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The East Huron Gazette, 1892-06-02, Page 8
r7777777TT777 of the day were foot -ball mafaPa and f-: - - lacrosse' match. The foot ball teams -'9 ®1V'r1 were the Cedarville RovWs, Ironsides ♦ and a �th�fosnoonthetwa gas areling and there is, ' FOR ACEs, W- . - _ , _. _ FOR X -CUT SAWS dormer played whiQh resulted i$ l; vic., _. _ tory A& the Ironsides by one 99a1 to 310 reason h �'QU- should � e. Mien immediately "afi" dinner F : l = OR NAILS,, h ,fie Ifineardine and Wulghamarrosse not :catch one t •seams lined:up for an hour and a half of FOR GLASS, gone of the most FOR PAIN'T'S. exciting'Omatches ever -played here, a � ,was marked by rough playing on botFOR GROCERIESh Cf32�1e #ides, one of the wing} boys gettiug Pleasure �� See them. ; anyway ! We take.. FOR LAMP GOODS, .y his hens broken While not a few were ; 7 easilre lIl S ].Owing ollr elegant stoek. bdin free . 1 After an hour and a _ A �e game as declared :a tie batlii_ PRICES RIGI�.T. CALL AND SEE. dubs having got .a goal. When came - atchIs of _all kinds. "Toot -bail match between the Ironsides i send. Wingham for the prize of $20. It '( ,�+ � � --is. needless to say that this :was the :003: o all.. kinds. Y _ o ! great centre.of attraction. Considerable • arose rover the _Isilverware of all kin ronsides taking - ds. - _ � - &ssh men that had not played. in •the_ �' •, d thus wi1� ham. ha �a:ad- Jewelry of : all kinds. Scuiug an g _ -5 vantage by havi4 drawn the `%ye;" . - the were allowed their -new men t'WILL-�y opl Talk!! e e �- 3,, - - _ - and the game was comineneed, the mon•:�+�T.E`-, aides getting the choice of goals. Dung+ :�:e-glasses lYl ;y� r first.- half time the play was -pretty e-ndless variet ._ ,-.even. At one time the Ironsides were � . • 1$11 '"h�� -pressed-so Closely that the ball struck The prices'are telling in our Straw and t stake of their goal and a clisgnte Felt Hat Department. -` torose. Some said it went through while R,epA► l'l C1Q31e In tl1t; IleateSt style.. That �f you want s , YLISH others said not ; however the Iron, F rat -Cls S STYLISH - We never offered better lines at such A�, idea got the benefit of the doubt, and : low price$. . _- was put in play by giving them. a eWhen half time was called "l`ek. Remember the rices: Call at Lj p fid ,beeneored. the p_JS ON IS Im V t�1e ball was kept close �. �_ 8c.. `to 25c. for S len- Ane "Ironsides goal. Their goal Olid Straw' Hats.. And you can get them made up in the Latest Style; all off umpire called s corner kick for Wing- haw lint both sides kept playing as the - New, Fresh Goods. No old stock to run off: !ef =fid not called corner kick, and = - Children's Sailors - --at t stock ® "= Wingb m scored. It was not 2Qe, [A fine line.) 'Just Received --A $reSii Hats YaUa'a goal as the referee took the . � ts l • Flowers. �Inmpn+E's ,ward and said a corner hick 'Mackinaw-- Hats,-usnal- t �honY�'have been taken, this was the ly sold" for t; we sell for psueeof some pretty, hot words and led trd►W hats Dyed and made over into S lij7 tablows but the chief - interfered and; e0C• shape. -- ww soon. obtained but as time dNO- irm up .:the game'- was declared a . BRETHOUR, The: d wand.eaehclubgot#10. no. Fr�E a�a aroo�' - Print Department Cheap for Cash or Trade.- will likely be played soon again.. = _ !1f he county Warden and two other Is, attracting a good deal of attention Insurance ent �pounty'�auncillors were in Windham on ♦ - � ; juBt now. We think we have the. Best Ta .an, .the 'Tailor- lines in the .count for 10c. and 12 e E �4thto-see. it it was necessary to re• s�trroxE'�LR y � . jbufld the Graham's bridge. They also ;.., look in the sports. -Has removed to the McGiII. �sssTs� Wallington Mutual Firs Insurance co. Hosier Department.t 4 Where will lwgood prizes. offered here l�lllitllII next north Of. Bea Waterloo y.0S_ gx Waterloo Mutual• Fre Insurance Co. . an the 28th dune at horse races.. re y d c_ St0 Perth Mntukl�mre In range. Co W RP_ The C. O. F. will hold a monster a have- alwa s been celebrated. for_ (� "de costration hereon July 1st. flee' 1Qf} Economical mutual ;re insurance Co.our,splendid. in Hosie We start ForduTi Adv: next week. r'• Courts' are expected to visit here on that Mercantile -Insurance Co. them?at 'ls. up to Y. . Etna Insurance Co. a G1_.L Vti/ C.�_.L s.,, Store% — ontao.Mutual TAee Stock insurance Co. The° Best Lisle Thread. and OII $ii2lday 8vening last tih6 e9adlge- AviN� bought out Dr. Spence's haxilware busSness, and made large additions to the Stock, we Niels Crossley and Bunter preached /'`� • T y� p ry Cashmere •500- H: heir farewell sermons to an audience of Give W Qlln :13. V�r�l. areaow prepared to furnish GENERAL HARDWARE, ;about 1400 people. So, great was th® Our leading line is Carp enters' and Framers-' Tools. crowd that hundreds of people could not Fence Wire, Barb Wire. l _ get is to hear these m`en who have won A Fast-. Black Dye at 25C., Spades and shovels Awtimmselves the past few weeks the i A choice lot O� r -)wishes of thousands. The crowd Garden Tools and Seeds. • The cheapest hose in the market for a Churns. outside were so anxious to hear them lady. -oat they sent in a petition asking them innl ads. 5 to 'come out of the Presbyterian church _ p 'ng Wheel I -ie - Axle Grease. on'fFheji�rk as it was such a � . f ar 'evening.' Mr: H-unter ezprAssed a are ordering another lot'of those " Anew . lOt Of Whips. ? regret that so many anxious people - zto be devrived of rds- ,� _ their last wo �. theCc`�p RalS1�1s:`We. have .bought a Complete New Set of Tin - h, t€rthe peopi�e ; of Win", but thou Raisins. � p - -it would not be rad Everyone should have.a hot while smith ;.Tools, and . are `prepared .to furnish all kinds of prudent to -leave ills last. T11"@Pcre and do all kind ofd airlil - on short no- } church and go' to the park. The 'meet p g was opened with prayer led by Mr. tics. rY ,tenter. Then Mr. Crossley and Prof. . _ . Ott -gave ve a duet, "Tolling Bells:" Still se}lin a lbs: Sugar for, Eave troughing done to Order. k g g 5 g _ A#er which tie special reques$s for,i. ' Q DARBY BROS. Fere disposed -of.' Then Mr. = -.= eY sang the song, °'Come unto me �sa.ye-that Labor." After ` which each ' N, and the Highest.; -PRODUCE TVAXZ oftlocal preacilera spoke afew words , - Priv® paid. _F �ea€pressing. their thanks for the great whleh had been. done.. The — n _ _"ke.. the oun converts ajj§ th©se W g _ y ,� _ _ ho have nQt -_ _ _ ,, - ."' •�:` _-..� �' - euvertecl. He .ways 'follower} - - r . who greaiiy affected the °---QF - a.. .�. �fi his isreateitcita�. le:I��ii€ ,eft on Monday - p ntOo-ng'tr$€ tar go afl St.' 'i'hontas .#N.47 - _ _T they Anil - an �r s month " or R t d tIi> k a!a American,, - �g�� k'iR X09 of r+svwal m _' ' est - _ .. ec;oration or or Poor, - .Herders to _ ob- W-41. ; }s and Ceiling D - `"T-< _ bae:ca that $itehen or Parlor. ' - `� t _ _erted �a �Y{reg Gtrit rnfvrY+ _ -- z — - — � - . u - a» tom. ' .,.. _�: ..�� _. ...�� • - airselect- tvfiat he requires from our -large sto a i. .� s soaizs - Tasos . . aent Announcem - x-� Iot'Of_.W.op this semn-made 'best >. Web $ne . makers.; •r _; , s I. am in a z: - I as full lass Bear a better position - .Ha . urchaset3 a first -c a p� h i - to g z k _ d #3 before, and owing to. re at.aSsa than be o reductions is his comma g .:. - . _-�.• _ do #fie ��rtakmg of qty assess. ,,z m m a osition to. eve the use of this esSslogue, tide - _. son w� �o t . �e whole f -our Dods I a $� sale_,: rices -o P t t ,: _ F._. :.�,. . x ;' 3 • -z w 1 cAted a aea:._�¢ = ::- l?.- g ' n0 more a� -,. mea �illat 18 t0 8s. n .��:.. One c0�k►e _ - an es�mtae z►gg.. saa;�m. Belt ,�_ y charge8 will be' d :some cases - .r.. . -_ ...� WB IY4��::PCCe1VB� i Of - W_ ,,...., .- _ _ gee .. J _ +,,t=:-• --mss.'-- R WILLI , ,. .- --_ - ..• ab-.- -.. .,, _ �.� .. .._: sc� _ _tea'±-,. ...<. , e .,- .... _ ... .. - .:.- _.-.__.."... Y,sc 'kms_ _ �__� . ... __,:.- - .. _ : _s-. ,_,s, ., s.a.-. ... ,�- 3cx. __. at_- tra ;.. ...-�^`�.-,. _-.-:_�.._, 's.xr-. .-,�. a...4 _:. «:, _m, .y�♦- _„^__ -_ �_ _ .-:.. .:.:�. ,: k-. .:--. -,- -- ,. :�":- :. Furniture Dealer Ra�� nti - _ xC - _ , - - .z 111111 - .. sem`_. . .�... .•.. � a _ >. ba - of Em i� '� t y � - .. - �-V-'ti.•..eu•�{•.A�i'S -e--. '_ „a s�,31.,^��"Ra-.+.� ♦ San