HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-07-14, Page 3bar "average temperature for churning - during summer is 58 ° ranging one or two degrees higher or lower according to circum - t Article Should be Made on the " stances. The cream is brought to this tem- y Denier a: Farm in Summer, - peratur€-in a manner similar to preparing it for ripening ; it is then weighed and strain - ted. mt, s n .., _ article, t - n .� Dean, B.S. ed through h a perferatec tin strainer into the s :—.tis 3 o'c° tic A.,Professor of Dairy Hasbandry,Agricultur- churn. " he scream, can is t-lhin rinsed out is explosion one al College, Gue1 ih,isnowbeeing published by with a little water. For every 101b. rtridge factory, the Department of Agriculture, Toronto :— of eream we add one dram (about half a explosion took Many enquiries have recently been received teaspoonful) of Hansen's or Yorkshire but-- ; front' the fag- br this department as to printed matter ter color. This is done `before shirting the ing detonators, healing with butter making,which shows that churn, and for the purpose of "imparting a is were at work there is a desire for something of that nature, " June grass color" to the butter. and, although To aid the overworked farmers' wives and The churn we use is a No 5 "Daisy." lemolished the daughters in the difficulties which constant- Two or three times during the first ten man- " In the spring of 1887, while working other buildings ly arise in the handling and care of milk and utes of alluring the plug at the bottom is re- on a building in Liverpool," said Mr. d nothing more cream,and also in the churning of the butter, moved to allow the gas to escape. Churn- Church, `t a scaffoldon which I was stand - we thought that we could not do better ing usually occupies from fifteen to twenty ing collapsed and I fell to the pavement a was literally than to give a simple outline of how am in mutes —seldom over half an hour. The deco of forty feet. Bruised and bleed now remains dairy at Guelph is managed in the summer churn revolves at the rate of 60 or 70 turns to obndy seemed " i time. We might here say, however, that the minute. As soon as the butter" breaks," ing I was picked up and conveyed to the Y hold hout an me e we think it would be far better for our which we can tell by the swishing, sound , ar oreIt, in the build- Northern"Hospital, and not one of the doc- at, and it was butter -making industry if the manufacture by the clearing of the class in the cover, we tors who attendedPe for •110 was blown add a quartor two of water for eachpailful my ultimate recovery. The base of my of the batter were done more largely in spine seemed to be smashed into a al and was the only creameries or factories as in the ease of of cream, the temperature of the water vary- the efforts eothe obe smashal men were p, and ing alive, was cheese. The chief advantages of such a ing with the day and the condition of the ed estowards relieving the terrible ct- ,t the real state system are, a more uniformly good quality crew to too warm day one can scarcely have agonyaltogether I rto ratherrsrelieving than-tthe rine he first sight of produce and a lessening of labor at the ,as itwill then chill thepar- ag injuries.yIsI had the uoan searches was farm• tides of butter and make them firm, while at my and the constitution threw out leg had been Our dairy herd at the present time num- the saa a time the water dilutes the butter hisoxchest though,"aad squared a pairspeaker threw )ody. Further hers 14 cows, 12 of which are now giving milk, lowing a more perfect separation of thatestwould have done credit of - shoulders 7ibly distort- milk. We are raising 8 calves, which are the butter. The churning thecontinuesuntil that "and as I sit to a princehave c different di- fed chiefly on warm sweet skim -milk con- the butter granules are about the size of among athelets,s grip a life the doctorsedtotooka his body was taining a little oil cake. Each calf has a grains of wheat or little smaller, when the heart and after remaining in that hos- at of James small box in which dry oatmeal and oil cake churn is stopped, the buttermilk drawn off pital forty weeks 1 was discharged as of 17. Will- are placed, and which they soon learn to eat from below and strained through the strain- being as far recovered as i would ever save, was also with a relish. Some cut grass fed in the er previously mentioned for the cream. be. For twenty-six weeks I had to lie like Kearns, heposition, stable completes their ration. This strainer serves to catch any particles in one and any attempt ie :ached himIN THE STABLE. of batter which may come out with the place me on y back made me scream with to en, fe roman, At present the cows are at pasture. Nigh buttermilk ; but if the separation has been pain. Through eighteen months after my o building at and morning they are brought into the stable complete the butter will float on the top discharge I was unable to do a stroke of The unfor- to be milked, and are fed a small gran- and none appear in the buttermilk until the work, and could with difficulty make nsy rwnvas into un- last. We next add either cold water tity of ran—about one pound a day. AI or very eak brine in quantity sufficient tofloat way about the house,_ and then"only with yes a young the side of each manges is a small box, whichthe aid of crutches. Twice during that time married last is kept full of salt, and in front of each ani- the butter and wash out the buttermilk. I underwent operations at the hands of i SntherIand, We usually half fill the churn with water, mal is a water trough,where they may obtain eminent surgeons, who were amazed at the id to marrydrink at will. Before commencing to milk it a few rapid turns, and draw off the fact of my being alive at all after they had Wane $urkea the men wash their hands for which pur-milky water. The operation is repeated been informed of the extent of my injuries. a very badly pose we keep a wash basin, soap and twel with pure cold water, generally comes On the last occasion my back was cut open that he may in the stable. Milking begins at five o'clock away clear. If it isnot clear, water is ad- and it was discovered that the bones which t. Andrew's, morning and evening. Each cow's udder is f accidental ded the third time. The butter is them al- had been shattered by my fall had, by pro - well brushed before commencing to milk, lowed to drain in the churn for fifteen min- cess of time, completely overlaped each and the milking is done as quickly and other, forming a knuckle that you see here," quietly as possible. As soon as the cow is utes or half en hour, and sometimes the salt and Mr. Church showed the reporter a curi- pads milked her milk is weighed, and the weight m added while still in the churn, but as a ous lump near the base of his spine. "All recorded on asheet. (Twice a week morningrule the butter. is removed from the churn, efforts to straighten those bones continued -dent writes t laced in a batter tub and weighed. It is unavailing, and finally the doctors told me over north- and evening, each cow's milk is tested for the hen spread upon a =' V " gworker Fin, was 79 per cent, of fat or butter in her milk.) Theshapedthat in the course of a few months paralysis that slants towards thefront and has a lever more than milk is then strained in shot gun cans fastened at the lower end. Fine salt at the would set in and my troubles would be in - ped from the through a gauze strainer having three or creased tenfold. .Their -predictions. proved four thicknesses of butter cloth fastened on rate of one ounce for each pound of butter only too true and before -long I was - in al - 1 never miss- as it comes from the churn is now sifted on Then he the ander side by means of a tin ring, which by means of a hair sieve. Aftor siftingon- slipsmost as bad a condition as ever. No tongue i t, more be- - orbus securelyfastener over the rim on the bottom of thestraiu- about half of it the butter and salt are getly can tell the pain I suffered:as the han because g cloth, and stirred when the rest of the salt is added, disease progressed, and eventually decided je and Sim, making an almost perfect strainer. The ' to come to America. So in 1890 I closed up milk is and the butter worked by means of the lev- eft, he said. possible after itrom the is milked,- and again strain- - in er. We work sufficiently to remove the gal Halifax, done s in flop wasland aI with the nd on arriving journey e before the ed before it is run through the cream se excess of water, to thoroughly incorporate across the ocean, that I had to takto m is t touched arator. When all the cows are milked the - the salt in every particle of butter, thus bed and was kept a close prisoner for several ne morlbears are taken to the pasture. The stable is preventing " streaks" and making a firm, weeks. Having a brother living'at Moor - said to his thoroughly cleaned out after each milking compact body. The butter is then put up in field, near Guelph, I with difficulty accom- arver's and the floor sprinkled with land plaster, butter ound mood orrints ae mould' made de by means ob f CMo er plashed the journey there and tried to do county an° the windows and doors being kept open as &Toronto. These may be gaugedsosome work. My utmost exertionsle, could ac - d as the ole up itis atria as possible to give the stable a good as to Son,rint a pound quite accurately, and resucomlt of my trolish but uble, nervous prostration, g- their use saves a great deal of labor. Each ly tried to Later in the season when the pastures be- in its worst form assailed me. I remember e thought gin to dry up we shall feed to each cow in Print is then wrapped in parchment butter once be ing overtaken �Iyathunderstorm while hrough gthe the stable from 20 to 30 lb. a day of green paper—one sheet wrapping a pound. On about a mile away from the house, and while g etermined, peas and oats, of which we have about three- these sheets is printed, in such a way that I was making my way there I fell no less when folded the words appear on the top and Sim, quarters of an acre growing vigorously at of each block the following,which serves than eight times, completely prostrated by the present time. Later we shall feed particularly vivid flashes of lightning or ascagy to go about the same qaantity of green an advertisement : heavy jaes of thunder. About a year and -eil'byld ;hunch Taken. onnecttonevith the reports of other equally remarkable cures=tile pLiiarisnf a�tcli3h 14*been pleasant flavor, gentle action and lres—the from time to time -it offers eon soothing effects of Syrup of Figs, when in ' P need' of- a laxative and if the father or The Terrible Sum In;S-Of 1S.Iae questioned` proof that Dr. Wiliipms Pink mother be costive or bilious the most grad- , Church Froin aralysis Pills for pale people stand at the head of g modern medical discoveries. fyresults follow its use, so that it is the Crashed by a FaII of Forty Feet—He Spends The neighbours generally were very out- best familyuremedy known and every fam- Months in a Hospital_ and is Discharged spoken in their astonishment at Mr. y° ld have a bottle. - Only to Suffer 'Great Agony -Months Churoli's iniraculous cure, all who knew Without Sleep and a Victim of Nervous, anything of his case having given ham np Prostration -An Aecount of his Hiraeu " months ago as rapidly approaching the Ions Care as Investigated by a "Times: p;>rtals of the great unknown. He looks Favored Waiter—"I m goin'to leave here w'en my week is up" Reporter.•far from that now though. His eye is as Regular Guest—" Eh ? You get good pay, Hamilton Times, June 20th, 1892. clear;-lhis-eheek as ruddy, and his step as don't you ?" elastic as a youth in his teens. .He was for ,. yes, 'bout the same's everywhere." seven years a member of the Life Guards, ,� „ Y " and for some time conducted a gymnasium And tips besides? in Liverpool. He expects to get back to "TA good many." his beloved athletic exercises this season,Then what is the metier?" and is much elated at the success of hi " They don't allow no time for goin' out treatment. to meals. I have to eat here." The reporter then called upon Messrs. — Harrisoiros., James street north, from Do you Suffer Pain ? whom Mr. Church had purchased the rem- Does a dull aching of nerve or muscle, or dy, who further verified his statements. the acuter pangs of neuralgia, toothache, or In reply to the enquiry by the reporter, lumbago make life a misery ? Thousands are "Do you sell many of Dr. Williams'; Pink compelled fo suffer day in and day out Pills ?" Mr. James Harrison, of the firm simply because they are unacquainted with replied:— the extraordinary pain subduing power of "Well, yest, rather. A thousand boxes Nerviline—the great nerve pain cure. It don't last long. You see out business is is certain to cure nerve pain speedily. Ner- largely with men, women and girls employ- viline cures toothache, rheumatism, neural - ed in the big factories and mills in this le- gia, lumbago, &c. Nerviline is powerful, cality and the -recommendations we• hear penetrating, and effectual Sold every - from these people day after day, month after where. month, would indeed make the manufactur- A despatch to the London Times from er of those wonderful little pellets think he Singapore says that the Sultan of Johore is was a he efactor of humanity. Several vases preparing a Malay village for exhibition at have came under my own notice of women, the Chicago World's Fair, and that the Sul - poor, tired -out, over-worked creatures, be - mg made "like unto new" by the use of tan himself will Stateaccompany the village to these pills and I see them passing to and Chicago. The o Johore is in the from work daily and looking as though life Malay Peninsula and is very prosperous. It was worth living and well worth it, too. is under British protection. In all my experience in the drug business I Nature's Supply of Vital rower. never saw anything like these pills," and People of means seek in change of climate Mr. Harrison related a number of cures thatg ; had come under his observation in addition sea voyages, etc., to restore the wasting to that of Mr. Church. body. But here, within reach of all, flows Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People on forever that world-wide, wonderful water, contain in a-oondensed form all the elements St. Leon, that has restored annually fur the necessaty to give new life and richness to past 50 years countless numbers of despair- ing suffers. Keep your houses supplied with the blood and restore shattered nerves. nature'sgreat restorative and visit the They are an unfailing specific for such + diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paraly- spriz<gs :opening June 13th. M. A. Thomas, sis, St. - Vitus' dance, sciatica, nee dgia, Manager. rheumatism, nervous headache, the after ef- Scads—Q6 You say he left no money ? " fects of Ja grippe, palpitation of the heart, « pale and sallow complexions, and the tired Beggs No. You see, he lost his health getting wealthy, and then lost all his wealth AGIC SCALE FOR DRESS C[1R i11Nti feeling resulting from nervous prostration ; trying tp get healthy." taught by Miss Chubb, general agent all diseases depending upon vitiated humors' It is almost annoying to a pian when for Ontario. 286/ Yonge St., Toronto Ont. inthe blood, such as scrofula, chronic y g erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for hauling .a who large load to market to suddenly troubles peculiar to females, such as sup. find fit's .wheels refuse to 'go round'. Those pressions, irregularities and all forms of who use Rogers' Peerless Axle Grease save weakness. They build up the blood and re horse flesh, save axle boxes, and save time store the glow of health to pale and sallow A good time to begin to pray "Thy cheeks. In the case of men they effect a kingdom come," is when the collection is radical cure in all cases arising from mental about to be taken. worry, over -work or excesses of whatever �'WARNiINis, ask your Druggist for GIB - nature. BONS' TOOTHAOHE GUM, take no These pills are manufactured by the Dr. substitute. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, It isn't likely that the devil feels much Ont.," and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold out of place in the company of a man who in boxes (never in loose form by the dozen doesn't pay for his newspapers. or hundred, and the public are cautioned against numerous imitations sold in this shape) at 50 cents a box, or six- boxes for $2.50, and may be had of all druggists or direct •by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either address. The price at which these pills are sold to make a course of treatment comparatively inexpensive as compared with other reme- dies or medical tree sent. Couldn't Stand It. tmiles from down on tares and oats, of which we have FRESH BUTTER a half ago I came to this city and secured Uncle Fin about an acre'and a quarter, sown ten or work at the k Ha" nilton Forge Works, twelve days after the peas and oats. Later made and put up by the but before long had to quit, because- I I'll stn still we shall feed green corn, of which we EXPERIMENTAL DAIRY, could not attend to my duties. I used as steady have abort two acres. 'We are thus- pre- GUELPH. to think that if . I could only get a eye isn't pared for a dry season if it comes, and if we little sleep once in a while I would feel on yard if do not require these to feed in summer they We never had enough at one churning to better, but even that boon was denied me. Las it I'll will be cured and kept for the winter. make a shipment, so the blocks of butter Night after night I tossed -from side to side, are put in the box. ' This box_ is made" of and everytimemy pressed I 7 THE DAIRY. wood, containing four wooden tr s nth back limb bed al- oldthe man, We have been using a Laval"Baby"Se pain that shot through every was � g A- an opening down the centre in which is r m stiddy ez p a or, No. 2 (hand -power) for over a year, most unbearable. The doctors as prescribed placed a tin vessel filled with ice, and - the chloral and bromide of potash, or my eye and like it very mach. Recently we have whole is kept in a cool room until the boxP ,and for my fresh aurchasedanAlexandra,No.8,andalthou h weeksInhou thought of going to bed at g as full, when it is taken to a commission night without having first taken powerful rself over we have not yet used it a similar machine merchant in the city of Guelph. doses of either of these • drugs. a mile or has been in use at the farm for some time, There are perhaps fifty ways of making the last these doses failed to have the desir- and is giving good satisfaction. It is a good butter, and I do not claim that ours ed are 'thin cheaper machine than the Laval. ,Ourmeth< is thebest. There are scarcelytwo rsons `u effect and a ly takindg the sizeyof grains of my han' od of using is as follows : After the.speed until I' was finally taking thirty of of the bowl has been attained the tap -is that pursue exactly the same method 18 al, potash and ten Scams of ebloraleverynight, ez quick - • the 3etaits, bat I think the plan here out- enough to kill a horse. I became so weak , an look opened from the supply can, and the warm lined will, if carried out in any dairy, give that I could hardlyet around, and my milk allowed to flow into the machine. It butter that no one need be ashamed to you lose is very important to attain the normal old man.limbshen a thosegof a palsiedha _ speed of the machine before allowing any have a buyer examine, old When everything seemingly had failed me and I ;was milk to flow into the bowl. Some have had THINGS WE DO NOT DO. about to give per run- up what seemed a vain"battle for life and he was. trouble from lack of care in this particular. 1. We do not consider that we know fter half When the last of the whole milk is out of everything about batter making as sob health my wife here read en account in one of the 'newspapers of John. Marshall's won - buck. It the supply can we run about a gallon of thing new is being discovered every month. act', and - skim milk through, and lastly about the Not only from our own work are we con- derful cure by means of Dr. Williams' Pink t on. Itsame amount of warm water, to clean the tinnfilly learning, but also from the cheer- Pills, and although I had lost all faith in along cream out of the bowl. The cream is then vation and research of others, any medicine I resolved to try once more nt a bol- cooled down to about 45 ° Fahrenheit, the 2. We do not keepa cow that makes less and accordingly procured a box of those machine and all utensils thoroughly wash- little Pink Pills from Mr. Harrison, the t on. g y than 200 pounds of butter in a year ; druggist, and commenced to use them ac - .6 Now, ed, and the dairy made neat and tidy—aa 3. Nor put the dry cow on a starvation cording to the directions. This was in Oa - we're every dairy should be. The skim -milk is ration ; be able then t iback to the stable for thetuber of last year. I had not taken them a sayno- calves, and the creamput into the cream 4. Nor expect a cow to make something week till I began to feel an improvement in out of nothing, general health. In a month I slept pail and kept cool until twenty-four hours 5. Nor keep our cows roan ice house, hme hog- evry night like a baby. The pains left ate brush, i before we wish to churn. I may say that pen or dungeon ; back entirely, and -by the beginning of the dusP I think a preferable plan would be to have 6. Nor allow them to go a whole year'new year I could lie on my back for hours away. a neat, clean room in or near the stable, without carding or brushing them ; ani never feel the slightest pain therefrom. hint, for where the separator might be set, 7. Nor depend upon pasture alone for a Prior to taking the ills I-saffered terribly, don it, and when separated the cream could supply of summer feed. g pe buck be taken to the dairy or cel- PP y with fits, many of them so severe that three lar,8. We do not allow milk to stand very or four men were required to hold me. The • 1 fell in while the skim -milk would be where it long in the stable to absorb foul odors. pills knocked those all out, though, and all toward is wanted for feeding. The cream is kept 9. We do not neglect to strain the milk the times used them I did not have even ked the in one large (10 gallon) lin can, which has a at once -after milking; tin spoon in it for stirring at everyaddition the suspicion of a fit, and as for weight, g 10. Nor set the milk in deep cans in well well, you will hardly believe it, but honest - What'd of fresh cream, and also for stirring when water without changing the water at least Iy, in that time I gained forty pounds. the cream is either cooled or warmed. I didn't twice, or without ice ; Well, to make a long story short, I went to - Sometimes the milk is set in deep cans or 11. Nor mix sweet cream with cream to work again a few .months ago, this time in o from creamers, in cold or ice water. When this be churned less than twelve hours before the Hamilton Nail Works, where I went as is done the milk is put in the cans while churning. (The cream is ripened in one shipper, and I have worked there steadily cle Fin, , and cooled to at least 45 0 Fahren- vessel which holds the cream for a whole since the first day I went in. Last fall I shoots heit before skimming, which is usually done churning.) was too weak to walk a mile, now I work don't at the end of twelve hours. After skim- 12. Nor add scalding water to the cream; from 7 a. m. to 6 p. m., and my work is no bbe ye ming the cream is handled in the same way nor guess at the temperature with the child's play either, I can assure you. I If ye do as from the separator, except that it is not finger, nor take two or three hours to handle about 500 kegs of nails every day emiocic cooled, it being already cold enough, churn, and each keg weighs one hundred pounds ' d° it Those who still use the smallshallow pan 13. Nor gather the butter -until the and has to be lifted a distance of five re fifty € shouldset where the air is pure, the tem- _= dasher stands . on top," then dipitmy is fail- t perature even (fifty to sixty degrees), and out of the buttermilk. P, to six feet. All renewedstrength I skim, always, before the milk becomes ascribe isto the use d Dr. have Williams'kewink 14. Nor add coarse salt by guess ; nor Pills which I consider worked woa- d man thick. Do not be afraid to take off some work the butter into grease. dors in my own case. For anyone troubled g tr , & skim milk along with the cream. 15. And finally we do not send our but- with nervousness, sleeplessness or loss there, CHUnNLxG, ter to market wrapped in old rags thatmay of strea in an wa in m o inion there ne but- We churn three times a week—Monday,have seen other service in the home.. is nothing in existence like those pills for idnegs' }' Wednesday and Saturday. The night bTo those who wish something more ex- restoring people who are thus afflicted. st a. fore we churn the cream is warmed toabont tensive than can be presented in a bulletin, Yielding to the advice of friends, who claim- ught it 66° by setting the cream can in another I have much pleasure in recommending a ed that my renewed health was not due to vessel containing water at about 90 to 100- pamphlet published by Smallfield & Sons, the Pink Pills, I quit using them for about We use a large can, but a washtub -_will Renfrew, Ont., costing ten cents ; and also a month, but the recurrence of - those ter - answer the purpose very well, 'The cream a publication - by Mrs. E. M. Jones, of rible fits warned me of my folly and I com- ic kept stirred until it gets to the proper Brockville, Ont., costing about twenty 'mened usingthe piEs again, and I will temperature, when it is either -placed in a cents, which is now in per. certainly never be without them . in -the "Boyd Ripening Vat" or set in a room house." - where the temperature is about the same We are often selfish inour love, . desiring "Not if I know it, anyhow," remarked as the cream. The next afternoon the more to be loved in return than to benefit Mrs. Church. "I know only too well the churning is done, but when the weather the object of our affections, We are some- good they have done yon, and you would becomes very warm we shall churn in the times so tender of oar relations as to sacci- not have been anything .like the man you morning while it is cool. The cream will fice truth or justice for fear of disturbing are to -day if it had not been for those pill=, also be set to ripen earlier if necessary.them—more careful of our friend's feelings amino one on earth knows better than I This matter of ripening or souring of than of his character, and of his continued haw "greatly you have been helped,and not e eate:0 R very -important one in preparing regard for ourselves than of his best reel- only you but cthers in _the family ho were butter for the present market, and to get fare• 1 - thought to lain going intoti a decline before a profitable yield of butter. The only rule " Stupidity -is to the mind what clumsi they werrrestored those ills." that I can give at present as to when the neva is to the body.It exhibits ' the taking l� domes of :tlic)aarticnlara of the `marvellous cream iii ripe or sour enough is that as soon same fatal power of mischief in its own rescue of Mr. 'Church froin a life of suffering as it gets about as thick as good maple way." haying reached the public, a reporter of the syrup, tastes slightly sour, and has begun We cannot bear to be- deceived by our Tides thought it worth his while to investi- to separate into sivaU ppaarrticlesit is read enemies and betrayed by friends, yet we gatetheatterfortbebenefitof othersaffer- to churn, and we anon churn it without at' npt are often content to be served so by our- orschat, anthd e afrllwaave remtt' iii rerpogae arkablestorto hisywa.senqnarrat- uiries 10Whig it to stand any longer. . selves old •'t it, as the at his r with enzen, .• made Th pe18 d ay they ant has nistake e them a says. onldn't iegPet turf ;'em in 4131116 in�conde ed ferns Art. the `sub• ieuea s eeded-rebusto _. enrich the BIood- _= and to-ict,tte U Nerves,thusmak eg 'thein a certain and 'speedy Cure for ail diseases ails1n <. )•G'--lnlpoverii}jed b1... andshiettered nerves, such- -as;nar. alysis, spinal dis- eases, rheumetan, sciatiea,lossofinem. ory, erysipelas, pal- pitataonoftheheart, scrofulit,ehlorosis or tired feeling that affects so many,een �t.sy have aspecific action on the setuai.system of both men and women, restoring,lost vigor. WEAK MEN young and old), suffering from mental worry, overwork, insomnia, excesses, or self-abuse, should take these PILLS. They will restore lost energies, both physical and mental: SUFFERING WOMEN afilicted with the weaknesses peculiar to their sex, such as suppression of the periods, bearing down pains, weak back, ulcerations, eta., will find these pills an unfailing cure. PALE AND SALLOW GIRLS - should take these Pills. They enrich the blood, restore health's roses to the cheeks and cor- rect all irregularities. • Bswena of htrrtaltaxs. These Pills are sold by all dealers only in boxes bearing our trade mark or will be sent by mail, post paid, on receipt of price -54 cents a box or 6 for $2.50. THE DR. WILLIAMS MED. CO., Brockville. Ont.. or Morristown. N.Y. Peerless Axle Grease, most durable grease in the market. Peerless Hoof Ointment should be in every stable. LOOK INSIDE YOUR WATCH. Extraordinary Facts in Connection With the Timepiece of Everyday Ilse. Open your watch and look at the little wheels, springs, and screws, each an indis- pensable part of the whole wonderful ma- chine. Notice the busy little balance wheel as it flies to and fro unceasingly, day and night; year14 and gene out • Thia Wonder- ful little machine is tlie'result of hundreds of years of study experiment. The watch can led by the average man is com- posed of 98 pieces, and its manufacture em- braces more than 2,000 distinct and separate operations. Some of the smallest screws are so minute that the.unaided eye cannot dis- tinguish them from; steel fillings or specks of dirt. Under a powerful magnifying glass a perfect screw is revealed. The slit m the head is 2-1,000 of an inch wide. It takes 308,000 of these screws to weigh a pound, and a pound is worth $1,585. The hair -spring is a strip of the finest steel, about 92 inches long and 1-100 inch wide and 27-10,000 inch thick. It is coiled up in spiral form, and finely tempered. The pro- cess of tempering these springs was long held as a secret by the few fortunate ones possessing it, and even now is not generally known. Their manufacture requires great skill and care. The strip is gauged to 20- 1,000 of an inch, but no measuring instru- ment has as yet been devised capable of fine enough gauging to determine before- hand by the size of the strip what the strength of the finished' spring 'will be. A 1-20,000 part of an inch difference in the thickness of the strip makes a difference in the running of a watch of about six minutes per hour. The value of these -springs, when finished and placed in watches, is enormous in pro- portion to the material from which they are T made. A comparison will give a good idea. DeLAVAL CREAM SEPARATORS. A ton of steel made up into hair -springs when in watches is worth more than twelve- and one-half times the value of the same weight of pure gold. Hair -spring wire weighs one -twentieth of a grain to the inch. One mile of wire weighs less than half a pound. The ;balance gives five vibrations every second, 300 every minute, 18,000 every hour, 432,000 every day, and 157,- 680,000 every year. At each vibration it rotates about one end one-fourth times, which makes 197;100,000 revolutions every year. In order that we may better under- stand the stupendous amount of labour per- formed by these tiny works let ns make a few comparisons. Take, for illustration, a Iocomotive with six -font driving Wheels. Let its wheels be run until they have given the same number of revolutions that a watch does in one year, and they will have covered a- distance equal to twenty-eight complete circuits of the earth. All this a watch does without other attention than winding once'every twenty-four hours. - A.P. 613. � CAIN ONE POUND A Day. A GAIN OF A POUND A DAY IN THE CASE OF A MAN WHO HAS BECOME "ALL RUN DOWN," AND HAS BEGUN TO TAKE THAT REMARKABLE FLESH PRODUCER, SCOTT'S LSIO OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WITH Hyp©phosphites of Lime & Soda IS NOTHING UNUSUAL. THIS FEAT HAS BEEN PERFORMED OVER AND OVER AGAIN. PALATABLE AS MILK. EN- DORSED BY PHYSICIANS. SCOTT'S EMULSION IS PUT UP ONLY IN SALMON COLOR -WRAPPERS. SOLD BY ALL DRUG- GISTS AT 50C. AND $I.00 SCOTT 4:17. BO TV.NE, Belleville. TORONTO BISCUIT AND CONECTIONERY CO make the best goods. TIV them and bee T�1OR SALE—A Valuable Canadian Patent for Automatic Ink Stand. Address IN- VENTORS', UNION, Toronto. TOE HE38' "Out of Darkness into Light,' $f or, the, story of mylife, is the book for agents to handle. Selling price only ea terms liberal. William Briggs, Publisher, Toronto, IMPORTANT The preparatfson of delicious and wholesome food is necessary to our happiness. To accom- peeommis fie materials must be used. We rd EMPIRE -BAKING POWDER as containing strength, purity. and safety. Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Manufactur- ed only by ELLLS tt KEIGHLEY, Toronto. Sold at 25cts pound tin. Ask your grocer for it" Oar prayers and God's mercy are like the two buckets in the well—when one ascends the other decends. It frequently happens that painters splash the plate or other glass windcws when they are painting the sash. When each is the case, melt some soda in very "hot .water and wash them with it, using a Soft ffanneL It will entirely remove the paint. An Englishman, in an article on Ameri- canisms, mentions the word "jag" as meaning umbrella. He is positive that that is the correct _meaning, as he says he saw in a. newspaper that " Last Friday, when it was raining hard, Mr. Smith was . seen coming down the street, carrying a arge jag." HAND & STEAM POWER. - J. S. CARTERS, - SYRACUSE, N.Y. FAMOUS RENNET EXTRACT Cheese and Butter Color. BABCOCK MILK TESTERS. Sole Agent for Canada, FRANK WILSON. Produce Merchant. 33 Peter St.. Montreal, Consignments Solicited. KEEP y_oug 7292 "THE ©OLLAP" 1(N/T /"/NG WAGH//VJ Ask your sewing machine ag't. for it, or send a let. Stamp for particulars and price list. THIS IS GOOD FOR $2. SEND CREEL MAN BIO S, M', firs., Georgetown, Ont. C]aams_ C1az*b ts•w AUTOMATIC TRUSS by Chas. e Grandest Original Invention The Automatic is a marvel of mechanism, it centralizess differences bettieen contraction and eypaiision of body, caused by motion of lege, g, coughing, sneezing, etd,liirect to the aperture of Hernia, a4ttomatieally. THE SAME: TRUSS FOR LIGHT AND SEVERE CASES. Orlyy - h" Physicians' PaiQiphDrlct ituggisee. or .dir from t e House. ADDRESS CHAS. GU/ME SURGICAL MACHI2PIST ;alt ging St.West, TORONTO, ONT. TEA Cures Constipation,Siek GI11tFIh) Headache restores the Complexion Get Free Sample at GARFIELD TEA AGENCY 317 Church St. Torch ALL FOR ONE DOLLAR -A Manufacturers Offer. We are the largest makers in the Dominion. To advertise the quality and make of our goods we will send to any address by Express, securely packed, one of our Union silk parasols or umbrellas, paragon frame, plain or fancy handle, on receipt of $1—a reg- ular $2 umbrella. Try one. Notethe address, EAST'S Manufactory, 368 t 370 Yonge St., Toronto. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS Of Complete Steam Launches from 20x4 to 3187 "Acme Coal -oil Boilers and Engines" from 1 to 8 H.P. Large sizes. Coal or wood fueL "The Marsh Steam Pump" the best boiler feeder in the marke4, Returns exhaust into feed water heating it from 40 to 10 degree', For catalogae send 3e. stamp. JOHN DILLIES t CO., Carleton Plsee, Ont. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, 77 Northcote Ave.. Toronto W. McDOWALL DIRECT IMPORTER Of FINE GUNS, RIFLES SHOOTING SUITS, HUNTING BOOTS, ETC. LOADED CARTRIDCES, ARTIFICIAL BIRDS AND 8 King StreetSREa�st Toronto The moHtega JCifilpi.g, Logo alai igyesfilegt fn r, I01leOlIT4c oa.St TU. AIMS D, WSSTIst.) PAID UP CAPITAL, D12.090,400 oans money anywhere in the United States, Canada or Mexico, without security. If you need money, apply to Local Agents or write HENPY L. HAUPT, President, BUTTE CITY. MONTH ; Agent. Wanted Everywhata. MOUNT - - ROYAL - MILLS =ECM. HOW TO COOK IT. It pays to take some trouble. Wash in three waters, carefully picking out imperfect g rains, add a teaspoonfutl of Salt to a cup of Raw Rice, put Rice into plenty of Boiling Water, allowing ample room for the grains to swell freely. NEVER STIR THE RICE. DO NOT COVEtt.. Boil 20 or 30 min- utes, test the grains to see that they are ten- der THRotrGH, .L emove from Fire, Drain, and shake well nal.' nearly dry, set where it will keep hot without scorching until ready to serve. Serve hot with Sugar and Cream or Milk, or with grated Maple Sugar or Jam. Cold Rite makes delicious Pancaakesor Waffles worked up with batter, For recipes write to the Mount Royal Milling and Manufacturing Co., Montreal. Recipe Book will be mailed Free. KOOTENA Y SILVER MINES. Canadians have invested in 9-10 of the real estate of the new towns in Kootenay, while Americans 9-10 of the nines. The success of the towns depends on the success of the mines. The Kooto Cay Xining Illvestmeof Go. represent four duly incorporated Silver Sian- ' ing Companies, owning twelve mines in. Brit - Columbia and two m Montana on the same rich belt, the -richest in the world. Theassonn�fest hnvvest t ithe Te issue profitable stock places investors on the ground floor. and is nearly all taken up. Thesecond issue will be 25 per cent. to 50 per cent, higher. Then its advancement will be rapid owing to greater development work. Now is the opportunity. Don't let it slip. It is not often investors have suit' a chance as this. Call at elks, Boa of Trade Building, Tsmto. • OT SAY