HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-07-21, Page 5aisisermassessa rim popular the , made ries. natter what coming n first. he best. r effects in black and wards. f you want if you pur- s of cotton anufactur- shirtings, s for these ods at the Sur Japan ve eheape in the price our goods in is as good to of doing busi- c appreciates arm mnalB0RH00H1iEWS 6A1HER2NLS, ' CULLED FROM OIIB. RANGES AMR DOWN FOR GAZ. T$• READERS. - HN. A little two-year-old :NH of fir. Jno. Hurd, of Bayfield, while running across the floor with a large knife in its hand, fell, the knife striking its month, Tierce ing into the roof causing an ugly gash. Mrs. J. Whitehead, of Clinton, is the proud possessor of a fusehia that stands about ten feet, high, with a spread of about three feet, and literal covered with flowers. We clip the following from the Gode- rich Star of last week :—Some parties walking along the docks on Tuesday evening, attacted by bellowing on the island, made bets as to whether or not R. eow had got over there. Boats were secured and rowing over, the source of the noise was traced to a monster bull frogg, which, on being killed was found to measure 15 inches from toes of hind leg to tip of nose, his diameter being in full proportion. On Saturday morning last after a long and painful illness, Mr. Alexander Mitchell passed to his reward. Deceas- ed was in his 76th year, and was the father of Mrs. A. Nichol, of this place. The funeral took place on Monday af- ternoon from his late residence to the Wingham cemetery for interment. The bereaved wife and family have the sym- pathy of the whole community.—Times. The Wingham Salvation Army and band went to Kincardine on July 12 to endeavor to show to the people of that town the error of their ways. On account of the death of Judge Mc- Crae, -of Algoma district, it is .expected that the Junior Judge of that district, Fred. W. Johnston, formerly of Gode- rich will be appointed Judge. The vital statistics for Clinton record- ed with the Division Registrar, W. Ceats,for the half year ending June 30th is as follows :—Births, 33; marriages,12; deaths, 15. A man from Seaforth was fined $5 and costs $5.90, by Mayor Butter, of Gode- rieb, on Saturday last, for preaching cn M.C. Cameron's trout stream,' Colborne. He will not try trout fishing again in Sharp's Creek. There were recorded with Mr. Camp- bell, clerk of Hullett, for the six months ending June 30th,. 40 births, ' 18 Oar= riages and 22 deaths. Shortly after six o'clock on Monday morning of last week, tde valve between. the two boilers in the Union Furniture factory, Wineham, burst. The firemen narrowly escaped being badly scalded, but no further harm was done. On Monday, the 4th inst., while two or three children of Mr. W. Anderson, and others were playing in the vicinity of the mill race at Cransford, Ashfield, unfortunately Maggie, the eldest child of Mr. Anderson, fell into the race and was drowned. She was a fine,. good-- looking and promising girl, age seven years and four months. PERTH. On Dominion Day in Stratford, two little boys named Beckler and Coughlin, found two one -dollar bills. They show- ed them to Hedley Cook,the livery man, and asked him if they were good. He was doubtful about it, but gave the boys five cents each -for' the- bills on chance. An information was laid against Cook for obtaining the money under false pretences and he paid the money into court. The magistrate directed that the bills remain with the Chief of Police until August 1st, after which they are to be returned to the boys in case they are not claimed by the owner. Mr: Holmwood, formerly proprietor of the Albion hotel, Stratford, who went to Chicago some mohthi age to reside per.per- manently, has returned to Stratford. The climate there did not agree. with him, and it was a choice between life and death, his physicians said, whether _•» he returned to Canada or stayed in Chi-- Tempo; Onio, July:l6th.-Last_ Wed. cage. - . nesday morning while the schooner While assisting in -piitt lg ' p" s gs - Madeline, on its vvay r`om Buffalo to for the picnic: in Mr. :rho? _Mato- Mctxor=` thus city bias t �;Ddnning, man's Inas r at. Newton;:.• -the other days about, 150 ...inils*evastof }&ere in Lake Peter Lather fell abt ut 80ft firoin a tree,' Erie, "Cape Pa hl` Wks saw about 4f-.t��'ial�e slid brokeahis:leg above the ankle. had `m s ; , ~ lashed' olio- own. .� ag�near, to tht3 Mr. I#eddaway is iiuiitl'igg ItlargeV, eltrpxt 4: M and $ board grain ` elevator at' Miverto = rteaarl~ 400;6 bushels;. a kajvr g tt1 teat in _hare a `oapscitY of. ilea* Y > 0 the water aw`. s a : wlth an fYnseei Hartnahhcer8s e;> Kirkton, has floolio` etet d n , �{{i,,, ( ryi on aye a 10-1*y wast - a 'mance' . Y'.� V.0 fY/+ ��erage t c lay 3n b i oil trhe sf ace of pot of est tt }utter da,�ly. :water.' C,ap Wagds'=estimate ie•that r - AIL ld man named Jarnes Macdon4d the, pent : as feet loft ` and° wed to`:. trafi- dour ;deet i�foand,- .� its };'mlectet� ,ford, gaol on Tuesday, last , for s1X `frog e:et melsutho sgeeocdondvagran,t,he y hsaayrt3s ' ' ieiFauswlyat. so3fparabIoargtiksiegeannifobjdc :a tIarHIet The -.fonve?ntion.o€the$unge_ county of P�h`Union of Young 'Pl&SIy o assist the` snake Societies of ri tion ',Endeavor was in prop�g itself "through fhe water. held- at..,+&va nk- 4z- n on ,Day, The body _was idt 'brown .i color,. with about 'Kg members ttenda*er whiclr was o n -all along sidle twentydifferent soeietie-771 's sed on -#4 comae the serpent Rev - . Mr."Hamilto of of ler veli, pre.: . Wee*, disporting itself og t7 a lake. std =aril lis Mowat a d ' " t tiie tm tlleakka was c, nand there tali* t,Oi31 dhave b1eer*I- inlstake in recognis- >iue Hordes bfevray: ; thvh .. _ was driving a�long=the secondconeeessOit of that township the other dad*, when her horse became . frightened and, plunged.,ovet Boyce's bridge, some six- teen feet, into _the water,carrying buggy and driver with it. Singular to relate, none were seriously ,injured: The water where theyteok the plunge being fourfeetdeep was tht, means, no doubt, of saving their lives.. WELLINGTON. At. the. Cotswold, Minto and Arthur Cheese factory, 40 cheeses were made one day recently. Most of the routes require two teams to draw the supplies on Mondays. The Kincardine Masonic fraternity decorated the graves of departed on St, John's Day. In the afternoon they .pic- nicked with the Tiverton brethren. The Elmira team won the fifteen dol- lar foot -ball purse at Elmira on the 1st, first playing the Glenannan team, scor- ing , five to .nothing, then playing the Alma team,again being successful in scoring one to frothing. Mr. Leopold Christman, of Elmira, was . also. very successful in carrying off several purses in foot races. The Harriston Tribune says :—On Monday night last Mr. Ziglar, contrac- tor for the building of John Garbig's barn, had.finished -his. day's -work and was in the act of corning down front the top plate where he had been at"work, when he missed his footing and fell to the barn floor a distance of 29 .feet, alighting upon his head and shoulder. He was picked up by the workmen 'for dead and taken to the house. Medical aid was summoned. Mr.Ziglar revived, when a serious cut was discovered upon the right side of the head and the shoulder badly 'damaged, but so far .as could be ascertained no bones were broken. After having his wounds ate. tended to he had so far revived that: he requested to be taken home to Clifford. He was at once assisted into a buggy and driven home and it is to be hoped that he will soon be around again ;all right. . How a man could fall sup a distance and not be killed • seems mys- terious: It was a fearful sight to see hie -body turning in mid air, and those who witnessed it fairly shuddered. ,Mrs. Wm. McKay, of Maryboro, 72. years of age, after having lost all her teeth for. a number of years, is cutting another set, a large double 'One being already through. This is an occurrence very rarely heard of BRUCE. A horse ..belonging=to. Allan .McLeod dropped into a well at Lucknow on Fri- day, and had to be removed by the aicl of a windlass. The animal is very little the worse of the accident. • Kincardine will vote of Monday, Au gust 1st, on a by-law to raise $2,000 for the construction of an iron bridge and. improving of town hall. Mr. Charles Astley, who for seventeen years has so efficiently filled the posi tion of Deputy Registrar for the County of Bruce, has retired. The different Orange lodges, of the District of East Brace celebrated the 202nd anniversary -of the Battle of the, Boyne-. at. Chesleyon Tuesday, 12th of July. The Hanover L. 0.- Lodge No. 547 and thirteen others lodges marched in the -.procession. Speeches Were de- livered by the Bishop of Huron and a number of others. - The treasurer of the Neustadt Cream- ery, Mr. Wand,' reports -that the June shipment of, batter was 33,500 pounds and the amount received for the same was the handsome sum of six thousand and four hundred. dollars. The patrons of the factory mdlt4er,iiiiit at t'he rates r .. of 17e perpoun t,jiFVs tiintlersa It the Neustadt,Aremtecy is tthaiarri its kind in Canada. Thiroanagennnt is to be `congratulated on the success met with since of this industry. Half 6,the people°of. our &noir duet,w another. They can now overcome thisld itaty caugd & Co'v Have still. a fully assorted stock of Staples; Dress Goods, Prints, Gloves, Hosi- ery, Gents' Furnlshings, Boots and shoes, etc. In all Imes we . claim tohave as good, and in. the majority of cases, better value than can be obtained : elsewhere. Our Sugar at 28 lbs. for $1.00 is just the thing for the Preserving season.= Regarding GEM JAS As we are anxious that there shall be no scarcity of jars, such as occurred last season, we would advise -those requiring Gems to secure them now and so avoid the rush and the possible disappoint- ment .when the preserving season is at its height. A: large stock now on hand.: hen you come to Gorrie don't fail to call and see our stock. We are always willing to quote prices and pleased to see you, for know our are`..ri ht : and we p , prices g. will suit you. 'clas►gtw Ste 0 elf -411.7 one -'Aims o the: T T M =: ''OF -THE i� c 0 INT 1 01:1‘ 1111.31R0 Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet _ by "five feet mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring. are used, whicti. makes it very distinct and effective. - THE SCHOOL SECTION NEEDS ONE, THE FARMER NEEDS ONE, Published by THE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ONE PRICE, $3.5Q. W. Cooper & Co,, Clinton, Ont., Booksellers and Stationers School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and our traveller will call on you. . mss Sutherland's TIN B'Q±H3 ; North 40 end of the Leech Bloc k,) ohm. A FINE LINE OF PfiRLER,BOX, aid t3E3DKtStoVes, JUST RECEIVED. :0: Special Value in Cook Stoves. Special Value in Heaters. Special Value in Drums. Special Value in Cutlery 0 ISIEN®Vi vuiewiirkurM IN ivory Variety-. Ev? TroigI-iing :o: A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods Highest Cash Price Paidfor H7D.k..S and SHEEP SKINS. T=NVTARE of every description, on HAND and made to ORDER. Repairing of all kinds promptly done. THE GREATEST OF THEM.ALL I$ '$E NEW PREMIUM Given to every subscriber, new or ofd, off-THR • N!'fdtLY- BlIFIu8 FOR 1892. Thousands of donate have been spent in its preparet1oli.`2te . r.nceoes.is fully assured: it is a highly. valued souvenir of the greatest statesman.* nd the most honored leader ever Wawa in tan diett Meter,. - This.benirifnl ltieeaeorini lbast con��s i8 full-page illustrations •of intereetit>R scenes eoaneetioa with The=fitstory of Sir John. and1 . presentaio the thotieands of admirer8 Weer boo Chief many now arnd valuable portraitures. WqI-Page•. Portraits or Sir_ John aa- Itatot a Hnrlonald t Birthplace or stir ,-'111411ha In hen .a ns ;sgowp3'orrtralt rtraior TowUlla Joluel • • mother;: the ointy ogle toter pttbltshed; Tit; - Old Haineoiead at n, occupied by llr.,lahn during "fife lint. "•r Itf9 1 F.arnsellire, Sir John's Re-aidnnee at t1ltswh; Interior or Senate Chamber. r. 'Ottawa. ,how ,Ing the Guard of Honor and Roity_1:ylag !a llsil.; Exterior View of n.unses or.'i'arilri meat, %glib Funeral `Prov stow fol a the forewarn,.di Vicw_.oi Eadtnrn. eft« Parliatcntnt 3aild#ngs, with Fritte :el +. resin .a%t 4 -Pine View City RAIL Ji#tt:;tiy' too, Draped In Manrnintt, as 1i -attpearreal ire day Air Solite* ply ,reacbcd .tvO - and layirs: !fluter Grave atarasgtui te>ni, fairy. with Thirst' Tributes # his isitissosw ands or F.,Uowt tr ':1ew or"Westamm t' Abbcyin.wiuehile '8er holds litterlor Tlaw- oT Westmiaster.;- Mew .or sa. Lucie; falba, 1. In which a; rail Tablet will to Jur aMat to:Sir John's Heanary-,Interior • Paai'at ai:J. • 911 these views_ are 1i e.ha f -toned eliotogravur�'s-on h* a r ed pacer, and bound, with an iiturnii tti,d acid etnti+osserl' ,over,A:.rea2i bIs l.entr: t#tai ,suitable Ornament :parlor orlihtrar!ytable. The demand oi. nis work,arobtises Ca b0* Send in year orders early. wteh {FR PC)1 L tits nd eL f'1i ATEfR1ERIP . 2or da ? , pod this 1111210ItIA L ALlititli. • New suL. rtbers will receive Tim W tLv.`''i Inn 3or ngen a tats oar„ ti V --rte r