HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-06-23, Page 4-Turnberry Cons Minutes of ,meeting.of the council of Turnberry held June 15th 1892. Mem- ;hers all present, the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of ;last" greeting read approved and signed. Mr. Mundell re:, _ported that •along,with one of the Cul. `Toss township councillors had •let a job of a culvertop bou#idry line. at $12.50, Culross to pay half. M_ r. Diment report-, ed he had examined ,,John McEwen'e road division and fguud.the roads in a very bad state, and recommend that some assistance be granted to make roads passable; also that he had exailn- ined culvert at Powell's corner and ,found that a new cRlyert is required, -but did not let jeb yet; also found that -logs and brush are blacking ap the out- let to ;overnment drain, and reoom- ,mend that the clerk be instructed to .notify Robert Win to clean out Logs and brush that obstruct outlet; also,tvhat it had been reported to him that the side roads between lots 5 and On ..con. 11 are miry and impassable. Mr. Cruickshank reported thatbe had .examin_ ed the road where Mr. Gilmour wants culvert and reoommend that no action be taken at present; also that he had seen Messrs. Elliott in respect to Mr. Mclndoo putting tile drain across gravel road and found them willing to have drain constructed on certain con- ditions to which Mr. Mclndoo agreed. Mr. Harris reported that with the ,eonsent of Mr. Kaine, of Howick, hehad ,let ajob of culvert on Howick boundary to George Muir at $16.25, ` Howick, to .pay -half; also that certain parties had offered to cut the undergrowth in Wylie's swamp the full width of road allowance :for what timber is en it and recommend that some action be taken in the matter Communications were read from F. C. Wright in reference to award and en- gineers' fees on Douglass drain—fyled;. also from James Showers re cleaning out government drain through the land of James Ballagh, Thomas James and James Linklater. Moved by Mr. Cruick- shank seconded by Mr. Diment, that the clerk do notify Mr. Showers that if the work of cleaning out drain is not pommenced on or before the 24th day of June that on his application to the clerk in due form the township engineer 'will be instructed to have the work done. Carried. Messrs. Wright and Hyslop addressed the council in reference to the flooding and washing of road on boundary be- tween Gray and Turnberry during high water each year. Moved by Mr. Cruick- shank seconded by Mr. Mundell, that Messrs. Diment and Harris be appointed :to communicate with the council of Grey and examine boundary where repairs are required and report to next meeting of council.—Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment seconded by Mr. Harris, that Mr. Harris be appointed to see parties- - owning land on both sides of road in Wylie's swamp and if they or either of them will cut out undergrowth full width of road allowance in the said swamp for the timber thereon to do -the work; if they will not do it that Mr. Harris be instructed to let the job to any person who will do it for the timber thereon.—Carried. The following ommissiona of correc- tions made at Court of Revision were ordered to be entered on roll: a part lot'. 48 and lots 247 and 255 w s plot to be entered on non-resident roll at an assess- ment of $40.00 per lot; lots 332, 228, 828 and pt. 266 w s plot to be struck from ;sand Loskindge's assessment; pt. tot ;328 to be assessed to Mrs. Morrison, and, pt. lot to Charles Musser. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank seconded by Mr. Diment, that Messrs. J. & J. ".Wilson be allowed to the first day of August, 1892, to remove fence from road allowance on con. 11 line. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Harris seconded by Mr. Diment, that John Ainsley be appointed inspector of material and workmanship ..on Gemmill's bridge. --Carried. Moved by Mr. Cruickshank seconded by Mr. Mundell, that the reeve and councillors "Diment and Harris be appointed & cum. ,mittee to have approaches and other .works at Gemmill'sbridge done. Carried. Moved by Mr. Harris seconded by Mr. Mundell, that the clerk be instructed to notify 4r. Robert Jenkins, patbmaster, to collect t9in -David Holnnes the value: of a .pine tree taken from road allowance' :in his division during last winter, value about $3; also to notify., Wm. Mitchell, pathmaster, to ,collect from Mr. John ,McKinnon- the value of an ejm tree measuring"between. 500, and; 600.ft...taken. from road allowance in his road division during last year, value _alloilt Carried- = Move by Mr: Cant ai ink. seconded by l undell, that a grant $1©='ba ,giYen to ng-a:10avelling on gravel; road opposite Tests 20 and 21, oil/442,-.- Carried + Mo ve y Mr. larris-seeonded by .rulclratank ;that Mr Nfllndels fn� .pointed to ciao ne culverts on gravel - -.road and-A*10 c vext l '. either filled lip, those throe waterr:raMfifto bo : l Aefi 4? Carried. Moved ; by Mr Diment secon sled by_Mr. Harris that Mr.. Mun- dell be appointed to examine side road between lots b Ev 6 con. 11 and repair if necessary -,-Carried, Moved by Mr. Diment seconded -by Mr. Harris, that a grant of #15 be expended on the B line opposite tots 28, 29, 30, con. 1, under the superintendence `of Mr. Diment.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment seconded by Mr. Cruickshank, that $10 be expended in John McEwen's road division under the superintendence of Mr. Diment.-- Carried. iment.=Carried. Moved by Mr. Diment seconded by Mr. Mundell, that $15 be expended in Wm. Mitchell's road division under the superintendence of Mr. Cruickshank.— Carried. Moved by Mr. Harris seconded by Mr. Cruickshank, that the contract of print- ing voters list be awarded to the Fasr HURON GFazerra, Gorrie.-Carried. The following bills were passed and orders issued: Thos. Goy, rent of room, $1; R. Sbrigley,'charity, $3. Meeting then adjourned to meet Mon- day July 18, 1892, in McDonald's Hall, Bluevale at 10 o'clock. a. m. Mr. Chauncey M. Depew, who is looked upon as Secretary Blaine's pro- bable successor in the state department lunched with the President at Wash- ington on Saturday, and -conferred with several high officials. F‘ordwi.b. RolierMills. Wa.soxr BROS., Props. First-class Manitoba Wheat Flour manufactured and always kept in Stock and sold in any quantities. FLOUR per cwt. $2 25 to $2 50 BRAN., per ton. 14 00 SHORTS per ton. 16 00 Special attention given to GRISTING, which is done on the shortest possible notice. Highest Price Paid for Grain. The mill is fitted throughout with the very best roller pro- cess machinery and appliances and we are confident of being able to give perfect satisfac- tion. PATRONAGE SOLICITED. WILSON BROS.° WOOD WANTZD. Listowel Woollen Factory. Highest Prices Paid. Cash or Trade. Largest Wool ft Market in Ontario. Everybody eome and see our tremendous big stock in all kinds of woollen goods which we offer at bottom prices for cash or in exchange for wool. ) 'i dnd F� reA Bloch, We have never been so well fitted and equipped for a wool season's business as at the present one, and have never felt so completely confident of our ability to serve you with the best of goods at bottom prices. A specially attractive feature of our new lines of Flannels, strictly MEW STYLES, far surpasses any wool season yet. FINE WOOL SCOTCH SKIRTINGS. (Something new offered to the trade.) We are the only woollen factory in Canada that make this line of goods and offer them fer one- half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow. AR1VI117-0. We wish to earn the farmers not to be deceived by shoddy peddlers going through the country selling dishonest goods. We have no pedlars handling our goods and they can only be bought by dealing direct at the factory. Roll Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flan. nels, Blankets, &c, Thanking our numerous customers for their_past favors, would beg to say come and bring your neighbor to vee our stook, as you will be highly pleased; to see goods so low m price. You will find ue ready to give the most prompt and careful attention` to all. B. F. BROOK & SON. Fordwieh Drug Store A. SPENCE, M. D., Proprietor. —7-- A FULL LINE of J. C. BILL, Manager. Drugs and Druggists' Supplies, Stationery and Fancy Goods, WAS�L PAPER amomMIMAINIPSEPh In, endless variety and at every price. 2ELWOOL.: t and v4TROXEZ`R. � Walking Boot Is not only a comfort to the wearer int a pleasure to every one who admires a pretty fo©$ We have them—the t cots, we mean.- And they aa& cheap; s ETA stock of'es and gents' ".slippers isunusually: large -and choice. See tern A splendid assortment of ladles' wear of - all kinds is now displayed on our helves GENTS' can be slup skip and calf ant: the lighter Oxford, Dongolas, Wankenphasts, etc. go past the y Hoot andrShoo Store, for the most satisfying article a rnab1e'. Eor fhiro!7 Gzsr1'. The Newsiest Local Paper in North Huron. Published every Thursday —AT-- Gorrie, Ont., A splendid staff of able cor- respondents in every part of this section. O11 idX" $1 Per YEAR or less than 2c. a week. J0b 'pt'in1'il. We have a splendid printing outfit, including the very latest faces of type, the most modern appliances, Fast Job Presses, :o: Fine Poptet Tape. :o: We can turn out Wedding Cards, Calling Cards, Business Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Blank Headings, Insurance Policies, Pamphlets, Circulars, Hand -Bills, Posters, Streamers, or anything in the printing line in the neatest style of the art, and On the most reason- able Terms. EstimasFurnished 0 J. W. GREEN, Editor. Milling Our Millinery Department grows in popular favor every season. Rz Why Because p we keep the newest goods, made up in the most artistic styles. There must be taste or there'll be trash no matter what you pay for it. ew Goods for summer wear are coming forward. The choicest goods are taken first. ome early and get the best. Dress Goods. We have the newest shades and most popular effects in dress goods. We call especial attention to our black and colored all -wool Henriettas from 4oc. per yard upwards. Tweeds, Coatings, etc. We show the best goods and best values. If you want a spring suit or overcoat you will make a mistake if you pur- chase without inspecting our stock. Cotten Goods. Anticipating an advance in price in all lines of cotton goods as a result of the recent combination of manufactur- ers, we have bought largely in cottonades, denims, shirtings, grey and white cottons, etc.; we are headquarters for these goods. Groceries. In this line we keep the highest grades of goods at the lowest possible living prices. Teas. We give the Tea trade especial attention. Our Japan at 41 and 3 lbs. fo $ i cannot be excelled. We have cheaper and dearer lines but these are leaders. WORD IN CONCLUSION : Some think ns dear because we will not COME DOWN in the price of our goods. It is not our way of doing business. We mark all our goods in plain figures and sell at one price to alL The poor man's $ is as good to us as the rich man's. We cannot see ,any other honest way of doing busi- ness. Our past experience convinces us that a majority of the public appreciates fair dealing and goods as they are represented. The Highest Market Price Paid for Farm Produce. . S.BEA onY�gal �loi,se, Qat, N EI6111lO f. CLLLE The Kipp ing out imm T. Mcf3-i3 G oderich 8z Toronto Be Lamb bn part of Grei The wife 18th con., ( aged 53 children ani friends to rt The Do Wingham Foresters a: main to sec Huron fa� Goderieh a presiding. Jas. Wal' dropped by psrfeet he gelding an< which does S. Pallise died last w years. Mr. D. M a former Se him the otl for whom h Mr. Wm. ship, left 0' well earn' Mr. Swafiie 88 years. A valuab Mr. John S died a few he was offe Gowanst, for challen€ John Hil nearly dro' chell the of A privai erect at his brass band On Satur while the f< con. 9, Do Thistle sud at the table A barn 4: on W. Wo Under the F. Millan the raising at 3 completed The dire( Society wis ling dairies 1 A grand 1 will be held to -day. The Har $239.91 as tl taining soar Last wee heavy in th Forest. Orangevil Forest brass_ Thomas F is the owner a couple of t the beat can cat takes tl anxious is adopted br them for foo skeleton, wl: out in sears/ to her kit agreeable fa at first tried them apart • act that h( them have comes of thi Tribune. The Walk last week t1 celebration. Wiarton the Dominic Teeswatet eggs by well One Hepn three carloa� John Mcl3 cardiae whi was a studei A large ni already at tl mory. The Huron sion at G -ode Among the was a motion urer advertii amount of Si vestment. It n secondedwas by that the coni nested to next