HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe East Huron Gazette, 1892-05-12, Page 5-GB
-" •
ep the
matter what
e coming _
en first.
the best.
lar effects in
r black and
If you want
if you pur-
es of cotton
s, shirtings,
rs for these
oods at the
Our Japan
ave cheaper
1111 the price
our goods in
is as good to
of doing busi-
like appreciates
ror Farm
CoLusgisa -;';•“
to erect a three-
store- , _with a stone
foundation, and give it at a nominal
rent, along with exemption from taxes
for ten years,as a bonus -to a Harristow
furnitare factory to move to that town.
The total assessment of Seaforth is
$640,315. Wingham is a little more
than opo,000 behind this sum.
Brussels and Wingham are each -pre-
paring for the 24th a May celebrations.
A request is proposed that the govern-
ment stock the Maitland with trout or
other varieties of fish which would live
in it. Some fish that can live on the
saw -dust from the mills is required. At
present rock bass, chubs, shiners and
suckers are the only ones which appear
to take kindly to this class of food.
Crossley and Hunter, revivalists, are
holding forth to immense congregations
in Wingham this month.
The reports of births, marriages and
deaths for the year 1890 has just been
issued. In Huron there were 783 boys
and 704 girls born; 408 marriages were
performed that year (816 persons) the
Methodists having 329 of these, and the
Presbyterians next with 230. During
that year 628 persons died, of whom 130
were tinder one year of age.
The Postmaster -General's report for
1891 gives the following figures con-
cerning the business done at some offices
in this county, exclusive of money ten-
ders issued or paid. Formerly the busi-
ness of each post office was published,
but this is not done now: Auburn, gross
postal revenue, $377.80; Bayfield, $487.-
65; Bluevale, $473.03; Blyth, 81,515.04;
Brussels, $2,559.41: Clinton, $4,603.30;
Dungannon, $496.25; Exeter, $2,250.65:
Fordwich, 6607.51; Goderich, $5,629.64;
Gorrie, $672.96; Hensel, $435.24; Kip.
pen, $304.36; Seaforth, $4,955.73, Varna,
$390.96; Wingham, $4,133.51; Wroxeter,
$917.65; Zurich, $777.36 •
Mr. Robert Wilson, of the 4th con. of
Usborne, has purchased a splendid hun-
dred -acre farm in Plympton township.
The farm is a good one, and the price A Harriston man took his little boy
paid was 64,900. into one of our town barber shops The
A distressing case of sucide took place other day. "How ranch will you tok
on lot 22, con. 5, West Wawanoshovhere and cut this boy's hair short off?" he
Wm. Leddy Sr., a respected farmer of asked. "Fifteen cents, sir," was the
that township hanged himself on- Vri- replY. "Well yon can cut off abed five
• day 22nd ult. Deceased had, tied him- cents' worth," said --the Harriston man.
self to the. harrows -and wag dragged Only a Harriston man would ask for
through the fields for some time bu t such a mai in hair,. and price.-7-4fount
finding this would not accomplish his Forest Coaffiler.ate.
purpose he completed hisinsanet ant. kg
hanging to a swan twain_ the.: -
Temporary insanity brought on by. A Keppel farmerdrovetAci Wfark/14
financial troubles was the cause. The week ago last Snnday with his wagon
remains were interred in St. Augustine heaVily loaded:With products Of the
cemetery on the following .Sunday. soil. He wondered why the stores were
The ground was made lwhite by a Closed until he was informed ihatitWas
heavy hailstorm in McKillop one day the. Sabbath day, when be Started for
_ -
last week. - home keitolYing that hereafter lie would
"George, the hatter," Nag. Sea, take a local paper..
forth last week. The Expositor says he A tough named Garrett, of .Colpoys,
looks as fresh as he did 20 years ago attempted to outrage a young lady who
although he has drank enough whiskey was walking .on a lonely -road tile Other
in the meantime to drown hinr. day. 'After a desperate resistance she
The Seaforth, Loncleshorg', Winthrop, obtained her liberty and. Garrett was
Goderich and Kirk creameries are shortly afterwards arrested and lodged
starting operations this week. in -Walkerton jail. He elected to have
Brussels assessment this year _foots a summary'trial and was sentenced to
up $317,925. The population is 1200. -two months linprisoninent at.lard work
Seaforth Mechanics' Institute dis-, and 20 lashes..
burled $800 last year and etffl, has a On April 26th a Hope Bay cow gave
surplus in the treasury. . : - "-birth to- a calf and on May let gave
A flock of six ewes belonging to .L. :Nell., to- another. Both. calves •are
Shouldice, Tuckersinith, gave • birth to doing _well,
no less than 161ambs this spring. That West Bruce -,Teachers? Association-.
beats the record so far.meet at Port Elgin -on June 2sd and 8rd.
PERTH. Amongthe srsa-ers will -be, II. Si.:Inspeo.
Deacoxi; of Halton de. •
Following is the official return of Walkerton will have a celebration on
7th to 14th, 1892:-1892, $394,000: 1891,
It,. April Wednesday and Thtarsday,'15th
loughhy, ex -deputy -reeve, died en A
26 at the advanced age of 95 years.
Jos. Cassel,-of.11esson, Perth Co., split
550 rails in 8 hours.
Stratford has a sewing school and,
fancy work department for youngladies.
. T. E. Hammend's new barn au con.
re4sed. the - 234
by nearly one hundred of his -neighbors.
Joseph Sheppard, si-well-knov*-far-
mer of 'Wallace, died on Wednesday
last. He has been unwell for some time
and his death was not unexpected.
His age was 54 years, 10 months and 9
days. Deceased had resided in the
township for about 30 years. His wife
died four years ago, and all the family
who. survive him are grown up. -
E. G. Morton, the Yankee swindler.
with half a dozen aliases, who beat J,
W. Scott's bank in Listowel out of
$1,000 a year or so ago on a forged
cheque, was arrested recently at St.
Paul, Minn., by detective Murray.
. • <
< - , •.• r - • • - - , -;;;
,-4"'" --"4" ••••":`••),••*•V -'W"-
Arthur wants a truant officer.
A British coat of arms purchased by
Wellington Co. from England cost $175.
Mount Forest boasts of a clerk in one
of the stores who is worth two ordinary
men at a raising and half a dozen in a
tug of war. He can hold. .two average
men, one in each hand, at arms length;
he can lift a barrel of sugar with his
teeth and in the same way can shoulder
a bag of peas without putting a hand to
As Edward Faro, of Elora, drawing
sawlogs from his farm in. Pilkington his
mare suddenly started and jerked the
log against his right leg breaking it in
both ones between knee and ankle.
The License commissioners for- the
south nchng of Wellington have agree
be •
that the hotels for the coming year
saane as last year.
'The annual meeting of Guelph Dis-
trict Methodist Claurch will be heldat
Acton on Tuesday and Wednesday ?flay
24th and 25th.
John Irvine, of Drayton, white cho
ping wood last week cut ther big ie
his left foot and the bone of his secon
toe in two.
Half -4K peopie-of our dOunty don't kiioW the. position of
ftnother. They. 0wl- nowvereeme difietAtY-blr 004§Ed‘
Thanks to the judgment and taste -of people
who Appreciate 'style and quality
combined with value.
We wish to please our customers.
We can make you happy.
C 0 XI N 'Y oi EiLrON,„
-Which has been long needed and looked for. The sizeis- four feet by five_ feet
• mounted on linen and wood rollers. Mx coloring are used, *hi&
makes it very distinct and effctive.
PRICE, $3.50.
Booksellers and Stationers
School Globes and
We Sell Good Goods all kinds of Maps and School Supplies. Write for prices an
Only. mir traveler
and sell them Cheap!
If you are not already a customer one visit to our store *ill
make you one.
• \
The Goods a,nd Prices are simply Irresistible.
Among the many- offerings will be found:.
The best Factory Cot..
ton ever sold for this money.
off You can have it for this money while
weekly earnings of the • 6. P.
June, consisting ofhorse races, *fie.
$371,000; increase for 1892423000 11.114 various other.
John Kelly, of Logan,. Will build a •
large barn this summer., •
A movement is on feot to organize
citizens,' bind in
Joseph H. Hacking, of:Detictitilton; Of
Lido -was pstreaderi4lai: returned:to
a former position cin the Wilinipegirree
An Eitisolatmeohas a
whose coat is balf
Woodstock is sassest*r at $,68�025.
Mr. Thos.:- 8.40104-#f :Ail#:;•ctit4t.
assigned. He hus<tuant--10014#4:*,
hope his asietiKlvill'-li*Vi* through
and leave a workindbalinee;
A corner store- in Milkerton-- was re-
cently auctioned igtor
The rains of iletweek-halffdon• •
ine#se goes". piwth15,-ennttft,::
Beetling is about- •
The Conmiercial,h0telt faistawakwas-
destroyed by fire last week..
The political contest in :XOftkii,
has been the keelleettil-;.*Itig
The alma iiiitedug-* the Pe*th
Teachers' Institute. will be held in
Stratford on May 19th "and-,2ix
Henry Willoithbytazpioneer of Walr..
JaeatownehipAnd tier of John Wil.
and opening out alranch4r the
• .1 •
In Cforrie,
ndwill'pay -Toonto MarketRricils at.
- - . • - Yernsfete.• -
• •
it lsts.
A white Fancy Scrim, 36in.
wide, for same money.
A Flannelette whic' h for weight and
quality cannot be equalled in the rua,rk
'Phis is the price while it lats.
Also a godd washinwand a nice Ging-
ham, patterned. Thiklrerdict is "cheap
at -
Ladies' Silk Vests. Usual price 15e.
Men's Cotton socks. Usual Price 12.
Body Linen Glass Towlets, 100 per
pair. -
Ladies' Black Cotton Hose, heavy
and stainless.
A large and choice assortment of Dress
Oxford and Standard Shirtings (well
worth 16c.
Single -Fold, colored, all -wool Serge
Dress Gods, Usual price 20c.)
Double width Linen Tabling at the
same money. (Worth 20c.)
- Ladies' Ileavy Black Stemless Hose
the besL article for the money hi.. the
market. •
Ladies' All -wool Cashmere Hose.
A PattenTwed, (worth 80c.)
Also WhiteShirt Linen Fronts and
White Cotton Coverlet. Only a feW
The Best pair Lace Curtains. 84- yds
long, in the inarket at this price:
Extri, Valuei.u. all Lines of Dress Goods,
lima& largeStook of Latest, Styles
to choose frOm.
We will flot weary you with any more talk,-ome in and
see us.
• -'
1asgow Rouse.
OD you.
JalleS Sutherland's
(North • end 0. of* the ft- Leech * Block,)
e. 0QT.
PARLOR, BOX, aid IO OK 8to4s,
Special Value in -Cook Stoves.
Special Value in Heaters.
Special Value in Drums.
Special Value in Cutlery.
Hvery -Variety.
E4ve TeotigilinA 4 SiDgeialty
A Choice Selection of Lamps & Lamp Goods
Highest Cash Price I'aid for HIDES and STTERP PUNS.
of every description, on HAND and made to ORDER
Repairing of all kinds promptly done.
• •
M every subseribe-ttw or old. of TIE
Fon 1892. Thousands W'
dollars have been spent in its preparaion, _its
suceat is fullY• asstired: it fa a highlyjitAllte4:
souvenirof- the greatest statesman and-ute" met`
honored leatler ever la/owe-in Danaakka M00%
This beekttlful Sfenserial Allassa-amitains-Li
full-Dagn illustrsitions of inter/Aging sonos in
conneenosi yds h the bilitory of tr John. and
phireriantiainoythLwthaonudsatttlrolatitarertrarsoflur late
, READ trill LST.
na.` filrelireirgen:rrduarntrallaiks OfirtritJ4hfliMpriateohl..aadt.
*orgi ant al :en11 ::11eartreer:akritolt:abitisSIlle:0 la FT4s
6441 Rentestend at fidditoteo.
i gre.snirir niehtnt:as4iebdeigou•rl83;et.ert•otia
inivrior or:stamp rhawbere ettowa. .bowing MU:Gutted Ot.lionor and Keay -LyIsig
114171;relt:f. .11roso.nslste:Par14041a.
with Funral: Pree.essiost .fornitag la
FarlhottnC‘fail divests. -with Mineral' ryes
:rreSion pi In t Flue Iltle w City Hail. Rinse*
ta‘dirtiped iI lieuritng. so 111 appeared
-;•• ,Mbd.y-Any Alt Johnes Hedy Tracheal Kingston
ithh IFit4treettritirlbitive haat IfTanaltialralers alttiter:
• '-:-:711010:44,1",."liltraVIIrtjiallt Attwei'llral'WoXirrltilliteti":411r
itek14 interior /*le". "e4.1011Mr; row ler at. rain CitOtedrat. whirl' a alesith
- abl& stlabe Ere,,itelllitatilittibRnstitft ilaterior Viewer St. Pears Cathedral.
,•:,,Afeli these- steles art fine itelr-tentt PlietiAgreMges vxmnitunintlItapenand suitably
an illuminated and end/rased eorer._-A -.foldabl Inittaenli that aid be a
suitable ornament on parlor or Libra* Tbe:deittaiirl or this work orontlais to be argo-
Send In- your orders early. with ozweililit; ii.5 hit,TRIL,Weillar Klarlifil for Ofilf year
andNthevris sKtiKlifbecriOltibersdLwILBre111114 jap.: r. hastiskt, at this "sr.