HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-08-18, Page 1J. A. TUCK, M. D. EMBER of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ont. GORRIE, ONT. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Veterin- ary. Association. Residence Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIE, ONT. )fS JAS. McLAUGHLIN, SSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSE,. No J. witnesses required. Office:—At my Residence, GouBIE. DENTISTRY. S. JEROME, L. D. S., Wingham, will visit o J Gorrie, the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Teeth extracted without pain. All work warranted. MISS GREGORY, (Late of Harriston.) DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER. APPREN tices Wanted. Rooms over W. S. Bean's Store. pity grocery. GORRIE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1892. The Lion Store {..I AVIIN :ought out the stock of NR. JAMES ' 1 I will endeavor to keep up e reputationfor High -Class Q1 O C E1 IES, Confectionery, —Staple and Fancy— Crockery, Silverware and Fancy Goods, that my predecessor has so well merited for the last 12 years. Everything Fresh and Guaranteed of the Finest Quality. Strayed. DOG.—From Harriston, a young Collie Dog. Color, sable and white; answers to the name of " Glen." The finder will be rewarded by leav- ing it with JOHN ANDERSON, 9th con., Howiek, Fordwieh P. O. Estray Animals. CAME into the premises of the undersigned on or about the Pith day of August, 1892, five spring calves; two steers, red, with white spots; two heifers, red, with white spots, and one heifer of a grayish color. The owner is requested to prove property, pay 'expenses and take them away. Taos. rBsoN, Fordwich P, 0., Lot 22, con. 7, Howick. No use to enumerate prices, but call and see for yourself. I will sell as Cheap as the Cheapest. ENNELL'S OTOGRAFS OR ORTUNATE OLKS. T. F. MILLER, NAT ROXEirExit. Soca-tdtsi nA HIS MONTH. And we always have Rem- nants of all kinds to clear out. 1 Prints, Flannelettes, Seersnckers, Lawn Muslins, Sateens, etc., and all Sum- mer Goods must be sold this month. Hats and Caps. Thos. Wheatcroft, MUT CHER GORRIR and PALMERSTON. THE Gorrie wagon will make regular visits to Wroxeter and Fordwich. Meats of all kinds. Everything first-class. Fat cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry, etc., always wanted. Also clearing out our CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE Department at prices to sait the times. GLASS GEMS, ALL SIZES, SUGARS, ALL BINDS, Produce of all kinds wanted, wool, etc. Lioin a9torerANTirciawettE,r. J. W. Sanderson. R. H. FORTUNE, V.S. C.B.C. Don't be in a Hurry to sell Your Local Affairs. The interior of the Gorrie Presby- terian church is being painted and cal- cimined this week. We draw attention to W. S. Bean's new advertisement in another column. Our enterprising business men are al- ready brushing up for the fall trade, and seem determined that no one. need go outside the township for bargains. After making some small alterations in the specifications the contracts for the erection of the Foresters' new hall were let this week at slightly reduced figurers, the brick work Public school commenced in Gorrie on Monday last for the fall term. Mr. Timmins, of Bluevale, " was in the village on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Farrow and son, of London, are visiting in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Nott were the guests of the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, over Sunday last. Miss Mamie Ayers, of Holmesville, is spending a few weeks as the guest of Miss Jennie Greer while visiting friends here. HONOR Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto, Fellow of the Ontario Vet- erinary Medical Association. Under Graduate of C.B.C., Hamilton. Successor to J. Martin,V.S. Dentistry a specialty. Office, Main et., Wroxeter. 0 0 S. T. FENNELL, Fi'oRsot'i41 Ardig Capillary Abridger. Hirstute Vegetator. 1 No Threshing s, Lawn -Mowers or hen Come in and sit down ; 'You're 1�Text S Tin - kinds of sort no - Se • tter position Auctions in this mag - a some case" Gremlins/ Mills. Bull for Service. THE Thoroughbred Holstein Bull "BARNTON BOY" will serve cows at LOT18 0011, 8 HOWICK, He is three years o} , and weighs 2058 pounds: Pedigree can be seen at the resi- dence of the Proprietor. TERMS :-81.00 at time of service, or $1.50 booked. HEMI Y w ILLITTs. Wool, Wool We wish to intimate to the farmers of the surrounding country that we in- tend opening -out a branch of the TILL YOU See the Wagon ! —OF— J. W. WATER.HOUSE Who is handling the PALMERSTON WOOL- LEN FACTORY'S line of Woolen Goods, and will call at your door shortly, with the very best goods in the market. Hihest Price Paid in Cash or Trade. WALKERTON WOOLLEN MILLS RESIDENCE :—Next the Railway Track, east of Main St., GORRIE. NAzroxetoar, Osat. ROBERT BLACK, PROP. FITTED UP WITH HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR —FROM— MANITOBA WIIEAT. Highest Price paid for Grain. Chopping Done. ROBERT BLACK. Vanstone gyros., WINCI4AM Marble & Stone WORKS. Parties requiring work . in the above lines will do well to Ball on ns. We carry a large stock of marble -and granite. We guarantee to save you money and give first-class work. Call before purchasing elsewhere and be convinced. MR. T. T. WATsoN W41 represent us on tb0 pad, In Gorrie, And will pay Toronto Market Prices in exchange forTweed, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, etc. McKelVie & Rif LAWLESS BUILDING; Main Street, GORRIE. 3. cooK, eat E .1.4'e :& Lio4n A(;,E1�TT• FORDWICH, ONT. o—. Money to Loan on Farm Se- curity atihe Lowest rate tif'"Interest. —0 -- GOOD NOTES DISCOUNTED. Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING. j --o-- �� �-+ . co North of the Post Office, . F ORDWICII MISS FLORA JAMES, going to Mr. Blow and the woodwork to Mr. W. H. Clegg. The work is to be pushed as rapidly as possible. We are indebted to Darby Bros., the hardware men, of Fordwich, for a jar of as fine honey as was ever placed. on a table. We congratulate their patrons on the fact that this enterprising firm did not by any means exhaust their supply in their editorial generosity but have still a large quantity on hand. Mr. Thos.Wheatcroft, the well -lawn Palmerston butcher, was in townzss- terday and purchased Mr. Laird's fix- tures. He will return early next week and commence business. Mr. W. is a practical and experienced butcher and the public may rest assured of being well served. , His adv. appears else- where in this issue. Miss Eva Croll, who has been visiting relatives here and at Clinton lately, re- turned to her home in Galt on Saturday last. The Brass Band will serenade on Saturday evening, and will likely con- tinue to appear each Saturday evening during the season. Mr. Will Taman took advantage of Blyth's civic holiday to drive over with a friend and spend Tuesday last in Gorrie. (Graduate of Niagara Falls Academy of Music.) TEACHES PIANO,ExplainORGANd. GANNDD HARMONY. Theory "This is to certify that Miss James, having completed in a creditable manner the course re- quired for a certificate, is duly qualified for pianoforte teachingrand is hereby recommended to those who require thorough instruction D in that branch:" Niagara Falls, April 21st, 1892. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH.—Services at Fordwieh, 10:30 a. m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 9:30m. one hour and Wright, quarter before each ery.School, service. METHODIST.—Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 p. m. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Torrance, pastor. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. J. It. Williams, Superintendent. No. 36. Wroxeter. Quite a serious stabbingy�affray took place here last week, the victim being Mr. Cameron, formerly tenant of Air. Wm. Johnston, the party who did the cutting. It seems there has been some trouble between them ever since Cam- eron left the hotel. Johnston went to Cameron on the day in question and another quarrel ensued. Cameron was ejecting him out of the yard when John- ston stabbed him three times. Two of the wounds are of a trifling , na- ture, but one of them- is: very. severe and dangerous, and may yet cause seri- ens trouble. Johnson was' committed for trial by Reeve Sanders and Mr. Robert Miller, J. P. Mrs. John Rutherford left here last Friday to join her husband at the ' Soo, where he is engaged in some commer- cial venture. Miss Cowan left here last week in- tending to take a health -giving trip to Sault Ste. Marie. Miss Prentice, of Harriston, is the guest of -Reeve Sanders at present. The stone work of the new Presby- terian church is finished an 1 by the speedy way in which the work is being rushed I think they will soon have the flag of completion flying from the wall. The Commercial hotel, of this place, is one of the best conducted houses in this part of the country. The public will find civility and obligement from Mr. Graham, the new manager. Wroxeter Fall Show will be held on the 4th and 5th Oct. VILLAGE COUNCIL. Council met on the evening of Tues- day, 16th inst. Members present, Messrs. Hemphill, Rae, Vogt and Lee. Reeve Sanders in the chair. The minutes of last meeting ieadand confirmed. The following accounts and ordered paid J. Cowan, Clerk, half year's salary $37 00 W. J. Sanderson, half year ringing bell 12 00 GAZE rrn, printing voters' list and adv 6 25 On motion by Messrs. Hemphill and Rae, the statute labor on lots 12 and 13 on the north side of Queen street and lot 12 on the north side of Mill was placed on the assessment in the aggre- gate of the three lots instead of each lot. A by-law was introduced and read three times and passed, appointing Jno. Brethaner collector of taxes. A by-law was introduced, read three times and passed, levying the rate for the current year, the rate in the $ being 124 mills on the assessment. The new brick schoolhouse on the 4th con., just south of Gorrie, is not yet completed, so the pupils of that section are enjoying longer holidays than usual. The schoolhouse on the 6th -con., near Fordwich, is also being veneered and renovated, the repairs preventing the re -opening of school for a week or two yet. A large amount of grain has already been threshed in Howick, and the work is being vigorously pushed every day. Although a good crop, fall wheat does not come up to what the appearance in- dicated and several heavy fields of grain produced only about 25 bushels to the acre. The farmers, however, appear well satisfied with their crop. Mrs. Geo. Green, of Wingham, is spending a few weeks with her mother, Mrs. Allison. Her daughter, Miss Sadie, accompanied her. Mr. Fred Critch, of Seaforth, passed through here yesterday on a safety. He was on his return home from a bicycle trip to Harriston. He rode on his wheel the entire distance. There will be a foot -ball match here on Saturday afternoon between Brussels and Gorrie teams. The Listowel boys are expected to play in Gorrie some time next week. Mr. Doig's trotting mare, Jennie Ever- ett, has been entered in the Mitchell races which occur next week. She will also start in the Listowel, Brussels and Owen Sound races, the dates for which have been arranged. PRESBYTERIAN.—Services at Fordwich at 11 a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class at Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School at Gorrie 1:15 p.m. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintendent. BAPTIST.—Services in Gorrie at 3 o'clock, p. m. and at the church on the 2nd conces- sion of Howick at 10:30 a. m.. and 7 p. A. Osborne, pastor. METHODIST—Services in the Fordwich Metho dist Church, at 10:30 a. m. and '6:30 p. m. TThbursday evenings amt 7:3o J. W. Pring pastorn. Hellebore for Grubs, Paris -Green for Bugs, McLAUGHLIN for Drugs. If you want a good article Miss McIntyre, of Seaforth, for the past three years of the Mitchell post office, and an experienced operator,t ekes the place of Miss Hattie Walker at the wicket of the Corrie post office. She comes with the highest testimonials and recommendations and our postmaster is to be congratulated upon securing so able a successor to the popular Miss Walker, who leaves town tomorrow, much to the regret to the host of warm friends she has made in this section. The stars and stripes which was hoisted on the liberty pole in Gorrie on the Twelfth of July as a practical joke, still floats there, and all efforts to bring it down have failed, the rope having stuck fast to the pulley. Messrs. Jas. Dickson, B. A., Mathe- matical Master of Brockville High School, Geo. M. Dickson, of Chicago, stenographer and book-keeper, and Miss Lizzie Dickson, of Seaforth, visited their sister, Mrs. Jno. B. Campbell, in this village early in the week. The excursion to Niagara Falls and Grimsby last Saturday was taken ad- vantage of by Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bean, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Strong, Mr. and Miss Greer, Rev. and Miss Greene, and Mr. Jas. McLaughlin, all of this village. A splendid time was enjoyed. Mr. S. T. Fennell has bought out the large stock of pictures and frames car- ried by Mr. D. Sanderson. The goods are added to his former stock and at- tractively displayed at the photograph gallery, where pictures of any size can be framed to order. in Paris Green Get it at the Drug Store. The only kind I keep is a Pure English Green. N. McLAUGHLIN, Druggist, QE' The result of the entrance examina- tions are given later than usual this year, and the returns, especially from the Harriston High School, are very incom- plete, neither the schools from which the pupils come . nor the number of marks obtained, being given. The Edu- cational Department, like the mills of the gods, grinds slowly. A few more additions to the delays will make their reports unnecessary as the children will have become old men and women before they learn whether they have passed or not. Those who wrote for certificates are still worse off for they do not find out whether they are qualified to teach or not till after , the fall school term be- gins. The whole system iithenlel be 1e - organised, On Friday, August 26th, the summer race meeting will be held on the new half -mile track, Brussels, commencing at 2 p. m., sharp. The program com- prises :--2:50 trot or pace ; three-quar- ter mile run ; open trot or pace, and 2:30 stallion race. The Directors of the Association are giving $700 in purses. This will insure good fields and persons interested in racing may expect to see exciting sport. Brussels Band will be present. New grand stand with seating capacity for over 500 people, is now. complete. The stock of Clegg's hardware store was sold on Tuesday. Mr. J. H. Cline, of Wingham, got the hardware at 41+ in the $, and Mr. Thos. Rae, of Wroxeter, the groceries and crockery at 68e. Mr. Rae has re -purchased the hardware stock from Mr. Cline, and will continue the business in the old stand. He is a sterling business man, has good connec- tion in this section and will draw a large trade. Read his advertisement in another column. On Tuesday's mail from the east we received a news -letter from oar Lakelet correspondent which had been written about the middle of June, and which had spent the greater part of two months on the journey to this office --a journey which would occupy less than two hours if Lakelet was connected with Gerrie, instead of Clifford, by stage service. In this ease, of course, the de- lay was caused through an error some- where in the postal department, but it is at best, a tedious route from Lakelet to Gorrie by mail. We have several times drawn attention to this defect, which almost separates northern How - ick from Huron county, and we hope that_the matter will shortly be taken up by the public which is served by Hunt ingfield and Lakelet offices so that they may get better and more rapid postal connection. The proposed scheme would give both Huntingtiel&and Lake - let a daily .postal service, and _ about` as cheap- as the present cumbersome were passed • On motion of Messrs. Hemphill and Lee the council adjourned to meet on the third Tuesday of September, or at the call of the Reeve. J. COWAN, Clerk. Fordwich. Mr. Darby and wife, of Bath Gate, Dakota, spent last week visiting at the home of his brother, R. J. Darby, of this village. Miss W. Fitzgerald, of Toronto, who has been visiting at Dr. Spence's left for home on Tuesday. Rev. 3. W. Mahood, of Sioux City, Iowa, with wife and family, arrived here last Thursday to pay a visit to his father, Mr. R. Mahood. He preached in the Methodist church here on San - day evening last, and we understand, will do so again next Sunday evening, He has lost none of the vigor which characterized his work here some years ago. While Mrs. Williams was at church on Sunday last five young vandals stole all the flowers off her collection of plants. The act was -a very mean one, and should be severely punished. It is but justice to say that it was not com- mitted by Fordwich boys, the guilty parties being all from the surrounding country. Fordwich school captured the gold and silver medal at the recent Harris - ton= , High School examination. The former was won by Wm. Mahood and the latter by Milton Carter. We are proud of our teaeher and our boys. Rev. Mr. McConnell, who occupied the Presbyterian Church pulpit last Sab- bath, left for home on Monday. One of our tailors has struck a novel idea inthe form of heating his "goose" in the rays of the sun. "Tom" says he saves a pile of fuel. Will Waters returned to town on Saturday last. School, began on Monday morning. Mrs. Little of Listowel has been engaged as junior teacher. Mr. ITS $ell and Mrs. Beit spent Sun, juetltod► day last at nothsay. .. -.