HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-06-02, Page 4Tiirnbeffy
[Continued from last week.]
Vhe members of council took andsub-
scri'bed she oath as member- .I °the:
ouacil. the opinion, that they. time once more
got the wool pulled over their eyes:
A farmer, in Grey, killed Eight: foxes
in two days recently
.Court of Revision. Moved by Mr. Di- . 4. T. Maennanaara has sold out his
ment, seconded by M. Bads, that the ire, in _Leadbury and moved toi$ough-
Court of Revision be now opened -and tat; Mel., where be} Sseoured a good
Mr. McPherson be chairman. Carried. position _ as manager _of a lu mlerring
The following corrections and adds- business.
tions were lie on roll; south pt. lot 10 U. S. Consul Chilton returned to.Gode•
,00n. 9, sig acres, were struck (4 Favid .rich last Friday after a six: month's,va-
Jlastings' assessnlOnt and were added t9 cation in Washington.
Peter and Johnastings assessment as The Exeter people -will build a branch
tenants, David H. Hastings part owner; line from the L. H. & B. Railway to the
Bart lots -32, 337 84,'W. T. plot, acreage Verity Plow -Works, rather -than have
reduced to 162 acres and rate of assess- Ahem remcved to Hamilton or Brant-
ment sustained; Lots 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, ford.
34, 35, 36, 81 W. T. Riot . assessment The -Clinton New Era says the fruit
reduced $50.00; All clerical errors in' crops was never morepromising in that
statute labor on roll were corrected:' -section than at present.
part lots 33 and 34 C. S. Bluevale were The Clinton Colleglat
added to roll at an assesamen � gone. a -hunting for a
science master.
The ' • g season ofGoderich is re.
110 and 111 D. S. Bluevate; John Pater-. 'ported to be remarkably good this year.
son was assessed tenant lot 27 C. s•-ported
catch of the Buffalo Fish-Co's tugs
Bluevale: lot 138, C. S. Bluevale; James` and beets since the season opened has
Timmins corrected to lot 130, D. - been -about 125,000 pounds.
Bluevale; park lot 72 W. T. plot, Wm.
,Cruickshank, owner, corrected to park .BERTH.
lot 74; lot 20, in he
8th con. corrected; " Mr. Rodger Hedley a respected
•to lot 20 in the - 7th con.; s. pt. 31 in the citizen or St. Mary's, was struck hy-
llth con. corrected to F. pt. 31 in the 12tH lightning and instantly killed last Wed -
con. lot 28 C. S., Bluevale, Jos. Leech, nesday evening.
owner, corrected to lot 30, C. S.; lots,
119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 128, C. S., Blue- The returning officer of the late elec-
�vale, Duff & Stewart, owners, corrected tion in North Perth has officially de.
D. S. cured Mr. thieve elected by 88 majority.
to Auncan's survey; W. lot 5,
Bluevale .changed to W.+ lot 5, C. _S.;
lot 31, C. S atrtack off John Harris' as-
sessment; and added to Thos. Fariow's
pt. lots 32 and -33, C. S., Bluevale, added
to Jno. Harris' assessment; S.F. pt. lot
28, -con. 1, sig ,acres, struck off Wm.
Dunean's assessment and assessed to
Thos. Flnker, tenant; Mrs. Jane Wahn-
sley owner; park lot No. 44, W. T. plot,
struck off Nicholas Baker's assessment
and assessed to James Deyell; Michael
_Kenedy, Wm. McKerzie, Robert Evans,
Joseph Walker, Wm. Ross, and John
.,Smith each had a dog struck off.
Moved by Mr. Harris, seconded by Mr.
-Mundle,, that the Court of Revision do
now adjourn and that the assessment
roll as revised and. corrected be the roll We have never been so well -fitted and equipped for a wool seasons business as at the present one,
'th th best of Goods at
Wnsox Bawl., Props.
First-class Manitoba Wheat Flour
manufactured and always kept. in Stock
and sold in any quantities.
FLOUR per cwt. $d 45 to #2 50
BRAN., per ton.
SHORTS • per ton.
14 00
16 00
Special attention given to GRISTING,
which is done on the shortest
possible notice.
Highest Price Paid
for Grain.
The mill is fitted throughout
with the very best roller pro-
cess machinery and appliances
and we are confident of being
able to give perfect satisfac-
�: Woolen
Highest Prices Paid. Cash or Trade.
Largest Wool Market in Ontario.
Everybody come and see our mendons big stock in allkinds of woollen goods which we
offer at bottomprices for cash ors in exchange for yvooi.
)\1W 4n; Frei
_fpr 1892. -Carried.
Moved by Mr. Diment, seconded by
-Mr. Harris, that 'this council do
now resume general business. -Carried.
" Moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded
Mr. Diment, that the clerk be in-
structed to ask for tenders.for the
printing of the voters list for the current
Year, tenders to be addressed to John
'Burgess, Clerk, Bluevale P. 0. up to the
14th day of June next. -Carried.
The committee appointed to wait on
Mr. Leech re gravel. reported that" they
-had arranged with Mr. Leech to open
gravel pit on north bank of river, and
all pathmasters taking gravel from -this
pit must notify Mr. Leech before enter-
-ing.'his pit and: must- also take gravel
from the ground staked out for pit and
travel on ground- staked out for road;
no gates to be left open. Pathmasters
Hifi he held personally responsible for
the carrying out of these regulations.
- Moved by Mr; Diment, seconded by
Mr. Cruickshank, that the following
-hulls be passed and orders on treasurer
George Mason, stationery $ 4075
Jas.E Ieuty, p�tfng
t2, Burges$, serving notices 200
;liars. %ewart,`care of indegent 3 00
Muff & Stewart, plank 84
ood for indigent 5 44
ichard Srigiey, chanty 500
.FIYO. b`: 111G�'&Qish, assessors salary 60 00
'Ano s.: MTavish, equalizing 4 school -sec -
OVA and tales-schaol census 310.�Y'•
"moved by Mr. Cruickshank, seconded
1V1r. Ditnent, . that this meeting do
:adjoin to meet at Thomas Goy's
concession 12, on Wednesday
ane 15th,1892: .
• Clerk.
elgrave wants a school house. The
-rest one is two and a half mile.
est -Huron Teachers' Assoeia-
Led in Goderich. June 3rd and4th.
has a Young Men's Censer-
les, Brsels,will sho
tea,' Detre .
winter a sm€otli tongued,
e eltow -traveller Ofough.
r a ou?�tg,representing
ent forwholesale
an whit was *PRO:rellni
--Oni:talf the -Fises `usually
wing- _ta-prje,ekat.
and have never felt so completely confident of our ability to serve pen wl e Y NEW STYLES,
bottom prices. A specially attractive feature of our new lines of Flannels, strictly
far sdrpassea any wool season yet. -
(Something new offered to the trade.)
We are the only woollen factory in Canada that make this line of goods and offer them fer one-
half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow.
We wish to warn the farmers not to be deceived by shoddy peddlers going through the country
selling dishonest goods. We have no _pedlars handling our goods and they can only be bought by
dealing direct at the factory.
Roll. Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, Tweeds, Flan-
nels, Blankets, &c,
Thanking our numerous customers -for their past favors, would beg to say come and bring your
neighbor to see our stock, as you will be highly pleased to see goods so low in price. You will find
us ready to give the .most prompt and careful attention to all.
Fordwich Drug Store
A. SP>NCE, M. D.,
J. 0, BELL,
Drugs and bruggists' Supplies,
Stationery and Fancy Goode,
In endless variety andatevery price.
Our Millinery Department grows in popular
.Newsiest Local Paper in, favor every season.
North Huron.
Published every Thursday
Grorrie, Ont,,
Because we keep the
newest goods, made
A splendld_staff of able cor- up in the most artistic styles.
respondents in every part
of this section.
$1 Per YEAR
or less than 2c. a week.
Job 1Pfiniir?
We have a splendid printing
outfit, including the very
latest faces of type,
the most modern,
There must be taste -or there'll be trash no matter what
you pay for it.
w Goods for summer wear are coming
The choicest goods are taken first.
gome early and get the best.
Dress Goods.
We have the newest shades- and most popular effects in
dress goods. We call especial attention to our black and
colored all -wool Henriettas from 40c. per yard upwards. .
dsCoatings, etc.
We show the best goods and best values. If you want
a spring suit or overcoat you will make a mistake if you pur-
chase without inspecting our stock.
• :o:
Fine Po,stei y?e.
We can turn out -
Wedding Cards,
Calling Cards,
Business Cards, --
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Blank. Headings,
Insurance Policies,
Pamphlets, _
Hand -Bills,
or anything in the printing
line in . the neatest style
e art, and
n-.= the Mit -rear+
Cottcn Goods.
Anticipating an advance in price in all lines of cotton
goods as a result of the recent combination of manufactur-
ers, we have bought largely in cottonades, denims, shirtings,
grey and white cottons, etc.; we are headquarters for these
In this line we keep the highest grades of goods at the
lowest possible living prices.
We give the Tea,trade especial attention. Our Japan
at 4 and 3 lbs. fo $ I cannot be excelled. We have cheaper
and dearer lines but these are leaders.
Some think us dear because we will not COME DOWN in the price
_of our goods.. It isnot our way of doing business. We mn,rk all our goods in
plain figures and sell at one price to all. The poor man's $ is as good to
us ' as the rich. Man's. We cannot see any other honest way of doing busi-
ness. Our past experience convinces us that a majority of the public appreciates
fair dealing and goods as they are represented.
The Highest Market Price Paid for Farm