HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-07-28, Page 10w rug bup uk tse,tnot catch ®JV�r, n amounted to $115, one j ( (�OR1a�I - The region about the Dead jean &e -of FOR AFS, the hottest places on the X globe, and the sea is said to lose a million tons of wafer a day V t.d. SAWS FOR ��C S A ZITS' by evaporation. V .d. A Philadelphia.ftinerW team did service FOR AILS, At a rr g a few Gaya ago. and the doz- CO a and see then! anyway Ing, altotvet� she horse carry the y ay We take FOR CLASS ' bt`i'�>et ;,o�y}e inEo�la cemetery. The o;x .4rdes is said to be the _ pleasure in. shOWing our elegant stock. 1. species known 10 Ahe loggerhead, which F®�, PAINTS. ,grows to hes enormous weight o: i,eao FOR -GROCERIES. iJ _ •pnunda. T6ase ate found ie'" the sea. The 4naineae of preparing shrimp for theWatches of FOR LAMP GOODS. Chinese market is assuming important; pro- a �7'1 dCt portions in California. The shrimp are • -kinds. ' taken to huge nets cad tolled i e great Iron clOx of al -kinds. vas. PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND SEF An umbrella company has been lncorpor- - • - ated with a capital of 88,000,0oo, and is to SlIverware of all kinds, carry on business in all the and inf n tern• Je V1%elr torics of the United States and in foreign y y of all kinds. now countries. Above the length of 19 or 20 feet, snakesW- CLEGG. In the Phillipine Islauda ncrease greatly in bulk -for every foot in length, so that s Q . ' irlirlir snake I9.feet long looks email besides one Spectacles, 2" feet Ione, and Eye -glasses in 0. ■ There are in London 980 common Ioiigittiq end78s ' � L7 houses which have nearly re &be inhabl• S ,1%arl�'��aust Received! i tang In Lheae warrens arse aboqi"O. { women and girls, and- of'Elnis -number some d t 4,600 are under the age of AT ALLISON'S The greatest enettty.ol=_ suburbsu .vele- J- phone and telegrapph poles. Ya the wood• t decker, whose search for the'num'srotLa ie'• WROXETERepairing done• -in the neatest style. .sects which inhabit the wood often -leaves A Fresh ® elf the pole literally honeycombed. A small cabinet containing an alarm The prices are telling in our Straw and clock, a thsA 'candle-power lainpr, a suit Felt Hat Department. Cal coil an, ' a gas liter, 0I operated' by e� eIectrieitT <. from four cella _of rngs,j0ns, dry battery, ^ is amc,'a,1he novelties recently devised. �v) We never offered better lines at such I�1ew Yorkers have formed a soviet wit �� . 3'+ h - low prices. -� !:branches in Philadelphia and other Ameri. 'Bananas ©ems n �9 Dates can cities, for the suppression. of the '`in- a a tolerable annoyance created by the fro- Remember the prices: 'tolerable noisy clanging of iuharmouloni church balls. Sc. to 25c. for S len= Strawberries In ancient times Grease -possessed some. thing like 7,500;M acres of dense totes&, did Straw Ha S. - and she was comparatively rich in timber t "until half s ppeared, o.:." Many !cresta A .L�.ne GP�St�®rtm�nt of (�1 • s kava now disappeared, and_ the result is Children's Sailors at Confections seen both in the scarcity of the water sup- 20ea,, [A fine linea and �ann !sly and in various injurious climatic ef- �� (�.00dS,, _ff�cts. A brilliant going London profession surgeon has cJ N 0. B R E T H 0 U R, Mackinaw Hats, crooned the hostility of the profession by • ` usual - his out -spoken denuneia;ioa of over -drug- ly sold for $ I; we sell for ging and his advocacy of dietic treatenen0 FIRE AND STOCK 60c. of disease, and as a result his name wag 1 • removed from the medical register. He hes Ladies a rimmed. Hats s� yvd taken action ve have his Hama restored.,InsuranceAgentTheand t Insects have recently destroyed wttok Taman, the-T� ar, ��forests iII Powhatan i.ouutY, Virgiu#o,-and Feathers d Flowers r eenang other trees_ the famous Po e`s eine, wR0$�CTErt.. _ Print Department 1 a noted landmark in the old dominion,. I3 I�aS. removed to the McGill IEPSEasNTs: stood for ,years on an eminence from which Wellington Mutual Fire insurance Co. - Is attracting -a good deal of attention a was visible for &weary miles or inose- bul�ding, next north Of Bean's ' just now. We think we have the best :Are being Sold Very Cheap for a few weeks. around, and towered high above Sit etre• � Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co. rounding *rem. store. lines in the county for lUc. and 121c.. The Glktt,nsver, heloderma ho;ridptn, • Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. is the onlectes of !mown poisonous Iia- Adv. next'week. Economical mutual Fire Inanrance Co. " and in the :world: % is .a native of the Gila River country -in Arias+#, and has sel. Mercantile insurance co. 'Hosiery Department. dom or never been seen at any great dis- Etna Insurance Co. xance from that streaua; The Indiana of t Arizona believe the s Ontario Mutual Live i3 pftt.a, or saltva; and tock insurance Co. �4'e have always been celebrated for_BL 0 S - even the breath of the animal to be deadly our splendid lines in Hosiery. We start poison. Give John A Call. +�emiat 7�. up to South Africa kgs been scourged b a E ^'oris coat peat and considerable damage a Still demPi ;- ss being wrought. A ins,swarm of locusts nOv cross- The Best Lisle' Thread and ed over one plaice in a column h eve fft i miles wide, clearing pretty much every Cashmere at 5oc.H��iT a. _r a: St®1 e• thing before them, The mentis crop. fti the Orange Free State' has been dextro ed by the locusts, saucing a loss of over 11,000,- c Bee-eeSv Consisting of ?tounda,tion, Our Ieadin line is �•� pp 1 �• g � Perforated 2!i®tel, Smokcrs,Self-Supplies S'l.< lies . hivers, Honey knives, Register- establish egister- w.i Electricity the has recently9,lko been applied 0o ing Slates, and many other supplies of various descriptions, at reasonable prices. establish the sesta of a horse's foot, usage A Fast Black Dye at 25C., Oar enters' and FraYn is to put one a of a bttet��i>I yotttact - p Framers'Tools.' with the iei@it�S tom` ole ft► - _ME —oattatott vritlt tubo e.hoof Fencer8, Barb Wire. heel liaeu-Pfe� �. s The cheapest -ho the market for a A gnlst: y choice lot of Spades and Shovels the hordovia ee1 t ee�t s an� } : m,eOt VIM t� the Garden Tools and Seeds. x:, that Churns. tat e:r. - canon We are ordering another lot oflthose t rtti. nests _ S 7l1ni11 Wheel Heads. - Governor Prince hes unearthed p g 'twenty atone idols of a different type frog, ; any before dfaeo.ered. They- etre cireol:t ■ Cheap Raisins. Axle Grease. 6 shape, forming dials varying from air A new lot Of .7 rlfifteen Inches to dlamecer, the upper half hips, oanbainia a deeply carved fsoo and the; Everyone should have a box while They lower half rudimentary stile in rellef. Thi O Iasi. idols are believed to be at !sassy* Opp,„ �iR We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin- The smith's Tools The government of Holland liner a � and are prepared to furnish all kinds of T P u ort hand m demo the Zavdevin- b dee. 1{i project, Tinware, and do all kind of Repairing on short 110- ��t peon of 8aree seven hundred 8c}nare _ Still "selling 25 .lbs. Sugar for tics. g _ miles super&ial ares& and to tsseinse ou so- Count of Its. shalloter for purposes I navigation, -while as agricaitural eland it Ea ve tro u gh i n g done - to Order. eaI I ts ed Eta be yard ealtlabTe. the cost. of PRODUCE TAKEN, and the Highest the dam 's estimated st. ,$7�r,QJO ttsi, - the naf�aa - d at £I�Q�p,Bpp. -it - .. �tltat thirty y #liteerni"- r rAac Price paid. . PeiDARBY BROS. whole► _ :- : _ , . _—�-OF The Great slo+Iern Cfvtltaer. { P Tite sift great -- ''F = — modern timers, s�ntl re_¢ogjatn. tot - JB"lasC�QP8lD77ietitlff'.�o1►.StiT�aper s • J 'mate for the ezteneion of its raticoi along , J - the Nile as far south as 1V+ dy H It Is ,_,,_.,•...,r . estimated tt$ :t vPill 'eosOp14111 built!: a escrow anger road fro>sr Cirgeh ter° oheap, Dear,` y$hii;, Dark," Cau4dian, AM an, Micas, Gilts, with Borders t e r V€ady -ilfa, Which 'forties the: ' present ; . x southern froittfur of Egptet:: whem. vhe roa3 match, and Coiling Decorat oi4-lor Rich or Poor, reaches a€€ g ffid& ili i? not tee;..d+..i"tcnit - to eztettcf tt$ the::llghDottgala� Tao Gfrit or Torg, HitCleit �- Ocelot. _ OWAT 4f1.Co_tiit�tt+tL1OIt ' jt1+��zr�iairo Bxtel �FPeitbis arou2ct enalt!Is :. � r@a .able e @dt�r gi y-trui,$ -or& carr l� "' y s4xt person ,east -select what he- r%uires from our large. stock Taxa e LOOK o - - trs>f err to-- Id - - cry fr ca ._n &list $nn;{ � r..... o $ Tsxo�rcva M UNPi it Bogss.- y. _ acrd sli #res f03�er :now-.tf Fr.�R tt - ielieve Lhaa $ $fist& . err imgr°ve', We have a floe Iot of wagons this season made - - - �- - m€eltl carl`ied anis' rtes Sudan yell! Ex reSS Wag by nes - - . makers. A good. iron -axle wagon for $1.55; a heavier = sic t th8 fiisai€G of Bgypt. a? Niiit ere for $2.50. Iron w1i@@I �vagan sti^8p3 and $&50. — - - oulrt`es- F —� W� sell thesis b sets! . t Iilrape ,soe Ague this season. if you want to ge sb Carr�.aese e�e►eseanieie m eatal6 a and 1Announcement.'r as'tt y_ - P Su lieee♦. Will.Pecia �Aw %v�p�hased a first-class full late lass Hearse I am in a better p hi ruetsl�i .-_ _ to. do: i? g osition ;zrama _ e the-und . nit than before and ow' �. W have received a stock of these so Ma��ne Nee , .. .. the . e�rtaking , tog to reductions in , � eS.. that any person wanting an Ole r community position noltifb>�at; _ g yth�ng �n p; ccs- of our goods I am a to give the use fli '#} m _ �- � ��.. � k _w--�� ...v � '4 �i�a���i��� ,. ... eceu tweommodataci.. - - • - - erg 1 _ :, earst3;free that is to se' m charges w i be u re and in W Y y me nt' ffli v'a884 - C, .�.. -.... .... ... '.: :tea,.., � .. __-• ... Y,. - ;-. . - -.. .- . m t.. .. .-, -:- ..�.jcy�. '._.a .^` _,.t:: '_.� �v__..�� tw..s^-•-__. _.._�.ii'. r1.�LJ...: ._..�.__._-_.—.. -., _ : .._ .., e .. _ ! .. _-. _...�*'�' _. rs.�si'X'...,..>--._ '_ v = -..i �=z-.+.. \ 4raL•e 4f'3{ttClil ,- �.ri h _ t u rue& niBBistlli#%tihlt n S. rn1 Capillar, &�° lgw iii - - Coane in VV, HUM I FiRSi Parti F . lines wi We granite We give fir l Call COW a xa• s