HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-07-07, Page 5M
ru IL
'natter what
105#761:# M,
effects in
�lack and
Iyou want
you pur-
�f cotton
for these
the pries
F oods mi
THE PATRONS' PIC -NIC. If the farm represents. the great bulk of"
rove at ountry then it should W= 0 -, U_
A Gala Gathering in, the G. the wealth of the -c'
Lakelet. nave 0, proportionate share of the -cot.m-
try's prosperity. - He did not believe it
...... - - - - - - - - -
reat Speeches, Lively Ball Half the people of our - Cou -P,
-Games, -right that nicy don't know the position'of T
manufacturing interests
and a, Mon another. They can now overcome this- 'cOns*t1ng_the..
ster - Attendance. should get a
preference over agriculture.
party PO.
The Patrons of Industry have reason He had: long ago dropped his
to feel proud of the success whichlitic6d leanings and was out squarely on
At A-01
' at -
the Patrons, 1�1_
tended their pic-nic in the beautiful platform. The time has 0
grove on the western borders of Lakelet come when the farmers must ask the 4%
on Friday last, July 18i rume-ut for what they want, and
The weather government 0 011
they must let the government know that
was all that could be desired, there be -
they not only had a right to get their ing just clouds enough crossing the sky th
to prevent Old Sol from making the day rights but they had the voting power to
uncomfortably hotwhile the gentle p back u their demands. The govern-
breeze made the atmosphere of the went will listen when their requests are C 0 0 V M TJ lir- 0� W,
woods delightful. put in that shape, If the French can Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five feet
The committee had taken great pa get what they want from the govern- mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring loring are used, which
went by holding out for it with 6 bal 0 17
in preparing the beautiful pleasure makes it very distinct and effective.
grounds so that the visit' ance Of Power in parliament; if the
numbered -91,11 QAA various manufacturers— have the — y 0 persons, were iTHE FARMER NEEDS ONE,
not only greeted, on their arrival, by iff altered to suit them by'petitioning
the "Welcome", stretched across the en. the goYernment, then the farmers byTHE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ONE
trance on a large streamer, but the un- combined efforts—and with all their vot-Have still a fully assorted.
ing power behind them—surel PRICE
derbrush had been cleared away so, that y can do Published by
the same. He did not blame the cabi. stock of Sta
there was comfort in roaming through W%.#
Tles D.Less.
thea ove, while swings, booths, dancing net for neglecting the farmers in arr"g-
platforms and every means of pie-nic ing the tariff, because the farmers hid 0 •We 1.Cooper,,, &,-Co., -Clinton, Ont.,
enjoyment was provided for all. At the not petitioned for anything, thus leaving Goods, Prints, -%.T.Loves, Hos-
Booksellers and Stationers
east of the grove was. the romantic river the Ministers to think - we are satisfied. School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and
But now, with our splendid organiz�mtioner-v Gents' Furnishings -
and lake which has made Lakelet so de. , — our traveller will call on you.
sirable as a picnic resort, and boats throughout tbe,Dominion we can reach
were provided for those who wished to the Premier's ear with no uncert 'Boots -and Shoes -etc.
enjoy this pastime, while many traversed sound, through mighty petitions and
the winding streets of this picturesque delegations to Ottawa. if 'We. are not
little village and envied the denizens of then listened to we can show them in
the cozy residences which greeted the the ballot that they cannot stay in office, fika
eye in passing. No prettier spot could and then they will give us what We de -
be selected in which t-) spend a few mand. Show a, solid front that will
weeks in holiday retirement, and the have heavy force, and agriculture will In all lines we claim to have as good', and
quiet restfulness which seemed4o abide soon be rid of the burdens imposed . by in the m4jor . ity of.case. value than.,
upon the place stamped Lakelet as a combines, etc. He favored the bringing s� .
veritable Saints' Retreat. out of Patron candidates and so getting Can be obtained elsewhere.
THE SPRECURS. the balance of power. The farmer has,
e past, but there is a
The great attraction, on the pie fared badly in th
wave of enthusiagm among Patrons
grounds, was at the speakers' platform,
in front of which - seats had been ar- greater than ever before, and if they
stand shoulder to shoulder, better times 01 - end *,Nk o f #10t the 90 Leech. B 1 0'e k.)
ranged for the immense gathering of in= (North.
are in store. He was -vociferously ap. 'ou
terested listeners who drank in the wis-' r Sugar at 28 lbs. for $1.00 is
plauded on taking his seat.
dom and eloquence of the orators. The•
At the conclusion of the speaking the -thin for the Pr*
speeches were entirely free from the ar- . � I �. g eserving
cheers were given for the Queen, the G0 rk- C)QTG
rogance which has occasionally in the of th� werete.. season.
Patrons; and votes
past been heard from the Partons' ros-
de'red to the speakers and chairman by L
tram, and which has done much to in -
hearty cheers.
jure the cause. There were no political A FINE LINE OF
Between the speeches Mr. A. W. Hal.'
"axes to grind," but from first to last
laday, the popular boot and shoe dealer,' TT
the speeches seemed to be pervaded of Lakelet, oharrqed the -audience by BOX S COOK Stoves,
with an earnest effort to point out the
his fine singing. He was accompanied
best interests of all classes of labor and
on the organ. by Mr. Myles Scott.: JUST
, -b
Among those- on the platformesides RECEIVED.
Mr. J. T. Winters, the genial young
-the speakers, were D9puty;.Reeve,John-
District President, occupied the chair, stone; ex-Deputy-Reevea Nay and Wil:I EM JA S Special Value in Cook Stoves.
and opened the proceedings in a few son:; Messrs. Win. Montgomery, James
well -put, spirited words, showing that
0 Galbraith, Win. Allen, Jno. Hamilton, Special Value in Heaters.
he not only has a thorough grasp Of the -John Johnston, Jas. Ball and others
subject but has happy abilities as a
-whose names we could not get.
speaker which may some day land him Special Value in Drums.
I- ; Inniaediatply after the speaking the
in parliament as the Patrons' repreAeut,, Grand Officers and others - from'- a- dis-
ative for East Huron. At the conclu- As we' are anxious. -that there Special Value in utlery
Lance were regaled with a tempting
cion of his remarks be called upon
lunch,- and, your reporter owes a subs6.: shall be no scarcity. of jars, such
Mr. Pritchard, of Redgrave, County quent billious attack to his inability to
Organizer, who gave a brief but encour-
resist in time, the 'tempting collation; asoccurred lase seasonwe would
aging review of his recent work. Sev- and if the affable Vice -President did n
those req ing -Ge'ms to
eral new branches had been established, suffer from a similar contingency. th not advise
but a pr--viou3 Organizer had somewhat aect e, them now _1§0 rN—
, he certainly has a'superhuman ana
retarded the growth. of the organization ical requiring-es
avoid the
construction. tom- an
by his methods. • THE AM . USEMENT S. rush and the possible disappoint -
Mr. Jas. Mitchell, of Gotrie, gave an In I a spacious"' Every Variety.'
open at south of
address in his usual happy style, full of. ment -when- the'preservinLy, season
the pic-nic- grounds a large crowd on -
information and eloquence which was joyed the ball contests.at its height,
closely listened to and. warmly aP- Early in the afternoon abase balloon- .
plauded. test between Redgrave and Lakelet E T e04- 1 g k n
He was followed by Grand Vice-Presi-
proveq rather one-sided, the boys from
dent Miller, of Gleamorris, Who held the Scarff 'a Corners doing up the Lakelet :o:
close attention of the audience thxOugh- nine by tho.'score of 22 to 9. A large stock now on
out his powerful address. He referred The Mildmay and Lakelet football 1[_,
and A Choice Selection of
teams then faced each other as follows . . ade Lamps & Lamp Goods
to agriculture, mining, the fisheries; and
the forest, as the four great natural pro- Mndmay. Lakelet.
P Hauck ..... 00al ..................... J; &ins
dicers of wealth in - Clanada, and the LZman ...... ............. W.Ferguson Highest Cash Price Paid for HIDE& an4l SHEEP SKINS.
farm being the greatest of these hada �.J. Nay
Rrnewe��� Mahooil
ight to a full shw 0 in its distrihutic n. ...... o ....... W.J�Dhn
N. -=:::-...Centre Fo)V&d ... I ....... W. Sanders o*n
He urged the encourageibent of mann- shulteis,
............ -W Darrboti
-e of the help it gave 9"�.wing:...W.
facture for the sake -.11i- -1
Shmtei ... ... .... ........ W. Mont, -
—all should go hand in hand in the S- Yandt...;..: ...... Left Wing, .......... Iltalio
1�oos... ......... Ed MoLu f every description, on HAND and made to ORDER
building up V the nation's interests. At
1.en you come. -to Gorrie o
This - proved -to be a� very exci#ng_
present agriculture is not receiving its tame, the play being. fast and furious. all kinds promptly done.
hl share of the be nefits, and combinesDarrooh's boys evidently got the.best of don.t.fall to -Call and see'Pa'r'ngofve been formed which. are injuring thf play and fairly stormed the Mild .
the farmer. He believed these cam-, may goal at times. In the, second'half our stock.
bines should bdimet by co-operation 'Ou Watters by brilliant -work got theball
Y_ Vp
the part of the farming community both and, -made a shot. which, -many, thought
politically and otherwise. , The Patrons went between tie flags; -but the -referee
should make no war on the retail men,
failed toj see ibso thenot al..
goal was
and there is nothing in the platform lowed and the -match ended, in a draw, THE GREATEST O F THEAA L L
warranting this course. The -Tatrons neither side scoring., This- is thesecondIS THE NEW PREMMM
ire.quote Glvon to every subseribPr. new or - d f TMand the merchants should go hand 'in. time' -the -se teams ha�re met thisWe alwa-Ili ,:I ol a
hand; the principle AY cAsiu,, is the a I . always.. ing 0 Tb
each resulting ili 3' draw. The :boot 41 MIXEKLY EXPIRE Fen i... r Std,
Qver'Y PWtY feeling pyevail(o4,--through�out. Drlce&-and -pleased t-6- see bu' for dollars have been epees in its Preparation, 1w
watchword that will, help,
succeas is fuily moured; it Is a highly valued
and get the very cheapest and best bar- a, filiq gickie -east Of t4o-- zoid.' WuTeuir Of the JFF"W4 xtatAmnian and the nioet
Honored leader ever known in Canadian histai7..
e,Qwe righ We beautiful meniopW Alb=nk eonUUfte IS
w-werectP4 . - -prices-ar and
gains while binding - stead of estrZV9 and"hdre m� our t
lug the cordial relitions'--between the th• full -Page IllustmLions of Jntemeting wenes la
Lire young peopli heartily e6j9yed the*- it oue cOunceWA With the bbtor7 of Sir John. and
farmer and the- retailer.- 'Ue beheied sel ve's all till dus�L_ 3� Y
the',afterudow. , x
The pie it
when the merchants get acquainted with �nic was one of -Iajeg* ILEAD THE LLST.
11= Portral" or oir Joba
the Patrons' .principles they will b6 at bl amn X
FA -a p
4.0 -m9_,qgJqy seer
a�!Gflald ; 41"holace or Sir
Jefila in lullanzow; Portrait or Sir John
riled and pleased with them.:' tob much -
UY" _Pjaw- raigevAnnot
when is titan i Portraltor'sir jobn9a
rons strike at the law whidh- Wm4q op be givbn4a 'commi*e- h th* Mother. me only one ever li"nafted; Ike
pre4sive com1pnes -to exist, a#- d if it be. Old Homestead at Kftgftbn. acenjOled b
affair -10- Sir John during the Rebel _y
non of IBM I
Farmwifffe. sir. oho Reiddenee as -Ottawa;
comes-newwary to forni a Political p
-Interlor of Senate. Chain
* in,
they were prepared to take even. that Winmpe,g inland-revnuereturnsf
I 4r fag 61it Suard of Manor an Body Zylug -
gfifatei Exterior- view or. Mouses or rarna.
ep $e k clear
manner 444 took Ila -seat amidst hearty.
tne Ascat ypar-ps,S posect- were 9�11W
greater for t44
maeIRS. MOR NUMVral Z -1W& son fornilag AOL
the faregft i View at. Sterm Inook
1n -the district -around- - Queb
Quebec CAY
'reslovi pa"Iffs i fine view r - Alum..
son, Draped In- JIDn""R& -ft It
slavday 01r.4840mov soft
rand -President Mallory, of Nark -dr
prayers for a-'dess&6q#'
and LW In -state VAI
- Grave at
worth, waw the of the speak
of rain, whilein the
*10-21ibro `_Irdft -am NIZINWWW
A *i
He is a rapid,_ briffiant, ftry:oMtor, and
THE PATRONS' PIC -NIC. If the farm represents. the great bulk of"
rove at ountry then it should W= 0 -, U_
A Gala Gathering in, the G. the wealth of the -c'
Lakelet. nave 0, proportionate share of the -cot.m-
try's prosperity. - He did not believe it
...... - - - - - - - - -
reat Speeches, Lively Ball Half the people of our - Cou -P,
-Games, -right that nicy don't know the position'of T
manufacturing interests
and a, Mon another. They can now overcome this- 'cOns*t1ng_the..
ster - Attendance. should get a
preference over agriculture.
party PO.
The Patrons of Industry have reason He had: long ago dropped his
to feel proud of the success whichlitic6d leanings and was out squarely on
At A-01
' at -
the Patrons, 1�1_
tended their pic-nic in the beautiful platform. The time has 0
grove on the western borders of Lakelet come when the farmers must ask the 4%
on Friday last, July 18i rume-ut for what they want, and
The weather government 0 011
they must let the government know that
was all that could be desired, there be -
they not only had a right to get their ing just clouds enough crossing the sky th
to prevent Old Sol from making the day rights but they had the voting power to
uncomfortably hotwhile the gentle p back u their demands. The govern-
breeze made the atmosphere of the went will listen when their requests are C 0 0 V M TJ lir- 0� W,
woods delightful. put in that shape, If the French can Which has been long needed and looked for. The size is four feet by five feet
The committee had taken great pa get what they want from the govern- mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring loring are used, which
went by holding out for it with 6 bal 0 17
in preparing the beautiful pleasure makes it very distinct and effective.
grounds so that the visit' ance Of Power in parliament; if the
numbered -91,11 QAA various manufacturers— have the — y 0 persons, were iTHE FARMER NEEDS ONE,
not only greeted, on their arrival, by iff altered to suit them by'petitioning
the "Welcome", stretched across the en. the goYernment, then the farmers byTHE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ONE
trance on a large streamer, but the un- combined efforts—and with all their vot-Have still a fully assorted.
ing power behind them—surel PRICE
derbrush had been cleared away so, that y can do Published by
the same. He did not blame the cabi. stock of Sta
there was comfort in roaming through W%.#
Tles D.Less.
thea ove, while swings, booths, dancing net for neglecting the farmers in arr"g-
platforms and every means of pie-nic ing the tariff, because the farmers hid 0 •We 1.Cooper,,, &,-Co., -Clinton, Ont.,
enjoyment was provided for all. At the not petitioned for anything, thus leaving Goods, Prints, -%.T.Loves, Hos-
Booksellers and Stationers
east of the grove was. the romantic river the Ministers to think - we are satisfied. School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and
But now, with our splendid organiz�mtioner-v Gents' Furnishings -
and lake which has made Lakelet so de. , — our traveller will call on you.
sirable as a picnic resort, and boats throughout tbe,Dominion we can reach
were provided for those who wished to the Premier's ear with no uncert 'Boots -and Shoes -etc.
enjoy this pastime, while many traversed sound, through mighty petitions and
the winding streets of this picturesque delegations to Ottawa. if 'We. are not
little village and envied the denizens of then listened to we can show them in
the cozy residences which greeted the the ballot that they cannot stay in office, fika
eye in passing. No prettier spot could and then they will give us what We de -
be selected in which t-) spend a few mand. Show a, solid front that will
weeks in holiday retirement, and the have heavy force, and agriculture will In all lines we claim to have as good', and
quiet restfulness which seemed4o abide soon be rid of the burdens imposed . by in the m4jor . ity of.case. value than.,
upon the place stamped Lakelet as a combines, etc. He favored the bringing s� .
veritable Saints' Retreat. out of Patron candidates and so getting Can be obtained elsewhere.
THE SPRECURS. the balance of power. The farmer has,
e past, but there is a
The great attraction, on the pie fared badly in th
wave of enthusiagm among Patrons
grounds, was at the speakers' platform,
in front of which - seats had been ar- greater than ever before, and if they
stand shoulder to shoulder, better times 01 - end *,Nk o f #10t the 90 Leech. B 1 0'e k.)
ranged for the immense gathering of in= (North.
are in store. He was -vociferously ap. 'ou
terested listeners who drank in the wis-' r Sugar at 28 lbs. for $1.00 is
plauded on taking his seat.
dom and eloquence of the orators. The•
At the conclusion of the speaking the -thin for the Pr*
speeches were entirely free from the ar- . � I �. g eserving
cheers were given for the Queen, the G0 rk- C)QTG
rogance which has occasionally in the of th� werete.. season.
Patrons; and votes
past been heard from the Partons' ros-
de'red to the speakers and chairman by L
tram, and which has done much to in -
hearty cheers.
jure the cause. There were no political A FINE LINE OF
Between the speeches Mr. A. W. Hal.'
"axes to grind," but from first to last
laday, the popular boot and shoe dealer,' TT
the speeches seemed to be pervaded of Lakelet, oharrqed the -audience by BOX S COOK Stoves,
with an earnest effort to point out the
his fine singing. He was accompanied
best interests of all classes of labor and
on the organ. by Mr. Myles Scott.: JUST
, -b
Among those- on the platformesides RECEIVED.
Mr. J. T. Winters, the genial young
-the speakers, were D9puty;.Reeve,John-
District President, occupied the chair, stone; ex-Deputy-Reevea Nay and Wil:I EM JA S Special Value in Cook Stoves.
and opened the proceedings in a few son:; Messrs. Win. Montgomery, James
well -put, spirited words, showing that
0 Galbraith, Win. Allen, Jno. Hamilton, Special Value in Heaters.
he not only has a thorough grasp Of the -John Johnston, Jas. Ball and others
subject but has happy abilities as a
-whose names we could not get.
speaker which may some day land him Special Value in Drums.
I- ; Inniaediatply after the speaking the
in parliament as the Patrons' repreAeut,, Grand Officers and others - from'- a- dis-
ative for East Huron. At the conclu- As we' are anxious. -that there Special Value in utlery
Lance were regaled with a tempting
cion of his remarks be called upon
lunch,- and, your reporter owes a subs6.: shall be no scarcity. of jars, such
Mr. Pritchard, of Redgrave, County quent billious attack to his inability to
Organizer, who gave a brief but encour-
resist in time, the 'tempting collation; asoccurred lase seasonwe would
aging review of his recent work. Sev- and if the affable Vice -President did n
those req ing -Ge'ms to
eral new branches had been established, suffer from a similar contingency. th not advise
but a pr--viou3 Organizer had somewhat aect e, them now _1§0 rN—
, he certainly has a'superhuman ana
retarded the growth. of the organization ical requiring-es
avoid the
construction. tom- an
by his methods. • THE AM . USEMENT S. rush and the possible disappoint -
Mr. Jas. Mitchell, of Gotrie, gave an In I a spacious"' Every Variety.'
open at south of
address in his usual happy style, full of. ment -when- the'preservinLy, season
the pic-nic- grounds a large crowd on -
information and eloquence which was joyed the ball contests.at its height,
closely listened to and. warmly aP- Early in the afternoon abase balloon- .
plauded. test between Redgrave and Lakelet E T e04- 1 g k n
He was followed by Grand Vice-Presi-
proveq rather one-sided, the boys from
dent Miller, of Gleamorris, Who held the Scarff 'a Corners doing up the Lakelet :o:
close attention of the audience thxOugh- nine by tho.'score of 22 to 9. A large stock now on
out his powerful address. He referred The Mildmay and Lakelet football 1[_,
and A Choice Selection of
teams then faced each other as follows . . ade Lamps & Lamp Goods
to agriculture, mining, the fisheries; and
the forest, as the four great natural pro- Mndmay. Lakelet.
P Hauck ..... 00al ..................... J; &ins
dicers of wealth in - Clanada, and the LZman ...... ............. W.Ferguson Highest Cash Price Paid for HIDE& an4l SHEEP SKINS.
farm being the greatest of these hada �.J. Nay
Rrnewe��� Mahooil
ight to a full shw 0 in its distrihutic n. ...... o ....... W.J�Dhn
N. -=:::-...Centre Fo)V&d ... I ....... W. Sanders o*n
He urged the encourageibent of mann- shulteis,
............ -W Darrboti
-e of the help it gave 9"�.wing:...W.
facture for the sake -.11i- -1
Shmtei ... ... .... ........ W. Mont, -
—all should go hand in hand in the S- Yandt...;..: ...... Left Wing, .......... Iltalio
1�oos... ......... Ed MoLu f every description, on HAND and made to ORDER
building up V the nation's interests. At
1.en you come. -to Gorrie o
This - proved -to be a� very exci#ng_
present agriculture is not receiving its tame, the play being. fast and furious. all kinds promptly done.
hl share of the be nefits, and combinesDarrooh's boys evidently got the.best of don.t.fall to -Call and see'Pa'r'ngofve been formed which. are injuring thf play and fairly stormed the Mild .
the farmer. He believed these cam-, may goal at times. In the, second'half our stock.
bines should bdimet by co-operation 'Ou Watters by brilliant -work got theball
Y_ Vp
the part of the farming community both and, -made a shot. which, -many, thought
politically and otherwise. , The Patrons went between tie flags; -but the -referee
should make no war on the retail men,
failed toj see ibso thenot al..
goal was
and there is nothing in the platform lowed and the -match ended, in a draw, THE GREATEST O F THEAA L L
warranting this course. The -Tatrons neither side scoring., This- is thesecondIS THE NEW PREMMM
ire.quote Glvon to every subseribPr. new or - d f TMand the merchants should go hand 'in. time' -the -se teams ha�re met thisWe alwa-Ili ,:I ol a
hand; the principle AY cAsiu,, is the a I . always.. ing 0 Tb
each resulting ili 3' draw. The :boot 41 MIXEKLY EXPIRE Fen i... r Std,
Qver'Y PWtY feeling pyevail(o4,--through�out. Drlce&-and -pleased t-6- see bu' for dollars have been epees in its Preparation, 1w
watchword that will, help,
succeas is fuily moured; it Is a highly valued
and get the very cheapest and best bar- a, filiq gickie -east Of t4o-- zoid.' WuTeuir Of the JFF"W4 xtatAmnian and the nioet
Honored leader ever known in Canadian histai7..
e,Qwe righ We beautiful meniopW Alb=nk eonUUfte IS
w-werectP4 . - -prices-ar and
gains while binding - stead of estrZV9 and"hdre m� our t
lug the cordial relitions'--between the th• full -Page IllustmLions of Jntemeting wenes la
Lire young peopli heartily e6j9yed the*- it oue cOunceWA With the bbtor7 of Sir John. and
farmer and the- retailer.- 'Ue beheied sel ve's all till dus�L_ 3� Y
the',afterudow. , x
The pie it
when the merchants get acquainted with �nic was one of -Iajeg* ILEAD THE LLST.
11= Portral" or oir Joba
the Patrons' .principles they will b6 at bl amn X
FA -a p
4.0 -m9_,qgJqy seer
a�!Gflald ; 41"holace or Sir
Jefila in lullanzow; Portrait or Sir John
riled and pleased with them.:' tob much -
UY" _Pjaw- raigevAnnot
when is titan i Portraltor'sir jobn9a
rons strike at the law whidh- Wm4q op be givbn4a 'commi*e- h th* Mother. me only one ever li"nafted; Ike
pre4sive com1pnes -to exist, a#- d if it be. Old Homestead at Kftgftbn. acenjOled b
affair -10- Sir John during the Rebel _y
non of IBM I
Farmwifffe. sir. oho Reiddenee as -Ottawa;
comes-newwary to forni a Political p
-Interlor of Senate. Chain
* in,
they were prepared to take even. that Winmpe,g inland-revnuereturnsf
I 4r fag 61it Suard of Manor an Body Zylug -
gfifatei Exterior- view or. Mouses or rarna.
ep $e k clear
Seldd In yQtWnt-dg" earV,-witk
ow npos�q rr�*'ger
9 M -0,
A-5,; &
manner 444 took Ila -seat amidst hearty.
tne Ascat ypar-ps,S posect- were 9�11W
greater for t44
maeIRS. MOR NUMVral Z -1W& son fornilag AOL
the faregft i View at. Sterm Inook
1n -the district -around- - Queb
Quebec CAY
'reslovi pa"Iffs i fine view r - Alum..
son, Draped In- JIDn""R& -ft It
slavday 01r.4840mov soft
rand -President Mallory, of Nark -dr
prayers for a-'dess&6q#'
and LW In -state VAI
- Grave at
worth, waw the of the speak
of rain, whilein the
*10-21ibro `_Irdft -am NIZINWWW
A *i
He is a rapid,_ briffiant, ftry:oMtor, and
ti*.--fdr� f shd*ej*:-as
IS 961,
1W WN _On ftilwm
i Intedgr"VIOW or weaftlAust".4 AL V,
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