HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-05-12, Page 87 4 - ' • • . 1. The East Ryon Gazette. , East York election, held yesterday (Wednesday) resulted in the election of Mx. Maclean,• conservative, by a mrjor- ity of 150. This-isanother gain for the foverimient. Wroxeter; 1±s. Richard Miller had the misfor- tune to fall -from a step ladder at her ' residence the other day, spraining her. Mr. R. Forsyth, formerly of the Wroxeter W,Collen Mills, intends to open ' an office here,commencing on May 24th for the season. He has hosts of friends among the fanners round here who will be pleased to see him again. See bis - announcement by posters. Letter From Manitoba. • Neepawa, April 30th 1892. • Editor Gazette :—Perhaps a few lines •from a- former resident of your county, may not be out of place in a corner of your valuable weekly paper. I reached this place two weeks ago to -day, and the weather is all that could be desired for the season. I was highly delighted with it, and the "Beautiful =Plains" (true to name) I was enchanted with. • One- of my sons drove me to West. word, as far as Newdallcon the -19th, to , visit other niembers.of my family, and -I enjoyed the drive very much behind an excellent Bronco, and the time taken ,to make the 40 odd miles was much less than I was in the habit of taking for ,such a distance. The weather was fine and prairie fires were very frequent, while others were burning stubles preparatory to sowing again on the same ground, minus ploughing. We spent two very pleasant days among our friends, and went to a spring show at. Straithclair, and was pleased with the turnout of horses and thorough bred cattle, that part of the country being better adapted _for cattle than' wheat raising. Cattle ,ingeneral-look well and I never saw a finer stable of fat cattle than 1 saw at Newdale. No roots are used in feeding cattle, but the prairie hog has feeding.properties, and grain being of little value, beef can be raised at a profit. Wit the beautiful weather has dis- appeared; on April 27th we had. one of the worst storms experienced in the last ten years, and more snow fell then was on the ground -at any time this winter. The houses are still retainingtheir snovfr- white Coat so liberally donated on their north sides or gables. But the storm is looked Upon as a blessing to the country as a large average of wheat is sown, and the snow melting/on the ground is*said to have a' very fructifying influence, and the present cold snap as a whole is looked upon as a very great blessing to the country. The town. of Neepawa is a very thriv- ing one; buildings) are gcing up in all directions, , but • I see a great lack of mechanical industries, and some I am Sure would be a safe investment. Among others, I might lay annatmeal mill would be a grand thing for both Miller and oat growers. There is nothing of the kind within many runes of .this beautiful grain growing country, but more of this when get better ac- qua,mted with the country and its cape - Respectfully Your, JOHN GREN. • orrie ewi Store Bargains are Flying and there no reason why YOU should not catch o-ne! Come and see them aiiyway t We take • pleasure in showing our elegant stock. -Watches cif all kinds. Clox of all kinds. Silverware of all kinds. Jewelry of all kinds. Spectacles and Eye -glasses in endless variety.• Repairing done in the neatest style. • IDCDIer.. Taman, the Tailor, Has removed to the McGill building, next north of Bean's store. Adv. next wek. MMINElissEcesic dNO. BREMOUR, FIRE AND STOCK Insurance Agent NAT wco2ricwr JED Et. REPRESENTS: Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mercantile Insurajice Co. Etna Insurance Co. Ontario Mutual Live Stock Insurance Co. Give John A Call. 074TE Ie. .A..GVEC*-Jr. FORDVTICII, ONT. --o-- Money to LOan on Farm Se- curity at the Lowest rate of Interest. :GOOD NOTES DISCOUNTED. ecial Attention given CONVEYANCII\TG. • — 4,4e Post Office, MCA • • P`orclvviela Planing Mill. READYAGAIN! 1.100 antreL • THE Planing Mill will be ready for work in a J- few days and I want. Goon LOGS OF ANY LENGTH AND SIZE, HARD OR SOFI. WOOD, DE- ' L.I.V.bRED AT ONCE, for which I will ,pay the best prices. Builders,, Remember • THAT theFordwich Planing Mil will be ready to furnish you with all kinds of House fur- nishings, and is prepared to give estimates and take contracts for all kinds of wood work. L. C. DICKS. Big Bargains I 1 • T VW. jr. • ria 4'4,4=11:41 NT -771:-/ - •,--rv, CL,77,10- 4 aa t�c1 • 0-01RIZIE 9 0.1V1r9 FOR AXES, • • FOR X -CUT SAWS, FOR NAILS, FOR G -LASS, FOR PAINTS. FOR G-ROCEIZIJO FOR LAMP GOODS. PRICES RIGHT. CALL AND SEE. W. y. CLEGG —IF YOU WANT CHEAP— Groceries, Canned Goods, CO:L\T=1 =IQ WS_ Call iii at POPULAR Dry Goocs, Grocnries and Boot and Shoe House, Wroxeter. We have just received a large con- signment of SPRING GOODS which -we musT make room for, and iiiorderto do so, we are prepared.to sell our remain- ing winter'goods at PRICES SUITED TO Clft- TOMERS. Men's Shirts @ 90c. Suits of first-class Men's underclothing, $140. • Storm collars, muff, and Ladies and Gents Fur Caps, Clouds, Shawls, and Overcoats. Boys underclothing, Yarn, Flannel, Flannelette, etc., at the lowest possible prices. Our spring goods are the BEST quality and We are PREPARED TO OFFER TO OUR PATRONS THT BEST GOODS GOING, and al- though we have them in earlier .than usual still we do not intend to charge higher prices than formerly, but the LOWEST WE HAVE EVER OFFERED FOR THE SAME MATERIAL and we want you to come and INSPECT our goods feeling as- sured that to see is to buy. Our new PRINTS, SATEENS, Cashmeres, Hosiers are unsurpassed for quality ana eh eapness. We have also'a fine line of •Boots and Shoes. Ladies' High -cut Long Boot, $1. Fine line Child's Shoes, 75c., running up to No. 10. The finest Ladies' Kid Buttoned Boot, $2; Men's fine Lace Boot, $1.25, usual price $2; Good Boy's Boot running • up to No. 511.00 we can 'guarantee the, • best of value in all lines of boots. • We are still giving25 lbs sugar for one dollar lighter in• color than ever. tea • 4/1) for $1. 00 New Prints, Raisins, Cur - 'rants, purest of Spices, Candies, 10c per pound. Electric Soap 6 bars for 25 6tS. Best price paid for all kinds cf pro- duce. ex - Paper Cheap, Dear, Light, Dark, Canadian, Americall;Micas, Gilts, with Borders to match, and Ceiling Decorations for Rich or Poor, Grit or Tory, Kitchen �r Parlor. Any.reaSonable person can -select what he requires from our largeistock. TAKE A LOOS THROUGH MY tSAMPLE BOOKS .."4••••• em Wehave a lot of. wagons this season, made by beat Express- wag LLD,. makers.., A good 3ron-aslo wagon for r1.25; a heavier one for $150. Trortwiieol wagon at $2 and $2.50. - 4 We selithese by catalogue NHS season. ' If you want to get - One come a4d examine my -catalogue and ptices. Will sell Baby Carriakes. very close. Sewing IVIachine /his lum can be accOmmodated. Druggist, Game. we 'have received e, stock Of thseeso eedles.-, that any Perim wanting anything in - ' = Get Your Spring/ Printing. At the gor- Gazette F 'ALT' \TSON1S / - And You can Get Everything of the Best Quality. The Opening of • OUR MILLINERY Was a Grand Success. We commenced With a fine selection of goods which sold. splendidly and we have . just received a fine lot of Choice Goods of the very latest Styles:- A. B. ALLISON. STRAW HATS made over into any other shape. All kinds of produce taken, PIR/OS ' 7 .sty, ch_ ardware o Store. -1-__TAITING bought out. Dr. Spence's hardware businesF, end made large additions to the Stock, we are now prepared to furnish G.1-.1.N2_,1.,AL H_IRD siv ARE, CarDentars' and Framers' Tools. Fence Wire, Larb Wire. A choice lot of Spades and shovels Garden Tools and Seeds. Olftirns. Spinning Wheel Heads. Axle G-rease. A new lot of Whips. We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin- smith's Tools, and are :prepRareepdatofunrgnisohnalslhkoirntdsn of tificje.ri7Var. e, and do all kind of Repairing • Eavetroughing done to Order. DARBY. BROS. Special ..._nnouncement. I:U*1g purchased a first-class full plate glass Hearse I am in a better position to do -the undertaking of this community than before, and owing to reductions in the wholesale prices of our goods lam in a position to give the use of this mag- i:Am:A Hearse free, that is to say my charges will be no more and in. some cases leSS than before. •R. WILLIAMS,, Furniture Dealer and_iinbrtikor. f Ontario School of !-robalming, VOL. J. A. TI Xi -EMBER of Colley VL geoas, Ont. JAMES Veterinal GRADUATE of 0 and registered n ar v. Association. Residence : Next to Met ALBERT STREET, JAS. MI SSITER OF MAR, • witnesses require, Office:—At niy Res MISS RE 'TEACHER OF P1) Also Oil Paintin Residence—Metho< MISS (Late TRESS AND MA tices Wanted. Store. EN: OT( OR OR' OL S. T. rforotli Capillary VW' No Thresbi Come in and si V01-19' Greeq. FIT': HUNCA PC FIRST-( MAN1T Highest Chopping Dm RC 'Vans Mart Parties re lines will do We carry granite. We guara give first -all Callbefor be convince MR.' rePres4