HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-06-09, Page 1ore, 9, D SEE. GLEE. Palk 1 ! i YLISH 1A. tyle ; all off n off. ats and into any THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, J. A. TUCK, M. D. Jf MBRR of College of Physicians and Sur- geons, Ont. GORRIE, ONT. JAMES ARMSTRONG, Veterinary Surgeon GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Veterin- ary.Association. Com' Residence: Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBERT STREET, GO -ars, ONT. JAS. McLAUGHLIN, T sRUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES: " witnesses required. Office: -At my Residence; Gomm. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH --Services at Fordwich, 10=.30 a. - at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.; at Wroxeter, 4:30.-p. m. Rev. T. A. Wright, Incumbent. Sunday School, one hour and a quarter before each service. METHODIST. -Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30, p. m. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Torrance, pastor. SabbathSchool t 230-p. m. J. R. Williams, Superintend- JAMES uperintend he i4Ori t Miss O'Connor, of this village, was visiting friends in Stratford last week. "Mr. Harry Day, of Gerrie, was in this village last week,"---Teeswater News. MLaughlin & Co. will have a change ir advertisement in next weeks of th slue. Rev. essrs. Torrance and Willough- by returned home from Conference yesterday. Mrs. J, W. Green, of this village, was visiting relatives in Wingham the early part of this week. Rev. 'Mr. Hughes, of Wingham, will officiate :at the Episcopalian services here 01i Sunday next. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sutherland, of the Gerrie tin store, spenttunda y last with relatives in Winghamn Mr. S. Howard, of _Orange. Hill, at- tended- the Guelph Conference of the. Methodist; Church, 'last week, as lay delegate.' PRESBYTERIAN. -Services at Fordwieh at 11 a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class at Fordwieh in the evening. Sabbath Sehool at Gorrie 1:15 p.m. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintendent. EAPTIST:-Services in Gorrie at 3 and 7o'clock p. m, and at the church on the 2nd conces- sion of Howick at 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. A. Osborne, pastor. METHODIST -services in theFordwich Metho dist Church, 'et 10:30 a. m. and 630 p. m.; Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer -meeting on No Thursday eveni gs at 7:30. J. W. Pring, pastor. DENTISTRY, S. JEROME, L. 15. ., Wingham, will 'visit Gorrie, the let and 3rd Monday of each month. Teeth extracted without pain. All work warranted. MISS GREGORY,: R. H. FORTUNE, V.S. C,B.C. HONOR Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto,- Fellow ,off,the Ontario Vet- erinary Medical. Association.. Under Graduate of C.B.C., Hamilton. Successor to J Martin,V.S Dentistry a specialty. Office, Main st., Wroxeter. (Late of Bengston.) DRESS AND MANTLE MAKER. APPREN tices Wanted. Rooms over W. S. Bean's Store. • Bull for Service. THE Thoroughbred Holstein Bull "BARNTON BOY" will serve cows at LOT 18 CCN._ B HOW! GK. He is three years old, and weighs 2058 pounds. Pedigree can be seen at the resi- dence of the Proprietor. - TERMS :-$1.00 at time of service, or $1.50 booked. - HENR y WILLITTs. - ENNELL'S OTOG-RAFS OR ORTUNATE OLKS. Eggs for Hatching. PURE IMPORTED LIGHT BRAII I43. - Eggs for sale at 25 cents per setting of 13 eggs. Apply to J. R. WILLL(MS, Gorrie. We are in the market again to buy wool for CaBla or Tatiesesseet. We have a larges ock of Factory Goods of all kinds, from the eeISLEY WOOLLEN MILLS. Blankets, Flannels, Yarns, etc. Besides the above goods our stock of Dry Goods;, Millinery, Groceries, Boots, Shoes; Hats, Caps, Crockery, Glassware, etc., is complete and well assorted, and will be sold out at as close prices as can be done. Our sc.Prints,guar anteed perfectly fast colors, are going. Bring along your Wool -or Produce of any kind, and give us a trial. No trouble to show goods. Lin ,Store, witituaro,.::: JOHN SANDERSON. Don't be in a Hurry to sell Your Seed Potatoes. T HAVE- on hand a supply of JACKSON Pota- toes, which I will sell at el. per bushel. These potatoes are of a hardy, Southern vari- ety, have proven to be heavy, prolific yielders in this climate, and werq,aimost entirely free from rot last season. Toe quantity is limited so come early. J. R. WILLIAMS, Gorrie. S. T. FENNELL, f'ops'ol'iAl Arti,sr o 1 Wool " S c Capillary Abridger. Hirstute Vegetator. re. tom" No'Threshing Machines, Lawn -Mowers el - Meat -Axes used 1 Come in andsit down ; lirgta're leTe t We wish to intimate to the farmers of the surrounding country that we in- tend opening out a branch of the ins to the Stock, we shovels eds. hips. t of Tin- all kinds of n short no - os. Greex1ia' Mills. Swirro�est®r, ROBERT BLACK, PROP. FITTED UP WITH . HUNCARIAN-ROLLER PROCESS. WALKERTON WOOLLEN MILLS In Gorrie, And will pay Toronto Market Prices in exchange forTweed, Flannels, Blankets, Yarns, etc. 0 0 TILL YOU See the Wagon -OF- J. W. WATERHOUSE, Who is handling the PALMERSTON WOOL- -LEN FACTORY'S line of Woolen - Goods, and will cell at your door shortly, with the very best goods in the market. FIRST-CLASS "FLOUR -FROM. McKeWie & Rif LAWLESS BUILDING, MAN ITOBAo WHEAT. Highest Price paid for Grain. Chopping Done. . Main Street, GORRIE. ROBERT BLACK. -OS. WINCE, AM. arta Soot, I Ease coon FORDWICH, ONT volley to -Loan _ on Farm eurity at the Lowest rate .of Interest.4` 'eat. better position reductions in e of this mag - d in sonhe eases 1Hu Parties req n ; work the above: Lines -Will do well toShe: US'" We carry a Iarge std -of.marble and of ,NOT - DISCOUNTED. Special Attention given to VEYANCI vG. _ give firsOchtse-;vrot Wog- ete= Highest- Price Paid in Cash or Trade. RESIDENCE :-Next the Railway Track, east of Main St., GORRIE. Local Affairs. Mr. J. H. Taman, tailor, and Mr. Geo. Gilpin spent Sunday last in Blyth. The stone -masons commence work on the foundation of the new Methodist Church to -day. Mr.'Syd. Croll, of Clinton, -spent Sun- day last with his sister, Mrs. J. W. Green, in this village. - - Mrs. Robt. Stinson, of this village, is quite ill at present. Her mother Mrs. Burns, of the 17th con., is in attendance at her bedside. The new Gorrie Brass Band were out on the street playing last Saturday evening and received much praise. They have already made two or three engage- ments for the near future. Mr. Alex. Ross, the well known har- nese maker, of Mildmay, has accepted a position in Mr. Perkins' harness shop in this village, commencing work last Monday. Mr. Perkins is now much improved in health and the business will be kept under full swing. • Dr. Malcolm Armstrong, who has just passeda successful examination before the Medical Council, in Toronto, is at present the guest of his brother Dr. J. Armstrong, in this village. Through an error we recently ,gave his name as "Williarii" in reporting . his having passed his recent examination. Dr. A, has many friends here to congratulate him upon receiving his diploma as an M. D. - - "Green goods" circulars have been received by several parties here within the past week. They contain the usual newspaper: clipping showing how easy itis to pass counterfeit money. And they will -.play the usual "slim". game onany one who is foolish enough . to have anything to do with then. ` The chances are the :victim " will never :get the counterfeit money after he pays for it 'and if he does, he assumes still. greater chances of meditating , over. his folly in the penitentiary. • Z "See the' `Men's Tweed - Pante -at l aug .&:Co's.@_$1.25-When- cinder who. Last Sunday morning Mr. Amos Doan had a large swarm of bees come out, the first we hove heard of in this part of the country this year. - Messrs. Jas. Perkins and W. J. Per- kins attended the meeting of the Coun- ty Orange Lodge iir Wingham yester- day, as representatives from the Gorrie Lodge. - The Mount Forest Representative has lately been enlarged to an eight• page seven column journal. It is one of the cleanest printed and newsiest on our exchange list. There was no school in the Jtmior Department ofthe village school last Thursday, Miss Carss being at- Seaforth attending the convention e along with a number of teachers from this -section.. We are informed that the council in- tend to take some action with regard to putting the Gorrie side -line in better repair: The soonerr they commence and the more complete the wort, the better. - Mr. T. H. McLaughlin has -been ap- pointed by the Saugeen Presbytery to attend the General Assembly which commenced its session in Montreal on the 8th inst. He left town on Tuesday and will be absent two or -three weeks. The - Gorrie Orange Lodge has ac- cepted an invitation to take part in the imposing- ceremonies in connection with laying the cornerstone of the Gorrie Methodist Church on July let, and the Free Masons have also, we understand, been invited. The town of Walkerton intends hold- ing a monster demonstration in that town, on the 15th and 16th of June. They are giving $1,200 in cash prizes which will be divided as follows: Horse racing, $600: firemen's races, $800; band competition, $150. " The balance will be given in lacrosse, baseball and other athletic sports. M : J. W. Waterhouse, of Palmerston, has moved his fannily and effects to Gerrie, intending to remain here. H: is buying wool, and has a team on the road for this purpose everyday. Later on he intends to open a store in town and will set up a loom, end probably a carding machine, in time for nett season's trade. See his adv. An effort is being put forth to have the Patrons of Industry hold their de- monstration in Gerrie on Dominion Day and take part in laying the corner- stone of the new Methodist Church. If the arrangement could .. be completed it world, we- believe, be a mutual gratifica- tion, as there are many Patrons who are anxious to be in Corrie on that day. A public meeting of the Patrons' of Industry will be held in the schoolhouse of S. S. No. 18,- Howick,two miles south of Gorrie, on the evening of Wednesday June _l5th, for the purpose d organizing an association at thatplace. The meet- ing will be called at 7:36. m., and will be addressed by Mr. John Pritchard, county organizer, and others, who will bring the aims and objects of the asso- ciation before the public. All interested are cordially invited: Now thatthewool season is fairly upon us, the _following circular to the buyers, issued by the well-known com- Mission firm of Long,,& Bisby, will be of interest to our .readers: "Vie wool clip of '92 will come on the wet with a large proportion of he clip:Oj still in the hands of dealers who aria elles.,iig to sell selected -combing- at 18 to 10e., with- out buyers. In face, of these fa ta' s' u. Ian easily_ edentate what you canMrd to pad! to the larmerr for the:present clip. ` vise.#a "mel u not ,bnee hinding:twine anythz g above the price of good comb- ing, unless it be pure, well -washed South- down, which is worth 2c. more but, as the quantity of this wool grown in Can. ,Ida is so very limited, and in most sec- tions none at all, it is of very little im- portance. Reject all extreme coarse wools, as you will find you cannot sell such except at a"discount. By the time the clip is fairly on the market, we hope to be able to inform you that we can pay for good, well -washed wools, with dis- counts on coarse, Dotted, black, burry, seedy and unwashed. In the meantime, buy cautiously. In offering your wool for sale please mention quantity," - o0► THE "UNIONS" ARE IN IT. They Will Meet the Owen Sound B. B. C. in Walkerton. Lovers of rod base ball will be pleased to learn that the Union B. B. C., which has done much to build up the reputation of Gerrie and Wroxeter vil- lages in the past, will be in the field this season with a strong team. The boys have accepted an invitation' to compete against the Owen Sound tears, at the Walkerton demonstration onInune 15th, fora purse of $50. They will go into this match with none too much practise together, but the team is a strong one, as will be seen below, and -with the work they will put in .together � beithe l5th, they stand a good show �e of napturing their fourth straight vic- tory from their old opponents, the Owen Sound team. Their first game with Owen Sound was played at Orangeville and won by a score of 11 to 9. On that occasion the Union's battery was Wes. Paulin and Sanderson while their oppo- nents had Rinley and Paulin. In the next match (1889 at Wroxeter) the Unions again won, the score being 20 to 4. Again in '91 the Owen Sounders were defeated by a score of 9 to 4. In these two last games M®Laughlin aid Sanderson were the Union's battery and McHardy and Brock performed a similar service for the -O. S. team. While the Unions have lost a few of the old players they will this year be strengthened by Mc - Hardy, and Jas. Paulin who have hither - been -on the O. S. team, and the other places are well filled, and the teams for the Walkerton match will be composed Owen Sound, Brock Hamilton Sands Taylor 0. McLaughlin Irvine Center " Grant Ball Donsley Hamilton is a very tricky twirler and has the curves down fine ; Sands is a perfect whirlwind, and both are ably supported. This year's Owen Sound team is reported to be the best they ever had and they appear determined to take a terrible revenge on the Unions. They are managed by Mr. Jas. Mc- Laughlin:'of the biscuit and confection- ery works of that town. The Unions will likely be accompanied to Walker- ton by a large number of their admirers. virat base Second base Third base Left Field Gerrie School Report. The following is the report of the pu- _ pile in the Senior Department of the Corrie Pablie School for the month of May, based on general proficiency. The marks obtainable in each subject is 100: FIFTH CLASS. (Marks obtainable, 544- Total school days, Da21.) Marks. Present. J. McLaughlin rk fl A. Wright 1 449 10 M, Efne A. CIeg .. ``4L3 1- Ji. Perkwa ' 331 19 SENIOR FOURTH CLASS. a, c o p o O seid M. Aylesiveath..76 79 94 59 A. Osborne 64 43 71 87 E. MeGrath 67 49 100 98 W. Dane 51 64 35 53 E. Evans 69 31 60 87 F. MeLaughlin32 29 54 47 88 66 84 552 21 90 68 88 615 21 85 56 '72 466 21 90 60 92 457 18 70 68 76 448 21 80 50 68 401 20 65 48 68 361 ipL20 85 40 64 351 90- JUNIOR FOURTH CLASS. Lily McLaughlin A. Crawford C. McLaughlin H. Evans E. McKee o is 04 0 94 re. 3W-65 68 93 96 341 2091 40 68 60 65 76 309 ' 35 73:29 . 7176 o407 72°7 0 645288 488184 5°4298274 20-12191i M. Sanderson Win. Osborne H. Toung Jno. T. Dane Herbert Torrance Mabel Campbell EmFlaniortrnaeineBeseawkiaowing Bert King AWilislItiuiamDSorarpin IraHummason James Flummason Burley Heinstock Lizzie Wiggins Parents and guardians should keep these reports for future reference, 'for by c,omps.ring them they can as the progress made by their chil JOHN CAMPBELL, Tess.c er. emu CLASS. tes cd 79 54 77 98 93 55 41 78 24 73 25 66 24 33 57 52 26 26 13 86 33 72 53 55 19 61 The following is the report of the S. S. No. 4, for the month of May, based on regular attendance, punctuality, good conduct, perfect recitation, and the re- sult of a recent written examination. Fifth Class -(Marks obtainable 800.) 011ie Miller, 606. Senior Fourth-(obt. 900.) John Ben- nett, 685; Geo. Dane, 576. Junior Fourth-(obt. 700.) Rachel Dame 630; Prudence Sanderson, 578+; Aggie Burns, 542; John Sanderson, 496; Isaac Galbraith, 426; Chester Laird,886; Fred:Willitts, 852; Mary Jackson, -805. Senior Third-(obt. 800.) Joseph 13c1n- nett, 566; Sam Crookshank, 545; Cecil Day, 516; Maggie Willitts, 514; Ettie Graham, 504; Emily Potter, 4791: John Taylor, 466; Annie Strong, 433; Bessie Potter, 427: John Steuernol, 865; Mary Day, 850. Junior Third -Harry Gough, 591; Geo. Cruickshank, 580; Nora Taylor, 508; Minnie Stewart, 455; John Stewart, 449; Geo. Willitts, 418. Second Cless-(obt. 600) Ellie San- derson, 474; Nellie Day, 472; Jas. Dane, 465; Wm. Casemore, 444; Maggie Galla- gher, 430; Frank Galbraith, 435; Ruth Galbraith, 418; Minerva Laird, 415; Lorne Laird, 395; Mabel Jackson. 386; Mary Casemore, 385; Hannah Baker, 884; Nelson Steuernol, 370; Geo. Baker, 825; Maggie Willitts, 820. Second Part,-(obt. 400) Jemima Woeluer, 829; Eddie Bennett, 315; Geo. Galbraith, 815; Mary Willits, 285; Sam Gough, 265. -First Ciass-Mabel Hneston, 895e Jos. Sanderson, 890: Maggie Buttery, 880; Grace Miller, 375; Alex. Casemore, 875; Ettie McGill, 370; Elsie Steneanol, 865; Norman Wade,860; Thos. Taeeere,860; Jemde Wade, 860; Martha JackSon, 855; Caroline Casemoree 855; Betrice Better; 355; David Dane, 355; Florence Stoner- nol, 350; Albert Cruickshank, 340s Mina erva, Taylor, 380; Sarah WO. Irwin Gough, 815; Geo. -Bennett, 8051 Bessie Stxong, 305; John, Galbrtr.tithe 8511- 54 12 9 22 4 ▪ 11 ea 94 71 321 ire 45 82 277 17 TO 41 259 18 61 54 24,5 91 82 63 237 14 65 49 212 18,i 88 21 199 18 58 22 170 14 70 21 169 17 92 24 155 12i 14 22 155 20 3689 1616 111489 1189 6.8 2118 1167 10 Guelph Conference. The session of the Methodist confer- ence closed at Guelph yesterday. There have been quite a few changes made in this neighborhood, among them being the removal of Rev. Mr. Torrance to , Goderich, the Genie circuitbeing placed under the charge of Rev. Josias Green. We give below a list of some of the cir- cuits in this section ha which many of our readers will be interested, and also a partial list of the 'appointment of pas- tors who are well known here: Gorrie-Rev. Josias Greene. Fordwich-Rev. S: C. Edmunds. Wroxeter -Rev. E. A. Shaw. Bluevale-Rev. J. W. Pring. Harriston-Rev. W. Casson. Wingham-Rev. Sellery, B. A. Mlldmay-Rev. W. B. Danard. Teeswater-Rev. J. A. McLachlan. Atwood -Rev. J. S. Fisher. Clifford -Rev. Austin Potter. Ethel -Rev. H. A. Newcombe. Brussels -Rev. G. S. Salton. Palmerston -Rev. F. E. Nugent. Ioistowel-Rev. J. A. Livingstone. Wallace -Rev. Thos. Amy. Rev. Gerald T. A. Willoughby, who has been assisting on the Gorrie circuit for some time past, has been given. the Rev. Mr. Toriance has been appointed to the Victoria Street Church, Goderich. Rev. W. Ayers remains at Holmes- -Rev. David Rogers has been stationed at Dungannon. Rev. W. Ottawell continues at Walton. Rev. J. Chariton is at Port Elgin. Wiaxton retains Rev. S. A. Edwards (formerly of Wroxeter) another year. Rev. E. S. Rupert is chairman, and Rev. J. Green, secretary, of the Listowel District. Mrs. Jno. Green, sr. and her daughter Miss Jessie left on Tuesday for Manitoba te join zdv. oTeNen, who has been there ftiee, short time.. They intend making Neepawa their future home. Their many friends here are sorry to part with them. Miis Jessie McLaren left heere Friday last on a trip to Covington, to visit her sister who has been there for some time for the benefit of her health. Mrs. Peter McDougall, of Manitoba, is visiting her brother-in-law Mr. Hugh Miss Ellen McDougall is spending fit, week with friends in Wingham. Miss Jessie McPherson who has been quite ill fOr some time, is slightly re- covering. MresThomas Bolt is busily employed matting preparations for his new brick • Mr, wed Mrs. David Gernmill, are a great many in this locality have the mumps or the mumps have thoti. way, 14th eon.. noeeeiteamee „03,e_Fe„ -Second-Line items era.