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The East Huron Gazette, 1892-06-02, Page 5
o. popular hep the made les. matter what e coming en first. the best. lar effects in r black and Awards. If you want e if you pur- es of cotton manufactur- s, shirtings, ers for these . oods at the Our Japan ave cheaper WN in the price all our goods in is as good to y of doing busi- ubhc appreciates for Farm • the people of our :County --don't know the position. of = wh 1 :another., They can now overcome this difficulty --by : consulting • d .. O m CI r 0 re 00 4-, 11 0 _ 0 bo 0 � o o rd a-' bp Ell Ce O v CD O O aso "Ei043 r4VI Am rn 00 m �,XI 0 i-1 0 0 b O Tc -4e rgi) O 71) 1-6 p-: 0 0 cd O 4-4 0 .r 4 • rr 0 k^^__ t�l'► Q C- 4-1 4c� cp :1114 co cdk 0 iv. id Bring your 0 4D Fl r:C1 Thu. rs to the judgment and taste of people who appreciate style and quality coxn.bined with value. We wish to please our customers. If ROCK BOTTOM PRICES will do it We can make you happy. We Sell Good Go'odsOnly and sell them Cheap! If you are not already a customer one visit to our store wil make you one. The Goods and Prices are simply Irresistible Among the many offerings willbe found 7c. T,he best Factory Cot- ton ever sold forkthis money. You can have it for this money while it lasts. A white Fancy Scrim, 36 in. wide, for same money. - • 8c. A Flannelette which for weight and quality cannot be equalled in the mark- et. This is the price while it lasts. Also a good "washing and a nice Ging- ham, patterned. Th.,' Verdict,is "cheap .. at 10c." 10C, Ladies' Silk Vests. Usual price. 15c. Men's Cotton socks. Usual price 124c. Body Linen Glass Towlets, 10c per pair. - 122c. Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, heavy and stainless. A large and choice assortment'of Dress Print. Oxford and Standard Skirtings (well, worth 15c. 15c. Single -Fold, colored, all -wool Serge Dress Goods, Usual price 20c.) Double width Linen Tabling at the same money. (Worth 20c.) 25c. Ladies'. Heavy Black Stainless. Hose, the best article for the money in the market. Ladies' All -wool Cashmere Hose.: 48c.. A Pattern Tweed, (worth :60c.) Also White Shirt Linen Fronts and Cuffs. White Cotton Coverlet. Only a few left. The Best pair Lace Curtains..- yds long,:iu_the market:at thisprice. Extra Value in all Liles of Dress=Goods, and a large stock of Latest Styles to choose from. OF THE1 C to J NT._Pr .Y- 0 I~ 11 u I 0 AT,. Whichhas been long needed -and looked for. The size is four feet by five feet mounted on linen and wood rollers. Six coloring are used, which makes it very distitinct and effective. THE SCHOOL SECTION NEEDS ONE, THE FARMER•NEEDS ONE, THE BUSINESS MAN NEEDS ONE Published by PRICE, $3.50.. W. Cooper & Co., Clinton, 'Ont., Booksellers and Stationers School Globes and all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices and ourtraveler will call on you. We will not weary you with -any more talk, -come in and aryy see us. times Sutherland's TIN $TO±H (North end of f §:the 40 Leech ; Block). GOI��JE. ©'I' A FINE LINE OF PfiRLR, BgX, aid' GC70K States, JUST RECEIVED. Special Value in Cook Stoves. Special Value in Heaters. Special Value in Drums. Special Value in Cutlery :0: sPro' ri varkeivifrruwE IN �,very� Variety. Ee Teo6gkinSiDsci6ity :o: A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods Highest Cash Price, Paidfor HIDES and STTEEP SKINS. of every description, on HAND and made to ORDER Repairing of all kinds promptly done. THE GREATEST OF T1{EM..ALL Is E NEW PREMIUM exit Giren to every subscriber. new or old, of TltI FEKLI EMPIRE FOR 18x2. Thousands of dollars have been spent in its preparation. Its success is fully assured; it is a highly valued souvenir of thegreatest statesman and Lite most honored leader ever known in Canadian history. This beautiful Memorial Albion contains 13 fall -page illustrations of interesting scenes in connection with the history of Sir John, and chief4many new and vathe l abadmirera o f our le portraitures. � READ THE LIST. Fnllpage Portraits of Sir Joint rail Baroness il'iecdouald ; Blrthpisee of Sir John .in t:lasrow ; Portrait of Sir Join When a young matt : Portrait of Sir Jetties o$edatgsn.eomte one ever Sir John during the Rebellion of 185;; Earnseiiife, Sir John's Residence at Ottawa; interior of Senate t'bantber. Ottawa,- Show. big the Board of lionor and Body Lying ha State; Exterior View of Menses a►f Parl a. anent, with i'nneral Procession forming is the foregrognd ; 1'iew -ef SiwitintSlack. Paritsmeitilduliding*. with Irttiterat Yrs. esxaien gaastere: Fine Viewr-£sty hail. Ringo.. tan, Draped in Monrui it appeared the Any Sir John's -soot resebed,aiugst*a end Layir• State - Grove atEataractui€eiwe- 1efp, With Floral Tributes from ds .. nerds .of Foliowera , Slew of Vritaulthister Abbey. is which the Memorial llreflt* Wt held i-1nitrior View-ef W'estttinttter; Fiewof:St. Paul's t athedr al, tt wpb s�[EtaRe ' riga Tablet will be itetiir Jbott a lle$rorf ; interior 'Viewer St."Pahl'# thedlf1: Al! these views ar $u half -tenets Photogravures on heavy entonelvd paper. trai6 s tn_ bound., with an illuminated and ernbn,ssed cover. really valuable souvenir tthatr hl *MOW ornament on parlor erlihrary table The demand or this work promttise' 10 Road in your orders early. *kit AME DOLZA., and get T w EEKLT ED8'ltitE oar itt# sad this iinoilIA6 AWOL Nes subso rs mit=receive WSrELY Ems fee for of fins#c`ar. -71