HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-06-23, Page 8F �w Fordwich. The Masonic Hall here is to be for- mally opened on the everting of July 28th, on which occasion there will be a grand banquet, to be followed by a concert. The D. D. G. M. and other notable brethren will be present. Mr. Dicks was in Toronto last week and purchased a fine new planing mill which will be placed in position in a short time. Mr. D. will then have two planers in the mill. Mr. D. Mahood, whose hand was so badly cut lately, is able to be out again. He takes his loss of fingers philosophi- cally and isnot at all discouraged. Mr. Wm Montgomery is building a new kitchen to his house near the sta- tion which will be occupied by Mr. White, section boss. Miss Cargill has resigned her position in the public school here, and intends, after the holidays, to remote to Duluth, Minn., to pursue her studies as an ele- Come and see theme: anyway ! We take cutionist. Her brother and sister, from Wingham, were here on a visit to her early in the week. Rev. Mr. Pring will preach his fare- well sermons here on Sunday next, and will next week remove to his new sta- tion at Bluevale. Several of our Masonic fraternity visited Listowel on Tuesday morning to meet with the lodge there. Our football club is now organised and ready to receive challenges. A large number from here are ex- pected to take in the Orange demon- stration at Arthur on July 12th, The celebrated Diamond Point Root endless variety. at Darby Bros. Farmers, call and see it. Rev. Mr. McKay will officiate again in our Presbyterian Church on Sunday next. Fordwich Brass Band is again meet• ing for practise. Mr. Dicks has taken the order, to furnish the chairs, lounges, etc., for the new Masonic hall here. The furniture will be manufactured here in town. Mr. Robt. Wilson returned last Thurs- day from a six months visit to Scotland. Mr. McFaucett, of Glasgow, accompanied hien and intends to make his home in Canada. The two are stopping at Mr. Bunter's, on the 9th con., at present. Fordwich is at last to rank among the regular stations of the C. P. R., and a telegraph in connection will be pat ie and a regular ageDt. placed in charge. Willie this will be a great convenience it is but tardy justice to thevillage which has been a heavy supporter of the road for a long time at much dis- advantage. rrie Je-welry $tore Bargains are Flying and there is no reason why YOU should not catch one ! pleasure in showing our elegant stock. Watches of all kinds. Clox of all kinds. Silverware of all kinds. Jewelry of all kinds. Spectacles and Wingham. On Saturday last Mr. Holmes received word from Toronto to the effect that his son Mr. Jno. Holmes, lawyer of Toronto, was dead. Lawyer Holmes, formerly a resident of Wingham, and gave promise of, being one of Canada's greatest bar- risters. Not long ago he had a rather' difficult case in his hands and much study was required and an unusual amount of talking, affecting his throat which has troubled him for some time. It seems he had been in the habit of taking morphine to soothe the pain and gain some sleep and on Friday evening he was suffering more than usual he took an unusual amount of the drug. He soon saw his mistake and notified a friend who had been near his rooms. In spite ofhis friend's exertion he could not keep him awake. A doctor was sent for and when he arrived Mr. Holmes was unconscious and could not be aroused. The doctor seeing theserious- ness of the case at once sent for two more physicians. In vain they worked and at five o'clock Friday morning he :died. His father who resides here is almost frantic with grief. He always was proud cf his son and had a right to be so. The warmest sympathy is tendered the grief-stricken parents. Wingham were fairly well "in it" at the games at Walkerton. The firemen took second money, runn!ng the required distance and doing the necessary coupl- ing in 1 minute and 8 4/5 seconds while Kincardine took first making the run in 1; min. 8 see. A prize given for the best dressed company was divided between Wingham and Stratford. Mr. B. Wil son%mare took firstmoney in the Gress race and. Mr. Swarte's horse got eeooa in the 2.45 race. The mumps arestill very prevalent in this town, An' addition to the freight 'house at the C, P. enation -is being bulk On Saturday afternoon last a football match was played between Teeswater and Winghain, Junior ltd. The lime fellows played well but Teedwater sccceeded in driving the sphere through Wingh ws goal once, and. Wiugluim boys cid dot hreakthe aeon. - p�. 1!ic: tbeve were itrk Olub meted. , Eye -glasses in Repairing done in the neatest style. W_ DO=G Taman, the' Tailor, Has removed to the McGill building, next north of Bean's. store. Adv. next week. c1N0. BRETHOUR, FIRE ANO STOCK I:surance Age WROXF.TER. REPRESENTS• Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance C o. ' Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. -Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mercantile Insurance Co. Etna Insurance Co. Ontario Mutual Live Stock Insurance Co. • Give John A Calla all to the Top ! oiis New Wall. Paper. Cheap, Dear, Light, Dark, Canadian, American, Micas, Gilts, with Borders. to match, and Ceiling Decorations for Rich or Poor, Grit or Tory, Kitchen or Parlor. Any reasonable person can select what he requires from our large stole. TANK • LOOK THROUGH MY SAMPLE BOORS. Wehave a fine lot of wagons this season, made by best X Tess Wagons. makers. A good iron -axle wagon for la115; s heavier oneice li "O" now wheel wagon at•01 and e2.5O. CarriWe eeli these by catalogue this. deacon. If yon want to.g t 4ages, ane come and e�tamine n►ycataiogae,and Prieee, will sell % We have received a stock of; tl�e,�e o ah J.iTeed�s. the# any person wanting smptJveE trallialsT Druggist, • N1Loo £ Co1 WROXETER.. The prices are telling in our Strew and Felt Hat Department. = We never offered better Him at such low prices. Remember the prices : 8c. to 25e. for Splen- did Straw Hats. Children's Sailors at 200. [A fine line.) Mackinaw Hats usual- ly sold for $1; we sell for 60c. The Print Department Il. attracting a good deal of attention just now. We think we have the best lineain the county for 1Oc. and 124 , Hosiery Departmeht We have elways.been celebrated for our splendid lines in 1losiery We start. thennlat lc. up to The Best Lisle Thread and Cashmere at soc. Our leading line is A Fast Black Dye at, 2:5c., Thecheapest hose in the market for a lady. We a,, re ordering another lot of ;those Cheap Raisins. Everyone should have a box while they last. Still selling 25 lbs. Sugar for $1. PRODUCE TAKEN, and the High Price paid. N r. GO T0 • H. CLJ-G Hard QORI IE, ONT, FOR AXES, FOR X -CUT SAWS, FOR NAILS, FOR GLASS, FOR PAINTS. FOR GROCERIES. FOR LAMP GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND: SEE. WI 61'1, CLEM eople WILL e Talk i \v4 4 Arid 'hat say ? That if you want A First -Class, STYLISH HAT, Call at �iLLISON'S And you can get them made up in the Latest Style ; all off New, Fresh Goods. No old stock to run off. Just Received --A tresh stock of Hats and Flowers. Straw hats Dyed and made over into any shape. Cheap for Cash or Trade. JD4 EB Y CROS_, F''ordwih Hardware o laore. Cana ting of Foundation, • �t 1 Bee-Keepers'Perforated gIetal, s ndation, f- Supplies hivers, `Honey Knives, Register- Supplies ing Slates, and many ether supplies of various descriptions, at reasonable prices. 'Carpenters' and Framers' Tools. Fence Wire, Barb Wire. A choice lot of Spades and shovels Garden Tools and Seeds. Churns. spinning Wheel Heads. Axle Grease. A new lot of Whips. We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin- smith's Tools, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of Tinware, and do all kind of Repa1ring on short no- tice. Eave troughing done to Order. DARBY BROS. Special Announcement. Having purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a better position todohe undertaking of this community than before, and'owing to reductions in =the;Wholesale prices of our goods I am in a position to give the use of this mag. ent Hearse free, that is to say my charges will be no more and in some uses than before. • J. R. WILLIAMS, Furniture Dealer and 173ldertaker. jlt ber of Ontario School of Embalming. • trc MBEli geeing,. { JA Vete G1�IIA� and reg i • Redd Nex ALBERT SSUER . • witness's office:—A S. JERO Gerrie, month. T warranted. DESS tiees Store. S. Tore Capilla ! L 'iIoT Comein a free Fl HUNG 1 MAN Ir Highs chopping a linesties will d We carry granite. Ve ���trail ibei i7e 1 t • e