HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-06-09, Page 4Notes On RegPt gsslatiosi.
The following refers to the Municipal
� qualification of councillors in
-4.tevrasis reduced to freehold or $800
leaasbold ; in townships to 4206 free -
1 old $4 leasehold.
ipeaseholds for a term of not less than
Ave years, "gre,to be deemed owners for
,the pose of Aie*pnlcipai Franchise,
.andperson assessed at $200 or more in
,ter* '! ,fig _than $,000 inhabitants,
r inhabitants, are
,npw eutitle€ .t9 .pots• Theme
;imum was $$0Q. limited to
lila day ter .resigning fol -
a anon day ,aid the day
last, as the_result of a terrific rainstorm.
The floods: swept through the .:citytearry-
ng away hundreds of b_tiildinggt, among-
there the immense oil tanks which were
filled.witli::petroleum, thus cow the
surface with oil. To add to. the holocast
lightning, struck an immense :reservoir
and m almost au instant the oil caught
fire and spread to every par of the
flooded district, carrying death and
destruction to everything it, 4auched.
The loss of life- is estimated af0" and
more than a rhinion dollars :`worth of
property was destroyed. Tlie fire lastec-
until rte on Monday when it burned
itself out, At Titusville, and other places
in that part of, Pennsylvania the destruo-
tion by flood and fire was also severe
and the loss oflife very great.
A motor train with a -picnic party on
board jumped the track at Omaha on
Sunday.- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cole, of
Omaha, were killed and several others
were injured...
Edward -McMillan, was hanged at
Lucerne county prison, in Pennsylva-
nia on Monday for the murder of his
wife. The . crime waa.. a particularly
cruel one, committed with a pair of
tongs heated red hot..
A despatch- from Stockton, Cal., says
County Recorder J. F. Moseley is miss-
ing, with_ $100,000, most of. which is un-
406141g. ,may . select for.himself any
,one of the prescribed forms of oath.
Certified copies of documents in the
emstody of the clerk may be fyled in
..courts instead of the originals.
Authors are required to make a re-
.poet.ppon the condition ;and value of
the securities given by the treasurer,
:the cash balance in his bands, and
ether immediately available. The
,..baglt *pollute shall also be
s. s
Submitted to the auditors.
The valuation for equalization may
-be extended by the county council for a
-AuYitier period of five years. ,
Allerks are to receive a reasonable re=
numeration for their services .under. the
Ditchesiud5Vater courses,`
poles of documents furnished by then
V** a, nay 1/ a . voter
(eau vote in each' ward invhich he has a
4he power of granting of a nusfor
Promoting - any manufacture is with-
A more definite procedure in relation
4o motions to quash:tsy-laws is enacted, -WooUefl
and the party applyh►g is now requiredListowel
to give security for coat to the extent of
oilier •
Wusox Mies., props.
'First-class. ' Manitobaest Flour
manufactured and always kept in -Stock
and sold in any quantities.
FLOUR per. cwt. $2 25 to 42 50
BRAN •, per ton. 14 00
SHORTS per. ton. 16 00
Speeial attention given td-GRISTING,
which is done on the shortest
possible notice.
Highest Price Paid
secured. • Moseley has -.been a large
s ator-in land, and --gave notes in
payme• Nine forged -notes given by
him have been discovered this ` far,
aggregating over $60,0G
for Grain.
The mill is fitted throughout
with the very best roller` pro-
cess machinery andappliances
and we are confident of being
able to give perfect satisfac-
The Newsiest Local Paper in
North Huron.
Published every Thursday
Our Millinery Department grows in popular
• favor every season.
Gorrie, .. Ont.,
A splendid staff of able cor-
respondents inevery part
of this section.
:himsel€-in $50 and two sureties in $50
Amagi r isn
where, }n case o conviction,
Eof` Des to the mnnici- in all kinds of woollen goods which we .
come.and see our cash or in exchange for wool.
Cities and, towns may pass -by-laws �n� Y� OC
inspectors or chief constables, Zl 1 •8 b,�W e as at the present one.
�jy�e: 8, person ave aeve� felt.eo complete y co our new lines of i�lanne e,, s c �
2 magistrate. (Something new offeredthe
We are the only woollen factory in Canada; that make this line of goods and offer them for one-
$awkbrs oI watches' plated ware or halt the pride Sou pay in the city of Glasgow.
are 'r uirec`t to take out a
eY a Ding through the country
—� "-- — We wish to earn th`ar�ers not to be deceived by and they can only be bought by
egcitino selling dishonest goodss ;=We have no pedlars handling our goods
the people of the United Slates jest e
Harrison, is anxious Roll Cardin Spinning and( Manufacturing, Tweeds, F'lan-
noW. President H ,
,fig again b candidate if he can secure eels, Blankets, $�c,
Thanking our numerous customers for their past favor$ would beg to say come and bring your
Fine *epublican convention now in ses- leased to see goods ac low. in price. You will find
�3iOn at•�ti8$pohs. 'James G. Blaine; neighbor to see Durk, ae you will be highly p
us ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to all. -
he Flurried Knight—is, however, also
au aspirant, and the tug•of-war between
Weitwo political giants for the nomin-
.Ation is one of the most gigantic nature.
Blaine threw a bombshell into the Har-
risoncauip this week by handing in his
:resignation as Secretary of. State, but
ithe: -Harrison men quickly recovered
:from the shock and are straining every
nerve_to bring their man into the candi-
Yy . The Democrats have not yet
selected their standard-bearer, and it is
aspected that they will . also have a
_-.squabble over the matter. wile Mr.
harries is, probably, the first Statesman
the tt..S. and is, by reason of his - in -
u vidUal- ierits entitled to the highest
,oftibe in the gift of his countrymen,, yet
-bis'election ir, not seriously desired by
�g many on this side of..the lakes, as
has stawys show d inarked . anti-
phy . to the British and Canadians,
►_naturally desire to see the U. S.
went •in the hands of a party as
;aa.pusible opposed to them.
TheRU Oevernmenthas decided
pert the general expdrtatiou of oats,
Marley and,wheat.
-people were drowned -by the.
o€- a steamer on the • Unzhar
enter Russia.
sni*iagrson agents at `Ottawa,
rlton; and Lon-.
superannuated on July 1.
rains have *aired bile bilis-
p sther river$: tor` rise again, and
of ;_great damage by flood are
egg "received.
ere *melon police force and_
Is tori nary cards are: scouring:
-aoutbte c seareh-ofj-
Highestst Prices Paid. - Cash or Trade.
$1 Per YEAR
or less than 2o. a. week.
hy-? Because wa keep the
newest goods, made
up in the most artistic styles.
There must be taste or there'll be trash no matterwhat
you pay for it. -
magistrate of disqualified from
f tin a Largest Fool ` Market in Ontario.
fine or part ther g offer at i,ottom prices
panty of which heir a ratepayer. L S ( _
.. 9 u d Sora woo season
is Charged with being andln @"never been so well fitted an�den moi our ability to serve. you with the best �E11� goods#;
a disorderl , lnpass bottom:prices. _'� specially attractive feature o1
,drink, Without bei 3' eany wool: season get.
pf sG first or second offence, to discharge far snrpae
- m offender without bringing 'him be- F I _ E .\WOOL S GOTO I -i SKIRTINGS.
fore a magic
.peddl 'succuss shoddy peddlers g
Job Mint r?
The PresMcntal election -i8 a a aha direct at the tactory.
Fordwich Drug store
Proprietor. .
J. 0. Buz,
We have a splendid printing:
outfit, including the very
latest faces of type,
the most modern
Fast Jo
ew Goods for -summer wear are coag
forward. t -
The choicest goods are taken first.
• ome early and get the best.
Dress Goods,
ine Poeei' Type.
We have the newest shades and most popular effects in
dress goods. We call especial attention to our black and
colored all -wool Henriettas from 40c. per yard upwards.
tweeds, Coatings, etc.
- A rta4, LIxs or -
We show the best goods and best values. If you want
a spring suit or overcoat you will make a mistake if you pur-
chase without inspecting our stock.
Druggists' Supplies,
Stationery and Fancy moods,
endless variety and at every price
We can turn out -
Wedding Cards,
Calling Cards,
Business Cards, --
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Blank -Headings,
Insurance Policies,
Hand -Bills, , -
Streamers, .
Cotten .Goods,
Anticipating an advance in price in all lines of cotton
goods as a result of the recent combination of manufactur-
ers, we have bought largely in cottonades, denims, shirtings,
grey and white cottons, etc.; we are headquarters for these
In this: line we keep the highest grades of goods at the
lowest possible living prices.
We give the Tea trade especial attention. Our Japan
of 4 and 3 lbs. fo $ 1 cannot be excelled. We have cheaper
and dearer lines .but these are leaders,
or anything in the printin
line in the neatest style
of the art, and
Some think us dear beganse we will not COME DOWN in the price
of our goodf3. It is not our way. of doing business. We mark all our goods in
plan figures and sell at one price to all. The poor man's $ is as good to
us as the rick man's. We -cannot see any other honest way of doing busi-
ness. Our past experience convinces us that a majority of thepubhc appreciates
fair dealing and goods as they are represented.
The Highest Market Price Paidfor Farm
u. the most reason-
able Terms.
is; we wean. And they ins -
d_ chuiCe, See
oqr* _tio6 e,
East Huron T
held in Seaforth
Mr. jno. Mel
the other day at
A lad at BUM
elf by a horse tl
- A Brussels be
gold ring in the
bad killed.
Morris town&
814 dogs, 6,41-8
real ProPertY vi
Dominion Di
braked in Gode
Clinton is sai
'in the county,
in Clinton on t
WA. It appel
named Cassels
known sport,
-race. Mr. Pull
het he could g
could put -ran
poste', and Mi
cboits3- tut he
Mr. P. not heir
the Clinton m
4 remarked in t
like to run Ca
manual' wea PI
nesday evenir
but thy tonne
65 owes
priee -of S5,001
About 400
several infidel
of Crossley &,
Blyth intell
asking the ba
stores at 7 p.
--Taman, Bly
:_presence of ,
guests last xi
with Et painfi
-1y. She Lan
when it brak
Exeter, fell
Saturday of
one of his al
On Saturd
the fingers a
cog wheel of
woollen- mill
dressed and
as could be
On Saturi
daughter, 4::
from Seafoi
residence O
ran away,
Miss Cook
-lace; her
,. fortunate;
but was co
days from
system r
Perth co
and inst
A fen
among fa
He cony
time ago
The orde
foot sg
or so at
foot sq
tains in
costing $
clerk on
postal ea
in the
_ism folio
the lo
Will ha
with Mr
charge o
ithirdiikiisci 'Our