HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-07-28, Page 2re, IES, !LEGG. ol. J. A. TUCK, M. D. YiEz$ of College of Physicians and Sur - genus, Ont. GORRIE, ONT. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Vetern- ary.Association. r= ' Residence Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GORRIE, ONT. JAS. McLAUGHLIN,- I SSUER• OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. witnesses required. Office:—At my Residence, GORRIE. 011 GORRIE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 28th, 1892. itygrocer ' /«LION STORE"AVIPIG b It{EC$HD will out stock of MR. isms reputation for High -Class aver to keep ape G-EIC)0hRI Confectionery, —Staple and Fancy— Crockery, Silverware and Fancy Goods, - that my predecessor has so well merited for the No # last 12 years. DENTISTRY. T S. JERO3MEthe, L. D. S., Wingham, will visit _ach month. Te h extracted without pain. Al] of work warranted. MISS GREGORY, (Late of Harriston.) DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER. APPREN tices Wanted. Rooms over W. 8. Bean's Store. e. lies! rices. ovels s. s. f Tin - kinds of ort no - potion 7 ens iu this mag- isle cases ENNELL'S OTOGRAFS OR ORTUNATE OLKS. 11P ..ems'' Sala la S. T. FENNELL, tPor?,sol'i6, 1 Arii5sr. Capillary Abridger. Hirstute Vegetator. 5. No Threshing Machines, Lawn -blowers or Meat -Axes used 1 Come in and sit down; Yo�t'�e Arejt treeq1aW IVlills. NATroa Tatar, Ont. ROBERT BLACK, PROP. FITTED UP WITH HUNGARIAN ROLLER PROCESS. FIRST-CLASS FLOUR —FROM— MANITOBA WH EAT. 0 Highest Price paid for Grain. Chopping Done. ROBERT. BLACK. Everything Fresh and Guaranteed of the Finest Quality. No use to enumerate prices, but call and see for yourself. I will sell as Cheap as the Cheapes t. T. P. MILLER, - R. H. FORTUNE, V.S. C.B.C. HONOR Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto, Fellow of the Ontario Vet- erinary Medical Association. Under Graduate of C.B.C., Hamilton. Successor to J. Martin,V.S. Dentistry a specialty, Office, Main st., Wroxeter. Bull for Service. - THE Thoroughbred Holstein Bull "BARNTON BOY" will serve cows at LOT 18 ;ON. ,g Homes. He is three years old, and weighs 2058 pounds. Pedigree can be seen at the resi- dence of the Proprietor. TERMS :—$I.00 at time of service, or $1.50 booked. HENRY WILLITTS. wool, \XTool We wish to intimate to the farmers of the surrounding country that we in- tend opening out a branch of the WALIiERTON- WOOLLEN MILLS In Gorrie, And will pay Toronto Market Prices in exchange forTweed, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, etc. McKelVie & flife LAWLESS BUILDING, Main Street, GORRIE. �. S. foo V anstone Bros.,ei - Loon 0 WINCHAM Marble & Stone WORKS. • Parties -requiring work in the above lines will do well to call on us. We carry a large stock of marble and granite. We guarantee to save you money and give first-class work. Call before purchasing elsewhere and _, convinced. 44.Gir7E011rr. FORDWICH, ONT. —o— Money to Loan on Farm : Se- curity at the, Lowestrate 'of Interest. l GOOD ,NOTES DISCOUNTED. Special Attention given CONVEYANCING: WROXETER. The Balance of our Millinery stock, trimmed and untrimmed, we will clear out at Cost. Our Milliner leaves 25th July for holidays, so kindly bear in mind every- thing goes -in that department. Hats and Caps to clear, and several other lines. Call acid See. Still in the Market for WOOL I Lion Mitore, NicirrfaizscEsteor.. J. W. Sanderson. Don't be in a Hurry to sell Your 001 TILL YOU See the Wagon —OF— J. W. WATERHOUSE, Who is handling the PALMERSTON WooL- LEN FACTORY'S line of Woolen Goods, and will call at your door shortly, with the very best goods in the market. Highest Price Paid in Cash or Trade. RESIDENCE :—Next the Railway Track, east of Main St., GORRIE. MISS FLORA JAMES, (Graduate */ Niagara Falls Academy of Music.) TEACHES PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY. Theory Explained. Gognnt. "This is tocertify that Miss James, having completed in a creditable manner the course re- quired for a certificate, is duly qualified for pianoforte teaching, and is hereby recommended to those who require thorough instruction in that branch." PROF. A. HuBBARD. Niagara Falls, April: 21st, 1892. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH: Serviees at Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m. Rev. T. A. Wright,. Incumbent. Sunday School, one hour and a quarter before each service. METHODIST.—Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 Terra_ nee pastor. Sabbath School at 2130 p. m. J. R. Williams, Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN.—Services at Fordwich at 11 a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class at Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School at Gorrie1:15p.m.Jas.McLanghlin, Superintendent. BAPTIST.—Services in Gorrie at 3 and 7 o'clock nces- cion p. Howick at 30:30 a, in. on J. A. Ose 9nd borne, pastor. M ETHODIST—Services in the Fordwich Metho diet Church, at 10:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer -meeting on Thursday evenings at 7:30. J. W. Pring, pastor. Hellebore for Grubs, Paris Green for Bugs, NicLAUGHLIN for Drugs. NOTICE o conlitAgJ'orrS. TENDERS will be received, up to Saturday, August 6th, 1892, For the erection of a NEW FORESTERS' HALL, 1n the Village of Gorrie. Plans and Specifications can be seen at N. Mc- Laughlin's Drug Store. The lowest or any tender not necessarily se oepted. EDW. JAMES, GEO. WALKER, Committee. N. MCLAUGHIIN, Auction Sale OF VALUABLE Furniture Factory, And Planing Mill and Machinery Con- nected Therewith, In the Village of Wroxeter, In the County of Huron. THERE will be sold on - SATURDAY, THE 20TH DAY OF AUBUST,1892, At One o'clock in the afternoon, At the GOFTON RSE in theter. by virtue of powers of sat contain dWin s certain mortgage, which will be produced at the sale, the following property: Lot 18, on the west side of Gibson Street,in the said village of Wrox- eter, containing one fourth of an acre, more or less. The following improvements are said to be erected on the premises : Planing Mill, a Frame Furnitni e Factory and sundry machinery. TERMS: 20 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid:down on the day of sale. For balance terms will be made known at the sale. For further particulars apply to JONES BROTHERS & MACRFNZIE, Or to WM. LAU icitoESQ., Wroxeter. Toronto. Voters' List, 1892. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TURN - BERRY, COUNTY OF HURON. NOTICE is hereby given that I have transmit- ted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 6 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889, the copies required by said sections to be transmitted or delivered of the List, made pursuant stto ied Asesnrsons opnselatrevdAssmetRoll theaby id Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections for Members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections; and at said list s first of- fice atBIuevale, onthe2o 5thday of July, 1892, and remains there for inspeetion. Electors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. Dated at Ethel, the JOHNtday of July, 1892 Clerk. Lost. STRAYED from the premises of Mrs. R. Gib- son, a three-year-old driving mare, bright bayhoof,wene ghtte hind foot, 10 cwt., heighthsmall 16 hands inaround ood condition, shod all around, hind shoes turned out, slightly lame in right front leg. Auy person giving information of her whereabouts, or re- turning the same, will be suitably rewarded. Wroxeter, July 25th, 1822 FORTUNE, V. S. Local Affairs. There will be no issue of the GAZETTE next week. Correspondents will please send in their copy for the issue of Aug. llth by the end of next week, if possi- ble, The Gorrie school is to be re -floored before the holidays are over. Mr. Geo. Horton left on Wednesday, intending to buy iron in the vicinity of Tara. W. P. Hubbard shipped 8,700 pounds of butter from Gorrie last Tuesday morning. Miss Sarah Harding, who has been i!1 lately at her home here, is improv- ing nicely, FRESH FRUIT at Allison's Black cur - r tents, black raspberries, cabbage - and watermelons. - - Mr. J. B. Campbell spent last Sunday visiting relatives. He returned on Mon- day accompanied by Mrs. Campbell, Miss Hutton, of Wingham, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. James Sutherland, in Gorrie, at present. Rev Mr.Patterson will conduct the Presbyterian services at Gorrie and Fordwich on Sabbath next. Mr. Wm. Dane (Clerk) went to Toron- to on Tuesday to visit his brother Geo., If you want a good article in who has been in the hospital there for several weeks past. Farmers are in the throe of harvest- ing just now. The yiiald promises to be plentiful, very little damage having been caused by rust, - Me. N. G. Scott, representing the Par- ker Dye Works, Toronto, was in town this week, and while here took several photo views of business buildings. - Paris Green. Get it at the drug Mor. The only kind I keep is a Pure English Green. cLAUGHLIN, ' 'tuggist, 8 Mrs. T. H. McLaughlin has this week, as guests, her sister, Miss Staples, of Clark township, and her cousin, Miss Underwood, of Teeswater. The Misses Stewart, of Detroit, and Miss Johnstone, of Wingham, are the guests of their cousin, Mrs. Wm. Dane, atthe Albion hotel. The two former ladies arrived on bicycles. Na. 34. Raspberries are reported quite plenti- ! Prof. W. A. Brush; Horse Educator Iand Veterinary Dentist will give an ex- ful this season. Mr. W. Earngey, of Chesley, was vis- iting at his mother's, near here, over Sunday Last. Mr. William Stinson and party arrived home from the Old Country on Tuesday. He reports having a very pleasant and successful trip. Mr. Arden came by a slower boat so has not yet arrived home. Mr. W. J. McLaughlin, of the Glos. gow house, and his mother, Mrs. James McLaughlin,enjoyed a week's visit with relatives at Paisley, returning home, on Wednesday evening, They made the entire trip in a buggy. Tho Unions have received on invita- tion to play an exhibition game of base ball at Galt, in the near future, against the crack Chatham team, which is shortly to start out on a Provincial tour. The boys need practice to put them in condition to meet good teams. Another terriffie thunderstorm passed over this section early on Sunday morn- ing. The lightning was almost inces- sant, but no damage is reported in this neighborhood. The storm was general in the county and considerable injury was caused to telephones in some of the towns. Mr. R. Mills Hazelwood, a former well known Gorrie boy, was married at Grimsby last week. Mr. Jas. Fox, of Wroxeter, supported him on the occa- sion as "best man." Mr. Hazelwood is now proprietor of the flouring mills at Clifford and is one of the councillors of that village. Last Sunday Willie Brandncck, son of Mr. David Bradnock, had the misfor- tune to have both the bones of his arm broken. He was climbing over a fence when the top rail rolled, pitching him heavily forward to the ground. In put- ting his hand forward to save himself the rail fell upon it, breaking it between the wrist and elbow. Dr. Tuck was at once called in and set the injured mem- ber and the patient is now doing well. We have - this week to report ath of Miss Jeanie Henderson, w urred at the home of her brot . John Henderson, a few miles so st of Gorrie early on Tuesday m . Deceased has been a residen wick nearly all her life. Some y she was taken ill with congestio lungs, since which time she er been robust, and a year or so lung trouble assumed a serious et and she gradually sank until de eved her. She had a wide circl m friends, who join in extend r profound sympathies to the ed ones. The funeral occurred dnesday afternoon, the remains bei rred at the Wroxeter cemetery presence of a large number rners and friends. he Mail says of Parker's Dye Wor nto : " No longer is it necessary away, or sell for a trifling amou artly worn goods when they can ed and dyed so as to present an appearance as new, and la le the time they would otherwis firm have now a most enviab ation and are distinguished fro and less comptent dyers by th work they turn out." We canno ny too much for R. Parker & Co ell -known dyers, of Toronto. W e our readers to look through thei obs and have their soiled or fade nts cleanedordyed to look ilk Agents : A. B. Allison, Gorrie ox, Wroxeter; J. C. Bell, Ford Orders left at any of the above es will receive prompt attention. de OCC Mr we ing Ho ago the nev her pe reli war thei reav We ince the mou Toro give the p clean good doub repute other fine say a the w advis wardr game new. Jas. F wich. agenci , hibition with his four educated horses at Wroxeter, on Friday, July 29th, Gorrie, on Saturday, July 80th, • Fordwich, on Monday, Aug. 1, Commencing at 8 o'clock, p. m., at each place—admission 15 cents,—and on the days following will give lessons on horsemanship : $2 for lesson and book, Horse Dentistry a specialty. Examin- ations free, Wroxeter. Quite a serious accident happened to Mr. Thos. - Hemphill last week. It seems he was loading some cars at his storehouse, and finding the place over- run with rats he procured a revolver to frighten them. By some accident he put a ballet into his thigh which travel. led downward about a foot. The ball was extracted by Dr. Brawn, and we hope soon to see the unfortunate gentle. man around again. Mr. McIntosh has returned to his place in Sanderson's store after enjoying a month's holidays. Miss Smith, miiiinera,t J, W. Sander - son's is enjoying her vacation; stock.: A meeting of- -the :4'1 ciety will be held . next Weiinesday, to prepare the prize list, etc. Mr. John Hamilton and party re- -3.<. turned from England on Tuesday even- ing, Mr. Fortune, V. S., lost his driver about a week ago, and -can get no trace of her. Messrs. W. C. Hazelwood and J. Fox visited at Grimsby last week. Fordwich. Berry picking seems to be all the go these days. Masters Russel and Robert Cook are visiting friends in Listowelthis week. Mrs. James Rowe is at present on the sick list. the . You can have the balance of A. Wyness' hich millinery stock at slaughtering prices. her, Mr. Shepard Bolton gave this town - a uth- flying call on Monday. orn- Mr. Win. Sotheran lost a valuable t of mare, the animal having been struck by ears lightning during the storm of Sunday n of morning last. has We are glad to learn that Mr. B. S. ago Cook is slowly recovering from his re- as- cent severe illness. ath Iiev, Mr. Patterson, of Hanover, occu- e of pied the Presbyterian Church pulpit ing here last Sabbath. be- Miss Edith Saunders, of Harriston, is on at present visiting at Mr. John Ander- ng son's, north of the village. in Mr. John Argue, our veteran 'tailor, of was on the sick list last week. Miss Rosa Armstrong, of Fergus, is ks, visiting at the home af her sister., Mrs. to A. Wyness. nt, Mr. Dulmage shipped two car -loads of be cattle from here on Monday last. as The fine new set of furniture for the st new Masonic hall was finished and de - e. livered this week. Great credit is due le the contractor, Mr. L. C. Dicks, who m manufactured and upholstered the beau. e tiful furniture at his factory in this vil- e lags. Mr. Alex. Johnston brought to our oPostmaster , Mr. R. Mahood, some mon. ✓ ster hen's eggs the other day. Four of d them measured 8-x7- and weighed and e average of 4 oz. each, or four to the lb. Who can beat this record? Mr. Riggs of Listowel, • bought some 80 tubs of butter from Mr. John Don- aghy, and also 40 tubs from Mr. Fred Donaghy, He shipped it all from this station on Tuesday last. The grain elevator and several other buildings in the vicinity of the station have lately been improved by the appli. cation of a coat of paint. Mr. Thos. Gibson happened with a bad misfortune last Friday morning, Ile was about to unload a load of hay when by some means he missed his footing and fell to the barn -floor. - Dr. Spence was at once called in and found two ribs broken, but we are glad to see that Mr. Gibson is once more able to be around. "C" Line Items. The C Line boys, under the leader. ship of Mr. Ball, did their statute la- bor on the boundary between Howick and Turnberry alongside the farm of Mr. J. A. Edgar, which is much appre- ciated by the public. It is the leading road from Listowel to Wroxeter and has scarcely seen a spade or shovel for 20 years. A few dollars expended on this road by the Howick and Turnberry councils would be a credit to them. A _ few days - ago Henry Holdford thinned 80 rows of turnips for Jas. A. Edgar in less than four days. Henry thinks he can down any one in the town- ship at this occupation, and is open for challenges. Harvest is now upon us. Some have cut their wheat and barley. The recent hot weather and rains have hurt the wheat considerably. Mrs. Dobbin,. of L`hesley, formerly_ Miss Mattie Hamilton, spent a few days` visiting in ' this neighborhood, _ Many -friends were pleased to_see' A terrible rain storm accompanied by thunder and lightning struck Mr. John Carter's barn, burning it to the ground, and also burning two large pigs, a fan. rung mill and , about five tone of hay. The loss will be about $800, with no insurance.. . The lightning also struck Mr. Robt. •Caudle's barn on the 10th era. .killing. five.- head of cattle, but did 'not - burn the barn..' - The cattle, were insur- •tn_.tlie; Howick 'Mutual"