HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-08-11, Page 1y�S,ty}.. I :. GORRIE, ONT., `THURSDAY, . AUC+UST llth, 1692. 1 TUCK, M. D. ,rE34BERof College of Physicians and Sur - in E, DLit. GORRIE, ONT. JAMES ARMSTRONG, - . Veterinary Surgeon J GRIADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Veterin- ary-Association. Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIE, ONT. JAS. McLAUGHLIN, ISSUE$ OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses required. Office:—At my Residence, GonnlE. DENTISTRY. Eity grocery. 1.1LION • STOKE" WROXETER. Strayed. DO(}.—From Harsiston, a young Caine Dog. Color, sable and white; answers to the name "of "Glen." The finder will be_rewarded by leav- ing it With JOHN ANDERSON, 9th con., Howick, -- - . 'Fordwich P. O. 1-1 AVING bought out the stock of MR. JAMES IRELAND I will endeavor to keep up e reputation for High -Class JS. JEROME, L. b. S„ Wingham, Will visit • Gorrie, the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Teeth extracted without pain. All work warranted. MISS GREGORY, (Late of Harriston.) TIRES& AND MANTLE MASER. APPBEN iJ flees Wanted. Rooms over W. S. Bean's Store. GIRO1 RIES, Confectionery, —Staple and Fancy— Crockery, Silverware and Fancy Goods, t that my predecessor has so well merited- fOr the g he Balance_ of our last 15 years. _ Everything Fresh and Guaranteed of the Finest Quality.'. No use to enumerate prices, but call and see for yourself. I will sell as Cheap Cheapest. es, ns ENNELL'S OTOGRAFS OR ORTUNATE FOLKS. as Millinery stock, trimmed and untrimmed,• we will clear out at Cost. Our 'Biline, leaves 25th July for holidays, so kindly bear in mind every- thing goes in that department. Hats and . Caps to clear, and several other lines. the. Call a1d Se. Still in the Market for WOO ! T. F. MILLER, NAT RoILE'rE1 . R. H. FORTUNE, V.S. C.B.C. . HONOR Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto, Fellow of the Ontario Vet- erinary Medical Aasoeiation. Under Graduate of C.B.C.; Hamilton. Successor to J. Martini ,W Dentistry a specialty, Office. Main et., Wroxeter. d rks. S. T. FENNELL, ToRpo(i4i Arri -r Capillary Abridger. Hirstute Vegetator. �3.No Threshbignioh O MeaWfixes ue COrtf.. in and sit down;_,,.. 'SC,11.` e Bull for Service. Lion .9tm,re, Wxc»attar• J. W. Sanderson.. Don't be in a Hurry to sell Your. Local A 'fairs% Miss Hattie Walker spent Sunday last in Wroxeter. • Sheriff's Bailiff Grundy; .of Goderich, was in town this week on official busi- uess Mrs. John Farrow and child, of Lon- don, is visiting her parents in town at present. Mrs, S. Mcntgorcer y, of Stamey, was visiting friends here lest week, return- ing home on Saturday. Mrs. J. W Green and children re- turned oh Tuesday from a visit to her parents' hote in Clinton. • Mr. Jno. B: Campbell, teacher, spent:I` last `week "1,f and around Port Elgin, visiting with his brother. A picnic party of Gorrieites spent a pleasant afternoon at the beautiful lake atoLakelet oil Tuesday last. Dr. Armstrong, V. S., has greatly beautified -his residence by 'having it re painted in attractively blending colors. Miss Laine, of Clinton, is visiting rel- atives in town at present. Miss Kate Earngey, of London, has been visiting her mother here the past week or so, returning to the city yester- day. 0-0 -- THE-ThotonghbredfrolateinBull "BARNTON BOY" will servo cows at LOT 18 CCN.;` HOWICK. He id three years old, and weigias 2058 pounds. Pedigree can be seen at the resi- dence of the Proprietor. TERMS:—$I.00 at time of service, or $150 S ^ e the %agora booked. HENRYWILLITTS. e V �/ agon YOU —OF— Miss Nottman,who has been the guest of Mrs. Carson in this village, for some time past, returned to Toronto this week. The Gerrie Orangemen have decided t� hold a grand celebration hof Guy Fawkes' Day herepn the 5th'November next. , Mrs. Henry Perkins, accompanied by Ler son, Mr. Geo._ Perkins, were—visiting Walton_ tor. a cSnple of days early in the week. John TML Ptah, i sold. his farm on the 6th,ecn., i s 3 r 1.•e i:`;d ell; ofCranbrook. Possession is to he given next April. Mr, Gilbert Jardine is.. quite poorly of late... The old gentleman is 90 years of age and is one of the oldest residents of this section. Afoot ball match between theijuniors of Listowel and Gerrie is to be played ter four o'clock the lodge was opeuedfor here in a low dais. The exact date has a Sheri session. The room presents d Mrs. S. T.'Fenneileand children were at Redgravetv'-sitinsdast a: ae1S,returning home on Tuesday. Mr. F. also spent Sunday there. The Harriston . Tribune gives the 'Gorrie Brass Band ranch praise far their fine playing at -the Masonic entertain- ment in Fordwich two. weeks ago. Rev. W. Savage will occupy the Methodist pulpit here next Sunday. In the evening the collection will be in aid of the • building fund of his mission church on an Indian Reservation, the old one having recently been burned -Mr. Amos Doan , is absent in Algoma assisting his uncle, Mr. Bolton, of Lis- towel; in surveying a township. He will return home in September. His many friends while missing him from town, envy him for the good time he is having "way back in Algo•ma." WOOl'-�e�OOl J. W. yyA"TEN OUSE, W -14'e wish to intimate to the farmers of the surrounding country .that we in- tend opening out a branch of the Who ._ i__��...,. �1... A.r n�vnaTnv WOOL r WIho is handling the PALMERSTON WOOL - LEN FACTORY'S line of Woolen Goods,. and will call atyour door shortly, with the very best goods in the market. Highest Price Paid in Cash or Trade. els Greegla Mills. WALKERTON WOOLLEN MILLS RESIDENCE :—Next the Railway Track, east of Main St., GORRIF. Wroatatars Cont. ROBERT BLACK, PROP. FITTED UP WITH HUNGARIAN ROLLER -PROCESS. In -orrie, MISS FLORA JAMES, (Graduate of Niagara Faals Acade y' of Music.) 'TEACHES PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY. Theory Explained. Gonum. "This is to certify that Miss James, having. And will pay Toronto Market Prices in completed in a creditable manner the course re quired for a certificate, 'is duly qualified for exchange itixTweed, Flannels, Blankets, pianoforte thsteaceqBa. gs�mtioeeW require thorough instruction Yarns, etc. that branch." PROF. A. HUBBARD. Niagara, Falls, April 21st, 1895. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR McKeWie. & Rife, ;_LAW LESS BUILDING, Ilf ' 0- A Vt—i ERT. pad foGrain: chopping Done. ROBERT BLACK. Main Street, GORRIE. Vanstone Bros. •g WINOHA�M r- - Marble & Stone WORKS. Parties requiring work in. than above lines will do well to callon Us. `B. S. cooK,, • e41 �A�c.-& ho4n s • AGEATT• FORDWICH,' ONT. Money to.Loan on Farm Se- curity ' e-curity' at the Lowest rate of Interest. II GOOD NOTES DISCOUNTED. CHURCH DIRECTORY. No."• that they even brought out their w eS and children to.see the I,laV. 'The tiffs- ; turned, however, badly against themoil. and the Invincibles won by one g vie congratulate the married men on their fine playing, they being about SO strong. After the game all repaired to the bush where an excellent lunch had been spread by the ladies, and to -which all did ample justice.- Theretu'rn game of foot ball will be played in about two weeks. The first new wheat of the season son was brought into Wilson's mill 1. Saturday by Mr. Tilker. It test 62 lbs to the bushelJTh.n Will you please state, through GAZETTE that there was not the Ili 4�. 'est particle of truth in the rumor, ci3tr' rated in Gorrie and Wroxeter, to the ef- feet that Mr. L. C. Dicks had made an assignment. The mini is prosperous and the cruel gossips who spread the report are deserving of censure. The entertainment in connection with Ty. the opening of ' the new Masonic hall here, a week ago last Thursday evening, was a pronounced: success. Shortly af- hot yet been. set. Several from here announcetheir in- tention to take in the excursion to Grimsby Park neat Saturday, intending to remain over Sunday. Mr. Will Taman, of Blyth, spent a week or so here since our last issue, taking charge of iiia . brother's tailoring business while he was away on a holiday trip. Mr. Adair has finished the contract of putting a new floor in the public school building. The place has other - _wise been renovated for the school term which -ben ns next Monday. Tho Foresters have not accepted the contractsfor the erection of their new hall, they being considered too high. The work of building the stone founda- tion has beep given, however. • Miss Hattie Walker, who has acted as telegraph operator and assistant in the Gerrie poet office for several years past, has resigned her position and will start in the latter part of next week for Ham- ilton, where sho intends to visit for --a. time before accepting a lucrative posi- tion in the NeAli-nrest. 1-•, NGLISH.—Services at Fordwiuhe 10:30 a. m4- at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m. Rev. one hour and Wright, A. qarterubefore eachnservice.hool \1ETHODIST. Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 p. m. Orange Hill; at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Torrance, pastor. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. J. R. Williams, Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN. Services at F.ordwieh at 11 a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. in.: Bible Class at Fordwich . Sabbath School at orrie 1:15 p.m. Jae: McLaug Ghlin, Superintendent ptAPTIST.—Servicea in Gorrie at 3 p. m. and at the church on thb 2nd sion of Howiek at 10:30 a. in., and 7 p• m. A. Osborne, pastor. ETHODIS.T—Services in the Fordwich Metho dist Church, at 10:30 a. in. and 6:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. in. Prayer, meeting on Thursday evenings at 7:30.: J. w• -Fang, pastor. o'clock, concea- l:ev. J Hellebore for Grubs, Paris Green for11Bugs, . - McLAUGHLIN for Drugs. it * township The ;;�._ow ,g r e � ,,.� pupils 5ucceoui hi pct/ -h g their en- tranee e a i ation bcforo the Huron We 5 county e-$.ui+�ers. i1e omit trio ;mines of the six Gorrie p pill -whose na fres .appear elsewhere :— U, S. No. 1; W. Ferguson, A. Douglas, H. Miller ; No. 3: T. Scott; No. 4 : J. W. Bennett; No 5: B: S. Wilson, R. Deachman No. 10 : L. N. Doig; No. 13 (II & T) E. -McMichael, A. T41ompS011 D. ela Weir ; Wroxeter : S. E. Allen, G. Henry, C. McMaster, G. II..Rae, 11. J. Bae, J. M. Thompson. Tile Harriston list, which will, no doubt greatly add to the number, has not reached us yet.- , The corner stone of St. Paul's Church, Wingham, was laid on Aug. 4th. The day being fine a large assembly wit- nessed the ceremony. Among the cler- gymen present were Rev. E. D. Hughes, rector of St. Paul's church,' Wingham ; also Revs. W. Craig, B. D., R. D.; J. W. Hodgins ; L. W. Diehl ; T. E. Higley; W. T. Cluff ; W. J. Connor E. A. Hall ; W. T. Brownlee. The services were conducted by the Rector, While the choir of the chuech rendered music for If you want a good article in Paris Green Get it at the We carry a large stock of marble and granite. We guarantee to siva yon money And give forst-class work. Call before purc lops, i -and convinced. - . -T. T. WATSON x iifl . epre3eut+;tie au the. road. Special Attention := given -CONVETANCINc. North of -the Post Office, ORDW4'ICf_ Drug Store. The only kind I keep is a Pure English Green. N. McLAUGHLIN, Druggist, - a elegant appearance and Mr. Dices received much merited praise for the exquisite lodge -room furniture turned , out of his factory. " At six o'clock a large gathering sat down the excellent supper provided by' mine host Brown, who is always a first.class caterer. At eight o'clock all repaired to the For- esters' hall where the concert was tolbe held. Mr.Jas.Hutohinson was Balled to the ; chair and ably filled the position. The program was really a fineone and was well received. Mr. Chapman is a decided success as a comic singer- and created much merriment. Misses Fitz- gerald, of Toronto, and Stewart, of Har- riston, each • rcniered several vocal numbers during the evening with much taste: A gentleman from Pae whose name we did not catch, p:7— be a charming vocalist, while t given by Messrs: Gibson and Br Wroxeter, drew 'Much applausey,' Eva CroIl, of Galt, who was visa the neighborhood, sang a solo with a rich, pure soprano voice, and was warm- ly applauded. Miss Cargill's recitations and Mr. Blackwood's readings were ex- cellent efforts. The Gerrie Brass Band was present during the '"afternoon and eveninU and " furnished excellent music. about $90 was realized by the Masons, who are to be congratulated upon the success of their efforts. A large number from here attended the National Berry -pickers .convention, at the buckle . marsh at Lakelet last Saturday. Two of our.townraen Messrs. J. Argue and L. Hovey took several prizes in the foot races. Mr. Smith, of Bridgetown, and Miss Fitzgerald, of Toronto, are rusticating at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Spence. " Rev. J. W. Pring, of Biuevale, paid our village a call on Monday last. Rey. J. . M°ahood, - son of our es- teemed ppstmaster, will occupy the Methodist church pulpit next Sabbath evening, Rev.. Mr. " McConnell occupied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sabbath. The Church of England Sabbath Schools of Gorrie and Wroxeter pur- pose-(D. ur- pose (D. V.) to hold their annual plc' -lie in Dr. Snaale's grove, Wroxeter, nn Thursday, _Aug. 28th. A pleasant time is hoped for. - Mrs. N. Mot aughliu and children re- turnedhome on Saturday last from a visit': with relatives in Woodstock and other places, She was accompanied by her:brother, Mr. ra: v r;Iigthi:, of Wood- stock, ood- w sto; ✓'_7'a_ ra re.. f:c:d until Wedeenday morn` .1s. The other day Rev. Wesley Johnston, of the N.W. T,, made the last payment on a debt owed to Missy Bancer by" his father-ia-law, the late Mr. Turner -,.and the security upon which had long ago become void. . -Honesty of that kind is just like "Wes," who was one of the old-time Gerrie boys. - Mr. R.Mitehell, of Arthur, spent a few days visiting in town the past week. "Bob" is - a member of the Fergus la- crosse club and received a severe blow in the face during a rentals With ora'`ge- vine last Friday, which somewhat mars his beauty for the fine. This year is certainly buldiilg a rec- ord as "rainy '92." Thunderstorms have followed each other in rapid succession, and the casualties from lightning have been unusually numerous. The hot weather of .the early part of this week was followed by several terrific stoiins on Tuesday and -Wednesday which cooled the atmosphere nicely. • The Gorrie Public School has again been very snc :e414 gat• the inidenennOr examinations. - There were six pnpiis who- wrote, vim.: -wed .Osborne, Eva McGrath;. Alvina Heibein, Lizzie Greer, Willie Dane and Mabey'. Ayleswortkr Every one of them passed except the latter, whose record during the spring - term indicated that she would have a high standing,bnt she was evidently too nervous when the "Ordeal came. She was recommended, however, by the ex- a,,,iners, and c will, no doubt, be finally passed. We congratulate Principal. Campbell upon the success of his pnpiis. Fordwich. the occasion. Tho stone was laid by Crowell Wilson, Esq., Ex -M. P., of Wingham, the ladies of the church hav- ing presented him with a beautiful trowel for. the purpose. After the sere= many the ladies gave a publicdiel 'dr at the Rectory and a garden part' in the evening on the Rectory 'grounds. The Mail says of ParkerhtDye Works, Toronto " No longer is it necessary to give away, or sell for a trifling amount, the partly worn goods -when they can;be cleaned and dyed so` as to present' as good an appearance as new,,.and last double the time they would otherwise. This firm have now a 'most enviable reputation and are distinguished from GORRIE. other and less comptent dyers by the fine work they turn out." We cannot say any too much for R. Parket & Co., the well-known dyers, of Toronto. We advise our readers to look through their wardrobe and have their soiled, or faded garments cleaned or dyed. to look like new. Agents: - A. B. Allison, Gorrie ; Jas. Fox, Wroxeter; J. C. Bell, Ford- wick. Orders left at any of the above agencies will receive prompt attention.. benedicts were so confident of victor eassa The plc-nic in connection with the Methodist Church of this place was held Lakelet. Frogging is all the rage in the hamlet at • this season of the year. People come all the way fromWalkerton to fish for them. • Miss Maud Erwin, of Clifford, is visit- ing Mrs. Londesbourgh, of the tionaiietel. • • Mr. W. J. Haliaday, S Detroit Pharinaeal spending 'a few days with , A. W. The I, O. G. T, lodge, of Bellnore, , visited • their brethren here .84,turday evening,and placed in a very late time. Mr. Jas. Horton, who- has"been sick for some time, } a almost reeovered. Mr, A. Dulrhage has _removed- freini 2 Manitoulin Island,-ftfter spending a veay- ant hutting pleasaxtt time Mr. A . Hailaday goes iolgiagai Falls oh Sfttirda'3n the ;-interest of= shoe trade. asaar last Wednesday in Mr. Fallis' bush, north of the village. Swings were erected which were heartily enjoyed by a the younger ones. Considerable in- terest was centered in a foot -ball mateh between the Invincibles and a teamhf married men from the township. 1: _ 7 'Op duly lSth, �.- D ' a dh%i - On Jul f 312t�Mrs.`Chas Ti k ick,;of a son. tan Ag,'n' = firs &Jo Howck, castof o On Aug ?l,h, ;fir Ho vkc'k, of augh tin ,ukt.4a 4