HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-07-28, Page 9.5 p7iSSiNd-tit t Germany" has. 386 milit 1 Cosmetics Cost the fair rmare �. .000,000 a year. The great St. Paul's Cathed 1, e ii.. on_ ,don, was built from taxes `levied on Next to pork, the banana efileri be the, most`isdigestibie thingthe tetperen can eat. If London streets were put. end to' end ;they would reach .from time eLty`tp $t Petersburg. . More than 26,000, persons have lig divorced in the state of Connecticut staff 1860. - The revenue collected .from last y ascents to . the top of .the E>t%l tv, .amounted to $115,000. The region about the. Dead sea is eye -of the hottest places on the -globe, and the sea is said to lose a million tons of water a day by evaporation. A Philadelphia enlisted team did service eat sisre g•tt fear days ago, and the doz- i. driver ailowett 'the horse to carry the lRl emote irto•f a cemetery: The.fargerieWteirtles is said to be the species known see., the loggerhead, which .grows tothe eiiermons weight of 1,800 'pounds. These :at found in the sea. The business of preparing shrimp for the Chinese market is assuming important pro- portions in California. The shrimp are taken in huge nets and boiled hi great iron vats An umbrella company has been incorpor- ated with a capital of $8,000,000, and is to carry on business in aI1 the states and terri- tories of the United States and in foreign countries. Above the length of 19 or 20 feet, snakes in the Phillipine Islandainorease greatly in bulk -for every foot in length, 80 that a Snake I9. feet long looks small besides one 22 feet long. There are in London 980 common lodging houses which have nearly 80,000 inh, bl- tants. In these warrens are about 9,500 women and girls, andof this number solos 4,600 are under the age of 22. The greatest enemy of: suburban tele- phone and telegraph- poles ie - the wood. - ..pecker, whose search for the numerous in. 'sects whioh inhabit the -wood often leaves the pole literally honeycombed. A small c'binet containing an alarm .Clock, a thre 'candle-power lamp, a medi- cal coil ani gasiigbter, all operated by electricit a from four cells of dry battery, is amo,aie he novelties recently devised.' ---- New Yorkers have formed a society;with :branches in Philadelphia and other Ameri- can cities, for the suppression of the "in- tolerable annoyance ,created by the fre- quent noisy clanging of iaharmonlons church bells.'' In ancient time Greece possessed some- thing like 7,600,000 acres of dense forest, and she was comparatively rich in timber 'until half a century. ago.,' Many forests/ 'have now disappeared, and the result is seen both in the scarcity of the water sup- ppIy and in various injurious chaistic af. _feats. - A brilliant young London surgeon .has aroused the hostility of the profession by his out -spoken denunoiation of over -drug- ging and his advocacy of dietio treatment •of disease, and as a result his name was removed from the medical register. He has taken action to have his name restored. Insects have recently destroyed whole forests in Powhatan County, Virginia, and -among other trees the famous Pope's vine, a noted landmark in the old dominion. It stood for _years on an eminence from which it was visible for twenty miles or more: around, and towered high above ell state. rounding ie ,- - The Giteeelfanster, heloderma horridnrn, is the only<_ngeefes of known poisonous liz- ard in the ':world: It is a native of the Gila River country in Arizona, and hassal- doteor never been seen at any great dis- tance from that stream. The Indians of Arizona believe the spittle, or saliva, and even the breath of the animal to be deadly poison. South Africa hes been scourged by a lo. cast pest and considerable damage is etili .being wrought. A swarm of locusts cress - ed over one place In a column . over sit miles wide, clearing pretty much every. thing before them, The mealie crop in the Orange Free State has been destroyed by the locusts, causing a lose of over 61,000,- 000. Electricity has recently been applied to establish the state of a horse's foot. Usage is to put one pole of a beeeteereeje 'contact with the inside -tea tbnle In connection with the iron ,hos. a hoof 'has been pierced alt- &e gnick the horse will feel the: eJc i " ; ', t auk segue rrigsted ; in ttie dill case, the ereeeent cannot peen ugtier - -ported i Q, N.M., utak int wee v&zing-some Aztec rake - dear -Vltava Canon Governor -.Prince has unearthed 'twenty stone idols of a difTerenttype from 'any before discovered. They are circular >n shape, forming disks varying from six to fifteen inches in diameter, the upper bait _=g een6aining a deeply carved face and the dower half rudimentary arms in relief. The idols are believed to be at least 600 years old. Theovernmeut of Holland bogie eit on hand w drain the Zuvder Zee. It is as vast lagoon of scene seven huielre,l egnare miles superficial area and is useless on ac- count of its shallowness far purposes ofe navigation, while as agricultural [and it is esti ,ed to be very valuable. Ilia .t oat of the dam `s estimated at. £3,$_ 73,000.044,� the drainee - at £13,000,000 , jelee of ate' ,that thirty y.�T.. Inn required bo cot*. pie#e the whole, The, Great Modern Cavtltser, The raiiread is the great :`civillaer" idf modern timesr and- feecikattinit.title fact the gyptfan. Government li nowt surveying a route for the extentiion of its railroad along the Nile as far south -es Wady Hslfa, It Is. estimated thhat..is will cost' $4 0 0,0o0 to - :build a narrow -ganga road from Girgah tel Weedy Helfer, which forms -the present southern frontier of Egypt. When the real -reaches We'ity WadetaIfa fi will not be d 'icolt to extend- i rthe -e Lith to Dongol'a, Ttie eetablishme tt of rapid con3ihnnieet;lon be. tween- Gairo and; ,L .►et ubia would enable he'lKbedive o rapidly trim rt an leg gip. elan'omy to the frontiers-. o the. 8oada and all the=;Briti-ofeere ::cow. in .Egypt believe that SODfl. as sash an:_ ittipprove-_ ruent i5 Cabled tui,- the Soudan will. fall amain into the hands of Egypt, as d, with.. *tit a blow. 7a rtisse naaand ewe fore rgains are Flying and there ---isl no reason why YOU should • not catch one ! Come and see them anyway i y y We take pleasure in showing our elegant stock. Watches of all ends. Clox of all kinds. Silverware of all kinds Jewelry of all kinds. Spectacles and Eye -glasses in endless variety: Repairing donee in the neatest style. W_ D02G Taman, the -T-or, Has removed to the McGill building, next north of Bean's store. Adv. next week. -a cJ NO. BRETtI OUR, FIRE AND STOCK. InsuranceAgent it8P1ES818NT8: Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Waterloo Mutual Pyre Insurance Co. Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mercantile Insurance Co. Etna Insurance Co. Ontario Mutual Live Stock Insurance Co. Give John ' A Call. to the Top ! O%]R -OF fit- W.Lee&Ca. WROXETER. The prices are telling in our Straw and Felt Hat Department. - We never offered better lines at such low prices. Remember the prices : 8c. to 25c. for Splen- did Straw Hats. Children's - Sailors at 20c. [A fine line.) Mackinaw Hats, usual- ly sold for $ i; we sell for 60c. The Print Department Is attracting a good deal of attention just now. We think we have the best lines in the county for 10c. and 121-e.. Hosiery .Department. We have always been celebrated for our splendid lines in Hosiery. We start themeat 7c. up to The Best Lisle Thread and Cashmere at 5oc. Our leading line is A Fast Black Dye at 25c., The cheapest hose in the market for a lady. We are ordering another lot ofithose Cheap Raisins. Everyone should have a box while they last. Still selling 25 .lbs. Sugar for $.I. ew Wail Paper r , Cheap, Dear,. Light,. Dark, Canadian, Am an, Micas, Gilts, with Borders t .match, and Ceiling Decorations for Rich or Poor, Grit or Tory, Kitchen or Parlor. Any reasonable person cats select what he requires from our large. stock. T&ICE A • LOOK THROUGH: MY SAMPLE BOOKS. Express Wagons. We have a fine lot of wagons this season, made by hes VY . makers. A goodiron-axle wagon for $i.2.5; a heavier elle for $1.50.'` ironwieel-wagon at $2 and $4.60. Weiyeellthese by eatalegne thia season. If you want togs -eke ageoe .„ come and examine my catalogue and prices. will ee PRODUCE TAKEN, and the Highest Price paid. QORRIE, 0w'r, FOR AXES, FOR X -CUT SAWS, FOR NAILS, FOR GLASS, FOR PAINTS. FOR GROCERIES. FOR LAMP GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND SEE. W. ELEM. Just Received! AT ALLISON'S, A Fresh lot of Oranges, Lemons, Bananas, Cocoanuts, Dates, Strawberries, A fine assortment of Confections and Canned Goods. Ladies' Trimmed Hats and Feathers and Flowers Are being Sold Very Cheap for a few weeks. E31:ZOS_,7 Fordwich Hardwa.re Store._ Bee-Keepers' rfor led of l s1ndiicrs.s • �,fr iV� Perforated hiatal, Knives, as, Re is elf -Supplies 1 ing Slates, and many other supplies Livers�of various descriptions, at reasonable prices. Carpenters' and Framers' Tools. Fence Wire, Barb Wire. A choice lot of Spades and Shovels Garden Tools and Seeds. Churns. spinning Wheel Heads. Axle Grease. A new lot of Whips. We have bought a Complete ete New Set of Tin-. DARBY BROS. etem orv Association Residenc Next to ALBERT ST' Month. Teeth warranted. r1RESS 1141 1-/ tices S. rPORA No Ti COME in Gm( HUNI FIRE MPULI ChopPila Hdritir miP4rdeettlirld a firithst:class full plate glass Hearse I am in a better position _ . g o conimumty than before, and owing to reductions 112- the:wholesale prices of our goods I am m a position to give the use of This Llt`g,k-0,31.e e, that is to say my charges wdl' be no more and in semi caniseag; ILLIAMS V ai Parth lines wi We e granite We g give fir h