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The East Huron Gazette, 1892-07-21, Page 8
ME ME C17 w MOW s r.� 7.x T. - -.. > ..._.. - s NN ON ww7w _ - x s. r ME ME C17 w MOW s r.� s_ - s ON ww7w _ - x s. r Y Turnberf9 couacil- si council of tore GO 'TO -minutes of meeting of the the Township_ of Tarnbdrry, held in Me- Donald's e Donald's hail, Binevale, on Monday~. a • Jizly 18, 1892. All the members pres . slat. in the chair. _ The Reeve The minutes of last meeting were - ` . read, approved and signed. The Reeve reported g , j Bargains dr ` 4y Navin let a job g e Flying and there is of repairing approach to Jobb's badge, r to C. Jobb at $9, also let a job of making no reason why YOU should _ a road through river at Gemmill's O RI 4. bridge to Diff Stewart at $5, both no Catch one � -p , O1�T`t'' jobs completed and recommend pay - FOR AXES, rnent. Also sold a portion of the plank flooring of the old bridge for $10, also 6 FOR X -CUT SAWS, that the committee of this council, ap FOR NAILS, pointed to meet Wingham council re Come and see thel anyway We take {. l C#raham - bridge, met at Wingham and pleasure. in showin Our elegant stock. FOR GLASS, 3 deferred action on the matter until fur- g g FOR PAINTS. then advice asked for by the Wingham council, is got. FOR GROCERIES. The Deputy -Reeve reported having Watches of all kinds. FOR LAMP GOODS". let a job of 62 rods gravelling in Mitch- el's - road division to Edward King, Clox of all kinds. job completed and recommend pay- • ment,also along with Wawanosh council Silverware of all kinds, PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND SEE, had let a job of repairing approach to P. Jewelry of all kinds. {_ Patterson at $7.50, and job of gravelling at $40; East Wawanosh to pay half. W. CLEGG. Mr. Diment reported that Wm. Wright has completed job of gravelling on B line at 018, also job of culvert at #20, Spectacles -and Eye -glasses in - vim .that George yen has completed job variety, of gravelling on B line at $10, and ret.Qnd�@SS . ! y• ust Received ommeud payment of each of the so- • ` eounts, also that along with Mr. Harris'AT ALLISON'S, had met the Reeve and one of the -Dep- WROXET�` e Reeve of Gray township and inspected Repairing dow in the neatest style. the boundary opposite Lots 2 and 8, con. A, and agreed to pay Wm Wright A Fresh lot Of $5, for Turnberry _ share of work when The prices are telling in our Straw and vT t completed. Mr. Mundellreported that yVFelt Hat Department. ' m. Elliott had completed job of gray Oranges, Lemons . � J�j O J. .. We never offered better lines -at snob elling on gravel road at Jenkin s hill at j -Iow prices. ® cale]t a$6, andRe-$10, and. Bananas, Cocoanuts, Dates, ��_._.. ommend payment ; also let a job of _ building bridge on North boundary OP - Remember the prices posite Lot 2, at $12.50, and .$1.W for extras, Turnberry share whole work, 8c. to 25e. for 8 len- Strawberries $7, and recommend payment. did Straw Ha s. ' Mr. Harris reported culvert an How. ck boundary completed and recommend A fine assortment Of Confections I& Children's Sailors at payment of $8.12, Turnberry's share.. 200. [A fine linea and Canned Goods. by Ma.. Cruickshank, seconded c1 N 0. B R E T t10 U R, .by -Mr. en that *tis do in - spent seed opposite Lot B and 7, 0011:; Mackinaw Hats, usual - and if necessary let job of. repairs.-- FIRE AND STOCK ly sold for $i; we sell fox • i Carried. sec. Ladles' Tr.mmed Hats and r Moved by Mr. Mundell, seconded by InsuranceAgent The Mx. Harris, that as it is not certainthat Taman, the Tailor, _ the pine tree, charges to Mr. Holmes at Feathers and Flowers - . RtROXET`ER. Ust meeting of council stood on road Hai removed to the McGill tTs: Print Department allowance, no further action be taken in Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. r the matter, --Carried. building, north. o Bean's Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance ;; , Is attracting a good deal of attention g just now, We think we have the best Are being Sold Very Cheap for a few weeks. Moved by Mr. Mundell, seconded by store. Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. lines in the county for 10c. and 121c. - Mr. Cruickshank, that no further action Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. be taken about the elm tree charged to Adv. next week. Mercantile Insurance Co. John McKinnon at last meeting. of conn- Etna Insurance Co. Hosiery Department. cil.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by Ontario Mutual Live stook Insurance Co. : IDl..o�Y �® ` We have always been celebrated for Mr. Mundell, that the Clerk be instruct- Give John ACall our splendid lines in Hosiery. We start ed to. have the Township Engineer in- them;at 7c. up to spect the Government drain through lot Fardwich 0 19, in the 12th con., and lots 19 and 20, -in the 11th eon, and let job of cleaning The Best Lisle Thread and Hardwa re Sto-re, out. drain at once, also. for Engineer`to Cashmere at 50C. report to this council on 12th con, drain. f Consisting of Foundation, —Carried. our leading line is Bee -beepers Perforated Metal, Smokers,self- Supplies! Moved by Mr. Diment,me. by Mr. hivers, Honey Knives, Register- ing slates. and many other supplies of various descriptions, at reasonable prices. ' - Mundell, that allpathmasters must re- A Fast Black Dye at -25C.i J n their road list to the Clerk on or - --- - carpenters and Framers Tools. Fence Wire, Barb Wire. �.. before the tech way of August neat,after The cheapest hose in the market fora A C1101Ge lot Of Spade's and shovel � tlia€t� date steps will be taken to compel � lad p S ` x 1}lien to return them.—Carried. � Garden Tools and Seeds. - Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Churns. W, Diment that the treasurer's bond e now read, be accepted by this -conn- We are ordering another lot of, those Spinning Wheel Heads. _ - fit. --Carried. Chea Rais• Axle Grease. The following accounts were passed p ins. A new lot of Whips. .and .orders drawn on treasurer for the same; Everyone should have a bo= while they. S. Anderson, 'gmvel-and damagesa8 80 O �/� ��t` _ We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin. F John W Walker,` �� 4 smith's Tools, and are prepared to fumash all kinds of J. H. McTavish_ « �, 2 Tinware, and do -all kind of Repairing on short no. Thos. Henderson 200 Still selling 25 lbs. Sugar_ for tice. ocock i. 00 oems 8 2501 EaYe teen bin done to Order. Henry Wheeler a R. 5f, g Thea Pope •� �. 8 7 =; Joseph Leech a •6 1 2t _SPRODUCE TAKEN, and the Hib+heat DA13BY BD�3Se `fah $iggms •c •� 1Q tit Price paid. nadir s0,0 -�--OF . cDonall3 200 ft=tt Holmes. cUUMg brush. 2-0 -0 -� JOWS s rr rep. n$ (#r 's Uridg �+ x .Duff & Ste A, bd'g t at irleer...b- . t f all Paper, OU aecoxlnt;.of bridge. . 00 _ ,• Wilsoii Bras., luniber for cill verts...2 Bit -C.Jobbrep.approsol>E to Jobla's bdgeli oi? ldagravelliilg...:...,,..a.....18 Qg heap, `Bear,_lE,ight, Dark, G anadian American, Micaa, Gilts, with Borders to F W: Wrig : cWved and gravelling,.Ba. 0o R z niaiet><, and Ceiling Decorations for Rich or Poor, eo, gravelhng•,aa.......,..., •altf fly .- W Elliott, culvert, and gravelling ..18.00 (#rit or Tory, Kitchen or Parlor. ' J. Q'Mslley culvert 7 in o .. '1(3eorg8`iiir, Wm Bradley xread for ipdigeais.... . Any Person :cam select: what he requires fsoin our large stock. Tiui a - Mrs: Stesvux ,: eara ut4 r;"'S THROUGH MY SAMPLE BOOKS. if ;r"rigleyp cbmity. »"., a.•.,,a.,..pM, f?cVi/ .lea oreen, printing voters list, I4 00 We have s fine Int of Begone this eeasaa,'msde by best p a ZL. melissa. A good iron -sale wagon for I,%; a hmvier _ No _ � - ��� s�ana�sso. 1 7_ �i©©� ■add X198$ til:>2i8tlE'H h8t_ �Rese3:hese eNbalogae iMs lreasos. IJ oft t to rine L+L11eVto b} pecial;:. .- •one come and examine my cs#atogaeand price Will "ll -r �a iacyns 22nd . - - Ha ur+eicased a first -cissa full plate glass Hearse I ran fn a better - vp, position n ore an unit the before, d o _ . - we: save r ed a +1�t.1he. �litdeirtaking of this comm y wing to reductions in =<�+�lf.,: - _ eceiv stock' of these: so .f - =$ . ee� ': riser anyrsen a rices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this Mag. P is . y of _ utett$ Hearse fees, that is to say my charges •viii be no more and in some cases E a -Al 4 :before. • rim old T4 t IMW APO#* w w_# �M,v 3}rrie ,sr s=ues} 'tea a +5 001 of 09 gg kn - ... _... � ._ � Hca -•,. � :.,. �� K... �h :.�. - � . � �. n, , � � : - .,z-- �: .. m..- ;. - -=. .�. _.... ��....- '"s` .. - ...,- x _ ..-v �.-� fes. •...- �i:. .� rt�.�. . x "x,. .�a� � - • ,,.,: -,..-G-.�.- .' .-. � _. ,.x ., ... v.-. _ter.-. -�,._ - <__. ..,..- _ e .•—: '3- = -- z �� y mac... -: `r�. -�: A J 1, til . i. PMun of College scone, Cint JAMES AR Veterinary GRADUATE of onts� and registered me ary.Association. U -R' Residence Next to Methad� ALBERT STREET, AS. McLA I SSUER OF MARRIA witnesses required. Office:—?t wy Resident DENTIS JS. JEROBSE, L. D. S., Gorrie, the 1st and month. Teeth extracted warranted. MISS GR (Late of Ha DRESS AND MA-NTLE tices Wanted, Room Store. ENNEI OR i ORTU% OLS. Capillary Abridger Hirstute' VIA' No Threshing Machines Meat -Axes use Come in and sit down; V,®1' 1rc� IN a4�.'roxE�t®r, 4 ROBERT E FITTE'D UP t'4' HUNCARIAN Lq PROCESi FIRST-CLASS MANITOBA W 0— Highest Price paid fol Chopping Done. ROBERT B] WINCHAfi Marble WORKS. Parties requiring work in ines will do well to call on ug We carry a large stack of I We guarantee to save you r ve first-class work. Call before purchasing else; °7eonvnced. T_ WAi i