HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-07-07, Page 4Wroxeter SchoolReport. -
` The following is the -report of the
'Wroxeter Public School for the month
• ,of. June:
Fifth Class. (Obtainable, 300_.)
18 240
19 ::200
19 190
19 175.
Hazlewood, Ed...... 18 173
Smale, Alberta.... 19 160-
Miller, Richard... 10 25
Sen. Fourth. (Obtainable, 200.)
19 167,
19 145
18 135
19 134
19 130
19 110
19 109
15 102
17 84
15 82
Jun. Fourth. (Obtainable, 200.)
;Lackie, Crosbie 19 160
Moore, W. H
Hazlewood, Lydia
• Allen, Elsie
Mitchell, Bessie
'Thompson, J. M
Rae, George
Henry, Gertie
Rae, Robert
Rae, J. R
Allen, Sarah
Sanderson, Mary
McMaster, Cecil
Morrison, Letitia
Brawn, Laura
Simmons, B
;Brawn, Harry
Ha;,lewood, Lottie
Leckie, Wallace
Jones, Lottie
is 150
19 125
17 99
13 93
10 19
Sen. Third. (Obtainable, 200.)
Robison, Kate 19 190
_Henry, Norman 19 187
Hazlewood, Mary 16 172
-Elliott, Azala... 19 153
Rae, Allen 19 144
Lee, Charles 19 138
Orr, Fred 18 135
' Elliott, Alban 19 133
=�ii'ibson, Edith 19 .182
Playford, E 17 125
Willits, Albert 17 104
Cameron, R 17 - 102
Davidson, M 16 93
:Walden, W 19 86
.Sanderson, C 14 76
Playford, Libbie 11 57
-Willis, Maggie 10 48
Jun. Third. (Obtainable, 190.)
- ;Thynne, E 19 166
Ireland, P 19 147
.Miller, M 17 134
• Rae, Willie 16 106
` DQorrison, H 19 94
Hazlewood, H . 14 90
Average, 102.
Junior Third. . (Obtainable, 435.)
Vogt, Jennie 19 ' 361
Miller, Maggie... 324
McLean, Willie 320
:Willis, Geo 806
• Playford, Millie 294
Gofton, Maud 19 284
• amshaw, Maud 14 252
Sage, Eddie 16 160
Kaake, George • 7 140
Senior Second. Obtainable, 418.) -
-Rae, Hugh 19 380
,Cameron, Maggie 19. f380
Thyme, Alice... 19 380
Hemphill, Alvin 18 878
.Thompson; Fanny 19. 361
-Willits, Barbara 18 806
Lee, Willie 19. 285
- McMaster, Eddie.. 13 273 i
Henry, Howard........ • 17 238
• Rae, David 11 •. - 281
12 144
Egmondville. Kehee was attended to i
by a physician and is -now nearly re-
Mr. John Austin, of Ashfield, near
Goderieh, has been appointed to. the
railway mail service as relieving clerk,'
running between : Stratford and Wier -
John French, a prisoner in the Strat-
ford jail, inade his escape on Monday
morning of last week. He had been
sent down from Mitchell and was serv-
ing.a term of five months for wife -beat-
ing. He had put in about two months
out of the five.
Nearly all kinds of crops in the vicin-
ity of St. Marys are excellent. The re -
vent rains did very little harm,althongh
peas and late oats in low, heavy soil are
slightly damaged. Fall wheat and
other grain- crops never looked better.
Hay, fruit and vegetables bid fair to be
above the average.
Seed Potatoes.
I HAVE on hand a supply of JACKSON- Pots-
" -
at which I will sell
potatoes are of aharrdySouthern vari-
ety,.have proven to be heavy, prolific yielders in
this climate, and were almost entirely free from
rot last season.
Toe quantity is limited so come early.
r'ord wjch1
holler . Mi11s4Er •
WILSON Baos., Props.'
First --class Manitoba Wheat Flour
manufactured and always kept in Stock
and sold in any quantities.
FLOUR per cwt. $2 25 to .$2 50
BRAN., . per ton. 14 00
SHORTS per ton. 16 00
Special attention given to GRISTING,
which isdone on the shortest
possible notice.
Highest Price Paid
for Grain.
The mill is fitted throughout
with the very best roller pro-
cess machinery and appliances
and we are confident of being
able to give perfect satisfac-
Listowel Woollen Factory.
Highest Prices Paid. Cash or Trade.
Largest 0 Wool 0 Market 0 in Ontario.
Everybody come and see our tremendous big stock in all kinds of woollen goods which we
offer at bottom prices for cash or in exchange fer wool.
gv) dud PreA�'oc,
We have never been so well fitted and equipped for a wool season's business as at the present one,
and have never felt so completely confident of our ability to serve you with the- best of goods at
bottom prices. A. specially attractive feature of our new lines of Flannels, strictly NEW STYLES,
far surpasses any wool season yet.
we.are:the only woollen factory
new offered to the trade.)
y y in Canada that make this line of goods and offer them forr one-
half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow.
W 1 Nt Q
We wish to warn the farmers not to be deceived by shoddy peddlers going through the country
selling dishonest goods. We have no pedlars handling our goods and they can only be bought by
dealing direct at the factory.
Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flan-
nels, Blankets, &c,
Thanking our numerous customers for their past favors, would beg to say comeand bring your
neighbor to see -Our stock, as you will be highly pleased to see goods so low'm price. You will find
us ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all.
• Stokes,, Mabel -
Junior Second. - (Obtainable, 380.
. Miller, John 19 - 344
Sanderson, Willie 18 324
Weldon, Waiter 17 - - 823
4artin, Nina • 11 209
Baker, Lizzie 8 152
.Rae, John - 6 114-
. ,Senior Part II. (Obtainable, 361.)
: Montgomery, Robt 19 342
$lack, Scott 19 840
Elliott, Arens 19 ' 335
Ireland, Lyal - ..18 320
Hazlewood, Nettie 18 315
Smith, Mary 19 .315
Morrison, Austin.:.... ... 18 300
lyillis , Lizzie... 9 - 130
Junior Part II. (Obtainable, 380.)
Cameron, Mabel 19 361
McFarlan, Teenie... 18 324
Jones, Fred.....— . . . . ... 17' 32
€illis, John. :.17 28
Webster,, Fred....,.... 19':
F. E. Moonn,
E €4'*zF.aVE0Spri
Fordwich Drug Store
Drugs and Druggists' Supplies,
Stationery and Fancy Goods,
In endless - variety and at every price.
1FEICH80 1160 1101tI VIERIIG$t A:
axR:l]fd -1 E4'cxwa .
D6.1.4- on c r sF DRi
The Newsiest Local . Paper in
North Huron.
Published every Thursday
Gorrie, Ont., -
A splendid staff of able cor-
respondents in every part
of this section.
$1 Per YEAR
or less than 2o. a week.
Job t'iflhIg.
We have a splendid printing
outfit, including the very
latest faces , of type,
the most modern
appliances, -
Fast Job Presses.
Fine Roger TXpe.
We can turn out
Wedding Cards,
Calling Cards,
Bill Heads, .
Letter Heads,
Blank Headings,
Insurance Policies,
Hand -Bills,
or : anything in the printing
line in the ` neatest styl
of the art, and
Ing Scot
Our Millinery Department grows in popular
favor every season.
Ily Because use we keep the
newest goods, made
up in the most artistic styles.
There must be taste or there'll be trash no matter what
you pay for it.
Goods for summer wear are coming
The choicest goods are taken first.
Eome early and get .the best.
Dress Goods
We have the newest shades and most popular effects in
dress goods. We call especial attention to our black and
colored all -wool Henriettas from 4.0c. per yard upwards.
Tweeds, Coatings, etc.
We show the best goods and best values. If you want
a spring suit or overcoat you will make a mistake if you pur-
chase without inspecting our stock.
Cotton Good..
Anticipating an advance in price in all lines of cotton
goods as a result of the recent combination of manufactur-
ers, we have bought largely in cottonades, denims, shirtings,
grey and white cottons, etc.; we are headquarters for these
Groceries. -
In this line we keep the highest grades of goods at the
lowest possible living prices. -
-We give the Tea trade especial attention. Our Japan
at 4 - and 3 lbs. fo $1 cannot be excelled. We have cheaper
and dearer lines but these are leaders.
Some think us dear because we will not COME DOWN in the price
ofour goods. It is not onr way of doing business. We mark all our goods in
plain figures and sell at one price to all. The poor mates (! is as good to
as as the rich man's. We cannot see any- other honest way of doing busi-
ness. Our past experience convinces us that a majority of the_public appreciates
fair dealing and goods as they are represented.
the wearer but a pleasure to every one who admires s
them -the boots, we mean. „And'they Ana .cheap.;
gens' suppers iimusualli laxfie and. choice
The Highest Market Price Paid for Farm
Produce. -
In the most ° r'.son-
:es' wear of all kinds is now displayed on our
(T-or?s! -fIOtise,
Gorr -let -
ord, Poaggl
pliasts BtC:
Store; for #lie mos4 satisfying article a
A Gala Gath
lt`s;eat Speeche
and a M
' The Patrons
to feel proud o
tended their
grove on the w
on Friday last,
was all that co
ing jest clouds
to prevent Old
breeze made
woods delightfi
The committ
in preparing
grounds so tha+
have numberec
not only greete
the "Welcome'
trance on a lar;
derbrush had
there was comf
the grove, whil:
platforms and
enjoyment was
east of the grow
and lake which
sirable as a pi
were provided f
enjoy this pasti
the winding str
little village an.
the cozy reside
eye in passing.
be selected in
weeks in holid.
quiet restfulne5
upon the place
veritable Saints'
The great att
grounds, was at
in front of whip
ranged for the i
terested listener
dom and eloque
speeches were e.
rogance which 1
past been heard
tram, and which
jure the cause.
"axes to grind,"
the speeches sa.
with an earnest
best interests of
Mr. J. T. Win
District Preside
and opened the
well -put, spirited
he not only has a
subject but has
speaker which my
in parliament as f
ative for East Hu
sion of his remarl
Mr. Pritchard.
Organizer, who gz
aging review of
eral new branche
but a pr3vious ort
retarded the growl
by his methods.
Mr. Jas. Mitche
address in his usu
information and
closely listened t
He wasfollowe
dent Miller, of GI
close attenticn of
out his powerful a
to agriculture, mi
the forest, as the
sneers of wealth
farm being the gr
ight to a full sha:
He urged the enc
facture for the sa
—all should go
building up bf the
present agricultur
fall share of the b
have been formed
the farmer. HP
bines should be m
the part of the fa
politically and oth
should make no w
and there is not
warranting this
and the merchant
hand; the principl
watchword that wi
and get the very c
gains while bin
ing the cordial r
farmer and the re
when the merchant
the Patrons' princil
ified and pleased w
rons.strike at thc
pressive combines t
comes necessary to
they were prepar
step. $e spoke in
manner and took hi
Grand -President
worth, was the
lie is a rapid,
=has an emphaLc w
arguments that ca
-victi - ns-aud enth
I - s4waded right in"
II.is sub