - g captured and very fine spece sured-length, es ; thickness, fins, 90 inches. curred at Birk. i. Three chil• Le belonging tc of horses and when the straw rned to death be rendered. 6red to Gregson rob. Rockliffe, ges varied from recording hi3 polling district ative elector ut 50 years or was endeavor. ich contained *pped and fell, -laden vehicle almost instan- being badly ,ning a shock . - Rhyl promen- was returning t was opposite to a troop of lok fright and I was dragged ldren, killing several others, lttle child time Rhyl; the in - 'hocking case cured in Bir - ed Frederick ived with his t in Heneage moat extra - y, and fre- ts most care- ouse to go on y night he e the woman e head, put-. ram immedi- oes not seem e, and the nine o'clock act is attri- g failure of day, as you ou. If you our hat. boat while • your own on in the m watching t comes from iodates itself ranee. t 'when you e eider thaa jig undertow iner. r -oliessure. tiff shirt, or s of women, Wes Monday arhable Case of Mr. - John W. Condor. A helpless Cripple For Years -Treated by the SIMI' of the Toronto General Mospit- al and Discharged as Ineurable-The Story of his Miraculous Recover/ as investigated by an Empire Reporter. Toronto Empire. For more than a year past the readers of the Empire have been given the particulars of some of the most remarkable cures of the 19th century, all, or nearly all of them, in cases hitherto held by the most advanced medical scientists to be incurable. The particulars of these cases were vouched for by sueh leading newspapers as the Hamilton Spectator and Times, T, e Halifax Herald, Toronto Globe, Le Monde, Montreal; Detroit News, Albany, N.Y.'Journal; Albany Express and others, whose reputa- tion placed beyond question the statements made. Recently rumors have been afioat of a remarkable else in the pretty little town of Oakville, of a young man recovering after years -of helplessness and agony. The Em- pire determined to subject the case to the most rigid investigation, and accordingly detailed one of our best reporters to make a thorough and impartial investigation into the case. Acting upon these instructions our teporter went to Oakville, and called upon Mr. John W. Condor (who it was had so miraculously recovered) and had not long been in conversation with him when he was convinced that the statements made were not on:y true, but that "the half had not been told." The reporter found Mr. Condor at work in one of the heaviest departments of the Oakville Basket Factory, and was surprised, in the face of what he knew of the cane, to be canfronted by a strapping young fellew of good physique, ruddy countenance and buoyant bearing. This now rugged young man was he who had spent a great part of his days upon a sick -bed, suffering almost untold agony. When the Empire representative announced the purpose of his visit Mr. Condor cheer- fully volunteered • a statement of his case for the benefit of other sufferers. "I am," said Mr. Condor, "an Englishman by birth, and came to this country with my parents when nine years of age, and at that time was as rugged andhealthy as any boy of my age. I am now 29 years boxes when I left off..By this time I had taken_ rable flesh, and weighed a.s This was a gain ofOlv eaks My joints assumed th 3.1.11Y muscles became firmer. *WI was a new man. By April I was able to go to work in the basket factory, and now. I can work ten hours a day with. any man. I often stay on duty overtime without feel- ing any bad effects. I play baseball in the evenings and can run bases with any of the boys. Why I feel like dancing for very joy at the relief from abject misery I suf- fered so long. Many a time I prayed for death to release me from my sufferings, but now that is all gone and I enjoy health as only he can who suffered agony for years. I have given 'you a brief outline of my suffer- ings, but frennswhat I have told you can guess the depth of my gratitUde for the great remedy which has restored me to health and strength. Wishing to substantiate the truth of Mr. Condor's remarkable story the Empire repre- sentative called upon Mr. F. W. James, the Oakville druggist referred to above. Mr. James fully corroborated the state- ments of Mr. Condor. 11Then thelatter had first taken Dr. Williams'Pink Pills he was a mere skeleton -a wreck of humanity. The people of the town bad long given himnip for as good as dead, and would hard- ly believe the man's recovery until they saw him themselves. The fame of this cure is now spread throughout the section and the result is an enormous sale of Pink PilLs. "I sell a -dozen -and -a -half boxes of Pink Pills every day," said Mr. James, "and this is remarkable in a town the size of Oakville. And better- still they give perfect satisfaction." Mr. Jamesr ecalled numerous instances of remarkable cures after other rernedie,s - -Mr. John Robertson who Jives midway betWeen Oak- ville and Milton, who had been troubled with asthma and bronchitis for about 15 years, has been cured by the use of Pink Pills, and this after physicians had told him there was no use doctoring further. Mr. Robertson says his appetite had failed com- pletely, but after taking seven boxes of Pink Pills he was ready and waiting for each meal. He regards his case as a re- markable one. In fact Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are recognized as one of the greatest modern medicines -a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer- curing such diseases as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial paralysis, lo- comotoratakia;St. V itus dance, n eevous head - of age, and it was when about 14 ache, nervous prostration and the tired feel - years old that the first twinges of inflam- matory rheumatism came upon me, and during the fifteen years that intervened be- tween that time and my recovery a few months ago, tongue can hardly tell how health, and are a specific for all the troubles much I suffered. My trouble was brought peculiar to the female sex, while in -the case on, I think, through too frequent bathing in of men they effect a radical cure in all cases the cold lake water. The joints of my body arising from mental worry, overwork or ex - began to swell, the cords of nay legs to ceases of whatever nature. tighten, and the muscles of my limbs to The Empire reporter also called upon Mr. contract. I became a helpless cripple con- J. C. Ford, proprietor of the Oakville Bas - fined to bed, and for three months did not ket Factory in which Mr. Condor is employ - leave my room. The doctor who was call- ed, Mr. Ford said he knew of the pitiable ed in administered preparations of iodide condition Condor had been in for years, and of potassium and other remedies without he had thought he wculd never recover. any material beneficial effect. After some The cure was evidently a thorough one for Condor worked steadily at heavy labor in the mills and apparently stood it as well as the rest of the employees. Mr. Ford said he thought a great deal of the young raan and was pleased at his wondrous deliver- ance from the grave and his restoration to vigorous health. than the rst. My feet, ankles, knees, In order to still further verify the state- fi legs, arms, shoulders, and in fact all partsimeem made by Mr. Condor in the above in- ef my frame were effected. My jointsterview, the Reporter on his return to To - and muscles became badly swollen, and ronto examined the General Hospital record the disease even reached my head. My and found therein the entries fully face swelled to a great size. I was unable to open my mouth, ray jaws being fixed to- gether. I, of course, could eat nothing. My teeth were pried apart and liquid food pour- ed down my throat. I lost my voice, and could speak only in husky whispers. Real- ly, I am unalsje to describe the state I was in during those long weary months. With my swollen limbs drawn by the tightening cords up to my emaciated body, and my whole frame twisted and contorted into in- ing resulting therefrom, diseases depending upon humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills restore P'! and sallow complexions to the glow of months of suffering becarne strong enough to leave the bed but my limbs were stiffened and I was unfitted for any active vocation. I was than hampered more or less for the following nine years, when I was again forced to take to my bed. This attack was in 1886, and was a great deal more severe bearing out all Mr. Condor had said, thus leaving no doubt that his case is one of the most remarkable on record, and all the more remarkable because it had baffled the skill of the best physicians in Toronto. These pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N.Y., and ate sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen or hundred, and the public are cautioned describable shapes, I was nothing more than against numerous imitations sold in this a deformed skeleton. For three long weary !shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for rnonths I was confined to bed, after which I $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or was able to get up, but was a complete physi- direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine cal wreck, hobbling around on crutches a helpless cripple. My sufferings were con- tinually ineerse, and frequently when I would be hobbling along the street I would oe seized with a paroxysm of pain and would fall unconscious to the ground. During all this time I had the constant attendance of medical men, but their remedies were unavailing. All they could do was to try to build up my system by the use of tonics. In the fall of 1889 and spring of 1890 I again suffered intensely severe at- tacks, and at last my medical attendant, as a last resort, ordered nee to the Toronto General Hospital. I entered the Hospital on June 20th, 1890, and remained there until September 20th of the same year. But, notwithstanding all the care and at- tention bestowed upon me while in this in- stitution, no improvement was noticeable in my condition. After using every avail- able remedy the hospital doctors -of whom there was about a dozen -came to the con- clusion that my case was incurable, and I was sent away, with the understanding that I might remain an outside patient. Ac- cerdingly from September 1890 to the end of January 1891, I went to the hoepital once a week for examination and treat- ment. At this stage I became suddenly worse, and once more gained admission to the hospital, where -I laY in a miserable suf- fering condition for two months or more. In the spring of 1891 I returned to Oak- ville, and made an attempt to dd something toward my own support. I was given light work in the basket factory, but had to be conveyed to and from my place of labor in a buggy and carried from the rig to a table in the works on which I sat and perform- ed my work. In August, 1891, I was again stricken down, and remained in an utterly helpless condition until Jan - nary 1892. At this time Mr. James, a local druggist, strongly urged me to try Dr. Will - lame' Pink Pills for Pale People,. I was prejudiced against proprietary medicines as I had spent nearly all I possessed on numerous highly recommended so-called reinedies. I had taken into my system large plantities of different family medicines. I lad exhausted the list of liniments, but all n vain, and I was therefore reluctant to sake Mr. James' advice. I, however, saw Jeveral, strong testimonials as to the value d Dr. Williams' Pink Pills as a blood Pare beeswax and clean, unsalted butter )uilder and nerve tonic, and thinking that make an excellent substitute for creams and f I could only get my blood in better con- balms. lition my general state of health might be Sage -tea, or oat -meal gruel, sweetened ileproved, I resolved to give Pink Pills a with honey, are good for chapped hands or hied. With the courage born of despair, I any sort of roughness. 'sought a box, but there was no noticeable A slice of apple or tomato rubbed over the anprovement, and I thought this was -like hands will remove ink or berry stains. the other renisdies I had used. But urged _Ingrowing naib, if serious, should re- m by frienle I continued taking Pink ceive the doctor's attention. In the first Pills and after ming seven boxes I was re- stage they can be helped byrabingthe edge warded by noticing a decided change for and slipping a bit of raw` cotton tinder the he better.. My appetite returned, my nail. Sometitne.s a drop of tallow, scalding epirits began to rise and I had a little freer hot, will effect a cure: Whenevei:a" nail gets broken into the vie of my muscles and limbs, the old trou- blesome millings subsiding. Ieontinued quick, wear a leather stall Over it until na- the emedx ,ustil 1 bad used twenty-five. titre heels tbe breach. Company from either address. The price at which these pills are sold make a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatmen t. Suicide by the Smoke Route. There are multitudes of young men smoke ing themselves to death. Nervous, eadavor- ous,narrow-chestedandfidgety, they are pre- paring for early departure or a half-and-half existence that will be of little satisfaction to themselves or little use to others. Quit it, my young brother. Before you get through this life you will want stout nerves and a broad chest and a brain unclouded with tobacco smoke. To get rid of the habit will require a struggle, as I know by bitter experience. Cigars and midnight study nearly put an end to my existence at twenty-five years of age. I got so I could do no kind of study without a cigar in my mouth -as complete a slave was las some of you are. About to change pastorates from one city to another, a wholesale dealer offer- ed as an inducement to my going to Phila- delphia that he would give me all my cigars, and the best cigars in the country, free of charge all the rest of my life. He was a splendid man, and I knew he would keep his promise; then I reasoned thus: If, now, when my salary is small, and cigars are high, -I smoke up to- my full endurance, what would become of my health if I got all my cigars for nothing? Well, I have never touohed the infernal weed since. From that time I was revolutionizedin health and mind, emancipated by the grace of God. I ask young men to strike out for the libera- tion of their entire nature from all kinds of evil babits.e Iseetliatrnow in our elevated railroads they have introduced that pig pen on wheels, the smoking car, and it is being made easier and easier all the time to eacrifice physical health. All those who break down their health through -indulgence and go into graves sooner than they would otherwise have gone are suicidee, and the day of judgement will so reveal it. Five Helpful Hints. TAKES OLPTIVE BY CANNIBALS. -AF.xperiences of in English MisSionar* In May of.last year an EnOsh.snissionary Dr. Montague, who occupieda station near the coast in the westeen part of British New Guinea, suddenly disappeared, and for some time nothing wa.a known as to his fate. - It was discovered finally that while out in the forests beyond his station he had been cap- tured by the Tungere cannibals, a tribe liv- ing further west in Dutch New Guinea, that had never before been known to venture so far east. The savages carried Dr. Mon- tague off to their own country, a land that was practically unknown to white people. There he lived until February, when he was rescued by a Dutch steamer. Very little news has yet been received with re- gard toDr. Montague's experiendes. We know only that as a captive he had nothing seriously to complain of, except the -poor quality of the food served to him. The - PEOPLE WHO CAPTURED HIM till live in the stone age. The eastern .imited,their country begins about twenty inilesweitef theDutch-Britishboundary and extends westward to .Prince Frederik Hen- drik Island. Along this extensive coast live a number of warlike branches of this tribe, and the region is thickly populated. They inhabit large villages both on the coast and inland, and on the coast the towns are so numerous that the whole shore seems to be lined with unbroken rows of huts. In their intellectual and physical development, these people belong to the finest of the New Guinea tribes. The men are handsome, muscular, well-built fellows, with high fore- heads, and many of them are light yellow in colour. Although they wear no clothing whatever, they lavishly paint and adorn theirhodies. They wear nose rings, and -their weapons consist ef bows and arrows and stone clubs. Their arrow tips are poi- soned. They build rude canoes from thirty to forty feet in length, which- they propel with paddles. All the subdivisions of this large family maintain with one another the friendliest relations. Among their house animals are pigs and dogs, both of which are esteemed as table delicacies. The dogs are used ou kangaroo bunts, which are a favourite diversion with the natives. Sago, yams, and sugar cane are cultivated. Food is in great abundance, and the fruits of har- vest are stored away for future use. Along the coasts and at some places in the interior cocoa palms thrive finely, and the lowlands are very rich and fruitful. The improved area is very extensive. The fields are kept in excellent condition, and the natives have quite advanced ideas of irrigation, which they practise to some extent in their agri- culture. The plains are specially adapted for raising large -crape of rice and sugar cane, and Dr. Montagne believes that por- tions of this new region could be turned into profitable plantations under Europeon man agement. THE FORESTS swarm with butterflies, birds of paradise, and various kinds of pigeons, and abound also with the moat valuable sorts of wood, such as cedar, sandal wood and other kinds. The rivers and the la- goons along the coast are full of fish and water fowl. T.' climate says Dr. Mon- tague, is as can be found anywhere in tropical countries, and is far more health- ful than most other parts of New Guinea. Dr. Montagne lived in the country nine months, and although his food was bad, he enjoyed excellent health. Only one langu- age, with some dialetic differences, is spoken along the whole coast and the missionary is now engaged upon the preparation of a dictionary of the language. He found that the people are afflicted to some extent with leprosy. That Welcoming Smile. Far be it from me to sneer at it! That smile, so honored in tradition, story and bong, with which the good wife al- ways greets her returning husband, that very popular smile ! I have nothing to say against it (though I have laughed at "Samantha Allen's" story of the deacon, coming in from the barn with a badly cut finger, and shouting to his pattern wife on the doorstep, "What ye grinnin' at, ye dum' fool? Git me a rag!") But we must admit, even the most optimistic of s that the smile is not always forthcoming, and I want to tell why, for the benefit of some of the Johns who read the Housekeeper's Weekly. May they profit thereby. One of them has lately been eulogized amongst us as a man who "understands women's work and ways." Does he under- stand that women's work must be done ac- cording to some system if it be well done, just as men's must be? Does he realize that the three meals a day are the three great divisions of time for the working women of the household, and that much of comfort of all concerned in the cooking, serving, and eating depends on their being "on time?" If he does, be thankful; for there is many an otherwise punctual and business -like man, prompt to the hour in his engagements with men who fails just here. And thereby his wife's brow may be growing wrinkled with little daily worries, and her trials with her servants always in- creasing. For doalot the wise women who look into such things tell -us that the reason why so many yoimg girls prefer the store, work -room, or factory to domestic Service, is because -they have fixed hours andmore independence. You have asked John to fix an hour him- self when he will be ready for tea, patiently explaining why you wish to have a fixed hour, and he answers amiably,. "Oh, when- ever it emits - you, -dear. Sulapbse we say half -past six ; always at hohae by that time.' You refrain from disputing this, and for to nights he is at home early. Indeed, the second evening he appears at six, say- ing, "Now dear, bring on the mapper. I'm as hungry as a hawk.' There is only cold - roast beef, cold bread, and stewed fruit that evening, so Maggie hurries things a little and yeu sit down to the table ahead of time. Taking heart from this, you plan inuffins and an omelette for the morrow. But alai 1 the omelette sinks to a leathery circle, and the crisp muffins scorch their plump sides, and still he does not come. It is ten minutes past seven when the door -latch clicks, and he hustles in. "A little late, but I met Adams, and that hindered me. Sorry. be down, as soon as I wash my hands." So it goes. The next evening _Maggie is to be let off early to go to a cousin's wed- ding, and when she loses a full hour of her precious evening because "My watch was slow, and I just missed my car," you can only sigh over the fit of temper which re- sults in the breaking of Aunt Jane's old India oyster dish before she goes, and in her returning away on in the "wee ma,' hours" when yourhead is aching with watching for her. Now, dear sister, if you are a wiseivoinan you wilicay nothing to John about it When he first comes in. If you must free your mind, wait until he has had his supper. And even then try to look on his side. Thereare sometimes unavoidable delays and worrying hindrances in his homeward path. Bat peach him that he must excuse, at such tithete, the absence of that smile. Reform him, If you can, by gentle, firm measures. Let him set the hours for rising and for meals to uit his own convenience as far as possible, and then try to have him keep to them. If you fail, remember his other vire tnes and -forgive him. But be sure of this: Teach your children to be punctual. Remember you are training Jack and Benny and Phil to be somebody's husbands, and be sure that Somebody will "smile " all the more because of your train- ing. MARTHA. She Couldn't rind A Flaw. A gentleman who had been absent for a considerable time, and who during his ab- sence had raised a luxuriant crop of whisk- ers, etc., visited a relative, whose child, an artless little girl of seven years, he was very fond of. . The little girl made_ no demons tration towards saluting him with a kiss, as was usual, "Why, child," said the mother, -"don't you give uncle -John a. kiss ?" "Why ma," returned the little girl, with the most perfect simplicity, "1 don't see any place." nave you Got it? To cure cramps take Nerviline. To break up a cold nothing is as good as Nerviline. If lumbago, neuralgia, or rheumatism troubles you resort to Nerviline. It never fails to give relief. Nerviline is a powerful, pe netrat in g substance, which koes at once, to the bottom and speedily dislodges all pain. Nervitine is better, stronger, and more certain in action than any other pain remedy in the market. Nerviline is sold by all dealers, only 25 cents. The Most Beautiful Sight. " Now, this is one of the most delightfu mornings, Farmer Hayseed," said his city guest in her enthusiasm. " Yes, miss, it's a very proper mornin'; but you should a' been up half an hour earlier." " Why ? Were the sunlight tints more beautiful upon the hills than now? inquired the young lady, fearing she had missed an opportunity for artistic ecstasy. "1 dunno 'bout that; but you ought to have seen the rumpus Josh had with the white -faded heifer. She kicked the bottom out of his pail and landed him t'other side o' yard in a hurry." , GRIMSBY, Sul y 21st, 1892. Chief Medical Officer, Gold Cure Institute, Grismby. DEAR Sin :-Being personally acquainted with the staff of your institute and having knowledge of the methods and results of your treatment, it affords us great pleasure to say that we consider you are engaged in a work which must result in benefiting humanity. Indeed we feel it our duty to do all in our power to induce those within the sphere of our influence, requiring your treatment, to consult you. We have visited your institute, and have found it exceedingly well equipped, every care being taken of the patients under your charge, and an air of general satisfaction pervading among them. We have noticed some cases in which we thought cures al- most impossibie, but under your treatment these have been effected in a truly remark- able manner. We are looking forward to the time when thousands will take the opportunity to put themselves under your care for the cure of the liquor, morphine and similar destroying habits, and we are sure your good work must go on successfully. We hope this endorsement of your Insti- tute and its work will have its effect among those who need to consult you. Yours very truly, (S'gd.) 0. 0. LANGFORD, (Baptist Minister.) JOHN G. MURRAY, (Presbyterian Minister.) C. SCUDAMORE, (Anglican Curate.) T. L. WILKINSON, (Methodist Minister.) For particulars as to terms, etc., write to the Double Chloride of Gold Co., Grimsby, Ont., and Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que. A Terrible Warning. Judge (to woman arrested for shoplifting) "When did you begin this sort, of thing?" Woman (weeping): "1 began by picking any husband's pockets at nights when he was asleep. Then the descent was easy." Bail, oad Enterprise. The Great Northern Railway will inau- gurate a regular daily train service from St. Paul to Spokane, Washington, on Aug lst. This line will be superior on account of its being thirty-five miles shorter than the Northern Pacific with better roadway and lower grades, the lowest of any transcon- tinental line through the mountains,. thus giving greet advantage in i,ime and comfort. The entire equipment will be entirely new and decidedly, first-class. The road will *an its OWn fifiring and sleeping cars, and nothinghwill be lacking to make a perfect train service. Any information regarding rateser c.ovill be cheerfully furnished by theie; Canidian agent, J. M. Huckins, Palmer House Block, Toronto. The widow of Hotchkiss, inventor of the- fainous gun, has left a !Milian dollars -for the Fresh Air Fund Aid Society in New York. Children aj.....at.Ifr Enjoy It. SCOTT'S ElifiLS1011 - of pure Cod Liver 011 with Hypo• phosphltes of Lime and Soda Is almost as palatable as milk. A MARVELLOUS FLESH PRODUCER - It Is indeed, and the little lads and lassies who take cold easily, may be fortified against a cough that might prove- serious, by taking Scott's Emulsion after their meals during the winter season. JI,eware of substitutions and imitations. SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville. Its Excellent Qualities Commend to public approval the California liquid fruit remedy Syrup of Figs It is pleasing to the eye, and to the taste and by gently acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels, it cleanses the system effectually, thereby promoting the health and comfort of all who use it. True valor is like honesty it enters into all that a man liees or does. The proper care of his machinery is of vital importance to the farmer, as in these days so large a part of his earnings is in- vested in this kind of plant. The success= ful farmer protects his machinery in every possible manner -from the weather, from accidents -and last but not least, the suc- cessful farmer keeps the bearings well lu- bricated wi:,h Rogers' Peerless Machine Oil. The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it. - "WARNING," ask your Druggist for GIB- BONS' TOOTHACHE GUM, take no substitute. Everything is bitter to him who has gall in his mouth. •••••••• A.P. 617. Are a BLOOD B UI LINED and NEIRVIl TONIC. They supply in condensed form ALL the sub- stances needed to enrich the Blood and to rebuild the Nerves,thusma,king them a certain and speedy cure for all diseases a r s-ing from impoverished blood,and shattered nerves, such as r, ar- alysis, spinal -dis- eases, rheumatism, seiatica,loss of mem. ory, erysipelas, pal- pitation of theheart, scrofula,chlorosis or green sickness, that tired feeling that affects so many, etc. They have a specific action on the sexual system of both men and women, restoring lost vigor. WEAK MEN (young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, expesses, or self-abuse, should take these PILLS. They will restore lost energies, both physical and mental. SUFFERING WOMEN afflicted Willi the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, bearing down pains, weak back, ulcerations, etc., will find these pills an unfailing cure. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS should take these Pills. They enrich the blood, restare health's roses to the cheeks and cor- rect all irregularities. BEWARE, or licrrasicons. These Pills are Sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price -50 cents a box or 6 for $150. THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., Brockville. Ont.. or Morristown. N.Y. _ MORONTO BISCUIT AND CONECTIONERY CO J make the best goods. Try them and dee GA FIELD TEA cures Constipation,Sick Headache, restores the Complexion Get Free Sample at GARFIELD TEA .AGENCY 317 Church St,. Toron wANTED-500 Teachers to canvas for one or more of our first-class subscrip- tion books. Send for illustrated catalogue, and terms. Wm. Briggs, Publisher, Toronto. TAe Montana OHAIng, Lean tot illvesimeRt tg (\tAuvaia.).-ito wawa • wt. %Au, utavi wk.) PAID UP CAPITAL, .12,000,900 U oans money anywhere in the nited States, Canada or Mexico, without security. If you need money, apply to Local Agents or write ° HENPY L. HAUPT, Presfaent. ELITTIC CITY, MONTANA.' Agents Wanted Everywhani 102:a.mm. C:131.-am:b312.4a'm AUTOIVIATIC TRUSS Patented 1892 by Chas. Cluthe Grandest Original Invention The Automatic is a marvel of mechanism, it centralizes differences between contraction and expansion of body, caused by motion of legs, coughing, sneezing, etc., direct to the aperture of Hernia, automatically. THE SAME TRUSS FOR LIGHT . AND SEVERE CASES. Only sold through Physicians, Druggists, direct from the House. Pamphlet free. ADDRESS CHAS,. CLUTHE SURGICAL ILACEILNIST 11112111=1:SCERICIW 134 King St.West, TO RON e or Dims carrriso • taught by 3ltiss Chubb, general agent IirVIC SEM VOR f or Onteaso. SISOf Tonga St.. Toronto Oat A LL FOB ONE D Offer. We are the largest tr..&ers in the akfminion. To advertise the onalit) and make of our goods we will send to any address 2by' Express, securely packed, one of our Union silk parasols or umbrellas, paragon frame, plain or fancy handle, on receipt of $1-a reg- ular $2 umbrella. Try one. Notethe address, EAST'S Manufactory, 368 tt 370 Tonga SL. Toronto. WRITE FOR PAIITICKARS Of Ccnnplete Steam Launches from 29x1 to 3ir7 "Acme Coal -oil Boilers and Engines" from I to 8 EP. Large sizes. Coal or wood fuel. "The Marsh Steam Pump" the best boiler feeder in the market Returns exhaust into feed water heating it from 40 to tO degrees. For catalogue send 3c, star:1p, JOON climes di CO.. Carleton Place, Ont. mnrcrisi CONDITIONS OF HAPPINESS, The first is bodily health. To secure nil Drink the ROYAL DANDELION COFFEI which contains a proportion of German Dande lion Root. with fine coffee as a beets. It cora bingos the Health -giving properties c.f this well known plant with the refreshing and dietii properties of Coffee. Prepared only by EMI at KEIGILLEY, Toronto. EMIL LL1BS J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, Northcote Ave.. Toronto _- TTING MAC IffES _ AEELMAIL,ERC ,M 'GP,5 :Gz_oRGET Giwiv, GAT. HE DULA< MAKER., SBIlli1GM4U-IINEACZYT OR IT- OR SENDA3 CENT, STAMP FOR PARTICULARS; PRICE LJST, SAMPLES, COTTON YARNAr OF OUR' 73010 WESLEYAN LADIES' COLLEGE And Conservatory of Music, Hamilton, Ont. The 32nd Year will begin On September 6. Over 300 graduates in literary course aloe, a large and experienced faculty, University af- filiation, thorough instrucOm in University work, as well as preparatory in Music, Art, Elocution,Delsarte and Physical Culture, Bookkeeping. etc.: rational system of instruie tion and diRcipline, and the social advantages of a city. For termb address the Principal. A. BORNS, S.T.D., LLD. Rio° Flour for Infante Food Cannot be surpassed. The great preventive for Cholera and Summer Complaints_ TRY IT FOR YOUR BADE. To prepare it properly send for a Recipe Book, which will be forwarded free. The Mount Royal Milling Co.. Mont rea 1 OOTEN A SILVER MINES. Canadians have invested in 9-1) of the real. esta , of tho new towns in Kootenay, whilo Americans 9-19 of the mines. The success of the towns depends on the success of the mines. The Knott nay Mining Investment 09. represent four duly incorporated Silver Min - ng Companies, owning twelve MilleS iri Brk- sh Columbia and two in Illonta.na on the same rich belt, the richest in the world. They afford the safest and most profitable nvestment in Canada. The drat issue, of stook places investors on the ground floor an 1 is neaaly all taken up. The second issue wit: ba 25 per cent. to 50 per cent higher. Then its advancement will be rapid owing to grelter development work. Now is the opportunity, Don't let it slip. It is not often invest,ors have such a chance as this. Call at office, Boa of Trade Building, Toronto. KOOTENAY TBEJ lostDelicatelyPerked AND POPLUA1 SOAP OF THE DAY SOLD EVERYWHERE, USED BY EVERYBOD1 .41.14771:a1XA113`3E- THEALBE14T TOILET SOAP COMPANY PLAINA: FR"1" Nrfhreshers The Standard Champion and neva Horizontal Champion with perfect water spark arresters areA STILL THE LEADERS A large supply of second-hand En- gines Repaired and Re -built for sal Cheap. wit= us Paomproy. ENDLESS r 1:-.1 I —( : EXTRA STANDARD 100 FEST HEAVY EXTRA 110 PARA 120 " spfzietany Cheap for Cash. Tank Pumps and suction llose. WATEROUS BRANTFORD - MACHINERY - CANADA HIGH GRADE